२६ डिसेंबर, २०१७

"Friends and allies literally roll their eyes when they hear the New York City mayor is trying to go national again..."

"... and his own aides have become experts in stalling when he asks to do more, or at throwing distractions or making up excuses for why they weren’t able to pull something together. They hate it. They wish he would stop."

From "What’s Bill de Blasio’s Problem?/Democratic insiders can’t stand the progressive New York mayor and want him to pipe down, despite his record of real accomplishment back home. What gives?" in Politico.

४४ टिप्पण्या:

YoungHegelian म्हणाले...

Why does the national Democratic Party rolls its eyes at the thought of De Blasio ascendant? Because the rest of the country loathes NYC politicians. Yes, I know Trump comes from the Big Apple, but he wasn't a politician. He was a real estate magnate & reality TV star. If he was a politician, he wouldn't be in office right now.

This happens over & over again with the media, who see NYC as the center of the universe. Remember when Giuliani was the "favorite" in the race for the Republican nomination in 2008? How much attention they paid to Bloomberg, which the rest of the country said "Who?" about? Caroline Kennedy, anyone? No doubt one of the reasons Hillary's campaign chances were was blown out of proportion is because it was NYC based.

Never trust the media on the national effects of NYC politics. Never.

TrespassersW म्हणाले...

...despite his record of real accomplishment back home.

And what "real accomplishments" are those, pray tell?

Big Mike म्हणाले...

If people living outside the five boroughs wanted New York City politics they would move to New York City.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

It's sort of telling that De Blasio thinks the mainstream Democrat collection of policies is too moderate, is it not?

Achilles म्हणाले...

Deblasio is a white male. The democrats wouldn’t let Bernie win either. They don’t fit the script.

Tank म्हणाले...

He's tall enough.

Vance म्हणाले...

He can run on the "I'll take away your drinks and everything else that tastes good! Vote for me, because you need to be punished!"

Hey, it might work for him, you never know. It didn't for Hillary, but he can try it!


walter म्हणाले...

Achilles said... Deblasio is a white male.
With a black wife and interracial kids.

Bay Area Guy म्हणाले...

DeBlasio is a garden variety leftist, who's never built or run a business, never met a payroll, and just to expand the size and scope of government to increase the control over your life. Because .....,poverty and inequality!

The Godfather म्हणाले...

I’m a native New Yorker. I understand Deblassio. I wouldn’t vote for him for Mayor, and I wouldn’t live in a city of which he was mayor. For similar reasons, I wouldn’t live in Vermont. Or California.

Hari म्हणाले...

de Blasio is like Hillary, only not as smart, not as honest, not as principled, not as rich, not as connected, and not as likable.

n.n म्हणाले...

New York has the good fortune of a top-heavy economy to subsidize liberal fiscal policies. Think Obamacare.

Also, New York is socially liberal. I imagine there are more than a few Democrats who would like to lose their religion and explore an alternative to the wicked solution.

RMc म्हणाले...

Because the rest of the country loathes NYC politicians. Yes, I know Trump comes from the Big Apple, but he wasn't a politician.

Plus, Trump is loathed by New Yorkers: Hillary won 90% or so in the city.

Bad Lieutenant म्हणाले...

Big Mike said...
If people living outside the five boroughs wanted New York City politics they would move to New York City

Now, BM, don't give them ideas, apartments are hard enough to find already.

Of course, you're right, the leftism is dreadful. Giuliani and Bloomberg were Dark Knights who had to be chosen because of the preexisting messes, but absent a real gem, it's tough these days. Sometimes I think I should register D to try to pick a less revolting candidate in the primaries. Then again we had Lindsay (sigh), we had LaGuardia himself...

NYC is actually not a D company town despite the 5:2 D:R registration advantage. We're actually right on the edge - "any given Tuesday in November." Not like a Portland or a Baltimore. Shudder. You just have to have a really good candidate and a really good campaign.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

So Politico also still thinks that anyone still gives a shit about "Democratic insiders?"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

Yes, I know Trump comes from the Big Apple, but he wasn't a politician.

True. Ordinary politicians don't lie as often or as shamelessly as he does. They're also less proud of their own ignorance.

cubanbob म्हणाले...

de Blasio would get 40% of the vote. The rest of the electorate would run from him like the plague.

Darrell म्हणाले...

Warren Wilhelm Jr is over 5'1" in height. He lords that over Jesus.

Bad Lieutenant म्हणाले...

Plus, Trump is loathed by New Yorkers: Hillary won 90% or so in the city.

Not quite, H was 2 points down from O:


79% vs 81%. Yes, in Manhattan and the Bronx, it was closer to your numbers.

Bad Lieutenant म्हणाले...

Also, Candidate Trump is not now President Trump because he did or didn't win New York. He could have poured resources into the state and improved his numbers, but he wisely put the effort where it would do the most good.

wild chicken म्हणाले...

Did DeBlasio's policies really "succeed" or did prior admins already run off those pesky poors?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

Plus, Trump is loathed by New Yorkers: Hillary won 90% or so in the city.

Well what the fuck were they going to do? Vote for a well-known cry-baby corporate logo graffiti vandal with a long habit of sticking his moronic foot in his stupid mouth? An illiterate quadruple bankrupt? New Yorkers aren't that dumb. They're not like Kansans or anything.

Gahrie म्हणाले...

There is no way the Democrats will nominate a heterosexual White male in 2020.

Greg Hlatky म्हणाले...

Looks like this thread has been ruined.

David म्हणाले...

A DeBlasio vs. Trump race would be fabulous. Two New Yorkers that people love to hate squaring off.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

You really are a sensitive one, aren't you, Greg Hlatky. I can see why you identify with a skittish canine with a head too narrow to house much of a brain. And the thread's fine. Do you really just show up to whine and piss and moan like this? How insufferable. Stay away from all those chemicals you work with. Apparently some are neurotoxins... either that or estrogen modulators. Either way, time for you to go behind a bush and let it all out. Keep your womanly tears away from here. They're downright depressing.

Greg Hlatky म्हणाले...

The wicked flee when none pursueth.

Chest Rockwell म्हणाले...

"As long as they’re talking off the record, many Democratic leaders and operatives will trash de Blasio. They think he’s smug. Annoying. In it for himself without any follow-through. The rap on de Blasio is that he likes to make a lot of noise but doesn’t like to do a lot of work, that he has an oversize sense of his own importance.

Sounds about right...

I get the impression Deblasio didn't lose the last election because a. His competition was shite, and b. New York, like most of the rest of the country, is doing very well economically.

madAsHell म्हणाले...

The Governor of Washington State is dumber than a box of rocks, but I'm pretty sure he's angling for 2020 President's race.

southcentralpa म्हणाले...

Someone close to DeBlasio needs to make a presentation on how O'Malley's campaign for the Democratic nomination in '16 as an example of what NOT to do. (In an effort to burnish his credentials, O'Malley took Maryland so hard left that he actually got a Republican elected as his successor and STILL got no traction in the primaries...)

FullMoon म्हणाले...

DeBlasio is a climate alarmist. He wouldn't have a chance.

MikeD म्हणाले...

I dunno, Himself says he's just like the inventor, T.A. Edison (who blew it on DC vs. AC power) or the manufacturer Henry Ford (who so loved his Model T he begat GM & Chrysler) or the uber pacifist Ghandi (who was a world class racist in his hatred for his African brethren). Sounds like a hell of a CV for the office of President of the U.S.! sarc/

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

what real accomplishments?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Because 150$ for a crap breakfast in NYC is super duper.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Ordinary politicians don't lie as often or as shamelessly as [Trump] does.

Delusional. Most politicians -- and all Democrats -- lie as an automatic reflex. If you catch a Democrat telling the truth, it's because they think they're lying.

The Godfather म्हणाले...

Big Mike, if you can find somebody to make T-shirts that say " If you catch a Democrat telling the truth, it's because they think they're lying" you can retire rich.

FleetUSA म्हणाले...

If DeBlasio is even close to the nomination it would prove how overwhelming DJT is likely to win in a blow out.

JAORE म्हणाले...

Run Bill, run!

Bilwick म्हणाले...

"Record of accomplishment?"

Bad Lieutenant म्हणाले...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Because 150$ for a crap breakfast in NYC is super duper.

Who pissed in your cornflakes? ;)

Seriously, you can get a pretty good breakfast for $150 in NYC.

Drago म्हणाले...

William Chadwick: ""Record of accomplishment?"

It's all relative.

In Venezuela the other socialists are simply pushing some people into pits and shooting them while starving everyone else.

So commie DeBlasio looks pretty good by comparison....for now....

Steven म्हणाले...

@William Chadwick

You know, it takes real effort to set record levels of homelessness. It's especially difficult during an economic boom. And it gets even tougher to do it while increasing public spending on housing the homeless by 70% (an additional $700 million a year). But by George, Bill de Blasio has accomplished it!

Fritz म्हणाले...

You know, it takes real effort to set record levels of homelessness. It's especially difficult during an economic boom. And it gets even tougher to do it while increasing public spending on housing the homeless by 70% (an additional $700 million a year). But by George, Bill de Blasio has accomplished it!

Piece of cake! Want more of something? Subsidize it!

Jupiter म्हणाले...

Give the man credit, at least he admits he's a stinking Commie. Most Democrats try to pretend they're something else.