৬ জুন, ২০২১

Backyard seen from the 3rd-floor window at 5:47 a.m.


I love the way this was designed and grown to be looked at from above. I'm nearly always seeing it from the 3rd or 2nd floor. It's nice at ground level too, but I'm delighted by the undulating shapes of the low treetops. And of course, I love the part I call "the protractor." The long grass inside of the mown grass is wheat.

1 টি মন্তব্য:

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Nancy writes:

"It’s lovely. Do you have a before photo?"

Thanks. Here's a picture from 2010, one year into Meade's time working on it. This is the blank slate stage, but he took out a lot of weeds and sprigs of new trees and so forth. And he put in that semicircular lawn. I had just left the backyard to nature, so there was nothing built up about it that I had going on. I enjoyed the big trees on the property and because of the shade, I didn't try to make anything happen on the ground. I allowed things like snakeroot and violets to take over and do whatever they wanted, survival of the fittest.