These three are the artists who were responsible for the latest images targeting Meryl Streep, where posters were peppered throughout town featuring her image next to Weinstein’s with the text, “She knew,” across her face, a reference to allegations made by actress Rose McGowan that Streep did not speak out sooner against the disgraced mogul. Streep next appears in Spielberg’s The Post, a movie about the Pentagon Papers that 20th Century Fox is opening today."Sabot" is also a wooden shoe (and that's a centuries older meaning). The word "sabotage" goes back to the French word "saboter," which means to make a noise with those wooden shoes. In English, "sabotage" means "The malicious damaging or destruction of an employer's property by workmen during a strike or the like; hence gen. any disabling damage deliberately inflicted, esp. that carried out clandestinely in order to disrupt the economic or military resources of an enemy." That definition is from the OED, which has the earliest example from 1910.
“They’ve injected themselves into politics so audiences can no longer suspend belief. They’re ruining Hollywood,” says one artist. “I love Streep, but she’s a weapon on the left, and we have to take out the left,” says another....
On Friday morning, one of the artists, Sabo, hit Streep, Weinstein and The Post again, and this time added Tom Hanks. On bus benches near Los Angeles, he has Weinstein, arms stretched as if he’s Charlton Heston as Moses in The Ten Commandments, with the word, “God” across his image. Other benches have Streep and Hanks, backs turned, with word bubbles: “I knew,” Streep says. “We all knew,” says Hanks....
Sabo is a former tank commander who took his pseudonym from the word “sabot," a certain kind of projectile fired from a tank gun....
२३ डिसेंबर, २०१७
"Two of the three behind the 'She Knew' posters claim they are financed by unnamed wealthy conservatives who pay them $5,000-$20,000 per 'mission.'"
Hollywood Reporter reports.
Harvey Weinstein,
Meryl Streep,
Tom Hanks
३१ टिप्पण्या:
Meryl gave a standing ovation to a child rapist.....I have no sympathy for her empty words.
What she knew about was something that was nobody's business, and she presumed none of hers either.
For being right on that it's idiotic for the right to attack her.
The Reckoning is a leftist idea, plus hot-button females.
I always figured those “news stories” that were based on the appearance of a few posters or whatever in LA were ginned up news. But they are no different than paying a bunch of protesters to show up at some demonstration. The fact is that she and Tom Hanks almost certainly knew, and it isn’t that easy to get a point of view the press refuses to cover into the news cycle. So good on them.
How did you convince yourself, professor, that your Marxist feminism would have any other end than the circular firing squad and the reign of terror?
Are you really such a clueless Menshevik that you convinced yourself that you could prevent the Bolsheviks from triumphing?
You clearly still retain hope that the "New Woman" and the "New Man" can be manufactured.
Another day of weeping over the plight of the poor little rich girls.
Although you like to pretend that we neglected you and your Weird Sisters, my memory is that every day of my 67 years on this earth has featured a fresh drama afflicting the poor little rich girls that you and the Weird Sisters concocted to panic the men.
Admitting that your were lying to panic the men with the oppression and second class citizen shit doesn't seem to be an option.
Sabot is full of meaning, coming from a anti tank round that starts full size to reach the highest speed in the barrel but then discards its base and narrows to fin deployed arrows Iike shape that can keep the high speed until impact where it penetrates as a small point of molten metal.
A tank round Sabot is Definitely a masculine word. Throwing your wooden shoes into the machinery not so much.
This is where rhhardin gets it wrong.
In a fight that matters, any tool to hand should be used. That the tool was crafted by the other side is irrelevant.
In a prisoner's dilemma one side cannot be above it all unless they prefer to lose.
"Although you like to pretend that we neglected you and your Weird Sisters..."
Work on your literary references. The Weird Sisters specifically do know the future. "Weird" originally meant "fate."
The criticism of WWII Germans was not that they knew and did nothing, but rather that they did not know. That was their crime: willful ignorance. This is the kind of thing that Meryl would say.......Well, maybe she'll get a pass. Beatrice Webb, one of the founders of Britain's Labor Party, was a witness to the digging of the White Sea Canal. Thousands of bougoise were sent out in a Russian winter to dig a canal with garden hoes. Some fifty thousand perished. Beatrice marvelled at their dedication and enthusiasm for the revolution. Beatrice won a Nobel Prize. That's no Academy Award, but she was really as honored and respected in her era as Meryl is in ours. Willful ignorance is not a moving violations for leftists.........Also, she's still got the sexist card to play. While it's true that she gave Roman Polanski a standing ovation, it's also true that Harrison Ford took the trouble to fly to France to hand deliver that Oscar to Roman. Ford seems to have escaped criticism. This is just one more example of how unfairly Meryl has been treated by the patriarchy. If you criticize Meryl, you are enabling the patriarchy and empowering the next Harvey.
Streep and her cohorts earned this criticism. The kindest thing to say about them is that they were willfully ignorant. After all, if some nobody from flyover country were assaulted and career snuffed out as part of the process, why should people like Streep care? That was their problem, not hers. Anyway, nothing good could come from exposing it -- roles may dry up and they could be next to have their career ended. Better to look away and let the good times roll on.
Carrie Fisher showed herself to be a morally responsible person and how it is done right:
The Hollywood crowd had the same ethical defects as Hillary.
The career trumped (so to speak) the need for virtue.
"All within The State, nothing outside The State, Nothing against The State."
Ok, here goes with literary references.
The reason Woody Allen can pull any kind of shit and get away with it is because he kisses your ass with Upper West Side Harlequin Romances.
Costume dramas in fabulous half-fag settings full of pussy whipped men who will talk relationship for six hours before you decide to get down to screwing. Allen is a master at kissing your ass and stroking your vanity.
Weinstein understood this, too, and practiced the same strategy.
Your favorite form of ass kissing is weeping over poor little rich girl oppression. A man who has that strategy down is king of the Weird Sisters.
I'm glad that the Hollywood Reporter reported on Sabo et al. In a different time (and a different political environment) they would be celebrated like Banksy or Haring, or even those artists that posted anti-Giuliani graffito in NYC back in the early 90s.
It's a shame, however, that their tone is still one of defending left-leaning celebrities. It reads to me like the author of the piece is bothered that their icons are being harassed in such a manner. It's even more of a shame that the Hollywood Reporter didn't report on Weinstein sooner themselves, when they probably knew about the matter years ago.
The best reading wins in the end.
"Costume dramas in fabulous half-fag settings full of pussy whipped men who will talk relationship for six hours before you decide to get down to screwing. Allen is a master at kissing your ass and stroking your vanity."
My Blogger profile has had the same list of favorite movies for many many years:
My Dinner With Andre, Aguirre the Wrath of God, Crumb, Grey Gardens, Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould, Limelight, It's a Gift, Dr. Strangelove, The Grave of the Fireflies, The Nights of Cabiria, Fast Cheap & Out of Control, Slacker, The Fly
Nothing on that list is anything like what you're imagining me being interested in watching.
Yet you pose as a fan of truth. What evidence is there that you care about truth?
Don't journalists get paid? They spent years not covering Harvey.
Sabo should get a Pulitzer.
MSM is dead.
Sabo’s Website
Some of his work is amazing, and others over the edge.
It would be interesting to gets AA’s artsy analysis of his work.
I feel there is a bit of projection here by the Left in the funding. Sabo is self funded and his work is the one that gets the majority of attention.
My favorite Sabo:
- Rogue Won
- Shoot Back
There are no black women because there are no top quality black actresses (can we use actress or do we say actor now, or do we have to say black female actor?) or there are no black women because they do t put up with that stuff or are there no black women because the white men only lust after white women?
Some years ago I was sitting in one of the cheap seats at the Royal Opera in Covent Garden for a performance of Rossini's Le barbier de Séville. The opening scene was a street with a milling crowd (the Chorus) of peasants and townsfolk many of whom were wearing wooden clogs. Historically accurate but problematic on a wooden stage floor. The clatter they made as they cleared the stage for Figaro's famous aria "Largo al factotum", was ridiculous. I shouted Sabotage!, but no one laughed. Londoners are sooo stoopid.
My next greatest operatic quip happened while watching a televised performance of Lohengrin with a roomful of friends. In that production, the camera panned over the faces of the male choristers who were cast as Lohengrin's fellow knights of the Round Table. One of them was quite obviously Oriental, which struck me as hilarious given the context of the story. Thus the quip: I see the chink in their armour!
It strikes me that many of the feminist theories fail for the same reason the CBO's budge projections fail: static scoring.
Feminists never seemed to anticipate the responses they received. The bicycles heard what the fish were saying.
My favorite was a Supreme Court ruling that said women had to be admitted to all-male military schools because of the unique experience such schools provided. But the uniqueness disappeared (and perhaps a new uniqueness was born)as soon as the environment changed.
And the arguments were made as if those making them believed them true.
Why in the fuck would I read your blogger profile? I'm not a student of Ann Althouse. Nor do I intend to be.
I've read your numerous postings about the wondrous roles Allen provides to women. Not one about the movies you mention. But, I try to read only your legal posts and avoid the poor little rich girl weeping as much as possible. At the moment, that's all you do. I decide which of your posts to read by scanning titles on an aggregation site.
I had considered that the circular firing squad and the reign of terror were your intended outcomes. The question was, after all, rhetorical.
Merry Christmas, comrade!
Star Trek VI:
Valeris: Four hundred years ago on the planet Earth, workers who felt their livelihood threated by automation flung their wooden shoes called sabots into the machines to stop them.
[Chekov and Uhura look confused]
Valeris: Hence the word sabotage.
Uhura: We are experiencing technical malfunction. All backup systems inoperative.
Chekov: Excellent-I mean, too bad.
If smart anti-Left people are putting money behind fighting culturally powerful Leftists then good. Great. Go get 'em.
Engage and destroy.
Gunner, sabot, tank!
Blogger Darrell Harris said...
I'm glad that the Hollywood Reporter reported on Sabo et al.
It's a shame, however, that their tone is still one of defending left-leaning celebrities.
It wasn't always thus. The Hollywood Reporter's owner Billy Wilkerson founded the Hollywood Blacklist of communists in the summer of 47. He was probably, because of the publicity, instrumental in enshrining it into Movie industry policy in the Waldorf-Astoria meeting of Nov 47.
McCarthy, who usually gets the blame, even by people who know better had been a senator for 6 months when the blacklist was founded.
I wish it didn't come to this but I don't see the alternative. We have been shat on for so long by Hollywood et al, that turnabout is fair play.
John Henry
Will Shouting Thomas be the next to be banned?
John Henry
“They’ve injected themselves into politics so audiences can no longer suspend belief. They’re ruining Hollywood,” says one artist.
I know it's not you but rather Hollywood Reporter's source being quoted, but... it's DISbelief that has to be suspended, not belief. "I don't believe Meryl Streep is an Australian woman who claims a dingo ate her baby but she is so convincing in the part I will suspend my disbelief and go with it." Until she reminds us once too often that she is, in real life, an American of a very specificic kind.
I cannot see Tom Cruise without thinking of him jumping on Oprah's couch. My disbelief is no longer suspended.
And the list of those about whom I can no longer suspend disbelief has grown long, indeed.
This is just one more example of how unfairly Meryl has been treated by the patriarchy. If you criticize Meryl, you are enabling the patriarchy and empowering the next Harvey.
It is my understanding that Harrison Ford has not come out to the press saying he didn't know anything was going on.
It is my understanding that Harrison Ford has never called Harvey Weinstein "God".
In short, Harrison Ford never told the world he didn't know his God was sexually abusing all the people he worked with.
“I've read your numerous postings about the wondrous roles Allen provides to women.”
There are no such numerous postings.
“Not one about the movies you mention.”
Then don’t purport to know what I think on things you haven’t bothered with.
You are calling me dishonest, so be scrupulous about your own honesty.
"In a prisoner's dilemma one side cannot be above it all unless they prefer to lose."
In a one shot game, yes. In an iterative game, not necessarily.
When does prisoner's dilemma become iterative and still remain prisoner's dilemma
Professor, I can sense your exasperation with what feminism has wrought in your responses.
Some years ago, I said (I believe here) that feminism is upper class men deflecting their wife's bitching onto lower class men. Weinstein let the cat out of the bag on that one. Remember? He was going to escape the guillotine by bitching out redneck guys in the NRA and contributing to feminist causes. Because redneck guys are the real villains.
I'm precisely the redneck small town guy who has been the target of this strategy for my entire life. I'm not whining. I did fine in spite of it. But, the accusations started the moment I stepped onto campus at the University of Illinois in 1966. I tried for a long time to join the ranks and denounce my own kind, but I got worn out with that.
I've done what I can do here, which is to suggest to you that the answer is to use your position to say that feminism was, simply, a mistake and that your own success and wonderful life are the proofs that it was a mistake. We all make mistakes. We are all sinners. I've made plenty of mistakes and I've been a terrible sinner. I am not judging you overall for this mistake.
The way out of this shithole of the circular firing squad, denunciations and the reign of terror is to start undoing what caused it... Marxist feminism.
I've done all I can do here. I'm suggesting that you take a leadership role in undoing the mess. I'm no match for your legalistic filibustering and office politics prowess. Those are skills I really never wanted to possess. I'll leave you alone henceforth. I'm retired and I don't want to spend my life doing this.
I sincerely wish you and your family a Merry Christmas.
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