June 19, 2024

Red spotted purple and sandhill cranes.

Yesterday, at noon:


This morning at sunrise:



Leland said...

That looks like a Blue Morpho.

Hassayamper said...

More fungi, please, Ma’am.

Hassayamper said...
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Sheridan said...

Our rancher daughter and her family lives a few miles from Freezeout Lake in Teton County in Montana. Every year around March they view tens of thousands of snow geese and tundra swans during the annual migration. It's breathtaking!

Heartless Aztec said...
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Heartless Aztec said...

Had quite a few Zebra butterflys on the lantana and hibiscus this morning. Hummingbirds darting in and out of the scrum.

Wa St Blogger said...

Yesterday, at noon:

Someone was out during the peak of the sunshine.

Beautiful FlutterBy

MadTownGuy said...

Fireflies were out and about here in S Central PA last evening. They weren't as plentiful as what we used to see in Wisconsin, but still a thrill for us to see.

But now I have Owl City playing iny head. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

RCOCEAN II said...

I assume the Cranes are looking for some nice juicy bugs to throw down their throats.

Ann Althouse said...

“Someone was out during the peak of the sunshine.”

Yes, but on a shady trail. I assure you, I avoided the sun.

Heartless Aztec said...

I'm paying for a life of surfing and sailing. Skin cancer #5 was gouged out and stitched up a few weeks ago. How's that old Rod Stewart tune go?

🎶Wish that I knew what I know now
When I was stronger... 🎶

Mason G said...

"I'm paying for a life of surfing and sailing. Skin cancer #5 was gouged out and stitched up a few weeks ago."

I have two spots stitched up right now. I'm not sure what number I'm up to, it's got to be well over a dozen all together on my arms, legs, back, neck and face. Along with that, there's a pale spot the size of a quarter on my forehead from radiation treatment a few years ago.

I never sailed, but I spent a lot of time on the sand trying to get a tan. Nobody told me that people whose relatives emigrated from Scotland should probably not be doing that.

Wince said...

Althouse said...
Red spotted purple...

Lord Beasley Waterford call your office.

Althouse is trying to sell us a "cheap fake."

Everyone knows there's no purple in the Pussycat Swallowtail.

The Cracker Emcee said...

I like that second one. Very Gainsborough. Imagine the government building in the distance as the manor of some privileged, corrupt, slavery-trade baron....

Ann Althouse said...

“ I like that second one. Very Gainsborough. Imagine the government building in the distance as the manor of some privileged, corrupt, slavery-trade baron....”

Very interesting observation.

Oligonicella said...

Being an insect guy, I really enjoy your butterfly shots. Being a writer of fables, I have one dealing with the creation of them. As this is not my place to do as I will, I ask first for permission to put up the story "Flutterings". It's not very long, having tested to see that it fits in a single comment box.