Representative George Santos, the New York Republican... the subject of a 23-count federal indictment, was expelled from Congress on Friday after a bipartisan vote by his peers. The move consigned Mr. Santos, who over the course of his short political career invented ties to the Holocaust, Sept. 11 and the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, to a genuine place in history: He is the first person to be expelled from the House without first being convicted of a federal crime or supporting the Confederacy....
Who's next? Or is this a one-of-a-kind thing?
[H]e became a Republican Party liability....
६५ टिप्पण्या:
I've not paid any attention to this guy. What'd he do? Don't the republicans need his vote?
That the GOp allowed this guy to even run is a sad state of affairs.
This makes GOP leadership look even worse. 105 of their members bucked the entire leadership team to expel Santos. This would never happen to Pelosi or Jeffries.
"“So, I mean, the things that they’re saying you did: you deceived donors providing what they thought was gonna be contributions to your campaign but were in fact payments for your personal use, you reported fictitious loans to political committees to induce donors to give you more money, you used connections to high value donors and other campaigns to obtain additional funds for yourself through fraudulent means. You used campaign funds for your own benefit. "
No better example of how much the republican party keeps getting beat up by democrats in the schoolyard and their lunch money taken away. Democrats laughing their arses off that we got rid of another republican to reduce the majority. Idiots should have just waited for an election. Less than a YEAR away. Just flat out idiots.
Can't impeach majorkis, can't impeach Biden, can't do anything about the border, can't do anything about the FBI, can't even get Hunter to obey a subpoena. They do not give a damn about the J6 disgusting proseuction of innocent americans. Can't do anything about the budget.
Can't do anything, except play into the hands of the democrat party, they are having a big yuck yuck right now.
And yet the Democrats make no such moves to expel Gold Bar Bob Menendez. Presumably because he has done nothing that every Democrat Senator doesn't do. Santos should run for Senate on the Democrat ticket, that's the kind of club that would appreciate his talents.
If the DOJ wants to indict him and put him in jail, let them. But no, stupid republicans want to reduce their majority, because well, what difference does it make anyway.
"To hell with this place"
Never thought I'd agree politically with a transvestite, but here we are.
This is less a reflection on Republicans or Democrats, and more a reflection of New York voters than anything.
Morons. Republican Morans. The R's have a razor thin majority and this just cost them a vote. The D's NEVER expel any of their members no matter what they do. They're laughing at the Washington Generals.
Again, this just proves the R's in Congress are controlled by the Big Donors and dance to their tune. Doing anything the voters want is not on the table. Impeach the DHS Secretary for failing to enforce the laws? No can do. Do something about crime? Sorry. Punish the Stalinist DoJ/FBI for their antics by reducing their funding? Nah. Investigate J6 and Pelosi's failure to defend the capital? Maybe next year. Do something to help small business? Nope.
But expel Santos because he lied to NY voters. Oh, that we can do!
Morons. Republican Morans. The R's have a razor thin majority and this just cost them a vote. The D's NEVER expel any of their members no matter what they do. They're laughing at the Washington Generals.
Again, this just proves the R's in Congress are controlled by the Big Donors and dance to their tune. Doing anything the voters want is not on the table. Impeach the DHS Secretary for failing to enforce the laws? No can do. Do something about crime? Sorry. Punish the Stalinist DoJ/FBI for their antics by reducing their funding? Nah. Investigate J6 and Pelosi's failure to defend the capital? Maybe next year. Do something to help small business? Nope.
But expel Santos because he lied to NY voters. Oh, that we can do!
An Own Goal by the Dems-
1. Creates a precedent, like doing away with the filibuster for judges. What goes around...
2. For this specific seat, Santos would have been beaten by any D in 2024. Now, a special election that an R will probably win, and keep forever if he or she is not a total loser.
"invented ties to the Holocaust, Sept. 11 and the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando"
So, just to engage in a round of whataboutism, next they'll be adding a recitation of similar inventions to every future profile of Joe, right? "Presidential cadidate Joe R. Biden, who made up his academic record, plagiarized his autobiography, invented ties to the civil rights movement, and prevaricated about his family's business dealings, said in a campaign appearance . . ."
We don't want Congress to attract flim flam artists.
Now do fetterman
If lying (a lot) is sufficient reason to throw this guy out of Congress, then it should also be the reason to remove many others.
Can't have such an obvious grifter exposing how the grift is done. Next should be Bob Menendez.
"This would never happen to Pelosi or Jeffries."
Yep, no matter how disreputable or crooked their member. When you're right, you're right.
Chickenshit GOP.
I'm really surprised. There have been members who have done far more egregious things who were not expelled. I would like to think this is the start of a good trend, but I fear it is yet one more example of partisan politics.
Yeah, all that fraud plus crossdressing homosexual. Pick one or the other and he gets a pass.
Rich - Amazing that no matter what the GOP does - it's wrong.
What would you say if they did NOT expel him?
lemme guess...
Alternative universe where GOP keeps Santos - Rich says: 'The GOP is a disgrace for not expelling Santos.'
To hell with this place
I agree with George Santos.
Expel the inside traders who make millions in the stock market.
Rs are morons.
Modern Ds would never expel a member without a criminal conviction. Even then...
This is why Rs worship Charlie Brown...
I doubt that Santos was ever really a Republican - I think he ran on that ticket because he thought it would improve his chances. The Republicans are right to take out the trash. If my Representatives voted not to remove him, I would be pressing them for the reasons why, and they had better be good ones.
"This makes GOP leadership look even worse. 105 of their members bucked the entire leadership team. Isn't that precious? It makes the Republicans look worse, but still not as bad as Democrats. The Democrats would have been unified, all right - at stonewalling any investigation and keeping Santos firmly in place - as a dependable vote, now that they had the goods on him.
That the GOp allowed this guy to even run is a sad state of affairs.
Even sadder that neither the press nor his Dem opponent did some basic research on him.
The guy is a conman and scum but he was legally voted in. Let him serve his term and have the voters kick him out. This a bad precedent in these highly partisan times we live in.
So, again, a minority of the GOP votes with the Dems.
the subject of a 23-count federal indictment
I like how the WAPO called it a "56-page Ethics Committee report".
On one hand, 56 pages sounds worse than 23 counts.
On the other, a "committee report" has much less impact than a "federal indictment".
Authentic Election Meddling.
Now lets do Menendez.
He was the most honest liar in the place.
"1. Creates a precedent, like doing away with the filibuster for judges. What goes around..."
Nope. No matter how badly a D acts at least half the Congress Critters (R) will not vote to toss them out. And 99 percent of the Congress Critters (D) will vote to retain.
Use SCOTUS as a pattern. A moderate nominated by a Republican will be blasted in the press and will get, at best a handful of (D) votes. A ultra liberal (and/or obvious idiot) presented by a (D) will get a strong majority of (R) votes.
Agree with the "Republicans are morons" comments.
Hochul can take as long as she wants to call for the special election. A Democrat governor now controls how long the Republican House will be down a vote.
The Republicans should have put lots of censorious language into the vote, but made Santos removal from Congress effective as of the date when his replacement is sworn in.
I don't need the Republicans to play 3D chess, but I would like them to not lose while playing Candyland!
Not saying this in support of anyone in particular, but I’m wondering if there are ever any tangible consequences to the use of threatened prosecution of a person as a means to punish when no actual prosecution occurs?
A good start!
More of this. Corruption is a cancer on our whole society and while not new, it's become so bold and brazen. Both sides do it, and I think Democrat leadership is probably among the worst in US history about this, but if all we do is clean up Republicans and make that the party of integrity, that is a huge victory and a powerful statement about who really cares about the poor in this society.
Omg. Santos got expelled because Trump’s main opponent, DeSantis, is named after Santos. GOP is so fearful of Trump, they rather not take any chances in summoning Trump’s infamous wrath.
He's a schmuck, but this should be up to the voters of his district.
Take away Santos's own vote, and 1 more Republican voted no than combined yes/present/not voting (McCarthy not voting)
Apparently a GOP Congressman and his mother made Santos contributions on their credit cards. Santos changed the amount to exceed legal limit, and FEC opened a costly investigation. Talk about no shame.
Santos is a thoroughly disreputable con-artist, with no evidence of having any higher value than self-enrichment. It is good that he is out of Congress. That being said, he isn't the only member of Congress who exhibits those same characteristics. Republicans should have tied his expulsion to also expelling Jamaal Bowman, who in pulling the fire alarm, broke the law to try and obstruct a congressional proceeding in order to gain political advantage. His actions were worse than Santos' actions as it relates to the credibility and dignity of the institution of the House in and of itself.
As far as the political risk of expelling a Republican with such a narrow majority it seems very slim to me. The term is already halfway over. Republicans control the house so they can control every bill that comes before it. With Santos gone there really are no big issues that cut against Republicans politically. The biggest issues are Ukraine, Israel, the border, and I suppose impeachment inquiry to Biden. That last issue is probably best in Republican's interest to leave it at the inquiry stage anyway. Republicans tying Ukraine aid to Border protection at home is a big political loser for Democrats, so Democrats won't want to create a big issue on it. And any aid for Israel is also a big political loser for Democrats because it strongly divides their base.
Oh one other thing I will add about the political costs and benefits of Santos being expelled, is that this makes easier for a different Republican to win that seat in 2024, so a plus for Republicans.
Santos is prima facia evidence of how easily the Vertically Integrated Media Apparatus (VIMA)[hat tip: Dr. James Lindsay] can be manipulated if you put out the right sounding press releases.
The Republicans in their preening about doing the right, Constitutional thing have overlooked one of the basics - George Santos is innocent.
Professional losers. I apologize for the fact that the Congressman pushing this is a Mississippian.
What Dude1394 said @ 10:38 AM
Sebastian said...
"invented ties to the Holocaust, Sept. 11 and the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando"
So, just to engage in a round of whataboutism, next they'll be adding a recitation of similar inventions to every future profile of Joe, right? "Presidential cadidate Joe R. Biden, who made up his academic record, plagiarized his autobiography, invented ties to the civil rights movement, and prevaricated about his family's business dealings, said in a campaign appearance . . ."
12/1/23, 10:53 AM
The Crack Emcee said...
He was the most honest liar in the place.
12/1/23, 12:33 PM
Shouldn't it be the voters who decide who represents them rather than representatives from other states?
I know nothing about this person, but if he has not been convicted of a crime, there's even less power to evict him.
Am I not aware of some rules?
Any bets that Santos won't be convicted on at least one of the pending 23 criminal counts in EDNY?
Slightly more than half of the Republican Conference in the House voted against expelling Santos. GOP House leadership was split. They did not whip the vote. Speaker Johnson voted against expelling him; Lisa McClain and others in senior leadership voted to expel.
The obvious and fundamental question is how someone votes to expel Santos but yet can still endorse Trump? Santos and Trump were both under criminal indictments. Many of them. Credibly and exhaustively reported. Both had been caught red-handed in serious personal fraud. Both were embroiled in terribly embarassing civil litigation. And both had been made the chief subjects of absolutely scathing bipartisan House investigative reports. With Santos it was the House Ethics Committee. With Trump it was the House Select Committee on January 6.
They are substantially indistinguishible; Santos and Trump. Now; I suppose someone could credibly say that they voted against expelling Santos because only a criminal conviction can support disqualification from office. (And even then, perhaps not!?!) And so their Santos vote is consistent with a Trump endorsement.
But then go explain that to your swing Congressional District voters.
Expelled for lying, you say? When is Adam Schiff's turn?
Why Santos and not Robert Menendez?
Democrats would never do this to one of their own.
Santos was a total embarrassment. Good riddance.
Impeaching Biden would only help the GOP but they are too dumb to understand.
I didn't understood why the Democrats didn't use this stuff against Santos in the election. Any moderately effective opposition research would have turned it up. But then I remembered who the Democrats were running for President that year. Under the circumstances you wouldn't want to encourage the opposition to use negative information about the background of a candidate, would you?
"The obvious and fundamental question is how someone votes to expel Santos but yet can still endorse Trump?"
Of course it is…. :eyeroll
"Impeaching Biden would only help the GOP but they are too dumb to understand."
Please explain. It's not obvious to me it would help the GOP.
Now he can write a book about all the things he learned in congress.
I have a Chuck sighting but Rich is nowhere to be seen.
For one thing, Dems suffered nothing by impeaching Trump. Even the utterly pointless second one.
It would make 2024 a contest between two impeached Presidents. The media would be forced to call Biden "impeached" every time they mentioned it for Trump. No advantage among the normies who swallow media propaganda.
"The obvious and fundamental question is how someone votes to expel Santos but yet can still endorse Trump? Santos and Trump were both under criminal indictments. Many of them. Credibly and exhaustively reported. Both had been caught red-handed in serious personal fraud. Both were embroiled in terribly embarassing civil litigation. And both had been made the chief subjects of absolutely scathing bipartisan House investigative reports. With Santos it was the House Ethics Committee. With Trump it was the House Select Committee on January 6."
Chuck! in full admin state narrative swallowing form. Like a TDS pelican.
Where is lonejustice? Hmmm.
The obvious and fundamental question is how someone votes to expel Santos but yet can still endorse Trump? Santos and Trump were both under criminal indictments.
In this I, at least somewhat, agree with LLR-deomcratical Chuck. Consistency would seem to demand waiting until either was duly convicted in court, or maintain that the applicable voters should be allowed to render judgment on their fitness for office at the next election.
Santos should follow the precedent of Davy Crockett, and get his dumb ass shot to death in San Antonio.
Vault Dweller,
"...dignity of the institution of the House"
Go ahead and pull the other one.
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