That’s a nice job. Truths without attacking. I made it to the end. It will have zero impact except for maybe the Democrats tweaking their election year awfulness so the elite jews will keep handing in the big checks…
…not necessarily off topic: this morning I typed in ‘Althouse’ to bring up the page. Pressing on the Althouse link I swiped a bit by mistake. ‘Delete from History’ appeared in a red box. Yikes!
Humor plus practical truth is a powerful force. This segment should be required watching on college campuses. Yes, discussion should be allowed after viewing it but the chant of "to the river to the sea" needs to be exposed as manipulative gibberish.
Horseshit Bill. They don't have to chant anything when the country they're invading practically lets them walk right in to a waiting $5000 visa gift card. La Raza are too busy shopping and making their way to their cousin's house in Phoenix to chant.
My curiosity has me stumped. If I tweaked the River-to-the-Sea Muslim chant into "From sea to shining sea, we gonna be n*gg*r free," would the Depends-on-Context" rule apply?
Great rant, except for one thing—the Crusaders held Jerusalem for 200 years and the Muslims got it back. They will get it back again. That’s why the Arabs keep throwing themselves against the Israeli wall and refuse to negotiate in good faith even after repeated losses. They know that eventually they will get it back.
No one wants to see endless killing. One side has to come to grips with its own future. It has never done this. They were never a country, a people, until the British gave them a name. And that wasn't that long ago. It's time. If they are truly a culture a people, it's time for the Palestinians to quit playing around like they're the Lions of the Desert, and start joining the rest of civilization- building their own cities, power grids, water supplies, manufacturing products, creating things, creating an economy in which people can thrive.
The Israelis have created a marvel in the desert (they grow produce in the desert that'll blow away anything you'll find in any US markets). The Palestinians keep paying tribute to a death cult mob whose leaders live in luxury in Qatar, while their street gangs murder and blow up people- both in Israel and Gaza. It's time for the people of Palestine to look to their kids future and make changes.
The Mexican reconquesta continues all the way from the Rio Grande to Hudson Bay. First they attacked our lawns and nobody said anything, then they attacked our farms and no one peeped, then our dust bunnies were no match for their onslaught and everyone was fine, now that their children are on our roofs, it's too late. Resistance to Taco Tuesday is futile.
No, some out there have this goal. There is a fringy "Reconquista" movement in Mexico and among the revolutionary left in the west -- the idea is to turn over the entire southwest to Mexico per the pre Mexican-American war borders (1845-1848).
This idea pops up whenever the US addresses border and immigration issues -- see the Mexican flag waving protests in southern California circa 2016 to 2018 against Trump.
Back in 2008 Absolut vodka sparked a controversy with a Reconquista map in an advertisement.
yes they were bedouin there is no particular ethnic affiliation of many of the peoples of the region, the Arabs arose from Qahtan in South Arabia, many Saudis are Turks or Armenians, or other peoples,
I have written to institutions (mostly universities) that present Land Acknowledgements as some kind of token of... I don't know what, maybe phony respect for indigenous people. I always ask what specific steps they are taking to give the land back. None reply, except one whose PR department sent me a jargon-filled, sorrowful apologia that ended up saying basically "It's all performative and we're keeping the land."
So maybe Israel can get on that bandwagon and expunge its putative sins. "This is the ancient land of the Levantines and Canaanites. We're keeping it."
I think this is why so many leftists adore and admire Hamas and the mindset of the eternal victim. It's how leftists and losers feel all the time. Like they are owed.. and they are never satisfied no matter how much you give in to their demands. They demand the complete annihilation of Jews. They demand mob rule.
What is most astonishing is how American leftists look straight past radical Islamic abuse of women and homosexuals.
I think the Israelis have the right approach: Defend from all attacks, while tracking down and eliminating the leaders & inciters with extreme personal bias. They recognize from whence the problem originates, and they deal with it by taking the fight directly to the belligerents responsible.
Not too bad, he has learned to deliver his laugh lines in a very avuncular fashion. And it was a well thought out monologue. Shame this current conflict can end one way, which is the unconditional surrender of Hamas, Hezbollah, the PLO, etc. Shame, our feckless congress, president, academic institutions, media and other influencers are anti-semites.
Shorter Bill Maher: "Give up, you guys. It's hopeless. Our side is too strong. You can't win. History is replete with examples of peoples who had to accept defeat. You will too."
From the Palestinian perspective, he's Tokyo Rose.
One thing that Maher and others seem to miss is that most original colonizers (as are we all), when overrun with new colonizers, either accepted reality or were 'pacified.' Yes, atrocities and injustices were committed in that process, but the pacification is why we don't have Ho-Chunk with suicide vests and homemade projectiles landing in Madison.
Interesting thing about the Ho-Chunk (sometimes written as Hoocak with IPA diacritics): after being forcibly relocated to Minnesota, many of them pooled money they had earned and bought land in Wisconsin where they had lived before, which is part of the nation's land holdings now. A good account of their history is in a book called Wau-bun.
I'd further add that post WWII Jewish refugees had nowhere else to go. The Palestinians refugees had a pretty large surrounding population that they could have migrated to. Unlike Germany, these surrounding areas were not in ruins....People don't like to say nice things about the Germans, but it was a pretty neat achievement to rebuild their country and absorb all those refugees.....Hitler, at one time, probably would have been content to just expel the Jews, but no country volunteered. So the Palestinians and the Jews have that in common....Here's an interesting tidbit of info I just recently learned: Prior to WWII, Herbert Hoover had urged FDR to accept more Jewish refugees from Germany... FDR, like Nixon, would occasionally casually make anti-Semitic remarks. Unlike Nixon, however, there's a body count attached to his anti-Semitism. It's said that FDR didn't accept Jewish refugees in deference to American public opinion. Well, he did lots of other things in defiance of public opinion. America's shameful record in this regard is on him.
Jew Haul, was the only funny part of the whole thing. The hearty braying laughs from audience for lines that aren't funny at all are pretty off-putting. To me the strange thing is how after listening to his very reasonable summary of the situation, our resident pro-Hamas readers will be completely unswayed. It's definitively NOT antisemitism though, right?
Ponder the poor natives of England. They no sooner did they get rid of their Roman colonial occupiers, then come the Angles, the Saxons and--never forget the JUTES--to invade their land and foster their barbaric ways upon the peaceable inhabitants. But that's not the end. Then come the fucking Danes and even worse the Vikings (the Norwegian ones, but they're all alike those dragon boat bastards) to plunder and rape. Not content with just that many of them settled in for the long haul and took up farming on the land of the natives.. And that's still not the end. Then come the Normans. Frenchified Vikings. What could possibly be worst.....Well, one good thing about them, they weren't into slavery. At the time of the Norman Conquest, the Domesday book records that 10% of the British population were enslaved. The Normans let that institution wither and die and opposition to slavery became a thread in the British character. But still, it wasn't Norman land and they had no right to be there.
Yeah, Bill things change. And we shouldn't live in the past. So, an Arab would say, why can't the Jews just go back where they came from? They used to live in Israel and weren't around for 2000 years, so why not just leave Palestine?
What an incredibly stupid way to justify genocide and ethnic cleansing. Well, shit happens. Things change. People move around. The Palestinians were there for 2000 years, but Jews like Bill Maher, don't like them, so they should leave.
If you're a decent person, you understand the wrong done to Palestinians. And you also recognize we're not israelies, we're Americans. And we shouldn't be giving weapons to Israel and patting them on the back for killing 15,000 innocent Gazan women and children.
I beginning to think the USA is colony of Israel. We sure act like it. Our Presidents go to Israel and kiss their Presidents ass, while of DC congressmen cheer and cry at the sight of an Israeli flag. If we weren't a colony, we'd tell Israel to stop the killing and sit down and negotiate a true, just peace with the Palestinians. And to abide the UN resolutions and peace treaties.
But that wont happen. Because a bunch of dumb non-Jews "stand by Israel" and cry at the sight of IDF, our "elders in faith".
With regard to subsequent colonizations of California, nearly every major ethnolinguistic group is represented there as of the time before European contact: California Indians Language Groups
"The Cultural Heritage of California begins no less than 12,000 years ago when the first of several waves of people arrived and settled here. California’s prehistoric population one of the largest and most diverse in the Western hemisphere is exhibited by the no fewer than the sixty-four distinct languages they spoke, more than any other comparable area in the world outside of New Guinea.
"Before white contact, California had more linguistic variety than all of Europe. Today California Indian languages are indeed in the ultimate crisis in a life-and-death struggle," writes linguist Leanne Hinton. "We may see ninety percent of these languages, or perhaps all of them, disappear in our lifetimes" (Hinton, 1994). This online presentation of California Indian Root Languages and Tribal Groups is to provide information to all who want to learn about California Indian languages."
Check out the map at the link. My ethnolinguistics prof attributed the eclectic mix to good weather and easy living. Maybe, maybe not, but it's undeniably still a draw for people from cold climates.
There is no such thing as indigenous people. If you believe in "the science", we are all derived from "Lucy" in the Olduvai Gorge in Africa. Thus, Crack...Bro, give me a hug.
Thanks, Enigma. In fact, in January, multiple Venezuelan, Mexican, Palestinian, Canadian terrorist, NLG communist, ANSWER, eco-terrorist, police abolitionist, BLM, Indigenous, Transgender, LGBTQ, and, of course, college students are planning a national attack, advertised as "peace and justice marches and conferences" against our police forces, their training centers, and our communities.
They have held meetings in 70 cities so far. The Quakers and the AFSC are hosting them.
tim maguire said... "...Crusaders held Jerusalem for 200 years and the Muslims got it back. They will get it back again."
Crusaders held Jerusalem for 88 years (1099 thru 1187). Also, Crusaders slaughtered most of the Jerusalem Jews and expelled the rest from the city. Now that Jews are in control, things may turn out differently.
After WW1 the Ottoman Sultanate was replaced by independent Arab Islamic states (Saudi Arabia, Syria and Jordan being the largest). Arabs in Palestine had reasonable expectations to create a similar independent state of their own. The problem was that Jews also wanted to create their own state there. UN mandated creation of two states, one for Jews and one for Arabs. Ugly regional fighting ensued. Neighboring Arab states moved in to "protect the Peace". When the fighting ceased, new state of Israel was in possession of slightly more territory than allotted by UN mandate, Jordan occupied West Bank portion of supposed Palestinian state and Egypt occupied Gaza. Jordan and Egypt basically annexed almost the whole of Palestinian state. As a result, Palestinian Arabs were fighting for liberation from Jordan and Egypt until 1967. That changed in 1967 when Israel took control of West Bank and Gaza. Then Israel became the prime enemy of Palestinian Arabs.
It is certainly true, as Maher says, that if you are not willing to kill a lot of the Israelis, you aren't going to get them out of Israel. But no such unwillingness is in evidence. At the moment, they are prevented by incapacity. Which is why the Israelis work so hard to prevent the Iranians getting nukes. As Mao was wont to point out, countries with big economies, run out of big cities, are especially vulnerable to nuclear attack.
Of course, even if the Iranians get nukes, that doesn't mean they'll use them the way the Palestinians would like them to. Castro wanted to nuke the US. But the Soviets had other plans.
Maher, as usual, says a lot of things in this video that just aren't true. For instance, there are certainly Mexicans who would like to take back the land their country lost to the United States. From his bubble, Maher sees the invasion of our southern border as nothing more than a badly needed influx of appropriately subservient, cheap domestics coming to service his needs, save him money and remember their places. I'm not so sure the invaders see it that way.
I always find it amusing when the apologies to the Native Americans start up - it's such a case of signalling a nearly-complete ignorance of history. I want to ask these people: What systems of government and annals of progress were overthrown by the European settlers? What advanced civilization did they displace? In that civilization, how was land and territory decided, what methods of diplomacy were typically employed, what treaties were agreed and how were they formalized between tribes?
US was going thru Isolationist period in 1930-s (FDR years). Just prior to that, US accepted tens of thousands of Jewish immigrants every year for decades. US Jewish population changed from 250,000 to 4,500,000 between 1880 and 1920.
Ocean’s fake history is tedious. The repetitive nature of his monomaniacal posts could be easily avoided. He could treat it like a footnote and just chime in every day by writing: ibid
We’d all know what he means. No need to write the same thing over and over or cut and paste. Just treat it like a footnote and refer us to it. Take a lesson from the highly self-referential Chuck. You hate Israel and he hates Trump. We get it. Take a break buddy.
The arguments about the US "stealing" or if you prefer "taking" or in the case of the Gadsen purchase, paying cash money for the Mexican claims to the southwest always seem to ignore the fact that at the time there were hardly any Mexicans or Americans living there. It was essentially an argument about who would get to take the land from the Commanches, Apaches, and Navajo. The Mexicans were no more native to the area than the Americans. So the reconquista advocates are basically arguing that since the US didn't let them steal the lands from the native americans, they should now get to steal it from the US
At the time of the Muslim conquest of what we now call Palestine (post the battle of Yarmuk in 636AD) there were plenty of Jews. The East Romans (Byzantines) accused them of colluding with the Persian invaders (thrown out post 629AD). The Jews were there first. The Muslims are the invaders. Also, people need to learn about consequences about choosing war. What happens if you lose (in 1948, 1967, 1973)? Why should Israel agree to a ceasefire with Hamas, given that Hamas intend to keep attacking Israel if given the chance. Why trust people who murder, deliberately (not as a byproduct of attacks on military targets) murder and rape innocent women and children and kidnap, against all rules of war, civilians, including children, to hold as hostage? Why trust an organisation that breaks ceasefire agreements and refuses, against prior agreement to free hostages? Why trust an organisation that lies so brazenly - remember the 500 killed in the Gazan hospital by an Israeli strike, when the numbers were a tenth of that, killed by a misfiring Islamic Jihad rocket? Why trust an organisation asking us to weep over all the deaths of women and children, when they've had 14 years to spend money building shelters for civilians (Hitler, in response to RAF raids over Berlin in the summer of 1940 ordered the immediate building of shelters. If the Nazis could protect their own, why can't Hamas?).
The Palestinians keep paying tribute to a death cult mob whose leaders live in luxury in Qatar, while their street gangs murder and blow up people- both in Israel and Gaza.
Who wants to be a Fatah... Hamas millionaire? The rest are only viable as they are valuable to their progress.
Blogger The Crack Emcee said... Now they're comparing the Palestinians - who occupied no one - to the French fucking over Algiers, and the Germans after WWII.
At least as far as the Germans go I believe the German-speaking people in the countries had lived their for a couple centuries before WWII. In fact I think one of the Russian Tsars had made German one of the languages of his court.
The Crack Emcee said... "Now they're comparing the Palestinians - who occupied no one - to the French fucking over Algiers, and the Germans after WWII.
Fucking incredible."
You're totally missing the point. "From the river to the sea" is actually a call for the occupation of Israel. It's just that the Palestinians don't have the military might to do that. They do, however, have the military might to keep committing terrorist acts and war crimes against Israel.
Narayanan: Yes, Hamas is much less ambitious than Marines. For example, Marines aren't known for preferentially killing civilians, but prefer to attack enemy military forces and let civilians live.
If people want to talk abour Jeruselum. It was a totally Chritisan city for 300 years. From the early 300 AD to the Muslim conquest. No jews were allowed. That's what Christians thought of our "elders in faith".
The Crusaders took it back, and didn't let Jews back while they held it. That's what they thought of our "elders in faith".
If you want to go the "shit happens" route. Well, people have gotten wiped all the time throughout history, so I guess the Holocaust was no big whoop then. I'm sure Bill maher would agree. Right Bill?
I'd suggest that instead of using history as an excuse for Genocide, we recognize its 2023, and the Palestians have a right to exist and not be murdered because...reasons. That's the decent, human, way to look at it.
If people want to talk abour Jeruselum. It was a totally Chritisan city for 300 years. From the early 300 AD to the Muslim conquest. No jews were allowed. That's what Christians thought of our "elders in faith".
The Crusaders took it back, and didn't let Jews back while they held it. That's what they thought of our "elders in faith".
If you want to go the "shit happens" route. Well, people have gotten wiped all the time throughout history, so I guess the Holocaust was no big whoop then. I'm sure Bill maher would agree. Right Bill?
I'd suggest that instead of using history as an excuse for Genocide, we recognize its 2023, and the Palestians have a right to exist and not be murdered because...reasons. That's the decent, human, way to look at it.
"What is most astonishing is how American leftists look straight past radical Islamic abuse of women and homosexuals."
To male American leftists, all women and all homosexuals are Kleenex. To female American leftists, Israeli/Jewish women and Israeli/Jewish homosexuals are Kleenex.
Palestinians have a right to exist and not be murdered. But their leadership shouldn't then choose war, and not expect consequences. Their leadership has brought this misery on the Palestinian people, which did, after all, elect them as their leaders. the point about the Jews being there first, before the Muslim invasions, still stands.
'I stand w Isreal. Leftists, Mullahs, Hamas-Palistinian terrorists can suck it' said...
True, but not completely irrelevant.
If Palestinian Arabs concentrate their ire on those who occupy the land they consider theirs without much regard for ethnicity and religion, if they attacked other Muslim Arab occupiers before they attacked the Israelis, then maybe this conflict is really mostly about the land? Perhaps this is not a Clash of Civilizations but simply a squabble about the land? In which case resolution of the land conflict may put all the other issues to rest?
Or maybe you're right and it is too late for that...
Colonialism was a good thing for the colonized. They were pulled kicking and screaming into modernity. Though many resisted with everything they had and have not managed to grow up yet, all have reaped the benefits one way or another. Peaceful and prosperous indigenous cultures are the stuff of fairy tales. Savagery, meet civilization. For all of its flaws, it beats the hell out of what came before it.
A good summary. The key point is that the Palestinians have had many opportunities to move on elsewhere and/or to have a Palestinian state. Not good enough. They will only be satisfied when all the Jews are dead. As he said, there will be some kvetching.
Adam Carolla had a take on this. Move the Israeli Jews to Baja California . Its desert, and has water on both sides. There's nobody there to disturb. The Mexicans could use a good injection of jews. This could be the answer to the southern border crisis. ???
"But their leadership shouldn't then choose war, and not expect consequences. Their leadership has brought this misery on the Palestinian people, which did, after all, elect them as their leaders."
I didn't realize the little kids voted for Hamas. Or that the Palestianian people voted 100 percent for Hamas. Or that if the leadership of Hamas decided to attack israel in 2023, women, little kids and old women voted for that in 2014.
But I guess that's the right way to look at it. After all, Jews didn't oppose the Jewish Congress declaring war on Germany in 1933, so I guess they were are responsible for the misery brought on the Jewish people 1939-45, no?
And the American people didn't oppose FDR sanctioning japan in 1941, so we deserved Pearl Harbor, no?
Amazing how souless creeps, without an ounce of decency can justify killing Palestine kids for no reason. So Americans, are you glad your tax dollars are paying for Israel to kill Arabs in gaza? Maybe you'd like to go there and kill one yourself?
It would be nice if there were regular elections in Gaza and the West Bank, but there aren't and no one seems to be calling for them. The parents of the little kids voted for Hamas, which, according to polls, seems to have the support of the population. So, my points stand. Their leadership shouldn't choose war, and not expect consequences. Their leadership has brought this misery on the Palestinian people, which did, after all, elect them as their leaders."
"You're totally missing the point. "From the river to the sea" is actually a call for the occupation of Israel. It's just that the Palestinians don't have the military might to do that."
Then they're not the fucking Nazis. That was the point of the Nazis: they could and did - not "they wanted to".
"Adam Carolla had a take on this. Move the Israeli Jews to Baja California . It's desert, and has water on both sides. There's nobody there to disturb. The Mexicans could use a good injection of jews. This could be the answer to the southern border crisis. ???"
Only millions of Palestinians can be moved en mass - that's logic.
Well, rcocean, I did not vote for Biden, but in many ways I pay the price for his policies. Societies do suffer collectively for the decisions of their leadership class. When you find a way to avoid this reality that we all live with, do let us know. Or you could grow up and acknowledge that you actually just hate / resent the Jews because of your own inadequacies, and this has nothing to do with your professed concern for "Palestinians". You fool no one except perhaps yourself.
Bill Maher is a malevolent dummy who celebrates that English whites are now a minority in London, having been displaced by exactly the sort of immigrant who thinks "from the river to the sea" is a declaration of righteous liberation.
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१०० टिप्पण्या:
That’s a nice job. Truths without attacking. I made it to the end. It will have zero impact except for maybe the Democrats tweaking their election year awfulness so the elite jews will keep handing in the big checks…
…just for the record I don’t approve of ‘jew hall’.
…not necessarily off topic: this morning I typed in ‘Althouse’ to bring up the page. Pressing on the Althouse link I swiped a bit by mistake. ‘Delete from History’ appeared in a red box. Yikes!
…not to worry, I chose not to press it.
Humor plus practical truth is a powerful force. This segment should be required watching on college campuses. Yes, discussion should be allowed after viewing it but the chant of "to the river to the sea" needs to be exposed as manipulative gibberish.
Horseshit Bill. They don't have to chant anything when the country they're invading practically lets them walk right in to a waiting $5000 visa gift card. La Raza are too busy shopping and making their way to their cousin's house in Phoenix to chant.
My curiosity has me stumped. If I tweaked the River-to-the-Sea Muslim chant into "From sea to shining sea, we gonna be n*gg*r free," would the Depends-on-Context" rule apply?
I think that was the best Bill Maher... ever. Thank you.
Great rant, except for one thing—the Crusaders held Jerusalem for 200 years and the Muslims got it back. They will get it back again. That’s why the Arabs keep throwing themselves against the Israeli wall and refuse to negotiate in good faith even after repeated losses. They know that eventually they will get it back.
I think that about covered it.
No one wants to see endless killing. One side has to come to grips with its own future. It has never done this. They were never a country, a people, until the British gave them a name. And that wasn't that long ago. It's time. If they are truly a culture a people, it's time for the Palestinians to quit playing around like they're the Lions of the Desert, and start joining the rest of civilization- building their own cities, power grids, water supplies, manufacturing products, creating things, creating an economy in which people can thrive.
The Israelis have created a marvel in the desert (they grow produce in the desert that'll blow away anything you'll find in any US markets). The Palestinians keep paying tribute to a death cult mob whose leaders live in luxury in Qatar, while their street gangs murder and blow up people- both in Israel and Gaza. It's time for the people of Palestine to look to their kids future and make changes.
The Russians might push back with regard to Fort Ross.
La Raza was not interviewed for this piece by Mahr.
Yes, very cute...
Unfortunately, Maher should have saved his breath. There is no Palestinian culture or identity other than Death to the Jews!.
What do you call a sane Palestinian? A Jordanian.
Invited by the Mob Crook - Husk Puppet - Joe biden
“We stole it from the Indians first!”
but the Palestinian for Peace, are of that mindset
Now do Ukraine.
The Mexican reconquesta continues all the way from the Rio Grande to Hudson Bay. First they attacked our lawns and nobody said anything, then they attacked our farms and no one peeped, then our dust bunnies were no match for their onslaught and everyone was fine, now that their children are on our roofs, it's too late. Resistance to Taco Tuesday is futile.
No, some out there have this goal. There is a fringy "Reconquista" movement in Mexico and among the revolutionary left in the west -- the idea is to turn over the entire southwest to Mexico per the pre Mexican-American war borders (1845-1848).
This idea pops up whenever the US addresses border and immigration issues -- see the Mexican flag waving protests in southern California circa 2016 to 2018 against Trump.
Back in 2008 Absolut vodka sparked a controversy with a Reconquista map in an advertisement.
the 1619 fraud, promoted by the Times is similarly motivated
yes they were bedouin there is no particular ethnic affiliation of many of the peoples of the region, the Arabs arose from Qahtan in South Arabia, many Saudis are Turks or Armenians, or other peoples,
Tim (7:33): "They know that eventually they will get it back."
Jerusalem wouldn't be enough, but if it ever becomes that dire, expect Israel to uncork the nukes.
“We stole it from the Indians first!”
I have written to institutions (mostly universities) that present Land Acknowledgements as some kind of token of... I don't know what, maybe phony respect for indigenous people. I always ask what specific steps they are taking to give the land back. None reply, except one whose PR department sent me a jargon-filled, sorrowful apologia that ended up saying basically "It's all performative and we're keeping the land."
So maybe Israel can get on that bandwagon and expunge its putative sins. "This is the ancient land of the Levantines and Canaanites. We're keeping it."
a lot of that going around,
Si se puede
Remember that? Good times.
I think this is why so many leftists adore and admire Hamas and the mindset of the eternal victim. It's how leftists and losers feel all the time. Like they are owed.. and they are never satisfied no matter how much you give in to their demands. They demand the complete annihilation of Jews.
They demand mob rule.
What is most astonishing is how American leftists look straight past radical Islamic abuse of women and homosexuals.
I think the Israelis have the right approach: Defend from all attacks, while tracking down and eliminating the leaders & inciters with extreme personal bias. They recognize from whence the problem originates, and they deal with it by taking the fight directly to the belligerents responsible.
Not too bad, he has learned to deliver his laugh lines in a very avuncular fashion. And it was a well thought out monologue. Shame this current conflict can end one way, which is the unconditional surrender of Hamas, Hezbollah, the PLO, etc. Shame, our feckless congress, president, academic institutions, media and other influencers are anti-semites.
Shorter Bill Maher: "Give up, you guys. It's hopeless. Our side is too strong. You can't win. History is replete with examples of peoples who had to accept defeat. You will too."
From the Palestinian perspective, he's Tokyo Rose.
“We stole it from the Indians first!”
Tell that to the women and children massacred at Crow Creek.
One thing that Maher and others seem to miss is that most original colonizers (as are we all), when overrun with new colonizers, either accepted reality or were 'pacified.' Yes, atrocities and injustices were committed in that process, but the pacification is why we don't have Ho-Chunk with suicide vests and homemade projectiles landing in Madison.
Interesting thing about the Ho-Chunk (sometimes written as Hoocak with IPA diacritics): after being forcibly relocated to Minnesota, many of them pooled money they had earned and bought land in Wisconsin where they had lived before, which is part of the nation's land holdings now. A good account of their history is in a book called
I'd further add that post WWII Jewish refugees had nowhere else to go. The Palestinians refugees had a pretty large surrounding population that they could have migrated to. Unlike Germany, these surrounding areas were not in ruins....People don't like to say nice things about the Germans, but it was a pretty neat achievement to rebuild their country and absorb all those refugees.....Hitler, at one time, probably would have been content to just expel the Jews, but no country volunteered. So the Palestinians and the Jews have that in common....Here's an interesting tidbit of info I just recently learned: Prior to WWII, Herbert Hoover had urged FDR to accept more Jewish refugees from Germany... FDR, like Nixon, would occasionally casually make anti-Semitic remarks. Unlike Nixon, however, there's a body count attached to his anti-Semitism. It's said that FDR didn't accept Jewish refugees in deference to American public opinion. Well, he did lots of other things in defiance of public opinion. America's shameful record in this regard is on him.
I enjoyed Maher's monologue. Look for him to be extra stringent against Trump next week. He strives for balance.
Jew Haul, was the only funny part of the whole thing. The hearty braying laughs from audience for lines that aren't funny at all are pretty off-putting. To me the strange thing is how after listening to his very reasonable summary of the situation, our resident pro-Hamas readers will be completely unswayed. It's definitively NOT antisemitism though, right?
Ponder the poor natives of England. They no sooner did they get rid of their Roman colonial occupiers, then come the Angles, the Saxons and--never forget the JUTES--to invade their land and foster their barbaric ways upon the peaceable inhabitants. But that's not the end. Then come the fucking Danes and even worse the Vikings (the Norwegian ones, but they're all alike those dragon boat bastards) to plunder and rape. Not content with just that many of them settled in for the long haul and took up farming on the land of the natives.. And that's still not the end. Then come the Normans. Frenchified Vikings. What could possibly be worst.....Well, one good thing about them, they weren't into slavery. At the time of the Norman Conquest, the Domesday book records that 10% of the British population were enslaved. The Normans let that institution wither and die and opposition to slavery became a thread in the British character. But still, it wasn't Norman land and they had no right to be there.
Yeah, Bill things change. And we shouldn't live in the past. So, an Arab would say, why can't the Jews just go back where they came from? They used to live in Israel and weren't around for 2000 years, so why not just leave Palestine?
What an incredibly stupid way to justify genocide and ethnic cleansing. Well, shit happens. Things change. People move around. The Palestinians were there for 2000 years, but Jews like Bill Maher, don't like them, so they should leave.
If you're a decent person, you understand the wrong done to Palestinians. And you also recognize we're not israelies, we're Americans. And we shouldn't be giving weapons to Israel and patting them on the back for killing 15,000 innocent Gazan women and children.
I beginning to think the USA is colony of Israel. We sure act like it. Our Presidents go to Israel and kiss their Presidents ass, while of DC congressmen cheer and cry at the sight of an Israeli flag. If we weren't a colony, we'd tell Israel to stop the killing and sit down and negotiate a true, just peace with the Palestinians. And to abide the UN resolutions and peace treaties.
But that wont happen. Because a bunch of dumb non-Jews "stand by Israel" and cry at the sight of IDF, our "elders in faith".
With regard to subsequent colonizations of California, nearly every major ethnolinguistic group is represented there as of the time before European contact:
California Indians Language Groups
"The Cultural Heritage of California begins no less than 12,000 years ago when the first of several waves of people arrived and settled here. California’s prehistoric population one of the largest and most diverse in the Western hemisphere is exhibited by the no fewer than the sixty-four distinct languages they spoke, more than any other comparable area in the world outside of New Guinea.
"Before white contact, California had more linguistic variety than all of Europe. Today California Indian languages are indeed in the ultimate crisis in a life-and-death struggle," writes linguist Leanne Hinton. "We may see ninety percent of these languages, or perhaps all of them, disappear in our lifetimes" (Hinton, 1994). This online presentation of California Indian Root Languages and Tribal Groups is to provide information to all who want to learn about California Indian languages."
Check out the map at the link. My ethnolinguistics prof attributed the eclectic mix to good weather and easy living. Maybe, maybe not, but it's undeniably still a draw for people from cold climates.
There is no such thing as indigenous people. If you believe in "the science", we are all derived from "Lucy" in the Olduvai Gorge in Africa. Thus, Crack...Bro, give me a hug.
Thanks, Enigma. In fact, in January, multiple Venezuelan, Mexican, Palestinian, Canadian terrorist, NLG communist, ANSWER, eco-terrorist, police abolitionist, BLM, Indigenous, Transgender, LGBTQ, and, of course, college students are planning a national attack, advertised as "peace and justice marches and conferences" against our police forces, their training centers, and our communities.
They have held meetings in 70 cities so far. The Quakers and the AFSC are hosting them.
And let's not forget La RAZA and Make the Road. Both reclamation of America groups.
tim maguire said...
"...Crusaders held Jerusalem for 200 years and the Muslims got it back. They will get it back again."
Crusaders held Jerusalem for 88 years (1099 thru 1187). Also, Crusaders slaughtered most of the Jerusalem Jews and expelled the rest from the city. Now that Jews are in control, things may turn out differently.
"What an incredibly stupid way to justify genocide and ethnic cleansing."
As Maher said, the Palestinians have been offered a large fraction of what they want. Multiple times.
After WW1 the Ottoman Sultanate was replaced by independent Arab Islamic states (Saudi Arabia, Syria and Jordan being the largest). Arabs in Palestine had reasonable expectations to create a similar independent state of their own. The problem was that Jews also wanted to create their own state there. UN mandated creation of two states, one for Jews and one for Arabs. Ugly regional fighting ensued. Neighboring Arab states moved in to "protect the Peace". When the fighting ceased, new state of Israel was in possession of slightly more territory than allotted by UN mandate, Jordan occupied West Bank portion of supposed Palestinian state and Egypt occupied Gaza. Jordan and Egypt basically annexed almost the whole of Palestinian state. As a result, Palestinian Arabs were fighting for liberation from Jordan and Egypt until 1967. That changed in 1967 when Israel took control of West Bank and Gaza. Then Israel became the prime enemy of Palestinian Arabs.
It is certainly true, as Maher says, that if you are not willing to kill a lot of the Israelis, you aren't going to get them out of Israel. But no such unwillingness is in evidence. At the moment, they are prevented by incapacity. Which is why the Israelis work so hard to prevent the Iranians getting nukes. As Mao was wont to point out, countries with big economies, run out of big cities, are especially vulnerable to nuclear attack.
Of course, even if the Iranians get nukes, that doesn't mean they'll use them the way the Palestinians would like them to. Castro wanted to nuke the US. But the Soviets had other plans.
William - Indeed.
It's no surprise that progressives love them some FDR.
I demand Muslims depart Bethlehem.
To Hell with all of these anti-American totalitarians.
Maher, as usual, says a lot of things in this video that just aren't true. For instance, there are certainly Mexicans who would like to take back the land their country lost to the United States.
From his bubble, Maher sees the invasion of our southern border as nothing more than a badly needed influx of appropriately subservient, cheap domestics coming to service his needs, save him money and remember their places.
I'm not so sure the invaders see it that way.
Now they're comparing the Palestinians - who occupied no one - to the French fucking over Algiers, and the Germans after WWII.
Fucking incredible.
I always find it amusing when the apologies to the Native Americans start up - it's such a case of signalling a nearly-complete ignorance of history. I want to ask these people: What systems of government and annals of progress were overthrown by the European settlers? What advanced civilization did they displace? In that civilization, how was land and territory decided, what methods of diplomacy were typically employed, what treaties were agreed and how were they formalized between tribes?
Oh. Wait.
US was going thru Isolationist period in 1930-s (FDR years). Just prior to that, US accepted tens of thousands of Jewish immigrants every year for decades. US Jewish population changed from 250,000 to 4,500,000 between 1880 and 1920.
He's supposed to be smart, but I could see every punch line coming through the Holland Tunnel.
Very basic and bland observations.
Ocean’s fake history is tedious. The repetitive nature of his monomaniacal posts could be easily avoided. He could treat it like a footnote and just chime in every day by writing: ibid
We’d all know what he means. No need to write the same thing over and over or cut and paste. Just treat it like a footnote and refer us to it. Take a lesson from the highly self-referential Chuck. You hate Israel and he hates Trump. We get it. Take a break buddy.
"to the river to the sea"
Q? why different from "Halls of Montezuma to Shores of Tripoli"
less ambitious?
"Very basic and bland observations."
Yet, spot on. Hard to imagine a fresh take on such a well-tread topic.
10:46 Candide.
The arguments about the US "stealing" or if you prefer "taking" or in the case of the Gadsen purchase, paying cash money for the Mexican claims to the southwest always seem to ignore the fact that at the time there were hardly any Mexicans or Americans living there. It was essentially an argument about who would get to take the land from the Commanches, Apaches, and Navajo. The Mexicans were no more native to the area than the Americans. So the reconquista advocates are basically arguing that since the US didn't let them steal the lands from the native americans, they should now get to steal it from the US
The 'Palestinians' are a pathetically non-technological society who live solely by the largesse of others.
If they want to kill Israelis then go crazy...give it a try.
But don't be so fucking stupid as to think that there will be no consequences.
Maher's ham-handed point is that shit happens and life goes on.
'But, but, 1,000 years ago this tribe did something bad to that tribe.'
Only fools worry about such things.
“No Mexican is out there chanting 'From the Rio Grande to Portland, Oregon.’”
Of course not, because then where would they “migrate” to? The Columbia is a much tougher swim than the Rio Grande.
At the time of the Muslim conquest of what we now call Palestine (post the battle of Yarmuk in 636AD) there were plenty of Jews. The East Romans (Byzantines) accused them of colluding with the Persian invaders (thrown out post 629AD). The Jews were there first. The Muslims are the invaders.
Also, people need to learn about consequences about choosing war. What happens if you lose (in 1948, 1967, 1973)? Why should Israel agree to a ceasefire with Hamas, given that Hamas intend to keep attacking Israel if given the chance.
Why trust people who murder, deliberately (not as a byproduct of attacks on military targets) murder and rape innocent women and children and kidnap, against all rules of war, civilians, including children, to hold as hostage?
Why trust an organisation that breaks ceasefire agreements and refuses, against prior agreement to free hostages?
Why trust an organisation that lies so brazenly - remember the 500 killed in the Gazan hospital by an Israeli strike, when the numbers were a tenth of that, killed by a misfiring Islamic Jihad rocket?
Why trust an organisation asking us to weep over all the deaths of women and children, when they've had 14 years to spend money building shelters for civilians (Hitler, in response to RAF raids over Berlin in the summer of 1940 ordered the immediate building of shelters. If the Nazis could protect their own, why can't Hamas?).
“Now they're comparing the Palestinians - who occupied no one - to the French fucking over Algiers, and the Germans after WWII.
Fucking incredible.”
Seemed incredibly easy to pick up on Maher’s brief but succinct history lesson. Some folks just can’t handle the truth.
I know it's hard to believe, but reality doesn't change because Bill Maher said so:
How Hillary Clinton Has Made "Real Time With Bill Maher" A Totally Unreal Show
Bill Maher Should Have To Shut About Ukraine After Saying This!
Prof. John J. Mearsheimer: Death and Destruction in Gaza: International Implications
rcocean said...
" ...killing 15,000 innocent Gazan women and children."
What is the source of that number?
I hope Bill's not suggesting that Ulster won't some day be reunited with the rest of the island.
"Halls of Montezuma to Shores of Tripoli"
Fighting with. Support.
"to the river to the sea"
Fighting against. Displacement.
The Palestinians keep paying tribute to a death cult mob whose leaders live in luxury in Qatar, while their street gangs murder and blow up people- both in Israel and Gaza.
Who wants to be a Fatah... Hamas millionaire? The rest are only viable as they are valuable to their progress.
I can hear the chants of the Anatolian Liberation Front now,
"From Armenia to the Strait, Turks and Muslims we'll defenestrate!"
Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
Now they're comparing the Palestinians - who occupied no one - to the French fucking over Algiers, and the Germans after WWII.
At least as far as the Germans go I believe the German-speaking people in the countries had lived their for a couple centuries before WWII. In fact I think one of the Russian Tsars had made German one of the languages of his court.
The people making the argument that, both, what the Zionists are doing is "unjust" AND "humans are not good people", can't also be the ones demanding everyone condemn what Hamas did - when the Palestinians DO have a righteous beef AND they were just being human, remember? And why isn't Bill Maher just coping with it, like he says, and not now devoting parts of his show to demanding everybody else be as big a hypocrite as he is?
Even Chris Cuomo now gets it. Powerful:
The Crack Emcee said...
"Now they're comparing the Palestinians - who occupied no one - to the French fucking over Algiers, and the Germans after WWII.
Fucking incredible."
You're totally missing the point. "From the river to the sea" is actually a call for the occupation of Israel. It's just that the Palestinians don't have the military might to do that. They do, however, have the military might to keep committing terrorist acts and war crimes against Israel.
Narayanan: '"to the river to the sea"
Q? why different from "Halls of Montezuma to Shores of Tripoli"'
One is a statement of potential or past theaters of operation. The other is an Islamist call for genocide of Jews.
Narayanan: Yes, Hamas is much less ambitious than Marines. For example, Marines aren't known for preferentially killing civilians, but prefer to attack enemy military forces and let civilians live.
If people want to talk abour Jeruselum. It was a totally Chritisan city for 300 years. From the early 300 AD to the Muslim conquest. No jews were allowed. That's what Christians thought of our "elders in faith".
The Crusaders took it back, and didn't let Jews back while they held it. That's what they thought of our "elders in faith".
If you want to go the "shit happens" route. Well, people have gotten wiped all the time throughout history, so I guess the Holocaust was no big whoop then. I'm sure Bill maher would agree. Right Bill?
I'd suggest that instead of using history as an excuse for Genocide, we recognize its 2023, and the Palestians have a right to exist and not be murdered because...reasons. That's the decent, human, way to look at it.
If people want to talk abour Jeruselum. It was a totally Chritisan city for 300 years. From the early 300 AD to the Muslim conquest. No jews were allowed. That's what Christians thought of our "elders in faith".
The Crusaders took it back, and didn't let Jews back while they held it. That's what they thought of our "elders in faith".
If you want to go the "shit happens" route. Well, people have gotten wiped all the time throughout history, so I guess the Holocaust was no big whoop then. I'm sure Bill maher would agree. Right Bill?
I'd suggest that instead of using history as an excuse for Genocide, we recognize its 2023, and the Palestians have a right to exist and not be murdered because...reasons. That's the decent, human, way to look at it.
"What is most astonishing is how American leftists look straight past radical Islamic abuse of women and homosexuals."
To male American leftists, all women and all homosexuals are Kleenex. To female American leftists, Israeli/Jewish women and Israeli/Jewish homosexuals are Kleenex.
rcocean is correct.
Palestinians have a right to exist and not be murdered.
But their leadership shouldn't then choose war, and not expect consequences. Their leadership has brought this misery on the Palestinian people, which did, after all, elect them as their leaders.
the point about the Jews being there first, before the Muslim invasions, still stands.
'The Crusaders took it back, and didn't let Jews back while they held it. That's what they thought of our "elders in faith".'
Make the Crusades great again...
'I stand w Isreal. Leftists, Mullahs, Hamas-Palistinian terrorists can suck it' said...
True, but not completely irrelevant.
If Palestinian Arabs concentrate their ire on those who occupy the land they consider theirs without much regard for ethnicity and religion, if they attacked other Muslim Arab occupiers before they attacked the Israelis, then maybe this conflict is really mostly about the land? Perhaps this is not a Clash of Civilizations but simply a squabble about the land? In which case resolution of the land conflict may put all the other issues to rest?
Or maybe you're right and it is too late for that...
rcocean said...
"...recognize its 2023, and the Palestians have a right to exist and not be murdered..."
Nobody said Palestinians have no right to exist. The issue is how to liberate Palestinians from the yoke of Hamas.
Colonialism was a good thing for the colonized. They were pulled kicking and screaming into modernity. Though many resisted with everything they had and have not managed to grow up yet, all have reaped the benefits one way or another. Peaceful and prosperous indigenous cultures are the stuff of fairy tales. Savagery, meet civilization. For all of its flaws, it beats the hell out of what came before it.
A good summary. The key point is that the Palestinians have had many opportunities to move on elsewhere and/or to have a Palestinian state. Not good enough. They will only be satisfied when all the Jews are dead. As he said, there will be some kvetching.
If Hamas got all of Israel - it would look like Gaza.
“If we weren't a colony, we'd tell Israel to stop the killing and sit down and negotiate a true, just peace with the Palestinians.”
What a stupid asshole.
Colonialism was a good thing for the colonized.
"What have the Romans ever done for us?"
Adam Carolla had a take on this. Move the Israeli Jews to Baja California .
Its desert, and has water on both sides. There's nobody there to disturb. The Mexicans could use a good injection of jews. This could be the answer to the southern border crisis. ???
"What a stupid asshole."
Don't be so down yourself, "Jake".
"But their leadership shouldn't then choose war, and not expect consequences. Their leadership has brought this misery on the Palestinian people, which did, after all, elect them as their leaders."
I didn't realize the little kids voted for Hamas. Or that the Palestianian people voted 100 percent for Hamas. Or that if the leadership of Hamas decided to attack israel in 2023, women, little kids and old women voted for that in 2014.
But I guess that's the right way to look at it. After all, Jews didn't oppose the Jewish Congress declaring war on Germany in 1933, so I guess they were are responsible for the misery brought on the Jewish people 1939-45, no?
And the American people didn't oppose FDR sanctioning japan in 1941, so we deserved Pearl Harbor, no?
Amazing how souless creeps, without an ounce of decency can justify killing Palestine kids for no reason. So Americans, are you glad your tax dollars are paying for Israel to kill Arabs in gaza? Maybe you'd like to go there and kill one yourself?
Don't answer that. Because I know you would
It would be nice if there were regular elections in Gaza and the West Bank, but there aren't and no one seems to be calling for them.
The parents of the little kids voted for Hamas, which, according to polls, seems to have the support of the population. So, my points stand.
Their leadership shouldn't choose war, and not expect consequences. Their leadership has brought this misery on the Palestinian people, which did, after all, elect them as their leaders."
loudogblog said...
"You're totally missing the point. "From the river to the sea" is actually a call for the occupation of Israel. It's just that the Palestinians don't have the military might to do that."
Then they're not the fucking Nazis. That was the point of the Nazis: they could and did - not "they wanted to".
Old and slow said...
"Colonialism was a good thing for the colonized."
I hope somebody beats you up soon, so you know what you're talking about.
Old and slow said...
"Colonialism was a good thing for the colonized."
I hope somebody beats you up soon, so you know what you're talking about.
Joe Bar said...
"Adam Carolla had a take on this. Move the Israeli Jews to Baja California .
It's desert, and has water on both sides. There's nobody there to disturb. The Mexicans could use a good injection of jews. This could be the answer to the southern border crisis. ???"
Only millions of Palestinians can be moved en mass - that's logic.
Well, rcocean, I did not vote for Biden, but in many ways I pay the price for his policies. Societies do suffer collectively for the decisions of their leadership class. When you find a way to avoid this reality that we all live with, do let us know. Or you could grow up and acknowledge that you actually just hate / resent the Jews because of your own inadequacies, and this has nothing to do with your professed concern for "Palestinians". You fool no one except perhaps yourself.
Bill Maher is a malevolent dummy who celebrates that English whites are now a minority in London, having been displaced by exactly the sort of immigrant who thinks "from the river to the sea" is a declaration of righteous liberation.
- video link
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