July 8, 2024

Fungus of the day.

IMG_7548 (1)



NKP said...

Looks like we've been nuked by 'shrooms' :-)

Iman said...

Fungle in teh jungle
Well that’s alright by me

RMc said...

Fungus of the day.

Geez, another article about Biden...?!

Kate said...

I was already curious what contortions were necessary to photograph some of these. Now I'm imagining the Meade photo of you taking the photo of the fungus.

Inga said...

Speaking of fungus, where has Trump been hiding and why?

Iman said...

Rule of Politics, Igna:

When your political foe is flailing, angry, losing his shit every other minute, you keep a low profile, grab some popcorn and enjoy the spectacle.

Iman said...

Biden’s world is a meme world, where unspeakable broke dicks roam and the Depends are on back order.

Hassayamper said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Scott Patton said...

What a treat! Thank you

Narayanan said...

a large mushroom size of small Trump Tower

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Nice to see a fungi sporting a heroic pose for a change instead of cowering under your lens. Angle is everything sometimes.

Hassayamper said...

I have revised my previous identification, after taking a closer look at the short, circular, collar-like or urn-like volva at the base. This is a characteristic of Amanita subsection Pantherinae. These are all pretty toxic, but not lethally so.

I think this one is Amanita multisquamosa.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

So fun to see the "why won't Trump just SHUT UP" crowd now braying about his silence.

Josephbleau said...

Great photo, I like how the daylight shines through the translucent cap above the gills.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Stolen architectural idea. Sue the mushroom!~

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga dutifully follows leftist obsessive witch hunt mode. Stay Soviet, Inga.

Narr said...

'Shroom with a view.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga - Trump is on a Russian Oligarch Yacht - yakking it up with all those child molesters.
Isn't this the latest leftist lie you liar leftists are pushing?

I heard it in the leftist Soviet hive-mind bullshit chat room.

Drago said...

White Savior Karen Inga (who once again approves of Joe Biden and denies he showered with and sexualized his daughter after democraticals let her know what to think and say): "Speaking of fungus, where has Trump been hiding and why?"


Rallies, interviews (without getting questions and answers written out for him! What a concept!), impromptu Q&A's, calling and speaking directly with the victims of Inga approved Spark of Divinity violent and fatal crimes by biden murderous open border illegals, Sovietized "legal" appearances, etc.

Yeah...he's really disappeared!

Astonishingly stupid comment by Inga, even by Inga standards! And that's saying something!

She must have been handed a hoax dossier with schedule misinformation. Inga just looooves hoax dossiers with misinformation and, like Ron Burgandy, she will parrot and intensely believe EVERYTHING the hoax dossier contains!


In just the first couple weeks of July Trump will do 4 or 5 full rallies (2 more coming up in the next 5 days in PA and FL). 60 to 90 minutes each, as we all know...except Inga!

Inga probably missed the Trump events in NYC and Philadelphia and pretty much everywhere else too.

Its hard work keeping ones self permanently "ignorant-ized" as Inga does. She makes a wonderful New Soviet Democratical party cultist.

Not as capable a New Soviet Democratical party hack as Rich or Chuck or their tail-end-charlie-pal lonejustice, but still welcomed as an NPC on Team Left.

BarrySanders20 said...

I like his little arm. But I don't trust him. He's got his fingers crossed behind his back

Inga said...

“So fun to see the "why won't Trump just SHUT UP" crowd now braying about his silence.”

Well that wouldn’t include me. I’ve always encouraged Trump to keep talking. The more he talks, the better for Democrats.

Original Mike said...

"Speaking of fungus, where has Trump been hiding and why?"

How would any of us know without the press reporting it? And they appear to be preoccupied at the moment.

Oligonicella said...

Thanks for the memory jog. One of the coolest mushroom pics I ever took was a small (maybe 1" tall) one that looked similar to that in build but more gracile. It was perched atop a decomposing wood chip pile during early winter and had a tiny snow cap on it.

Unfortunately lost to a flood but you brought the 'pic' back to memory.

amr said...

I concur with Hassayamper: Amanita subsect. Pantherinae:
Warty cap, ringed stem, bulb at the bottom of the stem has a "rolled rim" top.
Probably A. multisquamosa, the only other possibility is A. velatipes.

Toxic, not lethally so (unless you're already of poor health, I guess).
I think they're supposed to be worse than A. muscaria as for the unpleasantness, but just a different mix and concentrations of the same toxins (some of which are psychoactive).

Hassayamper said...

I think they're supposed to be worse than A. muscaria as for the unpleasantness, but just a different mix and concentrations of the same toxins (some of which are psychoactive).

That's what I recall too.

MadTownGuy said...


"President Biden’s physician, Dr. Kevin O'Connor, has been found to be involved in family influence peddling resulting in $200,000 being deposited in Joe’s bank account. O'Connor provided counsel to James Biden in connection with his work for the fraudulent scheme Americore Health, LLC, which used Joe Biden's name to secure investment funds. This report also raises questions about whether O'Connor is administering ethical evaluations of the President’s health, according to new report."

Hassayamper said...

Toxic, not lethally so (unless you're already of poor health, I guess).

I saw a report of a thrill seeker who took a large dose of A. muscaria or one of its relatives for the psychoactive jollies, and ended up stuporous in a snowbank where he froze to death. Not exactly poisoned to death, and similar to what happens to hopeless drunks with some frequency, but one more reason to avoid them.

Hassayamper said...

Probably A. multisquamosa, the only other possibility is A. velatipes.

The volva makes that a heavy lift in this case, but I'm really thinking the 4th of July fungus was velatipes.

rehajm said...

I want him to stay so our beloved leftie commenters will continue to hide.

Drago said...

“So fun to see the "why won't Trump just SHUT UP" crowd now braying about his silence.”

White Savior Karen Inga: "Well that wouldn’t include me. I’ve always encouraged Trump to keep talking. The more he talks, the better for Democrats."


The pretzeled lies go full Moebius Strip with this one!

amr said...

The volval rim of both are pretty similar:

traditionalguy said...

Dipped in chocolate that would be a tasty treat. Maybe.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Well then you answered your own question: he’s not inclined to help your side at this time.