२५ जून, २०११

"Abrahamson's clique wanted to game the system in order to buy time for the Democrats to make their political comeback..."

"... either in this summer's recall elections or in the 2012 election cycle in a case brought by Democrats, including the Assembly minority leader and the Dane County district attorney, against the majority party."

Isthmus columnist David Blaska goes after Wisconsin Supreme Court Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson.

ADDED: Meanwhile, there's this very odd story titled "Prosser allegedly grabbed fellow justice by the neck."
Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser allegedly grabbed fellow Justice Ann Walsh Bradley around the neck in an argument in her chambers last week, according to at least three knowledgeable sources.

Details of the incident, investigated jointly by Wisconsin Public Radio and the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism, remain sketchy. The sources spoke on the condition that they not be named, citing a need to preserve professional relationships.
A need to preserve professional relationships, eh? Hmmm.

४३ टिप्पण्या:

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

It's not over until Shirley (The fat lady) says that it is over.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

Oh, come on - nobody would do something corrupt like that. These are good and honorable people.

"I was hacked."

Phil 314 म्हणाले...

Reminiscent of the Demi Moore character in "A Few Good Men" strenously objecting.

edutcher म्हणाले...

You don't think she's a sore loser?

Nah, Lefties are never sore losers. Uncle Saul would spin in his grave.

PS I'm getting a bad link on the post page. The ones on the comment and home pages is fine.

Carol_Herman म्हणाले...

Well, you can't blame PMS, but Nancy Pelosi invented this trick, when she moved out of the Speaker's office, across the hall.

Since Shirley Abrahamson thinks all she has to do is wait it out ... she's counting on staying benched until she's 103.

Can we bet?

अनामित म्हणाले...

Wow, looks like Prosser was right when he called her a you-know-what.

अनामित म्हणाले...


Looks like Abrahamson's clique has hacked into the server and taken this story down.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

I get "page not found." Did it get pulled already? Says something about Madison if it did.

garage mahal म्हणाले...

Blaska goes after Abrahamson with rhetoric..

Prosser goes after fellow justice neck

Bizarro lawlessness goes unabated in Wisconsin.

What's up with Wisconsin right wingers and violence? Last week it was the Tea Party grabbing someone by the neck and punching them in the face. Now this. I'm sure Althouse has a perfectly good explanation for Prosser grabbing Bradley by the neck with both hands though.

Sal म्हणाले...

Did Kloppy ever give a concession speech? We certainly deserve one (or two) after that dopey victory speech she gave.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Okay, it's back up.

Blaska's kind of pointing out why the emperor is feeling a bit of a breeze, isn't he?

Carol_Herman म्हणाले...

I think Kloppenhoppen gave some sort of speech. She ran out of taxpayer funds ... so she couldn't go ahead with a lawsuit to "count again" ... all the ballots that she said were in bags that had holes in them.

And, then she complimented herself for keeping Wisconsin honest.

She is still a virgin, though. She didn't concede. But she's pressing an aspirin between her knees, anyway.

Alex म्हणाले...

Last week it was the Tea Party grabbing someone by the neck and punching them in the face.

Unsubstantiated allegations. Pure Alinsky.

garage mahal म्हणाले...


The mulleted Eugen German looks like quite the catch eh?

SDD म्हणाले...


Tyrone Slothrop म्हणाले...


Good link. It shows how your commie peaceniks actually started the fracas.

garage mahal म्हणाले...

Which assault link?

Alex म्हणाले...

The mulleted Eugen German looks like quite the catch eh?

Way to pick on the fugly, but maybe you find something in common no?

Alex म्हणाले...

garage - I'm waiting for the *proof* that Prosser strangled a fellow judge. That's an outrageous charge. But that's the kind of slime-ball tactics you guys love to engage in.

Carol_Herman म्हणाले...

SDD thanks for the link!

I particularly like the way the recall candidate used her school's email account. Got caught. And, said "I don't care."

As to Shirley Abrahamson ... there's one thing about reputations ... that affect insiders more than they do the public.

When August 1st rolls around, who gets to swear in Prosser for his next 10 year term?

What if, to steal Prosser's thunder, Ahbrahamson "quits?"

Also, wasn't SUMI smacked down? She didn't see a REMAND back to her court. Instead, she saw, in LATIN,that she's too incompetent to rule.

Isn't it just like sororities with their black balls ... SUMI's got nothing left. Easily recognizable name. Too stupid to understand a judge's role.

While back up at Wisconsin's supreme-o's, IF Abrhamson thinks just waiting out the voters is good ... she's following Nancy Pelosi's playbook.

Sometimes, that playbook, like Alinsky's playbook, doesn't do you a whole lot of favors, ya know?

I'll take the win that's coming down the pike, anyway it comes.

Tyrone Slothrop म्हणाले...

Your link,duh.

The other man and the singer were cited by Capitol police for disorderly conduct.

It takes at least two to tango, unless you're blinded by leftist ideology.

garage mahal म्हणाले...

So the commie peaceniks who sing about nonviolence and love all rushed over and under the tea partiers flags? Is that how you think it went down? Next you'll say a tooth started it by getting in the way of a knuckle.

TosaGuy म्हणाले...

"What if, to steal Prosser's thunder, Ahbrahamson "quits?"

That won't happen because Scott Walker would get to name her replacement. Judges are elected, but the governor fills vacancies until the term is up. Dozens of judges across the state retire before their term is up so the governor can appoint their replacement. This happened late last year and Doyle got to name a bunch judges everywhere.

Lincolntf म्हणाले...

Hahaha, GM is still peddling his pathetic "but, but, the Union goons are really the victims!" piffle? This story never stops entertaining.
Now that all the Teachers, etc. have abandoned their "protest" for the Country Club, who will the useful idiots follow? Some of the dumbest, most pliable people in the country are ripe for the picking. Maybe the Nation of Islam should show up, or La Raza. Shame to waste all that stupid.

AlphaLiberal म्हणाले...

Althouse presents a very distorted view of what is happening in Wisconsin. In this case she highlights a local Republican hack.

Meanwhile, we have this disturbing news:

Prosser allegedly grabbed fellow justice by the neck.

Ignore Althouse's misdirections. Here is your thuggery. One Justice grabs another by the neck. Because Prosser, the former Assembly Speaker, is a partisan goon.

This in the same week when Tea Party thugs mug a guy in the Rotunda, knocking out a tooth and getting hauled away in handcuffs.

But I'll bet the Fox News audience never heard these stories.

FedkaTheConvict म्हणाले...

So why doesn't Justice Walsh Bradley press charges?

Prosser should have choked that little midget Abrahamson when he had the chance.

FedkaTheConvict म्हणाले...

The bitch had it coming...


""I probably overreacted, but I think it was entirely warranted. . . . They (Abrahamson and Justice Ann Walsh Bradley) are masters at deliberately goading people into perhaps incautious statements. This is bullying and abuse of very, very long standing."

The Feb. 10, 2010, incident occurred as the court privately discussed a request to remove Justice Michael Gableman from a criminal case.

"In a fit of temper, you were screaming at the chief; calling her a 'bitch,' threatening her with '. . . I will destroy you'; and describing the means of destruction as a war against her 'and it won't be a ground war,' " Bradley wrote in a Feb. 18, 2010, e-mail to Prosser and others.

"In my view, a necessary step to address the dysfunction is to end these abusive temper tantrums. No one brought in from the outside is going to cure this aspect of the dysfunction."

Three days later, Justice Patience Roggensack wrote to Bradley, criticizing her for copying judicial assistants on her e-mail.

"You were trying to make David look bad in the eyes of others, as a person who uses language that we all find offensive - and I include David in that 'we,' " Roggensack wrote. "Do you think that copying others on your e-mail increased the collegiality of the court or decreased it?

"You are a very active participant in the dysfunctional way we carry-on. (As am I.) You often goad other justices by pushing and pushing in conference in a way that is simply rude and completely nonproductive. That is what happened when David lost his cool. He is not a man who attacks others without provocation. Until you realize that you are an active part of the provocation, not much will change. Perhaps a third party will help you realize that you are not part of the solution; you are part of the problem.""

garage mahal म्हणाले...

Hahaha, GM is still peddling his pathetic "but, but, the Union goons are really the victims!

You are so fucking dumb. LOL.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

All you have to do to judge Prosser's statement about Abrahamson being a "total bitch" is to read her dissent in the collective bargaining bill case.

Given that evidence, Prosser is clearly a man who cares about accuracy.

अनामित म्हणाले...

It'll be interesting to see how the Prosser investigation comes out. The article makes him sound like quite a piece of work (in fact, it makes the entire WI SC sound not just unprofessional but sophomoric, all of them unfit for the bench).

The accusation itself--that a longtime poll and judge would try to strangle another judge in public--doesn't pass the smell test. But then again, looking at who the witnesses are, a set up doesn't pass the smell test either.

tim maguire (come on althou.se!)

Dad29 म्हणाले...

The accusation itself--that a longtime poll and judge would try to strangle another judge in public--doesn't pass the smell test. But then again, looking at who the witnesses are, a set up doesn't pass the smell test either.

What you said.

Either way, the bitch and her mini-me smell.

garage mahal म्हणाले...

"Bitch had it coming."

Just wow.

FedkaTheConvict म्हणाले...

Correction: Bitches had it coming.

I read the leaked e-mail that Walsh Bradley intended to be an "April Surprise" for Prosser.

He can now claim extenuating circumstances.

I'm Full of Soup म्हणाले...

Why would some deny seeing this if they actually witnessed this neck-grabbing unless it was similar to George Bush's friendly neck massage of Angela Merkel?

I'm Full of Soup म्हणाले...

Patience Roggensack - what a handle that is.

Roger J. म्हणाले...

If wisconsinites would just eat brats and cheddar instead of road kill, they would avoid CWD and Kuru--Lord that state is fucked up.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

But then again, looking at who the witnesses are, a set up doesn't pass the smell test either.

The anonymous witnesses?

अनामित म्हणाले...

"Justice David Prosser allegedly grabbed fellow Justice Ann Walsh Bradley around the neck in an argument in her chambers last week, according to at least three knowledgeable sources."

What the fuck is this yellow journalism?

Reporters only have to ask Ann Walsh. She was either physically throttled, or she wasn't. Or she refuses comment.

Which is it?

Roger J. म्हणाले...

There's no such thing as a "knowledgeble source" in Wisconsin--room temperature IQs all.

अनामित म्हणाले...

The anonymous witnesses?

My bad--I originally thought the story said other justices witnessed the attack.

John Fast म्हणाले...

I heard at least two different versions of the incident.

One is that Prosser and Bradley were "roughhousing" and Prosser put one arm around Bradley's neck in order to give her a noogie.

The other is that the two justices were arguing and even shouting at each other when Prosser suddenly asked "Are you as turned on by this as I am?" and Bradley retorted "More!" and they embraced passionately, during which time Prosser's hands were all over Bradley, including caressing her neck while they kissed.

Either way, I'd like to see both of them as well as Abrahamson get thrown off of the court, and replaced by three other justices nominated by Scott Walker.

Hopefully such a housecleaning will satisfy ThinkProgress, but if not, I'm willing to have every single justice replaced by a Walker appointee if that's what ThinkProgress wants!

Carol_Herman म्हणाले...

Reading this is like listening to what the captain of the Titanic said when the ship first hit the iceberg. But before it tilted.

I think he said "Well it seems that the deck chairs are rearranging, themselves." If you want to believe news reports.

Since Shirley Abrahamson knows that come August 1st ... Prosser not only keeps his robes. And, his office. He gets sworn in for another ten years.

Since she's not a male, she can't even piss into the punch bowl, when the office has a party to celebrate.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

Every day I wake up and go online to do some reading of the news, and every day the news informs me that it's really embarrassing to be a liberal. Garage, you don't know me, but I completely understand your flailing, attempts to distract, confuse, and blow smoke. Wouldn't it be easier to follow the truth and just leave that fevered, discredited, dishonest and pathetic swamp, and embrace, libertarianism, conservatism, or frankly anything else. You wouldn't believe how good it feels every single day. I say this because I want you to be happy and right for a change. I feel your pain and I want to help you.