"We are going to have to be on top of it every single day focused every single day, driving forward every single day with unrelenting focus and passion because God gave us this country our founding fathers fought and died for this country, generations of Americans have sacrificed and bled for this country and we are not going to let the radical left —
the Communists — and the American haters take our country. It's not going to happen. Not now. Not ever. So I ask you all to send a message right now to all the bureaucrats,
to all the radical left commies, to the criminal aliens... to everyone who threatens the future of this country...."
Stephen Miller —
at CPAC yesterday — called America's left wing "communists" and even "commies."
I think this is the only serious current use of the word "commie" that I've recorded in this blog. I've quoted a couple comic deployments of the word —
here and
I quoted Rush Limbaugh describing the "Dr. Strangelove" character Buck Turgidson: He just loves war and hates the Russians, hates the commies."