July 8, 2024

Sunrise — 4:51, 5:18, 5:23, 5:25, 5:26, 5:34, 5:38.









imTay said...

“The 2023 temperature anomaly has come out of the blue, revealing an unprecedented knowledge gap perhaps for the first time since about 40 years ago. It could imply that a warming planet is already fundamentally altering how the climate system operates, much sooner than scientists had anticipated.”. - Gavin Schmidt RealClimate

So what he is saying here is that the models were *never* based on physics, but basically they were hunches processed though impenetrable mathematics to create a chaff that was impossible to see through. All we could do is "sanity tests" which involve. comparing the real world to their results, and here, they come up wanting again and again.

It seems that two years ago a huge volcano in the Indian Ocean spit trillions of gallons of water into the stratosphere. Now it's been very warm these past couple of years, and the models, which are not even as deep as the chart stuff you see on Wall Street, are flummoxed If they were actually based on physics, this would not have happened, the models would have gotten it right..

When Quantum Theory was used to examine cases outside of the experience that went into its creation, it predicted successfully what happened when we were finally able to do the experiments. Einstein predicted what would happen to the light from that star close by the solar eclipse, that's what correct theories based on real phychal laws do.

What Dr Gavin Schmidt did was not "science,' as Dr Judith Curry points out. At least he admits to a "knowledge gap."


Wa St Blogger said...

Just a thought I had...

If you are willing to Vote for a person with Dementia for President, you are admitting that the person actually holding the office is of no consequence. That is what I am hearing from many Democrats in the public eye (e.g. Whoopie, Sullivan, etc.)

Thus, there is little, if any reason to get hot and bothered by Trump.

I also surmise that even though these people say they will vote for Biden BECAUSE of Trump, they are lying. They would find the same existential threat looming no matter who was running on the Republican ticket. Trump is to the left of John F. Kennedy. If Bernie Sanders ran as a Republican these people would vote for Biden's toenail clipping.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I love these.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Thus, there is little, if any reason to get hot and bothered by Trump.


Dave Begley said...

Some of your best, Ann. And that's a high bar!

tcrosse said...

I'm surprised none of the candidates who dropped out of the 2020 primaries - Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, Tom Steyer - are saying "Hah! I told you so! If you'd picked me you wouldn't have had this fucking problem!"

imTay said...

I know, get my own blog.

Wa St Blogger said...

I rarely comment on the pictures themselves, but since the very beginning of this series, I have been in aww of nearly every one of them.

Ann Althouse said...

@ imTay

Some of your comments were going automatically into spam. A bunch of other people’s comments were going there too. It wasn’t me doing it. That was just the automatic function of Blogger. I had to undo its work.

Whiskeybum said...

tcrosse said...
I'm surprised none of the candidates who dropped out of the 2020 primaries - Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, Tom Steyer - are saying "Hah! I told you so! If you'd picked me you wouldn't have had this fucking problem!"

Oh, I can all but guarantee you that they are grumbling these sentiments to their close confidants, but the Borg will never let the outside world hear what goes on within.

JRoberts said...

I understand the Biden team is preparing direction cards, with photos, to reduce the possibility of Joe getting lost on stage at events.

I hate to think what the cards look like when Joe needs to go to the bathroom.

JRoberts said...

I live in a predominantly republican district in the Atlanta metro area. Despite that, there have still been some Biden / Harris campaign yard signs on my normal driving routes.

I realized yesterday that all the yard signs have disappeared over the last week or so.

Gospace said...

I've had, at a minimum, 5 Facebook feed posts treating Project 2025 as The Boogeyman. All total disinformation. In many ways. The latest being on a milgroup I belong to outlining all the cuts to veteran benefits the evil rascally Republicans are going to make because Trump is devoted to carrying the entire plan out. What did I do? Why, I posted a link to the actual Project 2025 site where you can actually download the entire book and read it for yourself!

Facebook blocked the link...

Another reason why all social media should be treated as common carriers like telephone companies and their predecessors telegraph companies. Telegraph companies being a closer analog to social media since employees could and did read the messages.

Dave Begley said...

Vivek was just on Fox. He agrees with me. The Biden Crime Family is just negotiating the price of Joe’s exit.

Narr said...

Our son texted my wife this morning--texts and calls from him are rare, and in the morning, almost unheard of.

He was on his way to work when he noticed that the odor that he had smelled occasionally in the last few days was very strong and getting worse. He hadn't seen or heard his upstairs neighbor in about ten days, the guy's truck hadn't moved which was a bit unusual, and his mail was piling up, so he knocked on the door to check but got no answer.

Called the cops/medics and--you guessed it--the guy was dead and decaying. It was several hours before the corpse was removed and my son had to get an industrial-strength gas mask in order to go inside and spray the place for aroma. And bugs--as he put it, piles of things were moving on the floors and flat surfaces.

The guy was fifty-something, he thinks, and drank a lot.

narciso said...


tcrosse said...

Project 2025, or The Protocols of the Elders of Mar a Lago.

MOfarmer said...

Wow! What an awesome set of photos.

Joe Smith said...

'Some of your comments were going automatically into spam. A bunch of other people’s comments were going there too. It wasn’t me doing it. That was just the automatic function of Blogger. I had to undo its work.'

Social credit scores for the win...

Joe Smith said...

'Vivek was just on Fox. He agrees with me. The Biden Crime Family is just negotiating the price of Joe’s exit.'

Get someone to pony up a couple of hundred million for the library and she'll leave.

I would.

Inga said...

“I've had, at a minimum, 5 Facebook feed posts treating Project 2025 as The Boogeyman. All total disinformation. In many ways. The latest being on a milgroup I belong to outlining all the cuts to veteran benefits the evil rascally Republicans are going to make because Trump is devoted to carrying the entire plan out. What did I do? Why, I posted a link to the actual Project 2025 site where you can actually download the entire book and read it for yourself!”

Yes, read it for yourself Gospace…
I can guarantee you that those Veterans collecting retirement pay and VA Disability payments will NOT LIKE THIS.


“Eliminate Concurrent Receipt of Retirement Pay and Disability Compensation for Veterans”

Until 2003, military retirees were prohibited from collecting full Defense Department retirement and VA disability benefits simultaneously. Military retirees eligible for VA disability benefits lost $1 in Defense Department retirement benefits for every $1 in VA disability benefits they collected. The rationale for this offset policy was that concurrent receipt of retirement and disability payments was compensating veterans for the same service twice.

Policy changes instituted in 2004 allowed Defense Department retirees to collect benefits from both programs simultaneously. Under this concurrent-receipt policy, the share of military retirees who also receive VA disability benefits rose from 33 percent in 2005 to just over 50 percent in 2015.2 In FY 2013, more than 2,300 veterans received $100,000 or more each in annual benefits, with the highest annual benefit amounting to more than $200,000.3

The U.S. government should honor its promise to the those who serve without generating excessive benefit payouts. Simply returning to the long-standing pre-2004 policy under which veterans’ disability payments offset retirement pay would reduce excessive benefits and save taxpayers at least $160 billion during the FY 2023–FY 2032 period.“

FullMoon said...

Inga said...

Yes, read it for yourself Gospace…
I can guarantee you that those Veterans collecting retirement pay and VA Disability payments will NOT LIKE THIS.

Not only that, but Republicans gonna eliminate Social Security and Medi-Care!!!!!!!!!!

And JAIL their opponents!!!!!!!!!

aND ban abortion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

again, just like they have done many times before


NKP said...

The VA is fucked up enough without a major change to compensation policy.

Pity the Vet with a 100 percent rating for PTSD and collateral problems who is unemployable but has a mortgage of $3K a month. Take away his VA compensation and he's gonna lose that house. Better think this through, Uncle Sam.

Aggie said...

@JRoberts, 19:01: "I understand the Biden team is preparing direction cards, with photos, to reduce the possibility of Joe getting lost on stage at events."

Axios article on this

Inga said...

“The VA is fucked up enough without a major change to compensation policy.

Pity the Vet with a 100 percent rating for PTSD and collateral problems who is unemployable but has a mortgage of $3K a month. Take away his VA compensation and he's gonna lose that house. Better think this through, Uncle Sam.”


My daughter is a Navy veteran. She served 22 years, collects a pension and she has a 100% disability based on several military related conditions, a couple which occurred when she was in deployed in Afghanistan for a year with the Marines.If she lost her disability payment she would be seriously hurting.

n.n said...

Reform Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacares to control the single/ central/ monopolistic forcings of progressive prices for everyone and the primary driver of the debt and annual deficits.

End gender denying care and other medical malpractice.

End reproductive rites and other misogynistic themes.

Send the illegal aliens home and implement emigration reform to mitigate progress at both ends of the bridge and throughout with collateral damage (e.g. George "Fentanyl " Floyd syndrome.

End Obama's world war Spring series and cut off Biden's emoluments.

Abort policies that indulge labor (e.g. slavery) and environmental (e.g. Green) arbitrage.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Most of our tax dollars go to illegal entrants and their free stuff... housing... vote registration.

and loan forgiveness schemes perpetrated by the corrupt left.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Biden’s dementia has become so overt and so impossible to hide that the entire “crooked deal” has blown up. As a result, in the eleventh hour, there are very few pathways to salvation—as there never are when everything is birthed on a lie and its media-assisted cover-up.

Bidengate is far worse than Watergate. The media this time around was not exposing the wrongdoing of a conservative president but instead serving as a force multiplier in deceiving the very American people it was supposed to inform. “Democracy Dies in Deceit” is now the Washington Post’s de facto motto.

Remember, the left is worried only that Biden is so challenged that he cannot win an election. But they are not bothered that he has no business continuing in his dementia as commander-in-chief and putting the country in real danger each day he occupies the oval office—a bitter paradox that is beginning to infuriate the American people.

So, can Joe Biden just press ahead, sleep more, and fulfill his Faustian obligations? Or is he not in a doom loop? The more he rests, sleeps, and avoids the media, the more the public considers him an inadequate, one-quarter president. Yet the more he might welcome more exposure, interviews, press conferences, debates and town halls, the more his ensuing dementia becomes apparent to the public. So, his handlers haggle over the choice between an ensconced virtual president versus an all-too-real, obviously senile one."


TickTock said...

Re: photos


effinayright said...

Ask ANYONE who claims this is the hottest July 8th on record what the temperature was in London on July 8, 1689, or New York, on July 8, 1675, or Paris on July 8 1666.


AND GLOBALLY NOT BEFORE 1979, when temperature-measuring satelites went up.

Are we to panic because we're seeing high temps in SOME places in the NORTHERN hemisphere,
when the ice caps at the poles show NOTHING unusual?

(I tried posting a comment on Yahoo News saying the same thing, and of course they blocked me)

Gospace said...

Inga, think tank proposals are wishlist items for all kinds of people. I'm a 21 year retiree with a 10% disability rating for my hearing- and a zero percent rating for a whole bunch of other things. If I ever want my knees replaced the VA will do it. One of the zero percent ratings. Oh- my 10% rating check comes out of my retirement pay. Concurrent receipt only occurs with service connected disabilities 50% or greater. Helps if you're familiar with how Concurrent receipt came about for military personnel- which you obviously aren't since history for liberals started yesterday. It was a fairness issue. Seems every other federal agency, primarily law enforcement, that had disability payments separate from retirement benefits could always draw both simultaneously. My son the retired major is drawing both with a 100% disability rating. He's also employed. A 100% disability rating from the VA doesn't actually mean you're disabled according to the common understanding of disabled. My two sons and daughter in law drawing VA benefits keep urging to go back for reevaluation. In 1994 they weren't big on diagnosing PTSD. Apparently I exhibit all the classic signs. From serving on subs, not combat.

Concurrent receipt isn't going anywhere as long as other feds get it. Think tank wish lists notwithstanding.

By the way, be sure and thank the Democrats for taxing social security benefits. They controlled the House in 1984. The House, where all spending and funding bills originate.

n.n said...

The Heritage Foundation's Budget Blueprint for Fiscal Year 2023

Affordable and available for all Americans and reduced footprint internationally. This would enable deprecation of duplicate programs and services without affecting individual benefits and mitigate progress of capital (i.e. savings, productivity) extraction.

n.n said...

Progressive carbon emissions in China, India, and developing nations, and massively correlated automaton constructs at Alphabet/Google, Microsoft, Amazon, ChatGPT etc, and increasing fractional temperature anomalies while temperatures are otherwise normally distributed. The MCAC and climate pledge participants are "offsetting" their footprint through financial schemes and future promises while endorsing spread of the Green blight and forward-looking profits in novel deals.

mezzrow said...

Stunningly beautiful pictures, Ann.

You have to be there. That's the part that takes the effort.

It is its own reward, but... Thanks to you and Meade!

Breezy said...

Project 2025 is think tank output. There’s some good ideas in it and some bad ideas in it, just like any other think tank work. Trump has distanced himself from Project 2025 in general, so no need to fear anything in there becoming real if he’s elected at this point. We have to learn about his agenda from him directly. Same for Biden, or whomever the Dems nominate.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Ann and Meade, the Eyes in the skies!
Great Photos!

Christopher B said...

To the Democrats, the military is a jobs and trans health care program. Whether we have any actual defense for the country is low on the priority list.

Almaron Dickinson said...

Your 5:25 and 5:26 photos are particularly wonderful and ominous!

Jamie said...

To the Democrats, the military is a jobs and trans health care program. Whether we have any actual defense for the country is low on the priority list.

Reminiscent of - who was it, M. Friedman? - who went to China on a diplomatic visit and asked his host why the road construction site they were touring was being worked on by men with shovels.

"You must understand," he was told, "this isn't really a construction project - it's a work project."

He then asked, "Well, why aren't they using spoons?"

Narayanan said...

Reminiscent of - who was it, M. Friedman?
uncle Milt was beyond cute : guess who gave idea [shovel] to payroll withholding for taxes?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Tcrosse on Truth Social Trump said he had nothing to do with Project 25, agreed with some, called other agenda items nutty and said he doesn’t know the people who wrote it. I believe that because the Heritage Foundation seems to be one of those “conservative” groups that went anti-Trump during his first term. Not sure if they are making helpful suggestions now or acting as frenemy agents.

Narr said...

Think tanks employ political hangers-on and has-beens to produce papers and proposals that political hacks can use the impress voters with their knowledge and grasp of an issue. (They often have interesting speaker programs as seen on CSPAN but those are just the surface froth.)

My D friends liked to crow about Obamacare being based on a conservative think tank's proposal (might have been Heritage) as if that was a trump card in the discussion. That amused me.

Narr said...

to impress voters

Jim at said...

So until this week, I've never even detected a sniff of this Project 2025 thing. Now, every corner of the left is going bat-shit crazy over something most of them haven't even bothered to read. They just get their marching orders from their masters and spread their shit across anything and everything.

Next week or month, it will be something else.

It must be exhausting to do nothing but run around with your hair on fire, constantly looking for the next outrage.

Imagine living your life that way. If you can call it a life.

Drago said...

Inga: "My daughter is a Navy veteran. She served 22 years, collects a pension and she has a 100% disability based on several military related conditions, a couple which occurred when she was in deployed in Afghanistan for a year with the Marines.If she lost her disability payment she would be seriously hurting."

You support the New Soviet Democratical party that allows open borders and throws military vets out onto the street so that illegal aliens can be housed instead...and gives those illegal aliens thousands in benefits and services each month, including VA medical resources...and can register to vote without verification.

Yes, your "concern" about US vets is duly noted.