July 29, 2017

Name-calling in the Trumposphere.

We all know that Trump used name-calling (at least during the campaign) to get the better of his rivals, mostly by attaching a relatively ordinary adjective to the first name: "low-energy Jeb," "little Marco." Trump would repeat his chosen phrase until it stuck in your head.

Scaramucci is like Trump, but a step beyond. He's using name-calling, but it's not presented for public consumption. It just (somehow!) leaks out. And what leaks out is so nasty that: 1. It supports the claim that it was never intended to be heard by the general public, and 2. You only need to hear it once to get it stuck in your head.

What am I talking about? According to a HuffPo source in the White House, Scaramucci called Reince Priebus "Rancid Penis."

And then there is Scaramucci's notorious sideswipe of Steve Bannon: "I’m not Steve Bannon, I’m not trying to suck my own cock." It's not name-calling, per se. (No adjective attached to the name.) It's not even a direct insult, since he's talking about himself. You have to make an inference to get to Steve Bannon is trying to suck his own cock. But this is a characterization of Steve Bannon that only needs to be heard once to become unforgettable.

Some people think Trump is his own parody. No exaggeration needed to lampoon him. Just look at him as he is. Amazingly, Scaramucci shows the parody level that could be used by a Trump lampooner. But Scaramucci is doing it in real life and in service to Trump. We don't need a comedian to show us the leap from this service to Trump to sucking Trump's cock. (Remember the quaint old days of acting horrified that a comedian called Trump a "cock holster"?) Scaramucci has already said it about himself.


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Jael (Gone Windwalking) said...


oh, wait ... I see ... I misplaced that post .. thanks for the heads-up ... will delete it, belongs on the other thread dedicated to the subject matter .. not here ..

Bad Lieutenant, dig. About “cool.” Deeper down, I'm still rooting for Trump to drain the swamp. Really am. Took my ninety-five year old adopted grandpa to clinic for his chemo recently. WWII fly boy. Bomber rider. Love this man. Huge pro-Trump. Gave money. Attended Trump rallies. On way home from clinic for chemo, he says to me something like (it’s written elsewhere), “this new Trump thing? what do we do?” He was disgusted at it all. He said it. To me. Not me to him. I said, “Twelve O’Clock High! Pull him out. Manhandle him out!” If you know the reference. Still an occasional Air Force training film. Watched it with my boy. The adopted grandpa, he was a WWII fly boy. He got it right, “Twelve O’Clock High” reference, right away.

Now, the “pull him out,” can include shout-outs from assholes like me! Pin it on me. I hope Trump hears the hell from the right.

Bad, dig hard. We can criticize what we love. I don’t mind fisticuffs. Soldiers slapping each other around at play (more later). For now, there’s nowhere else to go. Hillary, well, maybe if she were Helen Mirren. Nah, Hellen won’t do Hil.

If I’m riding Trump, then ride me back. I’m pissed, bent, really maxed out at Trump’s misdirection. Not needed. Eisenhower rode high. My Pop’s hero. Quiet. Dignified. Sober. Eisenhower had been there. I had to learn him second-hand.

Trump has potential. I’m not really all-that Koch. Maybe Bloomberg, maybe. For sure, if Trump doesn’t stop the bleed. I don’t care how pissed I am at Trump, and I’m hell-bent pissed now, I still want Trump to drain the swamp.

I’ll suck swamp-juice in repentance if he does. Since I’ve sucked some swamp-juice elsewhere. Another drug war. Another time. We’ll see.

Ain’t over ‘till the fat lady sings.


Jael (Gone Windwalking) said...

FullMoon " ... I have just one more question..."

Gotta have a question before you ask it. Best way: "hey, I don't understand this?" KISS.

My wife is smarter than I. Hope you feel better now.

Jael (Gone Windwalking) said...

Bad, I don't see that post anywhere around here. You sure you copied that from this thread?

Jael (Gone Windwalking) said...

Got it. Done.

Unknown said...

BREAKING NEWS : Tillerson says Russia is enabling North Korea.

"As the principal economic enablers of North Korea's nuclear weapon and ballistic missile development program, China and Russia bear unique and special responsibility for this growing threat to regional and global stability,"

FullMoon said...

Hope you feel better now.

Awww, my mistake. Actually assumed you were familiar with Colombo.

My wife is smarter than I.
May be true, but you do not believe that.

Jael (Gone Windwalking) said...

"May be true, but you do not believe that."

You don't know this one. You need to thank God for that. Even Maureen O'Hare fled the set of Quiet Man when mine arrived. I think they got together in the parking lot. To compare notes.

Oh, she's calling me now. "Feste, fetch me my Legacy Angostura. Turn up Mozart's 'Jupiter.'"


Jael (Gone Windwalking) said...

yep, familiar with that Colombo meme, "just one more question." It's hard to play dumb as Colombo when I'm not that smart.

D.E. Cloutier said...

Anthony Scaramucci = Sonny Corleone

John F. Kelly = George Patton

"Patton" and "The Godfather" were highly successful movies.

I grew up in a political family. I became a newspaperman. Afterward, I became an international business executive with employees and customers around the world. I frequently tell people: "Business is theater. So is politics."

Heywood Rice said...

That Scaramucci uses profanity, isn't really all that shocking. All politicians use profane words. BFD. They just don't get reported or caught doing it.


Gotta be because they're smart enough to not actually phone it in to the reporter. Doy.

Maybe you meant to say they're not smart enough to leak it like the the Mooch does(and don't forget to plug those books),ok? We've already got a title for the next one. Check it out, "Loose Lips and Pink Slips", the inside story of how the Trump administration got its fricken groove back by going ape shit cra-cra, 24/7 on the social. Wanna hear about my app?

Humperdink said...

Humperdink said: "BTW ..... Unknown, TTR, Brookzene et al, the odds of Trump being impeached, arrested, indicted handcuffed, pinched, incarcerated, collared, nabbed or frog-marched is zero."

Brookzene responded: "I don't care what happens to the fool. For my country's sake, I just want him out of the White House."

Dream on, not gonna happen. I don't much care for his style, but I do like his results, gutless R senate notwithstanding. Goruch, Va firings, southern border, muzzie immigration, EPA reg rollback, coal industry ....

Fabi said...

"I don't care what happens to the fool. For my country's sake, I just want him out of the White House."

Do you have it set up as an LLC? S Corp?

Brookzene said...

Do you have it set up as an LLC? S Corp?

My country 'tis of thee.

Dumbass. Smartass.

Fabi said...

Sensitive this evening, Brooksie? It's gonna be a long 3.5 to 7.5 years for you if you can't enjoy a little humor every now and then.

Brookzene said...

I thought my comment was pretty funny.

Lucien said...

Looking back "Turd Blossom" seems so quaint.

Hilary! must be thinking she should have taken the advice of that one guy who told her she should start calling her opponent "Fondled Rump" -- but since he was a straight white guy from Jersey . . .

Achilles said...

Blogger Unknown said...
Btw, Trumpists:

"So, you think the Republicans in Congress are going to just bend-over and take it in the ass again from Trump."

No. They are going to take it in the ass from their voters. We don't accept betrayers like Bernie supporters do.

Fabi said...

Inflection is tough to interpret in print, Brooksie -- good on ya.

Brookzene said...


bagoh20 said...

I'm pleased to know that the people inhere not only do not try to suck our own cocks, but we would never allow a young intern too lick our ass, let alone use such language. We should all be quite pleased to know each other. Bravo.

Valentine Smith said...

Perfect name for the guy. Scaramouche is a stock clown character of the Italian commedia dell'arte (comic theatrical arts). The role combined characteristics of the zanni (servant) and the Capitano (masked henchman).

We need him as mayor of NYC.

Bilwick said...

"You're the one who probably argues that the state needs to return more of his pre-tax take-home pay to him, so what does that say about you?"

That--unlike "liberals" (by which I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping government sniffers and State fellators"--I'm not generous with other people's money, and I don't like dipping into other people's wallets, not even a State butt-boy like Colbert?

Narayanan said...

Coppola gets credit for Patton and The Godfather.

Narayanan said...

Wish he would be asked about Trump. And feels free to speak his mind.

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