६ जुलै, २०१४

Destination: Madison.

We've arrived home, after a road trip, once again, to Colorado, where we got married, not quite yet 5 years ago.


Some flowers have popped and some are yet to pop. The grass is a bit overgrown, and as I'm unpacking — and finally discovering where in my bag I packed those swim goggles — Meade's first thing is to mow the lawn. Or, second thing... the first thing is to go get Zeus the Dog, to whom it probably never occurred that we were away, but who's happy to trot back over here, even as we are delighted to have returned.

११ टिप्पण्या:

Heartless Aztec म्हणाले...

The more I travel the less I want to. It's always good to get home. We got home today from a road trip to one of the most English of American cities - Savannah.

madAsHell म्हणाले...

Always nice to be greeted by a dog when you return.

retired म्हणाले...

Tour of college towns?

Owen म्हणाले...

Welcome home. What a great feeling that is, to feel your life opening its arms to you. _Clicking the lock, flicking on the house lights, picking up the mail, pushing back the ragged edges of rising grass or fallen leaves. The return of order renewed, habit refreshed, purpose restored.

Capitol Report New Mexico म्हणाले...

You have got to get over this Colorado thing. Come to New Mexico. I have figured out that you like to go places but hate to "travel." I understand. The June 10 tornado in Platteville didn't quite miss the Country Inn where my wife was staying. But it only nudged the part of the building enclosing the pool. Platteville got two paragraphs in the Madison paper.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Tell Meade to invent self-mowing grass and your fortune will be made!

अनामित म्हणाले...

Terrible Reading Comprehension Guy says:

Althouse writes: "and finally discovering where in my bag I packed those swim goggles." Maybe the goggles were next to the blinders you have been wearing in avoiding the Scarlett Johansson
defamation case. What a coincidence: Althouse leaves town and limits blogging at the same time the case is announced in France. Travel -- or avoidance?

The Scarlett Johansson case is no less than the biggest assault on the rights and freedoms of the artist in the 21st Century and we are to believe the Professor doesn't even have an opinion? Although I cannot say I have seen it, I would surely imagine that jackboots are not a good look for you, Althouse.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Terrible Reading Comprehension Guy says:

Perhaps Althouse is feeling the inevitable chilling effect that emanates from the Scarlett Johansson defamation case. Perhaps she does not dare write about it -- or even make mention of Scarlett's name -- for paralyzing fear of a fellow lawsuit. Does not Althouse see how succumbing to this chilling effect will only weaken her sense of self? Professor: at least have the honesty to admit your fear.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

"we got married, not quite yet 5 years ago."

Damn, has it been that long? That's great!

You're still wrong, I tell ya, wrong - but that's great!


The Cracker Emcee Refulgent म्हणाले...

Yep, I love to travel to new places but the homecoming, even after just a few days, is one of the great pleasures of traveling. The luxury of home, your books and furniture, the absolute joy of the dachshunds when we pick them up from their kennel, and the sweet, unique comfort of your own bed. Good stuff.

Nichevo म्हणाले...

She's too short for jackboots.