April 30, 2013

"Logic Behind Obama News Conference Hard To Fathom."

"It felt as though something newsworthy must be happening. But as it turned out, not so much."
The president had no announcement to make — not even an opening statement. Instead, he plunged right into the queries, nearly all of them posed in a challenging tone....

Again and again, the president seemed to be saying: "OK, that didn't work out so well, but I tried to do what needed to be done and the Republicans wouldn't let me."...

But no matter how frustrating a president finds this dilemma at the heart of our shared-power system, it does not advance his cause to wear his frustration in public....


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Matt said...


I am not a conservative. I am a little "l" libertarian. As such, I believe conservatives are wrong on certain issues.

I am not Prager's keeper not tracker. Your charge is ridiculous.

Have I been wrong on issues? Hell yes. Have I changed my position based on my previous wrongness? Absolutely, but that has meant a shift to the right as I have learned more.

As it happens, I was referring to Garage being wrong on the FACTS, not on policy positions. I happen to believe that reasonable people can rationally and in good faith have opposing viewpoints. However, Leftists are, by definition, not rational, reasonable nor acting in good faith.

Now, what I am referring to specifically was Garage's contention that the brilliance of Albert Einstein and Jimi Hendrix was a product of our public school system. Laughably stupid. Yet, when that was pointed out did he say "Oops, my bad! Sorry about that terrible 'example'." Nope. He just move on to his next piece of bullshit or personal attack. Totally Leftist behavior.

Why do you take my statements so personally, Harrogate? Are you a Leftist? Or just a liberal? There is a difference you know.

Oh, and for admitting getting something wrong and apologizing for it, I did it on this very site yesterday.

Matt said...

Hey all, AReasonableMan is reasonable, duh! And if you studied history you would know that borders are paramount especially today in our world of advanced means of transportation, duh! Which is why 9/11 was perpetrated by the Canadians, duh!

Also, had you studied history you would know that the US non-intervention and appeasement policy post The Great War is the very reason we never had a second Great War, duh!

Why can't you just bask in his brilliance and understand it is not possible to look at the facts and disagree with in good faith, duh!

And while it is true that public education funding has increased dramatically while the results have stagnated at best, we have not tried world disengagement, decimating the military and turning our education funding up to eleventy trillion, duh! If we did that, our kids would all be smart and our most feared enemies - because of our shared borders, as everyone knows shared borders makes them your biggest threat - Canada and Mexico would finally stopping blowing up our airplanes, buildings and competitive races! Duh! Be REASONABLE, like AReasonableMan. It's not like he named himself or something!!

harrogate said...


I didn't say you were "Prager's keeper." But as it happens I am quite familiar with Prager's Talking Points and conceits. And the truth remains that while Prager for years has caterwauled about how "the Left" never says it is sorry, or wrong, he himself has never done this so far as I can tell, on positions.

I know, I know. Once upon a time in a land far away he was "a liberal" and then he realized the conservatives were right about everything. So, I guess he was "sorry" for his mistaken positions as a young man. Bully for him. And with respect to "facts," it's much the same with Prager as it is for you--that is, it has "meant a shift to the right as [he has] learned more."

So you have a narrative here where "the Left" is castigated for operating in bad faith and for not being willing to admit when it is wrong on facts (and, of course, positions).

You say "Leftists are, by definition, not rational, reasonable, nor acting in good faith." I suppose if you have some sort of Straw Leftist caricature, then good for your airtight definition. But since commenters on this site(as within Libertarian and Republican discourses nationwide) depicts those who align with the Democratic Party on major as "Leftists," then, well, we are launched into a very convenient place.

To Wit: Democrat,s liberals, "leftists," whatever, are unable or unwilling to admit when they are wrong ever.

But conservatives and libertarians are always happy to admit when they are wrong--it just happens that these admissions lead to them being even more conservative or libertarian.

Nice little syllogistic set of bullshit you've got there.

Garage was wrong about Einstein and Hendrix. So what? You don't need to invoke them, or any Outlier, to defend public education. All you have to do is challenge caterwaulers to find some country somewhere, without a public education system, and which is a first rate civilization. You'll be waiting a long time for an answer.

furious_a said...

garage: Why won't Republicans vote with what 90% of the country wants?

You mean the 90% of the 4% (down from 6% in February) of the country who consider gun conrol a top priority?

Swimmin' against the tide, those Republicans are. That's why Democrats couldn't even muster a simple majority for DiFi's "assault weapons" bill, much less a filibuster-proof majority on Manchin-Toomey.

Matt said...


There is too much conflation between facts and policy positions. If someone believes they are wrong on a policy position, they change it. If they think they are already right, they don't change. On what ISSUE, did Prager conclude he was wrong and NOT change his position? Where has Prager said something that is factually inaccurate and not, when corrected, acknowledged he was in error?

My original point was not admitting when they get the FACTS wrong. I believe you and I can in good faith and reasonably disagree on policy issues. Assuming you are not a Leftist. Are you a Leftist?

Leftists are a subset of liberals. Obama is a Leftist. Hillary, while as honest as your standard politician, is NOT Leftist. She is liberal. Leftists are the balls to the wall Alinskies.

Matt said...

Also, not all of my policy changes have been left to right. For example, when I was younger, I was anti-drug. Now, I don't care what people do to themselves so long as they don't harm others.

The War on Drugs has done more harm than good.

AReasonableMan said...

Matt said...
Hey all, AReasonableMan is reasonable,

Not really sure what your point was beyond demonstrating a disdain for teachers and whatever they taught.

Sigivald said...

Again and again, the president seemed to be saying: "OK, that didn't work out so well, but I tried to do what needed to be done and the Republicans wouldn't let me."...

That's almost exactly what I want a President (any President!) to say when Congress doesn't do what he campaigned on.

"I promised to attempt this and that, and this agenda, if elected. But I'm not a dictator, and Congress, also elected by the People of the United States, doesn't want to implement the plans I'd like."

That's how it's supposed to work!

Matt said...

"Not really sure what your point was"

Gee, I'm SHOCKED you couldn't grasp it.

Let me make it simpler: you are stupid and unreasonable.

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