February 1, 2023

At the Wednesday Night Café...

 ... you can talk about whatever you want.


The rule of Lemnity said...

Is it just me or did anybody else hear some Wilson Philips in Taylor Swift's Antihero song?

sharecropper said...

"... you can talk about whatever you want." The unfettered freedom of speech is refreshing. I hate that I have nothing controversial, offensive, or inflammatory to say.

Humperdink said...

New York governor Kathy Hochul unveiled her new budget. It rolls in at $228 billion. Let's compare notes:

> New York state's proposed budget $228 billion. State population 19.8 million.

> Florida's budget $110 billion. State population 22.2 million.

gilbar said...

Meta lost $13.7 billion on Reality Labs in 2022 as Zuckerberg’s metaverse bet gets pricier

You know.. 13.7 Billion here, 13.7 BILLION there... Pretty Soon; you're talking about Real Money

Humperdink said...

SIDS: sudden infant death syndrome, the bane of every parent.

SADS: sudden adult death syndrome, the bane of Big Pharma, the CDC, and assorted lefties in denial.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Humperdink said...
"New York governor Kathy Hochul unveiled her new budget. It rolls in at $228 billion. Let's compare notes:
> New York state's proposed budget $228 billion. State population 19.8 million.
> Florida's budget $110 billion. State population 22.2 million."

A factor of two. What does New York spend all that extra money on? Serious question.

Beasts of England said...

Unconfirmed, but the rumor is that the Biden camp may go on offense and assert that Giuliani and Trump illegally possessed Hunter’s laptop. Seems like a bold strategy to me, but I’m not sure which other avenues are available. lol

Mason G said...

"Unconfirmed, but the rumor is that the Biden camp may go on offense and assert that Giuliani and Trump illegally possessed Hunter’s laptop."

Because if you illegally possess a laptop, that means all the stuff on it never happened? Or what?

tim in vermont said...

Now it's Human Rights Watch calling out Ukraine for using petal mines against civilians.


Mike of Snoqualmie said...

A factor of two. What does New York spend all that extra money on? Serious question.

Full employment for bureaucrats. Got to keep those union dues flowing.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Unconfirmed, but the rumor is that the Biden camp may go on offense and assert that Giuliani and Trump illegally possessed Hunter’s laptop. Seems like a bold strategy to me, but I’m not sure which other avenues are available. lol

NY Post article about that rumor.

Gahrie said...

Unconfirmed, but the rumor is that the Biden camp may go on offense and assert that Giuliani and Trump illegally possessed Hunter’s laptop.

It's happened. I didn't see Trump mentioned, but Hunter's lawyers have submitted documents to the court complaining that the computer store owner and Rudy did.

I'm betting that lap top repair shop had a policy stating that if the device is not picked up in a certain amount of time it becomes the property of the store, those are pretty common in that type of business.

However it does now remove all doubt as to the laptop's original owner and its authenticity.

lonejustice said...


Dolly Parton said it was the best cover song any group ever did of her songs.

Crazy World said...

Yes just reading about Hunter going after Tucker LOL,also Ron Klain crying about leaving Joe the pedo and saying everything he learned about parenting was from Joe. You can’t even make this stupid stuff up!

Drago said...

Democraticals and their faux-Con GOPe allies then: That's not Hunter Biden's laptop! Its all russian disinformation! All the information on it is a lie!

Same Democraticals and faux-Con GOPe allies now: That's totally Hunter's laptop! It's all Hunters "private" information! All the information on the laptop is true and belongs to Hunter!

They don't even bother attempting incremental modified limited hangouts to change their story. Nope. They simply make another of their immediate whiplash inducing serial narrative 180's.

wendybar said...

A factor of two. What does New York spend all that extra money on? Serious question.

2/1/23, 8:18 PM

Supporting illegal aliens for life?? ($300 a night hotel rooms, 3 square meals thrown in the garbage, clothing, I phones, education, medical ect..ect..ect..)

wendybar said...

WHERE is Achilles??

Mr. Forward said...

"The letter, titled “Public Statement on the Hunter Biden emails,” and signed by former CIA Directors John Brennan, Leon Panetta and Mike Hayden, former acting CIA Director Michael Morell, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and other ex-spooks, claimed the material on Hunter’s hard drive “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” although not one of them had seen it."

The best case scenario is they are liars. Otherwise our intelligence agencies have been headed and staffed with dupes, charlatans, fools, tools and compromised assets for decades.

Jersey Fled said...

It wasn't Hunter's laptop. It was John Paul Mac Isaac's laptop.

tim in vermont said...

I don't know about that version of Jolene, when the audience sings along, it kind of ruins it for somebody who is just curious about a song, but I do love that guitar that he's playing.

"The best case scenario is they are liars."

What was your first clue?

One of the most mainstream reporters in America - Jeff Gerth, Pulitzer winner who worked at NYT for 30 years - just published a scathing indictment in the equally mainstream
about the media's serial lying in Russiagate, and the silence is deafening.
- Glenn Greenwald

iowan2 said...

Gilbar @7:11

Despite that, Zuckerberg is the genius, and Musk is the idiot.

wendybar said...

"As I said earlier, I will continue my support for Trump because he scares all the right people.

The people who get their noses of joint because of Trump are not America-first individuals. These are the weasels, criminals, backstabbers and turncoats who care only for their own power and enrichment.

I hope that when Trump when gets re-elected, he unleashes political hell against the enemies of the American people. It is my prayer that we will finally get the justice we have been demanding, and you know what? I think we will."


tim in vermont said...

Hunter's lawyer says that he is not admitting that it is Hunter's laptop, he's only angry that they are spreading Hunter's personal information all over the place.

Just like it wasn't Ashley Biden's diary, but the FBI was called in because somebody sold a hand-written work of fiction to somebody else, so the FBI had to seize it.

They love the absurdity of it, and they love that the gadflies of the world fall for it.

tim in vermont said...

Trump is for ending the war. The only way I vote is if he is on the ticket. Trump or bust. If it's not him, it doesn't matter who wins. Personally, I think that if he does win, they will assassinate him before he takes office, though. That would be a fitting end on the experiment in democracy, after that comes the boot on our face forever.