September 17, 2012

"If we just wanted the [new i]phone we could have ordered it online."

"It's more about camping out. It's a cool experience. Meeting new people. That's the best part."


Brennan said...

See. A ritual. With chants and all.

It's a religion.

edutcher said...

Same thing as camping out to get the new version of Windows.


SteveR said...

Ironically its probably more face to face communication than the rest of their lives, sitting at dinner checking their FB or Twitter.

Wince said...

Apple fan Jessica Mellow, 27, who says she has been camping out for iPhone 5 since Thursday. She is a veteran Apple camper, having logged more than two weeks waiting for the iPhone 4s.

Who are we to "harsh" Jessica's Mellow?

bagoh20 said...

As soon as we get our phones, lets go to the protest against corporate profits.

mishu said...

The only thing I own from Apple is a few shares of stock. Dance puppets dance!

Dose of Sanity said...


I can't wait to go wait in line for the windows! - said no one ever.

Windows 7 is actually pretty cool. To make up for it, Windows 8 is going to be really, really awful.

As for the cult-like following of Apple - at least people are going crazy over something that has actual use. It's no pet rock.

Curious George said...

The real reason

edutcher said...

Dose of Sanity said...


I can't wait to go wait in line for the windows! - said no one ever.

Only proves Dose of Salts knows no computer geeks.

Memo Cordova said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BarryD said...

I was going to camp out at the Apple store downtown, but I heard the fishing was terrible, the scenery was unexciting, and the cops would bust anyone starting a campfire or drinking Scotch in the evening. So I went camping somewhere else.

Michael said...

I have had an ipod for years. Indispensable for frequent air travel. Then I bought an iPad and considered it a toy until I found out how to use it properly for business. Then, for the hell of it, I bought a MacBook Air since I was on the verge of stroking out every morning as I waited for my PC to boot up and give me a dozen or so messages. The MBA fires up instantly and reminds me to do nothing. Ever. It is a super device. My Blackberry goes in two weeks with an iPhone 5 incoming. No camping involved.

The multiple on Apple stock is still a fraction of that which was on Microsoft at the time it was the largest market cap company on the globe.

The rule of Lemnity said...

As soon as we get our phones, lets go to the protest against corporate profits.

The iPhone is offensive to my wallet.

Rabel said...

"Who are we to "harsh" Jessica's Mellow?"

The lovely Jessica is getting paid to camp.

Larry J said...

I own an iPhone 4. It's a cool device but I'm in no hurry to upgrade. It does what I want it to do. Maybe I'll upgrade in a year or two. It's a tool, not a religion and I don't feel the need to have the newest toy every time someone releases one.

BarryD said...

Agree totally with Larry J.

Apple makes GREAT stuff.

I couldn't care less whether I'm the first to get an incremental revision of what I already have, and with technology, tomorrow there will always be something better for less money. There's too much in life, for me to get caught up in a frenzy over something so mundane as a new version of a cell phone, even a great cell phone.

tiger said...

People with mis-placed priorities.

tiger said...

Work gave me an iPhone 4 and it's a waste of time and money.

No manual, you must go on line to read how to work it.

Unimpressive design plus it's heavy.

cubanbob said...

Elder daughter and I have two IPhone 3's. Hers has been dropped so many times it's a miracle it even works. Walked into the AT&T store and ordered two 5's in about five minutes. The only reason I'm upgrading is because it's supposed to have a better antenna, the towers are pretty far from where I live (all the carriers in my town have the same problem) and even with an MCell it still sucks when I sit outside. The 5 is a cool device but honestly, what kind of moron camps out for a tool?

Micheal, does the MBA have the retina display? My Macbook is going to turn 5 in December and if the MBA does have the retina display I might just get one.

Michael said...

Cubabob. No retina on the macbook air. Just the pro.

The air 13 inch is ultra light if that maters to you. I got it because i fly around a lot. Otherwise i think i would have gotten the pro which seems more substantial and is better looking in my view.

The people who camp are usually paid line waiters i think. Hope.

Aridog said...

"If we just wanted the [new i]phone we could have ordered it online."

Horse pucky unless you like waiting. I ordered two iPads last September, direct from Apple, on-line, with expedited shipping. One came in a couple of days, the 17 days complete with shipping updates daily all the way from China. True Story.

You want anything from Apple, buy it from a Apple store or a authorized retailer where you can actually take the item home with you in the same day. It will cost less, iPads cost me more, by about $80 each, than the exact same iPads from a major authorized on-line retailer in NYC with them in stock.

I was stupid and in a hurry. Don't be me.

Michael said...

Aridog. I hope you are wrong. I ordered online. Dont need it right away. But....

Aridog said...

Michael...for your sake, I hope I'm wrong too. However, if not, the items will get there eventually. I was pissed because both were presents, one for my better half's birthday and the other for my daughter as a cheer-up during her recent divorce. Better half got the on time iPad...daughter had to wait...and I had no control as I had hers shipped directly.

Follow up status from various fu-man-chu locations didn't impress me much. We'd confirmed the order by phone as well, they could've told me and sent me to an in stock location.

Good luck.

Michael Haz said...

An extraordinarily high level of brand loyalty is Apple's reward for product excellence. Good for them. It's an uncommon thing. Ever hear of anyone standing in line for a new Blackberry?

Harley Davidson is much like Apple in terms of brand loyalty. There aren't many businesses whose names are tattooed onto the bodies of customers. That's brand loyalty.

The only thing I don't like about Apple is that I didn't buy a lot of its stock ten years ago.