July 8, 2024

"If any of these guys don’t think I should run, run against me. Go ahead, announce for president. Challenge me at the convention."


Rabel said...

He's fine.

Robert Marshall said...

Or we could just square off on pushups. See who can do more!

Quien es mas macho?

Joe Smith said...

This is so ironic.

The democrats are masters of keeping out anyone but the deep state option.

They do not run open primaries, and rig the process with super delegates.

But still moan about 'my democracy.'


Joe Smith said...

'Or we could just square off on pushups. See who can do more!'


Mr Wibble said...

RFK should take him up on the offer.

robother said...

Give Joe a script and a friendly audience, he's always good to go. If only running the world or the US economy could be scripted.

RMc said...

"Challenge accepted."

Big Mike said...

Sanders might just do that

Darkisland said...

Why does Brandon get to call Joe "Pal" and more generally get to address people by their first names, yet he expects to be addressed as "Mr President" or "President Biden"

Not just him but all politicians.

If I ever meet Brandon, or President Emeritus Trump, I'll be happy to call them President whatsit. But only as long as they call me Mr Henry. Ditto any other pol.

The second they go into first name basis, I'm in first name basis with them. I have no problem with either. Kind of prefer first names. My only concern is reciprocity.

I also liked the way he pointed out that Joe and Mika are not "elite" nor members of the elite at 1:22. They are just someone that can be called "pal".

John Henry

Real American said...

None of the folks calling for Biden to drop out are saying they'd do a better job. They're saying he's going to lose because he's senile. Notice, Democrats don't much seem to care that his senility requires him to step down from the office, only that he's losing to Trump due to his senility so he should step down.

They care about power, and power only. They don't care about "democracy" or "putting country first" as they often claim. Joe Biden is now an impediment to retaining power, so he needs to go.

Dave Begley said...

Joe's just raising the bid on the amount of the bribe for him to get out.

It's all about the bitcoin.

Michael K said...

That Democrat convention next month will be far more entertaining than the Olympics. I've read that the 1920 Democrat convention worried about the Ku Klux Klan taking over. This will be even more fun.

Curious George said...

Retard rage.

Yancey Ward said...

Joe Biden did not kill himself.

Original Mike said...

"They know so much more," Biden said sarcastically. “Any of these guys that don’t think I should run, run against me. Announce for president, challenge me at the convention.”

The time to do that was in the primaries. But you rigged those, didn't you?

stlcdr said...

With all this Democrat winning, to the actual meat-and-potatoes - that is, what are you going to do for the people and states you represent - when are the people going to get their shot? Why can't they have their shot at a level playing field now? or last year? or the year before that?

Disparity of Cult said...

In the full clip, Biden mentioned Mika's brother (Mark Brzezinski, current US ambassador to Poland).

Enigma said...

Keep at it Joe, you'll soon have an online version of the Chicago 1968 convention riots after all.

Soon the Squad and Clyburn will have to deal with a nonresponsive Biden, a cranky Biden who refuses to be pulled around by his nose. The Party will be over.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

I don't think the Democrats could make me any more happy, than by having a nomination fight at their convention

Kathryn51 said...

robother said...
Give Joe a script and a friendly audience, he's always good to go. If only running the world or the US economy could be scripted.

Give Joe a script - and keep him off the video - feed, something that the White House is perfectly capable of setting up for an interview.

From Twitter (someone named Ryan Grim): “I’m reading from a list of lies,” Biden says by phone on MSNBC. At around the 7 second mark you can hear paper shuffling and he loses his train of thought before the papers settle again."

n.n said...

We should have a real democracy and send the President, Congress, Justices, bureaucracy et al to their homes. With the advent of the Internet, a true democracy is a viable choice.

Iman said...

Go ahead, pal!

n.n said...

Siri, Andrea, Amazonia, Chat, etc, what say you? Will the next President be a diverse assembly of massively correlated automaton constructs with punctuated intelligence?

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Yancey Ward said...
Joe Biden did not kill himself.

Kamala Harris didn't kill herself
Neither did "Dr" Jill Biden

Iman said...

“Retard rage.”

Hemorrhoid rage

doctrev said...

Now playing:

Metallica - King Nothing

Careful what you wish
Careful what you say
Careful what you wish
You may regret it
Careful what you wish
You just might GET IT

mezzrow said...

Winner of the DNC's "Maverick of the Month" award - Joseph R. Biden

He's feisty.

Iman said...


Gusty Winds said...

Biden was confident in the 2020 and 2022 voter fraud efforts. That's it. He's not some political soothsayer. He's a fraud.

Narayanan said...

1920 Democrat convention worried about the Ku Klux Klan taking over.
r u saying did not happen? or did they just take off robes and hoods?

Gusty Winds said...

Doesn't Mika just make you want to puke? Her smiling approval of the angry old man reading from a talking points script.

I wonder if Democrats aren't as confident in their voter fraud apparatus as they were in 2020 and 2022. If they were confident in it, why call for Biden to quit? No need.

In a clean election Trump wins, and Kari Lake heads to the Senate. The fraud in GA, PA, WI, MI, and AZ are everything.

Old and slow said...

A radio call in interview huh? So the only reason we might have to believe that was actually Biden is the fact that he sounded stupid and belligerent. Are his handlers subtle and clever enough to have a fake Biden act like an arrogant dumb-ass (but at least coherent) just for the sake of realism? I ask this with tongue about halfway in cheek...

narciso said...

she doesn't want to end up dead, like the other girl, it's sort of like state of play, with scarburro playing the ben affleck character,

retail lawyer said...

"I give you word as a Biden"

Narr said...

I know it's crude and childish, but I think of the Scarboroughs as Schmoe and Zika.

tim maguire said...

Biden had challengers, and if they really thought they should beat him, they should have done better in the debates.

Oh wait...

Joe Smith said...

I would give a lot if Trump would promise to open a new investigation of Scarborough's dead intern.

No statute of limitations dontcha know.

Hilarity would ensue : )

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The DNC rigged the nomination process by excluding everyone not named Joseph Robinette Biden from the state ballots. The DNC now owns Brandon. Brandon is going to lose in a landslide.

Gusty Winds said...

Joe Scarborough Nov 2023 - "In a 2nd term, Trump will imprison, he will execute whoever he is allowed to imprison, execute, drive from the country. Just look at his past. It’s not really hard to read"

Scarborough is an asshole. False fearmongering at its worst. An evil worst.

Morning Joe sets the talking point stage for the liberal media each day. Makes you wonder how that intern really died in his congressional office for him to lie and sell his soul like this. He does it without hesitation or shame.

PM said...

Joe is really starting to become Homer Simpson.

narciso said...

and yethe misses the point


the evidence suggests, this was so, the fact the coroner was subsequently jailed for selling body parts, you can't make this up

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

Why is Biden yelling? Is this his bunker voice?

Why is he telling the critics to run against him? Isn't it too late for that? Isn't that the whole problem?

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

To compare Joe "Brandon" Biden to Homer Simpson or Bozo is an insult to Homer Simpson and Bozo. Those two are/were successful entertainers who didn't pander nor take bribes.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

Hehe. "Bunker voice". Good one.

narciso said...

Dan Castaleneta, only played dumb, maybe more like Side Show Bob,

jpg said...

The amount of blatant cheating in this election is going to be epic.

fairmarketvalue said...

Thread winner: Yancey Ward @ 12:15

Yancey Ward said...


I was thinking almost exactly the same thing- as Biden was talking I was hearing that ever present clip from Downfall.

Hassayamper said...


Firehand said...

Because, especially for some people that job title(also goes for Representative and Senator) has become way too damned important. And you're supposed to use it, no matter what, to prove you know how important they are.

Milo Minderbinder said...

Move Biden and his challengers over to TopGolf.

doctrev said...

Gusty Winds said...
Joe Scarborough Nov 2023 - "In a 2nd term, Trump will imprison, he will execute whoever he is allowed to imprison, execute, drive from the country. Just look at his past. It’s not really hard to read"

7/8/24, 1:19 PM

GOOD. I'll hold the rope.

Narayanan said...

I see silver lining in old candidates! -

it is almost like having a founding grand-father in White House
may even be able to enquire original intent!

Deep State Reformer said...

I can't see that there is much more to poast about FJB at this point unless something happens beyond the usual talking faces palaver in the media. I hope that Biden stays in just for the ensuing political chaos that would cause. I further hope that Traitor Joe & his głupia dziwka are right about Blormf's intentions should he win. To paraphrase Clemensa from The Godfather:"There has to be a war every so often Mike. It gets rid of the bad blood." I believe this is quite true, and America has a LOT of bad blood to get rid of.

MadisonMan said...

Old Man Yells at Cloud.

narciso said...

Biden is the anti Hacker, the protagonist of Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister series, a series that showed way too much insight into British politics, Hacker, was an average backbencher, with a fair bit of common sense, a good heart who often bested the Whitehall Mandarin Sir Humphrey Appleby,

robother said...

Interesting that Mika asked Joe for assurance that he doesn't have Parkinsons or some other "pre-condition" and he just babbled on about his schedule, his COVID test before the debate. A revealing non-denial?

D.D. Driver said...

That is just the type of passion and confusion America is looking for. Great job, Joe.

D.D. Driver said...

Who here *still* believes Joe will be on the November ticket? I have been saying for at least two years that this would happen. I thought it would be like April or May to be honest. But, Biden is being cancelled.

Get your popcorn ready. I think we still have lots of fun twists and turns. But, I honestly do not see Trump getting re-elected being one of the twists.

Both parties have election poison on the ticket but only the democrats will fix the problem.

Jersey Fled said...

Joe Scarborough:

"In a 2nd term, Trump will imprison, he will execute whoever he is allowed to imprison, execute, drive from the country. Just look at his past. It’s not really hard to read"

He was President for four years. Name one person he imprisoned, executed, or drove from the country.

Then do Joe Biden.

Darkisland said...


Me. About 75% chance he is on the ticket. For no other reason than that it is too late to change.

But Kamala may be promoted as top of the ticket. Still running as VP but with the understanding that she will be president by early 25. Both parties will be promoting the idea that a vote for Biden-Harris is a vote for president Harris.

I'm 50-50 on that.

John Henry

n.n said...

Max Headroom Makes His American TV Debut

Highly urbane and interactive. Headroom for President. Is he still being generated?

Joe Smith said...

The smart R play is to keep Joe on the ballot.

The smart D play is to keep him on the ballot and hide him.

Jim at said...

Tool - Ticks and Leeches

Is this what you wanted?
Is this what you had in mind?
Is this what you wanted?
'Cause this, this is what you're getting

Breezy said...

The DNC enabled Joe to sail through the primaries, fully knowing the whole time that he was/is a time bomb. Too bad so sad that they had no control over the detonation. Just another unintended consequence that the Dems are known for.

Joe is basically telling them all to F off - “No one F’s with a Biden”! Didn’t they hear him say that over and over? LOL.

Michael K said...

Blogger Narayanan said...
1920 Democrat convention worried about the Ku Klux Klan taking over.
r u saying did not happen? or did they just take off robes and hoods?

Sorry. It was the 1924 D Convention.

Captain BillieBob said...

The democrats like to bring up FDR when talking about presidential candidates who were not in the best of health while running for office but they never mention that FDR died 11 weeks after taking the oath of office. A vote for Biden is a vote for Harris. Just sayin’

Aggie said...

This is the truth of it !

Captain BillieBob said...

Who should be concerned that the walls are closing in today?

Breezy said...

If they force him out, will he start sharing things that are meant to be kept secret? If he remembers them, that is. There’s that.

Goetz von Berlichingen said...

The smart American play is to pressure our representatives into removing FJB ASAP.

Who is running the government? Private GOP voices should be telling their colleagues that the pile on will begin if FJB is not gone this week. With key media already on record calling for Joe's abdication, poll numbers will only plummet as the voters take in the spectacle of a sitting President at war with his own party...in an election year.

Speaking of war; my biggest concern is that a desperate FJB administration and the Democrats will get us involved in a conflict as a tactic to rally more voters. It is a proven way to get the public on your side. Remember GWB's 92% approval rating for the couple months after 9/11? I've a son in the military and he already knows he will be deploying overseas in a few months. He, and all service members, deserve a commander-in-chief who is at least capable of dressing themselves.
I'm praying for the GOP to block any political adventurism from the current Jill Administration and any subsequent Harris Administration.

I don't believe the GOP would allow Harris a VP pick before the election.

Goetz von Berlichingen

The cheating will be stupendous.

phantommut said...

From Matty Y:

When Ezra Klein wrote his original open convention column in February, I took all of his points, but thought it was premature. Biden didn’t need to drop out, I thought, he needed to get in the race and impress people. The State of the Union quieted some doubters. Ezra didn’t recant, but he conceded that if SOTU Biden started appearing regularly, then Democrats might be out of the woods. I thought that would happen.

Ready for a scary thought? The difference between SOTU Joe and Debate Joe is that the President's condition deteriorated that much over that time.

If so where will he be in three more months?

pacwest said...

With the advent of the Internet, a true democracy is a viable choice.

Mob rule. That's the ticket!

narciso said...

Full captain oveur

Dave Begley said...

The Biden Crime Family has a golden ticket and they aren't going away on the cheap.

Biden has the delegates for the convention. He'll make the donor class and Harris pay if they want him to quit.

Joe really has them over a barrel. Why in the world didn't the Dems let anyone primary him? They knew he was senile two years ago!

Balfegor said...

With his characteristic strutting macho attitude, Biden challenged Trump to show up to a debate, at which he pretty much fell apart on the first question. I think the one thing that could trigger a delegate revolt is dueling speeches, with Biden being Biden and the alternative being, well, compos mentis.

I was going to say "and not crazy left wing," but actually, I think Democrats still don't understand that ordinary voters don't see Trump in the same apocalyptic terms as they do -- I think the median voter finds his antics embarrassing, but doesn't think he's a threat to "democracy" -- and as a result a lot of them may think they have more of a chance to run a real far-left looney and still win.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

It’s game over if no one takes up President Biden’s “challenge me at the convention” offer. It would be easy enough to do, just come forward and challenge President Biden to release his delegates from their pledges and allow them to vote their consciences. But asking for the vote is one thing, winning it is a whole nother level of difficulty. Meanwhile, Joe Biden has positioned himself as running against the party elites and the media.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

RFK jr. wanted to run against Biden.

The corrupt Soviet left would not let him. Pushed him out.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

RFK jr. tried to run against Biden. The corrupt Soviet left said no - and pushed him out.

Static Ping said...

Biden always makes terrible decisions, even when he was not senile. I suspect this is another one of them.

My suspicion is if they want him gone he'll have a heart attack or a stroke or get eaten by a shark or something like that.

RCOCEAN II said...

Joe Biden cannot be kicked off the ticket. He can only drop out. Looks like he's staying the course. The virtual convention isn't far off, and if he remains this combative, this will all die down.

Marcus Bressler said...

Joe and Mike run their show from their garage in their home, adapted as a set, here in Jupiter FL. A friend of mine mentioned this to me several years back (so I have no confirmation - but maybe their address is on the Voter Registration Rolls) as he performed some the work (I think extending the A/C or adding additional A/C into the garage. Of course, electrical work and all sorts of internet stuff also had to be done. I am not saying they did not get a building permit to do so, but I do wonder if they are running a business from their home, and is it permitted/fees paid as other businesses have to do? Maybe, since he shared this pre-China Flu, they have moved their show to a regular studio and use the one at their home only on bad weather days. Again, this is an unsubstantiated rumor, and if I have the time, I may do some digging in public records. I don't know that they are breaking any laws or HOA regs. I do know that regular, non-elites (see what I did there?) probably would not be able to run a business out of their home in an area sound for residential.

who-knew said...

"They know so much more," Biden said sarcastically. “Any of these guys that don’t think I should run, run against me. Announce for president, challenge me at the convention.” Then the obvious follow-up question is "so, will you release your delegates on the first ballot to allow an open convention". Of course, that wasn't, and won't be asked.

Marcus Bressler said...

A Yahoo story about the home studio. published April 2024

Oh Yea said...

You know Joe is in trouble when Democrat Sherrod Brown is waffling on Joe. “I’ve talked to people across Ohio,” he continued. “They have legitimate questions about whether the president should continue his campaign, and I’ll keep listening to people.”

Brown is in the fight of his political life with Trump stooge Marino. If there is a big defection soon it will be from the down ballot elections that are I competitive races who don’t want Joe to drag them down.

rehajm said...

I get invited to baseball games by an big american bank. they have two suites, one is next door to the owners box. For dome reason the owners don't always cater their suite so often times the sub A celebrities what mooched owner invites spill over into the bank box to eat their spread. one day it’s lupica joe and mika. Those last two are every bit as delightful as you would imagine…

Marcus Bressler said...

"Initially, the network installed a tight in-home studio at a property near Jupiter, Florida, that would eventually grow to include an array of video panels that combined to create a smaller-scale version of the corner video wall installation in Studio 3A back in New York.

"The new version of the studio, meanwhile, is in Miami."
From an article two years ago. So which is it? Or is it both? I've never subjected myself to that show or that duo.

rehajm said...

I’m starting to believe their plan is to raid the treasury and offer Taylor Swift a trillion dollars for an endorsement…

Darcy said...

This dilemma couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of assholes. Their voters included.

Marcus Bressler said...

Detail by Officer/Registered Agent Name - Sunbiz.org
Sun Biz
http://search.sunbiz.org › Inquiry › SearchResultDetail
JUPITER, FL 33458. Name Changed: 03/01/2017. Officer/Director Detail Name & Address Title D SCARBOROUGH, JOE. P.O. BOX 668. JUPITER, FL 33468. Title D

The tax strategy behind Joe and Mika's Florida 'studio'
Page Six
https://pagesix.com › 2019/01/26 › the-tax-strategy-beh...
Jan 26, 2019 — By moving to Florida, he'd reduce his tax burden by roughly $550,000. Scarborough reportedly makes $8 million a year and would pay 6.99-percent ...

doctrev said...

RCOCEAN II said...
Joe Biden cannot be kicked off the ticket. He can only drop out. Looks like he's staying the course. The virtual convention isn't far off, and if he remains this combative, this will all die down.

7/8/24, 4:25 PM

Well yes. The American oligarchy uses Idiot Bluff as their primary tactic, and are genuinely surprised that even Jill Biden sees through it. These imbeciles deserve to face the tumbrils far more than the French royals ever did.

Taylor Swift, Matthew McConFace, and Ryan Driver Gosling won't be enough to carry the Rats after Epstein/ Weinstein, and they're not going to be nationally humiliated by Orange Man if even Mooch declines the honor.

Marcus Bressler said...

I also found a story with a Google Map of his address here, which I will not post. I DO respect privacy of people in their homes, even if they are using it to be Media Sycophants of the Highest Order. The irony of their TDS is, because they thought he had no chance of beating Herr Hillary, they gave him LOTS of free publicity in the run-up and during the campaign AFAIK. Imagine their chagrin watching the POTUS-elect and his fair lady come down the gold escalator. Sweet

narciso said...


bagoh20 said...

I'm marinating in all the promised boring normalcy.

imTay said...

You know who he sounded like? That politician guy in "O Brother, Where Art Thou." If he ever did the stuff he said he was gonna do in that speech, Trump would be gut shot? It's because the Democrats no longer care about the working man that their support went to Trump. He's no Svengali, it's economic self interest.

Joe Biden broke the railroad workers strike because he was worried about inflation before the mid-terms. That's right, Joe Biden broke a strike. Donald Trump told the automakers that if they moved their factories from Michigan to Mexico, he was going to slap a tariff on the cars form Mexico. You know what happened right after that meeting? The automakers got together with the heads of the unions and they all agreed: "We have to get rid of this son-of-a-bitch Trump, by any means necessary."

But let's all pretend that the Democrats care about labor, they know that all they really need is to co-opt the leadership, who control the money that pays the "volunteers" to work elections, and to show up at "rallies" and "protests."

One of the saddest things about this whole affair to me personally, is to see that the "left," whom I always figured were misguided, but not actually evil, and whose core value was against sending soldiers from the working class to fight soldiers from the working class in other countries, to benefit the hyper wealthy? Well it was to find that people like Robert Cook support wars, at the end of the day, they are not lefty, they are neoliberal, which is basically a neocon, but they differ slightly on economics. Neocons are, if you use the economic and political system are fascists, and the neoliberals are socialists. But they all believe in endless war.

But if you want a belly laugh, in their haste in France to keep Le Pen out of power, they now have to form a government that includes the communists. Good and hard, good and hard.

imTay said...

I think that there is an "in all good conscience" clause, but it would take an "I am Sparticus" type moment for those life-long Democrats to use it.

imTay said...

"Joe Biden has positioned himself as running against the party elites and the media."

He even painted himself orange.

Mikey NTH said...

Who do you think wants to ruin his or her political career wresting the nomination away from Joe, and then take a fractured party into the campaign home stretch? It is fun to speculate when you don't have any skin in the game, but real people would have to deal with the "And then what?" question.

Odi said...

How are we sure this isn't an AI voice?

imTay said...

"In the full clip, Biden mentioned Mika's brother (Mark Brzezinski, current US ambassador to Poland)."

Mika's father is the one who wrote the plan to use Ukraine to smash Russia that we have been following ever since. Either he was Nostradamus, or it's a plan. This war in Ukraine was the topper of it, that's why we did everything that we could to provoke Russia, the only way it wouldn't work is if we were stupid enough to strike first.

imTay said...

"Who do you think wants to ruin his or her political career wresting the nomination away from Joe..."

Ron DeSantis has some time on his hand, and he has experience now, 2nd time's the charm!

Jim at said...

Meanwhile, Joe Biden has positioned himself as running against the party elites and the media.

Considering those two entities put Biden where he is today, this is guaranteed to blow up in his face.


walter said...

"I don't know if people know this or not, Biden used to be a hot head. Sometimes that Irishman would get in front of the reasoning, sometimes he would say things he didn't want to say. This is -- and I don't -- you know what I don't really -- start your tape right now because I'm about to tell you the truth. And F--- you if you can't handle the truth. This version of Biden intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever. Not a close second. And I have known him for years. The Brzezinski have known him for 50 years. If it weren't the truth I wouldn't say it."

Rusty said...

Dave Begley said...
"The Biden Crime Family has a golden ticket and they aren't going away on the cheap.

Biden has the delegates for the convention. He'll make the donor class and Harris pay if they want him to quit.

Joe really has them over a barrel. Why in the world didn't the Dems let anyone primary him? They knew he was senile two years ago!"

Because they thought they could cheat their way through this one too. The RCP poll has Trump by 3.4.
Arizona has Trump at 5.4. Ohio at 8.7. Pennsylvania at 5.3 Georgia at 4.0. Unlike 2019 people are paying attention now They aren't going to be bullyed into leaving the vote count.

It's far too late to add anyone to the Democrat ballot. The Dems can't field anyone that the voters trust.

narciso said...

thats really a stretch imtay, mind you zbig had silly notions like encouraging the pakistani warlords like ismail khan, that provoked the afghan invasion as foolish as the chechen intervention some 15 years later,

Paul said...

If they try to use the 25th Amendment on Biden I strongly feel ALL REPUBLCANS SHOULD VOTE AGAINT IT!!! So that way the Democrats have to keep Biden... and Biden will face Trump in Nov!!! Host the Democrats on their own petard!!!!


Achilles said...

Yancey Ward said...

Joe Biden did not kill himself.

Stroke caused by Warfarin overdose seems most likely.

Nobody will think twice if he has a stroke. The INI will come back low if they do the test a few days later.

Mason G said...

"If they try to use the 25th Amendment on Biden I strongly feel ALL REPUBLCANS SHOULD VOTE AGAINT IT!!! So that way the Democrats have to keep Biden... and Biden will face Trump in Nov!!! Host the Democrats on their own petard!!!!"

Unfortunately, a portion of Republicans (don't know the actual percentage) are actually Democrat Lite. So there's that...

Achilles said...

Left Bank of the Charles said...

It’s game over if no one takes up President Biden’s “challenge me at the convention” offer. It would be easy enough to do, just come forward and challenge President Biden to release his delegates from their pledges and allow them to vote their consciences. But asking for the vote is one thing, winning it is a whole nother level of difficulty. Meanwhile, Joe Biden has positioned himself as running against the party elites and the media.

This is close.

But the timing is most important.

They have to keep the window of exposure short on Michele. She will last 2 or 3 months of scrutiny at most. The more people see of her the fewer will support her.

So Joe will fight to a date and have a medical emergency.

Then as he becomes a martyr the campaign will try to sneak Michelle in.

Most likely scenario.

imTay said...

"The Brzezinski have known him for 50 years. If it weren't the truth I wouldn't say it."

That's. about a. damning as it gets. Did they all invite Ann Applebaum and her husband, Radislaw, who thanked the US for blowing up Germany's supply of affordable natural gas, for charades? What a rogues gallery.

As for Brzezinski, we can talk more about that later, but here is an interesting snippet from an interview with him:

NO [Le Nouvel Observateur] When the Soviets justified their intervention by affirming they were fighting against a secret American interference nobody believed them, though they were telling the truth. Don’t you regret it?

B: Regret what? That secret operation was an excellent idea.
Its objective was to lead the Russian to the Afghan trap, and you want me to regret it? The very same day the Soviets crossed the Afghan border I wrote the following to President Carter: “This is our chance to give Russia its Viet Nam.”

NO: Aren’t you sorry either for favoring Islamic fundamentalism and providing weapons and consultancies to future terrorists?

B: What is the most important thing when you look at world history, the Taliban or the fall of the Soviet empire?
Some excited Islamists or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War?

Basically he admits here that we founded Al Qaeda. He was just like Dr Fauci, he had the hubris to play with dangerous things that he could never control.

imTay said...

BTW, 9-11 furthered the neocons' plans, and quickened the pace of them. Is it that hard to believe that we might have known the plans of an organization we created, and that some in our government might have calculated, given what Brzezinski said in the above interview, remember, he was at the highest levels, that some in our government might have calculated that this would put Americans into the mood to fight the wars that they wanted fought?

imTay said...

Biden, if you recall, did not want to kill bin Laden, and bin Laden ordered his men not to kill Biden.

Yancey Ward said...

"My suspicion is if they want him gone he'll have a heart attack or a stroke or get eaten by a shark or something like that."

Just challenge him to some mountain biking at The Grand Canyon.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hunter and the family need a huge buy-out - or no deal.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Joe's the One!
The illegals have their ballots.
All the dems have is cheat.

Aggie said...

"If any of these guys think I should run, then run against me. Announce for President. Challenge me at the Convention....."

I know this might be an ignorant question, but what challenge is Biden issuing to his naysayers? They're about to have the convention. Doesn't Biden already have the delegates locked up? If this is the case, then..... what exactly is being put at risk by throwing out this kind of bully challenge? The Biden nomination is essentially a 'given' at this point, not so? And the convention to follow largely an opportunity to show the down-ballot and give all the candidates their time on stage? Asking, because I don't know the finer points of the Party charter, how delegates can be revoked under challenge (I doubt it). As usual, it appears like Biden has made another macho-sounding empty threat.

Joe certainly has his 'angry-combative' voice on, there. You know what I wonder, since we can't see Joe on camera? I wonder if it is really Joe, or some high quality A.I. voice synthesizer - James Bond, Blofeld-as-Willard White - style. It's too different from the debate, too sharp. You notice: He didn't answer any questions - there was no back and forth dialog. He just bloviated and threw down. I do realize this sounds off-the-rails, but this is version 2018 Joe, not version 2024 Joe on the phone.

Bob Boyd said...

There were Dems who wanted to challenge Biden in the primary. The party squashed all challengers with the active help of their propaganda arm.
Was that really Joe on the phone?

Ampersand said...

I look forward to the impassioned speeches that will support the nomination of Joe Biden at the Democratic Convention. They will galvanize the electorate. They will cement Joe's place in history.

narciso said...

again it's more complicated, zbig went on the factions of the peshawar circle that the ISI the Boys from Aapbara, had selected, and the bulk of the weapons went to Hekmatyar, Raisul Sayyaf
Mullah khalis, the godfather of the Taliban, a little to Massoud who did most of the actual fighting, of course Casey and co, did manage the operation for the next five years,

Deep State Reformer said...

Why don't the GOP Republican Conservative Independent RINOs and all the rest of the fake opposition party start asking Dems and media types if THEY will "accept the 2024 election results" like they've been doing for decades or so? But no. These f***ing goofs have NO game. They'd be better off letting rappers and neck-bearded hipsters and comedy writers do their
media campaign instead of the usual grifting "consultants" who never move the poll numbers. FFS Republicans. At least give us a game.

Ampersand said...

This is what happens when your purportedly grass roots small d democratic nominating process is a charade, a Potemkin Village of predetermined three card monty. I can already hear the throaty huzzahs of the delegates as Joe enters the arena to give his acceptance speech.

They've known since 2019 that he's gaga. They thought they'd get away with it one more time.

To the 40+ percent of the American electorate that still support a brain dead candidate -- you deserve the Democrats. The rest of us don't. One Kalorama presidency was disastrous. Two would be sadistic.

Quaestor said...

Ampersand writes, "They will cement Joe's ..."

...feet in a large bucket.

Aggie said...

One of the Biden loyalists thinks that Joe should have all the help he needs - right there on the debate stage, with him.

Not only that, but: “A candidate should be allowed to let staff members actually answer questions for them.”

Just stop the hammering !

PM said...

The face of What, Me Worry?

Yancey Ward said...

"I know this might be an ignorant question, but what challenge is Biden issuing to his naysayers?"

I would imagine that he is daring someone to step forward as an actual potential alternate candidate. So far all that has happened is a bunch of people not wanting the nomination telling Biden to step down. It isn't completely without merit to issue this challenge.

Yancey Ward said...

Of course, there is always RFK, but he is persona non grata to the Dems.

Barry Dauphin said...

The Dems may be worried about his electability but we do not have a functional president. That is far more serious and a giant scandal.

Dr Weevil said...

imTay, who already told us a few weeks ago that it is certain - not just a horrible possibility but a fact - that intelligence community killed JFK with the complicity of LBJ, now comes out of the closet as a 9/11 'Truther'. And he expects us to believe anything he says about world politics? Hahahahaha!

jaydub said...

Dr Weevil, just remember imTay is actually the Tim of Vermont fame and everything he says comes into focus. It's still BS, but focused BS.

Deep State Reformer said...

When Lenin died in 1924 they used taxidermy in order to display his corpse like a deer head or trophy fish. Now, one hundred years later the nomenclatura are doing the same thing with Biden only they're not waiting for his body to die first.

Ralph L said...

get eaten by a shark

Eaten by wolves, like Gerald Ford.

boatbuilder said...

To those who think that the Republicans would not support a Democrat 25th Amendment challenge, consider what this would look like.

The Democrats with great reluctance come to the unprecedented but obviously accurate conclusion that the President is unfit for the job, and unite to save the country.

Out of spite and for pure political advantage, the Republicans vote to keep the compromised President, who they agree is compromised, in office.

How does that sell with the voting public?

It certainly doesn't look like they are putting the interests of the Nation first. They will not do it.

Dr Weevil said...

jaydub (6:33am):
Thanks. I just realized, with your help, that 'imTay' is Pig-Latin for 'Tim'. That pretty well proves it. Didn't 'tim in vermont' say, or at least imply, that he was leaving because he had more important things to do in real life? Apparently he didn't, but doesn't have the decency to admit it.

Dr Weevil said...

Maybe we should all address him as 'imTay ofway ermontVay'.

Narr said...

It has seemed obvious to me for a few weeks that imTay was probably Tim--the obsessions and the style were the same.

As for Biden, Deep State Reformer's comment about the situation reminds me of the 1980s joke about the Spaniard visiting Moscow. His Soviet friend takes him to see Lenin's corpse and asks him what he thinks--

Oh, it's OK, but we have one in Madrid that sits up and talks.

NEWSFLASH: Francisco Franco is still dead.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

He never heard of David Duke, didn't know who the Proud Boys were, Stormy who?
Now he has amnesia about Project 2025.
🤔Sounds like he needs a cognitive test.

The court adjudicated perp needs more than a test determining what an elephant and a dog are. Take the electrocution from the underwater battery and pass the shark eating! Yeah great scenario c'mon man cognitive are you kidding

Martin said...

The things I have read say that they are going to have a virtual vote of delegates soon to meet the Ohio deadline as well as defuse the bomb that is their convention in Chicago.