ADDED: I clicked on my "Cory Booker" tag. I hadn't written about him since early December, when Cory Booker and Julian Castro were criticizing the Democrats for going all white:
Booker has yet to qualify for the [December] debate. The implication [of Booker and Castro's criticism] is you Democrats had sure as hell better get me into that debate or you're in immense trouble.... It must be so frustrating to Booker (and Harris) to see how many black people just really like Biden. Blond leg hair and all.And back on November 20, I had: "According to the new Marquette poll, only Booker beats Trump in Wisconsin." Kind of important!
AND: Trump kicks him when he's down:
Really Big Breaking News (Kidding): Booker, who was in zero polling territory, just dropped out of the Democrat Presidential Primary Race. Now I can rest easy tonight. I was sooo concerned that I would someday have to go head to head with him!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 13, 2020
९१ टिप्पण्या:
I honestly thought he dropped out six months ago.
T-Bone must be crushed....
Let's see if his Boo sticks around.
Yeah, I thought that Spartacus had already dropped.
His Eminence (abbreviation "H.Em.", oral address Your Eminence or Most Reverend Eminence) is a style of reference for high nobility, still in use in various religious contexts.
Soleimani qualifies according to D's
Cory Booker was similar to Martin Luther King in that both of them used civil disobedience.
For example, when Senator Booker thought that Brett Kavanaugh's opinions about airports' treatment of passengers should be revealed, Booker violated Senate rules and revealed them. Therefore, the public became informed that Kavanaugh opposed racial profiling.
Because of Booker's brave and effective civil disobedience on this occasion, the public fondly calls him the nickname "Spartacus".
So just one gay left.
Last Brother standing, yes? Who's more African-American? Trump, Biden, or Warren? Does it matter?
Bye-ku for Booker:
The country could not
Abide the idea of
President t-bone
Looks like he will have more time to spend with his imaginary girlfriend. Good for him!
All White, now it'll be interesting to see how soon the Dems dump the 2 chicks. A clown car crackup at the intersection of Race and Gender! Full coverage at 10.
Diversity as a doctrine is a double-edged scalpel, and a first-order forcing of catastrophic anthropogenic climate change that breeds adversity.
Let us see who Booker cheers for.
It would be hilarious to have a buttgieg/booker ticket.
Alliterations and Ambiguously Gay Duo jokes for ever.
But that is too much to hope for.
Poor Sparticus. He was certainly one of the more entertaining characters in the Dem candidate menagerie. Sort of wierd and a little loopy. I like how Ace always referred to him as "fiercly heteorosexual".
Booker should be intelligent. His parents are, yet he has played the fool for years.
Bookers candidacy is simply becoming more "selective" as to its supporters.
What would be an appropriate amount of time before Booker and Rosario Dawson "split up"? (wink wink)
Biden's campaign will be finished by the new Peter Schweitzer book out in 9 days.
A beard doesn't make you Abraham Lincoln.
Spartacus departed us.
I guess "invincibility" ain't what it used to be.
Let's see how long his beard sticks around.
Booker played football at Stanford, which is awesome. As a politician though, he seems like a snowflake, struggling to break free from the chains of manhood.
Basically the only candidate to support nuclear power. Well, and Yang. Climate change activists hardest hit.
Drago said... [hush][hide comment]
I guess "invincibility" ain't what it used to be.
1/13/20, 10:47 AM
Neither is "inevitability", apparently.
We, As Democrats; HATE AND DESPISE donald trump, 'cause he's a RICH, OLD, WHITE MALE!!
Show YOUR disgust, with Rich, Old, White, males; vote for a DEMOCRAT Rich, Old,White, Male!!!
Bonus! we're thinking about having a Rich, Old, White, Female as VP!!!!
Dave Begley said...
Biden's campaign will be finished by the new Peter Schweitzer book out in 9 days.
Democrat voters do not care about corruption.
Over 60 million people voted for Hillary.
You are not thinking from their point of view. You keep making the mistake of thinking that they are decent people.
The Bye-Ku is short a syllable in the 2nd line (should be 5-7-5). How about:
The country could not
Get up an appetite for
President T-Bone
“Put a fork in it,”
The country said to T-Bone.
“It seems you’re quite done”
Booker should angle himself as Biden’s VP.
He shouldn't have quit just yet. This put vegan diet in a bad light. Low energy! He should have tried if beef would give him enough stamina to crawl through debate thresholds.
The mayor of New Jersey can't be president.
This just gives him more ammo to complain about racism and shit.
... of course he should eat beef without telling anyone
Now free to be severely heterosexual. Along with Harris, a perfect VP pick for Biden.
Trump kicking you when you're down ensures you stay down
The Big City Mayor
Fell short en route to Greatness
Spartucus Be Gone!
Did Trump kick other Democrat candidates on their way out of the nomination race? Or is he just getting a bit of payback for the Kavanaugh hearings?
Bookers candidacy is simply becoming more "selective" as to its supporters.
Puppet Show and Corey Booker.
Unable to garner enough support. Sad!
A new bye-ku shamelessly stolen/plagiarized from several comments above. Biden approves.
T-Bone accident
At the woke intersection
Of Race and Democrat
Democrat voters do not care about corruption.
Over 60 million people voted for Hillary.
I kind of agree with this BUT:
Let's assume there were four broad categories of voters in 2016.
(A) Voters who really wanted Hillary.
(B) Voters who really wanted Trump.
(C) Voters who couldn't/wouldn't vote for Hillary.
(D) Voters who couldn't/wouldn't vote for Trump.
Group A will shrink unless Warren is nominated. It might not shrink as much if Sanders is nominated (the socialists will be appeased) but if it's Biden the Hillary crowd stays home. At best break even for the Democrats.
Group C is vindicated. The eschaton wasn't actually immanentized. Some who sat out 2016 will actively vote for Trump in 2020 because by most objective measures things are better now than they were before Trump was elected. Come at me. Net gain for Trump.
Group D -- converts. See above. Net gain for Trump.
Group B is all "Booyah!" And the Democrats keep them motivated with impeachment, supporting Iran, talking gun control, talking gender fluidity, etc. At worst, break even for Trump, but probably net gain.
So yeah, the Biden Family Thing might not be a bombshell (even though I think it should be) but unless the Democrats can crack the matrix I've described their nominee is going down hard.
It's what he gets for making a Spartacle of himself.
Just saw a new Dem tracking poll:
Biden - 23%
Sanders - 23%
Buttigieg - 23%
We can now officially say that Biden and Sanders are in a 3-way with Buttigieg for 69 percent. Can't say I've been dying to say this, but here we are.
Lucid wins the thread.
"The suit alleges that in February of last year, just months after coming out, Finley was ordered to move out but refused to because there was no legal grounds for his eviction.
On April 28, 2018, Finley alleges that the family worked together to assault him. Isabel Dawson, Rosario’s mother, allegedly dragged Finley by his arm out of a window and then attacked him.
“Once Mr. Finley was lying helpless on the ground outside, Isabel, who is substantially larger than Mr. Finley, got on top of Mr. Finley’s body and began punching him,” the suit states. “While beating Mr. Finley, Isabel screamed, ‘You’re not so much of a man now,’ which was a clear and denigrating reference to Mr. Finley’s gender identity.”
The suit alleges Rosario Dawson assisted in the assault by sitting on top of him and “actively restraining him while he was on the ground to ensure that her mother could continue battering him.”
Isabel Dawson also allegedly threatened to kill Finley’s cat if he did not move out and stomped on his hand during the attack and stole his cellphone, which Finley alleges contains video of the previous threats made against him."
phantommut said...
Let's assume there were four broad categories of voters in 2016.
(A) Voters who really wanted Hillary.
(B) Voters who really wanted Trump.
(C) Voters who couldn't/wouldn't vote for Hillary.
(D) Voters who couldn't/wouldn't vote for Trump.
Your assumption is FLAWED.
My (bleeding heart liberal, 86 year old) mom didn't vote for Hillary because she wanted her (or couldn't vote for Trump)
My mom (like AT LEAST 40% of voters) Will vote for ANYONE that wins the democrat nomination
My mom despises Bernie Sanders, and Does NOT want him as President (i know, i asked her)
My mom will "reluctantly" go out and vote Sanders, if he is the nominee (i know, i asked her)
Senile old coots, illegal immigrants, DEAD PEOPLE; all vote one way.
chilles said...
Dave Begley said...
Biden's campaign will be finished by the new Peter Schweitzer book out in 9 days.
Democrat voters do not care about corruption.
Over 60 million people voted for Hillary.
True but swing voters might pay attention. With the economy going well, China trade signed and Iran deflating, there are sane voters out there who might notice. Democrat base, of course, do not care.
(Btw, Mr. Finley is a great name for a cat)
I thought Booker would have a larger impact on the race. He isn't stupid or venal in my opinion. He might still make a viable VP candidate.
I think he should have come out of the closet, though- he isn't fooling anyone.
P.S. Am I the only who first read your headline as, "Booger Drops Out"?
Yancy, I think your opinion is over-generous.
There isn't a Democratic candidate that could manage a McDonald's well enough to keep it from bankruptcy. Why is there an assumption that, once in office, they'll actually have a clue about how to keep something as complex as the US functioning?
These are people who have spent their lives on one thing - optimising their political potential inside the Democratic party. That's their entire skill set - and their sycophants are just as bad.
"Booger Drops Out"?
Revenge of the Words.
Biden and Sanders are in a 3-way with Buttigieg
Weird Sisters.
My mom (like AT LEAST 40% of voters) Will vote for ANYONE that wins the democrat nomination
I think it's safe to say that the Dems could put up a banana taped to a board and it would get 45% just for the virtue of being "not Trump". It's largely futile to argue with that particular group, unfortunately. They're unpersuadable and impervious to reason.
On the other hand, they're not the ones that are deciding things. The deciders live in the swing states in districts. That group is actually both persuadable and somewhat susceptible to a rational argument. So we're not doomed yet.
T-Bone must be crushed....
Koko. Serenity now!
I love the way ACE always describes Booker as "Fiercely Heterosexual Cory Booker".
Spartacus may were a loin cloth and little else BUT SPARTACUS IS NOT GAY! YOU HEAR ME? NOT GAY. You hear me fat? Wanna do pushups? Who do I have to beat up after class behind school? Not hear me? Not gay.
Yancey Ward said...
I thought Booker would have a larger impact on the race. He isn't stupid or venal in my opinion. He might still make a viable VP candidate.
I think he should have come out of the closet, though- he isn't fooling anyone
Bye-ku response:
Booker best known for
Congressional grandstanding
Totally not gay.
There isn't a Democratic candidate that could manage a McDonald's well enough to keep it from bankruptcy. Why is there an assumption that, once in office, they'll actually have a clue about how to keep something as complex as the US functioning?
When Democrats are in office, the government is run by the Deep State. That's why they support the statists of both parties.
The thing that is most likely to make one vote Republican is the experience of employing people and running a business. Signing the front of paychecks is a deeply conservative thing,
Doctors traditionally have been small business people, That is what Ted Kennedy, who never held a job, complained about American Medicine.
Obamacare has resulted in almost all doctors being salaried employees. You will see the change in political beliefs over the next few years, as the older generation dies out. The AMA has already flipped.
I think he should have come out of the closet, though- he isn't fooling anyone.
Too late. Imagine what his thoughts are watching Mayor Buttplug get massive financial support.
Obamacare has resulted in almost all doctors being salaried employees. You will see the change in political beliefs over the next few years, as the older generation dies out.
It's already happening, in every aspect of medicine. Practice and science, worst of all...
gilbar said...
Senile old coots, illegal immigrants, DEAD PEOPLE; all vote one way.
1/13/20, 12:07 PM
and they vote that way as many times in any given election as they can get away with...
Remember, you don't just have to beat the D, you also have to beat the marge of fraud!
So, always lie to pollsters and always vote in person on election day.
When they don't know how many votes they need to create, they might undershoot!
Gilbar, my model accounts for those voters. Those are the floor. Rock bottom, no matter if the Dems push a past-its-use-by tuna salad sandwich as the nominee, gonna vote that line candidate. In the Venn diagram view it as the intersection of A and D. Those votes will never change, and the only variable is do they bother to go to the voting booth? The dead always vote when they can; the living not so much.
Koko. Serenity now!
I think they'll get 55% for not being trump.
I think what a lot of people don't get about Booker is that he is actually from (hoity-toity) Bergen county New Jersey.
Everyone from there talks like that. It's really jarring until you get used to it, like a bunch of male "valley girls".
(I like Booker, wish he was my senator and could have seen voting for him for Prez.)
Future historians will be divided as to the motives of Spartacus. None of Spartacus's actions overtly suggest that he aimed at reforming American society or abolishing slavery.
I think they'll get 55% for not being trump.
"Why aren’t I 50 points ahead?"
Deplorables. What'cha gonna do?
Who is styled 'Emimence' other than the cardinals of the Roman Church or the grand masters of the Order of Malta?
’Imagine what his thoughts are watching Mayor Buttplug get massive financial support.’
Would have worked better than the imaginary girlfriend gambit...
Booker hasn't had an original idea since 3rd grade, when he was the first black male in his class to put potato chips on his ham and mustard sandwich.
"Michael K said...
I think he should have come out of the closet, though- he isn't fooling anyone.
Too late. Imagine what his thoughts are watching Mayor Buttplug get massive financial support."
Not among blacks. And Booker knew he had to play the race card.
Not among blacks. And Booker knew he had to play the race card.
Good point but I doubt he fooled anyone.
So Booker ain't booked anymore.
Sayōnara and don't slam the door as you leave Booker.
And tough nuts to ya.
One less gay candidate
where do you go if you're a gay Vin Diesel but flunked acting?
Democrat Party!
Lifting Booker up for "more punishment"
Straight from Wrestling Booking 101
Too bad "Spartacus" dropped out when he did. He could have joined the other Democratic presidential contenders in their stalwart statement of support for the Iranian protesters. Which would come just after their stalwart statement of support for the Hong Kong protesters.
"PICK BOOGER!" wasnt a good campaign slogan anyway.
"where do you go if you're a gay Vin Diesel but flunked acting?"
Maybe, Rosario Dawson is so drunk, she thinks she is dating Vin Diesel.......
Really Big Breaking News (Kidding)
This is probably the only highlight of the entire Booker campaign.
Booker is such a complete phony -- in every aspect of his life -- that he makes John Edwards look honest by comparison.
That alone is a superhuman achievement.
Booker was polling better than Deval Patrick, wasn't he?
My father polls better than Deval Patrick.
And he died in October.
Calisse Tabarnac: "My father polls better than Deval Patrick.
And he died in October."
I'm sorry for your loss.
I'm also very sorry that from now on he'll be voting democrat.
I really cringe when I read tweets like the one Trump wrote about Booker, but I am a bit torn. On the one hand, it is not really presidential, but on the other hand, I don't blame Trump for sticking it to the Dems, celebrities, and MSM who constantly harass and misquote him.
I know lots of Dems who will vote for whoever the Democrats nominates, just as I would have (depending on the nominee) held my nose and voted for any Republican candidate who ran against Hillary Clinton in 2016. What the 2020 election will come down to is which party gets more voters to turnout.
think of it this way--he did Booger a favor.
An accolade from Trump is the kiss of death in Camp ProgLibDem
Taking a hit from Trump is a badge of honor and elevates his status
The Washington Examiner reported today that the alphabets network still run 93% negative news stories on President Trump. The alphabets are morons
think of it this way--he did Booger a favor.
An accolade from Trump is the kiss of death in Camp ProgLibDem
Taking a hit from Trump is a badge of honor and elevates his status
Well, since you put it that way, I wish Trump would have praised Booker for the fine campaign he ran. Wouldn't be surprised if Booker is in the running for the VP slot.
The Washington Examiner reported today that the alphabets network still run 93% negative news stories on President Trump. The alphabets are morons.
Not surprised at all. Amazed, really, that there are actually people who believe the crap that comes out of the MSM.
Agreed. They are ignorant, despicable people. I am pleased that 7700 media jobs were lost in a boom economy in 2019. I pray that 10,000 or more will be lost in 2020. They are the functional equivalent of the Berlin Wall guards.
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