२३ नोव्हेंबर, २०२३

The Thanksgiving sunrise (at 7:01).

IMG_4363 2

२६ टिप्पण्या:

Rusty म्हणाले...

You and Meade have a good one. Hope your family and friends are there.
Me? I'm ordering Chinese.

FullMoon म्हणाले...

Looking forward to a great dinner, topped off with a slice of infamous pecan pie for dessert.

A reader, whom I won't identify...

Narr म्हणाले...

Happy Turkey Day y'all.

Son and brother are coming. My wife has chosen to buy our glut from Fresh Market. Add the stuff our son insists on making and we'll have enough for a football team. For days.

And pecan pie. Ummmm, pie.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

The Free Press Substack has a Thanksgiving from delightful Althouse favorite David Sedaris.

“What are the rules of comedy writing?” she asked at the start of our first session. I put my hand up. “You should never make fun of anyone who has less power than you.” Freda looked at me the way I deserved to be looked at, with a combination of disgust and pity. “Where on earth did you get that idea?” she asked. I groped for an answer. “The Village Voice, maybe?” 
“No, no, no,” she said. “The only rule of comedy anything is that you always should be as tasteless as possible.” 

rehajm म्हणाले...

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I made it another year. Grateful.

…I made a two crust recipe and doubled the pumpkin pie recipe for two pies. Traded one for lemons off the tree. Indians say good trade…

Howard म्हणाले...

I made vegan glutton free no bake chocolate brownies for dessert. We're feasting on salt aged marbled chuck steaks reverse seared, baked potato with butter and sour cream, and a colorful salad. The vegan will get rabbit feed.

I hope all y'all have a great time with your people.

David53 म्हणाले...

Two days ago Sonya LaBosco, Director of the Air Marshal National Council, was interviewed concerning the Air Marshalls deployed at the Southern border. She said, "We are ushering in illegal immigrants on the border and leaving the traveling public unsafe." This is not news but what followed is.

From the interview, "Clearly…we're not flying right now. The only missions that we're doing are quiet skies missions, and those are missions that are following the January 2021 people," she continued, meaning a group in the industry are dedicated to following those who flew to the U.S. Capitol region around the time of the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol riot, regardless of whether they were present at the Capitol. We're either on the border for illegal immigrants or we're following folks from January 2021. We're not doing our regular missions where we're out there looking for the bad guys. So right now, on most flights, you're not going to have air marshals."

Three years later they are still following people who flew into DC around Jan 6 under a program called “Quiet Skies”. It doesn’t matter whether they were a part of any activity surrounding the capital or just going to a funeral.

Why isn’t anyone talking about this? During the holiday season when we have an estimated 30 million people flying, the only Air Marshals flying are those following January 6 people. Good luck to you who are flying this holiday season.

If she’s lying, she needs to be called out. If she’s telling the truth, then at the least our government needs to be called out, again, for gross ineptitude and endangering air travelers.

Watch the video.

iowan2 म्हणाले...

All day to prep.
Kids and grandkids over nighted here. They are off to inlaws for the day. So we have the day to ourselves, few honey do jobs as she putters with putting together salads and such. Ill make some chicken noodle soup from scratch, to supplement the Prime Rib, some are not great red meat lovers. Prime Rib is the Rock Salt recipe. done it a dozen times, never fails, always an impressive presentation. Time for a nap a little later ;).

David53 म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Aggie म्हणाले...

Visited our rural property this fine morning to give the dogs a good, tounge-lolling run, and in the meantime, met the new neighbors. Turkey is now roasting with various accessories ready to enter the oven. Life is good.

Happy Thanksgiving to all, and thank you, Ms. Althouse, for all that you do and stand for, here - one of the many things I am grateful for.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

Another year to give thanks to our ancestors worshipping God.

Clyde म्हणाले...

Happy Thanksgiving to Althouse, Meade, and all of the commenters here. Enjoy your day with family and friends. I just had dinner with my 85-year-old father, and while it wasn't exactly according to plan, we enjoyed sharing our meal together. I am thankful.

Maynard म्हणाले...

We are eating chili this year. The plan was to have a turkey dinner with my MIL, but her facility is apparently overrun with Covid, so we changed plans.

It must be election season because Covid seems to be rampant again.

Have a good Thanksgiving Althouse and Meade.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Happy Thanksgiving to all. We’re eating early because the bird cooked quicker than expected, probably because it was very lean. Our bird was blessed with 4 legs, much to my delight — wife buys extra drummies if they are available because she still loves me after all these years.

MadTownGuy म्हणाले...

No evidence vehicle explosion at Canada-U.S. border was terrorist activity: governor (Hochul)

"The governor of New York state says there’s no apparent terrorism link to a car that hit a median at breakneck speed, soared through the air, crashed and exploded, killing two people Wednesday at a Canada-U.S. border checkpoint in Niagara Falls.

“There is no evidence at this time that this was a terrorist activity,” Gov. Kathy Hochul told a news conference about the explosion that happened just before noon at the U.S. entrance on the Rainbow Bridge spanning the Niagara River.

“That's what I want to make very clear to the public, just to calm everybody down," said Hochul. "It's really important, because based on what's happening in other parts of the world, everybody is on edge. And this is an international border.”


Hochul said the two people who died were in the vehicle and the driver was from western New York state.

The car hit the median at such a speed that it became airborne, clearing a tall fence before crashing, said Hochul.

“They crashed into a customs and border patrol booth,” she said.

“The car and the booth immediately exploded (and) burst into flames. I saw the video of an airborne vehicle that was absolutely surreal.

“Your jaw will drop in disbelief and how this went so high over an eight-foot fence. It's rather extraordinary.”

Video released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection shows the car in the far background as other vehicles go through the checkpoint. The white-coloured vehicle roars through an intersection before hitting the median, vaulting into the air and over a security fence, then twisting as it descends out of view.

I'll reserve judgment until more facts ate known. It would be bizarre for a driver to accelerate to about 100 mph toward a border crossing for no apparent reason.

More at the link.

MadTownGuy म्हणाले...

More about the border crash:

FBI closes federal investigation into Rainbow Bridge car explosion

"A new angle of surveillance video from U.S. Customs and Border Protection cameras caught the moment where the white sedan is seen barreling toward a median, hopping a fence and bursting into flames at a CBP booth.

The explosion killed the two passengers in the vehicle and caused minor injuries to a Border Patrol agent.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul said the driver was from Western New York and the car didn’t have a license plate.

The car was driving at an “extraordinarily high rate of speed that then crashed into the median that sent the vehicle airborne,”
Hochul said.

The City of Niagara Falls said the incident involved a vehicle attempting to enter the U.S., according to NewsNation local affiliate WIVB. All four international border crossings between the United States and Canada in Western New York were closed Wednesday because of the incident.

“All of a sudden the car went up in the air and then it was a ball of fire like 30, 40 feet high. I’ve never seen anything like it. It was really incredible,” Mike Guenther said.

Guenther, a Canadian visiting the U.S. from Kitchener, Ontario, for the Thanksgiving holiday, was walking down Main Street in Niagara Falls with his wife when the crash took place. He saw the car speed by at what he said could have been as fast as 100 mph or more, swerve down the road, and crash before going airborne.

The FBI turned the case over to the Niagara Falls Police Department as a traffic investigation after concluding its federal investigation.

More at the link, but the fact that the car had no plates and the occupants were from the US (Western NYS) is odd, and it seems premature for the FBI to hand it off to the Niagara Falls PD. Supposedly they know who was in the vehicle and have reviewed their social media records, (maybe also scrubbed them?), but those of us looking from outside are left in the dark as to how the FBI determined that it wasn't a terroristic act.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

I downloaded ChatGPT to my phone and ChatGPT didn’t recognize me.

David53 म्हणाले...

Hey, I only posted that once….,

MadTownGuy म्हणाले...

Fiery Bentley crash that killed two at US-Canada border likely not terrorism, says FBI

This just gets weirder...

FullMoon म्हणाले...

An annoying commenter, but an excellent cook, is absent. Hoping she is well This Thanksgiving.

narciso म्हणाले...


narciso म्हणाले...


robother म्हणाले...

My daughter went to college in the South, so came back with various southern traditions which crept into our Thanksgiving feast. At this point we've surrendered: Ham rather than turkey, yams with pecans and pomegranate, scalloped potatoes rather than mashed, and of course, pecan pie for dessert.

Owen म्हणाले...

Happy TG to all: Althouse and Meade (Primus inter pares) and all the commentariat. I feel lucky to be here, more or less intact and shiny side up, able to offer truly stupid insights into whatever gets wheeled out on the wire by the range officer, suitable for target practice.

I'll spare y'all any other thoughts here and now, except God Bless You.

wendybar म्हणाले...

David53 @ 1:42 pm

It's pure intimidation. They want us scared and they don't want us to even THINK about voting for Trump. Next thing you know they will be rounding us up in cattle cars..

Tina Trent म्हणाले...

I second full moon. Hope she is well.

Or if he meant me, I'm fine. Except for the oyster pie, I fear. Hey, you gotta go somehow. You can pry that oyster pie out of my cold dead hands.