२२ एप्रिल, २०१६

Earth Day in the founder's park — Gaylord Nelson State Park.

We were there today. Not because it was the namesake's day, but because we knew the early spring wildflowers would be pretty. Dutchman's breeches...


... and trout lilies....


... and it's not only about flowers. There are also these great — really great — sticks to fetch...


३१ टिप्पण्या:

n.n म्हणाले...

I stopped and smelled the flowers.

अनामित म्हणाले...

As opposed to convicted murder and Earth Day co-founder Ira Einhorn

Michael K म्हणाले...

"Earth Day co-founder Ira Einhorn"

Well, he did keep the girlfriend in a trunk in the closet so her carbon did not escape.

Saint Croix म्हणाले...

Who says dogs and cats can't get along?

Eleanor म्हणाले...

So someone else feeds a dog, grooms it, pays its medical bills, keeps it licensed, and you get to play with it? Such a deal. :-)

Danno म्हणाले...

Bark softly and carry a big stick.

Fritz म्हणाले...

Maybe a great stick to fetch, but a tough one to throw very many times. I'm blessed. The husky won't fetch, unless it wiggles or squeaks.

अनामित म्हणाले...

That "Stick" reminds me of the Crocodile Dundee movie where a youngster pulls a knife and Dundee says, "that's not a knife, this is." It also has my favorite scene of someone on taking off on their airplane flight. Writers of such stories have a wonderful talent.

I'm also reminded of the look on one of my dogs face when he dragged in something unmentionable as if to say "look what I caught" when it looked that it could have been the other way around. I hate Rats.

Humperdink म्हणाले...

"Earth Day co-founder Ira Einhorn" Defended by noted dirtball Arlen Specter.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

First Earth Day in Madison WI. I like the old cars, and the scenes on State Street.

Gahrie म्हणाले...

My favorite Earth Day was about fifteen years ago. I was on the campus of CSUSB, and a group of the SJW type (this was before they became dominant) were attempting to have a protest/ceremony in the quad....but there were a couple of bulldozers busily knocking down trees nearby that drowned them out. (the school was building an extension onto the clinic.)

I literally fell down laughing. No one else seemed to get it.

Birkel म्हणाले...

I enjoy celebrating scientists with a zero percent success rate for testable predictions just as much as the next guy...

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

Earthy day. Very grounded.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

Seven Earth Day predictions that failed spectacularly...

There are three kinds of environmentalists:

1) Sane and well-informed men and women who know we must balance the ideal against the practical. Example: Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace.

2) Gaia worshipers. These are highly neurotic "seeker" types and SJW who apply Calvinist theology to the status of tree frogs. Many of these openly espouse human extinction. However, since none are willing to set the example for the rest of us, we may dismiss them as merely annoying rather than dangerous. Very few of this type of environmentalist have MSE schooling. Though they have often memorized jargon, they know next to nothing about what they talk so passionately about. They also track almost 100% with foodies, the organic kind particularly. These are the hothouse flowers how happily spend twice or three times the outlay for groceries that sane person would, yet they cannot distinguish organic from non-organic by taste or appearance.

3) Psychopaths. There are a lot more of these than one would imagine.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

Typo alert. "These are the hothouse flowers who..."

rehajm म्हणाले...

That's a log.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Now that's a REAL DOG!

Quaestor म्हणाले...

No, THIS is a log.

An infinity of logs.

madAsHell म्हणाले...

I cannot imagine going through life with a name like Gaylord. I'd probably change it to Sue.

Jimmy म्हणाले...

No Earth Day would be complete without watching George Carlin's bit https://youtu.be/7W33HRc1A6c

Michelle Dulak Thomson म्हणाले...

Yeah. I remember a violin studies book by Gaylord Yost. At the time (this was late 70s), there was some considerable snickering about the author/composer, though not much more than went to, say Jakob Dont ("I read the cover, and it said "Don't," so I didn't," tee-hee).

Today, snickering about Dont is probably legal, but snickering about Yost, maybe not.

buwaya म्हणाले...

You forgot the fourth and fifth and sixth classes of environmentalists -

4. The fashionable who use it (it's various manifestations) as a status marker.

5. Those who are happy to use it as a justification for various rents and monopoly profits.

6. Those who are happy to use it to assert unquestionable authority over the rest.

The practical, the neurotic and the psychotic are nowhere near as troublesome as 5 and 6, and nowhere as numerous as 4.

Curious George म्हणाले...

Two posts in a row about Chelsea fetching?

Theranter म्हणाले...

O/T--just finished watching Clockwork Orange for the first time--in the end are you supposed to garner that he pretended to be brainwashed?
Or was it that he unbrainwashed himself (or it wore off) but he wasn't going to let on?
(I was cooking and doing dishes, so maybe I missed something that would have made it clear.)

Fernandinande म्हणाले...

Fritz said...
The husky won't fetch, unless it wiggles or squeaks.

Our rez-dog 3/4ths(?) Border Collie took about a year before he'd chase a ball - at first if you threw it and said "go get it!" he'd ignore the ball but get quite excited looking for something to kill. Now he'll chases a ball but runs off and buries it.

Fernandinande म्हणाले...

Speaking of looking for things to kill -
Why Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Criticism of Islam Angers Western Liberals
“They fear critical thinking. Anyone in the Islamic world with intelligence who takes a minute to think will not like what they see.”

William म्हणाले...

Gaylord has gone the way of Adolf. It used to be a cool name, suitable for a cavalry officer. Maybe Kanye or Madonna could so name one of their kids and bring it back in fashion,

Quaestor म्हणाले...

O/T--just finished watching Clockwork Orange for the first time--in the end are you supposed to garner that he pretended to be brainwashed?

G_____r? Theranter, how dare you write the despised g-word. You just don't get it, do you?

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

Society decided that it was morally wrong to change the ruthless thug's authentic self, so they undid it. Who were they to judge?

Hagar म्हणाले...

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is still young and searching and thinking, so who knows where she will end up.

I am reading another book, about trade patterns in history really, whose author says Islam started as a Christian heresy like Christianity began as a Jewish heresy. Mecca and Medina were both trade centers with churches and synagogues serving a varied population at the time of Mohammed, which may explain the apparent contradiction in the tradition that Mohammed was illiterate but had made a thorough study of Judaism and Christianity while still residing in Mecca. This author suggests the leader of the the Christians in Mecca even was considered a bit of an authority in the early Church.
Hirsi Ali says Mohammed's original teaching in Mecca was not all that bad, and the violence and intolerance came in when he returned from Medina with his converts from there to set the folks in Mecca straight and take revenge for their chasing him and his followers out of town earlier.
The absolutism and violence are powerful attractions for the young and poor and a powerful impetus for an evangelizing religion of conquest.
However, in history, once the conquest was done, Moslems have lived quite comfortably side by side citiens of all kinds of religions in their midst. Just think of the Mughal empire in India, for example.
In the end, it really is all about money, power, and sex, not about what temple you worship in.

Theranter म्हणाले...

Thank you Tim.