And on the granite ledge around the garden, someone has written — in permanent black marker — "Capitalism needs to be destroyed/Solidarity Sing-Along Is Pro-Capitalism & Pro-Democratic Party/Russ Feingold is a Capitalist":
Can we not have a moment's peace?
Jesus said:
Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
१०२ टिप्पण्या:
The defacement with magic maker is vile and despicable.
Don't you know?
Every night William Ayers goes to bed thinking, "I'm going to destroy capitalism".
He and his confreres' work is far too important for such mundane things as respecting other people and their property.
They are The March Of History!
Unless we stop them.
So good for you, Ann. Objecting is the first step.
Huh? An incoherent, fleeting thought expressed in permanent ink. Huh.
Also, I agree with chick. The sign--which after all is easily movable and removable--is one thing; the scribbling is another.
(forgot to check box)
I guess I can agree with you there Chickie.
Beautiful passage. Fitting.
These are spoiled brats with adult bodies. This is what they do. Nothing matters to them but what they want.
Feingold promised us that we wouldn't have peace until his side won. Every aspect of life is a target for politicization under the leftist mindset.
Not letting up for a moment is part of the deal, Ann. The idea is if they annoy us long enough, we might give them most of what they want just to be left in peace.
Please remember you voted for a guy who taught people how to do things like this.
Mesquito Gap, Texas, is at most about 7 percent liberal. Nice people, the liberals here. Retired academics, union pensioners, the occasional quirky pothead. Everything's cool.
At what percentage of liberals does civilized life become untenable?
Notice that the graffiti is going left of the run-of-the-mill lefty protesters.
It's so tiring!
It makes me sad to see the endless demands. People purporting to represent the suffering poor insisting on more from ordinary working citizens.
Who can believe they are so terribly right?
Oh the humanity!
Tulips toiling.
You are paying penance for all of Wisconsin's history as a "progressive" state. All the way back to Bob LaFollette.
Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether."
"It makes me sad to see the endless demands."
Ann, you are old enough and wise enough to not be suprised that mankind hasn't changed at all since the recording of history started. Why be sad? You might as well be sad about how people in a footrace try to run faster than their opponent.
Civilization and abundance cannot fool us into thinking we are something we are not. We have not developed virtues which never existed and exterminated vices hard-wired into our souls. You should never be sad to observe the human condition, you would spend all your time being sad if that is the case.
Who can believe they are so terribly right?
Those who, perhaps, at heart aren't really at all that sure that they are right--such that rather than risking to express their opinions in less permanent fashion, they cop out and inflict scars instead of choosing to make their mark in the world?
Hell, I don't know. What the hell do I know.
: (
Are you not of more value than they[birds]?
Somehow that question grates me. No, I am not. A bird is beautiful and valuable. Right now a robin is building a nest underneath my deck and it is humbling to see how carefully and lovingly it does that.
Dan in Philly said...
Not letting up for a moment is part of the deal, Ann. The idea is if they annoy us long enough, we might give them most of what they want just to be left in peace.
Please remember you voted for a guy who taught people how to do things like this.
Precisely. Including the last part.
Their idea is to wear us down. They figure time is on their side.
And that includes all the little trolls.
It's a war.
Us or them.
Notice that the graffiti is going left of the run-of-the-mill lefty protesters.
It's so tiring!
It makes me sad to see the endless demands. People purporting to represent the suffering poor insisting on more from ordinary working citizens.
Who can believe they are so terribly right?
You should also ask when will it ever be enough?
Because, deep down, you likely recognize that it will never be enough. There is always MORE we "need" to do for "the poor" and we're evil if we ever say no.
Seems Madison Progressives believe, deeply, that all "public property" is theirs. Nobody else has a right to it.
Loveliest of trees the cherry now/ Is hung with blossom along the bough/ And stands about the woodland ride/ Wearing white for Eastertide .. And since to look at things in bloom/ Fifty springs is little room/ About the woodland I will go/ To see the cherry hung with snow.
OMG! St. Francis of Assy Assy came to my house and and told my sheep about that. I recorded it.
Small birds are basically feathers and rubber bands.
The seagull though sounds like an umbrella when it moves, if you've ever carried a can of tuna to one in the snow.
I bought a sheep skin on eBay just to tell that joke.
Hey Zeus, just to let you know, I'm the guy who puts out the birdseed. It costs me money, but the birds come in flocks to my house.
That is pretty good talk about lilly flowers being so beautiful. I take it that was not said by Je'sus the Mexican Landscaper, but by the other Jesus who spent his night 1979 years ago in agony in Gethsemane Garden, after posing for DiVinci's painting of His last supper.
Seriously, tonight is called Covenant Night because of the new covenant with God in his blood that Jesus anounced started that night after supper.
Small birds are basically feathers and rubber bands.
Speaking of which, did you all catch this, about the giant, feathered Tyrannosaur?
leslyn said...
Great. Start a guaranteed "civility is bullshit" thread and quote Jesus with it.
Nothing of the sort.
Ann is decrying the lack of not only civility, but respect for other people.
leslyn (kell sir prize!) wants to change the subject. She wants to make it about Ann is saying we should have no civility and how dare Ann quote Christ in asking for a little common decency.
As they said in WWII, This Is The Enemy.
They are destroying civil society, chip by chip. Where will it end?
Tulips planted without forget-me-nots or muscari or baby blue eyes?
What is wrong with people?!
Oh for pity sake Eddutcher, you are calling fellow Americans enemies? You sound as far right of the right as those on the left of the left, who defaced the granite flower bed wall.
Didn't our dear leader refer to his political opponents as "enemies"? Why yes, yes, I believe he did.
Allie - but you seem more upset by Ann pointing out the vandalism then the vandalism itself. A sure sign of the enemy.
Alex, point out where I say I'm upset by Ann pointing the out the vandalism.
Did you miss the comment in which I agree with Chickenlittle?
AllieOop said...
Oh for pity sake Eddutcher, you are calling fellow Americans enemies? You sound as far right of the right as those on the left of the left, who defaced the granite flower bed wall.
Think William Ayers.
Think unrepentant domestic terrorist.
Think someone still waging war on this country as he did 40 years ago.
Think of that smug bastard describing himself, "Free as a bird. Guilty as sin", as he stands on an American flag.
Think how he told the New York Times on the morning of 9/11 that his only regret was he hadn't done more.
Think how he whined to the Occupation that it wasn't right military personnel get to board a flight first
There are plenty like him, including most of the trolls here.
Like him, they're want to destroy this country.
What else do you call them?
Why do people protest enjoying the fruits of one's labor? Then see fit to desecrate the property we hold in common. There are reasonable compromises, but they are not evident in these activists' messages.
Anyway, I thought optimal preservation of individual dignity was the goal. In fact, we lost several hundred thousand lives to assign universal dignity. This not counting our encounters with imperialism and socialism run amuck.
Want to destroy this country? Eddutcher, we may disagree with how to go about preserving our country and the freedom we enjoy, but to presume everybody who doesn't walk that very narrow path of conservatism you seem to, is scary. It's sounds quite extreme, is that your goal?
Ayers is an extremist, do you want to be as extreme as he is, but just on the right? He saw his fellow Americans as enemies too, is that what you aspire to?
I don't think you do, at least I hope you don't and you are just talking out of your ass.
Allie - the fact that you compare a terrorist bomber with a man who just posts comments on this blog speaks VOLUMES about your lack of moral fiber.
Alex=" bomb thrower". Oppositional defiant a bit? Just what do you stand for?
Hey where did I say I was upset about Ann pointing out the graffiti? You didn't answer that question. I'm waiting.
Uncle Saul counted on people to be good little ladies and gentlemen and show good, proper manners when the hooligans started shouting people down and invading their property and defaming them.
Plenty of people here understand what Barack Obama wants for this country.
They understand the FUD and lies the trolls peddle. They understand how people like Soros and the Ayers family have moved people like Barry along. They understand how the Lefties have taken control of the media, and the educational system and the churches in many cases.
And they understand that this is the most important election of our lives.
But, yes, dear, keep right on with that, "You're just too extreme" line; it's worked in the past, but things are different now.
People can see how media lynch mobs support the Democrats' election hopes. People can read how the educational system dumbs kids down and molds their preferences by calling Republicans "stupid".
Sorry, the old days are over.
People know who their enemies are.
Extremists are a threat to this country, not your fellow Americans, look in the mirror, the level of extreme rhetoric you expressing is scary.
Maybe not because I think YOU will act on it, but you may inspire some person who doesn't have a firm grip on reality to do something because he/ she believes the crap you just spouted.
The answer is no. They will never let you have any peace.
LOL - I can see I'm getting under somebody's skin.
Also - civility is NEVER out of fashion. But I've never met a civil leftist.
It's the Tea Party that's the violent racists, right?
Alex, don't flatter yourself, and I am still waiting, where is my answer, oh Alex, yoo hoo.
I'll be checking back here in the morning and don't tell me your dog ate your homework.
you are calling fellow Americans enemies?
I see variants of the word 'occupy' used in basically two situations: Describing the presence of an enemy army, and somebody using a rest room.
We know OWS doesn't use rest rooms - that's what they think police cars are for - so....
Allie - when Obama is mentoring at the feet of Bill Ayers and nominating Van Jones to top posts, it's not a stretch to wonder if he's a flaming Communist.
And that includes all the little trolls.
It's a war.
Us or them.
This Is The Enemy
Think unrepentant domestic terrorist.
There are plenty like him, including most of the trolls here.
Like him, they're want to destroy this country.
As bad as that graffiti is, these type of comments are much worse and far more dangerous.
We already one nutcase try to firebomb an abortion clinic the other day; looks like it is just a matter of time before a different nutcase starts going after the "trolls" with the same kind of force.
'cause after all, isn't that how you deal with a terrorist who is trying to destroy your country? Sounds to me that someone is trying to talk himself into actually doing something...
"Can we not have a moment's peace?"
“The trouble with Socialism is that it takes up too many evenings."
Oscar Wilde
@Allie Oop
Alex is a chameleon troll, posting in cognitive dissonance to perplex and annoy.
Best to ignore.
I read somewhere that the lilies of the field Jesus referred to are what we know as Iris, which is also the French fleur-de-lis. Since they were observant Jewish flowers, I assume they were Bearded Iris.
So I guess, bgates, that then they are your enemies.
Seems to me they've declared themselves the enemy of this country as currently constituted. Not that that would make them your enemies, of course.
What do you want to do to them?
I want to get them to make their position clear to everyone in the country, because I still think that the vast majority of us would be appalled by what they represent. I want to heap contempt and ridicule on them. I want to make them realize how wrong they are.
As bad as [that criminal act by leftists] is, these [blog comments by conservatives] are much worse and far more dangerous.
The template for every comment pp has ever written.
Just to piss the progressives off somebody someone should write with the same type of marker "the only good communist is a dead communist!"
The template for every comment pp has ever written
Moi? Pffft...a quick look at my posts on this blog shows otherwise. And that's just on here; I've been using this nickname/handle since last century, and rest assured I have much-much-MUCH more diversity in my comments and posts throughout the years than you're accusing me of.
However, since you are calling me out by name (err, initials) it appears that you view me as one of those "enemies of the country" that you keep harpin' on about. Would ya mind clarifying that? And if that is the case, I'd be interested to know exactly what was said that leads you to think I have declared war on the USofA.
'cause that is a pretty heavy accusation, and you should have something pretty solid to back up your claim.
Freedom from speech is also a basic human right. Those aren't such great tulips, but it's a shabby move to try to upstage them. Ditto with the magic marker....Still, if you hang out at strip clubs you're going to meet a few drunk boors, and if you hang out at the state capital, you're going to meet a hyper-politicized boors.
"Are you not of more value than they[birds]? "
The objection of Pam raises for me an interesting emphasis which provides a justification for a French paleontologist and Jesuit, Teilhard de Chardin, who might otherwise seem heretical in relation to Catholicism. His view was that evolution went from God to realization of God. The birds would be, yes, on a lower level.
Birds also may be a reminder of life going on without a centrality in humanity. A veteran recalled a battle in VN in which an enemy massed and attacked with their weapons and we responded with flechettes or other direct fire, and he recalled the birds simultaneously going about their usual life outside the fields of fire.
Get over it bitch.
Perhaps you and Needy should take a walk in the country rather than constantly be on the look out and video every fucking stupid protest, bumper sticker, sign, person and tape mark.
You really are a pathetic woman.
"Capitalism needs to be destroyed/Solidarity Sing-Along Is Pro-Capitalism & Pro-Democratic Party/Russ Feingold is a Capitalist"
So Russ Feingold needs to be destroyed?
purplepenquin said...
As bad as that graffiti is, these type of comments are much worse and far more dangerous.
Ah, yes, the, "You frighten me", line.
I'm so reasonable, but you, who spill the beans on what I really want, are scary.
How did Uncle Saul put it?
RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.
We already one nutcase try to firebomb an abortion clinic the other day; looks like it is just a matter of time before a different nutcase starts going after the "trolls" with the same kind of force.
Ah, yes, penguin means the career criminal with no ties to any political group, Conservative or otherwise.
My free speech is dangerous, but Barry Obama saying if he had a son, he'd look like Trayvon Martin is OK. That can't be tied to the thugs who beat an 78 year old man, now can it?
Wankers of the world, Unite!
I'd be disgusted at the appropriation of public property, but that is exactly what universities, high schools, and grade schools teach now.
Well, that and the appropriation of private property.
The MSM, music industry, and Hollywood, too. What else could one expect but a nation of coddled infants demanding even more free stuff?
It's goddamned depressing, that's what it is.
Every night William Ayers goes to bed thinking, "I'm going to destroy capitalism".
He set himself a stupid task. He might as well try to destroy water.
Anga2010 said...
Hey Zeus, just to let you know, I'm the guy who puts out the birdseed. It costs me money, but the birds come in flocks to my house.
Oh. Thanks for reminding me, I've got to get the hummingbird feeders cleaned and filled. Since everything else is early this year, they are going to be early as well.
I took an oath to shoot people who try to subvert the Constitution. All miltary folks did.
So when politicians like Obama try to subvert the Constitution, which is seen as a barrier to be overcome in order to implement European Authoritarianist government, and they seek to subvert those checks and balances by judicial fiat, or Executive Order, or any other tyranny, they become an enemy of my country.
Thats not being extreme.
Thats called being a patriot and upholding your oath.
Obama is currently breaking his oath, in service to an anti-American ideology called "Progressivism". We'll be nice about it and toss him on his ear with votes, but don't doubt that he is waging political war on our civil rights.
The left is ugly. The further to left, the uglier it gets.
Some guy must have called Titus 'Grandpa' in the club john and told him to go fishing elsewhere.
I think it is very revealing that the leftist posters assume that if you believe someone is your enemy and at war with you, that you must be intending violence.
A fascinating glimpse into the left-liberal mindset, how quickly and eagerly they think of violence.
Conservatives, on the other hand, realize there are many ways of defeating an enemy's attempts without violence.
So I guess , bgates, that then they are your enemies.
What do you want to do to them? Tell us. No need to be shy.
They are my enemies, too.
But there is nothing I want to do "to" them.
I want to highlight their selfishness and propensity for violence (like how to you, enemy=violence), prevent them from achieving their goals, and demoralize them so they no longer attempt to undermine the Rule of Law, and the principles established in our Founding Documents of All People Are Created Equal, with the Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness...but NOT the Right to the fruits of other people's success.
Good Friday is the ultimate "civility is bullshit" tag.
Jesus didn't play nice and go along. He wasn't radical enough for the zealots, so they wanted Barabbas. He wasn't religious enough for the Pharisees, so they wanted him dead. He wasn't civil enough for the Romans, so they wanted him gone. At every turn he perplexed and irritated, and rather than taking from the poor, he offered actual healing, actual support, actual hope.
He didn't have someone else fill in for him in the cause he supported, saying that the poor needed help so let's conquer Rome and put a messiah king on the throne.
Instead, he let the bullshit of the apparent civility be unmasked for what it was, hatred and jealousy and contradicting quests for personal power by people who would eagerly use others for their own gain.
Beneath such civility is obligations and demands and the need to bow down before others, so they can grace you with their civility--otherwise they will rage against you. When the contrast to civility is crucifixion, it wasn't civility to begin with. It was bullshit.
He took it on himself. Let the fury and rage and shit pour over him. Without a protest. The graffiti was put over his head.
The civility is and was bullshit because it used others, it demeaned others, it alienated others. On the cross we see the victims of our civility bullshit.
"Birds also may be a reminder of life going on without a centrality in humanity"
I think that's why I like camping in wilderness areas. It really is a reminder of the relative importance of our concerns. It's comforting in a way and beautiful, sometimes so necessary when life feels entirely not such.
"Are you not of more value than they[birds]?"
Maybe it upsets you because you feel like it demeans the birds. It doesn't. It affirms God's value of the birds and at the same time affirms that as valuable as they are, as beautiful and full of worth that the robin is, you are even more valuable.
How did Uncle Saul put it?
RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.
Yes, it looks like your Uncle taught you very well, because "personalizing" and "polarizing" is exactly what you've been doing.
And since I am someone you have decided to personalize your attacks against, I want to know what exactly you have in mind to do about all these "enemies" you see everywhere.
Last time you were called out on your threatening language you tried to claim there was nothing-at-all "violent" about saying you want to crack some heads.
Now you're saying that "most of the trolls here" are just like an "unrepentant domestic terrorist" who is "waging a war" and "want to destroy this country."
You've made it pretty clear how you feel; the only question that needs to be clarified is What do you think should be done in regards to terrorists that are waging a war against America?
I'm pretty sure I know the answer to that, but I don't wanna assume anything. But the longer you go without answering the question, the more obvious it is what your answer actually just can't bring yourself to publicly admit it.
Capitalism gave the left a marker pen.
I took an oath to shoot people who try to subvert the Constitution. All miltary folks did
So did I. Twice even, 'cause I joined two different branches of the military.
Which is why I really want to know what edutcher wants to see done about all these "domestic terrorists" that he sees everywhere.
"So did I. Twice even, 'cause I joined two different branches of the military."
Yet Obama subverts it with your blessings.
Most people spell that w-h-a-t-e-v-e-r.
Yet Obama subverts it with your blessings
"blessings"? You must have me confused with someone else.
While I don't think the man deserves to get shot for what he has done, I sure ain't a fan of our current President.
"You must have me confused with someone else. "
You must have your posts confused with someone else.
Jesus said? That's a laugh.
You must have your posts confused with someone else
I used to live in Missouri, so you're gonna have to show me. Let's see some posts where I've expressed political support for our current President.
You seem pretty sure of yourself about this, so it shouldn't be too hard for you to find some exact quotes where I am giving Obama my "blessings."
Easy peasy.
They all do.
Find me one that doesn't. Seriously.
No reason to get all exorcised about it. You're a socialist and Democrat apologist. Own it.
The US Military's standard for dealing with an opponent is to use the least amount of force necessary in order to defeat the enemy's objectives and ensure the success of our own.
If it can be achieved with a show of resolve or diplomacy, that is all that is done.
When that doesn't work, proportionality is the key.
So Lefties have nothing to worry about as long as you are as peaceful as Tea Party protesters.
They all do.
Find me one that doesn't.
Easy as 1-2-3...
There is one post from me in this thread Please explain how that is giving Obama my blessings.
There are two of my posts in this thread. Explain how either of those are giving my blessings to Obama.
There are three posts from me in this thread Explain how any of those are giving my blessings to Obama.
Seriously, do you actually have any particular post(s) of mine in mind? 'cause so far it looks like you're just making this up as you go...
SGT.Ted, my daughter, a Corpsman, took an oath, she's in Afghanistan as we speak serving with the 1st MLG.
She doesn't believe I am her enemy or that her fellow Americans are her enemy, she is reminded daily who the real enemy is.
There are four boxes. This is not that complicated.
So Lefties have nothing to worry about as long as you are as peaceful as Tea Party protesters
The worry starts when folks start labeling the Lefties and/or Tea Party protesters as nothing more than "terrorists" who are "waging a war" against our country.
When people...especially members of the Armed Services...start using that word to describe others it is pretty obvious what solution they have in mind.
Looks like this is the Easter message they want to impart. Ironic it appeared on a thread that started with a beautiful Bible passage.
We are their enemy. Happy Easter.
The worry starts when folks start labeling the Lefties and/or Tea Party protesters as nothing more than "terrorists" who are "waging a war" against our country.
It was *William Ayers* described as a terrorist in this thread, because he WAS a terrorist. Then you complained about being compared to a terrorist. Now you're complaining about being called a terrorist yourself.
It's not too much to ask that you reply to what is actually said, and not what you imagine people are saying.
leslyn said...
The right is ugly. The farther right it goes, the uglier it gets.
The desire for our government to comply with "original intent" is ugly?
"Looks like this is the Easter message they want to impart. Ironic it appeared on a thread that started with a beautiful Bible passage.
We are their enemy. Happy Easter."
Sanctimony decorated as victimhood wearing a smock of smug.
It was *William Ayers* described as a terrorist in this thread, because he WAS a terrorist.
And it was also said (4/5/12 9:25 PM) that "There are plenty like him, including most of the trolls here. Like him, they're want to destroy this country."
He also says "It's a war. Us or them"
It seems pretty clear to me what he wants to see happen...
When people...especially members of the Armed Services...start using that word to describe others it is pretty obvious what solution they have in mind.
1) You assume that because of the tendency of your like-minded individuals to use violence, that those who oppose your values must also love violence as much.
Not true at all. Despite your attempts to establish a false equivalency.
2) Where were you when the Obama Administration was labeling (in the absence of *any* evidence) the US military as likely terrorists, hm? Writing criticisms of Right Wing "violent" rhetoric?
You are an enabler of violence, a free rider on the benefits the violent seek. Own it.
Michael, who decorates himself with threads of silver and gold, then asks, am I not beautiful?
The US Military's standard for dealing with an opponent is to use the least amount of force necessary in order to defeat the enemy's objectives and ensure the success of our own.
If it can be achieved with a show of resolve or diplomacy, that is all that is done.
When that doesn't work, proportionality is the key.
Well, that worked fine in Korea and Vietnam, didn't it? Ditto Iraq and Afghanistan.
The military standard for success is and always has been, 'defeating' the opponent, not 'dealing' with the opponent.
Kill the rat bastards.
The oath of office for members of the military includes the words, ...I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic...
The Presidential Oath of Office is somewhat more squishy -
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
It seems pretty clear to me what he wants to see happen...
Your weasel words give you away.
Go pout, victim. Your hurt feelings are nothing compared to the rapes, murders, and beatings that your ideology encourages, condones, and causes.
He also says "It's a war. Us or them"
It seems pretty clear to me what he wants to see happen...
Well, have you asked, "Why does he hate us?" Perhaps you should contemplate just how it is you have wronged him to the point he sees you this way, and then take appropriate steps to win his heart and mind.
Just a suggestion.
Where were you when the Obama Administration was labeling (in the absence of *any* evidence) the US military as likely terrorists, hm?
Back then I was at the forums, saying that the President's words were dangerous and dividing our country. Where were YOU when he was saying all that?
And since you seem to oppose any violence at any time, please explain exactly what you think should happen to domestic terrorists that are waging a war against America.
Do you beleive that people should just try to talk with 'em and show 'em the error of their ways? Please clarify...
Trash is as trash does.
And since you seem to oppose any violence at any time, please explain exactly what you think should happen to domestic terrorists that are waging a war against America.
Now you're just babbling.
The principle is to use the least amount of force necessary to achieve your objective and prevent the enemy from achieving their objective.
When you do need to use violence, proportionality is the key, as I clearly stated, and you originally responded to.
So the response to terrorists who actively attempt to kill us is to deter, distract, disarm, capture, incapacitate, or kill.
The military is actually more concerned with appropriate proportionality than the police are.
So if my enemy slings insults, I am justified in slinging insults.
Are you implying that liberals are actively trying to kill conservatives? That is the only reason you should assume violence on the part of conservatives.
As clearly explained.
Overreactive hypocritical liberal is hypocritically overreacting.
Well, have you asked, "Why does he hate us?"
I think the climate in this forum has a lot to do with all the red meat that Ann like to toss around.
For instance, she will blame unions-in-general when an individual threatens her, even tho that person may not be a member of a union at all. So once I have said that I belong to a labor union some people automatically think I'm a member of the same group that is threatening our hostess. (even tho there was no "group" doing it in the first place!)
This hate they are expressing is based on assumptions and misconceptions...another example is the person who claims every post of mine is supporting Obama. Since the fact is that I regularly urge people to not vote for him, it is obvious that these peoples' emotions are not based on reality.
They simply hate for the sake of hating, and they will make up their own excuses to do so...
Sally: Hey Dad, what’s a Liberal?
Dad: Anybody who disagrees with me.
Well, have you asked, "Why does he hate us?"
They simply hate for the sake of hating, and they will make up their own excuses to do so...
So, that would be a "no," then. Here's a helpful tip: if your explanation of human behavior relies on people acting irrationally in a consistent way, your explanation is almost certainly wrong.
So, that would be a "no," then
No, it is a "yes." Not only have I asked for links to my specific remarks that leads them to feel as they do about moi, (a request that is usually [always?] ignored) but they also make it very clear why they have all this hate towards me. the most recent reason given is that every post of mine is supportive of Obama.
Like I said, the reasons they are giving are not based in reality. The only thing they know about me is that we have a difference of opinion on one or two issues, and to them that is enough to prove I'm a "liberal." And in their eyes: if someone is a "liberal" then they are justified in hating that person, with nothing else needing to be said.
Same thing happens to me when I talk about issues like Fair Tax, Gun Control, and ObamaCare on other websites. I get called a "Teabagger" & other names, and people start arguing against their assumptions about me instead of what I have actually said and stand for.
Some people just want to see the world burn, and they ain't gonna let anything like "actual facts" get in the way of their blind hate....
Some people just want to see the world burn, and they ain't gonna let anything like "actual facts" get in the way of their blind hate....
All this proves is that you have wronged them so badly that they are willing to ignore reality to achieve justice. Can't you see the damage you're doing to these poor people? You've got to make this right! Obviously, they can't make it right because they're not rational enough, so it's UP TO YOU! YOU must shoulder the burden, because you are so much smarter, so far superior! You have to use that power responsibly in a way that makes EVERYBODY happy, not just you!
Some people just want to see the world burn, and they ain't gonna let anything like "actual facts" get in the way of their blind hate....
When did the conversation shift to "Occupy", the New Black Panthers, Critical Race Theorists, and Unions?
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