April 1, 2024

"... stay present in your emotions while scrolling...."

From "Fear of missing out? Find the joy in saying 'no'" — a 9-panel comic by Richard Sima and Pepita Sándwich. That's a free access link to WaPo.


RideSpaceMountain said...

Whoa. Let's break that down.

"Be mindful when using social media. You don't have to disconnect completely (please please please don't disconnect). Instead, stay present in your emotions while scrolling. What are you thinking and feeling?"

"This makes me feel worse!"

Mindful/thinking, 2 points
Emotions/feeling/feel, 3 points

"We hope that you've understood the subliminal importance of feeling before thinking, and if you didn't, for the love of god just stay connected...you wouldn't want to be antisocial would you?"

Tina Trent said...

This goes for bloggers too. Examine you feelings, especially selective offensiveness.

Kate said...

This presents the passive side of social media. It acts upon you, and this comic advises you how to react. What about a more active view? Choose who to follow. Choose what kind of content you're creating: does it contribute to the show of social media, or is it more personal and quiet?

Leland said...

If unsure, the FBI may come visit and ask a few questions, just to "make sure nobody has any ill will"

Ann Althouse said...

I think this blog is making Tina Trent feel worse.

Tom T. said...

Channeling Homer Simpson: "Mmm ... pepita sandwich."

lonejustice said...

When I go on vacations, especially overseas vacations, I disconnect from social media. If I have a WiFi connection I may log on at breakfast for 10 minutes to check the news, and maybe post a few good pictures, but that's it. I must say that it really is refreshing. It's a different way of experiencing the world, and I like it.

PM said...

Exactly why I have a flip.
I do all my emoting on a lap.

MadTownGuy said...

I'm offended by the gratuitous accent in 'Pepita Sándwich.'

Strangely, I don't feel worse.

MadTownGuy said...

I'm offended by the gratuitous accent in 'Pepita Sándwich.'

Strangely, I don't feel worse.

Anthony said...

I go here, Instapundit, and Twitchy to learn what's going on, and it makes me feel bad, but at least I know what's happening.

Instagram I just flick through for cute cats, raccoons, other animals, and for some odd reason only their algorithm knows, ballerinas.

Christopher B said...

Life is what happens while you are making other plans.

JK Brown said...

You know, one of the three elements of education is "regulation of emotions". That is, you learn to not react without thought and use the principles established and the discipline of your intellect that are the other elements of becoming educated to not let yourself be driven by your base emotions.

Unfortunately, schools in the US since the 1970s have abandoned trying to educate the students. Colleges and especially law schools actually work to undo any education habits a student might have picked up as they tried to survive k-12.

Usage: Education, properly a drawing forth, implies not so much the communication of knowledge as the discipline of the intellect, the establishment of the principles, and the regulation of the heart. Instruction is that part of education which furnishes the mind with knowledge. Teaching is the same, being simply more familiar.

Sadly, being college credentialed usually means the person is an easier mark for social media manipulation, not hardened by having an inkling about what it means to be educated.

Howard said...

This goes for commentators too. Examine you feelings, especially selective sensitivity.

mikee said...

All social media has moved to a model wherein the users tailor the material presented through the media platform's analysis their search and viewing history, rather than presenting some form of everything, or differently curated subject matter. This results in loss of lotsa material that isn't within the algorithmic category of "this will keep the idiots online" and loses the viewer of say, political issues, in depth opposition viewpoints, facts, analysis, ideology.

This is like the McD's promotion for the movie Twilight, where customers chose a Team Edward themed meal or a Team Jacob themed meal. While some preteen girls may have thought they were connecting with their on-screen interests along with others of like mind, they were really all being sold the same overpriced greasy food.

Lawnerd said...

I hate this art style that exaggerates hands and feet and often shrinks the head. I associate it with woke and DEI because all the woke DEI seminars (struggle sessions) at work were presented in this style.

Tina Trent said...

Well, I certainly am sort of appalled when you falsely accuse my religious brethren -- in fact accuse them of doing precisely what they don't do. I'm put off by the unwillingness to engage in reality. I can't be lighthearted about pogroms against any faith. Most important to me is that I can seek occasional opportunities to praise and break bread with those who sincerely disagree with me, or seem to be in a bad place. I'm certainly capable of being amusing, and the main reason I come here is for the subtle word games and language explorations in your posts, which I find interesting. But sure, ban me, or just keep punching down. It's your blog.

Tina Trent said...

And by all means block comments that show just how much of your homework the dog ate.

At least he probably won't need lunch.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Where did they find such an awful artist? I could see, maybe, the reversed perspective. But the hand? That's a monstrosity, artistically and biologically.

roger said...

Tina, you have offended me.

Tina Trent said...

When precisely, roger?

Tina Trent said...

And let me note that Althouse is still blocking my lengthy, fact-based response to her falsely accusatory, utterly dishonest temper tantrum about Catholics not turning the other cheek regarding trans Easter. Catholics were attacked worldwide, and in every single case, they did turn the other cheek.

Until she posts it, we cannot discuss any of this with the adequate facts. But it is her blog: she can be as dishonest as she wishes on it. I think she is degrading herself. So we'll leave it until she decides to address real criticism. Until then, enjoy your manipulation. Maybe that's all you have left. If so, it's a loss of a good wit.

Tina Trent said...

So what I did was post a response to the pro-transgender children/anti-Catholic screed in the comments for the post below it. I assumed it was blocked and reacted to that.

I apologize for this. My eyesight is not good.

But my comment itself is very clearly about the transgender post. Will Althouse apologive for falsely accusing Christians of not turning the other cheek, when they are being persecuted, churches are being burned, they're being slaughtered and yet react with love? I doubt it. Will she condemn trans activists for invading and attacking churches celebrating Easter yesterday? I doubt it. And I have no idea to what Roger is referring.

JAORE said...

Don't worry, dear. You didn't want to go to that old prom anyway. It will be ever so much fun to watch Netflix with Mummy.

JOMO, rhymes with MOFO.

Ah yes, the power of disconnecting.

Tina Trent said...

I would appreciate the comment being moved to the right post. With a brief notice, as I do on my blog when there is an error by me or a commenter.