१५ जून, २०१२

Forest boy is a fake!


Blogged here yesterday. I asked for theories and fake was a popular choice.

१४ टिप्पण्या:

Petunia म्हणाले...

Surprised? Not in the least. Hope the cops bill him for the costs of his hoax. Even if it takes him decades to pay.

I AM surprised that his family didn't ID him until now. A sketch of him was released by the police months ago.

edutcher म्हणाले...

Stuff like that you never know, but usually it's a crock.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Romulus and Remus are next.

Some doubt may even fall on Uncle Remus.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

"...his hands, fingernails and teeth appear "well kept."

That's the give away. Even after camping in the woods for one day, that's impossible.

Scott म्हणाले...

Too much like the 1970 Truffaut film The Wild Child.

Methadras म्हणाले...

People have been pointing at Urkel and yelling fake for nearly four years and he still gets a pass on scrutiny than Forest Boy. lulz.

Michael K म्हणाले...

The story reminds me of the 1994 Jodie Foster movie, "Nell." I have tried to find if that was based on a true story but haven't been able to. These are very rare cases and this was most likely a hoax from the start.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

The rarity of actual wild boy occurrences is evidence of how social and dependent we are as a species. Six billion of us all over the globe - you would expect more of it to happen, but you will never find a bee or an ant living alone either. The difference is that we are actually capable of it like a feral cat or more rarely a dog. Why aren't there feral people? The closest thing was the 19th century mountain men.

I'm almost feral in the social sphere, but I do live indoors most nights.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Petunia, may be the family didn't want to identify him. I believe they breathed a collective sigh of relief when he's gone. Who wants to acknowledge a 20 years old who has no jobs, who doesn't want to grow up, whose silly hoax is so obvious?

Known Unknown म्हणाले...

That's the give away. Even after camping in the woods for one day, that's impossible.

I still love the fact that a lot of medieval TV shows and movies (Game of Thrones, even) toss accuracy to the wind when it comes to the appearance of teeth. It makes suspension of disbelief even harder to achieve.

Jane the Actuary म्हणाले...

What happened here is that the German's very goofy notions of "privacy" got in the way of solving this. This was an open case for a year, in which this faker lived off German social services, and the police only just now released a picture because ordinarily "privacy" laws prevented them from publicizing the case. Makes me wonder about missing children cases, if privacy laws prevent "have you seen me?" pictures?

Quaestor म्हणाले...

I thought he was living out some sort of overblown fantasy narrative, like some goth kids are wont to do today, or like those SCA losers in my day. But it turns out he's nothing but a garden variety con artist -- that surprised me.

The linguist was right, he's not a native English speaker, but many Dutch speak beautiful English, some with passable BBC accents. I'd say the expert made an educated guess based on cultural or vocabulary clues.

ndspinelli म्हणाले...

You should have waited a day.

Methadras म्हणाले...

Maybe he is a LARP'er that got lost out there on play day and came up with this. LARP'ers are good at that.