July 20, 2016

This is the convention post.

Watch along with me!


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traditionalguy said...

Cruz has imaginary values. I'll take Trump's realist New York Values any day over a pretense wrapped in a religious deception.

Drago said...

PBandJ_LeDouanier: "If the Ds truly cared about the downtrodden and unfortunate..."

The D's are too busy creating urban widespread murder zones.

Jon Ericson said...

It's O.K. to be nasty to Chuckie.

chickelit said...

More white people for Titus to mock!

Let's mock Titus and his sisters too!

Birkel said...

As a lifelong Republican, there is nothing Trump or any other Republican can do to make Chuck pull the lever for any Republican anywhere, ever.


Jon Ericson said...

Not enough "Brown Hogs"

Drago said...

What's all this I'm hearing about "my pants"? Why is everyone talking about my pants? I don't think my pants should be anyone's business. My pants are my business and my business alo......what's that?

Never mind.

Drago said...

As a "lifelong Republican", there is nothing Trump or any other Republican can do to make Chuck pull the lever for any Republican anywhere, ever.


Drago said...

Now that, my friends, is a blue tie.

Jon Ericson said...

Anonymous must have lost her Talking Points.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Jesus that band reaffirms every awkward republican stereotype."

G. E. Smith has forgotten more amazing things than you could ever imagine, dream, or even appreciate.

You are not human, only a bot.

You fail, see Mr. Turing for upgrades you soulless grief-monger.

Ha. You'll have to be a little quicker than that to get one over on me.


Drago said...

Jon Ericson: "Anonymous must have lost her Talking Points."

No, just getting treated for an American flag burning mishap.

Jon Ericson said...

Agree on G.E. Smith.

Birkel said...

Jon Ericson:

Talking Points Memo to the rescue?

Jon Ericson said...

She's all lost in the tabs.

Drago said...

I wonder who bill Clinton is hanging with this evening.

I am forced to pray that it is not someone Jeffrey Epstein provided.

Jon Ericson said...

(in the supermarket)

wildswan said...

Say it ain't so Chuck.

sane_voter said...

Gov Pence is giving the best speech of the night by far. I really like him.

Captain Drano said...

Pence is doing well.

Sebastian said...

@Chuck: "I'd like to be able to vote for Trump with a clear conscience . . . Trump needs to win our votes." As you probably know, I feel your pain. But while I prefer to vote with a pristine conscience, I will do what's best for the country even if it hurts a bit. And as wildswan says, "Wouldn't you say that Trump is trying to win your support?" I think he is making a bid for mine. Sloppily, yes, but still.

Birkel said...

They still sell Tab, Jon Ericson?

Jon Ericson said...

They give 'em away at the top of your browser!

buwaya said...

Pence isn't bad at all. He is a professional politician and has had plenty of practice at this of course.
The most interesting (to me) speaker coming up, tomorrow I think, is Peter Thiel.
I have a suspicion that he make make some sort of comment or announcement, beyond the obvious.

wildswan said...

Anonymous's Rule is:

If you can't think of something ugly to say then don't say anything at all.

PS If you run cold water over burns for a long time then you don't FEEL THE BERN anymore.

Drago said...

buwaya: "Pence isn't bad at all. He is a professional politician and has had plenty of practice at this of course.
The most interesting (to me) speaker coming up, tomorrow I think, is Peter Thiel.
I have a suspicion that he make make some sort of comment or announcement, beyond the obvious."

Buwaya is correct. Thiel is by far the most intriguing speaker. One can't help but think he is destined for the Brendan Eich treatment.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

PBS - Judy Woodruff(D) and Gwen Iffil(D) tinkled their prog-pants after Pence pointed out how the media will be helping Hillary. Then unsuccessfully tried to interrupt. Hacks.

Sprezzatura said...

"They give 'em away at the top of your browser!"

Only libs who look for handouts think tabs are free.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Pence has good honest eyes.

Drago said...

I wonder if obambi will have more BLM thugs over to the White House.

Perhaps BLM hasn't bagged their quota of cops yet to get another invite.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Cruz haters should go F themselves.

traditionalguy said...

The Nasty Cruz's FU directed at the Party for nominating Trump went over like a lead balloon.

Somehow that's supposed to be based on a Myth of a Better Than You Principle guarded by Prophet Cruz's connection with being cult of defeated losers in The Glorious Lost Cause.

Drago said...

PB&J: "Only libs who look for handouts think tabs are free"

If you go retro with Tab, do they make the cans with tabs?

If so, should you create a tab for the tabbed can Tabs?

chickelit said...

@chuck: if you can't stomach Trump, consider voting for Pence.

Captain Drano said...

April how can you stand to watch it on PBS?
There is an RNC YouTube live-stream that doesn't have any interruptions.

buwaya said...

"One can't help but think he is destined for the Brendan Eich treatment."

He is immune to that. He is as rich as Trump, or maybe more so. It seems that it takes either complete poverty or a billion or so to make a free man these days.

Jon Ericson said...

Somebody had to do the dirty work.

Drago said...

buwaya: "He is immune to that. He is as rich as Trump, or maybe more so. It seems that it takes either complete poverty or a billion or so to make a free man these days."

I was thinking more along the lines of social ostracism and personal attacks via multiple mediums.

Anonymous said...

Anti-Trump Republican delegate Ken Cuccinelli told Reuters he escorted Cruz's wife Heidi off the convention floor in Cleveland out of concern for her safety.

"During the course of the speech more and more people were coming down closer and closer to Heidi and (Ted Cruz's father) Rafael. ... When the speech ended, there was an ugly crowd behind us. ... She was trying to leave," Cuccinelli said

Such non violent people those Trumpkins.

sane_voter said...

Cruz should have stayed home. Better not to say anything than come across as a royal prick on national TV.

eric said...

I keep hearing conservatives and Republicans saying that Trump needs to win their support.

What ever happened to the voters who were tired of politicians who pandered to the public and wanted people to just be themselves?

Now they want Trump to pander to them?

Jon Ericson said...

Unlike the flaming protestors outside.

Sprezzatura said...

"The Nasty Cruz's FU directed at the Party for nominating Trump went over like a lead balloon."

I disagree. I'd guess that Cruz's words will dominate this night and at least the next 24 hours of media coverage.

Cruz succeeded if F-ing Trump. As Trump surely realizes.

Jon Ericson said...

Found the TPM tab eh?

Jon Ericson said...

You wish.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

It's good to keep an eye and an ear to what the corrupt-o-progs in the media are up to.

Drago said...

Mike Pence certainly has that "right out of central casting" Senator/Governor look.

Jon Ericson said...

Yup. April.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

How delicate and unsure of yourself do you have to be to think that Cruz F*ed Trump?

Sprezzatura said...

"Now they want Trump to pander to them?"

At least pandering to them would make some sort of logical sense. Scaring them about international terrorists when HRC is more hawkish than Trump, is what is senseless.

Not to mention that this sort of scaring is better when we're talking about Soviet nukes rather than dudes (and gals) who exercise their constitutional rights.

Drago said...

AprilApple: "How delicate and unsure of yourself do you have to be to think that Cruz F*ed Trump?"

Pajamaboy delicate.

Jupiter said...

Anonymous said...
"See, one more reference to Benghazi and dead heroes. Where's the mom?"

Yes, rather tasteless of the Reps to allow her to speak, wasn't it. I'm sure the Democrats won't drag poor Susan Rice up on the stage to explain one more time about the video that caused it all.

Jon Ericson said...

Eh? try again in normal English.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Cruz haters - F off. Really - you sound like pathetic losers. Your guy won. Be happy.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Good speech by Pence, but too long.

Sprezzatura said...

"How delicate and unsure of yourself do you have to be to think that Cruz F*ed Trump?"

After just getting over plagiarism-gate, how can Cruz-gate not take over what low info folks will hear about this convention?

Drago said...

PB&J: " Scaring them about international terrorists when HRC is more hawkish than Trump, is what is senseless."

Hillary is very hawkish on filmmakers.

And which international terrorists are those? Certainly not --redacted-- jihadists.

Jon Ericson said...

Plagiarism-Gate! LOL!

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Pajamaboy delicate. hehehe

Jon Ericson said...

I don't think Anonymous is even going to get paid tonight.

Drago said...

Hillary has the courage to not call out our enemies by name.

Just like George Washington and Churchill!

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

It was the video!

Anonymous said...

Cruz's FU to Trump was sweet revenge for Trump insulting his wife and his father. Who can blame him? Trump played dirty and Cruz was patiently waiting for the right moment to stick the shiv in his ribs.

Jon Ericson said...

OOOh Democrat politics, from an insider.

Drago said...

Anonymous: "Cruz's FU to Trump was sweet revenge for Trump insulting his wife and his father. Who can blame him? Trump played dirty and Cruz was patiently waiting for the right moment to stick the shiv in his ribs."

And there you have the latest talking point.

And yes, that's really all they have.

mockturtle said...

I'm very impressed with Pence! Didn't know he was such a great speaker. And I had said, 'Meh' after his selection.

wildswan said...

I heard that, maddened with pain from burns, Unknown started shouting "Hillary is a liar." But fellow lefties quickly dragged our fellow commenter off for behavior adjustments. The next Unknown will be a new Unknown. Similar, yes, but with slight touches indicating that real Unknown is still being adjusted somewhere. Staring at a large picture of Hillary and defiantly shouting - "Liar, yes, I say LIAR." Brave Unknown.

pm317 said...

Pence was good. Not as boring as I feared. Has a self deprecating air about him which is always good. Pundits are saying Cruz is done.

Lou Pebner said...

How does Cruz look on November 9th if Trump comes up short? He didn't compromise, and either Hillary wins and he is queued up for 2020, or Trump wins and either gets two terms or hands it off to Pence after one.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

AprilApple said...
How delicate and unsure of yourself do you have to be to think that Cruz F*ed Trump?

No one made him attend the convention. When you are pathologically certain that you are the smartest person in the room it will always be difficult to make friends. His parents must have been sick of reading on his report card, 'Ted is very studious but does not play well with others.'

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

""CNN claims..."

That's funny, right there.

Jon Ericson said...

pebner = 1 view LOL.

sane_voter said...

Trump did well picking Pence.

Jon Ericson said...

Well, Anonymous, we are still waiting for another laff!

Sprezzatura said...

You cons do realize that pinning your hopes on something four Americans being killed because Muslim terrorists were angered by an anti-Muslim video instead of saying the Americans died because Muslim terrorists were angered by virtue of being Muslim terrorists seems like grasping at straws. Right?

If anything the, video explanation for the terrorists seems like the stronger way of being scary about the evilness of lunatic radical Muslims. That's supposed to be a good thing for Rs. The more strongly you can point out the nutty evilness or these Muslims, the better, from the R POV.

Drago said...

ARM: "When you are pathologically certain that you are the smartest person in the room it will always be difficult to make friends."

Obama has no friends?

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

I thought Cruz did a nice job. Trumpers were pissed at the end because he didn't say Trump's name. So what.? After all the abuse Trump heaped on Cruz, I don't blame him.

Trump supporters need to grow the F up.

sane_voter said...

I voted for Rubio, was not happy when Trump clinched, but he is my horse and I am going to ride him in November. Compared to Hillary, Trump is Ronald Reagan.

Jon Ericson said...

Thanks for your Biting and incisive take on the convention. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Bernie endorsed Hillary, too bad Cruz couldn't kiss Trump's ass as good as Scott Walker did and give Trump his endorsement. Lyin' Cruz decided to do the honorable thing tonight and told the people to "vote their conscience". It was amazing.

mockturtle said...

Pundits are saying Cruz is done.

Boehner probably had him pegged right. "I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life."

Drago said...

PB&J: "You cons do realize that pinning your hopes on something four Americans being killed because Muslim terrorists were angered by an anti-Muslim video instead of saying the Americans died because Muslim terrorists were angered by virtue of being Muslim terrorists seems like grasping at straws. Right?"

You do realize that not being able to formulate a coherent thought makes everything you write seem like grasping at straws, right?

Jon Ericson said...

Yes, Amazing. LOL.

madAsHell said...

Why does anyone engage Chuck?

Drago said...

Anonymous: "Bernie endorsed Hillary, .."

Leftists always fall in line.

Sprezzatura said...

"Obama has no friends?"

Don't some cons say Reggie is his lover? And Valarie is his BFF who controls him?

Those would count as friends, sorta.

Jon Ericson said...

I don't engage chuck myself, I just refer to him.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

It was the video! - was a lie. PBJ. I know - you like lies. Lies are cool.

It wasn't the video. An innocent person placed in jail for a lie. The video was the manufactured scapegoat used by the democrats and their corrupt hack press to cover for the ineptitude of the Obama administration.

Jon Ericson said...

Mayor in Baton Rouge said he spoke to ValJar.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"If anything the, video explanation for the terrorists seems like the stronger way of being scary about the evilness of lunatic radical Muslims. "

But that was a lie. And a man was hauled out of him home and imprisoned for a year because of a lie. Just to save Hillary's ass.

Doesn't that frighten you at all?

Drago said...

PBandJ_LeDouanier: "Don't some cons say Reggie is his lover? And Valarie is his BFF who controls him? Those would count as friends, sorta."

The New Republic is "some cons"?


That would be news to many.

Jon Ericson said...

The future does not belong to those who won't kiss Mo's ass.

chickelit said...

Jon Ericson said... in Baton Rouge said he spoke to ValJar.

That is not supposed to be out there. Barry was on the links.

Drago said...

exiledonmainstreet: "But that was a lie. And a man was hauled out of him home and imprisoned for a year because of a lie. Just to save Hillary's ass. Doesn't that frighten you at all?"

Again, I don't think you have internalized what the left is all about.

The fact that Hillary lied, and everyone knew she was lying, and they arrested a filmmaker to cover for Hillary/Obama is precisely the sort of thing that the left LOVES about these leaders.

Think of early morning SWAT raids on republican donor homes in WI.

That is the left.

Drago said...

Remember, the most beautiful sound in the world in the muslim call to prayer.

Particularly in Orlando, Paris, Nice, Istanbul, etc.

Jon Ericson said...

The fact that there were three shooters in BR is not supposed to be out there either.

Sprezzatura said...


It's actually easier to point out the depravity of radical Islamic terrorists if it was the video. That's way more insane than normal radical Islamic terrorists. Think about it, someone far away makes a video about Mohamed, and some totally scary, unpredictable Muslim uses this as a reason to kill Americans many thousands of miles away (literally and figuratively) from the video.

That's scary! That's a reason to ban all Muslims--they see a video and they become homicidal!!

It's trickier to scare folks w/o a Soviet Union w/ tons of nukes. Short of that, this video thing is as good as it'll get.

wildswan said...

"Why does anyone engage Chuck?"

I suppose I was thinking and hoping that this convention will heal some wounds and Chuck spoke and - out came my thoughts. Usually I pay more attention to my surroundings.

Jon Ericson said...

You need better drugs, Peanut butter and jelly.

Dude1394 said...

Cruz is done.

Drago said...

PBandJ_LeDouanier: "April, It's actually easier to point out the depravity of radical Islamic terrorists if it was the video."

But it wasn't the video.

They islamist jihadists don't need a reason beyond your very existence to attack and kill you.

Your inability to grasp that makes you the perfect democrat.

Now go out and find some nice old Christian lady who runs a small florist shop or pizza joint and run them out of business like all courageous lefties.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

I get the impression Cruz doesn't do the guy thing well. Some guys just don't understand it, and no matter how successful they may be, they spend their lives as perpetual outsiders among their male peers. It's not machismo, it's a surprisingly subtle code that's utterly opaque to those who don't understand it. W., Bill Clinton, and Trump get it. Gore, Cruz, and Obama do not. Not saying that's good or bad but it definitely speaks to how someone navigates the ups and downs of competition. Not a judgement, just an observation.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"It's actually easier to point out the depravity of radical Islamic terrorists if it was the video."

What part of it was a LIE that put a man in jail do you not understand? Do you not get why that bothers people? If so, you're a sociopath.

I swear, the next time a leftist brings up Watergate, I'll have to restrain the urge to spit.

chickelit said...

Jon Ericson said...The fact that there were three shooters in BR is not supposed to be out there either.

Prediction: every BLM-inspired shooting (God forbid there be more) will always be by lone wolf types -- even if they are not.

Guildofcannonballs said...

This election is already over.

Trump wins huge mandate.

Homosexuals hop on the Trump Daddy Train in desire to hear "mandate" over and over.


Milo and me can't lose.


Jon Ericson said...


Captain Drano said...

"Blogger chickelit said...
Jon Ericson said... in Baton Rouge said he spoke to ValJar.

That is not supposed to be out there. Barry was on the links."

Exactly. Has anyone checked on that sweet mayor lately? I hope he is okay.

Jon Ericson said...

How about the Governor too?

pm317 said...

So Cruz wants Hillary to win now so he can run again in 2020? Come to think of it Christie acted in the same way in 2012, like a petulant child. Cruz needs to grow up and be an adult.

Sprezzatura said...


I get that. And, I agree that they don't need any reason beyond their reading of Islamic texts.

Even so, it's not like it's giving Muslims a pass by saying that their religion is such that a video turns them into murderers of innocents.

And, for the record, it is true that there were a ton of Muslims all over the world that did go nuts because of that video. That's precisely what's scary about Islam. A few folks w/ anti-occupation motivations is manageable. But, a religion that can turn devout folks into murderers when they see a video--that's when you start banning folks from such a religion.

Drago said...

Guildofcannonballs: "This election is already over."

Big city precincts.

Illegals all over the place.

Obama "justice" Department.

Trump will have to actually win by 10% to overcome the margin of fraud and "officially" win by 1%.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Mandate mandate mandate.

Trump Trump Trump.

Mandate mandate mandate.

Trump Trump Trump.

Mandate mandate mandate.

Trump Trump Trump.


Drago said...

PB&J: "Even so, it's not like it's giving Muslims a pass by saying that their religion is such that a video turns them into murderers of innocents"

It's a continuation of an absolute lie that is only offered up in service to the Hillary campaign.


Jon Ericson said...

Grindr, Grindr, Grindr. LOL

trumpintroublenow said...

Trump's family will put him over the top. Hard to say he is a nutcase given his kids turned out so well. On the other hand, Hillary has Bill and Chelsea. Nothing wrong with Chelsea, but she is outnumbered four to one, and that excludes Baron.

We may have Presidents named Trump for decades to come.

Sprezzatura said...

"It's a continuation of an absolute lie that is only offered up in service to the Hillary campaign."

If you're saying that it's a lie that Islam is a religion that can use a video about Mohamed to justify murder, I think the evidence says otherwise. There are some Muslims who do believe that mocking Mohamed justifies murder.

Jon Ericson said...

Chelsea... mmmm

Chuck said...

pm317 said...
... Pundits are saying Cruz is done.

Trump-pundits (Tucker Carlson, for example) are saying that. I'd sort of expect that.

All others are saying that Cruz is still mad, from when Donald Trump made the insanely disgusting claim that Cruz's father was a confidante of Lee Harvey Oswald. And Cruz is setting himself apart, looking to 2020. And other pundits are saying that whether you like or dislike Trump, and whether you like or dislike Cruz, this convention is turning into a weirder and weirder clusterfuck. Which goes directly to the fact that there isn't much of a Trump campaign in charge of this convention. It's like a 50,000 person frat party in the last couple of hours before the cops show up.

Drago said...

PB&J: "If you're saying that it's a lie that Islam is a religion that can use a video about Mohamed to justify murder, I think the evidence says otherwise. There are some Muslims who do believe that mocking Mohamed justifies murder."

Stop being obtuse.

You are flailing about in every way imaginable to change the subject from Hillary's pathetic, self-serving and repeated lie about a video causing the riots in Benghazi.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

" W., Bill Clinton, and Trump get it. Gore, Cruz, and Obama do not. "

I'm a woman but that strikes a chord with me, perhaps because I have one brother, who was a high school and college jock (not an obnoxious or mean one but certainly possessing a certain jock cockiness) who gets the "guy thing" and another brother, more of a loner and intellectual, who does not. I am on the outside looking in but I long ago noticed the easy camaraderie my athletic brother has with other guys, which always seems painfully fake when my other brother tries to force himself to do it. They are both successful in very different fields, but my loner brother had a tough time until middle age, when he finally accepted what he was and stopped trying to play a role.

I voted for Cruz in the primary, but I think the job which would really suit him would be Attorney General.

Captain Drano said...

An excellent read:

Guildofcannonballs said...

"A conservative talk radio host brought the Republican National Convention to its feet – and earned the week's loudest and longest sustained applause – by chastising the hundreds of reporters gathered in Cleveland to hear a night of speeches.
GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump has made press-bashing a regular feature of his campaign rallies, but Laura Ingraham's clobbering was the week's first sign of conservatives' open warfare' against media bias."

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3700492/Do-job-America-Right-wing-radio-host-gets-loudest-longest-applause-Republican-convention-bashing-media.html#ixzz4F0muvJsE
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Drago said...

Poor "lifelong republican" Chuck.

There just aren't enough hours in the day to afford him the time he needs to launch that sustained attack on Hillary that he so desperately wants to launch.

Darn it.

Jon Ericson said...

Naw, Thank Vishnu there were a lot of cops.

Sprezzatura said...

"All others are saying that Cruz is still mad, from when Donald Trump made the insanely disgusting claim that Cruz's father was a confidante of Lee Harvey Oswald."


Newt told the Rs that Cruz was actually telling them to vote for Cruz. Are you saying that was BS spin? Shocking!

Jon Ericson said...

Please speak engrish.

sane_voter said...

Any video of Heidi Cruz actually being threatened on the convention floor? Sounds like a Michelle Fields type smear.

Sprezzatura said...

"You are flailing about in every way imaginable to change the subject from Hillary's pathetic, self-serving and repeated lie about a video causing the riots in Benghazi."

I haven't flailed at all. In fact I've zeroed in on what it means if it was a video that turned Muslims into murderers. This is the most damming, anti-radical Muslim terrorist explanation for Benghazi. Cons are giving the radical Muslim terrorists a pass by not acknowledging Islam is so evil that it can use a video to justify murder.

Saying Benghazi was the result of folks rebelling against an American takeover is giving radical Muslim terrorists a pass. If you can't name it, you can't defeat it. Or, so I've heard.

sane_voter said...

If anyone doesn't remember, Michelle Fields lied about being assaulted by a Trump staffer.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"I don't mean this nastily - but what is it that you want Trump to do? "

Chuck wants Hillary to be President. Duh.

chickelit said...

Pundits are saying Cruz is done.

Since when are pundits correct?

Sprezzatura said...

"If anyone doesn't remember, Michelle Fields lied about being assaulted by a Trump staffer."

And, the NYPD before that.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

PBJ - It wasn't the video.

Radical Muslims point out their depravity just fine without a lie from a democrat pol.

Dude1394 said...

Blogger chickelit said...

Pundits are saying Cruz is done.

Since when are pundits correct?

This time. He was already hated in the party, now they KNOW he can never be trusted. He is ovah.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

One thing is clear about Hillary supporters -- They are cool with lies, self deception, manufactured reality and ah - total bullshit.

sane_voter said...

I haven't flailed at all. In fact I've zeroed in on what it means if it was a video that turned Muslims into murderers. This is the most damming, anti-radical Muslim terrorist explanation for Benghazi. Cons are giving the radical Muslim terrorists a pass by not acknowledging Islam is so evil that it can use a video to justify murder.

Saying Benghazi was the result of folks rebelling against an American takeover is giving radical Muslim terrorists a pass. If you can't name it, you can't defeat it. Or, so I've heard.

Cons are much more honest about the threat of Muslims than Libs. And we are repeatedly called racist by the Libs for that.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

HI ed- fuck off.

Sprezzatura said...


I know it wasn't the video.

But, I've laid out very clearly that saying it was the video is more damming of Islam than saying it was the result of folks rebelling against an American take over of Libya.

In this situation, think they're scoring points by giving radical Islamic terrorists a pass.

Sprezzatura said...

In this situation cons, think they're scoring points by giving radical Islamic terrorists a pass.

Jon Ericson said...

Da Fuq?

chickelit said...

PB&Jelly wrote (agian): Cons are giving the radical Muslim terrorists a pass by not acknowledging Islam is so evil that it can use a video to justify murder

We are more concerned with the context of that election and Obama wanting (needing) to look as blameless as possible. What better way to appear blameless than to blame someone else? And Romney fell for it! Remember, Obama's campaign meme at the time was that terrorists were routed; ISIS was a JV team. The world and our diplomats were safe under Obama.

Drago said...

PB&J: "I haven't flailed at all. In fact I've zeroed in on what it means if it was a video that turned Muslims into murderers."

"...if it was a video..."

It wasn't.

But your continued defense of hillary's obvious, self-serving, repeated lie is duly noted.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

What? Catch progs in a lie or attempting to justify a lie, and their brains fall out.

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sprezzatura said...

"Cons are much more honest about the threat of Muslims than Libs. And we are repeatedly called racist by the Libs for that."

If you really wanted to make them seem scary you'd say that a video could cause a devout Muslim to turn into a murderer.

Does your understanding of Islam say that Muslims can murder folks who mock Mohamed?

chickelit said...

PB& Jelly said (yet again)...In this situation cons, think they're scoring points by giving radical Islamic terrorists a pass.

No, you're refusing to consider out point because you cannot concede incompetence.

Drago said...

PBandJ_LeDouanier: "In this situation cons, think they're scoring points by giving radical Islamic terrorists a pass."

This is so pathetic it's not possible that even the Soros funded "grassroots" talking point generators would peddle it.

Therefore we have an example of PB&J's own handiwork.

Which reminds us why the self-identified moniker #idiotboss fits PB&J so well.

Jon Ericson said...

Have another doobie :-)

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Blogger PBandJ_LeDouanier said...
In this situation cons, think they're scoring points by giving radical Islamic terrorists a pass.

Oh, come now. Obama and Hillary both find it impossible to even say the phrase "radical Islamic terrorists" and you're trying to tell us that it's the GOP who is giving a pass to the terrorists? Because they won't buy into the Obama administration's self-serving lie?

Stop digging. You're about to hit China.

sane_voter said...

Does your understanding of Islam say that Muslims can murder folks who mock Mohamed?

Of course many Muslims believe that, I would presume more than a majority do so (worldwide). do the Mohamed cartoons ring a bell?

Drago said...

PB&J: "If you really wanted to make them seem scary..."

and "Does your understanding of Islam say that Muslims can murder folks who mock Mohamed?"

See how far the termites have spread and how well they have dined.


Sprezzatura said...

So, all the cons here do not deny that claiming a video (or cartoon) can turn devout Muslims into murderers is more hawkish than saying Libyans rebelled against an American takeover.

I.e., HRC lies to make radical Muslim terrorists seem as bad as possible.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"I voted for Cruz in the primary, but I think the job which would really suit him would be Attorney General."

And it probably would have been his (in the unlikely event of Trump defeating Free Stuff) but his ego would not allow him to seperate the no-holds barred competition of the primary from everything else. Trump would have showered him with olive branches but Cruz chose, essentially, to run to HR and complain that his co-workers were being mean to him. Even Rubio probably recognizes that that was a bitch move.

Drago said...

PB&J: "I.e., HRC lies to make radical Muslim terrorists seem as bad as possible."


Day is night.

Up is down.

Four legs good, two legs bad.

Jon Ericson said...

It's Eleven eleven!

Jon Ericson said...

Missed it by -that- much.

Jon Ericson said...

Althouse clock is off!

chickelit said...

Remember Jonah Goldberg's vivid image of gaystapo members going around shooting little old ladies in the head because they oppose(d) gay marriage? Trump supporters should take a lesson from that. There is no reason to go around shooting Cruz supporters when they are down. None.

Sprezzatura said...


It wouldn't be a bad thing if you, and other cons, took half a second to consider the implications of HRC's video explanation vs the rebelling Libyans explanation. HRC's lie is much more damming of radical Muslim terrorists.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I.e., HRC lies to make radical Muslim terrorists seem as bad as possible.

7/20/16, 11:10 PM

You know, you really don't have to lie to make Muslim terrorists seem bad. Raping, beheading, dismembering, burning - that's what ISIS calls "Tuesday."

You know damned well it wasn't about making Muslims look bad - it was about making Hillary and Obama look good.

chickelit said...

PB&Jelly wrote: I.e., HRC lies to make radical Muslim terrorists seem as bad as possible.

She lied in order to make BHO seem as good as possible. Why must you insist on ignoring the obvious?

Jon Ericson said...

You get the consolation prize.
G. Soros

Sprezzatura said...

"You know damned well it wasn't about making Muslims look bad - it was about making Hillary and Obama look good."

I would have been open to that interpretation a while back. But, she proved herself to be a total idiot by thinking she was avoiding scrutiny w/ the server in her "bathroom." There's no way she's smart enough to game out this stuff.

Drago said...

PB&J: "It wouldn't be a bad thing if you, and other cons, took half a second to consider the implications of HRC's video explanation vs the rebelling Libyans explanation. HRC's lie is much more damming of radical Muslim terrorists."

HRC's lie was created and sustained to cover for the failure of the hillary/obama policy.

chickelit said...

PB&Jelly is using Ritmosian logic on us!

Jon Ericson said...


Drago said...

chickelit: "PB&Jelly is using Ritmosian logic on us!"

Au contraire.

PB&J is not in the same league as ritmo.

buwaya said...

Everyone already treats Muslims like some sort of non-rational insect hive. That is the operating implication of the left and much of the right. It prevents assigning personal moral agency, and responsibility, to Muslims, both individually and collectively. For some reason even radical Muslims dont see this as an insult and use the image themselves. Go figure.

The point of blaming the video was to deflect blame from the State Dept and the executive agencies for failing to adequately prepare or react to a predictable, planned attack, which other nations own security organizations had not just prepared for (by withrawing their personnel from Benghazi) but warned the US. As did the Libyans, repeatedly. Not to mention the US local staff and the ambassador. Apparently this was the worst kept secret plan in North Africa. The video was supposed to have been the cause of some spontaneous reaction that could not have been anticipated, some random person poking the insect hive. That wasnt the case, it was what can only be near-acephalic stupidity and negligence by the US government that left that facility vulnerable, almost completely unguarded.

chickelit said...

PBandJ_LeDouanier admits: There's no way she's smart enough to game out this stuff.

Susan Rice said the same stupid thing but she's not stupid either. Someone with higher rank was orchestrating this: probably the same Iranian witch who called the mayor of BR last Sunday.

Dude1394 said...

Wonder if Beldar will show up to defend the greatness that is Ted Cruz in trying to sabotage the Republican Nominee.

chickelit said...

Drago: With all due respect (to you), you give Ritmo too much credit. I have literally lost internet friends over this.

chickelit said...

Unknown said...Wonder if Beldar will show up to defend the greatness that is Ted Cruz in trying to sabotage the Republican Nominee.

Isn't Beldar ensconced over at Instapundit commments?

Sprezzatura said...

" That wasnt the case, it was what can only be near-acephalic stupidity and negligence by the US government that left that facility vulnerable, almost completely unguarded."

This sort of thinking is attractive. Like blaming W for ignoring a specific notification about AQ, or Reagan bugging out after he promised not to retreat from Iranian backed terrorist who killed hundreds.

But, S happens. Four dead folks in Libya was surely an F-up that lands at some diplomat's desk (as w/ W and Reagan). But, this isn't going to touch HRC. And, cons aren't going after the lower levels where the culpability rose to. This is the tell. Cons don't care about the four dead Americans. If they did they'd care about who could have done something. They're hoping this can help their POTUS candidate.

Sprezzatura said...

"Isn't Beldar ensconced over at Instapundit commments?"

Is that where the A game (who used to be here) went?

Is Palladian over there?

Jon Ericson said...

These are not games, Peanut.

chickelit said...

PB&Jelly posits: Cons don't care about the four dead Americans.

We care enough to applaud the mother of one of Obama's sacrifices. We applaud the man who sticks it to the woman who laughed it off.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger Drago said...
PB&J: "If you're saying that it's a lie that Islam is a religion that can use a video about Mohamed to justify murder, I think the evidence says otherwise. There are some Muslims who do believe that mocking Mohamed justifies murder."

There were anti-Western riots in various places over the rumored video in the ME that day. Most of the rioters had never seen the video. The few I saw interviewed looked as though they had never heard of Youtube until that day. Maybe not even then. They worked for dial-a-riot, I suppose.
Only in Bengazi did the protesters carry out a disciplined and sustained attack on the US embassy. They did this because they weren't rioters, they were al Qaida on a mission to attack the embassy and do as much damage as they could before the cavalry showed up.
Well, the cavalry never showed up.
The latest rumor that I've heard is that before the military could go in, they needed Hillary's state department to check off on the operation. They didn't do this until it was too late.
Why didn't they sign off on it? Maybe because there was an election less than two months away and there were political considerations.
If anyone else has a better explanation why the US embassy was allowed to be overrun, I'd love to hear it.

chickelit said...

Is that where the A game (who used to be here) went?

Everbodyy knows the A game went to Lem's (including Palladian). Don't pretend you didn't know that.

Bay Area Guy said...

A few observations:

1. To beat Hillary, the GOP needs to unify. Aggrieved anti-Trumpsters need to put the country's interest ahead of personal pet peeves.

2. I think Pence, a rock-solid Conservative, did a great job. If his spot as VP doesn't appeal to right-wingers or National Review or Weekly Standard, nothing will.

3. I think Ryan did a good job bridging the gap between Trump and the establishment.

4. However, I am concerned about the excessive Trump family members singing his praises. They look like great, well-adjusted young adults, no doubt. But, to win, Trump needs more than that. He needs an army. He needs Cruz, Rubio, McCain, the Bushes, dare I say Romney? - all their connections, all their networks, all their money guys, all their supporters.

5. This is a close election. It will be fought in the trenches. I want Trump to win, because Hillary and he leftist acolytes will cause great harm to the country. So I hope Trump can reach out even more to the disaffected GOP elements, and I hope said elements do the right thing and reach back.

Sprezzatura said...

"We care enough to applaud the mother of one of Obama's sacrifices. We applaud the man who sticks it to the woman who laughed it off."

Sure. And the W and Reagan blunders of much greater impact. Those don't seem so important. Has it occurred to you that some folks, looking at how cons selectively try to use dead Americans as political fodder, might be more than a bit queasy?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I have literally lost internet friends over this.

Your "internet friends" sound as decent and mature as the crew on Clueless.

And so let me get this straight: Because you keep cyber-company (the most meaningful sort, don't get me wrong), with really bitchy, catty kids, I'm the one who's in the wrong logically because they can't act like grown-ups - either by playing you against me or besting me themselves?

That sounds like a logic fail in the extreme. You miss the company of people who intentionally manipulate you, as if that manipulation makes them logically more persuasive than the guy they hate: Me.

You disappoint on so many levels. Illogical, easily manipulated, and socially insecure.

Tell me who these so-called "friends" of yours are who de-friended you for so petty a reason. I will take them to the toolshed myself and make them rue the day they ever betrayed you.

Sprezzatura said...

"Everbodyy knows the A game went to Lem's (including Palladian). Don't pretend you didn't know that."

Did even Trooper show up?

Sprezzatura said...

Wasn't Lem the one who hoped Meadehouse would have been Lemhouse?

chickelit said...

PBandJ_LeDouanier said...Wasn't Lem the one who hoped Meadehouse would have been Lemhouse?


Did you know that Ron invented the term "Meadehouse and that Ann and Meade shamelessly stole it?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I will take them to the toolshed myself and make them rue the day they ever betrayed you.

Not that I'd doubt you'd betray me anyway. Like you did on the day that you de-linked my blog and justified it by accusing me of lying. I asked you when I had lied and you had no evidence of it.

I thought Trump supporters were supposed to value loyalty. I guess sloganeering and winning is just really more important. ;-(

chickelit said...

Althouse and Meade have a bit of history ignoring and belittling their homeless commenters

Sprezzatura said...

"I thought Trump supporters were supposed to value loyalty. I guess sloganeering and winning is just really more important. ;-("

I know what you're saying. Tonight one of the speakers said that Trump always promptly pays his bills. Imagine how shocked I was to learn that this is BS.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Althouse and Meade have a bit of history ignoring and belittling their homeless commenters.

Not to detract from Palladian, but I know how it feels for a chemistry know-it-all to ignore and belittle his best chemistry-post commenter.

I'm going to go full Trump tonight. You're going to hear about all the slights you've subjected me to.

We need to make Blog-land great again. First, go after all the betrayers.

chickelit said...

Tell me who these so-called "friends" of yours are who de-friended you for so petty a reason.

Why would I do that? I forgive them.

Sprezzatura said...

ignoring and belittling are two different things. Right?

Anywho, I thought it was sort of harshly real (i.e. anti PC, as stated in the Trump era) when Althouse kept fat shaming to annoy Trooper. Likewise it was cool when she tried to instigate a Sire V Palladian battle. In fact, early on (in 08), I thought it was reasonable when I was scolded for idiocy by the professor.

Like her ever changing comment rules try to state: keep it interesting.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Tonight one of the speakers said that Trump always promptly pays his bills. Imagine how shocked I was to learn that this is BS.

Did you just learn this tonight? Trump is a notorious stiff. Check out the NYT story on his relationship with Roy Cohn for details.

In Trump's defense, I think he let Cohn off for unpaid "bills" when Cohn never even billed Trump for the many professional, etc., favors he bestowed upon The Orange One. But to still send him bills, especially when he was dying of AIDS, well...

I don't see why anyone should be surprised. He's a quadruple bankrupt who grew his father's business at a rate slower than the rate of growth in the market. A one-time bankrupt is one thing. A serially unrepentant quadruple bankrupt who runs on his "businessman credentials" is a total charlatan. And a cheapskate, to boot.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Why would I do that? I forgive them.

I will never understand you. You always seem to do the opposite of what any self-respecting person would do - no matter the circumstances.

Well, if you're happy with having people walk all over you - while you never fail to imagine big nothings over which to stab me in the back, then I guess that's how it goes. You just must have this way of perceiving the world that I will never understand.

Sprezzatura said...

Ritmo, or Montana, or....

I was kidding about my shock.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But it makes me sad, anyway.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

PBJ - I had a feeling but just wanted to be sure. There is a superfluous googolplex of endless Trump supporters here and everywhere else who seem to buy the TRUMP=LOYALTY AND ACCOUNTABILITY facade hook, line and sinker.

mockturtle said...

However, I am concerned about the excessive Trump family members singing his praises. They look like great, well-adjusted young adults, no doubt. But, to win, Trump needs more than that.

It worked for the Kennedys.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...


I take your point, but the idea that there's more than a handful of Indy voters out there that remember what happened in Lebanon 25 years ago just doesn't have much juice. On the other hand, the architect of the slaughter at Benghazi is running for the Presidency today.

Sprezzatura said...

"who seem to buy the TRUMP=LOYALTY AND ACCOUNTABILITY facade hook, line and sinker. "

Well, they did see him on an NBC reality show. So, obviously he should be POTUS.

And, Kanye's already stated that he's prepping for eight years down the road.

Presumably, sixteen years is enough time to adjust the Constitution for Bieber.

Jon Ericson said...

Thank you Ritmo, for not stinking this place up, like you usually do (until now) P.U.

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