CHUCK TODD: There was this shooting in Colorado Springs. And overnight, there's now been reports that the shooter was yelling about baby parts.Yelling? I thought "no more baby parts" only appeared somewhere in the shooter's rambling, unfocused interview with the police. Todd is making it seem like an Allahu-Akbar-type battle cry.
CHUCK TODD: Planned Parenthood put out this statement, "We've seen an alarming increase in hateful rhetoric and smear campaigns against abortion providers and patients over the last few months. That environment breeds acts of violence. Americans reject the hatred and vitriol that fueled this tragedy." That was, again, from a Planned Parenthood Rocky Mountain spokesperson. Do you believe that the rhetoric got too heated on Planned Parenthood? And are you concerned that it may have motivated a mentally disturbed individual?Carson handled the question by going utterly generic — rejecting "any hateful rhetoric directed at anyone from any source" and recommending that we "stop trying to destroy each other" and "work constructively."
Earlier, Todd asked a similar question of Donald Trump, albeit without the inappropriate reference to "yelling."
CHUCK TODD: Now, a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood is concerned that the heated rhetoric around the Planned Parenthood debate could've had an adverse effect, basically, on this mentally disturbed individual. Do you think the rhetoric got out of hand on Planned Parenthood?Trump stuck to his idea that the man (Robert Lewis Dear) is mentally ill. And that's when Todd brought up that "he was talking about baby parts and things like that... during his interview." Todd seemed to be trying to get Trump to back off on the political headway that anti-abortion forces have made with the undercover Planned Parenthood videos. Trump did not give him that (though he took a sideswipe at Republicans):
DONALD TRUMP: Well, I will tell you there is a tremendous group of people that think it's terrible, all of the videos that they've seen with some of these people from Planned Parenthood talking about it like you're selling parts to a car. I mean, there are a lot of people that are very unhappy about that. Now, I know some of the tapes were perhaps not pertinent. I know that a couple of people that were running for office or are running for office on the Republican side were commenting on tapes that weren't appropriate. But there were many tapes that are appropriate in terms of commenting on. And there are people that are extremely upset about it. It looks like you're talking about parts to some machine or something. And they're not happy about it.Todd tried to pull Trump into a useful position:
CHUCK TODD: Does that mean you're not surprised that someone might take an extreme reaction to it?Come on, disown the videos!
DONALD TRUMP: Well, this was an extremist. And this was a man who obviously they said prior to this was mentally disturbed. So, he's a mentally disturbed person. There's no question about that.
CHUCK TODD: But it does sound like you understand why people might react this way.
DONALD TRUMP: Well, there's tremendous dislike. I can say that. Because I go to rallies. And I have by far, and you will admit that I think, the biggest crowds, nobody even close. And that includes Bernie Sanders, by the way, whose crowds are going down, down, down like a rock ever since he gave Hillary a free pass on the email?. But I see a lot of anxiety and I see a lot of dislike for Planned Parenthood. There's no question about that.He won't disown the videos and he throws a shot a Bernie Sanders.
After those 2 interviews at the top of the show, heading to the break, Todd promised: "Coming up, more on whether it was hateful rhetoric that led to that attack in Colorado. As I told you, Planned Parenthood indicates yes." It's as though he could barely constrain himself from coming straight out and saying hateful rhetoric led to that attack in Colorado. In fact, the next 3 segments were about other subjects. Todd teased the topic again before the "End Game segment," asking "Can our political leaders handle a debate that combines guns and abortion?" In that panel discussion, he began with what to my ear sounded like open pro-Democratic Party bias:
CHUCK TODD: Look, we're now getting [reports] from law enforcement officials, it may have been politically motivated. We heard what Planned Parenthood said. Democrats have been on one side of quickly coming out in support of Planned Parenthood. Republicans have been very hesitant about what they have said.What seems "obvious" to her? That Democrats are jumping on this issue because they see a big advantage in what they think it is and are just betting it is, while the Republicans are biding their time because they — what? — don't see an advantage in stuffing it right into their template, not yet anyway? This "event" is — what? — a big, fat softball that "plays right into" the Democrats plan for the coming election? Is she salivating over murder? Todd cuts her off:
MOLLY BALL [of The Atlantic]: Well, and that seems obvious to me, right. This is an event that plays right into two major issues for the Democrats. And I think what it illustrates is the extent to which this election is, again, going to be a culture war on domestic issues. You have the Democrats really leaning into these issues that they used to be afraid of, being very strongly pro-abortion rights, standing with Planned Parenthood. That was a talking point, you know, long before this happened. But also, really leaning into these Second Amendment issues that Democrats have been so afraid of forever because they're so alienating to a lot of rural voters. Now, you have the Democrats feeling like the demographics are on their side, the culture is on their side. I don't know if that's true. But that is the--
CHUCK TODD: Right. The politics that got raised on is totally what you said. Republicans went on the culture wars, Democrats lose. Now, Democrats are the ones that want a culture war.Oh, Molly, you are right, so totally right... especially if what you say is paraphrased my way: Democrats are finally in a position to wage culture war. Andrea Mitchell pipes up, interjecting a little restraint but not without vigorously signalling her agreement with Molly and Chuck.
ANDREA MITCHELL: Exactly. And we don't know this homicidal man. We don't know his mental state and what really prompted him, although there are some indicators. But the Second Amendment issue, the gun issue, is where Democrats really are coming together.Eugene Robinson is there too, and he says: "Well, we know he had a gun." Mitchell echoes him — "We know he had a gun" — and she takes a shot at Trump: "And you had Donald Trump saying after Paris, after Chattanooga, 'They should have been armed.' Well, that is a completely different response than you're getting from Democrats." There follows some back and forth about positions on gun control, not specifically tied to yesterday's shootings. Eventually, Hugh Hewitt, another panelist, brings up the shootings again, saying we should be calling it a "terrorist attack." Robinson agrees:
EUGENE ROBINSON: Absolutely. We should be... And we need to use that word, you know. It's a scary word for a lot of people. But that's what it is. It's violence to achieve political lengths.He's speaking as if we know that Robert Lewis Dear conceived of a political end and chose violence as a way to achieve it. Hewitt offered some glue:
HUGH HEWITT: And a lot of crazy people out there are impacted by rhetoric, and so when you--Todd interrupted with some "like... like... I mean" efforts at making sense of what we don't really know:
CHUCK TODD: Well, that's what I'm thinking here. I'm, like, wondering. It's like, we call it this. But you're right. I mean, the mentally disturbed are the ones that are looking to create a rationalization for themselves.That ended up being the last thing Todd could say on the subject. The 2 conservatives on the panel seized the opportunity to remind us of left-wing domestic terrorists, which came from people who really were fixated on political ends and not noticeably psychotic. And now I see why Hewitt laid that "domestic terrorism" groundwork:
JOE MCQUAID [the publisher of the New Hampshire Union Leader]: Well, what was the impact in the 1970s when the rate of domestic terrorism in this country was far from what it is now, much, much higher with bombings? And these were people with political ends. They weren't terror---That is, Hewitt (like Trump) doesn't accept the suggestion that abortion opponents should back down out of fear of triggering the psychotic among us. Andrea Mitchell broke in to enthuse about how it was "fascinating was to see the internal video, the live camera security" which let the police see where Dear and the hostages were, and Hewitt seized the opportunity to name the police officer who died — "Officer Swasey, who gave his life" — and to add: "A pro-life pastor."
HUGH HEWITT: Well, the rhetoric of the [SDS] did have an impact on Weathermen. And they did kill people. And that's why rhetoric matters. But at the same time, we can't sanitize an issue. I will talk about the Planned Parenthood practices. They were selling baby parts. I will be happy to engage people. But I think we do have to recognize there are disturbed people on both ends of the spectrum who can be impacted by this language.
Chuck Todd tried hard to leverage the murders for the benefit of Democratic Party politics, but in the end Hewitt dominated, and in the beginning, Trump and Carson deflected the pushback, each in his own way, Trump with the bluster and Carson with the disarming gentleness.
८२ टिप्पण्या:
It's about triggering women.
Look, we're now getting [reports] from law enforcement officials, it may have been politically motivated.
If I was political candidate, I'd tell Todd "Chuck, we'll discuss this issue when we have named, official sources telling us what Dear said during the siege & his interrogation. Anything we say now is just pointless speculation, because we simply don't know the facts yet. Next topic."
The media is working really hard to set the narrative on this one, aren't they?
So far I have not seen any reports from the police as to exactly what went on at this shooting in Colorado Springs.
The media is just jumping in with both feet without checking to see if there is water in the pool.
And I do not think SDS and the Weatherman had much of a connection back then, and they certainly do not with this.
Trigger wars. The People strike back.
The American socialists will not like where the rhetoric will logically progress if they continue to defend the final solution under abortion rites and clinical cannibalism by Planned Parenthood. The only question is if men and women will place profit before principles, their faith in mortals with a god-complex, and pull their religion/moral philosophy out of a penumbra.
Chuck Todd wasn't in that interview room, has no idea what was said and went on TV to play third rate, cunt lip politics.
"Do you believe that the rhetoric got too heated on Planned Parenthood? And are you concerned that it may have motivated a mentally disturbed individual?"
Do you believe that press coverage of the insane lies being spouted by BLM has been too credulous? Are you concerned that the blood dripping from your hands came from police officers?
I was more bothered by Chuck's argument with Trump re Muslims cheering in New Jersey after 9-11. Chuck kept asserting that if the media didn't report it, then it didn't happen. Plainly that is not reality. But there was one WaPo story at the time about some Jersey celebrations and that wasn't made up.
After today, Chuck Todd is moving into John Harwood territory.
And I HATE all this wasted airtime on nothing. There were plenty of Muslims in the US and around the world who were happy 9-11 happened.
Looks to me that this is going to be a very long campaign.
All I heard on the news programs this morning was "said something about no more baby parts".
But no, they're just reporting the news, straight up and down the middle.
If PP is worried about crazy folks shooting then because of their baby parts business then they should probably rethink what they do.
So far it sounds exactly like the Gabby Gifford shooting aftermath. I predict it will end similarly.
Political rhetoric has a part. Divisive social issues have a part.
Chief cause of murder sprees like this? Media coverage that gives damaged people a very public outlet.
Why won't the media discuss the real problem? Themselves and the pursuit of the almighty ratings.
So much of global terror over the last 50 years has been driven by and for media coverage. But the media want people to look another way.
"Let's talk about who started the fire," the media says, holding a lit match over the gasoline.
Come on, disown the videos!
Could you or Georgie please tell us again why that is so important?
DNC Operatives with by-lines.
Remember the Family Research Council (FRC) shootings in DC by the gay guy who brought 20 chic-filet sandwiches to the shooting so he could rub them in the faces of his victims?
The shooter was motivated by the fact that the Southern Poverty Law Center labels the FRC as a 'hate group' and still does.
It was nauseating and I kind of like Todd. He would not stop going after Trump and I finally turned it off. The shooter is crazy and did NOT shoot anyone in PP. He was using the fortress-like PP building as protection.
Liberal media playing games.. and love your play by play critique. Dumb idiots. Oh, I hear that Chuck is a college (HS?) drop out. Wonder who he had to sleep with to get this job. If he were a woman, that question would certainly be raised.
And you're not politicizing it?
What specifically was out of hand about the discussion of PP? The fact that the video came out? Just because PP didn't like it doesn't mean it couldn't be discussed.
So you are the person watching "Meet the Press"? In a country this big meeting that person is highly unlikely. I can now claim victory in a bar bet I made.
Joking aside, Chuck Todd is bad at his job. He is much too transparent in his politics. He cannot reasonably confront Democrats' -- or even his own -- bias. I am a conservative but could sell myself as a Liberal interviewer without effort and I believe I could do that while pretending at middle of the road.
The Trump interview was as idiotic as Chuck Todd could make it. And Chuck Todd is an idiot.
F Chuck, is a journolister, he started his career working for Harkin, I think I first became aware of him, in a huffington post column in the 2008 election, that one of the posters here,
Victoria, (the nice one) did in her own blog,
"The media is working really hard to set the narrative on this one, aren't they?"
I seem to recall Althouse's original post on this yesterday at least suggested this. And my first comment to that post explicitly fisked the NYT on this point.
I wonder what things other than "no more baby parts" were leaked to the press about Dear's "rambling" statements. I imagine MSM editors going through them saying "no, no this won't do. Com'on people give me something I can USE! Ah here it is 'no more baby parts" Run with it. Get Todd on the Line."
I know I'm being unfair and wish I thought more generous thoughts, but really, the MSM's past framing and behavior have brought it on themselves. Why should they be trusted?
@Althouse, thank you for watching Chuck Todd so I don't have to.
All of these people condone censorship. I cannot believe no Republican has ever challenged the media on why they censor abortion photographs. Is it an atrocity? Come on, Chuck Todd, this is a visual medium. Why aren't you running a photograph of an aborted baby? Let's see the truth of it. Is it a homicide? Run a photograph at 6 weeks, at 10 weeks, at 14 weeks, at 18 weeks, at 22 weeks. And if you're not willing to run these photographs, why not? Explain yourself, Chuck Todd.
Real American said...
If PP is worried about crazy folks shooting then because of their baby parts business then they should probably rethink what they do.
At least come up with better PR.
He looks like a jihadist to me and I think Hillary would agree.
Is Hillary going to get the guy who made the videos?
Democrats are finally in a position to wage culture war.
Goldberg: Liberals Are Culture War Aggressors
I wonder what things other than "no more baby parts" were leaked to the press about Dear's "rambling" statements
Only that he had said something about Obama.
They worried about their faudulent accounting practices being exposed.
Been reading a lot from Abby Johnson, the former abortion worker. So much to learn from workers that left the industry.
Hard to find a 'real' job once you have worked at an abortion clinic.
The charity gives former workers financial assistance and finding a new job.
A video of her work.
Carson handled the question by going utterly generic — rejecting "any hateful rhetoric directed at anyone from any source"
Christianity is generic now? Really?
Drugs such as "Plan B" terminate a pregnancy, albeit at an extremely early stage.
Goldberg is sloppy here. Planned B might terminate a pregnancy, or it might be birth control. We don't actually know. There is no way to determine if a woman is pregnant until the zygote attaches to the walls of her uterus, which is a week after conception.
Catholic hospitals, by the way, administer Plan B to rape victims, precisely because there is no way of knowing if this is an abortion or not. Republicans should stress this point whenever the subject of rape is raised vis-a-vis abortion. Women have an absolute right to emergency contraception under Griswold v. Connecticut, and it is not an issue in the abortion debate.
Todd is a Democratic operative, pure and simple. Did he complain when some gay activist shot up the Family Research Council because the Southern Poverty Law Center had listed it as a hate group? Did he blame the SPLC for that shooting? No, because he thinks that calling out evil is the right thing to do, even if some nutcase acts out on that and goes out and shoots someone. Well, calling out Planned Parenthood for marketing baby parts is calling out evil and that doesn't make the people calling them out responsible for nutcases who go shoot up abortion clinics.
Thanks for posting this. You confirm why I stopped watching these shows. I want to hear the candidates, not a bunch of self-appointed "experts" and MSM media types. what do I care what Andrea Mitchell thinks? She's no more qualified/intelligent than 10,000 other people.
Why isn't Althouse on Meet the press?
You inadvertantly make my point. Obama and....? We only know what the press is willing to share. That's why it's called a leak, not a statement.
"no more baby parts"? I don't believe it. Video, or it didn't happen.
I wonder who was the favorite right wing personality for this guy. Limbaugh? Hannity? Boortz? Savage? The FBI has to start keeping better track of these radical anti-abortion fundies mutants.
I usually wait a week now after any public shooting to formulate opinions on political motives.
We know how the Left operates.
If the shooting is done by a cop, it shows a pervasive systemic racism in our power centers.
If the shooting is done by a Muslim, it is not because he is Muslim, because George Bush told us that Islam is a religion of peace.
If the shooting is done by an mentally ill young white man, it shows a pervasive gun culture that must be curbed.
If the shooting is done by a black man, it is an isolated incident to be ignored.
I have nothing to add other than this was an insightful, layered post by Althouse.
Read it multiple times to best appreciate.
I am Laslo.
Did anyone on Meet the Press bring up whether talking in rapt speculation about the idiosyncratic motives of shooters like Dear on the national Sunday news shows elevates them to a level of political influence that only creates incentives for more deranged individuals to follow suit?
Chuckie had blood coming out of his you know. Trump told Chuckie to calm down like he would a little boy. It was unfair to pit a doofus like Todd against a master word warrior like Trump.
hundreds die daily at planned parenthood abortion clinics..... and no guns are involved.
A lot of this is just stirring up the already persuaded.
The comments at NYT and Huffpo are filled with confident statements that "Christian Terrorists" and "Angry White Males" are the problem and this is their work. Their people already believe this. The idea now is to get them lathered up. They know their two candidates have serious limitations. Gotta change the subject. Keep the right wing crazies out of power!
We have a lot of problems in this country. The terrible quality of the national press is one of the larger ones.
garage mahal said...
I wonder who was the favorite right wing personality for this guy. Limbaugh? Hannity? Boortz? Savage?
He listens to them all the time in his electricity free cabin in North Carolina and his trailer on an undeveloped mountain in Colorado.
As the name suggests, Planned Parenthood began as a family-planning and birth-control organization. They say that abortions are only a small part of what they do; I assume that late-term abortions that yield the most marketable "baby parts" are an even smaller part of PP's activities. So why should PP not simply terminate that part of their activities so as not to tempt nut-cases like Dear to attack people at or near PP facilities?
This certainly makes more sense than shutting up organizations that publicize PP's baby parts marketing.
Garage - It appears he lived in a trailer with no electricity, so he didn't have tv or radio and didn't listen to any pundits or read any bloggers, left or right. Sorry to disrupt your narrative.
We should let all the murderers out of prison.
It's the same logic as letting insane people free-range.
If we let all the murderers out of prison, would this be a gun problem, or an abdication of power.
If we let all the insane people free-range, is this a gun problem, or an abdication of power.
I think if Congress is going to spend trillions on WMD, we get whatever we deserve, and the Sunday morning bunch can keep selling their anti-aging cream and viagra.
like with the Tucson shooter, the voices in his head, were interfering with any other transmission, so when you have another Focus on the Family shooting, where will F Chuck be then,
Hmm, I wonder where Dear got his "baby parts" rhetoric from. Actually anyone that utters that horeshit should be publicly flogged.
Ivy said......hundreds die daily at planned parenthood abortion clinics..... and no guns are involved.
You can't kill anything that is unborn.
Extrapolating, we should then imprison women who ovulate, and don't let men attempt to fertilize them. After all, they are causing to "die" a viable human life.
I thought that Garage and his hateful lefty pals learned from Jared Loughner not to accuse first and be shown to be idiots later.
Blogger garage mahal said...
The FBI has to start keeping better track of these radical anti-abortion fundies mutants
But how can they possibly keep better track? It's not like everything they say is recorded and has wide distribution for everyone to hear anytime they liked.
You're asking way too much of the FBI.
Blogger garage mahal said...
Hmm, I wonder where Dear got his "baby parts" rhetoric from. Actually anyone that utters that horeshit should be publicly flogged.
Maybe PP shouldn't be out selling babies and their organs and then no one would be uttering such rhetoric. Then again, maybe facts and rhetoric are two different things.
Is writing it online uttering it? Since you just wrote that those who utter it should be flogged, do you take full responsibility if someone comes to my house now and tries to flog me?
garage mahal: "Hmm, I wonder where Dear got his "baby parts" rhetoric from."
From the Planned Parenthood baby parts sales persons.
Who sell baby parts.
The parts that come from babies.
But the left says those aren't "babies".
But the parts are "baby parts".
Which PP acquires by minimizing the "crunchiness" of their techniques.
Which the PP folks describe in detail in their videos.
The videos that don't exist.
But actually do.
Excellent, perceptive analysis. This sort of post is really a public service during an election season. Todd ought to be embarrassed.
Coupe: "Extrapolating, we should then imprison women who ovulate, and don't let men attempt to fertilize them. After all, they are causing to "die" a viable human life."
Yes, a supposedly sentient human being wrote that.
garage: "Actually anyone that utters that horeshit should be publicly flogged."
Just about what you'd expect.
trying to pin down the truth,
A human life begins with conception, not ovulation or a single cell. Also, the myth of spontaneous conception, while popular, is factually false.
"Extrapolating, we should then imprison women who ovulate, and don't let men attempt to fertilize them."
-- See, you can be OK with legal abortion and not spout out stupidity like this. And, in fact, you CAN kill something that is unborn. If a baby is viable [that is, you could Macduff it and it live], then you're killing it. That's why most places don't do late term abortions.
"You can't kill anything that is unborn."
-- Can you kill a plant? I'm pretty sure we don't consider seeds to be born, but I suppose that's just a matter of terminology.
What about that first cell that came into being through biochemistry? Can that be killed? I guess not, since it was not born.
What about if I grew a human being in a test tube? It is not born; so since I couldn't kill it, could I be charged with a crime if I did kill it, since obviously it is killable?
I'm fine with abortion being legal in certain cases, especially early in a pregnancy. Ideally, we'd live in a world where abortion never needed to happen. We don't live in an ideal world, so working toward a compromise that people can agree on is important. Stating stupid things like "ovulation is abortion then!" and "you can't kill the unborn!" just makes that side look stupid.
Stop making your side look stupid.
Coupe said...
Ivy said......hundreds die daily at planned parenthood abortion clinics..... and no guns are involved.
You can't kill anything that is unborn.
Extrapolating, we should then imprison women who ovulate, and don't let men attempt to fertilize them. After all, they are causing to "die" a viable human life.
11/29/15, 9:27 PM
Kidnap a pregnant woman and forcibly induce an abortion. See yourself going to prison for a long time for among other charges manslaughter.
MOLLY BALL [of The Atlantic]: Well, and that seems obvious to me, right. This is an event that plays right into two major issues for the Democrats.
Molly Ball is the journalist who mocked a Trump supporter for having a leathery complexion and yellow teeth.
garage mahal said...
I wonder who was the favorite right wing personality for this guy. Limbaugh? Hannity? Boortz? Savage?
Having read the absurd nonsense written by Michael Savage about his dreams, especially the one about the black woman walking her one-eyed white owl through the woods on a 30 foot leash makes me think that Dear and Savage are two peas in a pod.
Garage - Really? Is it any better if instead of mentioning "baby parts," we just talk over a nice glass of chianti about how PP can deliver an intact liver for a modest fee?
Chuck Todd is a democrat bitch posing as a journalist, it's why i don't watch meet the press. Is he better than Gregory who got canned? I don't know and does it really matter, both recite the same dem talking points, the only difference is presentation. Ditto Georgie boy over at ABC
Coupe said...
You can't kill anything that is unborn.
Nonsense. When a drunk driver causes an accident that kills a mother and the unborn child that she is carrying, the driver is charged with two homicides.
Attacks in Paris have nothing to do with Islam.
Lunatic shoots up people in a Planned Parenthood office. It's the fault of Republicans.
Do they not realize that Muslims are REALLY anti-abortion? Like WAY more than Christians.
I wonder who was the favorite right wing personality for this guy. Limbaugh? Hannity? Boortz? Savage? The FBI has to start keeping better track of these radical anti-abortion fundies mutants.
I await ANY evidence that the man is conservative. Any at all.
The entire problem is the pretense that a fetus isn't a baby if you abort it.
Now, legally it is said that it isn't a person and that keeps women out of trouble with the law. But it is absurd to pretend that it isn't a baby if left alone to mature.
Every woman I've known who has had an abortion had to deal with the fact that, morally, they knew the abortion killed the baby growing in their womb.
PP relies entirely on the humanity of the aborted baby to market the parts they sell to biotech firms. The parts are valuable precisely because of it being identified as human parts available for research.
PP and their ardent defenders are completely wet on this issue. They've become amoral monsters in defending the practice of parting out late term aborted fetuses, which are actually immature babies.
No more wire hangers!
When can we discuss how some of the more inflammatory BLM rhetoric may have inspired some of the cop assassinations over the last year or so?
I mean, it's not like the BLM leaders wanted that of course, but they should know how unstable some of their supporters are and calibrate their rhetoric accordingly. Doncha think?
Pro-aborts respond to pro-lifers: "Shut up or our consorts in the media will trash you. Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"
AllenS said...
Coupe said...
You can't kill anything that is unborn.
Nonsense. When a drunk driver causes an accident that kills a mother and the unborn child that she is carrying, the driver is charged with two homicides.
---- gets tricky if the woman was one her way to abortion procedure...
I guess it comes down to how one FEELS about the fetus/unborn child.
When going to an abortion mill, killing anyone who isn't a baby is considered rude.
Violence blamed on a video? That sounds familiar...
Well, Ann, one truly interesting thing is this guy was in the Planned Parenthood clinic for 6 hours and yet the clinic manager said on CNN:
"Cowart told CNN she believes all staff and patients from the clinic are accounted for.
We're still reaching out to confirm individuals, how they are. I believe no one of our staff was severely injured. I also believe at this time that none of our patients were injured, she told CNN."
All the dead and injured were apparently shot outside the clinic in the parking lot of the shopping center near where its located or cops.
This guy's picking people off across the parking lot and yet didn't shoot any of the 15 staff and 5 or more patients inside the clinic where he's got them at pointblank? Hmmmm.
"Hmm, I wonder where Dear got his "baby parts" rhetoric from."
Likely from looking around where he had holed up and discovering it was littered with parts from dead babies. Maybe that's why he gave up shouting "no more dead baby parts, please, I'm coming out"
I wonder who was the favorite right wing personality for this guy. Limbaugh? Hannity? Boortz? Savage? The FBI has to start keeping better track of these radical anti-abortion fundies mutants.
I believe that Neal Boortz identifies himself as pro-choice and doesn’t allow callers on the rare instances when he talks about abortion.
Yes, hmm. Maybe he was disappointed that there would be no more baby parts available.
No, I don't really buy that argument either, or at least any more than I buy a logical argument applied to crazy people. Could have been word salad of the infinite monkeys typing in his head for all I know.
SGT Ted said...The entire problem is...
The problem is actually that the USA is a Republic, and that with powerful features like majority rule, keeps the proletariat as slaves to the bourgeoisie.
The bourgeoisie can rile-up it's wealthy town leaders, and make their life a living hell.
To solve the problem, we could easily become a Monarchy, and in fact, if I were in charge, I'd end the Republic and rejoin Great Britain, only if the Monarchy was restored to absolute power.
With that change, people can get back to work and stop worrying about what the Pope thinks, or what Jimmy Swaggart thinks.
Coupe: "To solve the problem, we could easily become a Monarchy, and in fact, if I were in charge, I'd end the Republic and rejoin Great Britain, only if the Monarchy was restored to absolute power. With that change, people can get back to work and stop worrying about what the Pope thinks, or what Jimmy Swaggart thinks"
Nobody tell Coupe about the Church of England, it's fabulous history and who the supreme Governor of that august body happens to be.
I'd hate for Coupe to have all his illusions shattered all at once.
P.S., no one show Coupe how to work the TV remote with which he could turn off Jimmy Swaggart and anyone else he chooses. That just wouldn't be fair.
Now "extremist rhetoric" = documenting the truth.
JamesB.BKK: "Now "extremist rhetoric" = documenting the truth."
This is standard operating procedure in every communist country.
But it's just a "coincidence" that the left is attempting the same thing here.
No larger lesson there.
None at all.
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