८ जुलै, २०२४

"[Go] after Trump on substantive issues. That's what I've said many times I wish Biden had been doing..."

"Biden and the Democrats have gone on and on about Trump, the bad bad man — gone on in words and gone on in bringing criminal prosecutions. Tragically, they've done it to the point where they look as bad or worse in their own way and now we who want a man of character have no one to choose...."

That's what I wrote last April

From the outset of President Biden’s re-election campaign, the plan for winning was to make former President Donald J. Trump so unpalatable that voters uneasy with the incumbent would vote for him anyway... [T]he Biden campaign has long sought to make Mr. Trump its focus.... 
A pre-debate memo from Jen O’Malley Dillon... wrote that the president “will hold Donald Trump accountable for all of it on the debate stage — and he’s raring to go.” That didn’t happen.... 
There is no doubt in Democratic circles that Mr. Biden must make the election about Mr. Trump, as he did in 2020.... [He] won support from Republicans and other voters who sought a return to normalcy in Washington, he ran as a transitional candidate. He said he saw himself “as a bridge, not as anything else”....

The piece quotes Matt Bennett, "a co-founder of Third Way, the Democratic think tank that has led efforts to stop independent and third-party candidates from siphoning votes from Mr. Biden": "That means focusing voter attention on Trump’s criminality, chaos and cruelty. Once we emerge from this period of uncertainty, the party must get back to prosecuting that case full-time."

So the recommendation is to stick with the plan to make it all about Trump, the bad bad man. 

७० टिप्पण्या:

doctrev म्हणाले...

No Democrat can hope to scratch Trump's policies, which is why they are resorting to fearmongering over Project 2025. Which is from a think tank. Obviously, defending the Biden regime has become impossible.

But this is just part of the NYT's push to get rid of Biden, which means Biden can just portray the liberal media as repeating Trump campaign talking points. Let it continue, please.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

The Democrat media industrial complex followed orders - and made Biden invisible. Other than to say a quick passing "Biden is great!. Biden is nice! Everything is wonderful under Joe!" -
The Media's non-stop obsession with Trump marches on... like a good and loyal brownshirt foot soldier.

Last night I flipped to a PBS station - and it was rappers bashing Trump.
The Soviet Narrative Propaganda machine on the sad left is alive and well.

Earnest Prole म्हणाले...

Trump ruins everything, especially his enemies.

Kate म्हणाले...

"Third Way" is a think tank that works to deny Americans a third way in elections. Do they ever snigger at the irony, or are they so damned earnest they miss it?

Lawnerd म्हणाले...

They never attack Trump on policy. They hate Trump because he is an outsider who may topple their bureaucratic gravy train. They can’t say or use that, so they need to trump up some bullshit accusations. As a result, they turned this country into a banana republic.

Quayle म्हणाले...

The current Round 3 of “Make Trump a Bad Man” might be more compelling if Round 1 of “Make Trump a Bad Man” hadn’t been based on totally fabricated facts and phony allegations, and Round 2 of “Make Trump a Bad Man” hadn't been so obviously partisan and unprecedented in its nature.

tim maguire म्हणाले...

There's a reason they don't go after Trump on substantive issues, and we all know what it is.

Iman म्हणाले...

The media and Democrats can go pound sand. They’ve perpetrated a dangerous fraud on Americans and must be held to account.

They can’t be allowed to obfuscate and get away with it. The rest is navel gazing bullshit.

Temujin म्हणाले...

We have 4 years of Trump and almost 4 years of Biden under our belts. We don't need the press or the Biden campaign to tell us how to look at it. We have looked at it. Well...at least some of us have. And we can see that the world and our own country were in far better shape, with far less chaos and crime, fewer illegal immigrants, higher employment and lower inflation in 2019 than we have today.
There are other data points, but in our day to day lives, and in what we see blowing up around the world, this should not even be a question. That people would look at the comparison and decide it's better today seems a refusal to accept reality.

And, yes, I look at the world and country in 2019- which was before the Summer of George Floyd Riots and Covid- neither of which were Trump's doing, both of which gave Joe Biden his Presidency.

imTay म्हणाले...

"From the outset of President Biden’s re-election campaign, the plan for winning was to make former President Donald J. Trump so unpalatable that voters uneasy with the incumbent would vote for him anyway..."

Worked in France like a charm. And I guess if you define "normalcy" as the press calming down because their guy is in the White House, it makes some sense. But an easier way is to shut off the news. If "normalcy" is the loss of millions of full-time jobs while the press trumpets "total jobs" in which all of the "gains" are in part-time jobs, and those are going to non-American born workers, well, congratulations!

If "normalcy" is Biden admitting in an interview that we are on the brink of WW3 due to his policy of dogged expansion of NATO to within a couple of hundred miles of Moscow, congratulations!

If "normalcy" is printing four trillion dollars a year in funny money, and you still can't get the economy moving, if normalcy is "stagflation" (remember that term? It's ba-ack!) well, congratulations.

imTay म्हणाले...

They keep saying that Biden is a "great president" because of the stuff he has gotten done. They don't list these accomplishments though, because they are all unpopular.

Dave Begley म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Shouting Thomas म्हणाले...

The blessed normal that the Democrats want to preserve is the permanent war and money laundering machine, exemplified by the Ukraine war. Staging coups, installing puppet governments and committing the U.S. to war without the consent of the electorate. That’s the normal Joe Biden is preserving.

I grew up conservative Republican, and switched to Democrat in my teens in opposition to the Vietnam War and the permanent war machine. The Democrats are now the warmongering party.

I’ll vote for Trump’s abnormal no new foreign wars policy. Yes, I’m in favor of that abnormal. The chaos comes with it, because the Intel agents will send out their Brownshirt militia, BLM, to torch and loot and kill cops if we try to stop their warmongering.

Dave Begley म्हणाले...

1. "I beat Medicare." Add that comment to that blank and slack-jawed stare on Joe's face and it is obvious that Joe has no business being President.

But TDS and cognitive dissonance are very real.

I saw a FB comment by a very credentialed and ostensively smart guy claiming that Biden won the debate. He then went on to attack Trump as a liar and bad, bad man.

I get it that people are partisans and biased, but this is something else. It is suspending disbelief and throwing both logic and observation out the door.

2. How many think tanks are there in DC?

robother म्हणाले...

Biden's biggest screwup in his ABC interview, in the view of Progressives, was his response to Stephanopolis question about how he'd feel if he lost to Trump, to which he replied as long as I gave it my "goodest" he'd be fine with it. Apart from the malapropism, everyone is pointing out that this undermines the whole "Trump is the End of Our Democracy" narrative. My own view is that this is a classic Kinsley Gaffe, revealing that even Biden doesn't believe that Trump is an existential threat. You can't bullshit a bullshitter.

Achilles म्हणाले...

[Go] after Trump on substantive issues. That's what I've said many times I wish Biden had been doing..."

List them.

List the policies that the democrats have implemented.

List the policy differences between The Trump administration and Biden Regime.

This will tell you why they do not take your advice.

imTay म्हणाले...

Millions of migrants are needed because nobody else will work for the wages that these part-time jobs, the ones that Biden brags about creating, actually pay.

imTay म्हणाले...

"It is suspending disbelief and throwing both logic and observation out the door."

How many guys are actually upset if their team wins the Super Bowl due to an obvious bad call at the. end of the game?

rehajm म्हणाले...

The only thing Democrats have that resembles a popular policy is abortion all the time…and that’s the kind of highly polarized topic pols have traditionally avoided…

Has the replacement strategy started yet?

tommyesq म्हणाले...

"Third Way, the Democratic think tank that has led efforts to stop independent and third-party candidates from siphoning votes from Mr. Biden."

So the Democrat party (a) eliminated any and all rivals from running against SloJoe in the primary; (b) changed the order in which states vote during primary season to reward Jim Clyburn, whose endorsement swung the last primary in SloJoe's favor, by making South Carolina (which hasn't gone D in a Presidential election since Carter) the nation's first Democrat primary; (c) ran RFK Jr. out of the party altogether when he started attracting attention; (d) has set of think tanks for the express purpose of ensuring that no one other than SloJoe can get any non-Trump votes; (e) hid from the American public Biden's awful mental and physical decline; (f) conspired with the media (pre-arranging questions) to rig interviews following the debate to try to make Biden look semi-competent; (g) engaged in vast lawfare against Trump, seeking to keep him off of ballots (remember Colorado and Maine?) and/or imprison him during the campaign season; and (h) repeatedly lie about Trump's record and fabricate quotes from him...

but Trump is the threat to democracy?

Heartless Aztec म्हणाले...

Concur with Temujin.

Enigma म्हणाले...

The sole Democratic anti-Trump strategy since 2016 has been to double down on failure. In gambling, one "doubles down" upon losing to get out of a bad situation:

If playing roulette...

Lose $2, bet $4 and hope to break even.
Lose $4, bet $8 and hope to break even.
Lose $8, bet $16 and hope to break even.
Lose $10T, bet $20T and hope to break even (See the math of Bidenomics and inflation).

Ever since Crossfire Hurricane and Hillary avoiding indictment for flagrant national security violations with her private email server in 2016, the Democrats have doubled down again and again. See the special counsels, see the impeachments, see the Hunter laptop spy liars, see the kangaroo courts, etc.

There are only two possible explanations: (1) Our government is infested by predators, liars, and psychopaths, and/or (2) Our government is infested by incompetent senile citizens, confused and drooling couch potatoes, and symbolic diversity hires. Yes to all.

rehajm म्हणाले...

...just because you finally see the light doesn’t mean you’re a victim. You’re a party to the shit mix. It also doesn’t mean you get to have your way. Soon you will be told to shut up and vote for the dead guy walking…

tommyesq म्हणाले...

I grew up conservative Republican, and switched to Democrat in my teens in opposition to the Vietnam War and the permanent war machine.

You made some mistakes then - the Vietnam war was begun under Kennedy (D), escalated considerably under Johnson (D), and U.S. involvement was wound down under Nixon (R), who ran in no small part on having a plan to end U.S. involvement. You blamed the wrong party.

Leland म्हणाले...

I don't care who is running for office, if you can't run on policy, then why are you running?

The best thing the debate did was force Biden to talk about policy. He beat Big Pharma! Don't know how, but he said he did. Biden also pushed NATO expansion with Ukraine, just as Putin warned. He beat Medicare! I wonder if Biden meant the annual Medicare cognitive test?

doctrev म्हणाले...

imTay said...

Worked in France like a charm.

7/8/24, 8:06 AM

It absolutely did not. The fact is that the left is celebrating this morning, but the Front is in an impossible position. If they betray Melenchon and his FLI, the idea of a Popular Front will be permanently discredited. And the FLI is the largest part of the Front, but too toxic to work with Macron.

The worst possibility is to push the FLI and National Rally into an alliance, so it's quite possible that a vain fool like Macron will do exactly that.

Achilles म्हणाले...

All of the new full time jobs “created” by this regime are government or government aligned jobs.

The part time jobs are either people being laid off full time work and making ends meet or illegals.

The HR jobs and bureaucracy growing are jobs that are not “shovel ready.” These jobs don’t produce wealth. But they do give single women wealth and unearned status in society.

Ampersand म्हणाले...

The Dems have focus grouped this. For them, a soap opera about Trump is a much better alternative than an actual discussion of their misrepresentations and policy failures on covid, infrastructure, inflation, censorship, homelessness, the deficit, the border, Chinese trade and cultural influence, the response to Russian revanchism, Gaza, education policy, student loan forgiveness, the inertia driven deep state, the stoking of racial animosity, etc.

The motto for their campaign of misdirection seems to be: Keep America Stupid!

They plan to save our democracy by allowing a shadowy clique to make the key decisions. Nate Silver notwithstanding, I think they are likely to succeed.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

What “substantive” issues might those be, Madam Professor?

Oh! That’s right. You’re a rabid pro-abortionist. In 2024 it’s — fortunately! — not a major issue for people who want to be able to put food on the table for their kids. I cannot call you a feminist because I have seen no posts from you that indicate you care about any other issues important to women.

Iman म्हणाले...

I remember in late Summer of 2019, the Democrat leadership was beside itself with worries about how well the economy and the country under Trump were doing... Meetings held on what strategies could be taken to change things for the worse.

Hence, the COVID Strategy was born.

Todd म्हणाले...

The Biden campaign’s effort to raise questions about Donald J. Trump’s ability to be president has boomeranged into a referendum on the president’s own competence

Well sure. Any adult with a memory longer than this morning can see (a) that just about everything costs more than it did when Trump was in charge, (b) Trump "prices" were lower then when Obama was in charge, (c) race relations were better when Trump was in charge - especially when compared to the "lightworker" years, (d) despite all of the gaslighting by the WH and media (until about 2 days ago) everyone's "lived experiences" (we are supposed to give this the most weight now adays, right?) run contrary to what the WH and media say, (e) even a majority of the (D)emocrat voters (those that are alive) can see the lawfare being waged against Trump and view it as some mix of unfair (which it is) and/or "could be me next".

Everyday more and more folks come to see/realize that "orange man bad" is not so and see Brandon more and more for what he is, a shadow POTUS/puppet that is only still in place to protect the Biden crime family and the shadow government that put him there.

The only real question is will they be able to repeat the last election and fraud their way out of their current pickle?

AMDG म्हणाले...

Democrats can’t take on Trump with issues because, with the exception of abortion, the Republicans lead significantly on issues that matter to most Americans (border & economy)

The path to victory has always been to make the election about Trump because most Americans despise him.

If Biden is the nominee the election will be a choice between a dementia patient and the Big Buffoon. It is likely that at least 48% of the voters will go with the dementia patient.

Both parties have committed gross electoral malpractice.

doctrev म्हणाले...

AMDG said...

7/8/24, 8:33 AM

I'm no longer sure that the Democrats would vote Biden past 40%. But the fact that the RDS/ Haley axis was reliant on LLR scum like this is the primary reason Republicans dunked the Vichy GOP pawns into the garbage.

Oligonicella म्हणाले...

Millions of migrants are needed because nobody else will work for the wages that these part-time jobs, the ones that Biden brags about creating, actually pay.

It's because the employers pay the illegals in cash and avoid reporting and taxes.

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

Tragically, they've done it to the point where they look as bad or worse in their own way and now we who want a man of character have no one to choose...."

"Man of character" is an empty platitude. Feminists want a beta male eunuch.

Do liberals still pretend Obama had character? GOP voters don't think either Bush had character. War mongering and weaponizing government isn't "character".

Captain BillieBob म्हणाले...

If any of the democrat policies were popular Biden would be ahead by 50 points.

AMDG म्हणाले...

Blogger Leland said...
I don't care who is running for office, if you can't run on policy, then why are you running?

The best thing the debate did was force Biden to talk about policy. He beat Big Pharma! Don't know how, but he said he did. Biden also pushed NATO expansion with Ukraine, just as Putin warned. He beat Medicare! I wonder if Biden meant the annual Medicare cognitive test?

7/8/24, 8:23 AM


Policy does not win.

If it does we would have had President’s Romney & Gore (how the hell did Gore lose when the economy was good and the country was at peace?).

If policy wins how have Sherrod Brown and John Tester been re-elected?

If policy wins how does Georgia have Senators Warnock and Ossoff even their policy preferences are way out of step with those of most Georgians?

Shouting Thomas म्हणाले...

You blamed the wrong party.

The politicians who led the Vietnam anti-War movement were Senator Eugene McCarthy and Robert Kennedy, both Democrats.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

The left are so corrupt - they are not reporting crime stats. Crime is up all over the place- and the corrupt Soviet left are lying about it. Lying liars who lie.

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

Blogger AMDG said...
The path to victory has always been to make the election about Trump because most Americans despise him.

Hating Trump is nothing more than a virtue signal. And I'm not sure "most Americans" hate Trump. I do however believe many Americans are afraid to admit they like Trump. White women have to be appeased.

Now we see people washing their hands of both Trump and Biden, two completely opposite men. It's only to make them feel better inside. A false moral superiority.

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

1. They have not deviated from the Uniparty Losing Strategy of pretending that Trump is so far out of step with America and with politics and with mainstream "thinking" that there is no point in even discussing Trump's "ideas." In fact in the Democrat's and LLR's telling of the tale, Trump actually has no ideas only hatred and division.

2. The refusal to acknowledge Trump policy and simply "otherize" him ran into two big counter-factuals that the Democrats cannot now overcome:
A. They needed extraordinary measures to win in 2020 because Trump was the most popular presidential candidate (by votes cast) in history, proving to those paying attention that America did appreciate his execution of his ideas.
B. Immediately upon assuming office Biden signed slightly under 1 billion executive orders reversing every Trump policy and bragged about it, again proving the lie that "Trump had no policies."

3. Having never acknowledged the two facts above that destroy their main premise (in fact you hear anti-Trumpers to this day still parroting the points in #1), they continued to posit that Trump is beyond the pale, not qualified, will destroy America etc. It was a losing strategy even before the big reveal in The Emperor Has No Clothes debate.

4. Having completely lost the script to Make It All About Trump, the Uniparty and especially their leaders, the Democrats, are infighting and exposing their disarray, leaving America wondering "WTF do we do about the current problem?" America does not GAF about how to replace Joe on the ticket. They want him replaced NOW in his actual current job. Let's face it, the people actually running the country have done a shitty job and made stupid moves over and over the last three years.

Now that it is confirmed Joe has no say in what's happening, what do we do about the important vacancy at POTUS? Fuck the campaign, what do we do right NOW?

But DNC-Media having their head so far up their own ass they can't see what's in front of OUR faces keep concentrating on the goddamnded horse race, and who's jockeying for whom and how to do it, as if that even matters to national security. This article is an excellent example of head-up-assery in action. To these ass-hats it's still ALL ABOUT TRUMP.

rehajm म्हणाले...

That means focusing voter attention on Trump’s criminality, chaos and cruelty.

A- …so criminal to had to invent pretend crimes and convict in a kangaroo court to hang that on Trump

2- Not playing by your crooked rules doesn’t make it chaos and perhaps what you perceive as chaos is something you’re incapable of understanding

#- He’s only cruel to people too stupid to try to attack him…

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

Soon you will be told to shut up and vote for the dead guy walking…

They are saying it already. Print journ-0-list said she would vote for "Weekend at Bernie's over Trump." Joyless Reid on MSNBC said if Biden was in a coma it's still better than Trump. Our resident bully-bitch LLR has said as much and surely will again. His hero Bill Kristol has too. Insanity is everywhere.

Static Ping म्हणाले...

Biden has no way to run on his own policies. They have been failures almost universally, especially compared to Trump's term. Trump has many flaws, which have been obvious for a long time, but he gets results.

rehajm म्हणाले...

They are saying it already

Ha, yeah. That seems like the best way out for them- Trump is so bad the nameless, faceless people that have been running things…I mean it’s been great, hasn’t it? Not like the world has come to an end. Besides, we’re all just like you…

John henry म्हणाले...

The politicians who led the Vietnam anti-War movement were Senator Eugene McCarthy and Robert Kennedy, both Democrats.

"led", Thomas? Odd choice of words.

Both, especially Kennedy,
saw a bunch of voters and followed them.

Nixon got us from half a million troops to a few hundred in 3 years while still kicking the crap out of the nvn.

Would Kennedy or mccarthy have been able to do that?

John Henry

John Henry

Shouting Thomas म्हणाले...

Nixon got us from half a million troops to a few hundred in 3 years while still kicking the crap out of the nvn.

I’ve learned to appreciate Nixon’s role. He got us the hell out. He satisfied the “hands tied behind our backs” warmongers by saturation bombing the north of Vietnam and the Cambodia border, and could thus say that we should get the hell out because what more could we do?

It was a very cynical strategy, but it worked. The U.S. bailed.

Unfortunately, the saturation bombing of Cambodia collapse that country’s economy and society, leading to the Killing Fields.

But, Nixon did find a way out of Vietnam. I give him credit for that.

Sebastian म्हणाले...

"So the recommendation is to stick with the plan to make it all about Trump, the bad bad man."

Right. But before the Biden implosion, the normie half of voters already discounted the badness, partly on the basis of Trump's first term, partly due to the badness fabrication in Dem lawfare. If E. Jean absurdity and misdemeanor-into-34-felonies magic is the worst they've got, Trump can't be so bad.

Hassayamper म्हणाले...

They have turned Trump into a folk hero, and it will only increase if they put him behind bars. Fools.

I am still registered as a Libertarian, and I have not given any money to a politician since Gary Johnson in 2016. But you bet your ass I made a big donation to Trump on the day he was found guilty. I’ll do it again if they imprison him.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Which "substantive issues" would you choose? Illegal immigrants? Inflation? The Green New Deal? Come on. Be honest about it.

Michael Fitzgerald म्हणाले...

"we who want a man of character have no one to choose...."

There is one man who is not a professional politician and only left his comfortable and luxurious lifestyle to enter politics because he saw the terrible condition that elected officials were leaving our nation.

The Powers That Be, including those in his own political party, recognized the danger that an honest man could pose to the systems of corruption and theft that their existences depend upon, so they put together a multi-nation Intelligence Bureaucracy conspiracy to deprive him of the election victory, and when he won anyway, they conspired to undermine his authority and frame him for the many crimes that they themselves committed.

This man has shown admirable and extraordinary courage in his principled opposition to the unfathomably evil forces that have been arrayed against him. He is the greatest man of our age. And that man sure the hell isn't Tony Evers.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

The only substantive issue from Trump's previous term in office that is really open to a legitimate attack is his administration's handling of the COVID pandemic- which I criticized relentlessly in 2020 as it was happening. I thought DeSantis should have done the same thing leading up to the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary, but really never did. The problem, of course, for the Democrats in attacking Trump on this issue is that it was Democrats that designed that COVID policy and everyone with an IQ above that of Inga and Bich know it.

Sally327 म्हणाले...

It's suddenly in doubt?

Biden has never been an "ideas" guy. He's been in politics for pretty much my entire adult life and the only thing I can remember about what he has stood for is that he supports Amtrak (because he would take the train home to Delaware every weekend) and he created "borking"(i.e., the vicious attack on the character and credibility of certain judicial nominees, designed to harass, humiliate and destroy).

Karma...it's a bitch AND a bastard.

chickelit म्हणाले...

Yancey Ward wrote The problem, of course, for the Democrats in attacking Trump on this issue is that it was Democrats that designed that COVID policy and everyone with an IQ above that of Inga and Bich know it.

Rich is nouveau biche; Inga is the real deal.

Achilles म्हणाले...

AMDG said...

Democrats can’t take on Trump with issues because, with the exception of abortion, the Republicans lead significantly on issues that matter to most Americans (border & economy)

The path to victory has always been to make the election about Trump because most Americans despise him.

If Biden is the nominee the election will be a choice between a dementia patient and the Big Buffoon. It is likely that at least 48% of the voters will go with the dementia patient.

Both parties have committed gross electoral malpractice.

Desantis supporter mad Republicans chose a 75 million vote candidate instead of a 60 million vote candidate. Democrats wouldn't even have to cheat to beat Desantis.

Because Desantis supporers want democrats to win.

Achilles म्हणाले...

Yancey Ward said...

The only substantive issue from Trump's previous term in office that is really open to a legitimate attack is his administration's handling of the COVID pandemic- which I criticized relentlessly in 2020 as it was happening. I thought DeSantis should have done the same thing leading up to the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary, but really never did. The problem, of course, for the Democrats in attacking Trump on this issue is that it was Democrats that designed that COVID policy and everyone with an IQ above that of Inga and Bich know it.

The problem with your 20/20 bullshit attacking Trump on COVID is that it is dishonest.

Desantis locked the State of Florida down unconstitutionally. He was no hero. He was an opportunist at best.

Furthermore Trump was being attacked by REPUBLICANS for not doing enough to stop COVID. He was being impeached. He was being attacked for not locking the country down - by Republicans.

And guess which Republicans? Desantis supporting Republicans.

Remember what was happening ON THIS SITE. Meade was excommunicating people. Most of the Desantis supporters were on here arguing with me about exponential growth and claiming COVID was going to kill us all.

If Trump had done what you say you wished he did Mitch McConnell and Mitt Romney would have removed him from office and Mike Pence would have locked the country down.

And Republicans would have been blamed for the lock downs.

Kevin म्हणाले...

how the hell did Gore lose when the economy was good and the country was at peace?

One word: Lockbox.

john mosby म्हणाले...

I just figured out the ultimate Dem strategy to solve the current dilemma:

Impeach and remove both Biden and Harris for accessory after the fact to election fraud.

Yes, admit that Trump was right.

You’d get enough votes from both parties in both houses to get a true bill and then conviction.

Then what? By extraordinary interstitial constitutional reasoning, swear Trump and Pence back in.

For five months.

Trump would be ineligible to be elected a third time. The RNC would nominate whoever they want - probably an establishment guy. Or maybe a mini-Trump. Whatevs.

The DNC would similarly nominate whomever they want. Moderate, multiracial trans white-man killer, whatevs.

All three emergencies (Orange Man Bad, Senile Man Bad, Dicksucking Lady Bad) will be averted.


Prof. M. Drout म्हणाले...

The Democrats seem to be unable to use Trump's greatest policy vulnerability against him: the lockdowns, and the covid vaccines having been rushed into production without sufficiently honest safety testing while granting to the pharmaceutical companies blanket immunity.

Trump surely COULD respond that he took "scientific" advice from exactly those people who were supposed to be the "best" neutral experts, but they lied to him, so in hindsight it was a mistake, but he did the best anyone could do at the time, blah, blah, blah, and this is why we need to clean out the Federal bureaucracy, etc.

But we know that Trump will NEVER say that (for both good reasons having to do with dishonest hostile media, and bad ones related to him not ever admitting mistakes, but instead surrounding them with a web of happy words and talk about the future).

So I think a sharp debater could easily provoke Trump into bragging—once again—about the v@x and the covid response, and this might alienate a good-sized chunk of Trump's voters into staying home.

But in an extraordinarily delicious irony, the entire Democratic party went so all-in and doubled-down so far on Trump's initial wrong policies, and they became so psychotic about it all, that now I don't think they can turn it around without a lot of their voters staying home in anger, fear, and disgust.

I still think that the original plan was to declare covid over in January 21 and reopen everything so that the economy would come roaring back and Biden could take credit for it. But instead it turned out that Boomer Karens and unionized schoolteachers LOVED pandemic restrictions; they were a FAR more powerful constituency than the Democrats realized; and they had worked themselves up into a frothy mess. Remember the various calls to take away the children of the unv@xxed? and the actual efforts to fire them, kick them off transplant lists, restrict them from traveling, with no acknowledgment of natural immunity from having had the disease? Not to mention all the lying and doubling down about "horse paste" and that lethal poison that is Plaquinel (hydroxychloroquine, which millions of people have taken for various diseases), and any other possible treatment that wasn't under patent (odd coincidence, that).

So although I know the media and politicians have no shame and can obviously turn on a dime and say the opposite of what they just said with such conviction (Kamala Harris: I wouldn't take a vaccine developed under Trump. Oh wait! You MUST take the vaccine developed under Trump, or else!), I think their best possible anti-Trump move--publicizing how much harm* the non-vaccine prophylaxis** did without actually stopping the disease from spreading, with pharma and the government colluding to hide the damage--is ruled out because the core of their coalition would desert them.

Karma truly is magnificent, isn't she? (See, Hilary Clinton's campaign supporting Trump's candidacy, since he would be easier to beat. Oops.)

*We still don't know for sure, because heart attacks and strokes aren't recognized as coming from the vaccine even if a previously healthy person with no heart disease dies of a massive heart attack 24 hours after the second Pfizer shot, like Hank Aaron, Marvin Hagler, and one of my close friends all did. This is especially dishonest because it is now acknowledged that the vaccines can cause myocarditis, and we have always known that myocarditis can cause heart attacks, but nevertheless the "authorities" insist that the vaccines don't cause heart attacks.

**It's only a vaccine if it prevents you from contracting the disease; otherwise it's a prophylaxis. Fauci's little minion re-writing the definition on a web site does not change this.

Skeptical Voter म्हणाले...

Team Biden--grifting division--of the Democrat party--the gang that could not shoot straight, nor be straight. Shot in the foot again! The horror of it all!

ColoComment म्हणाले...

The Dems have only the strategy of impugning Trump's character, because they can't compete on "policy."
...because in only 4 years, Dems' policies have brought the country only social division, monetary inflation, and economic destruction. (Not to mention international turmoil and conflict.)

Like this, which is but one of the unseen consequences of their policies [á la Bastiat's "unseen"]:

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

You know the difference between the COVID vaccine and the Supreme Court?

The Supreme Court can actually provide you immunity.

Breezy म्हणाले...

Many people don't like Trump because they believe he is a con man and they're concerned he will destroy our democracy. How he may do so is never outlined. It may be gob-smacking to them to now understand that they've been egregiously conned by Biden et al. They never expected that! If the character difference becomes moot, focus will have to be on the policy differences.

PM म्हणाले...

A cruel TV ad: Run the 2021 footage of Biden taking the oath of office but replace the audio with one of his incoherent answers from the debate. Fade to Trump 2024.

Darkisland म्हणाले...

John Moseby,

I like your idea except this part which looks messy.

Then what? By extraordinary interstitial constitutional reasoning, swear Trump and Pence back in.

There is a better, clearly constitutional way that requires no extraordinary constitutional shenanigans.

Elect Donald Trump Speaker of the House. One does not need to be a member to be speaker. Then impeach Brandon and Kamala. Donald Trump becomes president automatically. No chance of constitutional questions about the succession.

He can nominate Pence for VP or, better, whoever his running mate for 24 turns out to be (Ben Carson?)

John Henry

john mosby म्हणाले...

John Henry: that’s an elegant solution, but it leaves Trump eligible for the ‘24 election, which the Dems don’t want (and tbh, a lot of GOPe don’t want either).

The Scooby Doo solution (“look! He was President the whole time!”) gives D’s and R’s something they both want (Biden out) at the cost of something only R’s want (recognition of the 2020 fraud), without costing the D’s something they definitely don’t want (4 more years of Trump).

Trump himself might even like it. Take office for a few months, pardon himself and his friends, turn the border off and the fracking on, maybe do a peace treaty or three, then go back to the golf course, yelling “don’t fuck it up again!” over his shoulder.


William50 म्हणाले...

Prof. M. Drout said...
**It's only a vaccine if it prevents you from contracting the disease; otherwise it's a prophylaxis.

This is neither, it's gene therapy at it's worst.

Greg the Class Traitor म्हणाले...

That means focusing voter attention on Trump’s criminality, chaos and cruelty

So, let's consider Biden's criminality, chaos and cruelty.

Criminality: The Biden crime family has made tens of millions of dollars off of selling access to Senator / VP / President Joe Biden. Nothing Trump has done is even in the ballpark when it comes to criminality

Chaos: Left wing "protesters" / rioters, backed by the Democrats (including the Biden Admin), are a constant source of chaos and destruction.
Joe Biden's dementia is the ultimate in chaos. Who has the nuclear codes? Who's in charge? Certainly not demented Joe

Cruelty: Joe Biden spent decades lying about the auto accident where his wife and daughter died, accusing the trucker who hit her when she pull out from her stop sign (he didn't have one) and cut him off of being a truck driver.

Israel is fighting for its life against Hamas, the people who broke a ceasefire so they could gang rape, torture, and / or murder over 1200 civilians. The Biden Admin is withholding "smart" munitions from them (making sure that more civilians will die), and has shown absolutely no care or concern for the Americans still being held hostage by Hamas

When it comes to "criminality, chaos and cruelty", Trump is an amateur compared to Biden

Chick म्हणाले...

Trump LIES and Trump is Hitler. What other substantive issues do you need?

Greg the Class Traitor म्हणाले...


A nice collection of Joe Biden's life