But with high unemployment, economic stagnation and unprecedented deficits, what else can Obama say?A good question!
He can’t run on stewardship. He can’t run on policy. His signature initiatives — the stimulus, Obamacare and the failed cap-and-trade — will go unmentioned in his campaign ads. Indeed, they will be the stuff of Republican ads.
What’s left? Class resentment. Got a better idea?
९ डिसेंबर, २०११
"This is populism so crude that it channels not Teddy Roosevelt so much as Hugo Chavez."
Krauthammer interprets Obama's Osawatomie speech:
१४८ टिप्पण्या:
"But with high unemployment, economic stagnation and unprecedented deficits, what else can Obama say?"
"I'm sorry" would be nice.
To some extent it worked for TR, and I quote “Too much cannot be said against the men of wealth who
sacrifice everything to getting wealth. There is not in
the world a more ignoble character than the mere
money-getting American, insensible to every duty,
regardless of every principle, bent only on amassing a fortune, and putting his fortune only to the basest
uses —whether these uses be to speculate in stocks and wreck railroads himself, or to allow his son to lead a life of foolish and expensive idleness and gross debauchery, or to purchase some scoundrel of high social position, foreign or native, for his daughter....."
As I've said, all the Republican Candidate has to say is Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago? Is the Country?
During the debates, before answering any question, just say I want the American People to know that I, like them, am in a worse financial position now than I was in 4 years ago when Obama became President. And now, to answer the question...
What’s left? Class resentment. Got a better idea?
Yes, never follow someone to parking lot after they cut you off.
MadisonMan said...
As I've said, all the Republican Candidate has to say is Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago? Is the Country?
I've heard it said that a relection campaign boils down to a 2 step process.
1. does the incumbent deserve relection?
2. is the challenger too scary?
You are able to draw the if/then/else diagram
To some extent it worked for TR, and I quote “Too much cannot be said against the men of wealth who
sacrifice everything to getting wealth. There is not in
the world a more ignoble character than the mere
money-getting American, insensible to every duty,
regardless of every principle, bent only on amassing a fortune, and putting his fortune only to the basest
uses —whether these uses be to speculate in stocks and wreck railroads himself, or to allow his son to lead a life of foolish and expensive idleness and gross debauchery, or to purchase some scoundrel of high social position, foreign or native, for his daughter....."
But Jamie Gorelick is a woman.
Right now, Obama's re-election is 50/50 on Intrade.com.
Place your bets!
"This is populism so crude that it channels not Teddy Roosevelt so much as Hugo Chavez."
This is a slim-chance sort of possibility, but given the stakes of the game, I would hope they are gaming as many alternatives as possible.
The GOP needs to watch out for a rope-a-dope here. The class warfare thing just seems a little too easy, a little to much catering to the two-dimensional liberal/socialist meme, for comfort's sake.
Assume you're the administration. You start harping on the class warfare thing, by drips and drops at first (small jet owners, etc) and then go full-metal Roosevelt just before the IA caucuses. You get the GOP to start responding and planning to that meme, believing it to be your strategy for the reasons Krauthammer outlines.
What are the downsides of combating that message from the POTUS campaign? How far can you go down that dark alley and what potential "Gotchas" exist to spin heads further down the road to Nov 4th?
I suppose my point is along the lines of "No...don't do that. That's just what they WANT us to do."
He's going for community organizer appeal.
About 3 million seniors who hit the donut hole saved an average of $569 last year from ObamaKKKare. I wonder how Kraphammer will have to lie about that?
There's still a year left to destroy something else.
Well he's threatening to veto the payroll tax extension if the pipeline is attached to it. You know the project that will employ tens of thousands and lower energy costs.
No...can't have that. If people start working again, what do they need Democrats for?
Ann, you are ginning up so much anti-Obama sentiment that if you do vote for Obama next year, the collective force of many of our heads exploding could send the earth spinning uncontrollably out of its orbit.
There's still "Vote for me or you're a racist."
The Organizer has incited a community to throw off its shackles.
Meanwhile one of the top two or three Dem politicians over the last six years has stolen 1.2 billion dollars in trust account deposits while running a credit swaps scam that only the top 1% of the 1% ever touch. And he refuses to make good the lost money from his own fortune that could pay for it.
Complete delusion sometimes works for a season. I pray some one speaks the truth about Obama soon.
Maybe that's why we want Gingrich and not Romney.
"Well he's threatening to veto the payroll tax extension if the pipeline is attached to it. You know the project that will employ tens of thousands and lower energy costs."
Obama says the number of jobs created by the pipeline pales in comparison to those created by the payroll tax cut and extension of unemployment benefits.
"Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
"He can’t run on stewardship. He can’t run on policy. His signature initiatives — the stimulus, Obamacare and the failed cap-and-trade — will go unmentioned in his campaign ads. Indeed, they will be the stuff of Republican ads.
What’s left? Class resentment. Got a better idea?"
Krauthammer, as usual, adroitly deconstructs our failed president. His skill lies in explaining what is so completely obvious, yet so difficult for too many to understand.
That Obama would, reflexively, pursue policies doomed to failure was transparent in '08. There was no scintilla of evidence that a man of the academic Left bereft of any meaningful real world experience ("community organizer" is as much a bullshit "job" as any job could possibly be...) would do anything Andy Stern and his monkeys in the SEIU boardroom wouldn't do themselves, if only they could.
Democrats, of course, laboring under the misimpression that wealth is created by using the state's police powers to steal it from productive classes and give it to unproductive classes (in exchange for votes), wanted exactly what Obama offered. Their votes for Obama can be excused on grounds of their being irretrievably stupid.
Other voters, knowing better, should be ashamed of themselves. The question is, did they learn anything?
I fear not.
Joe Schmoe said...
"Ann, you are ginning up so much anti-Obama sentiment that if you do vote for Obama next year, the collective force of many of our heads exploding could send the earth spinning uncontrollably out of its orbit."
Ha! Does anyone really think Ann is going to vote for Romney or Gingrich?
On what grounds? Nasty columns about Obama? There's been no "Anyone but Obama" declaration.
Misdirection plays are wonderfully effective in football...they work well in politics too.
As usual, Krauthammer is full of shit, ("massive entitlements" etc.), but then, so is Obama.
Washington politicos en masse are the paid lackeys of the financial elites, so any greed by the wealthy that is starving the rest of us is facilitated by the policies enacted in Washington that provides the means by which private greed can be satisfied by public theft.
Additionally, Obama may be and should be faulted for not having pursued criminal investigations of the widespread fraud committed by financial institutions over recent years that have led to the economic collapse.
Of the two, Krauthammer is not a hypocrite...he has always stood foursquare for the prerogatives of the wealthy and powerful; Obama is a hypocrite for having acted on behalf of the wealthy and powerful throughout his administration, while now mouthing "for the people" rhetoric simply in order to garner votes.
"Other voters, knowing better, should be ashamed of themselves."
They said if I voted for McCain I would be ashamed of myself, but they were WRONG.
"About 3 million seniors who hit the donut hole saved an average of $569 last year from ObamaKKKare. I wonder how Kraphammer will have to lie about that?"
And those costs, for the fiscally illiterate, migrated to the senior's children, grand-children and great grandchildren, presuming they are productive taxpayers.
The president of all Americans claimed in his Kansas speech that there were financial institutions that had business models based on illegality. If he knows of banks with such overtly illegal business practices,business models, he should inform the SEC and his crack AG. He, of course, does not know of any business anywhere in the U.S. that has a business model based on illegal activities. This ugly class warfare is making it clear that the president wants, needs, people to believe that the rich only get that way by stealing from the poor or otherwise "taking" something that otherwise would go to the poor or the "middle class."
RV: TR's populism was the cornerstone of the failure of his third party. Notwithstanding some evidence that suggests otherwise the American people are not completely stupid. Most are aspirational, hard working and do not like to be called crooks for doing well. Most pay their taxes and think that doing so is "fair." We are nearing the point of no return, when those voters who pay no Federal tax outnumber those who do. Those who pay no tax will always vote to raise the taxes on those who do and will vote for those who argue for more taxes.
Do not think that come the revolution the leaders will be pulled from the ranks, comrades. you will be working for the one percent. And they will be very very pissed.
"They said if I voted for McCain I would be ashamed of myself, but they were WRONG.'
LOL, indeed!
wv: insain - the insane Obama voter can't spell.
""Meanwhile one of the top two or three Dem politicians over the last six years has stolen 1.2 billion dollars in trust account deposits while running a credit swaps scam that only the top 1% of the 1% ever touch."
I assume you mean Corzine.
I was not aware he was "one of the top two or three Dem politicians."
There is not in
the world a more ignoble character than the mere
money-getting American, insensible to every duty,
regardless of every principle, bent only on amassing a fortune, and putting his fortune only to the basest
uses —whether these uses be to speculate in stocks and wreck railroads himself, or to allow his son to lead a life of foolish and expensive idleness and gross debauchery, or to purchase some scoundrel of high social position, foreign or native, for his daughter....."
Indeed. So much worse than tyrants, dictators, suicide bombers, mass murderers...
Of course greed for money is the biggest sin for the left, as greed for power, which is really far more destructive and dangerous, is what animates their very being.
And those costs, for the fiscally illiterate, migrated to the senior's children, grand-children and great grandchildren, presuming they are productive taxpayers.
You don't even know where the savings came from, do you? No fucking idea. Fiscally illiterate is right.
"About 3 million seniors who hit the donut hole saved an average of $569 last year from ObamaKKKare. I wonder how Kraphammer will have to lie about that?"
One, would you please provide a reference for that number, and two, $569 is less than $50 a month. Somehow I doubt any of those seniors are going to vote for Barry because of it.
I'll let Tim try and explain first.
You don't even know where the savings came from, do you? No fucking idea. Fiscally illiterate is right..
You're aware, right, about the debt incurred for every single federal dollar spent these day...right? Savings indeed.
garage mahal said...
About 3 million seniors who hit the donut hole saved an average of $569 last year from ObamaKKKare. I wonder how Kraphammer will have to lie about that?
12/9/11 9:12 AM
Hmm $569 x 3m = roughly the amount stolen by DEMOCRAT senator, governor and all around hack Corzine. Now just get Corzine to donate the money he stole to the government and the oldsters get their savings without Obozocare.
It takes a great mental genius to equate the putative saving of $1.7b with the brilliance of running a $2t deficit.
"About 3 million seniors who hit the donut hole saved an average of $569 last year from ObamaKKKare."
Is nobody responsible for a portion of their own health care? Sheessh.
campy said...
There's still "Vote for me or you're a racist."
12/9/11 9:23 AM
The reply will be "you must have me confused with being someone who gives a shit about being called a racist.'
"... Fiscally illiterate is right..."
Says the guy who told me we can't go insolvent because we can print all the money we need.
Additionally, Obama may be and should be faulted for not having pursued criminal investigations of the widespread fraud committed by financial institutions over recent years that have led to the economic collapse.
Yes, it would've been real justice to see the heads of Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac perp-walked through a gauntlet of TV cameras with their suitcoats over their handcuffs. And a nice censure of Barney Frank would've been well-deserved, too.
But that's not what you meant, is it, Cook. Do you really think Obama (or Holder, more specifically) was going to bring charges against Lloyd Blankfein et al? Whose party do you think these Wall Street frauds contribute to?
garage mahal said...
About 3 million seniors who hit the donut hole saved an average of $569 last year from ObamaKKKare
And yet the nation went more than a trillion deeper into dept.
But crow about $569.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Is nobody responsible for a portion of their own health care? Sheessh
No, and shut up and go and fetch me my P3nis pump, lackey!
garage mahal said: "About 3 million seniors who hit the donut hole saved an average of $569 last year from ObamaKKKare.
This is an interesting comment. GM deploys specificity, numbers, and sarcasm.
The rhetoric is strong with this one. But the 15.7 million 18- to 35-year-old middle-class workers who face only a 42% likelihood of re-employment seventeen weeks after being laid off would beg to request a 7.5% tax cut that could boost economic growth by 0.14%. That may sound small, but it would add roughly a trillion dollars in middle-class wealth over the next ten years. And the DemoKKKratic Party opposes it!
You don't even know where the savings came from, do you? No fucking idea. Fiscally illiterate is right.
As cyncial as I've become about your sad descent from reasonableness into flailing,
"close-your-eyes-stick-your-fingers-in-your-ears-and-shout-LALALALALA-this-isn't-happening" hackery, I still can't believe you're serious when you amke this statement. Can you? Are you that far gone, Garage?
Original Mike said...
"About 3 million seniors who hit the donut hole saved an average of $569 last year from ObamaKKKare."
Is nobody responsible for a portion of their own health care? Sheessh.
Everyone likes a "free" lunch.
Hey, blame that schmuck Bush for making this possible with the program in the first place.
Idiot. Bush, not you.
So nobody can actually explain how seniors in the donut hole are saving money from ObamaKKKare? I thought righties were the experts. Maybe they aren't?
"... $569 is less than $50 a month. Somehow I doubt any of those seniors are going to vote for Barry because of it..."
Well if you're a liberal you've been conditioned to believe the nations seniors subsist on cat food and have to decide between cutting pills in half or paying the rent. So $50 is all that stands between them and the abyss.
"You don't even know where the savings came from, do you? No fucking idea. Fiscally illiterate is right."
Stop projecting your idiocy. Your Dali-Obama sent checks for $250 to each Medicare enrollee to cover the cost of the "doughnut hole." Those checks, per your president's $1.5 Trillion annual deficit, are funded by debt.
So, as I said - you're fiscally illiterate.
Misdirection plays are wonderfully effective in football...they work well in politics too.
You're probably right, Tim. She can skewer Obama from now until November, then vote for him, and then act irritated when called a "conservative" blog. "But I voted for Obama!"
Your Dali-Obama sent checks for $250 to each Medicare enrollee to cover the cost of the "doughnut hole.
Oh really? Where did you find that?
"... So nobody can actually explain how seniors in the donut hole are saving money from ObamaKKKare?.."
Typically when someone makes a claim, they're expected to back it up.
Then again you're a liberal so its not surprising you want others to do your work for you.
So nobody can actually explain how seniors in the donut hole are saving money from ObamaKKKare? I thought righties were the experts. Maybe they aren't?
Yes, as has been explained several times above (and which you ignore): the are "saving" this money by burdening minors with no voice, nor vote, with unsustainable debt. Nice.
The reply will be "you must have me confused with being someone who gives a shit about being called a racist.'
That'll be the reply, yeah ... from about 44% of the voters.
Urkel's gonna run on throwing so much mushy caca at his opponent, whoever that may be, that the opponent becomes toxic to the mushy middle.
"Oh really? Where did you find that?
Common knowledge, but HealthCare.gov confirms it, idiot.
"So nobody can actually explain how seniors in the donut hole are saving money from ObamaKKKare? I thought righties were the experts. Maybe they aren't."
Usually it's the job of the guy making the claim to substantiate it. I'll make it easy, just post a link and I'll take it from there.
Throughout history, social welfare schemes of government have been propounded, not by the poor, but by the privileged sons and daughters of the wealthy.
As for the payroll tax "holiday," I think it is lunacy in the current situation, when the SS already has to pay out more than it is taking in, and they already have to borrow to make up the shortfall.
My idea for creating an incentive to reform the Social Security System is to pass a statute requiring the current payments to be paid for by the concurrent income. That might have some chance of making the Congress critters pay some attention to the faults in the system.
It is appalling that Obama goes on the stump railing against those dastardly Republicans whose inaction will cause "taxes to go up for ordinary Americans" if they do not agree to extend "the payroll tax cut" at the same time as he through the other side of his mouth rails against the same dastardly Republicans for claiming that letting "the Bush tax cuts" expire constitutes a tax increase.
Logic and consistency has never been a characteristic of "the intellectual elite.!"
@ garage
Put down the koolaid, you're old enough, and you look foolish.
@Robert Cook
Yes democrats and republicans suck Wall Street tit.
@ E M Davis
That's the rumor I heard too.
@ Scott M
Won't matter, republicans are infamous for blowing "slam dunks"
@ campy
That will get him 95% of the black vote, and 45% of just general democrat vote.
@ traditionalguy
Romney can't say these things because he's already proven that he is more Obama than Obama is.
@ Original Mike
Obama can say stuff like that because he is a pathological liar.
@ garage again
Why would you need someone else to debate your point for you?
If Sir Charles were not in a wheelchair I shudder to think the aspersions the left would cast on him for his keen intellect, razor tongue, and his penchant for goring their oxes.
I just wish he would gore more republican oxes.
"So nobody can actually explain how seniors in the donut hole are saving money from ObamaKKKare?"
Seems to me it's probably because someone else is paying their bills. And since 40 cents of every dollar spent by the government is borrowed, those people are their kids and grand kids.
I wonder if the financial literacy wunderkind will ever acknowledge the Medicare Part D coverage gap rebate checks funded by debt?
Debt paid for (hopefully...debt repudiation is a bad choice) by the qualifying seniors' children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren?
Not holding my breath...
"... Yes democrats and republicans suck Wall Street tit..."
Elected officials cater to whomever they think will give them the most votes. Wall Street is just one source of their funding. This isn't anything new.
"As for the payroll tax "holiday," I think it is lunacy in the current situation, when the SS already has to pay out more than it is taking in, and they already have to borrow to make up the shortfall."
Nah, the SS Administration just sells some of its bonds in the lockbox to the Treasury and presto; money appears.
Usually it's the job of the guy making the claim to substantiate it. I'll make it easy, just post a link and I'll take it from there.
A 50 percent discount that the law secured from pharmaceutical companies on brand name drugs yielded an average savings of $581. Medicare also picked up more of the cost of generic drugs, saving an additional $22.
So, basically, everyone here had it wrong. Not shocking.
Garage's almost-valid point is that the donut hole fix is not paid for by government expenditure but through price controls negotiated with the pharma companies. What he fails to realize, is that these costs are then just spread to other customers.
In structuring the bill as such, the Dems calculated a win-win for themselves; a program popular with oldsters that also drives up private health care and insurance costs, so that more people can be encouraged or driven to government insurance.
Oops, and he just beat me to making his point finally.
Garage: About 3 million seniors who hit the donut hole saved an average of $569 last year from ObamaKKKare.
And it only cost us $25,500 per senior to provide that savings.
So, basically, everyone here had it wrong. Not shocking.
$.40 on the dollar is borrowed. How is that incorrect, Garage.
GodZero's fiscal policy consists of trying to forestall the crash until after the election. Krauthammer might want to throw that into the mix.
roesch/voltaire said...
To some extent it worked for TR, and I quote “Too much cannot be said against the men of wealth who
sacrifice everything to getting wealth.
Yeah, it worked so well for the Rough Rider, he had to run as a third party candidate in 1912, tipping the election into the lap of that unreconstructed Confederate, Woody Wilson.
We could get rid of the donut hole by getting rid of the donut.
"A 50 percent discount that the law secured from pharmaceutical companies on brand name drugs yielded an average savings of $581. Medicare also picked up more of the cost of generic drugs, saving an additional $22.
So, basically, everyone here had it wrong. Not shocking."
Wrong again, as usual.
The rebate checks, funded by debt, were sent.
The price capping by law, as noted by other commenters, results in cost-shifting. Only the fiscally and economically illiterate do not know that price caps in one market result in price increases in another market that does not have those price caps.
One of the longest standing hallmarks of the idiot Democrats is that somehow, law can make something cost less, or be cost free. Economics informs us that all the law can do is shift costs elsewhere; in this case, to the seniors' children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, who will not only have to pay off the debt that funded the $250 per enrollee rebate checks, but also pay a higher cost on prescription meds, thanks to our idiot president, idiot Democrats, and the idiot voters who are wedded to the idiot notion that somehow, law can make expensive things cheaper.
Shorter political economy lesson for idiots: "Savings for one constituency created by law increase costs for other constituencies not covered by the law; this is known by promoters as "economic justice;" it is known by all others as "vote buying.""
"... So, basically, everyone here had it wrong. Not shocking..."
Heh, says the guy who once posted a link to Al Gore's enviro friendly home only to learn it was Dubya's.
Savor the victory garage.
Heh, says the guy who once posted a link to Al Gore's enviro friendly home only to learn it was Dubya's.
First, deflection.
Second, dammit...now I have to wait a few months before using that one on him again.
The usual baloney from Snouthammer. For one Obama dissed the OWS (ie, there is no 1% and 99% according to CEO BO). If anything he sounded somewhat rightist, nearly tea-bagger like.
Just do blogland a favor and STFU, Squat, the LDS pedo
Malefactors of great stealth. Those sneaky job producers.
"We could get rid of the donut hole by getting rid of the donut."
I said at the time it was a dumb idea. Not on a sane planet, where it provided catastrpohic insurance coverage but also expected seniors to pay some of their own bills, but on Planet Garage where they'd be pissing and moaning about the unfairness of it all.
A 50 percent discount that the law secured from pharmaceutical companies on brand name drugs yielded an average savings of $581. Medicare also picked up more of the cost of generic drugs, saving an additional $22.
So, basically, everyone here had it wrong. Not shocking.
Actually no. Once again, Garage only looks at part of the equation.
Just why, Garage, did that 50% "discount" cost us, Garage? Are you aware of the $80mm cap? And the other "benefits" coming to the pharma companies on the cost side?
So between Medicare (taxpayers) and big pharm who will pass on their costs elsewhere, we've gained nothing.
I said at the time it was a dumb idea. Not on a sane planet, where it provided catastrpohic insurance coverage but also expected seniors to pay some of their own bills, but on Planet Garage where they'd be pissing and moaning about the unfairness of it all.
You realize seniors in the donut hole, are by definition, "paying some of their own bills".
"... Second, dammit...now I have to wait a few months before using that one on him again..."
It never gets old.
garage mahal said...
About 3 million seniors who hit the donut hole saved an average of $569 last year from ObamaKKKare
In an e-mail to employees, AARP says health care premiums will increase by 8 percent to 13 percent next year because of rapidly rising medical costs.
And AARP adds that it's changing copayments and deductibles to avoid a 40 percent tax on high-cost health plans that takes effect in 2018 under the law. Aerospace giant Boeing also has cited the tax in asking its workers to pay more. Shifting costs to employees lowers the value of a health care plan and acts like an escape hatch from the tax.
You beclown yourself at every turn.
Medicare also picked up more of the cost of generic drugs, saving an additional $22.
So, basically, everyone here had it wrong. Not shocking.
Um, Medicare is running a substantial deficit.
Only a moron would carry on about "savings" regading a program that is losing tens of billions.
As is his solution, that old perennial: selective abolition of the Bush tax cuts. As if all that ails us, all that keeps the economy from humming and the middle class from advancing, is a 4.6-point hike in marginal tax rates for the rich.
Snouthammer WaPo's official neo con knows as much about history as he does economics --ie, null set. Tax rates are at record lows. BushCo's slash of the capital gains rate to 15% or so itself has led to a great reduction of govt. revenues. The tax rates are lower than they were under Reagan's first term.
Of course most Ma and Pa Methcooks think a tax raise on the wealthy means a tax raise on them, when it doesn't. So, act really pissed at tax increases on the millionaires, and yr magically in the yacht club! In reality yr haven't made it to the evinrude club.
The American populace has no great love for hedge fund managers, nor any wish to see them spared any tax burden. But Obama is using some sleight of hand here. Hedge fund managers are more often than not Democrats. See Soros and Corzine. See the children of Biden and Clinton who went to work for hedge funds. I question crooked faro dealers who preach about the evils of gamblings..... In America, someone is always making more money than they deserve, and there's no reason to believe that there are not lots of Democrats in that class. Beyond this, there is the simple fact, as Krauthammer indicates, that a higher rate of taxation on such people will do very little to actually reduce the national debt. I think Obama is arguing in bad faith.....I would like to see an excise tax placed upon all ballplayers who bat 50 pts below their lifetime average after signing a lucrative ten year deal. Ditto for overpaid actors who make schlocky movies. Double ditto squared for politicians whose family wealth has increased exponentially during their term of office. But historically the government, even when run by such an enlightened bureaucrat as Obama, has done a much worse job than the market in deciding who should prosper and who should wither.
Actually a millionaire tax suits me fine. Most hit by it would be overpaid athletes and leftist Hollywood.
Maybe a surtax on BMW and Audi owners too.
In America, someone is always making more money than they deserve
William hates the Kardashians.
Looks like I'm not the only one.
Garag--I told you to bust this little mormon fraud, Jay-sorepaw (aka Byro) didn't I.
Note the white supremacist joto never links to a blog or writing. He was booted off of DU and d-Kos a while back for his klan views.
Everyone is busy eating donuts, but I agree with MadisonMan on this:
As I've said, all the Republican Candidate has to say is Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago? Is the Country?
That should be the whole campaign.
Tax rates are at record lows.
BushCo's slash of the capital gains rate to 15% or so itself has led to a great reduction of govt. revenues.
Um, lie.
The federal government takes in over $2.1 trillion anually. If we returned to the FY '07 level, the budget would be almost in balance.
That should be the whole campaign.
With subtle strands of, "Now we're going to inherit a mess, but we're going to fix it."
The irony will choke some, but others will find it quite delicious.
I find this a sad statement from conservatives who feel that it is a burden for the young to help support the elderly in a society-- it represents the take it now greed of our society. As far as increased medical costs, actually the tend is moving down with new generic drugs and competition form India and China-- "seniors' children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, who will not only have to pay off the debt that funded the $250 per enrollee rebate checks, but also pay a higher cost on prescription meds, thanks to our idiot president, idiot Democrats, and the idiot voters who are wedded to the idiot notion that somehow, law can make expensive things cheaper".
"Lie! Beclown! Look at this squirrel!"
it represents the take it now greed of our society
I'm led to believe by the oldest members of my and my wife's extended families that it was quite normal for families to house an aging mother or father. The huge retirement home industry we have now simply didn't exist, but, then again, neither did any of the Great Society programs. Family cared for it's own because that's what people had to do.
Then along came the Boomers...
"Lie! Beclown! Look at this squirrel!"
Garage, you are one of the last people that should decry someone else tossing a SQUIRREL into a thread. You have a gold card in this category.
roesch/voltaire said...
it represents the take it now greed of our society
And wealthy senior citizens taking Social Security checks from young workers making $25,000 a year represents, what, exactly?
"... I find this a sad statement from conservatives who feel that it is a burden for the young to help support the elderly in a society-- it represents the take it now greed of our society..."
Methinks you project too much.
There are around 43 million Medicare beneficiaries with Medicare costing around $500 billion a year. Add another $700 billion for social security.
Those figures are only going to increase.
so any greed by the wealthy that is starving the rest of us is facilitated by the policies enacted in Washington
Cook accidently stumbled into the truth here. The unconnected greedy bastards have to sell us things we want at a price we're willing to pay while competing with all the other greedy bastards for our money. The connected GB can force us to cough up our money or get a subsidy or tax write-off.
"You realize seniors in the donut hole, are by definition, "paying some of their own bills"."
Yes, and you think we should take over those payments.
TR made his speech while running on the Bull Moose Party ticket, thereby handing the election over to Woodrow Wilson. Obama exhibits the same kind of obtuse narcissism but without the character of TR to pull it off.
with Medicare costing around $500 billion a year
Yes, look at this:
•Medicare spending grew 7.9% to $502.3 billion in 2009, or 20 percent of total NHE.
•Medicaid spending grew 9.0% to $373.9 billion in 2009, or 15 percent of total NHE.
Opposing that makes you part of the take it now greed of our society!
The destroyer-in-chief has nothing of value to run on. Period.
By definition, his legacy is that of a deconstructor.
'Community organizing' is deconstruction. So, apparently, is what he meant by his 'change' meme. The systematic deconstruction of America so a european-style statist utopia could be erected in his honor.
This 'speech' was community organizing claptrap on steroids. This man is an embarrassment!!!
I was talking to a good friend and asked her who she would want in charge of her lifelong payroll tax deuctions for medicare and social security. Her multiple choice selections were:
A - A bank
B- Wall street
C- her mattress
D- Uncle Sam
Her answer was "not Uncle Sam".
Reagan's lowest rates like around 28% or so
20% before 1987. They traded lower regular income rates for a higher cap gain rate. Then GHWB and Clinton raised the top regular rates back to where they'd been.
There's still "Vote for me or you're a racist."
To which the response is : if you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove that you’re not a racist, then you need to vote for someone else in 2012 to prove that you’re not an idiot.
The Kraut is complementing both Obamas and Hillary...they all see Hugo Chavez as their role model the want to be like, unless they can aim higher and become Premier of Red China.
It was 28% after 87, 20% before (about 50% on upper bracket until '87). But the point holds, "Ralphie" the lil factchecker...BushCo cap. gains rates of 15% are record lows.
J - you are the liar. The "Bush" tax cuts expired. The current tax rates were passed by a Democrat controlled House and Senate and signed by a Democratic President.
The politically effective counter-argumeng is not the correct one- that reliance on an ever-larger government will bring serfdom and, when it inevitably runs out of money, poverty.
The politically effective counter-argument is that Pres. Obama is in bed with Wall Street bankers and others in the 1%.
In addition to being politically effective, it is true. He's in no position to be lecturing anyone.
Of course, neither was Peron. Or Chavez. But trying to win an election with somewhat complex economic arguments surely is futile.
For the record, my wife and I are more than happy (as are my son and daighter) to care for the elderly in our family.
Not the elderly in yours, though. They're your responsibility.
Not the elderly in yours, though. They're your responsibility.
What do you expect from the "it takes a village" church and their "your kids aren't just yours" priestess?
WV - "avici" Just one "i" from being pretty damned cool.
At least Garage is consistent in his inability to comprehend numbers.
For him it is always sensible to spend $2 to save $1 (as long as it gives you warm and fuzzy feelings that is).
And here is the President Ann, Garage, RV, J and all the rest voted for today talking economics:
"However many jobs might be generated by a Keystone pipeline," he said, "they're going to be a lot fewer than the jobs that are created by extending the payroll tax cut and extending unemployment insurance."
Isn't that lovely?
The President of the United States actually believes unemployment "insurance" creates jobs.
"... The President of the United States actually believes unemployment "insurance" creates jobs..."
For the state workers it does.
Then again why not create jobs and pass both? It's almost as if he wants unemployment to stay where its at.
Garage must be reeling to hear Obama say that tax cuts will create jobs.
Then again why not create jobs and pass both?
It is funny to watch Obama try and create some false choice there.
J, Jay,
Please speak with me HERE
"... It is funny to watch Obama try and create some false choice there..."
It's not so much funny as its routine with him. That's all he has going for him anymore.
campy said...
The reply will be "you must have me confused with being someone who gives a shit about being called a racist.'
That'll be the reply, yeah ... from about 44% of the voters.
12/9/11 10:05 AM
Hate to burst your bubble but come next November that will be 55% of the vote. Get used to it.
What’s left? Class resentment. Got a better idea?
Yes... Class Reunion!!!
Get the whole "Hope And Change" gang back together again for a nostalgic look back at 2008 and 2009, the best years of their lives!!!!! :-)
Hoosier Daddy said...
Actually a millionaire tax suits me fine. Most hit by it would be overpaid athletes and leftist Hollywood.
Maybe a surtax on BMW and Audi owners too.
12/9/11 11:14 AM
My wife has an Audi so lay off on those. My ex has a BMW, so lets tax the hell out of BMW owners and while you are at it lets tax @ 90% all registered democrats and other leftist party registered voters every dollar above minimum wage.
Hoosier Daddy said...
Actually a millionaire tax suits me fine. Most hit by it would be overpaid athletes and leftist Hollywood.
Maybe a surtax on BMW and Audi owners too.
12/9/11 11:14 AM
My wife has an Audi so lay off on those. My ex has a BMW, so lets tax the hell out of BMW owners and while you are at it lets tax @ 90% all registered democrats and other leftist party registered voters every dollar above minimum wage.
Tax Yarises.
But grandfather in rhhardin's.
My spidey sense tells me that the husbands of Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters did not amass their fortunes strictly by business acumen.....The Democrat business model is selling access to government. The Republicans own a few franchises, of course, but it's mostly staffed and managed by Democrats. Any increase in government power gives financial leverage to those with access to that power. It's a fine business. Those people like Bill Clinton who claim that they want to pay more taxes on their income are feeding you a load. Clinton made one hundred million dollars in his first eight years after leaving office. Democrats believe that the bulk of this came from making paid speeches. And they think Mormons are foolish for wearing funny underwear. When Bill claims he wants to pay higher taxes, he is like the Exxon chairman who claims that, after all, when gas prices go up, he has to pay more at the pump.....Most people want to get rich and are a little sheepish about flaunting this desire. God bless the Democrats who not only relentless pursue enrichment but claim that this pursuit is ennobling.
" garage mahal said...
About 3 million seniors who hit the donut hole saved an average of $569 last year from ObamaKKKare. I wonder how Kraphammer will have to lie about that?
12/9/11 9:12 AM"
It's sad how far leftists have fallen. Here we have one pointing out that we gain virtually nothing in exchange for increasing unemployment by two plus points, risking a financial meltdown far worse than 2008, and passing the bill to future generations. But that's not the sad part. What's sad is he thinks he's that by pointing out we get virtually nothing in exchange he's actually helping his side!
"You liars, we don't get nothing in exchange for bankrupting the country. We get pennies on the dollar!".
Lay off the sauce, that made absolutely no fucking sense.
You keep thinking a pronouncement from you carries the weight of a tick turd. I find lefty delusions endlessly amusing.
I'm sure you do find economics amusing. Like looking into a kaleidoscope and wondering how the hell it all works.
Someone told you taking from those who work and giving it to those who vote for your party is "Economics"? No wonder you have no idea what facts are relevant.
Someone told you taking from those who work and giving it to those who vote for your party is "Economics"?
No idea what you're babbling about.
"I'm sure you do find economics amusing. Like looking into a kaleidoscope and wondering how the hell it all works."
It's only amusing when described by idiots.
So amuse us all, and explain how:
1) The fed's Medicare Part D coverage gap rebate checks did not
a): produce effective savings for senior enrollees while
b): increasing debt financing costs for the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the senior enrollees;
2) The statutory price caps on the Medicare Part D formulary does not, in fact, result in cost shifts borne by the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the senior enrollees.
This is an open book/internet test. Use whatever resources for which you can provide citations; take your time. I'll be waiting.
I find this a sad statement from conservatives who feel that it is a burden for the young to help support the elderly in a society-- it represents the take it now greed of our society.
Shouldn't the young have SOME say in what happens to the money you're stealing from them?
It's MORAL to steal from children who have zero ability to impact anything now?
The older R-V gets, the more moral it becomes.
But grandfather in rhhardin's
That's very hard on Gramps and could dent the car a bit.
Does anybody listens to what Obama says? Except talking heads, that is?
... and Stock Exchange. I don't think they actually listen either. It seems stocks fall automatically at the moment Obama opens his mouth, regardless of what he says, or even before - at the moment his speech is announced.
"it represents the take it now greed of our society."
One of the ways you can tell the left is nuts is to simply listen to them reach conclusions. To a Democrat or leftist everything is about money. Absolutely everything. And their prime goal is getting control of everyone's. But somehow they're not greedy, everyone else is?
Look at garage: forcing people to do what someone else wants is ok, because someone got a few bucks out of it. But he's not greedy. Everyone else is.
They're nuts.
"Look at garage: forcing people to do what someone else wants is ok, because someone got a few bucks out of it. But he's not greedy. Everyone else is.
They're nuts."
Because, to a liberal, it's greedy for you to want to keep the fruits of your own labor, but not greedy for them to elect politicians take the fruits of your labor to buy things for other people they did not earn.
Obama will mention nothing factual in his campaign. He will depend on the universal support of a totally corrupt media and big money from the real 1%, the SEIU, the AFL-CIO and the rest of the thugs.
I was just having some fun with J on a Friday.
No problem.
That's fine. I just want to help you and J understand where the limit is.
Taxing all registered democrats at 90% is a good start. Maybe if we could force people, by congressional district, to pay all the costs of whatever crap their representative votes for, we'd elect some fiscal conservatives.
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