Watched 'The Music Man' yesterday. Paroos' neighbor eggs Winthrop into saying her name, Amaryllis. He lisps, of course, as she knew he would. Then she makes fun of him and wonders why he doesn't like her. A little contrived, but still one of my favorites.
I heard on the news that Lady Gaga is offering a half million dollars, no questions asked, for the return of her kidnapped French bulldogs. That seems a little exorbitant and such an amount would serve to encourage future celebrity dog kidnappers....Also, her dog walker behaved bravely and in keeping with the highest ideals of that profession. He got shot for his troubles in refusing to hand over the dogs. It would be more seemly for her to offer such a grand reward for information leading to the arrest of those men who shot him.
"LOS GATOS, CA — The Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High School District plans to reopen schools for one hour on one day of the week, a decision that has some parents rankled, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
District officials told the Chronicle that the plan would be part of a gradual easing of a return to in-person instruction, allowing students and staff time to learn safety protocols. The one-hour instruction would take place in cohorts on Wednesdays."
I remember over a decade ago visiting the Museum of the American Indian in DC, and how they did not use archeology to interpret their artifacts, but rather they used the beliefs and stories of Indians to explain them. This would actually by pretty interesting if we genuinely knew what they were at the time that the artifacts were created, but as it is now, it is just a rejection of “whiteness” that archeology represents and an attempt to put something, anything, in its place to undermine it.
Now I see that there is a movie on Prime called “The King” which is a rewriting of Shakespeare’s Henry V to try to create the impression that people in those days really lived by modern values. Then I watch a documentary on archeology of Britain that suggests that even though the written sources we have claim that the Anglo-Saxons invaded Britain and took half of the island by force, that what the archeology really shows is that the Celts and the Anglo Saxons peacefully divided the island in half and lived side by side in harmony and that the legends of King Arthur leading his men against the Saxon invaders were therefore totally wrong. It’s more pretend archeology.
Then I watched a documentary that claimed that the Persians were in the right to attack Greece in the battle of Thermopile because Greece provoked them by rebelling against Persian rule in the Ionian islands, and that if the peaceful Persians had won that battle, European history would have been so much more peaceful. They did this by making up a narrative to counter the written history provided to us by the Greeks on the grounds that the Greeks must have written the history from a slanted point of view and therefore the Persians had a point of view and the writers of the documentary could make one up and it would be as valid as contemporary accounts, you know, since it wasn’t fair that the Persians writings are so meagre because their written language was so limited.
They are busy every day rewriting history to support their narrative. To wipe out the similarities between the Democrats’ tactics and those of the fascists for example by redefining fascism as something that no longer resembles what the left has become even though Mussolini would recognize woke as a tactic to impose socialism, same as he used fascism for that purpose.
Any man as good looking, well spoken, and with the disposition of Robert Preston will have no problem scoring young trim. Game doesn’t have to come into it.
Oh yeah, in The King, it turns out that Henry V only got tricked into going to war against France by an evil advisor. It’s one thing to write alternate history, but you should label it as such, not pretend that you are setting the record straight.
"Any man as good looking, well spoken, and with the disposition of Robert Preston will have no problem scoring young trim. Game doesn’t have to come into it."
Of course, Jones was already pregnant during the filming : )
The petition for certiorari in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard was filed yesterday, and it's a doozy. Not a typical cert petition at all, in that it doesn't focus on the mistakes of the lower courts, or provide a detailed list of all of them. (They get a mention for sure, but the tone is more 'can you believe the lower courts actually said this and still affirmed Harvard's obvious racial discrimination'.)
Instead, the petition's real target is the mistakes by the Supreme Court, principally in its Grutter decision. The first question presented by the petition is whether Grutter should be overruled. The petition argues that Grutter's analysis was based on a lie (the description of the so-called Harvard Plan that was accepted uncritically in that case), and adopted a lot of meaningless categories ('critical mass', 'benefits of diversity', etc.) that no one (certainly not Harvard) even claims to understand, apply or even pay any attention to. Petitioners argue that Grutter's categories are so easy to manipulate that they serve only as a new-speak screen so that the Court could pretend that 'strict scrutiny' was being applied to cabin overt racial discrimination despite the absolute terms of the 14th Amendment and Brown v. Board. They even quote an article by Bollinger (former dean of Columbia LS and president of UMich when Grutter was being litigated), basically admitting that the defense in Grutter could never admit the truth that the real point of using race to make admissions decisions was to remedy past societal discrimination, a big no-no under Supremen\ Court precedent. Reading between the lines (in some places, just reading the lines), the petition argues that Grutter was basically a con job -- trying to pretend that the Court was sticking to its precedents (Brown v. Board being the main one) while undercutting them so that the justices could go with the flow in polite society.
It's quite clear that the target audience for this petition is Kavanaugh and Barrett, on the assumption that Alito, Thomas and Roberts are likely votes for petitioner (based on what those three have written in prior cases dealing with racial discrimination in university admissions). Gorsuch may well join them as well, but the way the petition is written, I think petitioners believe the other two may be easier 'gets.' They need four votes for cert, but I doubt that four would vote for cert if they didn't think there was a fifth to carry the day on the merits. Time will tell -- stay tuned.
Available here if you want to read it:
Ann Althouse said... I have a big post from a couple years ago on "The Music Man." [linked above]
2/26/21, 10:34 AM
***** Shirley Jones’s son and teen idol, David Cassidy, was enormously popular both inside the US and out, from their 1970s sit-com the Partridge Family. From his Wikipedia:
“The show proved popular, but the fame took its toll on Cassidy. In the midst of his rise to fame, Cassidy felt stifled by the show and trapped by the mass hysteria surrounding his every move ...”
I’ve wondered whether that is somewhere along the line a direct reference to “mass-steria” as sung by Harold Hill (and included in your blog post), in “Ya Got Trouble” ... right here in River City ...
Mark said... I heard on the news that Lady Gaga is offering a half million dollars, no questions asked, for the return of her kidnapped French bulldogs.
Better if she had offered a bounty.
2/26/21, 11:46 AM
Yeah...who cares about the peon she hired to walk the dogs. She doesn't CARE that he got shot 4 times trying to protect her dogs...#NoQuestionsasked??????
Did you just clean? How does one have a table with nothing on it - like papers, pens, bottle of vitamin D and other items? People with table surfaces that are empty fascinate me as every surface in my house has crap on it!
In TV shows and movies you often see empty surfaces in homes. Probably for continuity of scenes - the more clutter around the more chance for something to be moved and thus 'off' for the next shot.
David Cassidy was Shirley Jones' stepson. The guy who came out poorly was his Dad, Jack Cassidy.
Thanks. I see that Shaun (of “Da doo run run ...) and Patrick Cassidy were her sons, and half brothers to David.
It is Patrick who Shirley Jones was pregnant with during filming (which she kept secret, but Preston found out from a kick during their embrace in “Til Their Was You”). I think she didn’t know that at first, and then was worried about losing the part. I think in the same interview I saw (on YouTube) she said writer Meredith Willson insisted that Preston be cast for the movie (or it wouldn’t have been done at all).
Has anyone seen the episode "Let Freedom Ring", in Season 1 of "Strangers with Candy"? In that episode the main character, Jerri Blank played by Amy Sedaris, spray paints the "N-word" on the wall of her high school hallway. The investigation is hilarious - the entire episode is hilarious. But it ends with Amy Sedaris admitting that she did it and the reason was "I just don't like Black people."
Makes me wonder if Amy Sedaris ever felt the need for a Twitter apology over words uttered in 2012.
Makes me wonder if Amy Sedaris ever felt the need for a Twitter apology over words uttered in 2012.
Strangers with Candy aired from 1999 to 2000 (not that it matters to cancel culture if you said something potentially offensive whether it was 10 or 20 years ago).
Pretty nice scene in the photo. Having green plants in the winter softens the cold, hard reality of dirty snow outside. The dog kidnapping thing is disturbing; well, the guy getting shot is disturbing. One wonders if their intent was ransom. In any case, the reward seems like a bad idea, unless, as mentioned above, it's for information leading to apprehension.
In a follow-up to the vaccination discussion yesterday, I came across the State of Ohio vaccination statistics. Seems vaccinations started mid-December climbing to a peak the week of 20 January, then essentially steady for 2 weeks and has declined by one third during the past 3 weeks. Last week was understandable because of weather but the main bottleneck is that Ohio is not getting doses from the Federal government. They are expecting a big increase in the next two weeks and with the J&J approval in should increase even more. Still significant scheduling problems limiting distribution to those over 65 and teachers at this time.
The latest wild internet rumor is that Gaga's dog-nappers were Trump fans angry seeking revenge for her singing at Biden's inaugural gala. The rumor is that the FBI is investigating that angle. I kid you not.
Also wild: A Music lecturer told me that The Music Man was actually more innovative than its contemporary competitor West Side Story. I can't say if he was right or not, but it certainly seems unbelievable.
The last two days photos show that your house allows for a good amount of natural light. That's nice. Even in a less than sunny area like the upper Midwest, natural light is important.
No worries everybody. Our crack FBI is on the case of Lady Gaga's Because, it's this enlightened era of Biden/Harris, that Trump supporters dognapped the French-style canines.
Nothing else going on in the country. Just Trump and Trump people to continue to investigate. At some point, someone's going to be guilty of something. Actual criminals and foreign spies must be chuckling aloud to themselves.
Lurker21: The rumor is that the FBI is investigating that angle. I can only hope that is just idle internet chatter, but these days truth is often stranger than fiction.
No worries everybody. Our crack FBI is on the case of Lady Gaga's Because, it's this enlightened era of Biden/Harris, that Trump supporters dognapped the French-style canines.
Ah, I thought that the dognappers were described as being two black men.
"Word on the street is that Trump ordered the dognapping"
Waiting for Gadfly to chime in again about Trump's mob connections. The mob controls cement and garbage in New York Trump's contractors use cement as foundation for Trump's buildings, and Trump's real estate uses garbage company. Ipso facto...
The dognappers in a tough situation. They expected to snatch valuable dogs, sell them for a few hundred bucks. Smart thing would be to tie them up somewhere and make anonymous call to cops or SPCA. Take the heat off. Dilemma is, 500,000.00 a whole lot of money to ignore.
On the other hand, friends of these guys know they steal and sell dogs and those friends are eyeballin' that 500.
Yeah..I'm sure they're nice dogs*, but..take a bullet for them? Ga Ga probably wouldn't take one for him. (*especially wearing berets and those striped shirts)
Question: How would you design a transfer of the dogs and the money to insure your identity was secure and you did not release the dogs without high confidence the money could not be withdrawn? No questions asked does not mean the FBI can't arrest you later.
The state has an interest in apprehending armed criminals who have already shot a person, but little missy needs someone to 'splain that to her, apparently.
Narr And how can the 'nappers be sure the dogs won't ID them?
Nonapod said at 1:57pm: Strangers with Candy aired from 1999 to 2000 (not that it matters to cancel culture if you said something potentially offensive whether it was 10 or 20 years ago).
Yes, Lady Gaga's offer of ransom with no questions asked is abhorrent given what happened when the dogs were taken. The only way to save her honor at this point is for this to be part of a sting operation, and maybe it is, but you never lose money on betting on a celebrity's self-centeredness.
I've learned from AA today's: post on Supreme Court brief on Harvard asian discrimination; tim-in-vermont's comments on applying modern ethical standards to history; multiple comments on Music Man. (Biden "with a capital B and that rhymes with T and that stands for Tool.") The barbershop quartet pieces in Music Man are excellent.
So...trying to find live coverage of CPAC. Not easy. Found a live stream on Youtube. but they dubbed Spanish over the live stream so you can't hear a thing.
I remember when CSPAN would cover it wall-to-wall.
What I was able to see, Josh Hawley, DeSantis...none mention the individual. Everything is about the collective. Our collective needs to defeat their win elections.
Fuck that-
I want political leadership that will leave us alone to live our lives, pursuant to the Constitution, fulfilling the reason we fought a war that gave us that Constitution.
We didn't fight a war to win an election against King George. We fought a war to be free.
Regarding the $500K reward, if you did not pay taxes and it was banked you get charged, $10,000 transaction rule. You are reduced to demanding it in unmarked $20 bills stuffed in your attic that you can use only for retail purchases, but they are all marked with florescent dye... You can ask for bitcoin, but blockchain does not prevent testimony of who they gave it to.
Waiting for Gadfly to chime in again about Trump's mob connections.
If the stories I have read about the construction business in New York are even half true, then it’s impossible that Trump does not know any gangsters. So what? I know worse than that; I know some Democrats.
March Madness is a bit early this year for Wisconsin girls basketball. There is a dandy Division 3 championship game coming up at 8:15 tonight between Lake Mills (24-2) and La Crosse Aquinas (22-0). Both teams played tough schedules with plenty of games against larger schools. Aquinas plays a tough trapping defense that is fun to watch. I'm an Aquinas fan, but I expect the game to be hard fought and close.
coverage of CPAC. I doubt this is wall-to-wall "live" coverage, but I've heard a lot of CPAC interviews, etc., on my local station WMAL 107.3 which you can find on the internet.
I saw a man dressed as a woman appear before a US Senate hearing for an appointment to the US Health and Human Services Dept. He counseled that children as young as 3, should be mutilated.
Babies asleep in the womb, who were called to join this life, and are ready to be born, like you and I were so many years ago, encounter utensils stabbed into their new brains, and the vessel that only God can destroyed.
It is no longer enough to murder the infant. If they make it past the Abortionist, they must now be mutilated.
What kind of a Society goes along with this? Are we the Baddies?
Very well-bred Frenchies fetch tens of thousands of dollars, it's tough to find a decent pet quality Frenchie for $5,000. I'm not sure the perps even knew they were Gaga's, and if they did, they figured that they were getting top notch dogs. Stolen and snatched Frenchies are daily news in my social media circles.
Oh, it's going to get worse. The mob will need its circuses. Rollerball may not have been that far off. Combine Roller Derby and MMA cage matches, and you're not far away.
The only way to save her honor at this point is for this to be part of a sting operation, and maybe it is, but you never lose money on betting on a celebrity's self-centeredness.
I'm giving a heads up to an Indian film on Netflix called The White Tiger. In my endeavor to escape p.c., I've taken to watching foreign films. This movie is based on a Booker Prize winning novel. It's a subtle and occasionally blunt depiction of how the caste system in India works. It's good to learn that there are societies other than America that are fucked up. But wait. Two of the more despicable Indians on display were educated in America and have picked up American ways. They treat their servant in a very democratic way until it's time to push him under the bus....The actor who plays the Indian servant gives an impressive performance. He has to be naive and scheming, servile and rebellious annd frequently as the same moment....The film is well made with lots of Bergman nuance. Here's a thought though: Is it possible for anyone nowadays to honestly depict a feudal relationship. You know, the kind of relationship where the servant is legitimately loyal to his superior. Dickens was not ignorant or naive about human nature and he depicted servants who were genuinely loyal. So did Shakespeare. This current view that servants are always resentful of the better life of their employer and just waiting an opportunity to turn the tables is of recent date and not always accurate. Not everybody on the bottom rungs is pissed off at a hierarchical society. It's possible that Mamie actually did like Scarlet.
Lady Gaga's dog walker was a loyal employee. He was willing to lay down his life to protect the property of his mistress. That's some feudal loyalty right there. He probably thinks the world of Lady Gaga and thinks it fitting and sweet to die for her......Perhaps, he's giving the matter more thought though. Well, maybe, in addition to the half million she's willing to give the dog snatchers, she might give her employee ten grand for his troubles. That would be a nice gesture on her part.
Here's a thought though: Is it possible for anyone nowadays to honestly depict a feudal relationship. You know, the kind of relationship where the servant is legitimately loyal to his superior.
For much of history, being a servant was a much easier life than most.
"LOS ANGELES (AP) — Lady Gaga’s two French bulldogs, which were stolen by thieves who shot and wounded the dogwalker, were recovered unharmed Friday, Los Angeles police said."
Whenever a leftist or democratical is being challenged or criticized in any way for any reason by any one, our pro-marxist LLR-leftist Whitmer Fanboy Chuck will always appear to defend and deflect for his beloved democraticals.
Its really just that simple.
We now have a continuous 5+ years of data points at this blog which irrefutably demonstrates that.
Hercules, not that one though: "I saw a man dressed as a woman appear before a US Senate hearing for an appointment to the US Health and Human Services Dept. He counseled that children as young as 3, should be mutilated."
It was as though a writer had described perfectly a LLR-lefty Chuck/Lincoln Project/John Weaver Paradise on Earth.
She bought ammunition, camping gear, a water purifier and boxes of canned food. Then, Tyler’s mother started wearing a holstered pistol around the house, convinced that 10 days of unrest and mass power outages were coming.
The chaos would culminate, she assured her son, in former president Donald Trump’s triumphant return to power on March 4, the original Inauguration Day before the passage of the 20th Amendment in 1932.
“Without a way to vent, I would be truly alone on this and it would break me over time,” he wrote in a QAnonCasualties discussion group. Since last summer it had grown from about 10,000 members to more than 130,000 in the days after Joe Biden’s inauguration.
A few days after the Capitol riots, one of his mother’s oldest friends stopped by to deliver a wedding present. Tyler’s mother had recently remarried.
“Do you plan on shooting someone today?” the friend said she joked when she noticed Tyler’s mom was wearing a pistol.
“You never know what’s going to happen with the Democrats,” Tyler’s mother replied, according to the friend, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “They stole the election.”
“We’re not going to do anything,” replied the friend, who voted for Biden. The argument continued to escalate and the friend said she left.
She described Tyler’s mother as normally a “wonderful” person, who accompanied her on kayaking trips and invited her over for tea. But she said in an interview that she was stunned by the response. “We’re 50 miles north of Minneapolis,” she said. “She was concerned for everybody, but in the Republican way. I don’t know how to explain it.”
Tyler held out hope that Biden’s inauguration on Jan. 20 might help ease tensions in the house. “It seems like my mom is returning to her old self,” he wrote on Jan. 21. “I mean, she’s still political, but now it’s not in my face 24/7. I’ll take that any day.”
The respite, though, didn’t last. Soon she was insisting that Trump would return to the White House in early March. Tyler said he decided to confront her.
“I told my mom everything,” he texted his biological father’s wife, Heather, on the morning of Feb. 3. Tyler’s father had lost contact with him when his son was a child, and they had only reconnected in recent years.
“Told her what?” Heather asked.
“That I don’t believe in Trump or any of her theories,” Tyler replied.
These days Tyler is living in his 7-year-old half sister’s bedroom, while she sleeps in her parents’ room. Recently, his mother’s new husband told him that he was no longer welcome at their home. “When your daddy gets sick of you living there (and he will) don’t bother calling us,” he wrote.
Tyler said he still hopes that the rancor and conspiracy theories fueled by the Trump presidency will fade. Maybe then, he said, he’ll be able to rebuild a relationship with his mother. About a week after he moved out, he drove by his mother’s home to pick up his belongings. His mother was inside. His things had recently been placed on the front lawn and were covered in a light dusting of snow.
“I just don’t see the humanity in this,” he said, “I wanted my family back, not this hatred.”
Thinking about CPAC which I hope to see tomorrow makes me realize how deep the Republican bench is. It's surprising that after all the deplatforming and after our wonderful election (Yay), still the conservatives in this country have by far the better group of politicians and writers. Even our dognappers are big time - $500,000!!!
Fellow-citizens, I end, as I began, with congratulations. We have done a good work for our race today. In doing honor to the memory of our friend and liberator, we have been doing highest honors to ourselves and those who come after us; we have been fastening ourselves to a name and fame imperishable and immortal; we have also been defending ourselves from a blighting scandal. When now it shall be said that the colored man is soulless, that he has no appreciation of benefits or benefactors; when the foul reproach of ingratitude is hurled at us, and it is attempted to scourge us beyond the range of human brotherhood, we may calmly point to the monument we have this day erected to the memory of Abraham Lincoln.
I saw a man dressed as a woman appear before a US Senate hearing for an appointment to the US Health and Human Services Dept.
Some homosexual males can only reconcile with their mental disposition while wearing a semblance of the feminine gender. Equal and complementary in the transgender spectrum.
Hercules, not that one though: "I saw a man dressed as a woman appear before a US Senate hearing for an appointment to the US Health and Human Services Dept. He counseled that children as young as 3, should be mutilated."
That this man is counselling anyone at any age is frightful. Our society has gone completely off the rails. Not that many decades ago, this person would be on the receiving end of counselling.
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness ...
When a transgender lady* smokes the chicks in the 2022 Beijing Olympics, which flag will be raised? The country of competitors origin or the pink, blue and white striped flag of the transgender contingent?
Is it possible for anyone nowadays to honestly depict a feudal relationship. You know, the kind of relationship where the servant is legitimately loyal to his superior.
You can depict it. The problem is that people are blind to it.
Just look at people in any big city, or Black people on the Democrat Plantation. They are abused and abused, but are completely servile and fiercely loyal. But they do not even see it.
A feudal relationship is one of -mutual- obligation "where the servant is legitimately loyal to his superior." NOT what Mark describes, which in those terms would reflect the "illegitimate loyalty" of the merely abused and servile. (Think of Stockholm Syndrome, which has actually been proposed as an explanation for such things as love of country . . . )
That said, I'm not sure what an honest depiction of a feudal relationship would look like, and if a modern audience would know the difference!
KellyM said... "Ann, those ferns are gorgeous! What variety?"
Rescue ferns from Home Depot. (Actually, I call all the plants I buy from Home Depot "rescues." But to give you a serious answer, they are Australian Sword Fern 'Kimberly Queen' Nephrolepis obliterata. Tender here in Zone 5b, which is why I brought them in over the winter. I'm sure they become a weed somewhere (like Florida?)
Hang around. As much as my almost 66 year old body aches, I'm still enjoying life: walked on the beach this morning, shirtless and barefoot, went to my part-time job where I enjoy my co-workers, the owners and the customers, and my Indian (Guyana) side chick will be coming over to watch a flick with me, have some ice cream and spend the night.
I go to two 12-step meetings (in person) a week, and have two active sponsees (the lady has 11 years, the male American Airline pilot three. I write a little in my semi-autobiographical fiction book in the works each day, watch Mystery Road series on Prime now (set in Australia), and pretty much eat what I want. The rest of my waking hours is devoted to helping others, to be of service as God has deemed my purpose. Also, and not to be forgotten, I read InstaPundit, Althouse, a few other assorted blogs and post on MeWe.
Forgot: My reading (of books) has dropped to Zero due to my ADHD. Thank God for Audible. Three to four books a month, so my short travel time is filled with interesting stories and more. Just finished Beatles '66, in the middle of The Great A&P, and soon to start The Cruel Sea by Nicholas Monsarrat
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१४२ टिप्पण्या:
Amaryllis for lunch? Yum!
Little early for lunch around here. tcrosse beat me to that comment so I will just second.
Early morning moon set on ice: reflections of reflections
Lunch is for wimps
Beautiful house.
A glass tabletop makes it more difficult to play footsie, or to play seven-card stud.
fern zillas
What's on the menu?
Is this the way to Amaryllis?
Every night I've been hugging my pillis.
Watched 'The Music Man' yesterday. Paroos' neighbor eggs Winthrop into saying her name, Amaryllis. He lisps, of course, as she knew he would. Then she makes fun of him and wonders why he doesn't like her. A little contrived, but still one of my favorites.
"What's on the menu?"
Smoked salmon and eggs.
I have a big post from a couple years ago on "The Music Man."
Amaryllis are pretty but the blooms don't last long. Mr. Arthur planted one here at the Men's Lodge and it came up for a week or two late last spring.
Speaking of tossed salad and scrambled eggs, Paramount is doing a reboot of Frasier.
"Smoked salmon and eggs."
Delicious...leftover salmon on bagels tomorrow for breakfast.
Breakfast, dinner, supper. Lunch is a light bite, mid morning and mid afternoon.
I heard on the news that Lady Gaga is offering a half million dollars, no questions asked, for the return of her kidnapped French bulldogs. That seems a little exorbitant and such an amount would serve to encourage future celebrity dog kidnappers....Also, her dog walker behaved bravely and in keeping with the highest ideals of that profession. He got shot for his troubles in refusing to hand over the dogs. It would be more seemly for her to offer such a grand reward for information leading to the arrest of those men who shot him.
"LOS GATOS, CA — The Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High School District plans to reopen schools for one hour on one day of the week, a decision that has some parents rankled, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
District officials told the Chronicle that the plan would be part of a gradual easing of a return to in-person instruction, allowing students and staff time to learn safety protocols. The one-hour instruction would take place in cohorts on Wednesdays."
To me, it looks like a creature with a weird, red head, sitting on the far side of the table, drinking something through a green straw.
The one-hour instruction would take place in cohorts on Wednesdays.
Was there ever a more obvious, contemptuous slap-in-the-face?
That's my lived reality!
The Music Man, seen live, is good. The movie is very heavy-handed and clumsy. Preston is good though.
Trying the Popeye's Flounder Sandwich right now.
It's pretty good.
I heard on the news that Lady Gaga is offering a half million dollars, no questions asked, for the return of her kidnapped French bulldogs.
Better if she had offered a bounty.
"The Music Man, seen live, is good. The movie is very heavy-handed and clumsy. Preston is good though."
Preston was 16 years older than Jones...I guess he had game.
Anybody else playing professor Hill after Preston had their work cut out for them : )
I remember over a decade ago visiting the Museum of the American Indian in DC, and how they did not use archeology to interpret their artifacts, but rather they used the beliefs and stories of Indians to explain them. This would actually by pretty interesting if we genuinely knew what they were at the time that the artifacts were created, but as it is now, it is just a rejection of “whiteness” that archeology represents and an attempt to put something, anything, in its place to undermine it.
Now I see that there is a movie on Prime called “The King” which is a rewriting of Shakespeare’s Henry V to try to create the impression that people in those days really lived by modern values. Then I watch a documentary on archeology of Britain that suggests that even though the written sources we have claim that the Anglo-Saxons invaded Britain and took half of the island by force, that what the archeology really shows is that the Celts and the Anglo Saxons peacefully divided the island in half and lived side by side in harmony and that the legends of King Arthur leading his men against the Saxon invaders were therefore totally wrong. It’s more pretend archeology.
Then I watched a documentary that claimed that the Persians were in the right to attack Greece in the battle of Thermopile because Greece provoked them by rebelling against Persian rule in the Ionian islands, and that if the peaceful Persians had won that battle, European history would have been so much more peaceful. They did this by making up a narrative to counter the written history provided to us by the Greeks on the grounds that the Greeks must have written the history from a slanted point of view and therefore the Persians had a point of view and the writers of the documentary could make one up and it would be as valid as contemporary accounts, you know, since it wasn’t fair that the Persians writings are so meagre because their written language was so limited.
They are busy every day rewriting history to support their narrative. To wipe out the similarities between the Democrats’ tactics and those of the fascists for example by redefining fascism as something that no longer resembles what the left has become even though Mussolini would recognize woke as a tactic to impose socialism, same as he used fascism for that purpose.
Any man as good looking, well spoken, and with the disposition of Robert Preston will have no problem scoring young trim. Game doesn’t have to come into it.
Obama was The Music Man.
Biden ordered an airstrike in Iran. It seems to have barely elicited a grunt, a burp, and a fart from the news media. For the Dems, war is cool again.
Oh yeah, in The King, it turns out that Henry V only got tricked into going to war against France by an evil advisor. It’s one thing to write alternate history, but you should label it as such, not pretend that you are setting the record straight.
"Biden ordered an airstrike in Iran.”
No, he attacked Iraqis.
Robert Preston did quite well as another salesman in Dark at the Top of the Stairs (1960).
"Any man as good looking, well spoken, and with the disposition of Robert Preston will have no problem scoring young trim. Game doesn’t have to come into it."
Of course, Jones was already pregnant during the filming : )
The petition for certiorari in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard was filed yesterday, and it's a doozy. Not a typical cert petition at all, in that it doesn't focus on the mistakes of the lower courts, or provide a detailed list of all of them. (They get a mention for sure, but the tone is more 'can you believe the lower courts actually said this and still affirmed Harvard's obvious racial discrimination'.)
Instead, the petition's real target is the mistakes by the Supreme Court, principally in its Grutter decision. The first question presented by the petition is whether Grutter should be overruled. The petition argues that Grutter's analysis was based on a lie (the description of the so-called Harvard Plan that was accepted uncritically in that case), and adopted a lot of meaningless categories ('critical mass', 'benefits of diversity', etc.) that no one (certainly not Harvard) even claims to understand, apply or even pay any attention to. Petitioners argue that Grutter's categories are so easy to manipulate that they serve only as a new-speak screen so that the Court could pretend that 'strict scrutiny' was being applied to cabin overt racial discrimination despite the absolute terms of the 14th Amendment and Brown v. Board. They even quote an article by Bollinger (former dean of Columbia LS and president of UMich when Grutter was being litigated), basically admitting that the defense in Grutter could never admit the truth that the real point of using race to make admissions decisions was to remedy past societal discrimination, a big no-no under Supremen\ Court precedent. Reading between the lines (in some places, just reading the lines), the petition argues that Grutter was basically a con job -- trying to pretend that the Court was sticking to its precedents (Brown v. Board being the main one) while undercutting them so that the justices could go with the flow in polite society.
It's quite clear that the target audience for this petition is Kavanaugh and Barrett, on the assumption that Alito, Thomas and Roberts are likely votes for petitioner (based on what those three have written in prior cases dealing with racial discrimination in university admissions). Gorsuch may well join them as well, but the way the petition is written, I think petitioners believe the other two may be easier 'gets.' They need four votes for cert, but I doubt that four would vote for cert if they didn't think there was a fifth to carry the day on the merits. Time will tell -- stay tuned.
Available here if you want to read it:
Churchy LaFemme: said...
The one-hour instruction would take place in cohorts on Wednesdays.
Was there ever a more obvious, contemptuous slap-in-the-face?
Hey! Here in Silicon valley, this is known as rebellion. Not to worry, everybody gonna be double masked, spaced out and sanitized.
Ann Althouse said...
I have a big post from a couple years ago on "The Music Man." [linked above]
2/26/21, 10:34 AM
Shirley Jones’s son and teen idol, David Cassidy, was enormously popular both inside the US and out, from their 1970s sit-com the Partridge Family. From his Wikipedia:
“The show proved popular, but the fame took its toll on Cassidy. In the midst of his rise to fame, Cassidy felt stifled by the show and trapped by the mass hysteria surrounding his every move ...”
I’ve wondered whether that is somewhere along the line a direct reference to “mass-steria” as sung by Harold Hill (and included in your blog post), in “Ya Got Trouble” ... right here in River City ...
Mark said...
I heard on the news that Lady Gaga is offering a half million dollars, no questions asked, for the return of her kidnapped French bulldogs.
Better if she had offered a bounty.
2/26/21, 11:46 AM
Yeah...who cares about the peon she hired to walk the dogs. She doesn't CARE that he got shot 4 times trying to protect her dogs...#NoQuestionsasked??????
David Cassidy was Shirley Jones' stepson. The guy who came out poorly was his Dad, Jack Cassidy.
"I heard on the news that Lady Gaga is offering a half million dollars, no questions asked, for the return of her kidnapped French bulldogs."
Kidnapping implies being taken by force.
I would have assumed the dogs had just surrendered...
Lunch and circuses.
Did you just clean? How does one have a table with nothing on it - like papers, pens, bottle of vitamin D and other items? People with table surfaces that are empty fascinate me as every surface in my house has crap on it!
In TV shows and movies you often see empty surfaces in homes. Probably for continuity of scenes - the more clutter around the more chance for something to be moved and thus 'off' for the next shot.
David Cassidy was Shirley Jones' stepson. The guy who came out poorly was his Dad, Jack Cassidy.
Thanks. I see that Shaun (of “Da doo run run ...) and Patrick Cassidy were her sons, and half brothers to David.
It is Patrick who Shirley Jones was pregnant with during filming (which she kept secret, but Preston found out from a kick during their embrace in “Til Their Was You”). I think she didn’t know that at first, and then was worried about losing the part. I think in the same interview I saw (on YouTube) she said writer Meredith Willson insisted that Preston be cast for the movie (or it wouldn’t have been done at all).
Has anyone seen the episode "Let Freedom Ring", in Season 1 of "Strangers with Candy"? In that episode the main character, Jerri Blank played by Amy Sedaris, spray paints the "N-word" on the wall of her high school hallway. The investigation is hilarious - the entire episode is hilarious. But it ends with Amy Sedaris admitting that she did it and the reason was "I just don't like Black people."
Makes me wonder if Amy Sedaris ever felt the need for a Twitter apology over words uttered in 2012.
"Strangers with Candy" was a very funny show...I'm not sure it could be aired today.
The asymmetry of the table not centered under the window is troubling, no?
Robt Preston was also great in Victor, Victoria
I was impressed when I learned that Meredith Willson wrote the book, music, AND lyrics for The Music Man.
"I was impressed when I learned that Meredith Willson wrote the book, music, AND lyrics for The Music Man."
Just as impressive is that it was his first crack at a Broadway musical.
Not a bad start : )
Makes me wonder if Amy Sedaris ever felt the need for a Twitter apology over words uttered in 2012.
Strangers with Candy aired from 1999 to 2000 (not that it matters to cancel culture if you said something potentially offensive whether it was 10 or 20 years ago).
Hooray for Joe "Cowboy" Biden!
Never hurts with the great unwashed to smite a few dune-loons.
Team America is back in business
"Strangers With Candy" was classic.
Her bro Dave can be funny too
Pretty nice scene in the photo. Having green plants in the winter softens the cold, hard reality of dirty snow outside.
The dog kidnapping thing is disturbing; well, the guy getting shot is disturbing. One wonders if their intent was ransom. In any case, the reward seems like a bad idea, unless, as mentioned above, it's for information leading to apprehension.
In a follow-up to the vaccination discussion yesterday, I came across the State of Ohio vaccination statistics. Seems vaccinations started mid-December climbing to a peak the week of 20 January, then essentially steady for 2 weeks and has declined by one third during the past 3 weeks. Last week was understandable because of weather but the main bottleneck is that Ohio is not getting doses from the Federal government. They are expecting a big increase in the next two weeks and with the J&J approval in should increase even more. Still significant scheduling problems limiting distribution to those over 65 and teachers at this time.
Capers are on the menu.
The latest wild internet rumor is that Gaga's dog-nappers were Trump fans angry seeking revenge for her singing at Biden's inaugural gala. The rumor is that the FBI is investigating that angle. I kid you not.
Also wild: A Music lecturer told me that The Music Man was actually more innovative than its contemporary competitor West Side Story. I can't say if he was right or not, but it certainly seems unbelievable.
The last two days photos show that your house allows for a good amount of natural light. That's nice. Even in a less than sunny area like the upper Midwest, natural light is important.
No worries everybody. Our crack FBI is on the case of Lady Gaga's Because, it's this enlightened era of Biden/Harris, that Trump supporters dognapped the French-style canines.
Nothing else going on in the country. Just Trump and Trump people to continue to investigate. At some point, someone's going to be guilty of something. Actual criminals and foreign spies must be chuckling aloud to themselves.
"Also wild: A Music lecturer told me that The Music Man was actually more innovative than its contemporary competitor West Side Story."
I don't know, there were a lot of POC in WSS (probably Italian actors), while MM was incredibly white.
"No worries everybody. Our crack FBI is on the case of Lady Gaga's dognapped..."
Garage door pull-downs unavailable for comment...
Innovative how? WSS had to stick to the R&J plotline, so that's pretty restricting right there.
Word on the street is that Trump ordered the dognapping
Lurker21: The rumor is that the FBI is investigating that angle.
I can only hope that is just idle internet chatter, but these days truth is often stranger than fiction.
"Word on the street is that Trump ordered the dognapping"
Trump knows a guy who knows a guy...
Anyone seen Roger Stone lately?
No worries everybody. Our crack FBI is on the case of Lady Gaga's Because, it's this enlightened era of Biden/Harris, that Trump supporters dognapped the French-style canines.
Ah, I thought that the dognappers were described as being two black men.
Imagine That!...
Museum of the American Indian in DC
Any wheels shown prior to the evil white guys?
I thought that the dognappers were described as being two black men.
They were multi-racial white supremacists.
"Word on the street is that Trump ordered the dognapping"
Waiting for Gadfly to chime in again about Trump's mob connections.
The mob controls cement and garbage in New York Trump's contractors use cement as foundation for Trump's buildings, and Trump's real estate uses garbage company.
Ipso facto...
Trying the Popeye's Flounder Sandwich right now.
It's pretty good.
Thanks, I was wondering about that. Yet to settle the Chik Fil A vs Popeyes sandwich debate, and the new fish sandwich will make it easier.
The dognappers in a tough situation. They expected to snatch valuable dogs, sell them for a few hundred bucks.
Smart thing would be to tie them up somewhere and make anonymous call to cops or SPCA.
Take the heat off.
Dilemma is, 500,000.00 a whole lot of money to ignore.
On the other hand, friends of these guys know they steal and sell dogs and those friends are eyeballin' that 500.
The dognappers in a tough situation.
Seems to me they are in a situation to make an easy 500 Grand.
A man has been shot, and Lady Gaga just wants her dogs back, no questions asked.
Lady, indeed
Yeah..I'm sure they're nice dogs*, but..take a bullet for them?
Ga Ga probably wouldn't take one for him.
(*especially wearing berets and those striped shirts)
"Word on the street is that Trump ordered the dognapping"
Let's be consistent, he incited the dog kidnapping by a public speech, at some point. This may lead to a three peat impeat.
Question: How would you design a transfer of the dogs and the money to insure your identity was secure and you did not release the dogs without high confidence the money could not be withdrawn? No questions asked does not mean the FBI can't arrest you later.
Well I'll be doggone...
More shots fired in this dognapping than in the "insurrection"..
The state has an interest in apprehending armed criminals who have already shot a person, but little missy needs someone to 'splain that to her, apparently.
And how can the 'nappers be sure the dogs won't ID them?
"rying the Popeye's Flounder Sandwich right now.”
670 calories! Yipes! That’s Whopper with Cheese territory.
"Museum of the American Indian in DC"
I was at the Museum shortly after opening. The restaurant had a parched corn pemmican kind of thing. I could eat the wild rice anyway.
Nonapod said at 1:57pm: Strangers with Candy aired from 1999 to 2000 (not that it matters to cancel culture if you said something potentially offensive whether it was 10 or 20 years ago).
Exactly. See Kevin Hart.
Yes, Lady Gaga's offer of ransom with no questions asked is abhorrent given what happened when the dogs were taken. The only way to save her honor at this point is for this to be part of a sting operation, and maybe it is, but you never lose money on betting on a celebrity's self-centeredness.
Photo made me want to say "Merry Christmas".
I've learned from AA today's: post on Supreme Court brief on Harvard asian discrimination; tim-in-vermont's comments on applying modern ethical standards to history; multiple comments on Music Man. (Biden "with a capital B and that rhymes with T and that stands for Tool.") The barbershop quartet pieces in Music Man are excellent.
Why can't Cheers get rebooted?
So...trying to find live coverage of CPAC. Not easy. Found a live stream on Youtube. but they dubbed Spanish over the live stream so you can't hear a thing.
I remember when CSPAN would cover it wall-to-wall.
What I was able to see, Josh Hawley, DeSantis...none mention the individual. Everything is about the collective. Our collective needs to defeat their win elections.
Fuck that-
I want political leadership that will leave us alone to live our lives, pursuant to the Constitution, fulfilling the reason we fought a war that gave us that Constitution.
We didn't fight a war to win an election against King George. We fought a war to be free.
Regarding the $500K reward, if you did not pay taxes and it was banked you get charged, $10,000 transaction rule. You are reduced to demanding it in unmarked $20 bills stuffed in your attic that you can use only for retail purchases, but they are all marked with florescent dye... You can ask for bitcoin, but blockchain does not prevent testimony of who they gave it to.
Waiting for Gadfly to chime in again about Trump's mob connections.
If the stories I have read about the construction business in New York are even half true, then it’s impossible that Trump does not know any gangsters. So what? I know worse than that; I know some Democrats.
March Madness is a bit early this year for Wisconsin girls basketball. There is a dandy Division 3 championship game coming up at 8:15 tonight between Lake Mills (24-2) and La Crosse Aquinas (22-0). Both teams played tough schedules with plenty of games against larger schools. Aquinas plays a tough trapping defense that is fun to watch. I'm an Aquinas fan, but I expect the game to be hard fought and close.
Enjoy girls basketball while it still exists.
coverage of CPAC. I doubt this is wall-to-wall "live" coverage, but I've heard a lot of CPAC interviews, etc., on my local station WMAL 107.3 which you can find on the internet.
I saw a man dressed as a woman appear before a US Senate hearing for an appointment to the US Health and Human Services Dept. He counseled that children as young as 3, should be mutilated.
Babies asleep in the womb, who were called to join this life, and are ready to be born, like you and I were so many years ago, encounter utensils stabbed into their new brains, and the vessel that only God can destroyed.
It is no longer enough to murder the infant. If they make it past the Abortionist, they must now be mutilated.
What kind of a Society goes along with this? Are we the Baddies?
What will wake us up?
Very well-bred Frenchies fetch tens of thousands of dollars, it's tough to find a decent pet quality Frenchie for $5,000. I'm not sure the perps even knew they were Gaga's, and if they did, they figured that they were getting top notch dogs. Stolen and snatched Frenchies are daily news in my social media circles.
What will wake us up?
Oh, it's going to get worse. The mob will need its circuses. Rollerball may not have been that far off. Combine Roller Derby and MMA cage matches, and you're not far away.
If we're lucky, it'll be VR.
walter said...
More shots fired in this dognapping than in the "insurrection"..
+1 and well said
Chuck said...
Thanks to Ann Althouse doing a very thoughtful and accurate blog post..
You never tire of sucking cock, do you cocksucker?
Because we should really respect what it means to be banned.
2 Popeyes/3 chik fil a (classic)
Flounder > Filet of fish, no contest
Loss of live music, live (unfettered) comedy, live performances of anything, kills the human spirit.
Communism kills.
Our county public health hackette has been sacked. Missing or expired vaccines and all that.
That creature Levine has me convinced that the plan is to put the freaks in charge of the circus.
Rush Limbaugh was returned to the soil from which he came, laid to rest among family in Missouri.
God bless.
The only way to save her honor at this point is for this to be part of a sting operation, and maybe it is, but you never lose money on betting on a celebrity's self-centeredness.
Honor ? I assume this is satire.
Why is Chuck still here?
Hercules @ 6:52pm
Very moving...there is a lot of sickness in the world.
Ann, those ferns are gorgeous! What variety?
Clivia, a member of the Amaryllis family, is a crowd pleaser, visually. They're blooming here in neighbors' gardens now.
I hope the dogs aren't being kept in cages. May need to have another air strike.
"Better if she had offered a bounty."
Yeah. Or tacos.
Working backwards to thr morning with desantis
Good Grammar rule for Feb. 26:
Awayz check you're spelling. (Some spellcheckers would only cathc one of the two errors here.)
>>"I heard on the news that Lady Gaga is offering a half million dollars, no questions asked, for the return of her kidnapped French bulldogs."
>Kidnapping implies being taken by force.
Oh for heaven's sake... you can't "kidnap" property. The dogs were *stolen* by force.
As to the reward, it's interesting that she's willing to pay the person who shot her employee $500,000.
I'm giving a heads up to an Indian film on Netflix called The White Tiger. In my endeavor to escape p.c., I've taken to watching foreign films. This movie is based on a Booker Prize winning novel. It's a subtle and occasionally blunt depiction of how the caste system in India works. It's good to learn that there are societies other than America that are fucked up. But wait. Two of the more despicable Indians on display were educated in America and have picked up American ways. They treat their servant in a very democratic way until it's time to push him under the bus....The actor who plays the Indian servant gives an impressive performance. He has to be naive and scheming, servile and rebellious annd frequently as the same moment....The film is well made with lots of Bergman nuance. Here's a thought though: Is it possible for anyone nowadays to honestly depict a feudal relationship. You know, the kind of relationship where the servant is legitimately loyal to his superior. Dickens was not ignorant or naive about human nature and he depicted servants who were genuinely loyal. So did Shakespeare. This current view that servants are always resentful of the better life of their employer and just waiting an opportunity to turn the tables is of recent date and not always accurate. Not everybody on the bottom rungs is pissed off at a hierarchical society. It's possible that Mamie actually did like Scarlet.
Lady Gaga's dog walker was a loyal employee. He was willing to lay down his life to protect the property of his mistress. That's some feudal loyalty right there.
He probably thinks the world of Lady Gaga and thinks it fitting and sweet to die for her......Perhaps, he's giving the matter more thought though. Well, maybe, in addition to the half million she's willing to give the dog snatchers, she might give her employee ten grand for his troubles. That would be a nice gesture on her part.
Here's a thought though: Is it possible for anyone nowadays to honestly depict a feudal relationship. You know, the kind of relationship where the servant is legitimately loyal to his superior.
For much of history, being a servant was a much easier life than most.
"LOS ANGELES (AP) — Lady Gaga’s two French bulldogs, which were stolen by thieves who shot and wounded the dogwalker, were recovered unharmed Friday, Los Angeles police said."
Will Gaga's reward be paid with Dogecoin?
Marcus Bressler: "Why is Chuck still here?
Whenever a leftist or democratical is being challenged or criticized in any way for any reason by any one, our pro-marxist LLR-leftist Whitmer Fanboy Chuck will always appear to defend and deflect for his beloved democraticals.
Its really just that simple.
We now have a continuous 5+ years of data points at this blog which irrefutably demonstrates that.
Hercules, not that one though: "I saw a man dressed as a woman appear before a US Senate hearing for an appointment to the US Health and Human Services Dept. He counseled that children as young as 3, should be mutilated."
It was as though a writer had described perfectly a LLR-lefty Chuck/Lincoln Project/John Weaver Paradise on Earth.
Syrians are just using common sense.
If it keeps Biden from killing them it would probably actually be a good idea.
She bought ammunition, camping gear, a water purifier and boxes of canned food. Then, Tyler’s mother started wearing a holstered pistol around the house, convinced that 10 days of unrest and mass power outages were coming.
The chaos would culminate, she assured her son, in former president Donald Trump’s triumphant return to power on March 4, the original Inauguration Day before the passage of the 20th Amendment in 1932.
“Without a way to vent, I would be truly alone on this and it would break me over time,” he wrote in a QAnonCasualties discussion group. Since last summer it had grown from about 10,000 members to more than 130,000 in the days after Joe Biden’s inauguration.
A few days after the Capitol riots, one of his mother’s oldest friends stopped by to deliver a wedding present. Tyler’s mother had recently remarried.
“Do you plan on shooting someone today?” the friend said she joked when she noticed Tyler’s mom was wearing a pistol.
“You never know what’s going to happen with the Democrats,” Tyler’s mother replied, according to the friend, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “They stole the election.”
“We’re not going to do anything,” replied the friend, who voted for Biden. The argument continued to escalate and the friend said she left.
She described Tyler’s mother as normally a “wonderful” person, who accompanied her on kayaking trips and invited her over for tea. But she said in an interview that she was stunned by the response. “We’re 50 miles north of Minneapolis,” she said. “She was concerned for everybody, but in the Republican way. I don’t know how to explain it.”
Tyler held out hope that Biden’s inauguration on Jan. 20 might help ease tensions in the house. “It seems like my mom is returning to her old self,” he wrote on Jan. 21. “I mean, she’s still political, but now it’s not in my face 24/7. I’ll take that any day.”
The respite, though, didn’t last. Soon she was insisting that Trump would return to the White House in early March. Tyler said he decided to confront her.
“I told my mom everything,” he texted his biological father’s wife, Heather, on the morning of Feb. 3. Tyler’s father had lost contact with him when his son was a child, and they had only reconnected in recent years.
“Told her what?” Heather asked.
“That I don’t believe in Trump or any of her theories,” Tyler replied.
These days Tyler is living in his 7-year-old half sister’s bedroom, while she sleeps in her parents’ room. Recently, his mother’s new husband told him that he was no longer welcome at their home. “When your daddy gets sick of you living there (and he will) don’t bother calling us,” he wrote.
Tyler said he still hopes that the rancor and conspiracy theories fueled by the Trump presidency will fade. Maybe then, he said, he’ll be able to rebuild a relationship with his mother. About a week after he moved out, he drove by his mother’s home to pick up his belongings. His mother was inside. His things had recently been placed on the front lawn and were covered in a light dusting of snow.
“I just don’t see the humanity in this,” he said, “I wanted my family back, not this hatred.”
Thinking about CPAC which I hope to see tomorrow makes me realize how deep the Republican bench is. It's surprising that after all the deplatforming and after our wonderful election (Yay), still the conservatives in this country have by far the better group of politicians and writers. Even our dognappers are big time - $500,000!!!
ORATION IN MEMORY OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, delivered at the unveiling of the Freedmen's Monument in Memory of Abraham Lincoln, in Lincoln Park, Washington, D.C., April 14, 1876
Fellow-citizens, I end, as I began, with congratulations. We have done a good work for our race today. In doing honor to the memory of our friend and liberator, we have been doing highest honors to ourselves and those who come after us; we have been fastening ourselves to a name and fame imperishable and immortal; we have also been defending ourselves from a blighting scandal. When now it shall be said that the colored man is soulless, that he has no appreciation of benefits or benefactors; when the foul reproach of ingratitude is hurled at us, and it is attempted to scourge us beyond the range of human brotherhood, we may calmly point to the monument we have this day erected to the memory of Abraham Lincoln.
I saw a man dressed as a woman appear before a US Senate hearing for an appointment to the US Health and Human Services Dept.
Some homosexual males can only reconcile with their mental disposition while wearing a semblance of the feminine gender. Equal and complementary in the transgender spectrum.
Ta-Nehisi Coates to write the next Superman movie.
This is such an easily predictable disaster that you have to wonder how people responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars could let it happen.
Hercules, not that one though: "I saw a man dressed as a woman appear before a US Senate hearing for an appointment to the US Health and Human Services Dept. He counseled that children as young as 3, should be mutilated."
That this man is counselling anyone at any age is frightful. Our society has gone completely off the rails. Not that many decades ago, this person would be on the receiving end of counselling.
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness ...
Eva Peron once visited General Franco's Spain. People shouted at her motorcade "Whore! Whore!" She complained to Franco.
Franco explained that he had long retired from the military but people still called him general.
Maybe it will work that way with Kamala too.
When a transgender lady* smokes the chicks in the 2022 Beijing Olympics, which flag will be raised? The country of competitors origin or the pink, blue and white striped flag of the transgender contingent?
*Formerly a dude.
It's my birthday - I'm 60 years old.
My phone hasn't rang in over a month. I haven't seen a "friend" in over a year. And I'm finally about as content as I've ever been.
Y'all can have whatever you call what you're doing.
Got you by 10 years Crack.
I'm about to go buy 2 - 100#'s sack of grain for my Angus. Slaughterhouse is booking 9 months out.
Aviation movie with captions, traffic controller talking to approaching airplane, "Cleared for aisle S approach."
Happy birthday, Crack. Mine was last Sunday. 83.
Happy Birthday Crack.
60 is still young.
Happy Birthday Crack.
It's all downhill from here.
Cool story, gadfly.
Happy Birthday, Crack.
Is it possible for anyone nowadays to honestly depict a feudal relationship. You know, the kind of relationship where the servant is legitimately loyal to his superior.
You can depict it. The problem is that people are blind to it.
Just look at people in any big city, or Black people on the Democrat Plantation. They are abused and abused, but are completely servile and fiercely loyal. But they do not even see it.
Let's be careful with our terms.
A feudal relationship is one of -mutual- obligation "where the servant is legitimately loyal to his superior." NOT what Mark describes, which in those terms would reflect the "illegitimate loyalty" of the merely abused and servile. (Think of Stockholm Syndrome, which has actually been proposed as an explanation for such things as love of country . . . )
That said, I'm not sure what an honest depiction of a feudal relationship would look like, and if a modern audience would know the difference!
HB Doc K too
Happy Birthday, step ahead of you : )
In the WaPo article about "Tyler", did Tyler ever reveal his actual age?
Happy Birthday, Crack. Stick around here, please? I've grown accustomed to your posts (face).
KellyM said...
"Ann, those ferns are gorgeous! What variety?"
Rescue ferns from Home Depot. (Actually, I call all the plants I buy from Home Depot "rescues." But to give you a serious answer, they are Australian Sword Fern 'Kimberly Queen' Nephrolepis obliterata. Tender here in Zone 5b, which is why I brought them in over the winter. I'm sure they become a weed somewhere (like Florida?)
Happy Birthday, Crack.
Hang around. As much as my almost 66 year old body aches, I'm still enjoying life: walked on the beach this morning, shirtless and barefoot, went to my part-time job where I enjoy my co-workers, the owners and the customers, and my Indian (Guyana) side chick will be coming over to watch a flick with me, have some ice cream and spend the night.
I go to two 12-step meetings (in person) a week, and have two active sponsees (the lady has 11 years, the male American Airline pilot three. I write a little in my semi-autobiographical fiction book in the works each day, watch Mystery Road series on Prime now (set in Australia), and pretty much eat what I want. The rest of my waking hours is devoted to helping others, to be of service as God has deemed my purpose. Also, and not to be forgotten, I read InstaPundit, Althouse, a few other assorted blogs and post on MeWe.
Life is good. It beats the alternative.
Forgot: My reading (of books) has dropped to Zero due to my ADHD. Thank God for Audible. Three to four books a month, so my short travel time is filled with interesting stories and more. Just finished Beatles '66, in the middle of The Great A&P, and soon to start The Cruel Sea by Nicholas Monsarrat
Marcus - Try Alan Watts.
Meade - "Rescue ferns from Home Depot."
Oh Meade. Gliding under the facades. Diggin' this.
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