Someone who can photoshop could superimpose that flag on the embassy wall.
Would that be inflammatory?
I see where you are going, but I don't like it.
It's just a mere image, but real blood, from a real man, bitterly clingling to anything he can get his blood soaked hands on. Hillary said he can't have a gun, but, I'll bet he was bitterly clinging to his religion--something Hillary couldn't take away.
No, I say it's image stays pristine. No photoshops, no more jokes.
No, I say it's image stays pristine. No photoshops, no more jokes.
I realize that the Obama flag design may be coincidental. But it's too similar. The cat is out of the bag. The Obamafication of the flag is also offensive in it's own right. The Obamafication of the Pledge is an abomination.
That image should be used however possible until heads roll in the current administration, or that administration is voted out of office. Preferably both.
What happened in Benghazi was criminal neglect on the part of our government. Criminal. Our government spent a week lying to its citizens and the world about what happened and why. Again, criminal.
You think the image should be left "pristine?" To hell with that! That image should be used in any way that rubs Obama's nose into the reality of those streaks of blood on the wall.
As Althouse posited on the original post: "Too far?"
Amb. Stevens has sent a cable to Obama pledging his support. This is same as Huntsman did when he was in China. All Ambs. love the POTUS. The love, love him. Just like the Press, the voters, and the international community in Mid-East. THe POTUS 2009-10 Cairo Speech is in museum all over the world. The POTUS is and wil always be a beloved figure. After this 2nd term victory, there will be a draft Mt. Rushmore movement. Schools will be called Obama High School. Colleges will be referred to Obama College of Innovation. The world will be a happier place.
"Tim, you seem to be strangely fixated by this today. Have a piece of cheesecake and rum laced coffee, all will be better."
Train wrecks are compelling.
So too is willfully cultish behavior.
Obama is, at very best, a dismal failure.
Yet, he (and his people) have no sense of self, no sense of humility, no sense of shame.
Setting aside his official functions as president, I'll only talk about some of the highlights of his campaign:
First, the cultish behavior in '08, based upon the utterly transparent lie of "hope and change," as if the least experienced man ever nominated by a major political party for the office could, in fact, bring "hope," let alone "change" (for the positive, that is - I stipulate he has changed things, decidedly for the worse).
Then, jumping ahead four years, we get "Julia." As if any self respecting American would ever want to be "Julia," related to "Julia," or associated with "Julia" (and while "Julia" may be a creation of the US Government, it is most assuredly a campaign promotional piece).
Then, the request for his idiot supporters to surrender their graduation and wedding gifts to his campaign. Dear God, what word is there for people who ask for you to give them your gifts? Unimaginable, yet it passes without comment from his supporters, as if it were completely natural, instead of mind boggling.
Then there are the Russian ships and Turkish jets as part of the backdrop to the DNC's "salute to the Military," equally unbelievable - until one realizes that almost no one in the Democrat hierarchy ever served, and expecting them to recognize foreign from US ships and planes is like expecting Harry Reid to pass a budget.
And now, he requests people to take photos of themselves pledging to support him. He is, without a doubt, the most narcissistic person, for the least reasons, I've ever seen on the political stage. Most narcissists can point to something they've accomplished...he's won office, and failed.
Yet, he wants all you idiots to take pictures of yourselves, hands over your hearts, pledging to support him.
Well, he's yours - so why don't you go ahead, take the picture as your president wants, and proudly share it with us?
"Tim, you seem to be strangely fixated by this today. Have a piece of cheesecake and rum laced coffee, all will be better."
I keep getting comments like this from a couple of liberal friends when I show "too much interest" in the problems facing our country right now (economy, embassies burning/Americans killed, free speech intimidation by the administration, corruption ala things like Fast and Furious, etc.) It's always, "Man you need to stop worrying about politics" or "things aren't as bad a you think so have a beer and chill."
So, not to pick on Allie, but it always sounds to me like they are either a}totally oblivious to the seriousness of the situation we ar facing and how badly this administration is making things worse or b) they just don't like hearing bad news, preferring to whistle past the graveyard hoping things will somehow turn around.
Either way it's scary.
As to the flag thing. It is very creepy. Cult-like. Fortunately there are still enough individualist Americans who slap it down before it takes hold.
Looks like Obama finally got a media interview with some teeth.
Unfortunately for us Gringos, it was in mostly Spanish on Univision. Obama did not speak Spanish, of course. He can speak Mexican and Argentinian but not Spanish.
@Allie, but you, being Austrian by birth, probably have a soft spot for that sort of thing.
But honest... suppose a Republican, suppose Romney did something like an alternative "flag for everyone" with US stripes and an R in the corner. Or suppose a Republican had his followers doing a "pledge of allegiance" to Romney.
First, it's nearly impossible to imagine that. Second, if it ever happened it would be Nazi-time all the time.
The double standard is annoying, but it's creepy too, so much of this.
Let me write some words on my hands and take a picture of me with my hand over my heart pledging to stick with Romney. "I am for you, Jean Picard."
Chickelit, you must've missed my comment in the other thread, where I said I thought the Obama flag was in poor tatse. I'm not Austrian, I'm Donauschwaben by heritage, American by choice and privilege.
"It's just a mere image, but real blood, from a real man, bitterly clingling to anything he can get his blood soaked hands on. Hillary said he can't have a gun, but, I'll bet he was bitterly clinging to his religion--something Hillary couldn't take away."
One of the SEALs was buried today. He left a wife and a daughter he had never seen.
I doubt Obama knows that. Just another one of the Help.
Or was it the uproar from Malkin over Rachel Ray's scarf that looked "Palestinian" in the the Dunkin Donuts commercial? They all sort run together. Kind of like this flag controversy
You should also know Chickelit and X that the Donauschwaben were responsible for keeping the defeated Turks from returning to the Eastern European countries they once conquered.
Many Donauschwaben gave their lives pioneering that land and fighting off Turkish incursions. Their standard shows a waning crescent moon, Symbolic ofthe retreating Turkish threat.
I doubt Obama knows that. Just another one of the Help.
You know what. Fuck you. Obama's the one who has to go out there face these families, just like every president did before him. While the survivors spill their tears in front of the commander in chief, you get to sit home on your fat or skinny ass and politicize their losses.
I just noticed who actually said that about the President not noticing a Seals' death: Michael K.
It figures and I shouldn't have bothered saying anything. You politicize everything, Michael K, and almost nothing is beyond the pale or off limits to accuse Democrats or liberals, or even centrists of. You just can't lay off the bile no matter how hurtful it would be.
Obama's the one who has to go out there face these families, just like every president did before him.
Tell that to the families of the dead that got robo-signed form letters from Obama.
GWB wrote personally to every family of his dead. And they were his dead. He took it upon himself to write to every family of the fallen. That's what a real leader does. I may not have loved everything GWB did, but he treated his role as CinC very seriously, unlike the SCOAMF. Obama is a shame to the office, and has been since day one.
Tell that to the families of the dead that got robo-signed form letters from Obama.
GWB wrote personally to every family of his dead. And they were his dead. He took it upon himself to write to every family of the fallen. That's what a real leader does. I may not have loved everything GWB did, but he treated his role as CinC very seriously, unlike the SCOAMF. Obama is a shame to the office, and has been since day one.
Just got back from cub scouts with the son. The main topic and education tonight was the American flag, along with appropriate care and respect for it. It was nice to know that even if the leader of our country doesn't respect the flag, there are some bitter clingers around here that do.
PHX, I'm usually a pretty civil guy, but go read about Cindy Sheehan before you start talking about "politicizing losses."
These deaths have causes that are in part political, and their solutions are in part political. That sucks, and it sucks very bad. Don't get on a high horse about it.
My reason for declining the apparent political punch as a low blows stems from the fact that the press treats Romney and whatever he does as somehow not above the fray.. Romney is reported as being too partisan.. using this would solidify that lie.
Take for example the "secret video"... people in the most remote part of the earth have probably heard about the secret video (free of charge contribution from the press to Obama btw).
When all Romney was doing was stating the unvarnished truth.
Somebody ought to calculate how much campaign contributions have the press made to Obama in the form of attacks on Romney.
The "reporting" of the secret video over, over and over is nothing more than an undeclared campaign contribution.
These deaths have causes that are in part political, and their solutions are in part political.
That's true of every war and every battle.
I'm on my high horse because I would never use the political necessities, and political follies, that lead to the deaths of our servicemen to throw into the face of the President and dead service personnel's families as they grieve together.
I wouldn't have done that to Bush, I won't ever do that to Romney. No President deserves that.
It is getting pathetic how far some of you are falling from a sense of being decent. Anything for the cause.
Wow, seriously Tim?! Are you pledging your support for Romney, come on tell us, tell us, tell us, tell us, huh? Come on, I'll bake you a kuchen if ya tell me, huh? Whaddya say tell us , tell us, tell us.
OK Tim, my answer is no. I pledged to love and honor my husband. I Pledge my furniture every few days like a good hausfrau.
PLUS it's a woman perogative to change her mind, I pledge allegiance to the flag, that is all, not Obama's flag either, before you jump to conclusions.
I don't know, PHX, failure to secure the embassy was a mistake, for which political consequences are appropriate. Failure to acknowledge that the attack was the result of a planned attack was a mistake, for which political consequences are Appropriate. Apologizing for some crackpot's video in my view was a mistake, and discussion of that, and whether it is appropriate is in my judgment a proper focus of discussion.
Those are about as far as I've gone.
But tell me, did you remain silent during the weeks and months of constant media attention centered on Cindy Sheehan?
Seems like the left pretty much threw her under the bus as soon as she was no longer useful. Not even a follw up story. Gotta be careful, though, she might go off and do something to embarrass the President.
Yeah, don't tell me this politicization of these deaths are new, or in any manner the sole provenance of the right.
Patrick: I think you're missing what actually set me off. It was the following cynical, self-serving comment, which IMO is about as creepy a political comment as gets said here:
"One of the SEALs was buried today. He left a wife and a daughter he had never seen.
I doubt Obama knows that. Just another one of the Help."
Romney is in a cult! Wooooo cultish Mormon, hey Crack? Tell our friend Tim what you know about Romney. Tim, Crack probably knows what constitutes a cult better than you do.
I pledge allegiance to the American flag. I pledge a tithe to my church. I pledged to NPR until I had my great awakening and realized I was funding propaganda. I do not pledge furniture because it's boring and life is too short. I also pledge allegiance to the Texas flag, and lead my preschoolers in doing so three mornings a week.
I once read a postapocalyptic novel that had the remains of the US coalescing around Texas, specifically for some odd reason Kerrville, which is a small Hill Country town that I adore and to which I hope to retire someday. Prophecy, perhaps?
Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.
PLUS it's a woman perogative to change her mind, I pledge allegiance to the flag, that is all, not Obama's flag either, before you jump to conclusions.
Maybe you should Pledge another $3.00 to Obama. Seemingly, he's so short staffed and under funded he had no idea 5 blood soaked finger streaks and his symbol replacing the Stars & Stripes would remind folks of 5 blood soaked finger streaks and his symbol replacing the Stars & Stripes.
"PLUS it's a woman perogative to change her mind, I pledge allegiance to the flag, that is all, not Obama's flag either, before you jump to conclusions."
I jump to only one conclusion: Obama voters are idiots, regarding politics and policy, for the obvious reason.
Otherwise, I wait to hear Obama voters denouncing the request for graduation and wedding gifts; the special flag, the request for photos of pledged support, and all the other signals of Obama's creepy cultism.
It is the weirdest thing, completely abnormal - yet Obama voters act as if it is completely normal, all part of America's traditional political discourse and behavior - but it isn't.
The double standard is brazen, the hypocrisy breathtaking, the shamelessness astounding.
In short, there is no cultural (Soviet-style, "Socialist Realism" campaign posters), legal (unchecked foreign political contributions, anyone?) or behavioral norm (who the fuck asks for graduation and wedding gifts? Seriously?) that Obama could violate that would not pass without comment or approbation from his supporters.
Absolute true believers. For them, it's all good.
They might has well be Moonies or members of the People's Temple for all of the intellectual or critical independence they exercise regarding their failed president.
I'm embarrassed fellow Americans buy into this shit.
I can visualize Tim walking around with a stick, hitting women who are not sufficiently Conservative. "Tell me!" demands Tim, then Tim attempts to strike the insufficiently Conservative woman, BUT little does he know she's gonna knock him on his ass and commence to beat the crap out of him. :)
I hear you Tim, but as far as cults go its a benign one... unless they go Chavez and put in Obama for life... the most harm he might do will have to be done in four more years.
PHX - That comment is no different than what the left shouted for years when they found it useful. I don't like it, I'm really really bad at judging what is in someone else's heart. But for years, the left had no problem with it, which is why I have no patience for this. You certainly may have had distaste for the Sheehan coverage, and the fawning over her, I've no reason to think otherwise. But for most of the left, during that time, there was nary a peep.
I'll come out of my lurkers closet to say that you have been very reasonable and endearing today in your commentary. I rarely agree with you, but today at least, we have been on the same page. So, you've got that going for you, I guess, hehe. I'm not being snarky, either.
Oh, and agree or not, I admire you for being able to take the over-the-top abuse you get from some here.
But for most of the left, during that time, there was nary a peep.
Yeah, I'm not speaking to the left and I'm not speaking for the left. I'm not speaking about some other topic (Sheehan) that I never weighed in on before.
I think I'm very consistent - maybe not perfectly, but generally if I set a standard for one side I have the same for the other side.
So when I do weigh in on a topic, when someone says "Oh, well, where were you when so and so did the same thing" I just figure you're trying to change the topic. You might notice changing the topic that way is something I don't do either.
How do some of you guys live with your contradictions?
Not for the content of my comments, but for directing them to you (although you were the only one to respond).
You may note, that in the list of names I first asked if they had posted their photo pledge to Obama, yours was last - the list was, intentionally (and I hope you can recognize it if you should look at it) from the most antagonistic Obama troll to the least.
Had Shiloh or Garage responded, they would been the focus of my ire.
Obama, who was famously photographed more than once with his hands folded in front of his groin while the national anthem played or the colors were presented now has a flag of his own and supporters who pledge him their support with their hands over their hearts...
The Obama Flag is offensive and absurd... but don't go all hyper National Anthem or Presentation of Colors worshipful.
Standing with hands clasped before you is more than adequate "etiguette and protocal" for those occasions.
Hand over the heart is fine Pledge of Allegiance...but is mainly for show if done in public by pols in other situations.
And yes, seeing Cam Newton and Carolina Panthers lay an egg tonight (apropos Alex Smith's comment re: passing yard and Cam Newton that drew so much attention last off season), Alex Smith was right.
I don't like it, I'm really really bad at judging what is in someone else's heart.
That's a really good trait, recognizing the indeterminacy of the human heart. I'd hang on that. I don't think I'm good at judging the human heart either. The more I lay off that the better I am.
And that is a contradiction you can sometimes catch me in.
From AofS: "The television ads in Pakistan feature clips of President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton during press appearances in Washington in which they condemned the video. Their words were subtitled in Urdu.
“We absolutely reject its content and message,” said Clinton in the advertisement."
Our tax dollars are buying ads on Pakistan television so that Obama and Hilary can explain how right the rioters are to be upset.
Nice Ann,go ahead and delete my comments. Love the comments about Baldwin, you homophobe (even though you profess to support gay marriage).
You're still a spokeswoman for Romney/Ryan campaign, clearly spending more time blogging instead of teaching which is what you're paid to do by the State of Wisconsin How do you justify the fact Wisconsin tax payers hand over over $150,000/yr for your salary?
Patrick - "That comment is no different than what the left shouted for years when they found it useful. I don't like it, I'm really really bad at judging what is in someone else's heart. But for years, the left had no problem with it, which is why I have no patience for this. You certainly may have had distaste for the Sheehan coverage, and the fawning over her, I've no reason to think otherwise. But for most of the left, during that time, there was nary a peep.
Not just the Left. Don't forget the liberals and progressive Jews that run most of the mass media, unless you count them as the Left.
All those "Faces of the Fallen" weekly articles lamenting soldiers "dead under Bush" - went away when their black Messiah was elected. All the "grim milestones" marking dead bodies went away when Obama was in charge. All the squealing by human rights pundits about GITMO and extrajudicial assassinations disappeared.
When there is next a Republican in the White House then there will be a return to something resembling watchdog journalism. Too bad. Few will be listening.
Know what they'll be doing instead? One thing they might do instead is twist copper wires around bottles to make little hummingbird feeders. They'll be thinking of the hummingbirds.
That was all a just bunch of crap to pimp my first hummingbird feeder from a bottle. It's a treasure that cannot be sold. Therefore I'm giving it away if anybody wants it.
Our tax dollars are buying ads on Pakistan television so that Obama and Hilary can explain how right the rioters are to be upset.
What a waste of money! All Obama needed to do was to send our own Andy R over to Karachi to explain to the Pakis that they're all a bunch of idiots for clinging to their stupid religion.
When our tax dollars could have bought an ad on Pakistani televison that said "First upset rioter over the embassy wall is 'Pink Mist'. You've been warned".
mz, the Great State of Wisconsin pays the Professor to teach, which by all accounts has been a great investment by said Great State.
I would posit that in her free time, the Great State has no say in anything else she does, and no stake in any opinions she cares to share via her right to free speech as defined in the First Amendment.
mz, the Great State of Wisconsin pays the Professor to teach, which by all accounts has been a great investment by said Great State.
I would posit that in her free time, the Great State has no say in anything else she does, and no stake in any opinions she cares to share via her right to free speech as defined in the First Amendment.
Care to argue?
As an endowed professor at the University of Wisconsin Law School, most of Althouse's salary is funded through the tuition paid by students in the law school and not with tax revenues. MZ doesn't seem to understand how the real world operates.
Of course, we can't see into his heart; does he feel contempt for the American military, disdain, or loathing? No one can know. But it's got to be one of those three.
Belmont Club says The administration’s policy has descended into literal incoherence. It is fragmented. No two parts of it fit. It is a like a database where the same query returns a different answer each time. It’s like a telephone that connects to a different person each time you punch in the same number. But it’s not broken. As George Will once observed: this is what a liberal administration looks like.
Is there a Republican mole in the Democratic Party? It's like the Democrats are doing bad marketing on purpose. First the Orwellian-hued Shepard Fairey posters. Then the Democrat "D" logo that looks like a wrapped condom. Now it's a blood-streak flag.
I always thought the Obama "O" looked like a breakfast cereal logo.
Chip Ahoy said... When there is next a Republican in the White House then there will be a return to something resembling watchdog journalism. Too bad. Few will be listening.
Know what they'll be doing instead? One thing they might do instead is twist copper wires around bottles to make little hummingbird feeders. They'll be thinking of the hummingbirds.
That was all a just bunch of crap to pimp my first hummingbird feeder from a bottle. It's a treasure that cannot be sold. Therefore I'm giving it away if anybody wants it.
Just my opinion, but I think it would have been much more elegant as just an old bottle trussed up with wire.
Unless your aim is to market these to the middle class that shops at HD. In that case.....Brilliant!
@phx, You were moved to an obscenity by someone claiming that President Obama doesn't treat the military with sufficient respect for their sacrifices for our nation.
It was almost immediately pointed out that he had letters of condolence auto signed by a machine.
Yet you stayd on your moral high horse for several posts.
You never once addressed the contempt for the sacrifice of military life showed by the robo-pen use.
Clearly, your obscenity was misplaced.m it should have been reserved for a President who uses a or open to sign letters of condolence, and supporters of such a cold, heartless President.
bgates provided further proof of a consistent history of Obama's contempt toward the military and their sacrifices.
You are wrong to push back on this issue. There is no hate toward Obama displayed in the accurate recounting of his contempt for the military. The only hate in this equation is Obama's toward the military.
And the military knows it.
The military is not monolithic, he has supporters in the armed forces.
But most know the disdain he holds for the military.
If you don't realize it, it can only be because you are steeped in the progressive anti-military hate, and it seems normal to you.
Tim, unless you are not an American citizen, he is YOUR President too, like it or lump it.
He is NOT my President. I didn't vote for him but that isn't what makes him NOT my President.
It is the actions of the man and his attitude towards us "bitter clingers". It is obvious that he is a racist. It is obvious that he really doesn't like America or Americans. He is doing everything he can to bring this country down. He is NOT working for the Country as a whole but rather has picked "winners and losers".
Redistribution of wealth and socialistic policies. Not MY President.
Apologizing for the Country instead of standing up for American.
Bowing and scraping to terrorists and countries that want to harm us. NOT my President.
Hehe, no I'm not your son. My username harkens back to my military flying days. But I am married to a Labor & Delivery nurse, so we do have that common bond. Not that you're married to an L&D nurse, but that you are also a nurse, and...
It's not about how much movement you do, how much interaction there is, it just reeks of credibility if it's real. If it's contrived, it seems to work for a while for the people who can't filter out the real and unreal. See the link below for more info.
Please use the comments forum to respond to the post. Don't fight with each other. Be substantive... or interesting... or funny. Comments should go up immediately... unless you're commenting on a post older than 2 days. Then you have to wait for us to moderate you through. It's also possible to get shunted into spam by the machine. We try to keep an eye on that and release the miscaught good stuff. We do delete some comments, but not for viewpoint... for bad faith.
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१३९ टिप्पण्या:
I can't look at the Obama flag now without imagining bloody fingers scraped across the cloth.
And you, a Law Professor!
By the time I got to Drudge, the embassy photo was gone.
Lyrics to the "Bloody Rag".
Time for the Obama people to invent a new sysmbol!
Instead of the "Our Stripes" flag, the Obama campaign should have done a bloody Shroud of Turin thing using Obama's "Hope" portrait.
Just think, you can actually buy that image and help support Obama at the same time.
Here's hoping CREEPO ramps up the sales until it backfires.
Someone who can photoshop could superimpose that flag on the embassy wall.
Would that be inflammatory?
Under the belt... low blow... The kind Democrats would do.
I did a photoshop of just that sort of thing this morning and put it up on FB. People started sharing it like crazy.
Inflammatory? You bet!
Justified? Totally.
Chief I wish I had HTML and photo shop skills. Can you kick it up a notch and insert a crescent and a hammer, like the Soviet hammer and sickle?
It was way too subtle for me also. Though the message is anything but.
Had lunch with the POTUS and VPOTUS. Me thinks that they know the truth: They win by 10% and over 340 electoral.
chickelit said...
Someone who can photoshop could superimpose that flag on the embassy wall.
Would that be inflammatory?
I see where you are going, but I don't like it.
It's just a mere image, but real blood, from a real man, bitterly clingling to anything he can get his blood soaked hands on. Hillary said he can't have a gun, but, I'll bet he was bitterly clinging to his religion--something Hillary couldn't take away.
No, I say it's image stays pristine. No photoshops, no more jokes.
No, I say it's image stays pristine. No photoshops, no more jokes.
I realize that the Obama flag design may be coincidental. But it's too similar. The cat is out of the bag. The Obamafication of the flag is also offensive in it's own right. The Obamafication of the Pledge is an abomination.
Can't you see this?
No photoshops, no more jokes
Believe me: It's no joke.
That image should be used however possible until heads roll in the current administration, or that administration is voted out of office. Preferably both.
What happened in Benghazi was criminal neglect on the part of our government. Criminal. Our government spent a week lying to its citizens and the world about what happened and why. Again, criminal.
You think the image should be left "pristine?" To hell with that! That image should be used in any way that rubs Obama's nose into the reality of those streaks of blood on the wall.
As Althouse posited on the original post: "Too far?"
Not bloody far enough, IMHO.
What a gaffe.
Wait, I'm talking about Romney's flag pin being on the wrong lapel . . .
I wonder if deceased Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens pledged his support to Barack Obama?
Does anyone know?
Tim, you seem to be strangely fixated by this today. Have a piece of cheesecake and rum laced coffee, all will be better.
Amb. Stevens has sent a cable to Obama pledging his support. This is same as Huntsman did when he was in China. All Ambs. love the POTUS. The love, love him. Just like the Press, the voters, and the international community in Mid-East. THe POTUS 2009-10 Cairo Speech is in museum all over the world. The POTUS is and wil always be a beloved figure. After this 2nd term victory, there will be a draft Mt. Rushmore movement. Schools will be called Obama High School. Colleges will be referred to Obama College of Innovation. The world will be a happier place.
AllieOop said...
Tim, you seem to be strangely fixated by this today.
It's creepy, Allie. It usurps American symbolism for partisan purposes in an unprecedented way.
Also, you may think that "pagan idolatry" is just a Bible thumper phrase or a line from "Apocalypse Now" but think again.
@Allie, but you, being Austrian by birth, probably have a soft spot for that sort of thing.
From what I understand, Foreign Service Officers are non-partisan, though of course they carry out the foreign policy of the current administration.
Five streaks of red... stunning. It IS the bloody rag! Yet it ONLY draws attention TO the horror. It steels the resolve.
AllieOop said...
"Tim, you seem to be strangely fixated by this today. Have a piece of cheesecake and rum laced coffee, all will be better."
Train wrecks are compelling.
So too is willfully cultish behavior.
Obama is, at very best, a dismal failure.
Yet, he (and his people) have no sense of self, no sense of humility, no sense of shame.
Setting aside his official functions as president, I'll only talk about some of the highlights of his campaign:
First, the cultish behavior in '08, based upon the utterly transparent lie of "hope and change," as if the least experienced man ever nominated by a major political party for the office could, in fact, bring "hope," let alone "change" (for the positive, that is - I stipulate he has changed things, decidedly for the worse).
Then, jumping ahead four years, we get "Julia." As if any self respecting American would ever want to be "Julia," related to "Julia," or associated with "Julia" (and while "Julia" may be a creation of the US Government, it is most assuredly a campaign promotional piece).
Then, the request for his idiot supporters to surrender their graduation and wedding gifts to his campaign. Dear God, what word is there for people who ask for you to give them your gifts? Unimaginable, yet it passes without comment from his supporters, as if it were completely natural, instead of mind boggling.
Then there are the Russian ships and Turkish jets as part of the backdrop to the DNC's "salute to the Military," equally unbelievable - until one realizes that almost no one in the Democrat hierarchy ever served, and expecting them to recognize foreign from US ships and planes is like expecting Harry Reid to pass a budget.
And now, he requests people to take photos of themselves pledging to support him. He is, without a doubt, the most narcissistic person, for the least reasons, I've ever seen on the political stage. Most narcissists can point to something they've accomplished...he's won office, and failed.
Yet, he wants all you idiots to take pictures of yourselves, hands over your hearts, pledging to support him.
Well, he's yours - so why don't you go ahead, take the picture as your president wants, and proudly share it with us?
Or does he embarrass you?
"Tim, you seem to be strangely fixated by this today. Have a piece of cheesecake and rum laced coffee, all will be better."
I keep getting comments like this from a couple of liberal friends when I show "too much interest" in the problems facing our country right now (economy, embassies burning/Americans killed, free speech intimidation by the administration, corruption ala things like Fast and Furious, etc.) It's always, "Man you need to stop worrying about politics" or "things aren't as bad a you think so have a beer and chill."
So, not to pick on Allie, but it always sounds to me like they are either a}totally oblivious to the seriousness of the situation we ar facing and how badly this administration is making things worse or b) they just don't like hearing bad news, preferring to whistle past the graveyard hoping things will somehow turn around.
Either way it's scary.
As to the flag thing. It is very creepy. Cult-like. Fortunately there are still enough individualist Americans who slap it down before it takes hold.
chickelit said...
Can't you see this?
I can.
The bloody finger streaks are one thing-
Replacing the 50 sovereign States with Obama is another-
or are they the same...?
This reminds me of when Michelle Malkin saw an Islamic crescent moon in the Flight 93 memorial. Conservatives are weird.
garage mahal said...
This reminds me of when Michelle Malkin saw an Islamic crescent moon in the Flight 93 memorial. Conservatives are weird.
No, it was an odd coincidence because it was crescent-shaped. The designers of those things should have avoided that.
Looks like Obama finally got a media interview with some teeth.
Unfortunately for us Gringos, it was in mostly Spanish on Univision. Obama did not speak Spanish, of course. He can speak Mexican and Argentinian but not Spanish.
Hooray, Univision.
@Allie, but you, being Austrian by birth, probably have a soft spot for that sort of thing.
But honest... suppose a Republican, suppose Romney did something like an alternative "flag for everyone" with US stripes and an R in the corner. Or suppose a Republican had his followers doing a "pledge of allegiance" to Romney.
First, it's nearly impossible to imagine that. Second, if it ever happened it would be Nazi-time all the time.
The double standard is annoying, but it's creepy too, so much of this.
Let me write some words on my hands and take a picture of me with my hand over my heart pledging to stick with Romney. "I am for you, Jean Picard."
@Garage & Allie: I'm frankly surprised that bipartisan symbols mean so little to you.
Duly noted
"This reminds me of when Michelle Malkin saw an Islamic crescent moon in the Flight 93 memorial. Conservatives are weird."
Oh yeah, we're the weird ones alright (smiling and shaking head sadly).
Chickelit, you must've missed my comment in the other thread, where I said I thought the Obama flag was in poor tatse. I'm not Austrian, I'm Donauschwaben by heritage, American by choice and privilege.
Oops, big time.
Taste or geschmack in German.
"It's just a mere image, but real blood, from a real man, bitterly clingling to anything he can get his blood soaked hands on. Hillary said he can't have a gun, but, I'll bet he was bitterly clinging to his religion--something Hillary couldn't take away."
One of the SEALs was buried today. He left a wife and a daughter he had never seen.
I doubt Obama knows that. Just another one of the Help.
Oops, big time.
Michael K, heartbreaking.
Or was it the uproar from Malkin over Rachel Ray's scarf that looked "Palestinian" in the the Dunkin Donuts commercial? They all sort run together. Kind of like this flag controversy
You should also know Chickelit and X that the Donauschwaben were responsible for keeping the defeated Turks from returning to the Eastern European countries they once conquered.
Many Donauschwaben gave their lives pioneering that land and fighting off Turkish incursions. Their standard shows a waning crescent moon, Symbolic ofthe retreating Turkish threat.
I doubt Obama knows that. Just another one of the Help.
You know what. Fuck you. Obama's the one who has to go out there face these families, just like every president did before him. While the survivors spill their tears in front of the commander in chief, you get to sit home on your fat or skinny ass and politicize their losses.
Tom @ 6:51PM
Just followed that link - interesting comments - about 30 negative, maybe 4 positive.
Too subtle??
You find associations that I find sketchy, but you missed the flag/fingers juxtaposition??
I dunno.
Meant "Tim" @ 6:51
Fly it upside down... a real sign of an emergency...
I just noticed who actually said that about the President not noticing a Seals' death: Michael K.
It figures and I shouldn't have bothered saying anything. You politicize everything, Michael K, and almost nothing is beyond the pale or off limits to accuse Democrats or liberals, or even centrists of. You just can't lay off the bile no matter how hurtful it would be.
Look I didn't get it until this post.. and I don't know anybody more partisan than me... well... except for garage.
Replacing the 50 sovereign States with Obama is another-
Obama counted 57.
Oh, Lem, you weren't born here either, nor was Hagar, just remembered that.
Obama's the one who has to go out there face these families, just like every president did before him.
Tell that to the families of the dead that got robo-signed form letters from Obama.
GWB wrote personally to every family of his dead. And they were his dead. He took it upon himself to write to every family of the fallen. That's what a real leader does. I may not have loved everything GWB did, but he treated his role as CinC very seriously, unlike the SCOAMF. Obama is a shame to the office, and has been since day one.
Obama camp to offer a weekend in Hawaii as a way for college students to volunteer.
More jobs for college grads. They will vote for us, just like that.
AXe is a smart guy, comes up with great ideas.
Tell that to the families of the dead that got robo-signed form letters from Obama.
GWB wrote personally to every family of his dead. And they were his dead. He took it upon himself to write to every family of the fallen. That's what a real leader does. I may not have loved everything GWB did, but he treated his role as CinC very seriously, unlike the SCOAMF. Obama is a shame to the office, and has been since day one.
Some of the hatred you guys carry is a sickness.
Just got back from cub scouts with the son. The main topic and education tonight was the American flag, along with appropriate care and respect for it. It was nice to know that even if the leader of our country doesn't respect the flag, there are some bitter clingers around here that do.
PHX, I'm usually a pretty civil guy, but go read about Cindy Sheehan before you start talking about "politicizing losses."
These deaths have causes that are in part political, and their solutions are in part political. That sucks, and it sucks very bad. Don't get on a high horse about it.
Colorado Flag lends itself to Obamaization. So does Japanese flag.
But then anything with a circle does. But then anything with a circle also lends itself to goatseization.
I find this flag very offensive. I just do. If a Republican did something like this I'd want to bonk them on the head with a ball peen hammer.
Ping * pause * Ping in the exact same spot.
Dad had a ball peen hammer and I never understood that stupid thing.
But then anything with a circle also lends itself to goatseization.
make that lOl
My reason for declining the apparent political punch as a low blows stems from the fact that the press treats Romney and whatever he does as somehow not above the fray.. Romney is reported as being too partisan.. using this would solidify that lie.
Take for example the "secret video"... people in the most remote part of the earth have probably heard about the secret video (free of charge contribution from the press to Obama btw).
When all Romney was doing was stating the unvarnished truth.
Somebody ought to calculate how much campaign contributions have the press made to Obama in the form of attacks on Romney.
The "reporting" of the secret video over, over and over is nothing more than an undeclared campaign contribution.
So Allie, are you going to take your picture, pledging support to your president?
If not, why not?
"But then anything with a circle also lends itself to goatseization."
I saw what you did there.
And to this day, I wish I never had.
But I totally get the association with Obama.
These deaths have causes that are in part political, and their solutions are in part political.
That's true of every war and every battle.
I'm on my high horse because I would never use the political necessities, and political follies, that lead to the deaths of our servicemen to throw into the face of the President and dead service personnel's families as they grieve together.
I wouldn't have done that to Bush, I won't ever do that to Romney. No President deserves that.
It is getting pathetic how far some of you are falling from a sense of being decent. Anything for the cause.
That's just my opinion.
how far some of you
I'll be charitable and assume that "you" encompasses far more than the right leaning commenters on Althouse.
Dad had a ball peen hammer and I never understood that stupid thing.
The round bit is fer peening. Like what is done wit a rivit.
I don't know Patrick. This is really about as far out as I've seen any of the regulars get.
Wow, seriously Tim?! Are you pledging your support for Romney, come on tell us, tell us, tell us, tell us, huh? Come on, I'll bake you a kuchen if ya tell me, huh? Whaddya say tell us , tell us, tell us.
Althouse: "It seems to be widely believed that the red stripes on the American flag are red to represent blood (the 'blood of patriots')."
Yeah, right. Take a look at the flag of the British East India Company between 1707 and 1801:
Is this Tim Theo?
OK Tim, my answer is no. I pledged to love and honor my husband. I Pledge my furniture every few days like a good hausfrau.
PLUS it's a woman perogative to change her mind, I pledge allegiance to the flag, that is all, not Obama's flag either, before you jump to conclusions.
Deborah, I sure hope not.
Romney is normal.
So are his supporters.
He'd never ask for us to post pictures, pledging our support like that clown president of yours.
What is unreal is the cultism of Obama.
He's asked for your photo supporting him.
Did you see the photo of that felcher of his campaign "dude," Jim Messina, asking everyone to post a picture pledging their support for Obama?
Are you better than Obama's campaign manager? He did it.
So why won't you do it, for Obama?
He wants you to do so.
And that's no laughing matter.
I don't know, PHX, failure to secure the embassy was a mistake, for which political consequences are appropriate. Failure to acknowledge that the attack was the result of a planned attack was a mistake, for which political consequences are Appropriate. Apologizing for some crackpot's video in my view was a mistake, and discussion of that, and whether it is appropriate is in my judgment a proper focus of discussion.
Those are about as far as I've gone.
But tell me, did you remain silent during the weeks and months of constant media attention centered on Cindy Sheehan?
Seems like the left pretty much threw her under the bus as soon as she was no longer useful. Not even a follw up story. Gotta be careful, though, she might go off and do something to embarrass the President.
Yeah, don't tell me this politicization of these deaths are new, or in any manner the sole provenance of the right.
I agree with you Phx, it's shameful.
If we find the protesting of servicemen funerals disgusting... this kind of 'attack' would approach that... its a gut feeling I have... not cerebral.
I get a below the belt vibe from my feminine side ;)
Tim, unless you are not an American citizen, he is YOUR President too, like it or lump it.
Crack would disagree with you that Romney is normal;)
Patrick: I think you're missing what actually set me off. It was the following cynical, self-serving comment, which IMO is about as creepy a political comment as gets said here:
"One of the SEALs was buried today. He left a wife and a daughter he had never seen.
I doubt Obama knows that. Just another one of the Help."
Oh Tim, quit pickin' on Allie. She's hardly an Obamabot.
Romney is in a cult! Wooooo cultish Mormon, hey Crack? Tell our friend Tim what you know about Romney. Tim, Crack probably knows what constitutes a cult better than you do.
Nothing against Mormons, just making a point.
BTW I like your list of pledges, Allie.
I pledge allegiance to the American flag. I pledge a tithe to my church. I pledged to NPR until I had my great awakening and realized I was funding propaganda. I do not pledge furniture because it's boring and life is too short. I also pledge allegiance to the Texas flag, and lead my preschoolers in doing so three mornings a week.
I once read a postapocalyptic novel that had the remains of the US coalescing around Texas, specifically for some odd reason Kerrville, which is a small Hill Country town that I adore and to which I hope to retire someday. Prophecy, perhaps?
Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.
PLUS it's a woman perogative to change her mind, I pledge allegiance to the flag, that is all, not Obama's flag either, before you jump to conclusions.
Maybe you should Pledge another $3.00 to Obama. Seemingly, he's so short staffed and under funded he had no idea 5 blood soaked finger streaks and his symbol replacing the Stars & Stripes would remind folks of 5 blood soaked finger streaks and his symbol replacing the Stars & Stripes.
Why thank you kindly Erika.
"PLUS it's a woman perogative to change her mind, I pledge allegiance to the flag, that is all, not Obama's flag either, before you jump to conclusions."
I jump to only one conclusion: Obama voters are idiots, regarding politics and policy, for the obvious reason.
Otherwise, I wait to hear Obama voters denouncing the request for graduation and wedding gifts; the special flag, the request for photos of pledged support, and all the other signals of Obama's creepy cultism.
It is the weirdest thing, completely abnormal - yet Obama voters act as if it is completely normal, all part of America's traditional political discourse and behavior - but it isn't.
The double standard is brazen, the hypocrisy breathtaking, the shamelessness astounding.
In short, there is no cultural (Soviet-style, "Socialist Realism" campaign posters), legal (unchecked foreign political contributions, anyone?) or behavioral norm (who the fuck asks for graduation and wedding gifts? Seriously?) that Obama could violate that would not pass without comment or approbation from his supporters.
Absolute true believers. For them, it's all good.
They might has well be Moonies or members of the People's Temple for all of the intellectual or critical independence they exercise regarding their failed president.
I'm embarrassed fellow Americans buy into this shit.
And it is shit.
Complete shit.
But that's what you want.
More shit.
Replacing the 50 sovereign States with Obama is another.
Dude, Government's the only thing we all belong to.
"She's hardly an Obamabot."
Did I miss something?
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz took the Pledge.
I can visualize Tim walking around with a stick, hitting women who are not sufficiently Conservative. "Tell me!" demands Tim, then Tim attempts to strike the insufficiently Conservative woman, BUT little does he know she's gonna knock him on his ass and commence to beat the crap out of him. :)
I hear you Tim, but as far as cults go its a benign one... unless they go Chavez and put in Obama for life... the most harm he might do will have to be done in four more years.
Allie.. you are exaggerating.
I don't Pledge my furniture. I tends not to be good for most wood over the long term, particularly oak, which is what most of my stuff is.
Then Tim says,
"I don't know what happened, the next thing I knew she was attacking me and insulting me".
PHX - That comment is no different than what the left shouted for years when they found it useful. I don't like it, I'm really really bad at judging what is in someone else's heart. But for years, the left had no problem with it, which is why I have no patience for this. You certainly may have had distaste for the Sheehan coverage, and the fawning over her, I've no reason to think otherwise. But for most of the left, during that time, there was nary a peep.
The central irony of the Tim/Allie Oop thing is that Tim lives in San Francisco and Allie lives in Waukesha.
Patrick, I don't use Pledge in reality. I use a Swiffer thingy , then Murphy's oil soap and water inbetween, don't know if that's a good idea either.
Not Waukesha Patrick, but Waukesha county. Yes that Is funny! Maybe we should swap locations.
I'll come out of my lurkers closet to say that you have been very reasonable and endearing today in your commentary. I rarely agree with you, but today at least, we have been on the same page. So, you've got that going for you, I guess, hehe. I'm not being snarky, either.
Oh, and agree or not, I admire you for being able to take the over-the-top abuse you get from some here.
But for most of the left, during that time, there was nary a peep.
Yeah, I'm not speaking to the left and I'm not speaking for the left. I'm not speaking about some other topic (Sheehan) that I never weighed in on before.
I think I'm very consistent - maybe not perfectly, but generally if I set a standard for one side I have the same for the other side.
So when I do weigh in on a topic, when someone says "Oh, well, where were you when so and so did the same thing" I just figure you're trying to change the topic. You might notice changing the topic that way is something I don't do either.
How do some of you guys live with your contradictions?
Heyboom, thanks! You're not my son are you? My son's email addy includes the words boominmypants.
I apologize.
Not for the content of my comments, but for directing them to you (although you were the only one to respond).
You may note, that in the list of names I first asked if they had posted their photo pledge to Obama, yours was last - the list was, intentionally (and I hope you can recognize it if you should look at it) from the most antagonistic Obama troll to the least.
Had Shiloh or Garage responded, they would been the focus of my ire.
For whatever small consolation that may be.
Peace be with you.
AllieOop said...
"Then Tim says,
"I don't know what happened, the next thing I knew she was attacking me and insulting me".
You missed my comment on that thread.
But no worries.
I know who I am.
OK Tim, apology accepted, damn, now I don't get to beat the crap out of you;)
Nice going Tim.
Obama, who was famously photographed more than once with his hands folded in front of his groin while the national anthem played or the colors were presented now has a flag of his own and supporters who pledge him their support with their hands over their hearts...
The Obama Flag is offensive and absurd...
but don't go all hyper National Anthem or Presentation of Colors worshipful.
Standing with hands clasped before you is more than adequate "etiguette and protocal" for those occasions.
Hand over the heart is fine Pledge of Allegiance...but is mainly for show if done in public by pols in other situations.
I didn't say Waukesha County, but I meant it. Lake Co9untry, where I used to ride my bike way back when.
Frankly, my wife would be so damn happy if I dusted the furniture, she wouldn't care if I used HCl.
AllieOop said...
"OK Tim, apology accepted, damn, now I don't get to beat the crap out of you;)"
Go Niners! (ducks!!) lol!
And yes, seeing Cam Newton and Carolina Panthers lay an egg tonight (apropos Alex Smith's comment re: passing yard and Cam Newton that drew so much attention last off season), Alex Smith was right.
Stats don't matter.
Wins do.
I don't like it, I'm really really bad at judging what is in someone else's heart.
That's a really good trait, recognizing the indeterminacy of the human heart. I'd hang on that. I don't think I'm good at judging the human heart either. The more I lay off that the better I am.
And that is a contradiction you can sometimes catch me in.
From AofS: "The television ads in Pakistan feature clips of President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton during press appearances in Washington in which they condemned the video. Their words were subtitled in Urdu.
“We absolutely reject its content and message,” said Clinton in the advertisement."
Our tax dollars are buying ads on Pakistan television so that Obama and Hilary can explain how right the rioters are to be upset.
Dear freaking dog.
Cam's got some pretty bad stats tonight.
to go with his loss.
Nice Ann,go ahead and delete my comments. Love the comments about Baldwin, you homophobe (even though you profess to support gay marriage).
You're still a spokeswoman for
Romney/Ryan campaign, clearly spending more time blogging instead of teaching which is what you're paid to do by the State of Wisconsin How do you justify the fact Wisconsin tax payers hand over over $150,000/yr for your salary?
Hand over the heart is fine Pledge of Allegiance...but is mainly for show if done in public by pols in other situations.
Funny, to me it's instinctive ...
Patrick - "That comment is no different than what the left shouted for years when they found it useful. I don't like it, I'm really really bad at judging what is in someone else's heart. But for years, the left had no problem with it, which is why I have no patience for this. You certainly may have had distaste for the Sheehan coverage, and the fawning over her, I've no reason to think otherwise. But for most of the left, during that time, there was nary a peep.
Not just the Left. Don't forget the liberals and progressive Jews that run most of the mass media, unless you count them as the Left.
All those "Faces of the Fallen" weekly articles lamenting soldiers "dead under Bush" - went away when their black Messiah was elected.
All the "grim milestones" marking dead bodies went away when Obama was in charge.
All the squealing by human rights pundits about GITMO and extrajudicial assassinations disappeared.
garage--I like your new look.
Does anyone besides me think she looks like Octopussy?
When there is next a Republican in the White House then there will be a return to something resembling watchdog journalism. Too bad. Few will be listening.
Know what they'll be doing instead? One thing they might do instead is twist copper wires around bottles to make little hummingbird feeders. They'll be thinking of the hummingbirds.
That was all a just bunch of crap to pimp my first hummingbird feeder from a bottle. It's a treasure that cannot be sold. Therefore I'm giving it away if anybody wants it.
That's adorable, Chip.
Synova writes: Our tax dollars are buying ads on Pakistan television so that Obama and Hilary can explain how right the rioters are to be upset.
The logical conclusion of an upset Pakistani is "Why can't the leaders of America make their people stop?"
To which the the proper retort is why can't the leaders of Muslim nations make their people stop killing, maiming, and asphyxiating Americans.
Our tax dollars are buying ads on Pakistan television so that Obama and Hilary can explain how right the rioters are to be upset.
What a waste of money! All Obama needed to do was to send our own Andy R over to Karachi to explain to the Pakis that they're all a bunch of idiots for clinging to their stupid religion.
Maguro wins the tread.
Our tax dollars are buying ads on Pakistan television so that Obama and Hilary can explain how right the rioters are to be upset.
Up to 70% of bailed out home owners are re-defaulting on their homes.. (I just heard that on the radio I dont have a link)
Obama doesn't spend the money... he throws it away... its what distribution looks like.
When our tax dollars could have bought an ad on Pakistani televison that said "First upset rioter over the embassy wall is 'Pink Mist'. You've been warned".
iTunes is killing Ping?
Apparently it didn't take off as they had hoped.
mz, the Great State of Wisconsin pays the Professor to teach, which by all accounts has been a great investment by said Great State.
I would posit that in her free time, the Great State has no say in anything else she does, and no stake in any opinions she cares to share via her right to free speech as defined in the First Amendment.
Care to argue?
Wait, you guys... ... ... you can dust furniture? WHO KNEW?????
mz, the Great State of Wisconsin pays the Professor to teach, which by all accounts has been a great investment by said Great State.
I would posit that in her free time, the Great State has no say in anything else she does, and no stake in any opinions she cares to share via her right to free speech as defined in the First Amendment.
Care to argue?
As an endowed professor at the University of Wisconsin Law School, most of Althouse's salary is funded through the tuition paid by students in the law school and not with tax revenues. MZ doesn't seem to understand how the real world operates.
I think you're missing what actually set me off.
What you missed is that Obama sends form letters signed with an autopen to the families of dead service members, and Obama can't be bothered to distinguish dead Medal of Honor recipients from living ones. On the day he was inaugurated, Obama became the first President to skip the ball held for Medal of Honor recipients since it was started when Eisenhower was inaugurated.
When he went to Germany in 2008, Obama canceled a visit to a military hospital because he couldn't bring cameras.
Of course, we can't see into his heart; does he feel contempt for the American military, disdain, or loathing? No one can know. But it's got to be one of those three.
Belmont Club says
The administration’s policy has descended into literal incoherence. It is fragmented. No two parts of it fit. It is a like a database where the same query returns a different answer each time. It’s like a telephone that connects to a different person each time you punch in the same number. But it’s not broken. As George Will once observed: this is what a liberal administration looks like.
Is there a Republican mole in the Democratic Party? It's like the Democrats are doing bad marketing on purpose. First the Orwellian-hued Shepard Fairey posters. Then the Democrat "D" logo that looks like a wrapped condom. Now it's a blood-streak flag.
I always thought the Obama "O" looked like a breakfast cereal logo.
Chip Ahoy said...
When there is next a Republican in the White House then there will be a return to something resembling watchdog journalism. Too bad. Few will be listening.
Know what they'll be doing instead? One thing they might do instead is twist copper wires around bottles to make little hummingbird feeders. They'll be thinking of the hummingbirds.
That was all a just bunch of crap to pimp my first hummingbird feeder from a bottle. It's a treasure that cannot be sold. Therefore I'm giving it away if anybody wants it.
Just my opinion, but I think it would have been much more elegant as just an old bottle trussed up with wire.
Unless your aim is to market these to the middle class that shops at HD. In that case.....Brilliant!
You were moved to an obscenity by someone claiming that President Obama doesn't treat the military with sufficient respect for their sacrifices for our nation.
It was almost immediately pointed out that he had letters of condolence auto signed by a machine.
Yet you stayd on your moral high horse for several posts.
You never once addressed the contempt for the sacrifice of military life showed by the robo-pen use.
Clearly, your obscenity was misplaced.m it should have been reserved for a President who uses a or open to sign letters of condolence, and supporters of such a cold, heartless President.
bgates provided further proof of a consistent history of Obama's contempt toward the military and their sacrifices.
You are wrong to push back on this issue. There is no hate toward Obama displayed in the accurate recounting of his contempt for the military. The only hate in this equation is Obama's toward the military.
And the military knows it.
The military is not monolithic, he has supporters in the armed forces.
But most know the disdain he holds for the military.
If you don't realize it, it can only be because you are steeped in the progressive anti-military hate, and it seems normal to you.
Tim, unless you are not an American citizen, he is YOUR President too, like it or lump it.
He is NOT my President. I didn't vote for him but that isn't what makes him NOT my President.
It is the actions of the man and his attitude towards us "bitter clingers". It is obvious that he is a racist. It is obvious that he really doesn't like America or Americans. He is doing everything he can to bring this country down. He is NOT working for the Country as a whole but rather has picked "winners and losers".
Redistribution of wealth and socialistic policies. Not MY President.
Apologizing for the Country instead of standing up for American.
Bowing and scraping to terrorists and countries that want to harm us. NOT my President.
He is NOT MY President and never will be.
Colorado Flag lends itself to Obamaization. So does Japanese flag.
Next up for the Obama-for-America is their rendering of the Bald Ego.
Hehe, no I'm not your son. My username harkens back to my military flying days. But I am married to a Labor & Delivery nurse, so we do have that common bond. Not that you're married to an L&D nurse, but that you are also a nurse, and...
It's not about how much movement you do, how much interaction there is, it just reeks of credibility if it's real. If it's contrived, it seems to work for a while for the people who can't filter out the real and unreal. See the link below for more info.
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