March 26, 2012

At the Pulsatilla Café...

... we're still alive.


Anonymous said...

The Man Named Santorum will win the GOP Nominee. Why? Else he will throw a Tantorum!

He has gotten no one to endorse him from his Congress days. So, Fat-Newt will be his VP.

The party at the Obama-Biden campaign HQ in Chicago continues. They listen to Cliff Martinez all the time.

edutcher said...

After reading all the legal-ese, I'm sure you felt half gone.

But what a way to refresh yourself!

Beautiful pic.

Warmer up there now?

KCFleming said...

"At the Pulsatilla Café..."

You're so pusillanimous, oh yeah.
Nature's calling and I must go there.

ricpic said...

A mosaic iridescent from out the earth
Announcing with a recitative blast, rebirth.

AlphaLiberal said...

Here is an interesting video looking back 30 years to what climate scientists were saying. Shows that they've been on the right track for a long time. And our inaction is making global warming worse.

Global Warming: What We Knew in 82.

Global warming is the biggest threat we face. History should not look kindly upon the fools and charlatans who slowed our response.

Rialby said...

What are the odds that there will be riots when George Zimmerman is indicted but not convicted of anything more than the unlawful discharge of a weapon in Sanford city limits? You can thank the media and the Black Leadership (tm).

Anonymous said...

refreshing. good post Mrs. Althouse.

shiloh said...

mittens: I Won’t Detail Plans, Because Then I'd Lose

One of the things I have found in previous elections is that announcing my plans makes people want to vote against me!

The truth shall set you free! lol

Almost Ali said...

I think the following statement pretty well sums up the false premise that we're a nation of laws: It's a tax, except when it's not a tax.

Fen said...

Looking more and more like Trayvon Martin deserved to be shot.

The MSM reporting on this has been criminal. Inciting riots and death threats against the shooter and witnesses.

edutcher said...

Rialby said...

What are the odds that there will be riots when George Zimmerman is indicted but not convicted of anything more than the unlawful discharge of a weapon in Sanford city limits? You can thank the media and the Black Leadership (tm).

The only indictment will come from Holder, who will persecute the man until he gets the verdict he wants.

It's sounding more and more like Zimmerman really was defending himself.

And Fat Albert won't stop until he has another Freddy's Fashion Mart under his belt and maybe the blood of another Yankel Rosenbloom on his hands. Hopefully, the Sunshine state will then throw his ass in jail for 10 to 20.

KCFleming said...

Seems like To Kill A Mockingbird is being remade in Florida, with the races switched.

They want a lynching, having already decided the guilt of Zimmerman.

I doubt Bobby Zimmerman will write a song about it though.

chickelit said...

Watched your linked vid, AlphaLib. Thanks.

I thought it odd they didn't mention clouds at all.

Fen said...

The racist blacks have a new hate-shirt to market.

I must say, the choice of models is appropriate.

Fen said...

Black college student who gave TV interview over Martin killing Goes ApeShit on her classmates. Threatens to "kill whitey", assaults white classmate.

Notice the commenters avoiding the obvious - she was radicalized by MSM reporting of "whitey kills black boy in cold blood".

chickelit said...

I doubt Bobby Zimmerman will write a song about it though.

Perhaps some black artist will be contrarian for his time and race and pen a song about bigotry against white hispanics.

Fen said...

Her interview with channel 12 has been pulled off the web.

Gee, I wonder why....

Bender said...

In addition to the eyewitness who saw Martin on top of Zimmerman, and in addition to witnesses identifying the voice calling for help in the 911 tapes as Zimmerman, we now have this report from the Miami Herald that Martin had been suspended from school not only for having a marijuana baggie (as well as a pipe) in his possession, but he was also suspended for graffiti at school.

During the latter suspension, a search of his bag (for a graffiti marker) turned up the more damning, and more supportive of Zimmerman's credibility, evidence of multiple pieces of women's jewelry, including wedding bands and diamond earrings -- i.e. probable stolen goods possibly taken in some burglary. Martin insisted that the stuff was not his.

Martin may or may not have been casing the neighborhood that night, but this destroys any claim that he was a perfectly innocent angel.

AmPowerBlog said...

Keep blogging the ObamaCare arguments, Ann. I read earlier but didn't have time to comment. Thanks...

Hazy Dave said...

The multicolored gravel sets off the flowers beautifully. Good job, you guys.

bagoh20 said...

Regardless of any other facts or what you believe, the economies of the world are not going to drastically cut back CO2 emissions, even if they were to agree to do so, which they also will not do. Rather, CO2 emissions will continue and increase far into the future.

So if you are on that bandwagon, you will be forced to jump off or stay on it for ever - never seeing success.

If you are right about the warming, you will still fail to stop it and will in fact distract us from doing what we can to adapt to it. If you are wrong about the warming, you will be shown to be a fool and do great harm to the cause of science and to the credibility of real emergencies in the future.

So, no matter what, the smart thing is to get off that bandwagon - it's going nowhere.

Joe Lisboa said...

You are a waste of skin and (look in the mirror!) precisely why America is imploding. You are the anti-change you have been looking for. You are a pathetic excuse for a human. I only mention this in these explicit terms so that the next time you cash (haha! direct deposit, peons!) your e-check, you have an opportunity to fail to remember the actual human beings upon whose shoulders your pathetic sophomore Atlas Shrugged "worldview" rests. You are the problem.


Grow a brain. Barring that, grow a heart.

Rick said...

Joe seems to have gone off the deep end. I suppose that those who spend a lot of time here know to whom his eloquence is directed.

Phil 314 said...

On all these issues, but particularly missile defence, this, this can be solved – but it's important for him (Valdimir) to give me space...This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.

rhhardin said...

That's what scientists thought in 82, not knew.

The "science film" was pretty much self-satire then, by the way.

Scientists I knew in 82 didn't think that. They thought mostly that that's how that guy makes his living.

The science film was giving was to computation, and the computation of climate was and is today too difficult to say anything.

bagoh20 said...

"I suppose that those who spend a lot of time here know to whom his eloquence is directed."

I spend too much time here, and yet I have no idea who it's aimed at, but whoever it is, they sound wonderful.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The logical assumption would be to conclude Lisboa is addressing the professor.. since it is the professors blog.

My suggestion in cases like this is not to respond in kind.

And I'm going to take this opportunity to thank the professor.. I've learned quite a lot here.. and without a doubt, I'm a better human for it.

bgates said...

One of the things I have found in previous elections is that announcing my plans makes people want to vote against me!

That's shiloh, making fun of Republicans.

Here's Obama, speaking for himself:
On all these issues, but particularly missile defence, this, this can be solved – but it's important for him (Valdimir) to give me space...This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.

Penny said...



But the spiders, and their webs?

Revenant said...

History should not look kindly upon the fools and charlatans who slowed our response.

Personally, I look with disfavor on the last 10,000 years of human use of fire.

What were those short-sighted maniacs *thinking*?

Penny said...

Laughing here, but only because absolutely NO ONE serves up "web" as intricately as Althouse.

Queen of the Interweb!

Penny said...

Get enough people to back you on that, Althouse, there's no need to take pictures at the State Capital.

Take it from me. You got leadership potential. ;)

Penny said...

"What were those short-sighted maniacs *thinking*?"

Not sure exactly?

But you seem to have an interest.

See where it takes you.

Penny said...

And Rev?

"What were those short-sighted maniacs *thinking*?"

Not ONE clue.

Course, I'm not the Queen of the Interweb.

Have you consulted with Althouse?

Carnifex said...

@ Hazy Dave

I made that same comment to my wife when I was describing the pic...those very words.

OMG! Miss, or should I say Ms. Canada is a Mr!!! I usually have outstanding gaydar but she slipped right past. The stealth transgender. Scary part is I think I'd still hit it.(well except for my marriage and stuff).

Carnifex said...

!! What's this about a school custodian being fired for having a pro-Walker bumper sticker?

Surely the liberal leftist don't think it's good to suppress someone's freedom of expression do they? Apparently some do. Luckily for the woman she did get reinstated, but had to transfer to another district. I'm sure that's not an inconvenience.

By the way, did any teachers get punished for giving false doctor excuses? Or for using their students as human shields ala Saddam Hussein?

Can I use Hussein? It won't upset the delicate sensibilities of the liberals, will it? Has Zero commented yet that the white hispanic male with a german surname (you can't make this stuff up) acted stupidly? Maybe offer a beer summit between Reverend Sharpton, and whomever is in charge of la Raza.

In light of Fast and Furious are hispanics the new "bitter clingers", or are they old "bitter clingers" with a new face?

Any spelling errors are do to my cat stepping on my keyboard. She evidently has something to say, but unlike Koko the signing gorilla, all she can do is meow, and step on the letters. Any untoward odors are the dogs fault, I swear. Any faulty thinking is clearly mine.

Chip Ahoy said...

Mami Mami, ¿por qué se llaman estas plantas las Pulsatillas?

Well, Gladys, first of all, please stop speaking that strange foreign language, and secondly, I will tell you why they call these plants Pulsatillas,

give it a second, Gladys,

wait for it ...


ah, there.

Fen said...

Joe Lisboa: You are a waste of skin and -

Ah Joe, you look so cute in your little Brownshirt with Obama armband.

Did you mommy make that for you?

Carnifex said...

@Chip ahoy

I don't know man, having the sex organs of a plant pulsating like that is pretty disturbing. But oddly arousing.

Carnifex said...

Okay, my cat, the one walking on my keyboard, has changed my screen somehow. Instead of being a split screen with the comments on the left, and my comment box on the right, the comment box is at the bottom of everything. It's all in 1 row, and I don't like it, and she won't tell me how she did it... so...HELP!! how do I change it back?

Curious George said...

"Carnifex said...
Okay, my cat, the one walking on my keyboard, has changed my screen somehow. Instead of being a split screen with the comments on the left, and my comment box on the right, the comment box is at the bottom of everything. It's all in 1 row, and I don't like it, and she won't tell me how she did it... so...HELP!! how do I change it back?"

Ha ha. I know you are being facetious,but my cat does things like this to me all the time!

Saint Croix said...

Instead of trying to outlaw porn, Santorum should fight for a warning label.

WARNING: This activity can lead to babies.

With a cute baby picture.

MadisonMan said...

I like the box up at top, not at the bottom, although maybe this will make people read comments so they don't duplicate things.

Hagar said...

How to show your high regard for the little people

KCFleming said...

The Obama Campaign now sells Obama 2012 hoodies on their website.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

I ♥ Willard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
shiloh said...

"That's shiloh, making fun of Republicans."

No, just pointing out mittens continuing political campaign problems/deficiencies as bgates is also reading impaired.

btw, it's really too easy to make fun of Reps, so why bother.

Meade said...

"When you edited the title (and possibly some text) on the original post, shouldn't the comments have been transferred with the text so that there would exist a single version of the post containing all the comments?"

Why don't you tell us why you think they should have been?

Ann Althouse said...

"Why don't you tell us why you think they should have been?"

What the hell are you even saying?

You're starting to trigger my "bad faith" monitor. You don't make sense. You hurl criticisms. It's just a stupid distraction. I call on you now to justify yourself. Prove that you are here for the conversation and to express a point of view as opposed to just distracting us to mess things up. I'm on track to infer that you have the destructive agenda that is cause for deletion.

Please spring to action now if I am wrong. You need to rebut my presumption, pronto.

purplepenquin said...

The Obama Campaign now sells Obama 2012 hoodies on their website.

Rumor has it that FoxNews has pulled their hoodies for sale off their website because of what Geraldo said about people who wear 'em...

I ♥ Willard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
I ♥ Willard said...

What the hell are you even saying?

If you don't understand my question, in what way can you determine that it is a display of bad faith?

You hurl criticisms.

Ah, now I understand the problem. If you don't like criticism, then you should probably advertise that fact so that people who comment will have fair warning.

Prove that you are here for the conversation and to express a point of view as opposed to just distracting us to mess things up.

I regularly express a point of view. Frequently that point of view involves criticism. If you don't like my point of view, you can ask me to leave. That approach may not appeal to you, but at least it is honest.

I'm on track to infer that you have the destructive agenda that is cause for deletion.

I have no control over what you infer, Professor. I suspect you read quite a bit into relatively innocent comments.

Please spring to action now if I am wrong.

You're wrong. Considering your odd reaction to my completely innocent question about a vanishing blog entry, I doubt that my assertion that you're wrong carries any weight.

You need to rebut my presumption, pronto.

No, but thank you for offering me the opportunity. I don't come to Althouse for this type of exchange. I'm not trying to make your blogging experience unpleasant, and I have no interest in justifying why I should be allowed to comment, especially given the hateful comments of many of your regulars.