८ जुलै, २०२४

A dialogue about Trump and Biden.

Composed by my son John (at Facebook):
“Biden is too old to be president.” 
“But Trump is also old.” 
“But Biden is older.” 
“But since they’re both very old, it’s unfair to focus so much on how old one of them is. Besides, Trump lies.” 
“But Biden also lies.” 
“But Trump lies more.” 
“But since they both lie, isn’t it unfair to focus so much on how one of them lies?” 
“No, all that matters is how much of a liar Trump is. Since Trump is more of a liar than Biden, we shouldn’t talk about Biden lying.” 
“By the same logic, since Biden has a bigger age issue than Trump, should we talk only about Biden’s age and not at all about Trump’s age?” 
“No, we should talk about both of their ages, because they’re only 3.5 years apart and that’s almost nothing.” 
“Is your opinion about the 3.5-year difference based on living through the experience of being in your late 70s or 80s and working in an extremely stressful job that’s notorious for speeding up the aging process, or have you even talked to anyone who’s had that experience?” ...

Read the whole thing. 

८९ टिप्पण्या:

ThreeSheets म्हणाले...

Using age is like using immigration. Nobody is against legal immigration only illegal immigration. The left uses "immigration" to elide the difference.

Nobody is claiming Biden is too old to be president. They are claiming he is too demented. Big difference. Trump and Biden are roughly the same age but Trump isn't suffering severe cognitive decline.

Iman म्हणाले...

“Any plan to push Biden aside will fail. He's simply operating as a proxy for Jill and Hunter Biden, and they aren't letting go of the grift. Barring a health emergency that truly forces him out of the race, the president will remain in until November, and the chips will fall where they may.”

—- Bonchie @RedState

Achilles म्हणाले...

"But Trump lies."

Same old dishonesty.

We have 4 years of Trump's policies.

We have almost 4 years of Biden's policies.

No Democrat will have an honest conversation about what those policies are and what the results were.

Jamie म्हणाले...

Nobody is claiming Biden is too old to be president. They are claiming he is too demented.

Exactly! Answer the question you WANT to answer, not the one you're asked.

In other musings, I think it's interesting that when Hunter B was on trial and question were emanating from certain quarters about why the only charge brought against him was the only one that DIDN'T implicate his father, the clear line about Trump was "convicted felon." Now that Biden's cognitive decline and serial fabulizing (to put it mildly - someone on another thread herein, I think it was, linked to the Twitchy article or whatever you call Twitchy things in which Biden calls Morning Joe and claims to have been there what Trump made the infamous "suckers and losers" comment) is in the public eye, the line is "Trump lies!" with "Trump is old and addled!" in second place.

I always take the "the Left accuses the Right of doing what it itself is doing" with a large grain of salt, but it gets harder all the time.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

Joe is too old now, forget about 4.5 years from now.

Who is running the show?

Who has been running the show?

It's a joke that liberals hate Trump so much that they would rather destroy the nation than go back to 2% inflation and no wars.

Liberals are evil, and at this point, the democrat party is communist.

imTay म्हणाले...

When Biden said that it would take an “act of God” to remove him as the candidate, he was probably quoting what his advisers told him when they were done rigging the primaries so that the voters were denied any choice.

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

Biden is senile. Trump is not. That was clear during the debate and to anyone else paying attention.

Are we now going to say all people > that 70 have the same cognitive ability?

pacwest म्हणाले...

A false premise is going to lead to a false assumption. Every time. False premises is really all the left has going for it. "You can change my premise when you pry it from my cold dead hands."

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ म्हणाले...

Given Biden’s mostly positive record, given Trump’s terrible record, Biden should be mopping the floor with Trump. Joe Biden is running against a criminal. It should not be even close, and there’s only one reason it is close. And that’s the president’s age.

For the fall of 2024, Biden's health will be the issue, and it will be the issue that decisively defeats him.

TJ म्हणाले...

Disappointingly simplistic analysis. Older? As if that's the issue as ThreeSheets said. Lies more? Really? How about what they "lie" about? Is that important? How about all the lies from the media about Trump's "lies"? We've had 4 years of each of these candidates in the office they are vying for with which to judge them. They both sucked at COVID, but almost everyone did to a degree. What about everything else? Where do you get your information? Have they proven trustworthy? Mine have, but there is not a single MSM source my quiver (the closest is this blogs links that I read comments but not the article because they have proven themselves over and over again that they are NOT trustworthy).

I am concerned when smart persons insist on being something other than smart...and for what? For Joe Biden?!?!

tim maguire म्हणाले...

Even when you attack motivated reasoning head on, you still can't get through.

The hairs are split as finely as they need to be. No more, no less.

FullMoon म्हणाले...

“But what’s the alternative? Kamala Harris also has a low approval rating.”
“Don’t you think her approval rating could get a boost if she were announced as the incumbent nominee and received a burst of media attention? Wouldn’t there be some positive effect to replacing an aging white man with a more youthful woman who’d be the second black president and the first Asian-American president?”

There it is again. Competence and experience secondary. Worked for Obama.
Have to admit, traffic around here was great under Obama, second only to traffic during virus shut-down.

FullMoon म्हणाले...

True, though.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

Why vote for Biden if he's incapable of being president, (assuming he's still alive and the candidate in November)? One reason: if he dies or is compelled to step down after reelection, his replacement won't be a Republican. I have voted for Green Party candidates since 1996, but I'll vote for Biden this fall, (or any Dem candidate who may be in place, though I think Trump will probably win, in any case).

Not happily; entirely strategically. No high ideals this time around.

pacwest म्हणाले...

It should not be even close, and there’s only one reason it is close. And that’s the president’s age.

LOL. Nothing to do with past performance? Pull the other one.

RMc म्हणाले...

Biden’s mostly positive record

Kinda like the "mostly peaceful" protests.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

Trump’s terrible record
Were you asleep during Trump's 4 years?
You missed out on low inflation, good employment statistics, and most important to me: A diminishing involvement in overseas conflicts. And then there's the improvement to the Middle East situation that occurred between 2016 and 2020.
All of that is just wistful memories now. Thank you Joe Biden.

BUMBLE BEE म्हणाले...

Jesse Watters had an explanation about Trump that struck me as plausible. He's a real estate salesman. His "lies" are embellishments, not really causing harm. Salesmen are always talking their product up. The 'View' is gorgeous, the landscaping is lush, the cabinets are abundant
the foundation is robust.
Joe's lies are "deceptions" meant to obtain undeserved credit for false accomplishment.

Steve म्हणाले...

Iman said...
“Any plan to push Biden aside will fail. He's simply operating as a proxy for Jill and Hunter Biden"

Hillary said metaphorically that they were all going to jail if Trump won. Hunter and the rest of the Biden clan are saying it literally.

BUMBLE BEE म्हणाले...

Trump was called 'racist' for blocking entry into our country from the source of the pandemic.
Governors were called 'leaders' for sending infected people back into senior care rather than hospitals.

gilbar म्हणाले...

Iman said...
Barring a health emergency that truly forces him out of the race

Assuming that Biden isn't smart enough to quit.. my (oft repeated) prediction holds:
Dead by the end of the 1st day of the convention.. possibly on TV
Grieving Nation "rallies around" Moochelle O'Bama..
Who "wins" with a vote count well in excess on A Hundred Million

gilbar म्हणाले...

is gilbar implying that the dems will MURDER resident Biden? NO, he is explicitly stating it

imTay म्हणाले...

How about listing the worst things affecting the American people that Trump did as president, since his record was so “terrible,” and the best things that Biden did, and if your worst things for Trump don’t go beyond projection and phantasmagoria cooked up by the Democrats and their media, keeping Trump from winning does not count.

Rich just makes baseless claims, doesn’t even try to provide evidence, and given his ‘certainly’ on this, you would think that he has reams of it.

Enigma म्हणाले...

Oh how the political screw turns. The left beat up (younger) Ronald Reagan for being too old back in the 1980s. Reagan was developing Alzheimer's and Nancy was running the White House in his later years. Yep. Now swap in an older Joe with more obvious cognitive issues and Lady Macbeth Biden...

Lefty rock star Don Henley's lyrics from "The End of the Innocence" (1989):

O' beautiful, for spacious skies
Now those skies are threatening
They're beating plowshares into swords
For this tired old man that we elected king
Armchair warriors often fail
And we've been poisoned by these fairy tales
The lawyers clean up all details
Since daddy had to lie


Rules for thee but not for me...Biden has become everything Democrats hated in Reagan...

imTay म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
pacwest म्हणाले...

Since it looks like Biden isn't going to drop out I see the narrative has changed from 'Biden is wonderful' to 'your guy is as bad as our guy'. With a side of 'your guy is even worse'. Lies, hatred and deviciviness is all the left has to run on. Not a good look, and it's front and center for all to see. Losers and suckers indeed.

Aggie म्हणाले...

The Biden Crime Family's legal liabilities, whatever they might be, have been implicitly accepted, and actively managed in the background, as the cost of doing business - by the Democrat Establishment.

The problem they face now, is that the Party Establishment sees a clear path to defeat in front of them. The Party Establishment problem is about to become the Family problem. It'll probably move quickly, once all the dirty laundry gets trotted out, the laundry on both sides that's been keeping Joe's greed problems on the down low for so long.

Aggie म्हणाले...

What's funny is that nobody dares to make the comparison: Joe Biden, with fewer press conferences than any modern President, and Trump, second only to Obama. Trump, striding out to Marine One and trash-talking to all the press clusters, standing there shouting out questions. Every single time, he answered them and was as combative and refuting as he needed to be.

After asking the 'Who's in Charge?' question regarding the past 4 years, I have yet to see a single journalist point out that under Trump, there was no question about who was in charge, and who was leading the charge, out in front of every policy decision - right or wrong.

tim maguire म्हणाले...

Robert Cook said...I have voted for Green Party candidates since 1996, but I'll vote for Biden this fall

What was the worst part of the Trump presidency? The peace? Or the prosperity?

Trump's biggest failures--COVID and deficit spending--were the same failures any other possible choice would have had, so, much as we may not like them, we have no way to add them to our calculations.

imTay म्हणाले...

The worst thing that Trump did was not fire Fauci and put an end to the bat virus gene manipulation experiments in Wuhan that Fauci let continue despite the law because he didn’t think that they were risky.

But we can’t expect the president to see through liars like Fauci and to have the ability to see the future perfectly.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

'Biden’s mostly positive record

Kinda like the "mostly peaceful" protests.'

This is what sane people don't understand but must understand to know what we're up against.

To liberals, all the shit right now; inflation, open borders, high gas prices, school failures, etc. are all successes.

They think Joe has done a stellar job.

It's bizarro world.

pacwest म्हणाले...

But we can’t expect the president to see through liars like Fauci and to have the ability to see the future perfectly.

I see Trump following along with the CDC's guidance as a purely political consideration. He's smart enough to know that every single death would be hung around his neck, and quickly changed his initial personal position of letting the virus run it's course to following the expert advice to avoid the political downside. Fault him for not following his instincts as you like.

Bill, Republic of Texas म्हणाले...

*eye roll*

Stick to your day job, kid.

Mason G म्हणाले...

"How about listing the worst things affecting the American people that Trump did as president..."

This list has been requested many times. Has anyone actually seen one provided?

effinayright म्हणाले...

Biden could show up at the next election in an iron lung, or hi severed head submerged in a chemical-filled fishbowl like Nixon's in "Futurama", and the Dems would still honk and applaud like clapping seals hoping for a fish.

TJ म्हणाले...

Right pacwest.

Trump's failures during COVID according to some friends in Madison was that he wasn't clamping down ENOUGH. He was in a no win situation. Even had he done exactly the right thing, he would be getting no credit for it. And if you think that is assuming facts not in evidence, look at some of his successes (like increase commitment of funds to NATO from other members or the Abraham Accords) and tell me he was given any credit for them from his critics.

Michael Fitzgerald म्हणाले...

Little jaltcoh's exercise in sophist reasoning does provide a glim into the mental gyrations Party members happily twist themselves to serve the Party.

Nothing clever or intelligent about it. I agree with TJ at 11:18am: "I am concerned when smart persons insist on being something other than smart...and for what? For Joe Biden?!?!"

Party members prove that they are the good people, the smart people, and the superior people when they vote mindlessly for whoever the Party points at.

Freder Frederson म्हणाले...

Nobody is against legal immigration only illegal immigration.

Have you read Project 2025? That document is hostile to immigration, legal or illegal.

A diminishing involvement in overseas conflicts. And then there's the improvement to the Middle East situation that occurred between 2016 and 2020.

Actually, there wasn't. Trump increased the number of drone strikes, he boosted troop levels in Afghanistan, was itching for war with Iran, left Syria a mess and even further in the Russian camp, and let the Saudis do whatever they wanted with American weapons in Yemen (and yes I realize that both sides in Yemen are guilty of terrible war crimes, but we were only supporting one side).

As for the Middle East, Trump stood by while Netanyahu continued to expand settlements on the west bank. Trump did not, and does not care, about the Palestinian situation, and if reelected, will probably not try to rein in Netanyahu and let him do "whatever the hell he wants" to the Palestinians.

Just because Israelis can now vacation in the UAE or Dubai is small potatoes.

Michael K म्हणाले...

As for the Middle East, Trump stood by while Netanyahu continued to expand settlements on the west bank. Trump did not, and does not care, about the Palestinian situation, and if reelected, will probably not try to rein in Netanyahu and let him do "whatever the hell he wants" to the Palestinians.

I see Field Marshal Freder has now joined Hamas. Nice of you to let us know but we could safely assume it.

Jamie म्हणाले...

Given Biden’s mostly positive record, given Trump’s terrible record, Biden should be mopping the floor with Trump. Joe Biden is running against a criminal. It should not be even close, and there’s only one reason it is close. And that’s the president’s age.

What is your side talking about, with Biden's "mostly positive record"? What's going well? Especially for the constituencies he claims are his by right?

And you may not want to lean too hard on Trump's trumped-up "criminality," considering that your guy has been known as "the senator from MBNA" for decades.

Kevin म्हणाले...

Biden is too old.

Trump is also old!

Biden is senile.

Yeah? Well, uh, TRUMP LIES!

Michael K म्हणाले...

Blogger Rich said...

Given Biden’s mostly positive record, given Trump’s terrible record, Biden should be mopping the floor with Trump.

Brandon is not the only one senile around here.

Wa St Blogger म्हणाले...

Given Biden’s mostly positive record, given Trump’s terrible record

Like all democrats, you start out with a false premise, you draw the wrong conclusions.

You have to first demonstrate that Biden has a positive record and Trump a negative one. You can't just assert it a priori.

Show your work, or you are just lying.

Mason G म्हणाले...

"Brandon is not the only one senile around here."

He's not senile. He's a liar.

Lucien म्हणाले...

If Democrats decide that Biden is too senile to run, how do they rationalize leaving him in office as President?

pacwest म्हणाले...

Trump did not, and does not care, about the Palestinian situation,

Partly true. Trump realized that the Palestinian problem was unsolvable. The Abraham Accords were designed to cut Palestine out of the equation. It's called a workaround. Typical businessman Trump thinking. Turn an obstacle into an opportunity. Let a problem that has proved unsolvable for decades go. Let it wither on the vine. Move to things that have possible solutions. To say he didn't care about it rings false. He just knew he couldn't fix it. Bypass it. Or spend the next 40 years obsessing about it with no result. Your choice.

Freder Frederson म्हणाले...

I see Field Marshal Freder has now joined Hamas. Nice of you to let us know but we could safely assume it.

As usual, you are full of shit. You are also a proponent of genocide, as you proposed treating Gaza like the Romans treated Carthage. So, you are a terrible person.

Greg the Class Traitor म्हणाले...

“But Trump lies more.”

No, he doesn't.

Joe Biden got booted from the 1988 Presidential campaign because he was caught plagiarizing Neil Kinnocks life, not just his speeches. He lies about college, law school, his sons, how his 1st wife died, and just about everything else.

When it comes to lying, Trump can barely even try to keep up with Joe

Greg the Class Traitor म्हणाले...

Freder Frederson said...
I see Field Marshal Freder has now joined Hamas. Nice of you to let us know but we could safely assume it.

As usual, you are full of shit. You are also a proponent of genocide

The Palestinians, and every single supporter and defender of the Palestinians, is / are supporters of genocide.

That's what "From the River to the Sea" MEANS: kill ever Jew in Israel who doesn't exact fast enough.

The last time there was a ceasefire, the Palestinians ended it by raping, torturing, and murdering over 1200 Jewish civilians. And the Palestinian "civilian" response to that was to go out into the streets and cheer.

Unless you are demanding that Haqmas be destroyed, and the Palestinians unconditionally surrender to Israel, accepting whatever peace deal Israel is willing to offer, what you're calling for is more raped, torture, and murder

Freder Frederson म्हणाले...

Trump realized that the Palestinian problem was unsolvable.

He didn't even try, and did not object to increased Israeli settlements on the West Bank. And he showed his disdain for Palestinians (and the vast majority of the rest of the world and the U.N.) by moving the embassy to Jerusalem.

narciso म्हणाले...

the Hamas declaration only spells out loudly, what the khartroum declaration in 1969 softpedalled

NKP म्हणाले...

The Facebook piece was kinda hard to follow without an ID at the beginning of each statement.

There's a lot of material in there that's more disturbing than Trump OR Biden. Maybe letting everyone vote isn't the best idea.

Narayanan म्हणाले...

Biden is senile
so what! where in Constitution mention compos mentis?

wildswan म्हणाले...

Folks, there's only one Real Orange Man, There's a cheap imitation from China trying to pass himself off as Orange Man New. He hangs around in parks and churches, mumbling indecipherable comments at small crowds which had gathered to barbecue or to pray and which he addresses as "My People." "My People," he screams, "Give me your cash, your cars, your stoves, your furnaces and I will melt them down into a great idol with a F-35 in one hand and a Cross on a Crescent-Sickle in the other - signifying all power has been given to me (all pronouns all belongsa memendbptia) go before us I will lead you into Perfect Land for Moses is dnnbvd and God is also but Turtle Island Lives all the way down ... Orange you glad ... " His voice fades as he turns to a new group.

Make America Great Again. Accept No Substitutes. Demand Real Orange Man. Real Orange Man has already defeated the Democratic Candidate in the 2024 election and he defeated him four months early in 90 minutes between golf games.

FullMoon म्हणाले...

Trump exaggerates, "my hotel is the best in the world,

Biden lies, "I marched with Martin Luther King""

FullMoon म्हणाले...

Facebook post is like hundreds of youtube shorts and tiktoks.

Normal person with microphone calmly asks "why"

"Because Trump is a racist"

" Plenty of examples, just cannot think of one now."

The Mouse that Roared म्हणाले...

Rich: "Given Biden’s mostly positive record, given Trump’s terrible record, Biden should be mopping the floor with Trump. Joe Biden is running against a criminal."

Rich is either dumb or a liar.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Stick with Biden, Jon.

Trump lies!

pacwest म्हणाले...

He didn't even try

He did offer them a place at the negotiation table but his initial position was far removed from Palestinian demands and they declined. I'd agree he didn't try very hard after that. Again, why would anyone keep beating their head against an impenetrable wall? Seems counterproductive. Disdain, or simply realization he wasn't going to be able to reach a direct settlement? Probably both, one growing out of the other.

I also want to touch on your and others use of the word genocide. I assume you have read the 5 items that constitute genocide according to the UN? They are so poorly worded that under 2 of the definitions almost any action (peaceful or not) of one country or group against another constitute genocide. Any military action can fit all 5. You could even accuse BLM of genocide under one definition. Strictly speaking any change intended to change culture, foreign or domestic, falls within the definition. It's kind of a you fill in the blank set of definitions.
The word gets bandied about pretty loosely these days. The UN has its uses, but moral clarity isn't one of them I hope we can agree. And yes, according to UN definitions, Israel is committing genocide according to 3 of the five definitions. Along with 90-100% of other countries in existence past and present.

Maynard म्हणाले...

Freder said: Trump stood by while Netanyahu continued to expand settlements on the west bank. Trump did not, and does not care, about the Palestinian situation, and if reelected, will probably not try to rein in Netanyahu and let him do "whatever the hell he wants" to the Palestinians.

I am already voting for Trump. You do not have to convince me further.

JaimeRoberto म्हणाले...

I reject the premise that Trump lies more than Biden or any other politician. He's a bullshitter for sure, but all of them are. The WaPo lie tracker was a farce. Many of the "lies" were differences of opinion, things that turned out to be true (development time for the Covid vaccine, for example), or double counting if he repeated the same line multiple times.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

Blogger Freder Frederson said…
"Have you read Project 2025?"

I'll get to it as soon as I finish the Steele Dossier.

"That document is hostile to immigration, legal or illegal."
Please flesh out this charge with evidence.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

Rich: "Given Biden’s mostly positive record, given Trump’s terrible record…"

What did you object to, Rich?
Was it the peace or the prosperity?

Laughing Fox म्हणाले...

Freder Frederson: He didn't even try, and did not object to increased Israeli settlements on the West Bank.

So Freder sees a new rule of warfare--what should happen when a country is attacked by, say, Jordan, and rights back successfully, conquering some territory that might be necessary to prevent future attacks. (With good binoculars you can see and aim at Tel Aviv from the West Bank.) What should happen is that the country that defended itself and conquered some territory that would be useful for its defense must give up that territory. That territory MUST belong to its enemies.

Israel has allowed some Israelis to move into unclaimed land on the West Bank, and has not taken over land owned by so-called "Palestinians." (They used to be Jordanians, because that was the part of the "Palestine" territory assigned by the UN to an Arab state.) Israel has given the ARab inhabitants full legal authority over their own people and lands. The only exception is, not making war on Israel. Has something like this every happened in other lands taken in war?

Freder, get exercised about Turkey's treatment of the Greeks on Cyprus if you want to good cause to back.

Freder Frederson म्हणाले...

I also want to touch on your and others use of the word genocide.

My only reference to genocide is in response to the clever people here (Michael K and a few others) who proposed that the Israelis treat the Palestinians of Gaza like the Romans treated Carthage. The Romans entered Carthage and spent 6 days killing everyone they could find and razing the city to the ground. Only on the last day did they start taking prisoners. The 50,000 captives were then sold into slavery.

That is genocide. If Michael K suggested that the Israelis should treat the Palestinians like the Germans treated the Eastern Europeans and Jews in World War II, I hope you would be shocked. He and the others thought they were so clever referring to a genocide that happened almost 2500 years ago.

Freder Frederson म्हणाले...

I also want to touch on your and others use of the word genocide.

My only reference to genocide is in response to the clever people here (Michael K and a few others) who proposed that the Israelis treat the Palestinians of Gaza like the Romans treated Carthage. The Romans entered Carthage and spent 6 days killing everyone they could find and razing the city to the ground. Only on the last day did they start taking prisoners. The 50,000 captives were then sold into slavery.

That is genocide. If Michael K suggested that the Israelis should treat the Palestinians like the Germans treated the Eastern Europeans and Jews in World War II, I hope you would be shocked. He and the others thought they were so clever referring to a genocide that happened almost 2500 years ago.

Freder Frederson म्हणाले...

Israel has allowed some Israelis to move into unclaimed land on the West Bank, and has not taken over land owned by so-called "Palestinians."

This is simply a lie.

Michael K म्हणाले...

The Field Marshal>

As usual, you are full of shit. You are also a proponent of genocide, as you proposed treating Gaza like the Romans treated Carthage. So, you are a terrible person.

By your standards I probably am. I remember that thing in the Constitution Amendments.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

As for "genocide" the Hamas Charter is a more reliable source.

"The charter defines the struggle to be against the Jews and calls for the eventual creation of an Islamic Palestinian state in all of former Mandatory Palestine, and the obliteration or dissolution of Israel.

You weaselly lefties are all about two other parties fighting. I don't see you fighting.

Michael K म्हणाले...

As for "Palestine" Mark Twain described it before Israel was an idea.

Of all the lands there are for dismal scenery, I think Palestine must be the prince… Renowned Jerusalem itself, the stateliest name in history, has lost all its ancient grandeur, and is become a pauper village; the riches of Solomon are no longer there to compel the admiration of visiting Oriental queens; the wonderful temple which was the pride and the glory of Israel, is gone… Palestine is desolate and unlovely.

Another Arab Paradise.

pacwest म्हणाले...

I am against the form of genocide you are describing. It is far to common in the modern world. I was trying to point out what a pile of shit the UN definitions are. As I said the word is used far too loosely. I truly don't consider what Israel is doing as genocide in this sense.

Re: The 2025 Project

I'm not well read on it and it is a long document. It seems more an organizational chart to achieve certain goals than a mandate to me.

The stated goals (or pillars as they are referred to) are

1. Restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect our children.
2. Dismantle the administrative state and return self-governance to the American people.
3. Defend our nation’s sovereignty, borders, and bounty against global threats.
4. Secure our God-given individual rights to live freely—what our Constitution calls “the Blessings of Liberty.”

I have no idea at present how they say they are going to achieve this or the details of each goal or seen how they are fully fleshed out, but from what I've read it's more a how to manual rather than a set of policies.
Perhaps we could have a discussion on it at a later date.

Bob B म्हणाले...

Robert Cook said...
I have voted for Green Party candidates since 1996, but I'll vote for Biden this fall

Confirming that while the Green Party candidates are crazy, Biden is crazier still.

Mason G म्हणाले...

"The word gets bandied about pretty loosely these days. The UN has its uses, but moral clarity isn't one of them I hope we can agree. And yes, according to UN definitions, Israel is committing genocide according to 3 of the five definitions. Along with 90-100% of other countries in existence past and present."

Destroying the meaning of words is something progressives are good at. They're not big on moral clarity, they prefer something more relativistic.

Drago म्हणाले...

"Israel has allowed some Israelis to move into unclaimed land on the West Bank, and has not taken over land owned by so-called "Palestinians."

Field Marshall Freder: "This is simply a lie."

I'm really looking forward to Field Marshall Freder presenting his ironclad evidence in support of this claim with sufficient historical documentation backing it all up!!

Where is it Freder?

Drago म्हणाले...

Rich: "Given Biden’s mostly positive record, given Trump’s terrible record, Biden should be mopping the floor with Trump. Joe Biden is running against a criminal."

The Mouse that Roared: "Rich is either dumb or a liar."

Given LLR-democratical Rich's consistent "performance" on this blog, its easily more liar than dumb, though Rich has demonstrated some hilariously dumb takes on issues in topic areas he has declared himself to be quite knowledgeable about. Primarily in the business and technology space.

Drago म्हणाले...

Field Marshall Freder: "Trump stood by while Netanyahu continued to expand settlements on the west bank. Trump did not, and does not care, about the Palestinian situation, and if reelected, will probably not try to rein in Netanyahu and let him do "whatever the hell he wants" to the Palestinians."


Field Marshall Freder, perhaps you should start by understanding the 3 categories of West Bank geographic areas and the rules which are operative in each before displaying any further ignorance on this matter, like you do on so very many matters.

Go ahead. We'll wait....as have all who have requested you come up to speed on any topic....and are now most likely...skeletal from such extended periods of time.

Jim at म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
rehajm म्हणाले...

Is that a real conversation? I’m gonna need proof of their degrees if those two want to continue claiming educations…

Marcus Bressler म्हणाले...

I thought I had read that Project 2025 was a product of the Heritage Foundation and that Trump had already said (or Rubio and Vance have said on his behalf(?)) that he disavows the Project as a whole. Dems are POUNCING on the idea that SOME of the goals listed in the document at goals that conservatives WANT.

Now we know what a shitecan of a person Cookie is: he would rather have the armed forces and the nuclear football in the hands and control of a President Biden that is clearly not up to par in the mental capacity arena any more --than vote for a Republican. If Biden starts a nuclear exchange that I survive for any reason whatsoever, I believe in genocide for those who voted for him. How's those hot potatoes??

Drago म्हणाले...

Marcus Bressler: "I thought I had read that Project 2025 was a product of the Heritage Foundation and that Trump had already said (or Rubio and Vance have said on his behalf(?)) that he disavows the Project as a whole."

That is precisely correct.

Trump had absolutely zero to do with the Heritage Project 2025. Trump's plan is listed quite plainly on his website and is titled Agenda 47, which anyone can read for themselves.

pacwest म्हणाले...

From Trump's Social account:
I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they're saying and some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them. - Donald J Trump

The criticisms are mainly directed at the fact that a few of the people working on P25 were in the Trump administration.

Heritage also states that they are not connected to Trump. They are "making a template they believe would best for any incoming Republican President".

Nonetheless I believe Project 2025 does merit examination. You aren't going to rectify the problems with the deepstate with Schedule F alone.

@Freder I highly recommend you follow Drago's suggestion and read Agenda 47 for yourself. That's what an informed electorate is all about and one of the reasons I visit this site regularly. I did not know Trump had disavowed P25 in that manner. Now I do.

Mikey NTH म्हणाले...

That exchange is an example of trying to reason someone out of a position they never reasoned themselves into.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

"Robert Cook said...'I have voted for Green Party candidates since 1996, but I'll vote for Biden this fall'

"What was the worst part of the Trump presidency? The peace? Or the prosperity?"

We had no greater peace under Trump than under Obama. The occupation of Afghanistan that began under George Bush's invasion and continued under Obama also continued under Trump. The US troops were withdrawn from Iraq by Obama during his term in office. (The Iraq war was also started by Bush, premised on lies.) Trump can be credited for not starting any new wars, but he didn't withdraw our troops from Afghanistan. We still have prisoners held in limbo in Gitmo.

The prosperity was largely a result of the eight years of growing prosperity that Obama managed to salvage and build from the wreckage of Wall Street at the end of Bush's second term. The prosperity continued growing under Trump (as prosperity tends to do if no crisis occurs), but not extraordinarily so. Of course, that was all killed by the global pandemic.(BTW, Trump didn't complete "building the wall" and he didn't bring back the jobs from China.)

I didn't notice any extraordinary improvements in any aspects of US life, society, or economy under Trump's term. He just bragged it was all great, the "best ever," and everyone inclined to like Trump simply accepted his boasts as truth. Trump's greatest actual achievements are bamboozling suckers into believing any tales he tells about how his own greatness.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

"We still have prisoners held in limbo in Gitmo."

That is, we are still keeping prisoners in limbo in Gitmo.

Goldenpause म्हणाले...

All politicians lie. Senile politicians don’t know they are lying.

Static Ping म्हणाले...

Not bad. It is a pretty classic example of someone wanting a certain conclusion and then twisting all evidence to make sure the conclusion holds up.

walter म्हणाले...

Freder Frederson said...

Nobody is against legal immigration only illegal immigration.

Have you read Project 2025? That document is hostile to immigration, legal or illegal.
Do tell.
But keep in mind immigration of any sort is a zero sum proposition.
Pedo Pete has surged and distributed illegals.
Therefore..(think Freder)

Kirk Parker म्हणाले...

"Nobody is against legal immigration"

The hell you say.

I have nothing whatsoever against anyone from any other country, but I think we need a half century moratorium on all immigration.

Rusty म्हणाले...

Comrade Cook said,
"I have voted for Green Party candidates since 1996, but I'll vote for Biden this fall, "
Because, fuck the working class. Right, Robert?

Freder you dumbass.
2025 Project? Seriously? This is the thing you're afraid of? Is the Heritage Foundation hiding in your closet to jump out at you at night?
I've read it. What isn't outright lame is simply the usual conservative boiler plate suggestions and nothing in it is unconstitutional.

Freder Frederson म्हणाले...

I've read it. What isn't outright lame is simply the usual conservative boiler plate suggestions and nothing in it is unconstitutional.

I did take Drago's advice. Unfortunately, I went to Trump's website to find it. You can't read it, it is a bunch of videos (unless I missed something, somebody provide a link to the written document). Trump does suggest unconstitutional actions, for instance, declaring he will end birthright citizenship through an executive order (it requires a constitutional amendment, although with this Supreme Court they might let him get away with what is a clearly unconstitutional act).