November 6, 2012

"Obama Mural in Philadelphia Polling Place."

Yeah, but he looks so down and out of it in that depiction, so first debate, that it might not help at all. The word "Change!" seems to be yelling into one ear, and the word "hope..." drifting out of the other.


Chip S. said...

That polling place looks like it might be a school, in which case the bigger concern is the electioneering going on every day that school's in session.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

I'm having very long load times when I go to Is this a matter if traffic, or is something else going on?

ricpic said...

The brotha lacks gravitas.

Wince said...

"...he looks so down and out of it in that depiction, so first debate, that it might not help at all."

Rather, I got that "I'm so in love with you..." falsetto vibe.

Drago said...

Let me paraphrase inga's immediate response: "No one has presented a physical copy of this mural to me in WI so I call this Fox story BOGUS!"

dreams said...

Howard Dean is worried about voter fraud, another example of liberal projection.

the wolf said...

The word "Change!" seems to be yelling into one ear, and the word "hope..." drifting out of the other.

Interesting. He's usually talking out his...

the wolf said...

Howard Dean is worried about voter fraud, another example of liberal projection.

Maybe he's worried it won't be successful.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

He looks like he's singing "My Way"

Tank said...

I wonder who they'll get to put up the Romney mural. I mean, I'm sure they do this for every president.

Sorun said...

"That polling place looks like it might be a school..."

It could be Barack Hussein Obama, Mmm Mmm Mmm, Elementary.

Sammy said...

How the f is this legal... Another polling station in Chicago the poll watcher is wearing a Obama hat, and the person who took the picture said thr girl in front of her ( black) got 2 ballots,,,,,Detroit a poll watch is threaten with a gun...

And Puffington Post.. Had pictures of early voting in Ohio cities, long lines of black youths, couldn't give one reason of why their voting for Obama besides tribal loyalties, being given from people with Obama hats, pizza, drinks ... Some black singing groups, didn't recognize the name... Singing to people in the line Obama songs....

And people are like we can't win Pa , because Phily cheats , some elections they have more people votes then actual voting population or almost 100% voting , 75 republican poll watchers kicked out of polling stations.

So give up the state , all the non democrat voters are irrelevant, their vote doesn't matter,

It's like thrid world democracy... And Republcan just take it while being accused from the other side that they steal elections.

Known Unknown said...

You really can't beat a bald eagle dropping an atom bomb (and Hitler riding in a Volkswagen Beetle convertible for awesome school mural indoctrination.

I was at this school for an advertising photo shoot. It was north of Santa Cruz, CA.

Here's another featuring Obama and Hillary. The adjoining wall does say really big CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN.

Your tax dollars at work!

campy said...

So give up the state , all the non democrat voters are irrelevant, their vote doesn't matter,

Gasp! Imagine that!

TWM said...

Voter fraud for fun . . .

edutcher said...

The Lefties can't win on issues.

We've known this for 100 years.

Colonel Angus said...

Democrats do like big murals of their leaders.

theribbonguy said...

Ya..they're feeling the love...

dbp said...

I thought prayer was not allowed in public schools. Yet they allow a painting of the messiah? Or possibly The Prophet PBUH?

dbp said...

I thought prayer was not allowed in public schools. Yet they allow a painting of the messiah? Or possibly The Prophet PBUH?

TWM said...

Oh look, free Obama baseball hats - for election judges.

Dang those Democrate are so cute . . .

Plus two ballots for the price of one . . . the price being your soul

TWM said...

Hide your children, hide your wives, they be punching and toting guns . . .

Dems that is . . . and you thought I was going to say bitter clingers, didn't you?

TWM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

What is the fine for painting a mustache onto his Big Brother is watching mural?

Chip S. said...

Problem solved!

(link via Ace)

bagoh20 said...

They need to hire some better communists to do that dear leader stuff. The damned pikers didn't have a sunrise in the background. These people can't do anything well. They can't even do an old well-worn idea. Sheese!

bagoh20 said...

I got this weird deja vu thing just now after my comment where I swear months ago we had a very similar post and I made a similar comment. I know it happened.

Synova said...

I hate to say, after this morning, that I'm almost willing to believe incompetence.

My husband and I went to vote just before 8 and the elementary school was deserted, nary a sign anywhere, as one car after another drove in one side of the parking lot and out again.

We guessed, perhaps, voting was moved up the road a bit. So we drove up... little "Vote Here" and an arrow... the sign no bigger than the usual yard sale sign or one of those standard little candidate yard signs. Drove up that way and found the next little sign.

Got in the new voting place and told a guy working there that people were going to the old polling place and leaving and there wasn't any signs of any sort saying where it was moved to.

He was *shocked*.

So stupid.

Synova said...

So yeah, really... I can see people getting to the place and setting up the booths and never actually noticing the wall and no one *responsible* to do anything about it.

Matt Sablan said...

Apparently they covered it up by sticking some paper over it. And by covered it up I mean forgot to cover most of it up.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

the wolf,

Interesting. He's usually talking out his...


edutcher said...

Add up all the stories and the Demos are running scared.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the UN poll watchers are a good

poll watchers amazed US doesn't require ID

Methadras said...

Black motherfucking cock-punching panthers are back again. These leftards have no shame. They are a stain on this country. Why are they tolerated?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Biden is so sure they are going to win this time.

The rule of Lemnity said...

You know what would be good...

A web-cam at every polling station.


Nomennovum said...


Democrats will cheat.

Obama will be relected.

Republicans will complain.

But they will do nothing else.

Because establishment Republicans have no balls.

The end.

campy said...

And in 2016, when he wins his third term, they won't even dare complain.

garage mahal said...

Black motherfucking cock-punching panthers are back again.

Black Panther standing guard at polling place!

Calypso Facto said...

Elsewhere in the city, a representative from the New Black Panther Party was also spotted outside a polling site. The New Black Panthers stirred controversy in 2008 when members appeared outside a polling site, one of them holding a billy club.
The representative seen Tuesday, Jerry Jackson, was charged in the 2008 case along with Minister King Samir Shabazz, but later saw charges dropped by the Department of Justice.

Thanks, Mr. Holder, for teaching this guy that he is completely above the law.

garage said ...
Perhaps it'd be easier to take your concern about voter ID req'ts suppressing votes seriously if you also acknowledged blatant actual voter intimidation/suppression?

garage mahal said...

I heard the NBP guy from this morning was just some homeless dude. I didn't read anything about it though.

theribbonguy said...

"I heard the NBP guy from this morning was just some homeless dude. I didn't read anything about it though."

Ya thats the ticket..just some needy homeless guy opening the door for tips.

One problem though..he's the same down and out fellow standing behind King Shabazzywazzy (or whatever the hell he calls himself) last time.

garage mahal said...

King Shabazzywazzy sounds scary.

bagoh20 said...

Garage does the usual John Stewart two step: Get your ass handed to you by facts, and then pretend you were just kidding around.

Seeing Red said...

Via Insty:

...Shortly after McKenna’s tweets, conservative Wisconsin media organization Media Trackers confirmed the allegations of federal taxpayer resources being used for voter transportation. “Media Trackers has found federal Job Corps vans being used to bus voters to at least one polling location in the City of Milwaukee,” Brian Sikma wrote for Media Trackers. “A van with federal plates and driven by a Job Corps employee was seen pulling up to the small polling station at the Clara Barton Elementary School in urban Milwaukee shortly after 1:00 pm on Tuesday. A Job Corps administrator inside the polling place said the federal vans had brought approximately 125 Job Corps participants to the poll as of early afternoon.”....

Read more:

Synova said...

Because no one would be intimidated by a white guy in a paramilitary outfit standing at the door of a polling place.


garage mahal said...

Get your ass handed to you by facts, and then pretend you were just kidding around.

There were NO facts presented. None. Zero.

theribbonguy said...

"King Shabazzywazzy sounds scary."

No, but the site of two men dressed in leather slapping they're gloved hands with batons while yelling violent racial epithets sure ass hell was.

I've lurked on this blog for years before deciding to join in, and for years I've been reading your bullshit.

In spite of my best efforts, I always get the mental image of the Simpson's "Comic Book Guy" hammering out "Best Comment Ever!!" on his keyboard.

garage mahal said...

I've lurked on this blog for years before deciding to join in, and for years I've been reading your bullshit.

Thanks for the dedication!

Known Unknown said...

Last minute propaganda.

Vote Autocrat or Vote Deceptican.

Matt Sablan said...

... wait, they used government vans for partisan purposes?

That... that sounds like it is worse than merely the appearance of impropriety.

theribbonguy said...

"Thanks for the dedication!"

It's the ensuing beat down that invariably follows that keeps me coming back.

Anga2010 said...

Oh how I wish that someone could have done a "Cecila Giminez" to that mural!

heyboom said...

"...but later saw charges dropped by the Department of Justice.

Actually, they later saw CONVICTIONS dropped by the Department of Justice.

heyboom said...

"...but later saw charges dropped by the Department of Justice.

Actually, they later saw CONVICTIONS dropped by the Department of Justice.

Unknown said...

I wonder who they'll get to put up the Romney mural. I mean, I'm sure they do this for every president. Party Bus Philadelphias