March 19, 2013

"Then the tone of the conversation became extremely religious and she began talking about the two things most important to her being Jesus Christ and freedom."

"Then she talked about how she had just come from a prayer meeting the night before, and the people in her prayer meeting were really worried because these are the end times, and they’re the end times because Prop. 8 is going to lead to ministers marrying gay people with a rifle to the head. At which people got a little riled up; then there started to be some call and response from the crowd about what she meant. She started exhorting the crowd very specifically to go ahead and tweet or write and say that Michelle Shocked says God hates f--s, and some other references to the Bible denouncing homosexuality as sinful and abhorrent."


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The Scythian said...

"for someone who,is therefore in agreement with the point, you seem to be awfully argumentative."

Chickelit was trying to score cheap points off of what she (or he?) thought my position was.

I am not in agreement with that shit, no.

jr565 said...

Or maybe, based on what you had argued up to that point he thought you had a different view than you in act hold.

jr565 said...

Phx wrote:

This is about the hypocricy and one-way-street political bullshit of the "Diversity and Tolerance" crowd.

This is just my opinion and I could be wrong.

Politically that's a big fat losing argument for the right. Just for one thing they always have to end up defending the worst people in order to make it. And then it becomes apparent a lot of them DO like those people after all.

Philosophically, or ethically, that would be an interesting argument for some objective and nonpartisan skilled thinkers to hash out. Although I'm not very smart I'll bet it's pretty simple shit. It's been done a million times but even coming on it for the first time the answer isn't difficult.

pointing out the lefts hypocrisy and or inconcistencies does not mean support of Michele shocked.

sakredkow said...

pointing out the lefts hypocrisy and or inconcistencies does not mean support of Michele shocked.

You're right it doesn't necessarily mean that among thinking people.

Politically it means that however. Nuts.

jr565 said...

It means that to you, because that's what you want it to mean.

sakredkow said...

I told you I could be wrong.

chickelit said...

Youngblood said...

Chickelit was trying to score cheap points off of what she (or he?) thought my position was.

Philly huh? Imagine that. LOL!

The Scythian said...

"Or maybe, based on what you had argued up to that point he thought you had a different view than you in act hold."

That might fly if--and only if--I hadn't already taken issue with dipshit officials who threatened to block Chick-Fil-A based on comments made by Cathy.

Chickelit either didn't bother reading what I wrote and rushed in to get a "gotcha" or... well... there is no or. That's exactly what happened.

Try again.

Balfegor said...

Epater les bourgeois, hein?

kentuckyliz said...

The gay man facility owner can cancel the show but he still has to pay her. He signed a contract.

Canada: minister arrested for teaching that homosexuality is a sin.

The UK: religious retreat houses must provide married housing to gay couples (just like they're straight marrieds) even if their church teaches it's wrong.

It's about more than just forcing churches to perform gay wedding ceremonies. It's bigger than you think.

kentuckyliz said...

Oh, I forgot to add, enjoy the decline, bitches!

Anonymous said...

It's not nearly as well-established as the underlying Catholic principles. Look them up or have your local parish priest explain it to you.

I am not Catholic and do not have a parish priest.

Get back to me when Catholicism is the official religion of the U.S.

Jason said...

Get back to me when you think Catholics accept tyrannical secular law that attempts to force them to violate the Catholic doctrine on the sanctity of life and related teachings about marriage.

One of the problems libtards have: they think their genitals trump everything.

SGT Ted said...

No, the point stands because leftists routinely call Conservatives the vilest things. Any opposition to their Euro-socialism is met with accusations of racism, sexism, homophobia, ad nauseum.

The GOP will put black people in chains, according to the sitting Vice President of the USA.

What a piece of shit Joe Biden(D) is for saying crap like that. I didn't vote for him. You did, even after he said that shit.

The left say very little in the way of criticism about sharia or dictator ruled Arabic governments when said governments are hostile to the USA.

Oh, they will put on a little civil rights kabuki theater, but will do little to actually stop any of it. Usually, they enable it and praise it. See: Arab Spring.

Instead, Bush is a Nazi and war criminal for daring to attempt to put a stop to some of it. The very same efforts when done by Obama are either praised or met with silence.

So, to see this pearl clutching, fainting couch "Oh how offensive" bullshit and stamping on speech when the tables are turned is some mighty tasty hypocricy. You can't weasil your way out of it.

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