८ जुलै, २०२४

Why does The Washington Post illustrate this article with a photo of a random woman rather than the woman the article is about?

Notice that the woman's name does not appear anywhere in the long headline: "Radio station parts ways with host who interviewed Biden with questions from his aides/Interview 'violates our practice' said WURD president and CEO Sara M. Lomax. The station 'is not a mouthpiece for the Biden or any other Administration.'"

The name appears in the second and third paragraphs of the article:
“On July 3, the first post-debate interview with President Joe Biden was arranged and negotiated independently by WURD radio host Andrea Lawful-Sanders without knowledge, consultation or collaboration with WURD management,” Sara M. Lomax, president and CEO of WURD Radio said in a statement.

“The interview featured pre-determined questions provided by the White House, which violates our practice of remaining an independent media outlet accountable to our listeners. As a result, Ms. Lawful-Sanders and WURD Radio mutually agreed to part ways, effective immediately.”
It's an article about an issue in journalism, and it raises additional issues of journalism.

First, why can't we see a photograph of Andrea Lawful-Sanders? Is there some unspoken rule about not showing a photograph of a black person who has done something wrong? It's especially ludicrous to feature a generic white woman — "a supporter"! — at the top of the front page. 

Second, don't we all suspect that other journalists, dedicated to helping Joe Biden glide into reelection, did what Andrea Lawful-Sanders is paying the price for doing? They're making an example out of her, but weren't many of the rest of you journalists assisting Biden in the same and myriad other ways? 

Here's Lawful-Sanders agonizing on camera:

५६ टिप्पण्या:

Kevin म्हणाले...

Yes, but did the Biden campaign ASK for her to be fired?

More ferreting is needed.

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

Yeah the chick from CNN said after the debate she couldn't believe how poorly Biden did "even though he had all the answers already." This was widely taken, and I did not see any pushback, to mean that the Biden team and CNN had conspired to give Joe the questions and someone (Jill? The interns?) gave Joe the answers.

mccullough म्हणाले...

The woman in the photo with Biden is more attractive.

Occam’s Razor

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

I see, it was white people at CNN doing the rigging allegedly, so I can see careless Joe Biden not raising a fuss to save the black lady's job, since he is a known racist.

Old and slow म्हणाले...

She wasn't fired for asking prearranged questions. She was fired for admitting to it publicly.

Sally327 म्हणाले...

I don't think Andrea is agonizing, I think she is being sincere and trying to own the moment because she wants to continue with her career. I hope she's able to go on and find a really good job that suits her somewhere else.

robother म्हणाले...

She told CNN that the Biden people supplied the questions. That is the fireable offense. Didn't a Black radio interviewer from Milwaukee get the same questions? (I think that may be what tipped off CNN to the fact that the questions were supplied by the White House.) If he hasn't been fired, presumably because he didn't feed the forty wouldn't that be determinative?

Biff म्हणाले...

WaPo can't lead with "Black Woman Fired After Exposing Biden Administration Collusion", can it?

Biff म्हणाले...

Ahem, let me amend that: "Black Woman Fired for Speaking Truth to Power."

walter म्हणाले...

"If you don't cover for my sorry, angry demented ass..you're not B/black!"

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

She was fired for letting the truth out for walk in the sunshine.

Achilles म्हणाले...

Old and slow said...

She wasn't fired for asking prearranged questions. She was fired for admitting to it publicly.


And they have to keep the Black Women with unearned social status like Ms. Lawful-Sanders in line.

She was making good money and had a massive corporation boosting her popularity while she was doing the bidding of the Regime.

Now she has an opportunity to show she has talent and integrity and make a name for herself on her own.

But there is a reason why the vast majority of single women do not like a free market and prefer the life of a "daring single woman" who "fights the patriarchy" in some HR/Media position carved out for them by the Regime.

NCMoss म्हणाले...

The picture is incongruent to the story yet upholds the false idea that biden is highly respected and loved.

Achilles म्हणाले...

I do appreciate that they put a picture of Biden and a "supporter" on the page.

What are the odds that the "supporter" is a run through harem girl now in her 40's with a 6 figure job in government or at some giant corporation that produces almost nothing of value?

walter म्हणाले...

Civility bullshit lives on...

friscoda म्हणाले...

Trump should have the fired interviewer interview him on Truth Social or if some black radio station picks it up. He can tout his black employment record (highest rate ever) and black unemployment (lowest ever) and his support of HBCUs (which Obama has not done). Someone needs to see this as an opportunity.

Captain BillieBob म्हणाले...

The hits keep coming.

ThreeSheets म्हणाले...

Every radio host and programming director who admitted or allowed it should be fired. You aren't a journalist if you ask prepared questions to get access. You are an assistant press secretary.

Some WI host said he asked four of five prepared questions and didn't have time to ask what he wanted to. How does that guy dare call himself a journalist of any sort?

AlbertAnonymous म्हणाले...

“Is there some unspoken rule about not showing a photograph of a black person who has done something wrong?“

Sorry. What did she do wrong? Telling people (after the fact) that she was given the questions? Or agreeing to use the scripted questions in the first place? It’s definitely the former no matter what they might say.

And the reason they used a different photo (showing a random white supporter rather than the actual black woman radio host who got fired) is …. Come on Professor you already know the answer.

To hide the fact she was a black woman. Plain and simple. It’s stupid because the subterfuge won’t last (anyone interested at all can Google the actual fired black woman's name and see for themselves). But the media cannot help themselves.

No matter how much you hate the fake news MSM it’s not enough.

The “soul searching” some of them are claiming they're doing post debate is more subterfuge and denial. They were happy to accept all the WH lies and report them and run cover because they’re all in the tank for the Democrat Party. Their constant repeat of the “cheap fakes” BS like a broken record was nauseating. The whole lot of them is a putrid/toxic/swamp.

DanTheMan म्हणाले...

>>Yeah the chick from CNN said after the debate she couldn't believe how poorly Biden did "even though he had all the answers already."

That's not correct. Erin Burnett said "He goes through six days of preparation, a camp day, more than that. And they know the rules,” Burnett said in a video that has surfaced on X. "He practices with the mics. He knows every one of these questions is coming, and yet he couldn't fill the time.”

A charitable reading of that quote is that Joe Biden's team must have anticipated the obvious questions he was going to be asked.

A more sinister reading is that Team Biden received the actual questions in advance.

Donna Brazile admitted giving Hillary the debate questions in advance in 2016.

We have no reason to suspect that the D's and journalists have become more ethical in the last 8 years.

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

Every radio host and programming director who admitted or allowed it should be fired. You aren't a journalist if you ask prepared questions to get access. You are an assistant press secretary. Some WI host said he asked four of five prepared questions and didn't have time to ask what he wanted to. How does that guy dare call himself a journalist of any sort?

Most people on radio are not journalists. They are news readers or opinion talkers. Even the ones that claim to be journalists are not. like PBS. They are activists with a microphone.

walter म्हणाले...

I'm not sure what was so triggering about paraphrasing Pedo Pete's previous entanglement with podcaster CDG is, but it seems a relevant reference with this contemporary attempt to rope Black media into shilling for him.
He's getting close to invoking lying dog-faced pony soldier, but it would likely get garbled.

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

The white woman in the picture.

Can you imagine was a nightmare Karen/AWFL she is? Find her husband. I'll bet he's miserable.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

Cute (though dumb) white chicks sell papers...

walter म्हणाले...

(That wouuld be Charlamagne tha God)

Quaestor म्हणाले...

What other Administration?

Quaestor म्हणाले...

The station is WURD because by FCC regulations the call letter string can't begin with T.

Bob Boyd म्हणाले...

The white cops of White House media relations put their knee on her neck. She was expected to just be grateful for the access and smooch their bottoms like the elite media do. An example had to be made.

Two-eyed Jack म्हणाले...

Everyone brings up the story of the Emperor's New Clothes, but my guess is that the little boy was not the first to point out the emperor's nakedness. It is just that the first few people to point it out ended up with their heads on pikes outside the palace. Wurd.

Jamie म्हणाले...

The woman in the photo with Biden is more attractive.

Occam’s Razor

The radio host has a lovely voice but, as is so often the case, a have for radio.

I heard her being interviewed by... shoot, who was it? A guy on CNN a station I don't watch, so I don't know his name. A handsome black man with a short goatee style beard, if memory serves, and a perfect bald head. She and another male radio host were both interviewed. She was 100% in the Biden camp. To me, it sounded as if she didn't even understand the thrust of the question - she thought it was fine that she was given a selection of questions and was able to approve them herself in advance.

The male radio host was sort of apologetic about the need to say it, but admitted that Biden was not only not the man he was 45 years ago, but wasn't the man he was two years ago.

Jamie म्हणाले...

Darn it, a FACE for radio!

Bob Boyd म्हणाले...

The WaPo picture of a woman happy and excited and trying to preserve the peak moment of being in the presence of the great man is intended to show how journalism is supposed to be done.

Joe म्हणाले...

Cause they're RACIST.

Rabel म्हणाले...

What's going on with the "supporter's" teeth?

Crest White Strips, Lady.

n.n म्हणाले...

Diversity politics.

RMc म्हणाले...

She wasn't fired for asking prearranged questions. She was fired for admitting to it publicly.

The only thing you're not allowed to do in America today is embarrass the boss and/or cost them money.

Darkisland म्हणाले...

What I found most interesting about the reporting on the story was the use of "parts ways" and that the station said something like "we parted ways"

To me that implies that it was voluntary or mutually agreed. Nothing I've seen led me to believe that.

Was she not an employee? Hired on a contract basis of some sort?

If she was an "employee" in the legal sense, w-2, taxes, workers comp, ss and so on, she was "fired" or in HR speak "terminated" Unless she "resigned" because she was asked to. In which case they can say "resigned".

They can't even use honest language to describe what happened.

John Henry

n.n म्हणाले...

Joe's taste in the opposite sex has matured.

Kate म्हणाले...


It's so rude. Either he thinks he's too cool in aviators, or his eyes are too sensitive because his pupils have been dilated by the drugs.

Iman म्हणाले...

Radio is a sound salvation
Radio is cleaning up the nation
Joe had better listen to the voice of reason
Because the crap they’ve been pulling is tantamount to treason
So Joe had better do as he is told
He’d better stay off the fuckin’ radio

Mason G म्हणाले...

"They can't even use honest language to describe what happened."

Of course not. "Employee Fired For Telling The Truth" would never fly.

Greg the Class Traitor म्हणाले...

Is there some unspoken rule about not showing a photograph of a black person who has done something wrong?

Yes, there is. Which is why the press did their best to hide the fact that it was black males doing "the knockout game" against old Asian males.

You're just now figuring out that the press lies, cheats' nd steals to push their political agenda? Really?

loudogblog म्हणाले...

They're hoping that by showing the photo of a white woman that most people will just assume that the woman who was fired was white.

Scott Patton म्हणाले...

"arranged and negotiated independently by WURD radio host Andrea Lawful-Sanders without knowledge, consultation or collaboration with WURD management,”
How'd she pull that off, anyway? I didn't look to find out, but that could be very impressive.

Scott Adams gives the opinion that suggested questions are not unusual, depending on the circumstances.

Some interviews are informational, friendly, others might be hard news, confrontational.

William म्हणाले...

Her response to her firing was gentle and civil and probably not reflective of her true feelings. Perhaps she's peeved about this, but the trick is not to let it show and, soon, all will be forgiven. The bet here is that her career is not over. A similar contretemps was just a speed bump for Donna Brazile....Dan Rather lost his job, but he went on to accumulate prizes and honors. It's extremely difficult for a journalist to suffer any permanent damage for being too partisan for the Democrats.

Aggie म्हणाले...

@Bob BoYD SAID 11:24: "White House media relations put their knee on her neck. She was expected to just be grateful for the access and smooch their bottoms like the elite media do."

Upstream of the White House is an unfriendly Party, and getting worse. Downstream of the White House is this clueless reporter that inadvertently let an embarrassing detail slip. Frustrations can build, and opportunities to vent them downward without cost are always taken.

But: I bet pretty soon the supporting White House staff will begin to choose to stop running their interference on stories like this, and then the embarrassments (as they really occur), will start to air.

The Middle Coast म्हणाले...

In my world an employee interviewing the POTUS would run the questions by management first, even if just out of courtesy..

Greg the Class Traitor म्हणाले...

Is there some unspoken rule about not showing a photograph of a black person who has done something wrong?

Yes, there is. Which is why the press did their best to hide the fact that it was black males doing "the knockout game" against old Asian males.

You're just now figuring out that the press lies, cheats, and steals to push their political agenda? Really?

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

The woman in the photo should consider suing the paper- the photo was clearly intended to imply that she was the culprit fired.

Temujin म्हणाले...

You could have simply headed this, and any future articles from WaPo, "Why does the Washington Post...".

And walk away.

phantommut म्हणाले...

I'm surprised the Post ran the story at all. Probably newsroom tension between progressive reporters and pro-establishment editors. Modified Limited Hangout in action.

Jim at म्हणाले...

In my world an employee interviewing the POTUS would run the questions by management first, even if just out of courtesy..

Not in mine, and I've been in the business. If management can't trust me to do the job they hired me for - independently - then find somebody else.

Jim at म्हणाले...

To add:

While the White House sent the questions to the reporter, it's not unusual for a flack to reach out before an interview with a candidate and/or politician to discuss possible subjects. Happens all the time.

That said, under no circumstance is the reporter required to play by their rules or to ask those specific questions. And if they are? Cancel the interview and never entertain another one with that candidate/politician.

JIM म्हणाले...

I am not shocked or surprised by any of the myriad shenanigans of Democrats and "journalists" in general, and the anomalies of truth telling are extremely rare without an unforced error.
There's a reason news organizations have very low approval ratings. Though they refuse to recognize why.

RNB म्हणाले...

"He knows every one of these questions is coming..." Not "some of these questions." Or "anyone could reasonably predict these questions will be asked." "He knows EVERY ONE of these questions is coming."

Fr. Denis Lemieux म्हणाले...

It's pretty nefarious why her name is not being highlighted nor her photo being used. It's all about SEO (search engine optimization) and the obvious choice by the editors to make her name and image less searchable. It's the internet age way of burying the story.