Fox News reports.
ADDED: What did Obama do to win the Nobel Peace Prize? He won in October 2009, less than 8 months after he became President. What the committee said was:
Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations. Thanks to Obama’s initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened. Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world’s attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world’s population....He created a new climate!
AND: Meade, prescient in April 2018:

९९ टिप्पण्या:
Won't happen but nice gesture.
It is the end of time.
He won't win unfortunately. They only give the Nobel Peace Price to warmongers these days.
New York Post: Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize following Israel-UAE accord
The Guardian:Norwegian far-right MP nominates Donald Trump for Nobel peace prize
Daily Beast: Norway’s Top Anti-Immigration Crank Nominates Trump for Nobel Peace Prize
CNN: Trump shows again he'll do anything to win: A president impeached for abuse of power just went further than ever before to use all the tools of his office to secure a second term
My only complaint is that it is premature, perhaps a case of counting chickens, etc.
Not quite as premature and speculative as many others have been of course. So fair enough, I guess, if one goes by the Nobel form in these things.
Imagine the moral whiplash when the American left learns that Trump might win a Nobel Peace Prize. And one that he actually deserves.
Never mind. They’ll never hear about it because CNN won’t report it.
Like it mentions in the article, people have won it who've achieved a lot less. I hope he gets it.
Wow! He's a shoo-in, I think. Yes, yes, well done, well done, Slytherin!
That should take care of the election, correct?
First I've seen of this. Heads must be exploding on Twitter right now.
Face it, Obama was just a really cool guy!
Pretty amazing, facts right in front of their face and they will ignore it. They continue to destroy their own integrity.
Did stuff.
Then nominated.
So that's how it works?
He also cited the president's 'key role in facilitating contact between conflicting parties and … creating new dynamics in other protracted conflicts, such as the Kashmir border dispute between India and Pakistan, and the conflict between North and South Korea, as well as dealing with the nuclear capabilities of North Korea.'
Tybring-Gjedde also praised Trump for withdrawing large numbers of U.S. troops from the Middle East. 'Indeed, Trump has broken a 39-year-old streak of American Presidents either starting a war or bringing the United States into an international armed conflict.'
Actually kind of awesome.
If he does win, then he should turn it down.
That's also why Barack Obama was selected to be the President of the Harvard Law Review.
He created a new climate at the journal.
It’s a participation award.
Liberals are gonna scream over this.. Orange Man ... Nobel Peace Prize ... heads will explode.
Someone else should nominate Trump for the Serbia and Kosovo accord.
So many heads would explode if Trump won a Nobel prize. I look forward to not hearing about this on the MSM
This Norwegian sponsor is going to be Twittermobbed right off the planet.
This Christian Tybring-Gjedde person is likely to get #Cancelled.
Anyone can be nominated. Obama won for looking like he could easily be pushed around and would stay out of the way of the boffins and bureaucrats who think they are entitled to run the world, largely for their own benefit and regardless of the consequences.
Nominated by Norway ... what you'd expect from a country using that symbol..
Obama won --- because he filled prog hearts with hope and change.
He won't win BECAUSE he is Trump. The prize is worthless and a GIANT Joke since Obama won it for being the first half black president only.
Good, he should win.
If bringing an end to a 4,000 year old war in the Middle East doesn't deserve the Peace Prize, nothing does.
Assuming that he did. It looks like it for now but it will take time and other presidents to know if it sticks. Even if it doesn't stick, nobody else has been able to do this even temporarily.
And, for the cherry on top, resolving (assuming it sticks) the 600 year old war between Serbia and Kosovo.
Best president for wars ever!
John Henry
Climate change. I thought that was a bad thing.
Michael K said...
Won't happen but nice gesture.
And even if it did I wouldn't put it past Trump to tell the Nobel Committee to stuff it.
"What did Obama do to win the Nobel Peace Prize?"
Have a black parent.
Has the nominator been destroyed yet?
There's a very low threshold for being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Any member of a national legislative body plus various types professors (history and a few others) can nominate. Hitler was actually nominated in the 30's.
The Nobel Peace Prize Committee is made up mostly of senior politicians who are no longer in the Norwegian Parliament. They are completely independent and their deliberations are not public. The Obama prize was baffling, even here in Norway. I think it was done in part to try to highlight the end of the Bush era. There was also the very naive view that the prize would influence Obama's foreign policy. It came out later that Emmanuel Rahm was so pissed off with Obama getting the prize at a politically inopportune time that he chewed out the Norwegian Ambassador to the US.
WOW. How did that happen? He won't win. "We" can't have that. I am just shocked that he was actually nominated.
Years from now, it will be a point of discussion on how Obama won for "being" and Trump did not despite all the "doing".
It will be interesting to see who actually does win and what they wind up winning for compared to what the Trump administration has already accomplished.
Ha! Who knew that the prospect of war between Israel and the UAE was so perilous and close that a peace deal "brokered" by Trump warrants his being nominated for the Nobel Peace Price?
No one!
It's another put up job, like Obama's actually winning the prize for...some reason or other I've never understood, and then going to to expand US wars abroad, to persecute/prosecute whistle blowers, and give the torturers in the Bush Administration a "Get Out of Jail Free" card on being prosecuted or imprisoned for their crimes.
The Nobel should be put in mothballs, so badly has it been tarnished by bogus nominees and winners, until there comes a time that only people who truly serve the cause of peace can be nominated. This excludes virtually all heads of state.
So to recap the Obama/Biden record: They inherited 4 wars(Iraq, Somalia, Pakistan, Afghanistan). They ended Iraq. Then they started 7: Piracy, Libya 2011, Uganda, Syria,Yemen, and restarted Libya and Iraq. Turned 8 wars over to Trump.
On the climate front, one source set the baseline global temperature in 1961. Between 1961 and 2008, average global temperatures went up 0.4 C. And from 2009 to 2016 they went up another 0.4 C.. And let's not forget the Deepwater Horizon tragedy. You don't drill a mile down with the technology of the time. Quite the record on war and climate.
"New York Post: Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize following Israel-UAE accord
"The Guardian:Norwegian far-right MP nominates Donald Trump for Nobel peace prize
"Daily Beast: Norway’s Top Anti-Immigration Crank Nominates Trump for Nobel Peace Prize"
These headlines become increasingly more truly informative as we move from top to bottom.
Wow. I knew his Nobel was leftist manufactured bullshit (Like Hillary’s Grammy on steroids), but I never read this description before. So basically people “felt things” (like good about themselves). Nothing more.
He “created a climate”
“Multi-lateral Diplomacy” regained a central position...
“Dialogue and Negotiations” are preferred...
A “Vision of the world” has powerfully stimulated...
Thanks to Obama’s initiative the US is playing a more constructive role...
Democracy and human rights “are to be strengthened”
“Captured” the world’s attention and given its people hope...
His diplomacy is founded on a concept... wow
And that concept “lead from behind” is not mentioned. Instead it’s described as “those who are to lead must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world’s population”...
Really? That doesn’t sound like leadership. That sounds like mob rule and bullying. Imagine the leader who, instead, changes the world’s values and attitudes by leading them into the light.
Light-bringer my ass
I thought George Floyd was a shoe-in.
Obama was nominated for the Nobel prize less than two weeks into his first term.
Simply put, he hadn't done anything at all yet.
THIS is gonna burn Democrats butts BIG TIME. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO not bummed for them.
Trump won't win it, but the nomination is useful because it will force the non-Fox media to at least mention the Israel-UAE and Kosovo agreements, which have, predictably, been underreported. The libs I know haven't even heard of them. They can, however, tell you all about really important stuff like a few Trump voter boats getting flooded and Trump's supposed insults directed at WWI veterans.
I never understood the "Trump is against the military" insinuation.
Rank and file soldiers care about being put on stupid missions that risk their lives and the lives of their friends.
Trump is the most protective president of US armed forces lives in my lifetime.
Isn't that kinda the end-all-be-all to the overall military population?
Trump won't win it, but the nomination is useful because it will force the non-Fox media to at least mention the Israel-UAE and Kosovo agreements, which have, predictably, been underreported. The libs I know haven't even heard of them. They can, however, tell you all about really important stuff like a few Trump voter boats getting flooded and Trump's supposed insults directed at WWI veterans.
Shouldn’t Jared Kushner get the Peace Prize not Donald Trump? Just as in 2009, the American people should have gotten the Peace Prize for electing Barack Obama, as that was the action for which the prize was awarded.
"Tybring-Gjedde, a four-term member of Parliament who also serves as chairman of the Norwegian delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, told Fox News in an exclusive interview.".
The other networks weren't interested, I assume.
The Hildabeast opens another case of chardonnay or vodka.
The first thing my wife and I discussed at the breakfast table this morning after seeing this was Obama's much undeserved award in 2009. That was followed up with 8 years of chaos in places such as Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and the spread of ISIS. Obama engaged in a nearly unlimited drone war, at one point killing a 16-year old American citizen. I think there is an interview where be bragged that "he found that he was really good at killing people." So much for the pre-emotive peace prize.
The nomination for Trump should be expanded to include the recent Kosovo-Serbia agreement, which is just as big as the Israel-UAE deal.
And yes, none of my prog friends know anything about these either. On FB they keep going on and on about the troop comments. I really hope Trump would get the Prize so the media would have to cover it, but it won't happen. It will end up going to some little-known third worlder who is about as accomplished as Obama was.
If offered the Peace Prize, Trump should decline, and then explain how the award became nothing but a joke.
We all know why Obama won.
But that prize belonged to the American voting public.
So! Obama caused climate change. Who knew?
BO would have been wise to have turned it down, but he wasn't. Trump won't get the chance.
New Left Narrative: Clearly the Nobel Peace Prize is structurally racist.
Can its recipients meet the standards of Oscar's Best Picture?
Wait until how you see Trump brings peace to Portland!
Well, that explains it. Sonic boom or something heard here in deep South Texas. Converging shock waves from heads exploding in NE and NW United States.
That award explanation read like the AI-generated op-ed above it. Devoid of substance and actual meaning.
You don’t understand TreeJoe, it’s unpatriotic to have qualms about sending kids into battle based on some leaks to newspapers by people in the FBI (Syria, it’s documented) and the CIA by people who hate your guts anyway.
He should have been at least nominated for his efforts with North Korea. Incidentally, the Norks have been pretty quiet for a while now.
Robert Cook said...
Ha! Who knew that the prospect of war between Israel and the UAE was so perilous and close that a peace deal "brokered" by Trump warrants his being nominated for the Nobel Peace Price?
Umm...who knew there was enmity between Israel and the Arab world?! Where have you been the last 70 years?
That said, I agree with what I suspect is your real issue--I don't like seeing the award go to prominent politicians, who are just doing their jobs (or Obama, who was just...whatever). I much prefer it go to private citizens who make personal sacrifices, who forgo riches and comfort, to create something that makes the world a better place.
Left Bank of the Charles: "Shouldn’t Jared Kushner get the Peace Prize not Donald Trump?"
Left Bank is officially astonished that Presidents have staffs, representatives and emissaries.
These are heady days indeed for Left Bank!
What new wondrous epiphanies will arise tomorrow? Only time will tell as our hearts beat faster and faster at the daily discoveries!
TreeJoe: "I never understood the "Trump is against the military" insinuation.
Rank and file soldiers care about being put on stupid missions that risk their lives and the lives of their friends.
Trump is the most protective president of US armed forces lives in my lifetime.
Isn't that kinda the end-all-be-all to the overall military population?"
Every election cycle the democraticals and their LLR-lefty trained lap poodles attempt to undermine the advantage republican Presidents have with active and retired military personnel.
This is just par for the course.
Robert Cook: "These headlines become increasingly more truly informative as we move from top to bottom."
Shorter Commie Cook: If the wrong person notices the sky is blue, then the sky cannot be blue.
Commie Cookie: "Ha! Who knew that the prospect of war between Israel and the UAE was so perilous and close that a peace deal "brokered" by Trump warrants his being nominated for the Nobel Peace Price?
No one!"
It is possible of course that our Commie Cookie is just that stupid, but its more likely Cookie knows full well that this is another step in the Trump policy of Iran constraint by bringing together the Sunni arab world with increased cooperation with Israel in order to constraint the regional aspirations of the Iranians.
And so far, its working.
But since that hurts the commies relationships with the Iranians, Cookie ain't very pleased about it.
Sorry Cookie. But it looks like your allies in Tehran are going to absorb another body blow here.
Not to worry though. If Dementia Joe and your pals get back in you can be sure they will fork over another $150 Billion (and at least another $1.9 Billion in hard currency in low denomination bills to enable more effective transfer to Cookies Hamas and Hezbollah allies) all the while caving back into the ChiComs.
That would really brighten your day no doubt.
BTW, any updates on the Soleimani GoFundMe you democraticals/lefties/LLR-lefties were all the rage about not that long ago?
Obama may have "created a new climate in international politics" but he also started a war in Libya.
When you think hard about it, the idea of a peace prize doesn't make a lot of sense. No one really knows what makes for a lasting peace and what doesn't. What seems like a good idea this year turns out to be bad in five. It would be more honest to rename it the Social Justice Prize, since that's what it has become anyway.
These headlines become increasingly more truly informative as we move from top to bottom.
Yes they are, Cookie. Yes they are...
If bringing an end to a 4,000 year old war in the Middle East doesn't deserve the Peace Prize, nothing does.
I’m a big fan of Donald Trump, but he hasn’t done that. It’s a better first step than the Oslo Accords, but it’s still just a small first step. IMHO the Israel-UAE agreement is the best thing that has happened towards world peace in recent years, but it’s probably not enough to overcome “Orangeman Bad.”
Trump's New Climate is bigger than Obama's.
Classic non story designed to create conversations such as the one here. Not even waiting for scheduled signing ceremony later this month.
It's Trump versus that retarded girl from Sweden. What a pickle for the Norskies: Trump or a Swede.
Who knew that the prospect of war between Israel and the UAE was so perilous and close that a peace deal "brokered" by Trump warrants his being nominated for the Nobel Peace Price?
Cook’s political philosophy is, of course, entirely dependent on an inability to understand consequences, but the broader picture is that widening Arab relationships with Israel will eventually force the heretofore self-destructive Palestinian leadership to pursue something beyond a Judenrein Palestinian state. That’s very good for peace. (It’s probably bad for the antisemitism inherent in the true leftism for which Cook pines.)
I forgot how annoyed I was by all the Obama hoopla circa 2007-2009. A lot of the pro-Obama stuff (like the Nobel) was intended more to repudiate George W. Bush, who despite his faults was a decent and honorable man. Just getting him out of office, and replacing him with a Democrat, made the Europeans feel that the causes of world peace and climate change had improved.
It's sort of hard now to remember the intensity of the Bush derangement. People really hated him.
I'm embarrassed for the Norwegian Nobel Committee that they selected Obama -- and Obama should have been embarrassed by it as well. I think he was, actually. Frankly, it also had the whiff of foreign intervention or influence over US foreign policy. By giving Obama the Nobel, it forced him to carry certain expectations with everything he did, thereby nudging him to act in a manner that was weak or secretive to protect America's (or, rather, his) reputation as a pacifistic force.
"Obama, a Nobel recipient, just launched a massive drone strike on a wedding ceremony."
"Obama, a Nobel recipient, just plunged Libya into civil war."
"What did Obama do to win the Nobel Peace Prize?"
Be an anti-American American, hence useful to foreign anti-American progs.
yes it's an awkward look,
The nomination submitted by Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a member of the Norwegian Parliament, lauded Trump for his efforts toward resolving protracted conflicts worldwide.
In a related story, leftist groups vowed to "cancel" Tybring-Gjedde, as soon as they can figure out how to spell his name.
Seems like this might be a help to his campaign for re-election. If outsiders, especially European outsiders, respect something President Trump did, a few people might be shaken enough to take another, perhaps less-biased, look.
Great shirt, Meade.
On the wings of a snow-white dove
He sends His pure sweet love
A sign from above (sign from above)
On the wings of a dove (wings of a dove)
I'm surprised and elated by this news. I'm also interested to see how this can be repackaged as a negative for Trump. Many creative minds are currently working on this.
That bad orange man finally releases the dove he kept in cages.
FleetUSA said...
The Hildabeast opens another case of chardonnay or vodka.
9/9/20, 10:10 AM
Embrace the healing power of "and"...
"Umm...who knew there was enmity between Israel and the Arab world?! Where have you been the last 70 years?"
A 70 years-long "enmity" does not constitute a state of hostility or near-war such that a "peace treaty" has to be brokered by the US such that the US Prez (whomever he/she may be) warrants a Nobel nomination.
"It is possible of course that our Commie Cookie is just that stupid, but its more likely Cookie knows full well that this is another step in the Trump policy of Iran constraint by bringing together the Sunni arab world with increased cooperation with Israel in order to constraint the regional aspirations of the Iranians."
Iran constraint? Who is (really) worried about Iran? More baloney from US jingoists who want to make Iran the new Soviet Union, (which was never the threat to us we were told).
"No one really knows what makes for a lasting peace"
The founders did.
No entangling alliances.
No standing armies.
Trade and friendship with all.
Meade making a hand puppet of the stealth fighter warplanes the US sold UAE to bribe them to sign peace treaty with Israel. A regular Nostrildumbass
"What did Obama do to win the Nobel Peace Prize?"
It was a forward-looking recognition of saved and progressed wars, social justice, progressive prices, redistributive change, political congruence, establishment of the Pro-Choice religion ("ethics"), and diversity.
From the link:
“I’m not a big Trump supporter,” he said. “The committee should look at the facts and judge him on the facts – not on the way he behaves sometimes. The people who have received the Peace Prize in recent years have done much less than Donald Trump. For example, Barack Obama did nothing.”
I agree with Robert Cook that the Nobel Peace Prize should be put in mothballs.
The first American to be award the Nobel Peace Prize was Theodore Roosevelt. The citation lauds Roosevelt for brokering the negotiations that ended the Russo-Japanese War.
As Peace Prizes go TR's citation is a good one -- recognition of an actual deed with actual peace-bringing results. However, truth be told, as always peace comes when it is in the mutual interest of warring powers to establish peace. In the case of the Russo-Japanese War, both sides were looking for a way out. In 1905 Tsar Nicholas II was facing a dress rehearsal of the 1917 revolution as food riots and nationalist demonstrations erupted in cities across the Russian Empire, including St. Petersburg itself, resulting in thousands of deaths and mutilations, most notoriously the Bloody Sunday incident of 22 January 1905. Nicholas was able to quell the riots with a promise to establish a parliament, nevertheless a neutered and toothless body with no influence among the imperial ministries. Then in May of 1905 came the disaster of Tsushima. Without a navy and without the confidence of the working class, the Tsar could scarce afford to continue to quibble with Japan over commercial interests in China. Japan also wanted out. Having "maxed out his credit cards" Emperor Meiji had the good sense to take the opportunity to settle for Roosevelt's half loaf peace rather than fight on and provoke an economic collapse in Japan. Thirty years later Japan's official history textbooks taught that a good-hearted but naive Meiji was cheated out of Japan's just rewards of conquest by a Theodore Roosevelt determined to rescue the White race from the humiliation of a defeat by the Yellow race.
The next American to garner the Prize was Elihu Root in 1912. Another doer of peacemaking deeds rather than yet another blatherer of nice-sounding sentiments which was from its inception the profile of the majority of Nobel Peace Prize laureates.
Next comes Woodrow Wilson in 1919, founder of the League of Nations, that body justly lauded by all mankind for convincing Emperor Hirohito to end Japanese aggression in China then leading an international boycott and embargo of Germany when that country tried to subvert and annex Czechoslovakia, a member state of the League... wait a minute... Say what!? Oh, shit.
Next comes Charles Dawes, who gets the laurels for basically nothing, followed by Frank Kellogg in 1928. His laureate cites the Kellogg-Briand Pact, the top-ranking sick joke of the 20th century.
Then there's Nicholas Butler in 1931. While Frank Kellogg got kudos for doing an original comedy routine, Bulter got his citation for doing a Milton Berle with Kellogg's material. Some justice was done when he was told he'd have to share the cash and the medal with Jane Addams, whose Women's International League for Peace and Freedom did almost as much for peace and freedom as the Kellogg-Briand Pact.
I set out to comment on all the American laureates, but the list got ever more depressing and absurd. Shit, lead balloons are more uplifting than the history of the Nobel Fucking Peace Prize. If Trump doesn't win -- and he won't -- it will be just one more stanza in an epic of silliness and futility.
It's disheartening to be reminded of the Nobel that was awarded to Mr. Obama. I realize that he neither asked for, nor lobbied for it. Nonetheless it was dripping in useless blather instead of tangible results. Our civilization can ill-afford rewarding people, especially important people for effort/appearances rather than for results.
PubliusFlavius said...
"No one really knows what makes for a lasting peace"
The founders did.
No entangling alliances.
No standing armies.
Trade and friendship with all.
9/9/20, 1:29 PM
That might have worked when folks got around by horse and slow boat. Now? No. Defenseless, prosperous countries are asking for another to come in and take their stuff.
"Walk softy and carry the biggest stick" works.
Big Mike,
I realize he hasn't quite brought an end to a 4000 year war. I may be a bit optimistic. I did say we have to wait to see if it sticks.
But is a HUGE step. We've seen a couple other countries take steps along these lines. Recognizing Israel, allowing overflights. I suspect we'll see much more after November.
It is far more than anyone else has accomplished in the past 150 years.
I hope it sticks.
John Henry
Robert Cook said...
"Umm...who knew there was enmity between Israel and the Arab world?! Where have you been the last 70 years?"
A 70 years-long "enmity" does not constitute a state of hostility or near-war such that a "peace treaty" has to be brokered by the US such that the US Prez (whomever he/she may be) warrants a Nobel nomination.
Your criteria for a Nobel Peace Prize is entirely your own.
"The Nobel Peace Prize is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Swedish industrialist, inventor, and armaments manufacturer Alfred Nobel, along with the prizes in Chemistry, Physics, Physiology or Medicine, and Literature. Since March 1901,[3] it has been awarded annually (with some exceptions) to those who have "done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses".[4]"
The Sun does not shine from your Fundament.
Eff off.
Meade's shirt is awesome. A pair of shorts would complete the ensemble.
We all know that if the peace deal between the UAE and Israel is what wins, it will be Obama that actually gets the reward for his second prize.
You think I am joking, don't you?
That might have worked when folks got around by horse and slow boat. Now?
Extrapolate the principals.
Most of the wars the US has participated in, have been expansionist in the first 2/3's of its history, and politically predatory post ww2 imo.
We do not need the amount of bases we have in other peoples countries.
But lots of people want.
Oh, FFS, if Obama had done any, not all, just any one, of these things that Trump has done he would be canonized. Shite, he was canonized for doing nothing.
Tomcc: "It's disheartening to be reminded of the Nobel that was awarded to Mr. Obama. I realize that he neither asked for, nor lobbied for it."
How do you know that?
You don't think the back channels of communications amongst lefty obambi worshippers didn't get word to him and solicit his approval for such a move?
Personally I think those cats arrange it all ahead of time, precisely as these same folks do with their serial hoax setups.
The Sun does not shine from your Fundament. does!
Drago: "How do you know that?"
Fair point. I don't. But I am generally benevolent in my opinions of people.
Nobel secretary regrets Obama peace prize
On John Lennon's birthday, I read the news today, oh boy...
"Just weeks after helping to broker peace between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), President Trump has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize."
I wonder how The Winner in 2009 feels about that. It's not-a-little funny or ironic that the Peace Prize comes from Norway, The Home of The Fifth Column.
PubliusFlavius said...
We do not need the amount of bases we have in other peoples countries.
But lots of people want.
9/9/20, 4:38 PM
No argument from me on that but that is not what the initial premise was.
Trade and friendship with all only works if they return the favor in kind. If they trade with you and pretend friendship all while stealing any/all of value or just decide they are tired of trading with you and would rather "own" you can and have happened in the last 100 years. So, you can try to do those things but you also better have the biggest stick and have everyone else believe that you are willing to use it to protect you and yours.
"Trade and friendship with all only works if they return the favor in kind."
Bruh I am not endorsing pacifism.
I am suggesting we frequently ignored the course our founders attempted to steer us too.
"Trade and friendship with all only works if they return the favor in kind."
Bruh I am not endorsing pacifism.
I am suggesting we frequently ignored the course our founders attempted to steer us too. Which would probably lead to more peaceful outcomes of national relations.
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