Meade sings, "He is strong/He is invincible/He is Donald" (to the tune of "I Am Woman), as I click on Drudge's link.
It goes to that WaPo article "Trump’s Ukraine call reveals a president convinced of his own invincibility." That's the headline I mocked yesterday — in "WaPo's groping for bad news about Trump stumbles into the double vinc" — for the ham-handed repetition of "vinc" in "convinced... invincibility."
Drudge, amusingly, took the "invincibility" that WaPo intended only as an insult to Trump — who supposedly thinks he is invincible — and turned it into a reality — the idea that Trump is invincible.
This reminds me of something I've heard Scott Adams say a few times. If we see a word next to a person's name, it gets connected to that person, and it doesn't stay put in the precise meaning it had where we first saw it. The original user of the words can't control them after they enter other people's head.
WaPo intended to make Trump look like a delusional, dangerous fool, but maybe Drudge's presentation is something like what happens to WaPo's headline as it sets up residency in the human brain.
६६ टिप्पण्या:
If we see a word next to a person's name, it gets connected to that person,
President Trump
It sets up residency in the hippocampus.
If we see 8 words next to a political party's name, they get connected to that political party.
The trick is to choose words where the original meaning is difficult to lose. Crooked. Sleepin'. Lyin'. Fat. Crazy. Those are gonna stick...
Is AR-15 just one word?
If we see a word next to a person's name, it gets connected to that person
Same with organizations. WaPo with garbage. And dishonest. And partisan. Etc.
vinc is just vincere to conquer in Latin. Turns up all over.
"Turns up all over."
Yes, but my point is that a writer controls where a word appears. Words don't just "turn up" in sentences. Robots aside, sentences are written by human beings, and they should notice repetitions and decide if they're good or not. If they don't, they deserve to be made fun of, and that's my self-appointment job.
Actually, the robots can outperform human beings, since they should be programmed to avoid bad repetitions.
If we see a word next to a person's name, it gets connected to that person
Trump should wear a t-shirt that says I'm Rubber and you're glue. I actually looked up that expression in relation to him and it was used a lot to mock him before he won the election and then almost nothing since then. It just seems so appropriate for him
Democracy Dies in Darkness!
Mistake, vetch is vincire (4th conjugation), to bind
"Trump’s Ukraine call reveals a president convinced of his own invincibility."
That's the headline I mocked yesterday — for the ham-handed repetition of "vinc"
It's cute that you noticed some approximate poetry and assumed it was accidental, but the headline should be mocked because it's obviously a false statement; no analysis needed to see that.
Drudge, amusingly, - turned it into a reality — the idea that Trump is invincible.
It's just a clickbait headline in the form of a question, and the answer to clickbait headline questions is almost always "no"; so not reality and not amusing. Just dopey.
If we see a word next to a person's name, it gets connected to that person,
Maybe sorta sometimes for a little bit, then it gets disconnected.
In you post you wrote article "Trump’s" - do you connect the word "article" with the name "Trump"? I don't.
The original user of the words can't control them after they enter other people's head.
LOL. No kidding?
maybe Drudge's presentation is something like what happens to WaPo's headline as it sets up residency in the human brain.
Then again, maybe not.
Paleface Warren.
Actually, the robots can outperform human beings,
They can? That's in itself is news.
since they should be programmed to avoid bad repetitions.
Robots can do something because they should do it?
Is "delusional, dangerous fool" a good repetition, a bad repetition or not really a repetition? Ask a robot.
White supremacy
I've been saying, Althouse is the go-to blog to observe unabashed deplorables spewing forth from the comfort of their homes..
Fernandistein said...
Actually, the robots can outperform human beings,
They can? That's in itself is news.
Ever READ the news Fernandistein?
Ever hear of Chess?
How about, GO?
"If we see a word next to a person's name, it gets connected to that person,”
Dale Carnegie 101. That’s why it’s usually stupid to badmouth the competition. That’s why trolling is ultimately self defeating.
How can Trump not look inevitable, after that rock concert appearance with (real, east) Indian Modi. Most of the Dem candidates probably dream of having been up on that stage with Modi, but they all know that they couldn’t have pulled it off. For all of them, the office would be bigger than they are, as was clearly the case for Obama. He was pandered to because he was the American President, and nothing more. Trump is the #1 person on the planet that foreign leaders want to be seen in public with, so that some of his aura rubs off on them.
It works domestically too. Whoever gets the Dem nomination knows, deep in their heart, that whatever attendance they get at their rallies, Trump is going to blow it away with his. For better than three years, his political rallies have been like the rock concerts that we attended in our younger days, that become occasions that you talk about for the rest of your lives. Imagine competing against that. And Trump is seriously attacking some of their most vital constituencies - Blacks, Hispanics, union members, etc. I love the end of that Congressional hearing the other day on White Supremicists, where Candace Owens blew up the narrative with her point that the three Caucasian experts that the Dems had put up against her, despite their two doctors and one Mrs, didn’t have a clue. All she had as a credential was 30 years being black. She talked about fatherless families, crime, illegal immigration, etc, while they were trying to panic everyone with the aspect of Republican cans donning sheets in mass. Not in her top 100 fears. These Black problems were also pushed by HUD Sec Carson. What does the Black community have to lose by trying the Republicans for a change? What does the Hispanic community? The (real, east) Indian community? None of these traditional constituencies are that safe this time, the Dems are starting to realize it, and all they have to counter it are fake hate crimes. Trump doesn’t have to make large inroads into these constituencies to make the election a blowout, and they have to face that he might do better than that.
I beg your pardon, Althouse. Please tell me you do not agree with the notion that the President of the United States needs the permission of the news media and the Deep State before he talks to any foreign leader about ant topic. And I think that if you agree with Trump’s critics that running for President as a Democrat means that one’s past and present corruption can not be examined, then there is something fundamentally wrong with your approach to the law.
The trick is to choose words where the original meaning is difficult to lose. Crooked. Sleepin'. Lyin'. Fat. Crazy. Those are gonna stick...
It helps if the word reinforces a physical or mental image the user already has. Hillary was crooked, Jeb really was low energy ("please clap"), etc.
After Mueller fizzled, Trump really does look invincible. It's sticky.
@SDaly yeah I’ve noticed that
What? Does nobody remember the Teflon Don - John Gotti. It's a real short walk from invincible to teflon. And like New York and Donny Two Scoops?
Ever READ the news Fernandistein?
Ever hear of Chess?
How about, GO?
I'm quite familiar with the AI beating humans at those games: I've posted about it here.
What AI is NOT good at is "natural language" = deciding what a "repetition" is and whether or not it's good or bad, which is something humans probably can't agree on.
AA thinks repeating "vinc" in a sentence is ham-handed but maybe the headline writer thought it was a form of poetic assonance rather than semantic satiation. Ask a robot.
Since the WAPO is colluding with Adam Schiff in spreading the lie that Trump did what Joe Biden actually did and Joe is on video bragging about doing it I’ll take anything they say with a lot of salt.
The "Watson" computer which beat the Jeopardy champions was pretty good at understanding human "natural language", namely the Jeopardy questions, but I don't think the NYT has anything similar:
"Watson employs a cluster of ninety IBM Power 750 servers, each of which uses a 3.5 GHz POWER7 eight-core processor, with four threads per core. In total, the system has 2,880 POWER7 processor threads and 16 terabytes of RAM.[17]"
And, despite winning @Jeopardy, it still sounded kinda dopey sometimes.
Trump doesn’t have to make large inroads into these constituencies to make the election a blowout, and they have to face that he might do better than that.
And think about his travel to New Mexico and California. I think both are NPV states. He's going for the popular vote now. He doesn't have to win NY and CA, just the popular vote. Then they will have to vote for him in the EC.
’Trump is the #1 person on the planet that foreign leaders want to be seen in public with...’
Trump is the political rock star Obama thought himself to be.
Oh, this is hilarious. The Democrats have been demanding that President Trump release the transcript of his conversation with Zelensky. Now Trump is threatening to do just that. Now they are really panicked! Oops.
Henry David Thoreau appointed himself “Inspector of Snowstorms,” For Althouse, its “Mocker of Media."
Gringo/degringolade: brilliant!
Convinced/invincible: ham-handed!
So after Biden pressured the Ukraine to fire the prosecutor, and after they had hired a new one, the US then demanded that the new prosecutor drop an investigation into an organization jointly funded by Soros and the Obama Administration, but Trump is the real criminal here.
What if all Trump said was “You know those prosecutions that Obama and Kerry told you to drop in the name of the US? Well, the US has changed its mind”?
Anyone see where Bill Weld says Trump's alleged actions are straight-up treason, and brings up the death penalty as the only penalty for treason?
That's right: A former governor and would-be presidential candidate apparently wants Trump executed for, we are told, we don't know by whom, leaning on Ukraine to investigate the Bidens' doings there.
(I find myself wishing I'd voted for John Silber back in the day.)
Weld the protector of bulger at the us attorneys office, the sacrificial lamb in the race against john kerry in 96.
Trump: Start investigating corruption or you won't get US dollars.
Biden: Stop investigating corruption or you won't get US dollars.
"Then they will have to vote for him in the EC."
Not true. The NPV doesn't take effect until there are states with 270 EC votes signed up for it.
"The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) is an agreement among a group of U.S. states and the District of Columbia to award all their electoral votes to whichever presidential candidate wins the overall popular vote in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The compact is designed to ensure that the candidate who receives the most votes nationwide is elected president, and it would come into effect only when it would guarantee that outcome.[2][3] As of July 2019, it has been adopted by fifteen states and the District of Columbia. Together, they have 196 electoral votes, which is 36.4% of the Electoral College and 72.6% of the 270 votes needed to give the compact legal force." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact
This is what Trump does to his opponents- sticks a word next to their names, and it becomes attached. However, you have to be careful to choose that word carefully. I am old enough to remember the Reagan presidency, and his opponents did a similar thing by claiming he was made of Teflon- it stuck, but the meaning changed to his benefit.
And the dems continue to search for the kryptonite.
I guess a decent journalist would ask a series of who, what, where, when questions, that I once learned long ago in my one and only high school journalism class:
1. Who is the Whistleblower and what is his position in the government?
2. Did he actually listen in on the President's telephone call with the Ukraine Prime Minister, and did he have authority to listen in?
3. If he didn't listen in, from whom did he get this second-hand knowledge?
4. What was actually said during the telephone call, and what was illegal or improper about it?; and, finally,
Inquiring minds wanna know.....
The problem with the "Walls are Closing in" new scandal is that the media can't really cover it fully because the stuff Biden is accused of is hard to disprove given Biden's own damning words on a video- those words did not equivocate. By the way, that video continues to get taken down by Google- I have bookmarked it four more times in the last 2 days at YouTube, and each time it is gone within 6 hours. Google is working overtime to bury it.
"The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) is an agreement among a group of U.S. states and the District of Columbia to award all their electoral votes to whichever presidential candidate wins the overall popular vote in the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
I thought several states had passed laws that applied only to themselves. You may well be correct. Still amusing to contemplate.
Inquiring minds wanna know.....
Here ya go.
The "whistleblower" has now admitted he did not hear the call. Trump is threatening to release a transcript.
The alleged IG was hip deep in the FISA fraud.
Doc K,
Thanks for the link. It is hard to overstate how good those folks are at The Last Refuge. I don't know who they are, and I understand, in general, their perceived need to be anonymous, but those guys are damn good.
The interesting question is whether or not Trump can win all 538 electoral votes in 2020.
Returning to my high school journalism class - a billion years ago -- I offer a relevant quote by the former Vice-President, Joe Biden, regarding a Ukraine investigation of his son, Hunter Biden.
"You're not getting the billion. I'm going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: 'I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money,'" - Joe Biden, 2018
Why won't the NYT hire me?
jason beale, thinks it was was just from the debrief of guiliani's first trip, Bloomberg and the new Yorker have their talking points,
omg, re limey louise
meanwhile at the ranch,
The music critic Anne Midgette is leaving the Post in November: there will then be no reason whatsoever to continue to pay money to them. Sad to lose her, glad to stop sending Jeff Bezos money.
Speaking just for myself, I am careful to not allow anything from the Washington Post reside in my brain.
Bob Boyd @10:41 AM nails it.
Well stated!
We know almost nothing about the complaint or the conversation, but that has not stopped a full-blown “we’ve got him now!” type joyfulness throughout the mainstream media and Never-Trump-land.
this time! we've GOT HIM! This Time!
I forget just how long ago it was that I gave up on Drudge. Must be four years or more.
It took me quite a while to break the Drudge habit, now it’s a “Let’s see what the enemy is thinking” type of read.
When did the Democrat Party morph into Wiley Coyote ?
When did the Democrat Party morph into Wiley Coyote ?
It started with the GOP sweep of the '94 election, enhanced by the W. Bush election of 2000 and the results of 2016 have them hanging in mid-air - just off the edge of the cliff - holding a sign 'Impeach!'
And when 2020 hits home? They'll be the small cloud of dust at the canyon floor.
Truth, Justice and the American Way. Like it or not, Dems, like it or not.
It started with the GOP sweep of the '94 election,
I think you are right about this. The Clinton impeachment failure reassured them but 2000 sent them over the edge.
Some of this insanity I attribute to Rove who must have know the Bush DUI could not be concealed and delayed getting it out. That created the tie as many evangelicals stayed home.
Howard said...
I've been saying, Althouse is the go-to blog to observe unabashed deplorables spewing forth from the comfort of their homes..
And we deplorables have been laughing at the pseudo-intellectuals who spew their fantasies from the comfort of their mom's basement.
Drudge was clearly and strongly anti-Hillary prior to the 2016 election. I think his slant is purely mercenary. It's the out-group that provides the clicks, so pander to their concerns. It's a sound business model for a medium that depends on sensationalism.
Perfect example from the geniuses on the Left: Love Trumps Hate.
Why, yes. Yes I do love Trump's hate. Thanks for permission.
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