१८ जुलै, २०२२

The found ginger beer bouquet.



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२१ टिप्पण्या:

Heartless Aztec म्हणाले...

We were just in Selma, Alabama and saw the Daughters of the Confederacy memorial to the soldiers of the Confederate States at the old city cemetery there. It was in a lovely place - magnolia trees in bloom, Spanish moss draped everywhere. And there in juxtapositioned irony was a memorial and statue of Gen Nathan Bedford Forrest wonderfully attended by a group of cemetery workers off the back of a grounds pick up truck. African-American to a man. It was a breath holding moment. Some crazy rent in the fabric of time. As they finished we walked over to the statue and my significant other reminded me she graduated from a high school named after the great calvary leader in Jacksonville, Florida back in the days of peace, love and hippies. What a very strange word we live in.

Gdaddy म्हणाले...

Hopefully the J6 fiasco can take out Trump and clear a path for DeSantis.

Gdaddy म्हणाले...

Hopefully the J6 fiasco can take out Trump and clear the field for DeSantis.

Lucien म्हणाले...

If you look in the Reed's you never know what you'll find.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

Ho, ho, ho!

StephenFearby म्हणाले...

Red State By streiff | Jul 17, 9:30 PM ET

Former Trump COVID Honcho Birx Admits to Deceiving the White House and Just Making Stuff up to Push Her Personal Agenda

Streiff doesn't publish as much as other Red State commentators, but when he does it's usually backed up with cogent citations.

Some snippets:

'Dr. Deborah Birx, White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator for President Trump, launched her book about her one-person attack on our form of government and our economy under the guise of saving us from the Wuhan virus.

Though it has been out for a couple of months, it is only now attracting the attention it deserves. The book is called Silent Invasion and, to quote Michael Senger, “reads like a how-to guide in subverting a democratic superpower from within, as could only be told through the personal account of someone who was on the front lines doing just that.”'

...Two years ago, I did this interview with Susie Moore: PODCAST: Moore to the Point With Susie Moore – Ep. 5 – Conversation With Streiff on Elite Incompetence.

My thesis there was that we are ruled by idiots. The people who claim to have the answers about the crises facing us, be they Ukraine, COVID, or climate change, are f***ing morons.

They are a cruel twist on the Dunning-Kruger Effect. The Dunning-Kruger Effect is defined as “a cognitive bias whereby people with limited knowledge or competence in a given intellectual or social domain greatly overestimate their own knowledge or competence in that domain relative to objective criteria or to the performance of their peers or of people in general.”

Our elites claim to have knowledge and competence, but they don’t, and no one, other than guys like me, calls them out when they are shown to be incompetent morons. I also wrote this post: No Government Can Make as Many Mistakes and Errors About COVID as Ours Did; It Requires Intent.'


The Dunning-Kruger Effect seems related to the Peter Principle. According to this recent Forbes article, that seems to be true.

Forbes Jul 12, 2022:

What The Peter Principle, Dunning-Kruger Effect And Imposter Syndrome Look Like In The Workplace


wendybar म्हणाले...

Nasty Nancy came out with a statement today claiming that SHE doesn't own stock, and doens't know HOW her husband is so good at picking stocks that they are voting on in Congress...How convenient. Josh Hawley is calling for a ban on stock trading by Congress and wants to call it the Pelosi Act. Nasty Nancy's nose is starting to grow as big as Pinocchio's. Maybe Nasty Nancy should quit drinking so she will remember what she is slurring to her drunk husband. It is shit like this that solidifies the distrust America has for the lying Congress who are working to make themselves richer at our expense.


wendybar म्हणाले...

Gdaddy said...
Hopefully the J6 fiasco can take out Trump and clear the field for DeSantis.

7/18/22, 1:39 PM

So you are okay with Nasty Nancy and Liar Shifty Schiff to get away with all their lies?? If they get away with it, why stop with Trump. Be careful what you wish for.

Howard म्हणाले...

Went to Puckerbrush primitive gathering in Maine over the weekend. Took my son and grandsons 10 and 12. Had a great time, lots of fine families attended and all the he kids went nutz making tools and using them. Spent most of the time at the coal forge. One kid made a hatchet head with tool steel forge welded into a mild steel sandwich. The other made a fine whittling knife out of tool steel hardened and tempered.

Life is beautiful

Michael K म्हणाले...

Blogger Gdaddy said...

Hopefully the J6 fiasco can take out Trump and clear a path for Kamala.


Narr म्हणाले...

Heartless, the word is cavalry-- c a v a l r y. Calvary was where Jesus was crucified.

I graduated from HS here in 1971, when the nickname was "Rebels" and the mascot was a fat little 'fergit hell' old Confederate.

They changed the name and mascot to Wolverines (a Yankee mammal!) when it became the performing arts magnet.

The very fine statue of NBF we had here was removed a few years ago, and the remains of the general and his wife reburied last year. The former Forrest Park is now Health Sciences Park.

The Norfolk/Southern RR's main yard here for many decades was Forrest Yards, but they renamed them years ago.

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

Gdaddy said...
Hopefully the J6 fiasco can take out Trump and clear a path for DeSantis.

I’m all for moving on to DeSantis. But let it be decided by a fair, legitimate, auditable, legal electorate. Not by Liz Cheney and her J6 fiasco. Maybe Trump served his purpose. But to hope he gets taken out in this manner is the same as hoping enough fraudulent ballots can be stuffed to do the job. Even if you sit on the sidelines and claim to just be watching.

This does nothing to soothe America’s divisions, nor does it put DeSantis in a unifying position. Does anyone believe the Trump base is just going to go along with the program if the J6 committee succeeds in getting the Justice Department to indict Trump?

It’s not good for DeSantis to have to answer, “will you pardon Donald Trump”?

As soon as they think Trump is wounded beyond repair, some fake Russian collusion narrative will be invented and thrust upon DeSantis. He’ll be branded a racist. A homophobe. A transphobe. A xenophobe. The Lincoln Project will go after him as will the Bill Kristols and Joe Scarboroughs. Late night talk shows will lie and skewer him.

If this playbook works to take out Trump for good, what makes anyone think the same playbook won’t be used on DeSantis?? But this time it won’t work??? It already worked. And we are paying the price for it.

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

If Gadfly is for DeSantis, I may have to rethink.

Clyde म्हणाले...

This seems appropriate:

Brad Paisley - Flowers

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

Looks like Milwaukee, WI is going to get the 2024 GOP convention. Mayor Cavalier Johnson is playing nice because of the $$$ that can flow into the city after losing its ass on the Democrats and COVID. But it ain’t gonna be pretty and Milwaukee isn’t going to look good on TV. They plan of using the Fiserv Forum. Milwaukee can’t even keep the Deer district mass-shooting free during a Buck’s playoff game.

Of course Democrat Wisconsin State Senator Chris Larson was quoted in the Milwaukee Journal: "Doesn’t seem like a good idea to invite to our community the party that’s having trouble moving past their 'violently overthrowing democracy and celebrating gun violence' phase," Sen. Chris Larson, D-Milwaukee, said in a tweet, referring to the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection and the fatal shootings by Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha in 2020.”

It's right there folks. America and Wisconsin's irreconcilable differences. The Milwaukee Journal added the Kyle Rittenhouse lie. Molly Beck of course. It’s not in the tweet. “Celebrating gun violence” can also be a deflection on Larson’s part regarding Milwaukee’s skyrocketing murder rates. As if Republican’s are celebrating it or have anything to do with it. If you know who the guy is, he’s that big of an ass.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is good for lighting charcoal in a grill chimney, and also fanning the flames of division through propaganda and lies here in Wisconsin.

n.n म्हणाले...

The morning after bouquet. Sweet memories.

Drago म्हणाले...

tim in vermont: "If Gadfly is for DeSantis, I may have to rethink"

He's not really. It's a game the lefty-"TrueCons" play. They are always "for" the next republican...until that person is THE republican, at which point THAT republican becomes Hitler too.

As surely as night follows day.

Drago म्हणाले...

Howard: "Took my son and grandsons 10 and 12"


You're no biologist.

wendybar म्हणाले...

Charges for the Colbert 9 who were arrested in the Capitol and charged with trespassing were dropped, even though they were told to leave the building earlier by the same Capitol police. WHY are there still people in the DC gulag who got ushered in by the same Capitol police still behind bars?? THIS is what double standards look like. Adam Shifty Schiff or somebody from his office is the one who let them in after hours after they were told to leave.

BUMBLE BEE म्हणाले...

JP has the GOODS!...

Ceciliahere म्हणाले...

A better composition.