March 19, 2020

"Beluga trip's off."

From "Escape Our Current Hell With These (Good) Coronavirus Jokes" (NY Magazine).


Fernandinande said...

A virus walks into a bar, which is closed.

Temujin said...

OK. Some of you are thinking this. I'll go ahead and say it. Sometimes I look at this virus as nature culling the herd. The only thing I can wish for, is that it had a more selective way of culling. As I look at crowds taking selfies of themselves drinking in crowded bars, or listen to this woman who should not be passing her genes onto another generation, this is what I think.

gspencer said...

"This is the trip of a lifetime that we take twice a year"

Maybe they have more lives than the typical cat.

Ice Nine said...

Well, I think it would be better for them to take the trip at least semiannually once in their lifetime. But that's just me.

Nonapod said...

It's kinda cool that all these professional comedians that are stuck indoors are slowly putting out youtube videos and the like.

It's a great time for introspective creativity in general. One of my favorite musicians, Devin Townsend, is currently doing an entire project around the theme of quarantine after having to cancel his tour and receiving 50k on GoFundMe in less than 24 hours from his loyal fans. Cool stuff if you're into dreamy ethereal weirdness.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I know this is supposed to be a funny video and not real, but seriously....if I were in quarantine with this woman, I would have to be restrained from committing bodily harm on her.

Just her voice, and smug look on her face when she thinks she is being funnily cute, would be justification enough.

Man...I need to get outside and soon!!! The snow is almost gone but it is still only 21 degrees outside.

Fernandinande said...

If at first you fail to infect, try, try again.

You can't keep a good virus down!

Wince said...

Judging from her forehead and mental state, I'm guessing they switched to Beluga tourism after that unfortunate narwhal accident.

Bay Area Guy said...

There's another reason the Beluga trip was off.

Don't wanna catch the Beluga whale coronavirus SW1 (Whale-CoV SW1) .

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Don't bring Beluga Whales to the Philippines, return them to the Arctic sea

Perhaps it would be OK if the stupid humans just died out.

Fernandinande said...

A virus and fungus and a bacterium walk into a bar and the bartender says "Hey! Beat it! We don't let your kinds in here!" So virus says, "Don't worry, I'm just a computer virus!", and the fungus says "You should be glad I'm here because I'm a real fun guy!" and the bacterium doesn't say anything because bacteria can't talk duh.

Fernandinande said...

And don't forget to try the roast beef!

Abbey Road + social distancing

Ann Althouse said...

"I know this is supposed to be a funny video and not real, but seriously....if I were in quarantine with this woman, I would have to be restrained from committing bodily harm on her. Just her voice, and smug look on her face when she thinks she is being funnily cute, would be justification enough. ..."

An awful lot of comic acting is a character being incredibly annoying.

Back in 2010, I blogged about a scene in "Duck Soup" where Chico and Harpo are being really annoying to a man and I always found it so funny that the man actually at one point says "Would you quit annoying me!" Chico and Harpo are never going to quit being annoying!

(The video of the scene doesn't work. I'll try to find a different source and replace it. It's the scene with the street vendor.)

Fernandinande said...

Groucho Marx, washing his hands

Fernandinande said...

Groucho Marx, not shaking hands

gilbar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dust Bunny Queen said...

An awful lot of comic acting is a character being incredibly annoying.

This is true. Jerry Lewis, many consider a comedic genius and find hilarious. Milton Berle. The Three Stooges. All classics to be sure.

Just not to my taste. Not to say that there is anything wrong with having different tastes. I was always embarrassed for Jerry Lewis acting stupid. I guess I'm just not particularly into physical comedy.

As a kid I thought the Stooges were mean with their physical jokes and picking on each other. Although......A Night at the Opera did have some pretty funny scenes and puns looking back at it as an adult.

gilbar said...

oh? it was supposed to be a joke?
then the answer is: TOO SOON!

Fernandinande said...

Chico Marx: "The Next Thing We Should Do Is Wash Our Hands"

tim in vermont said...

I’m like “That’s not where beluga whales live...” and then I'm like “Oh, she’s trying to be funny.”

bagoh20 said...

At least send the whales a note, email, text or something, so they don't just hang around waiting for you. That's rude.

Mary Beth said...

Those jokes are both funny and original. Unfortunately, what's original isn't funny and what's funny isn't original. Are the Cuomo brothers doing an old Smothers brothers routine? There are better jokes out there.

Jim in St Louis said...

I heard a effing hilarious corona virus joke....

...but you probably won't get it.

veni vidi vici said...

So, is being unkempt some kind of cool-guy signal for people making selfie videos from home isolation? I've noticed the trend. It's lame.

Besides that, her bizarrely-proportioned head reminds me of that guy in the old "Outer Limits" tv show whose brain becomes really huge, and his head expands accordingly. You know the one. Except she appears to be that, crossed with one of those "Cabbage Patch Kids" dolls. Maybe her success as a comedienne comes from people laughing at her, less her jokes.

The Vault Dweller said...

And people say Jeff Dunham is bad.

ken in tx said...

Lucille Ball in "I Love Lucy" was always embarrassing to me as a kid. I never found her funny.

Nichevo said...

ken in tx said...
Lucille Ball in "I Love Lucy" was always embarrassing to me as a kid. I never found her funny.

How I feel you! Farces of that sort always give me a visceral wrench of Fremdschämen.