৬ জুন, ২০২১

"They failed in Washington. They failed all over the place. Between the impeachment hoax number one, impeachment hoax number two, all of these investigations, ah shit, we failed."

"Let’s send it to the radical left prosecutors in New York, maybe they can have more luck. They’ll never stop until November of 2024. They won’t stop. There’s no better example of the Democrat and media corruption than the 2020 election hoax. As you know, the evidence is too voluminous to even mention.... You look at what happened on that evening when the election was won and all of a sudden vast amounts of votes were taken in just in certain states, swing states. Swing states that I was leading by a lot. Then all of a sudden, oh, something happened. It was a disgrace to our country and if you think people don’t see it, people see it. People have seen it."  

Said Trump, in his North Carolina speech last night

The "shit" surprised me. 

ADDED: What's amazing about Trump's rhetoric is how much it trust the listener to keep up as it leaps forward. Look at that sentence in the post title. He's already trusting his people to understand the "They." If you look at the transcript, it's pretty clear the antecedent is "the Democrats," but it could be "the radical left prosecutors." If you were writing this speech, you'd never allow that confusion to exist. But he expects us to keep up. Then, he switches voices. He goes from "They failed" to "we failed." You're just supposed to understand that he decided to begin embodying the role of the "they" he's been insulting. Suddenly, he's them, saying "Ah shit, we failed." It's not just the startling slap of "shit," it's that he's them, crying out "shit," and he's saying the words he'd never want to say as himself. He's always a big winner to himself. He's saying "We failed." The audience gets it. Why aren't they confused? Why isn't he worried that they're thinking, "Huh? Who failed? Is Trump saying he failed?"?

২টি মন্তব্য:

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Cubanbob writes:

"The "shit" surprised me."

Trump raw and uncensored. Doesn't surprise me at all. Indeed, he probably did say that intentionally not only to get his base excited ( I'm mostly part of his base) but more importantly to get the media to take the bait and run with it. If people who read, watch or follow the "mainstream media" get the quote from Trump from the media and just for fun read the quote in full context, Trump gets to first base, maybe second. Demanding China pay to to write off all the US government bonds as reparations for COVID is political genius. It won't happen ( for too many valid reasons to discuss here) but it will put Biden in a tough spot when it comes to China and that will play well for the Republicans. Trump is cementing his hold over the Republican Party. Trump got played but his detractors forget that Trump plays to win. He won't be making the mistakes he made before. Facebook and Twitter to a large degree did trump a favor. If the Republican look like they are going to win the trifecta in 2024, sell all your tech positions. Trump will get revenge.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

David Begley writes:

The actual alleged crime is rarely mentioned. From what I understand, The Trump Organization listed different values for real estate for purposes of obtaining loans and for purposes of depreciation deductions on tax returns.

But the value of real estate is an opinion. I can’t stress that enough. Experts can disagree on the value and it can change from year to year.

This is a witch hunt to get rid of Trump.