February 27, 2019

"I am ashamed that I chose to take part in concealing Mr. Trump’s illicit acts rather than listening to my own conscience."

"I am ashamed because I know what Mr. Trump is. He is a racist. He is a conman. He is a cheat. He was a presidential candidate who knew that Roger Stone was talking with Julian Assange about a WikiLeaks drop of Democratic National Committee emails."

From the PDF of Michael Cohen's opening statement to the House Oversight Committee.

You can watch the action live here.


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Inga...Allie Oop said...

“But Trump's hyperbole is always lies.”

No. Sometimes it is just hyperbole, often it’s not.

Plus, I’M not the POTUS, who one might expect better of.

Drago said...

Birkel: ,Chuck...... never got around to telling us how Trump was implicated."

Trump was "implicated", in LLR Chuck's view, the moment Trump created a LLR Chuck "disaster" by leading the republicans to power over the dems.

LLR Chuck has never forgiven Trump for that.

Rick said...

AllieOop said...
Exactly as I have been saying, Akin merely told the truth as seen by the new Republican Party. Social issues über alles.

Here's another example of Inga's true self. Even though essentially every Republican criticized Akin loudly and often she asserted his beliefs were shared by Republicans generally.

Contrast this to yesterday when she claimed Democrats should not be presumed to support the Green New Deal even though every Democratic Presidential candidate co-sponsored or announced support for it. It also generated widespread support among the rank and file and little skepticism except by those who think a successful path more likely to come incrementally rather than from a manifesto (Feinstein, Pelosi). In fact Inga asserted anyone believing this near unanimity of support shows the general left position is extremist. Yet somehow she concluded the Akin position voiced by exactly one person and condemned by everyone else is representative.

There's no logical explanation for this extreme difference in required evidence other than that she changes her (supposed) principles to assert whatever is to her partisan advantage in that particular moment. She's incapable of an intelligent conversation and it has nothing to do with Trump.

Paul said...

Cohen says: “Mr. Trump knew of and directed the Trump Moscow negotiations throughout the campaign and lied about it. He lied about it because he never expected to win the election.”

Cohen says of Trump, “He never expected to win the primary. He never expected to win the general election. The campaign – for him – was always a marketing opportunity.”

So, uh, why would he collude with Russians to win the election? Cohen does not make sense unless Trump never did collude... Case closed.


Birkel said...

"Waiting for Mueller' starring Inga is the worst play ever.

Rick said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
And Rick, just what do you think you’ve proven? Post a link to that quote for one, secondly we all use hyperbole

And you routinely criticize people doing so for being extremist. Another standard you apply to others yet never to yourself.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Whoops. So Cohen admits to Jordan that he and Schiff discussed the questions he was going to be asked in this hearing. Lots of folks saying witness tampering.

MountainMan said...

@Temujin at 4:19PM:

I agree with you completely. I don't know how far you go back, but I can remember when the Democrats were a more responsible party. A House Speaker like Sam Rayburn would have never allowed nonsense hearings like this while the President was out of the country conducting serious negotiations. Politics ended at the water's edge.

Today's Democrats are just a bunch of clowns. God help us if they ever get the power they so desperately crave.

Leland said...

According to CNN, Cohen lied today.

falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus

Don't let Cohen testifying be a distraction.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“AllieOop said...
Exactly as I have been saying, Akin merely told the truth as seen by the new Republican Party. Social issues über alles.”

Great comment Allie Oop! Still true. Akin was just one of many Republicans who made stupid comments about rape, pregnancy and abortion. He wasn’t just one lone kook.

So again, just what do you think you’ve proven? That you’re a little prissy schoolmarmish kvetcher.

Matt Sablan said...

... Yeah. If the gut warning Cohen about his affairs becoming public is tampering I can't see how actually giving the witness questions and instructions behind closed doors isn't.

Birkel said...

Dan Abrams of ABCNews' website (Law and Crime?) published a piece saying Cohen's written testimony HELPED Trump.

Ultra lib Dan Abrams, mind you!

(The opinion piece was written by a different NYC lawyer.)

Birkel said...

CNN said Cohen May have perjured himself.

Inga...Allie Oop said...


“The Florida Bar has opened an investigation into whether Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) violated professional conduct rules by threatening former Trump fixer Michael Cohen ahead of Cohen’s congressional testimony on Wednesday.”


Birkel said...

Oh no! An investigation of a sitting Congresscritter!

Big score against a guy nobody cares about. Next up, do Alcee Hastings.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

We all should worry about our loss of the attorney client privilege and the attack on the rule of law. Next priests will testify about confessions for the Leftist congress.

Drago said...

Annie C: "Whoops. So Cohen admits to Jordan that he and Schiff discussed the questions he was going to be asked in this hearing. Lots of folks saying witness tampering."

If you think LLR Chuck is just going to sit back and let you attack his beloved Li'l Schiff-ty without a fight, tjen you've got another thing coming.

So, what is it now? Almost 6pm ET and Inga STILL doesmt understand the wikileaks timeline!

LLR Chuck, would you mind getting your Team Left members up to speed on this?

exhelodrvr1 said...

I had the same thought about the Indian Mig-21. (Fishbed, right? IIRC from recce cards.)

iowan2 said...

Post a link to that quote for one, secondly we all use hyperbole.

Bull***t! You are required from now and forever to live by the rules you make. You will be taken literally, Just like you do to President Trump

eddie willers said...

And my friends ask me if I'll ever vote Dem again? Not in this lifetime. I am so disgusted with them, my eyeballs are hurting.

My Road to Damascus moment was the night Joe Biden and Ted Kennedy attempted the "High Tech Lynching" of Clarence Thomas.

I was Lifelong Democrat who, after that, never voted for a Democrat again.

Drago said...

Lefties on Florida State Bar decide to weaponize themselves into an attack on a republican.

I did NOT see that coming.

What I do see coming is a congratulatory, though meager, donation from LLR Chuck to the lefty groups behind this move.

LLR Chuck loves him some lefty activist groups!!

eddie willers said...

Regarding Michael Cohen:

Chronic and Habitual Liar

Drago said...

eddie willers: "My Road to Damascus moment was the night Joe Biden and Ted Kennedy attempted the "High Tech Lynching" of Clarence Thomas."

Strange. That was one of the happiest days in LLR Chuck's life.

Possibly the second happiest for Chuck is whem the dems went after Palins kids. That touched all kinds of LLR Chuck's mental pleasure centers...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Bull***t! You are required from now and forever to live by the rules you make. You will be taken literally, Just like you do to President Trump”

I’ve been forcing you people to live by Trump rules. And you apparently don’t like it.

Matt Sablan said...

Eh, the guy threatening to reveal a witness's affairs that were already public seem like an odd place to ding a guy on ethics. But it was a slimy thing to do.

Rick said...

So again, just what do you think you’ve proven?

I've proven you're incapable of evaluating circumstances honestly and thus your opinions should carry no weight with anyone. People should also reject your claims of moderation since you have now reaffirmed your extremism which also proves your previous assertion of hyperbole was a lie.

Plus we've proven your dishonestly and extremism is not related to Trump since it was apparent during the Romney election.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I am so disgusted with them, my eyeballs are hurting.”

No more disgusted than we are of you Trumpists.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Plus we've proven your dishonestly and extremism is not related to Trump since it was apparent during the Romney election.”

You’ve only proven you are a delusional prissy old woman.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

And you were one long before Trump.

Drago said...

Inga still believes in the thoroughly debunked hoax dossier.

Go ahead, ask her!


She's embarrassed to admit it naturally since she is vaguely aware that only lunatics still buy into that.

But still, she clings to it as strongly as LLR Chuck clings to his Maddow blow up doll.

Drago said...

So here we are after ANOTHER in a long line of lefty/LLR smear/hoax letdowns, watching the lefties flail.

Love child!

Trump beat up Melania in an elevator!

And on and on it goes

Rick said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Plus we've proven your dishonestly and extremism is not related to Trump since it was apparent during the Romney election.”

You’ve only proven you are a delusional prissy old woman.

2/27/19, 5:06 PM

Sexist commentary. Tut tut. You're not going to call me a cunt next are you? Like you did DBQ? If you do please also lecture us on civility because that makes my day.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Cohen isn’t particularly bright but was useful for Trump. Trump is still using Cohen. But Dem donors are paying him. Take care of his family while he’s in prison. When he gets out, Trump will still be president.”

Right now, I am doubting that. Cohen apparently lied again today before Congress on multiple occasions. His agreement with either Mueller or the SDNY likely cany have covered that lying, since he has already been sentenced. Which means that if he is prosecuted for the additional lying before Congress, he will be sentenced as a repeat offender.

Francisco D said...

I’ve been forcing you people to live by Trump rules. And you apparently don’t like it.


The only thing you are forcing is your ass into those jeans. Try the next size up.

Too bad you can't size up when it comes to intelligence, grasp of facts and basic logic.

You are entertaining, but some of us have been there before and find you extremely tiresome.

Just my $.02

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You're not going to call me a cunt next are you? Like you did DBQ? If you do please also lecture us on civility because that makes my day.”

If you want me to, I’d be happy to. Also remember civilty bullshit. You do it every day, you prissy little cunty man.

Matt Sablan said...

Wait, if Trump had no intention of winning AND has been making these payments since at least as far back as 2007... how does Cohen square them with PRIMARILY being about influencing the election?

That seems a heavy lift to get to guilty.

Matt Sablan said...

(Mind you, I think Trump is a slimy, terrible person who is not exactly a paragon of virtue and tact -- but if you're trying to find him GUILTY of this thing, Cohen has just laid out two very inconvenient facts for that narrative.)

Bruce Hayden said...

"Wikileaks disseminated emails that were STOLEN. I guess that’s not important to you."

Maybe a tort (I can think of several, including theft of trade secrets), but probably not a crime. The theft itself might have been a crime, probably under criminal hacking statutes. The pfishing of John Podesta’s email, by Fancy Bear, which probably means Russian intelligence, no doubt is criminal under that statute. And, of course, being Russian, they are highly unlikely to be prosecuted. But things get a lot dicier with the DNC emails. The problem is that if Russian intelligence actually hacked the server, that would qualify as criminal under that statute. But, despite the best efforts of Clapper and Brennan to push that narrative, it is likely false, and, instead, was an inside job. An inside dump may or may not have been criminal, depending on the authority of the one copying the email. They must not have been authorized to copy the emails for it to have been criminal. And, we really don’t have that good of an idea of who did it, because the DNC refused to turn their server over to the FBI, so the prosecutor, not knowing who did it, is unlikely to be able prove theft. A long way of saying that the prosecution likely can prove, beyond a reasonable doubt that a crime was committed when the emails were originally obtained. Also note that Wikileaks likely did not commit a crime by receiving stolen goods, because the emails were intangible personal property, which that sort of crime doesn’t cover.

Clinton’s emails, as well as the Pentagon Papers are different, because the contain classified documents and are official records of the US Government. This makes mere possession of them, without authorization, a crime. But both the Podesta and DNC emails were private, and thus not covered by either the Espionage Act nor the Official Records Act.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matt Sablan said...

They do realize that Trump has offered a stupid amount of compromises, from DACA onwards? Trump is a lot of things, but a die hard, rock-ribbed conservative unwilling to deal with the left is not it. Hell, he's banning bump stocks if I recall.

Matt Sablan said...

(Now, whether you think Trump would have DELIVERED on any of his compromise offers is a different thing. But to pretend he hasn't offered any is at odds with reality. He's been willing to trade a lot for a wall, and he's given Democrats victories here and there. Except on judges and the wall, he's been willing to deal, and even on them, he's entertained some notions.)

mockturtle said...

Birkel observes: "Waiting for Mueller' starring Inga is the worst play ever.

Written buy Samuel Butthurt.

BUMBLE BEE said...

I can't wait to see what the president has in store for the dumbocrats. Payback's gonna be fun to watch. Dumbos are indeed desperate, frantically thrashing about while the President negotiates an end to the Korean war's hostilities. They can't come up with anything to compare with Trump's accomplishments and their presidential aspirations are as dim as Inga. That's DIM. However, the dumbos have tried to impeach every Republican president since Eisenhour, we've seen how that has played out. As Prager points out, and the trolls here verify, leftism requires an immature world view. Childlike in every way.

FullMoon said...

I can't wait to see what the president has in store for the dumbocrats. Payback's gonna be fun to watch.

So far, Trump has not engaged in any payback at all, aside from some snide remarks.

Michael K said...

we really don’t have that good of an idea of who did it, because the DNC refused to turn their server over to the FBI, so the prosecutor, not knowing who did it, is unlikely to be able prove theft.

Seth Rich has already been punished enough.

In case anyone is interested in the real news today, Here is some from, of course, a foreign source.

Sorry to interrupt the Trump bashing.

Michael K said...

I can't wait to see what the president has in store for the dumbocrats. Payback's gonna be fun to watch.

So far, Trump has not engaged in any payback at all, aside from some snide remarks.

Second term antitrust on Google and Facebook. Big time.

chickelit said...

Wild, uncontrolled cackling was heard in Chappaqua, NY, today.

Bruce Hayden said...

Refreshing my memory of computer crimes, the relevant statute is the The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) (18 U.S.C. § 1030, et seq). Theft of the Podesta and DNC emails might fall under the statute. But there are problems beyond those listed above. For one thing, the emails would have to have essentially involved money, and to affect interstate or foreign commerce. Both are problematic with the DNC emails. First, they are political, and not financial. And secondly, if it was an inside job (which is likely given the transfer speeds of the file copies), they are definitely not foreign commerce, and likely not interstate commerce, since the person copying the files would be, almost by necessity, in the same state as the server being copied. And, as noted before, if it were an inside job, then the person doing the copying almost assuredly had legal access to the server. The question then is whether they exceeded their authority in order to make the copies, and that can’t be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, because their identity cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Seth Rich has already been punished enough.”

I don’t think that we can really say, at this point, whether Rich was the one who made the email copies, or not. Asange probably knows, as well as some of his close confederates. But they aren’t talking, at least not yet. Yes, it looks highly suspicious, because his death was highly suspicious. But I haven’t seen Rich conclusively shown to be the one who copied the DNC emails, then given them to Wikileaks.

FullMoon said...

So far, Trump has not engaged in any payback at all, aside from some snide remarks.

Second term antitrust on Google and Facebook. Big time.

I would like to see some tit-for-tat. Investigations, threats and harassment of friends, co-workers and families of the nefarious deep state criminals.

Something slightly more serious than mild public embarrassment and money laundering book deals and go fund me accounts.

Fen said...

Inga: Exactly as I have been saying, Akin merely told the truth as seen by the new Republican Party. Social issues über alles... I've proven you're incapable of evaluating circumstances honestly and thus your opinions should carry no weight with anyone"

Here is a perfect example of your dishonesty and hypocrisy.

Aiken was poorly paraphrasing a medical research, peer-reviewed and published in the Lancet, which studied the affect of adrenaline on fertility. They found that women were less likely to become pregnant when raped because the human "fight or flight" response
floods her body with adrenaline, which interferes with her hormonal balance.

You claim to be a nurse. If true then at some point in your education or daily work routine you had to have come across women who were having difficulty getting pregnant, and you likely advised them about all the things should and shouldn't do to increase their odds of getting pregnant.

Aiken is not an expert, but yoh are. And you know exactly what he was talking about. But instead of acting in good faith you chose to distort what he meant.

mockturtle said...

Per Michael K: In case anyone is interested in the real news today, Here is some from, of course, a foreign source.

Al Jazeeras take:
"Tensions have risen since a suicide car bombing by Pakistan-based armed group, Jaish-e-Muhammad (JeM), in Indian-administered Kashmir killed at least 42 Indian paramilitary forces on February 14.

But the risk of an all-out conflict rose dramatically on Tuesday when India launched air raids on what it said was a JeM training base."

So the car bombing that killed 42 Indians was no big deal. The conflict escalation was brought on by India having the audacity to respond.

tcrosse said...

Meanwhile, the diversion continues

Michael K said...

because his death was highly suspicious

There was a GWU resident who was barred from ICU after Rich, still alive, was admitted to ICU. I would love to hear from him. Maybe after his residency

John henry said...

Blogger Michael K said...

Second term antitrust on Google and Facebook. Big time.

Maybe not even second term. Don Jr was on Tucker Carlson last night talking about how censorship (for lack of a better word) is "becoming" a problem.

Are they starting to warm up the bullpen?

PDJT could put the hurting to Google, FaceBook, Twitter et al tomorrow without so much as an Executive Order.

He just needs to:

1) Put out an internal memo that Duck Duck Go or Bing will be the default search engine on all government computers. No Chrome either. Set Firefox, Dragon, Brave or even Edge as the default browser.

There is even a good reason to do this since Google has, as a company policy, refused to do business with the govt.

2) Move to GAB, Mastodon or one of the other Twitter like services for his own communications. Lots of people will follow him there. Maybe block Twitter on all govt computers?

3) I can't think of any legitimate use for Facebook on govt computers. Block it govt wide. Maybe exceptions if there is a legitimate use.

John Henry

Rick said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
“You're not going to call me a cunt next are you? Like you did DBQ? If you do please also lecture us on civility because that makes my day.”

If you want me to, I’d be happy to. Also remember civilty bullshit. You do it every day, you prissy little cunty man.
2/27/19, 5:44 PM

Actually I'm mocking your criticisms of others to note your hypocrisy. But I'm not surprised you chose to misinterpret reality to foster another attack. That's perfectly in keeping with your dishonest approach to everything.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Second term antitrust on Google and Facebook. Big time.

Maybe not even second term. Don Jr was on Tucker Carlson last night talking about how censorship (for lack of a better word) is "becoming" a problem. ”

Probably not antitrust, per se, but rather FTC. heard rumblings about this, and it makes more sense. The problem is that the egregious behavior is only marginally violative of the Sherman and Clayton antitrust laws.

wildswan said...

Trump will be fine, it is Mueller who is exposing himself. But...

This is a classic show trial being attempted in a society still free where many of the citizens most likely to be put on trial are heavily armed and all are aware of the danger. I think we'll be OK also. But this kind of trial is what socialism will do to me and many others if it ever comes to power. And so I keep thinking about all the citizens and reform politicians in Russia and elsewhere who were convicted in "show trials" and sent to dank prisons or Siberia or who were executed. These trials always featured unreliable known liars spinning tales while in evident fear of the prosecutor. But I never realized till today how it would feel to watch men like that testify and think that your future was on the line. For me this wasn't about Trump, it was about what would happen to me under socialism. And I never realized how it would feel to hear the courtroom crowd applaud, as Bernie applauded Stalin back then, as commenters here are applauding now, applauding evident hearsay and rumors and thoughts presented as proof of an empty cotton-candy, scare-the-kids story. And US Representatives, nodding gravely. Yeah, six rumors from a convicted liar the prosecutor likes plus she's a known prolifer, Catholic and Republican. Twenty years. We'll see.

John henry said...

Blogger Michael K said...

Second term antitrust on Google and Facebook. Big time.

I'd not connected it until just now when the light bulb went on in my head.

Facebook has about 15,000 humans monitoring and censoring traffic. I've been hearing from the No Agenda boys about the problems with this but had not seen it elsewhere. I'd even looked and found next to nothing. I think I may have even mentioned it here before.

The problem is that these people are watching real murder, real child porn, real violent rape and all sorts of really nasty stuff. Sitting there 8 hours a day watching this will really screw someone up. The Russians used to force people to watch this kind of thing as a form of torture.

As I said, damn little published about it. Then, just this week, I've seen several

It can't be coincidence that this is coming out now across so many outlets. What Michael said makes me wonder if this is pushback against Facebook censorship? It certainly does seem to be creating a hostile environment. Possibly in violation of federal employment laws? Companies get find for casual displays of pinups. And Facebook is making people watch all this horrible stuff?

Is the Trump administration getting ready to pounce and this is battlespace prep?

Here's a few of the stories:


another on Fox https://www.foxnews.com/tech/facebook-moderators-have-ptsd-like-symptoms-from-horrifying-images-fringe-content

The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/feb/26/facebook-moderators-tell-of-strict-scrutiny-and-ptsd-symptoms

CBS https://www.cbsnews.com/news/facebook-vows-to-improve-content-reviewing-after-moderators-say-they-suffered-ptsd/

Big Mike said...

Plus, I’M not the POTUS, who one might expect better of.

WE don’t expect better. Trump is a former Democrat, so he’s very comfortable getting down in the muck and the filth and the slime with Democrats like Inky and Pelosi and Schumer.

John henry said...

One further thought, if someone, like ISIS, Russia, China wanted to screw with Facebook, they could have bots just posting really horrid stuff over and over and over.

No idea if this is happening and I've not seen anything to indicate that it is.

John Henry

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz apologizes for tweet targeting Michael Cohen”

“WASHINGTON — Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., apologized late Tuesday for a tweet that appeared to threaten to release unsavory allegations about President Trump's former fixer, Michael Cohen, as the onetime attorney prepared to testify publicly before Congress.

Gaetz was responding to a tweet from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California that said, "Comments made on social media or in the press can adversely affect the ability of House Committees to obtain the truthful and complete information."

"It was NOT my intent to threaten, as some believe I did," the congressman wrote on Twitter. "I’m deleting the tweet & I should have chosen words that better showed my intent. I’m sorry."”


Hahahahaha! Someone probably had a Come to Jesus meeting today...

John henry said...

Blogger Big Mike said...

Trump is a former Democrat,

When was he ever a Democrat?

He was enough of a Republican that GHW Bush shortlisted him for VP in 1988.

Perhaps he was a Democrat in the 70's? I've not seen anything to indicate that but maybe you know more than I do.

John Henry

Drago said...

chickenlittle: "Wild, uncontrolled cackling was heard in Chappaqua, NY, today."

I hope Hillary didn't hear Billy's girlfriends cackling. She has suffered enough already.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Hahahahaha, oh my how many times did Trump harangue Obama about his high school and college transcripts? What a hypocrite. But we already know that.


“Fordham confirms Cohen threatened legal action if Trump’s grades became public

WASHINGTON — Leading up to the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump directed his personal attorney at the time to threaten legal action against the colleges and high school he attended if they publicly released his grades or standardized test scores, the attorney, Michael Cohen, told Congress on Wednesday.

Cohen revealed details about the threats among a list of other actions he took on behalf of Trump in testimony before the House Oversight Committee. Cohen and Trump parted ways last year after Cohen implicated Trump in federal campaign finance violations.

‘‘When I say conman, I’m talking about a man who declares himself brilliant but directed me to threaten his high school, his colleges and the College Board to never release his grades or SAT scores,’’ he said.

Drago said...

Inga: "Hahahahaha, oh my how many times did Trump harangue Obama about his high school and college transcripts?"

Where are obama's high school and college transcripts?

Do you have them?

Why are they hidden?

Are they national secrets?


Inga...Allie Oop said...

Donald J. Trump
Isn't it time that Obama release his college records and applications? Boy would that create a mess! He is not who you think.
11:55 AM · Oct 15, 2012 · Twitter Web Client


Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The late William T. Kelley, who taught Trump at the University of Pennsylvania, said, “Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had.” Tony Schwartz, the ghostwriter of “The Art of the Deal,” says Trump had “a stunning level of superficial knowledge and plain ignorance.””

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Shorter Inga: Lefty professor and lefty writer claim republican President is dumb.

Sound familiar GW Bush? HWBush? Ronald Reagan? Dwight Eisenhower?


So few plays in the lefty playbook!

We keep cycling back and forth between evil genius and guy who is too dumb to get out of bed!!

It's hilarious.

Remember how the left pretended GW Bush couldn't read?

Good times, good times...

Drago said...

From Inga's link: "Cohen revealed details about the threats among a list of other actions he took on behalf of Trump in testimony before the House Oversight Committee. Cohen and Trump parted ways last year after Cohen implicated Trump in federal campaign finance violations.

‘‘When I say conman, I’m talking about a man who declares himself brilliant but directed me to threaten his high school, his colleges and the College Board to never release his grades or SAT scores,’’ he said."


Actually, it is illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School (obama's schools) or Wharton (Trump's school) to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission.

So the Cohen's tales of threats against release are humorous since Federal law prohibits it already.

Hmmmm, why would a lawyer have to threaten an educational entity to not do what is against Federal Law?

Sounds like another tailor-made lie, like the hoax dossier, meant to keep the rubes like Inga feeling good about themselves.

I can hardly begrudge Inga this "victory" (LOL) as it hasn't been such a great day for her and her pal LLR Chuck.

Not to worry Inga!! I hear that crack teams of operatives have nearly located Trump's Love Child....really, any day now that story will blow everything sky high!! Any day now, any day now.......

Drago said...

In Inga's defense, history began anew this morning so of course she doesn't remember every other republican President being called dumb and stupid and unable to read by the left.

Koot Katmandu said...

I heard most of his opening comments. Did not bother with the rest - it will be grandstanding and gotcha stuff. The main thing that stuck with me is He claimed PDT never thought he would win. That is not what I saw during the campaign. PDT worked hard for his votes and went to the right places. I think PDT wanted to win and thought he could.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Actually, it is illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission.”

Yes, we know.

“So the Cohen's tales of threats against release are humorous since Federal law prohibits it already.

Hmmmm, why would a lawyer have to threaten an educational entity to not do what is against Federal Law?

Sounds like another tailor-made lie, like the hoax dossier, meant to keep the rubes like Inga feeling good about themselves.”

Cohen submitted the threat letters he sent to Trump’s high school and college to the Oversight Committee.

“Fordham confirms Cohen threatened legal action if Trump’s grades became public.”

iowan2 said...

Beating up Melania, and a 'love child'?

Democrats are the slimiest of slime balls. How are these gutter trash rumors worthy of congressional committee inquiry?

They are not.

I devour a lot of news. A lot. I have never seen this "reported" anywhere. Now of course, the those sleazy democrats have made them part of the congressional record.

Republicans should have spent 2 minutes trashing Cohens reputation, and 3 minutes asking him about how the FBI, the DOJ, the CIA, and the State Dept. attempted to overthrow the Presidency. Just to get the facts into the congressional record.

roesch/voltaire said...

So far none of the crimes mentioned by Cohen, Pay offs from the Oval Office, lies about the planned tower in Moscow, paying,for his portrait from foundation funds, are crimes that merit impeachment, but there are leads that point to taxes and business deals that will be explored in the future. Interestingly no one defended the actions of Trump.

Drago said...

“Fordham confirms Cohen threatened legal action if Trump’s grades became public.”

Yes Inga, the law is pretty clear here.

So.....how is it a "threat" to point out to others that violating the law will result in legal action.

Let's try this: Hey Inga, you'd better not get drunk and drive because you will be prosecuted!!!

Now, quick, call the police and tell them I threatened you!

Too funny.

Poor Fordham. I hope that "small" and "underfunded" institution didn't have to go hat in hand asking for handouts for good legal advice...

Chuck said...

Matthew Yglesias (Vox co-founder) had the Tweet of the day:

"I now really want to know what Trump's SAT scores were."

Drago said...

r/v: "... but there are leads that point to taxes and business deals that will be explored in the future."

Yes yes!!! Surely its the NEXT investigation that will uncover this largest scandal in the history of the Presidency!!

Plus, NEXT time Socialism will turn out great!!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I heard he was a terrible student, terrible. How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard? I’m thinking about it, I’m certainly looking into it. Let him show his records.”

Donald Trump


Drago said...

Eddie Haskell republican Chuck: "Matthew Yglesias (Vox co-founder) had the Tweet of the day:"


How absolutely perfect!!!

Admitted Smear Merchant Chuck referencing the biggest lefty hack of all the lefty hacks at Juicebox VOX!!!

You remember Yglesias don't you?

Let me help remind you:

Yglesias says its okey-dokey to lie:

"But what set off a flurry of Tweets today – and Yglesias’s advocacy of lying – was a charge by Yglesias via Twitter that Washington Times reporter Eli Lake has a “deserved reputation for dishonesty.” Hemingway, Lake and others confronted Yglesias on Twitter about the charge, pointing out that Yglesias himself had actually advocated dishonesty.

Then, Yglesias dug in, saying lying was a necessary part of politics.

Yglesias’s Twitter opponents also charged he does not take criticism well.

“When [Yglesias] gets frustrated because he can’t counter an argument, he calls people ‘dishonest’,” Lake said, also calling him “a child.”

In concluding his interview with The Daily Caller, Yglesias said “go fuck yourself” and hung up the phone."


Thank you thank you thank you LLR/lefty hack Chuck!! I don't think it would be possible for you to reference a more perfect representative of your thinking than a renowned lefty hack who advocates lying.

BTW, VOX is the hack organization that actually claimed the Israeli's had build a 30 mile bridge across Gaza that those dastardly Israeli's refused to allow arabs to use!!!


Yes, an actual story by the rocket scientist lefty liars at Vox! Naturally, LLR and #StrongDemDefender Chuck is all about his VOX homies!

Drago said...

Inga: "LOL"

So...you have access to the grades, right Inga?

What's he hiding do you think?


Drago said...

Seriously Chuck, could you at least try not to be such a willing cuckholster for every left wing hack journalist who comes down the pike?


Make an effort man. At the very least just try and make it less obvious!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Trump offers Obama $5 million to release his transcripts.


Drago said...

Inga: "Hahahahaha!"

So, uh, where are those transcripts Inga?

I'm betting he got straight A's, don't you agree?.......LOL

Birkel said...

Threatened legal action if people broke the law?
That must be the first time any lawyer ever demanded such a thing.
What would we call such a thing?
A demand letter?

I just invented a legal tactic never before contemplated.

Drago said...

I have to say, and I'm no pal of Inga's, I would expect LLR Chuck to bring his stronger Pro-dem "A game" to this blog to help out his lefty pals rather than this weak tea.

Very disappointing.

Now I think Meade should re-disinvite Chuck from the blog simply based on failure to perform at minimally acceptable levels in his role as a dishonest pro-left/fake tru-con poster.

tsk tsk

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Drago running to Daddy Meade to whine about Chuck.


Birkel said...

I will release my transcripts for 10% of the cost of Obama's.
$500,000 and they are yours.

Offer open to everybody!

Drago said...

I think we have a new handle for LLR and admitted Smear Merchant Chuck which accurately reflects his adoration of one of the worst admitted lying lefties in the media world: Mathew Yglesias.

"Mathew Yglesias" Republican Chuck.


Drago said...

Inga: "Drago running to Daddy Meade to whine about Chuck."

Note to self: Inga has a problem discerning the tense of a statement. Future posts will reflect this latest newly found Inga comprehension deficiency.

We wish her well.

Drago said...

If anyone thinks "Mathew Yglesias republican" Chuck is a "true conservative", well, I've got a 30 mile Gaza bridge to sell you.....

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Cohen testimony suggests NY prosecutors pose major danger to Trump
ANALYSIS: No matter what Mueller finds, Cohen's statements reveal Trump has reason to worry about the wide-ranging New York probe.”

“Is there any other wrongdoing or illegal act that you are aware of regarding Donald Trump that we haven't yet discussed today?" Democrat Raja Krishnamoorthi of Illinois asked Cohen, in the middle of the seven-and-and-a-half hour hearing full of stunning, ugly allegations.

Cohen replied: "Yes and again those are a part of the investigation that's currently being looked at by the Southern District of New York."”


iowan2 said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
“The late William T. Kelley, who taught Trump at the University of Pennsylvania, said, “Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had.” Tony Schwartz, the ghostwriter of “The Art of the Deal,” says Trump had “a stunning level of superficial knowledge and plain ignorance.””

This is the idiot, that succeeded in attaining the Presidency of the United States. Ignoring every single expert in electoral politics on the planet.

This is the Idiot that has thrived in the toughest real estate markets in the world.

This is the idiot that conspired with Russia, to hack into Americas elections, to win the presidency, an idiot that is so stupid, ignorant, childish and inept, he has stumped the FBI, the CIA, and the Great Robert Mueller at every turn, and, though President Trump is an idiot, he is way smarter than the best investigators on the planet.

Drago said...

Yes Inga. The NEXT investigation will get to the bottom of this.

Always the NEXT one.



It will always be thus.


walter said...

Dunno Drago,
After the violent thoughts Chuck revealed yesterday, might wanna tread lightly.
Does he have a diaper and revolver in his glove box for when the dam breaks?
I have my suspicions.

Big Mike said...

Just backing up the discussion of releasability of transcripts, this is covered by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), and universities face serious legal consequences if there is an unauthorized release of student records. This holds, IIRC, for the lifetime of the student.

Birkel said...

"...stunning, ugly allegations..."

Any article with those words attempting to describe Cohen's testimony is bullshit.
Try again.

Drago said...

iowan2, no no no.

THAT list is a list of accomplishments of Evil Genius Republican Trump.

The lefty professor is referring to the Horrifically Dumb Republican Trump.

Tomorrow, depending on the talking point needs of the left, the storyline will change to accommodate those talking points.

If you ever want a headsup on whether or not the lefties/LLR Chuck need the "Evil Genius" republican or the "Dumb Republican" storyline, simply get up early and peruse the same sites LLR Chuck peruses to get his talking points: the DNC, Media Matters, etc.

You will be way ahead of the "what are the lefties and LLR Chuck (but I repeat myself) going to be saying today?" game.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Just backing up the discussion of releasability of transcripts, this is covered by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), and universities face serious legal consequences if there is an unauthorized release of student records. This holds, IIRC, for the lifetime of the student.”

Yes, so why was Trump so paranoid about his transcripts being released that he had to have Cohen send threatening letters?

Drago said...

walter: "Dunno Drago,
After the violent thoughts Chuck revealed yesterday, might wanna tread lightly."

Oh, what was LLR Chuck going on about yesterday?

He's been quite violent in his rhetoric in the past, usually directed at women and children, so I'm curious.

walter said...

Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
Yes, so why was Trump so paranoid about his transcripts being released that he had to have Cohen send threatening letters?

Inga's not connecting the dots, Big Mike.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

So is Trump under audit or not? Cohen said Trump didn’t want to release his taxes, because then he’d “get put under audit”.

What? Wait. I thought he WAS already under audit.

Drago said...

Inga: "Yes, so why was Trump so paranoid about his transcripts being released that he had to have Cohen send threatening letters?"

Oh, I don't know.

Why would Trump feel the need to thing about the possibility IRS agents will illegally leak his records?

Why would Trump feel the need to thing about the possibility State Dept personnel will illegally leak his phone call transcripts with foreign leaders?


History began anew for Inga this morning so she's already forgotten all the leaking.

Inga has especially forgotten about the structured and admitted under oath leaking by DOJ and FBI personnel in a way to attack Trump.

But then again, as soon as you mention under oath testimony backed up by actual evidence, Inga goes into full "that's propaganda" mode.

It's fun to watch.

Birkel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Inga: "So is Trump under audit or not?"

Oh, I see the talking points have changed again!!

It's rather difficult keeping up with the storyline day to day, particularly when the History Reset Button keeps getting hit each morning.

Quick helpful hint: Don't put the History Reset Button next to your alarm clock. Maybe put one across the room.

Drago said...

Birkel: "I offered to meet Chuck, disinvited racist fopdoodle, at his local MMA gym for a discussion of issues.
His violent side has never responded."

Not surprising at all really. You are far too adult and male.

Now, if you were a 13 year old girl or something, fights on baby!

Bay Area Guy said...

Ahhh, the rollicking, sprawling debate/discussion on these threads is always a joy to behold:

Just a gentle remnder though before we stray too far:

Page 16 of opening statement of Michael Cohen -I quote:

"Questions have been raised about whether I know of direct evidence that
Mr. Trump or his campaign colluded with Russia. I do not. I want to be
clear. But, I have my suspicions."

Two years after Crossfire Hurricane, and the best these Leftwing idiots have got are "suspicions".

Can't indict folks on suspicions, sorry. Ya need evidence.

Drago said...

IF I were Chuck, I would get on that Hunt For Trump's Love Child!!

Especially since the collusion hoax received a mortal public wound today.

Fatal really.

Inga won't know it for at least 6 more months because, lets face it, that's all we can expect from her.

LLR Chuck should send her another note backchannel to keep her from embarrassing her as she can't even admit the hoax dossier is, in fact, a hoax dossier!


Skeptical Voter said...

He is a pious perjuring pusillanimous little putz---and that is on Michael Cohen's good days.

Drago said...

Tell the truth Inga, did you find the hoax dossier more "reputable" because a foreign agent from Britain put it together and it sort of sounded very cool and "Downton Abbey" to you?

Birkel said...

I am a 14 year old girl, so I guess I was one year to old for Chuck, disinvited racist fopdoodle, to challenge directly.
Honestly, my 16 year old sister would beat him senseless.
Not kidding.
She would injure Chuck in ways he cannot imagine.

walter said...

But..Top Homey Comey, who was speaking to budding journolist majors the other day, earlier said "It could be true".

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Especially since the collusion hoax received a mortal public wound today.”

Again, wishcasting. You think Cohen is the only key to any possible Russia collusion? Once again you proclaim something and try to convince your fellow Cultists.

Such a simple mind you have.

DeepRunner said...

C, C, C, what begins with C?

"Charlatan" begins with C

"Cohen" begins with C

Inga...Allie Oop said...

It’s really amazing how Drago just KNOWS everything Mueller knows.

Birkel said...

Inga stars in "Waiting for GaMueller".

I need help on the title.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Inga stars in “ I told you so”.

Inga stars in “Damn you Trump Cultists should be embarrassed for believing Trump.”

Original Mike said...

Nobody knows what Mueller can't tell us.

walter said...

Inga stars in "My life as a pelican"

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Nobody knows what Mueller will tell us.

Original Mike said...


Inga...Allie Oop said...

Walter stars in “Bizarre ER Stories” Special episode about odd objects in body orifices.

Drago said...

Inga: "Inga stars in “Damn you Trump Cultists should be embarrassed for believing Trump.”'

Believing Trump about what?

Economic growth would be higher?

Defense spending would be increased?

NATO would be pressured to spend more on defense?

What am I supposed to not believe Trump about again?


I Callahan said...

Inga - produce a link to the comment where I even used the word hammer or slice. Or just admit that in addition to being a complete stupid lunatic, you’re also a bald faced liar.

John henry said...

Blogger Birkel said...

I will release my transcripts for 10% of the cost of Obama's.
$500,000 and they are yours.

Mine are already online if you know where to look.

I'll give anyone who wants the URL for $50,000.

Just just transcripts but my full academic portfolio. Just 10% of what Birkel is asking.

John Henry

Shouting Thomas said...

For Christ's sake, go to bed.

You idiots seem to be under the impression that victory in the comments section has some sort of real world application.

Inga, get a fucking life.

Drago said...

Inga: "Nobody knows what Mueller will tell us."

You have already stated, explicitly, hundreds of times over the last 3 years that Trump is a criminal and a treasonous traitor.

Are you now officially revising your earlier comments?


You may be....but I have my suspicions....

Drago said...

ST: 'You idiots seem to be under the impression that victory in the comments section has some sort of real world applications"

I'm on deadline so I'm going to be up for quite awhile.

Drago said...

Inga: "It’s really amazing how Drago just KNOWS everything Mueller knows."

You have already stated, explicitly, hundreds of times over the last 3 years that Trump is a criminal and a treasonous traitor.

Are you now officially revising your earlier comments?

Original Mike said...

"For Christ's sake, go to bed."

I just got here.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga, get a fucking life.”

Oh shut your pie hole. We’re having fun here. We ALL have a life and if you had half a brain, you wouldn’t keep saying such moronic shit. Now go take your own advice before your Alzheimer meds wear off.

FullMoon said...

IF I were Chuck, I would get on that Hunt For Trump's Love Child!!

There will be single mothers demanding DNA tests. Of the thousands claiming to be raped by Kavanaugh there will now be some claiming to have Trump's child.

Bet on it

Shouting Thomas said...

Inga, you dumb bitch, you've been sitting on your ass yakking about diddle shit all day.

You must weight 300 pounds.

Do something to justify your sorry existence. Change your fucking underwear. You must be sitting in shit and piss.

Birkel said...

John Henry,

I will undercut your price and sell my whole life history for $75,000.
I am a giver.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga, you dumb bitch, you've been sitting on your ass yakking about diddle shit all day.”

So what? I do what I want with my time, whether it be here or wherever the hell I want. You think people simply sit at the computer screen or iPad and don’t do anything else all day? You unimaginative dolt. I’m used to multitasking, been doing it for years and I’m very good at it.

You disgusting weirdo, go sing to the swine who probably love your hog with a sinus infection voice. You are such a gross creature, every time you post a comment it smells of hog shit.

Birkel said...

Inga does many things.
She imagines enemies.
She circumlocates Wisconsin.
She imagines children.

Just pray that Inga never focuses on you.
Her weird eyeball makes everybody nervous.

walter said...

Is Jussie Smollet Trump's love child?
Top Homey Comey says "It could be true"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

LOL! This thread is hilarious. And so predictably stupid.

Basically the Republicultists are saying you can't believe/trust a guy who lied in defense of the same guy they're supporting, who has told 8,000 to 9,000 demonstrable lies before even finishing a single term of office.

And at what point are they saying this? Not about the testimony that got him busted, but about the testimony now that the state's witness has closer tabs on him and the truthfulness and accuracy of his testimony than ever before.

You can't make this shit up. And you can't cure stupid. Republicultism is for people so mentally weak that they'd believe and follow a proven congenital/pathological/inveterate liar before they'd believe the guy who's been disincentivized to lie for him any longer and now GREATLY incentivized under threat of further state action and all the evidence Mueller now has to be as honest as possible.

This is how stupid and easily misled the Republicultists are. They literally hate America. They certainly hate truth and justice.

walter said...

FWIW Drago,
Chuck said...
I wish there was some easy way to get all of the most devoted Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez supporters and all of the most devoted Donald Trump supporters to fight each other to the death with the most effective weapons imaginable divided between both sides.
2/26/19, 1:11 PM

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Do something to justify your sorry existence.

Hey. At least she's not sitting on this thread all day like you are just to prove that you'd suck President Puppet Trump's dick for a Diet Coke and a dollar fifty in change.

Now that takes premium level pathetic.

Justify your own fucking existence. Bitching about all the people whose city you've infected with your crankiness is not cutting it.

Birkel said...

Same offer for TICS as Chuck, btw.
Happy to oblige.

Shouting Thomas said...

And Ritmo's here!

Interesting how you alternate between homophobic slurs and blabbing about the dangers of homophobia.

I assume you're done beating your meat to cripple porn?

Shouting Thomas said...

Have you been promoted to cleaning out the grease pit at McD's yet, Ritmo?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You disgusting weirdo, go sing to the swine who probably love your hog with a sinus infection voice. You are such a gross creature, every time you post a comment it smells of hog shit.

His nose is as big as a blobfish's and misshapen with tons of pockmarks on it.

He is ugly but did manage to avoid being unloved - once. By a chick who grew up in a hut or something.

And he'll never forget it. Praise the lord - someone once loved his sorry, angry ass!

It's not easy getting through life with as much of the world to hate and condemn and resent as Tommy does. Let's feel sorry for him. A pity party. Altogether now - One, Two, Three... Awwwww!

walter said...

Oh..former banner carrier of the fabled Presidential Pee Pee Tape has slithered down his rope to fling shit.

Shouting Thomas said...

See folks!

I've already improved your life.

Instead of blabbing endlessly about some political BS, I've got Ritmo fired up.

He's the best insulter to ever flip a burger at McD's.

The grease pit job can be a real money maker, kid.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“It's not easy getting through life with as much of the world to hate and condemn and resent as Tommy does. Let's feel sorry for him. A pity party. Altogether now - One, Two, Three... Awwwww!”

Awwwww, poor Tommy, poor poor Tommy.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hey Tom.

At least when I ridicule and mock and insult you I say things about you that are, you know, accurate.

Have you asked the bishop if you could blow him, yet?

Hey. That dick isn't going to go suck itself. And Trump's toadstool tool can only stand so many licks from you.

It's busy pretending to get pornstar pussy anyway.

Have you considered raising funds for Trump's legal defense? That might be something worthy to busk for.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

I heard Tommy sing, it’s disgusting, nasal, ugly, something you’d imagine someone like him would sound like.

Shouting Thomas said...

Shit, Inga, I haven't been sitting on my ass in filthy underwear like you since yesterday morning.

Can you afford a second pair of panties?

Or do you just skip it and to straight to the Depends?

I guess the smell of your own shit doesn't bother you much any more?

Shouting Thomas said...

So, you're working the late shift at McD's now, Ritmo?

You only show up after midnight.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Hahaha, and right on cue comes along the other weirdo Full Loony.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The saddest thing about seventy-something Tommy is that he never ever ever learned to stop hating and resenting the world and his fellow humans (or are they?) with the white-hot intensity of a 14-year old.

He is basically the FOX Noise demographic, personified.

Angry, ignorant and asinine.

These are the values he's fighting for!

Birkel said...

And here I thought TICS was going to suggest a full contact gym where we could meet.

Shouting Thomas said...

Well, Inga, that dithering babbling of yours had to stop somehow.

What an awful, stinky bitch you are.

Do you have any actual human relationships?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The Sensitive Sociopath (Shyster Contractor) is dumbfounded to know that a woman with more brains than his wife can either:

1. Change her mind about someone in eight years, or
2. Be humorous.

Think about what this says of his own wife. And of him.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm fighting for all the grease pit cleaners at McD's, Ritmo, so that you can have a decent, productive life.

Shouting Thomas said...

I had a friend back in college who did that job, Ritmo.

It's perfect for you.

FullMoon said...

With all the back and forth and arguing you guys been doing today, the only thing I can be sure of is:

Oh Lord it's hard to be humble
When you're perfect in every way
I can't wait to look in the mirror
Cause I get better looking each day
To know me is to love me
I must be a hell of a man
Oh Lord It's hard to be humble,
But I'm doing the best that I can

walter said...

Dan Bongino
‏Verified account @dbongino
2h2 hours ago

I was anxiously waiting for Michael Cohen to say “it depends on what the definition of ‘is’ is,” given that he’s using noted Clinton suck-up, & acolyte, Lanny Davis as his PR guy.
122 replies 778 retweets 2,938 likes
Dan Bongino
‏Verified account @dbongino
3h3 hours ago

Quickie Summary of Cohen’s testimony:
-Sleazy Adam Schiff met with Cohen before he testified
-Cohen worked for Trump for 10yrs, took his $, but thinks he’s a bad guy
-Cohen has ZERO evidence of collusion
-Cohen thinks Cohen is a “fool”

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Hahahaha, this thread has been a blast. After 500 comments things always end up wild and wooly, something like a wild boar named Tommy.

Birkel said...

But you're definitely going to beat my ass, right TICS.
You are going to name the gym, right?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm fighting for all the grease pit cleaners at McD's, Ritmo, so that you can have a decent, productive life.

I think they're called "coal miners" nowadays, Tom Tom. Be politically correct.

Trump is sure trying to be.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Birkel is sweating with anticipation at being touched, everybody.

For him, that would be a first. Usually he's dealt with through pepper sprays and tasers.

Birkel said...

Maybe you and Chuck can meet at a local gym.

Birkel said...

Meat space, TICS.
Enjoy yourself in it.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Be nice to Tom Tom. I mean, he's got a schnozz like the Cos (only WITH pockmarks!) but at least he didn't use roofies. Or at least not that anyone knows.

Pockmarked Schnozz Tom allegedly never used roofies. Can we at least say that?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Be nice to Tom Tom. I mean, he's got a schnozz like the Cos (only WITH pockmarks!) but at least he didn't use roofies. Or at least not that anyone knows.

Pockmarked Schnozz Tom allegedly never used roofies. Can we at least say that?”


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Stop commenting, everybody! FullMoon is busy masturbating again!

To the same material that got him going nearly eight years ago.

That takes consistency, I'll say!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Stop commenting, everybody! FullMoon is busy masturbating again!”


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Look everybody! A black "Shouting Thomas" has been found!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Tommy’s nose is his musical instrument.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Tommy's nose is as big as, but more pockmarked than, this guy's.

Another guy who really "believed in" a certain version of fatherhood.

Hey Tommy! They're being mean to the males! The males are being belittled!

Roofy them, Tommy! Roofy them!

Birkel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I don't care who you are, that's erotic hahaha!

Still masturbating to the same old quirky comments, Moonie?

Don't worry. I'm sure your wife understands.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...

Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

WHOA!? Musta been hella steamy !!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Poor Full Moony,

Maybe no one ever flirted or had fun with him, I’m glad though that he’s living vicariously through us.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo unzips his camo cargo shorts, Inga gets the Hitachi from the nightstand....

And FullMoon salivates while writing (and reading) this from the corner of the basement that his wife has "reserved" just for him. Right next to his cage.

Sounds like one hell of a sex life you must have, little sociopath.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Maybe no one ever flirted or had fun with him, I’m glad though that he’s living vicariously through us.

Sociopaths don't have personal lives or identities in the slightest. All they do is live through others - often by taking on their identities.

Moonjob seems to think that after all else has failed, revealing himself as a full-throated sociopath will be his piece de resistance.

As if everyone already didn't suspect that there was something creepy about him to begin with. Even Michael K. called a thread he blabbed and salivated all over a freak show or something to that effect.

Moon is the kind of guy you'd find in a sex crimes block of cells at a state pen or insane asylum.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hey Moon - are posting those quotes the only way a registered sex offender like yourself can still enjoy life?

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

insane asylum.

5150 my middle name.

No doubt. You are seriously fucked up.

Would you say your wife is satisfied with you? Sexually speaking?

Or is it all those sex crimes victims of yours that keeps you happy and all your acquaintances from suspecting anything?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Eh Full Loony,

I’m sorry you never had anyone who wanted to romp in the hay with you, even metaphorically, or in jest. Now I must go to bed, I had a busy day.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So Tommy is like the Cos and his partner Moon is a sex criminal who goes about posting the perverse pleasures he seeks through others (who don't consent to it) on the thread.

Makes sense. Most Trump cultists are about as far from normal as one can get.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I’m sorry you never had anyone who wanted to romp in the hay with you, even metaphorically, or in jest. Now I must go to bed, I had a busy day.

It can't be easy being a Full Loony. Getting off on people who don't consent to his sexual advances is the only pleasure he knows.

He is so far gone that he will continue to post further evidence of this kink of his and have no clue that it telegraphs just what kind of a pervert he is.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Moon now takes to admitting that he has no clue how to conduct himself in a workplace. Probably because he'd never stay employed in one.

Again, he has no idea what he's revealing about himself.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

With all the masturbating you do to any comments you perceive as even remotely sexual, Moon, how's your vaseline supply holding up?

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