April 16, 2012

"The best advice I ever got on where to meet a woman was..."

"... to go out and buy all the magazines that women are reading about where to meet men, find out where you're supposed to be, and go there."


wyo sis said...

It worked for me and my husband.

kjbe said...

We were both reading the sports sections. Does that count?

Tim said...

Until I saw wyo sis's comment, I was gonna say:

"Really? What guy wants to meet a girl who reads women's magazines, unless its just for a drive-by?"

But I'll hold that comment in abeyance, out of respect, lol!

Mark O said...

Just like fishing. Go where they are.

edutcher said...

Best advice I can give is don't get a killer German Shepherd that answers to the name, "Reinhard".

Get a Yorkie and walk that up and down the street. the women will materialize from nothing to coo and purr.

Curious George said...

It helps to be wealthy, both for the wimmins and their magazines.

Big Mike said...

I followed the link, and all I have to say, madam Professor, is that I hope you didn't decide on a career just because you thought good men were thin on the ground and that you were a bit plain. Wrong on both points!!! Meade will back me up.

YoungHegelian said...

One of our former neighbors ran a very successful physical therapy practice in the DC area.

She was a very nice woman, pretty, and with a charming smile.

She said that when she was in college her sorority sisters, even those prettier than she, wondered how she possibly managed to have a date every Saturday night.

She said: "It's simple. I'm taking all these STEM courses, and I'm surrounded by guys. I smile at them, and they ask me out, and I say 'Yes'".

The rule of Lemnity said...

Kids didn't know the Titanic was a real life historical event?

What are they teaching in schools now days?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Sorry.. I was commenting on another segment/transcript of Rush's show.. the one about the secret service.. where Rush mentioned that (presumably many) kids on Twitter didn't know the movie Titanic was about a real historical event.

Eleanor said...

My grandmother, born in 1896, said if you're looking for a mate, go the places you like to go. Then if you meet someone, you know he or she will like to do the same things you like to do, and if you don't meet that special someone, at least you will have spent time doing what you like to do. I followed her advice and will be celebrating my 39th anniversary in a few months. My brother followed her advice the second time around. It's working out better this time.

David said...

That's great if you want a woman who does what the magazines tell her.

wyo sis said...

Thanks for the consideration. We both went to college to meet the "right one" and it worked. Of course back then everyone went to college to find the right one. Now it would be church or a bar, isn't that what all the women's mags recommend? Sad to say I don't know anymore.

rcommal said...

Me, I found my husband in a bar. But not just in any bar, and in fact it was a bar in which I just hung out, entirely independently of any dating effort, and for well over a decade beforehand. (In fact, at the time, I was explicitly NOT looking to date, much less find.) LOL.

When I found him, as it happened, I was introduced to him by two guys (the two guys with whom he was hanging out on that particular night) whom I had known for a whole number of years previously. Met him, and that was that.

(To this day, I have no idea what those two guys--and I did not know that those two guys knew each other! even though I had dated each previously about 4 years apart! much less that they each and both knew him! from their high-school days!--had to say about me, much less what they said to him.

What I can say is that DH and I have been together for 20 years, married for 17, and still going strong.)

Let's just I'm not *reflexively* against meeting guys in bars.

; )

Darrell said...

My grandmother, born in 1896, said if you're looking for a mate, go the places you like to go. Then if you meet someone, you know he or she will like to do the same things you like to do, and if you don't meet that special someone, at least you will have spent time doing what you like to do.

I tried that by going to a brothel.
It didn't work out as well as you would think.

smitty1e said...


rhhardin said...

That gets you the kind of woman that reads women's magazines.

Fen said...

Too funny. When I was a teenager, I would read the teen mags as opposition research.

Didn't help me get laid, but oh well.

tim maguire said...

Easy: volunteer. Women are always volunteering to try and meet nice men. But they don't because men don't volunteer. (I used to when I was less busy and women always outnumbered men 5 or more to 1.)

Freeman Hunt said...

That gets you the kind of woman that reads women's magazines.

He is on his fourth marriage.