Writes The Awl. I think he said "new media." And no one calls him "Larry." You'd get a better response with "Lore." Which I don't call him either. Frankly, I'm not sure what to call him. Except "Meade" — "New Media Meade."
The irony of denying Althouse's husband access to the capitol without official media credentials is that the credentialed media has done a pathetic job of covering the events. Outside Wisconsin's own official news organs, the nationals' approach to covering the protests borders on malpractice. When Paul Krugman is bothered to get into the Times CMS to post "a blog" comparing the job you've done in Wisconsin to the one you did in the buildup to the Iraq War, well, you've done a pretty bad job.But, hey, guess what? Governor Scott Walker is about to give his budget address, and Meade is there, seated in the chamber as I write this. I could have been there too, but I've got a class at 4:30, and we need to talk about the Commerce Clause.
If the events in Wisconsin prove one thing, it is that the mainstream media has become journalistically irrelevant when it comes to national issues and coverage. Broadcast media is incapable of explaining anything outside a macropatriotic framework and has proven allergic to anything that puts off even the slightest whiff of the class warfare that scares away big-market advertorial. Meanwhile, the other side is cable news' partisan echo chamber of regurgitated self-assurance, where no blow is too low and no fact needs sourcing before being leveraged to make a prearranged point.
ADDED: Here's the video referred to above. And in the comments, JAL says, "Woo hoo! Reminds me of a book some guy from Knoxville wrote ... uummm ... It had a militaristic tone to it ... (you know those "conservative" right wing blogger gun nuts ...) ... uhmmm ... An Army of Meades!" Oh, yes. They'd look like this. You know they came from a place called Media.
१०३ टिप्पण्या:
and has proven allergic to anything that puts off even the slightest whiff of the class warfare that scares away big-market advertorial
The absolute crux of the matter. Odd that I've flipped around the news channels as I always do in the evenings and never saw his clip...on TV.
So...Meade's Stream Media didn't catch on, huh?
If it Meades it leads!
Woo hoo!
Reminds me of a book some guy from Knoxville wrote ... uummm ...
It had a militaristic tone to it ... (you know those "conservative" right wing blogger gun nuts ...) ... uhmmm ...
An Army of Meades!
Thank God there are Christians in Madison!
[Ruddy faced] Jonathan Grieser, [since 2009] rector of the capitol square's Grace Episcopal Church,... described the political climate as "much different than I was used to." He said that the church has been open to all protesters and on Saturday was jammed with at least 500 who came to pray and receive warmth. Of the goings-on, he said he is sympathetic and that "scripture is clear on the rights of human beings to a livelihood. It's clear God is on the side of the oppressed and poor." He added:"It is my responsibility to remind everyone of that." A young woman came and introduced herself to Grieser; she was from the Interfaith Worker Justice advocacy group.
Wait for the left ot shift into the "Chauncey Gardiner" routine for Meade.
(the other kev)
'the Midwest's Michelle Malkin?' An outrage! Hold out for the Midwest's Ann Coulter!
Having never seen the Awl, am I safe in guessing it's a weekly or bi-weekly free alt newspaper financed by ads for head shops, failing restaurants and personals?
What makes media "official" media? I guarantee you that this blog has more and wider readership than most of the newspapers in this country. I realize that there are limits to how many people can occupy a building, but "the times they are a changing."
"An Army of Meades!"
It looks like this
It's clear God is on the side of the oppressed and poor.
Oh.Good.Grief. fls (and Fr. Grieser).
Get over it. These people are neither OPPRESSED or POOR.
You posted that as a joke, right fls?
Ahh Professor. We all know he's much better looking than *that*!
It's clear God is on the side of the oppressed and poor.
Is he saying the middle class protesters are the oppressed and poor? That'd be stupid.
"Get over it. These people are neither OPPRESSED or POOR."
Indeed, these people are the very definition of the oppressor. They are traditional teachers participating in a banking system of education, demanding absolute obedience by their students while at the same time insisting the government bow to their every whim. Indeed, since they basically own an entire political party, this union dominates the discussions.
It's like the old dictators talking about revolution. They have become the people revolutions are meant to overthrow.
They are the powerful and the wealthy (certainly relatively to actual poor people.
Meanwhile, the very same unions actively block actual poor people from real school choice.
All corruption in government is hatred of the poor. Wrap it up in "liberation" or "workers rights" or whatever, it's still stinks and isn't anything like what Jesus would stand for.
Sell everything and give it to the poor, Jesus said. If the Roman soldier asks you to go a mile, go two miles. If someone steals your garment, give 'em your cloak too.
There's nothing of the self-protective, "mine, mine, mine."
This is the very epitome of bourgeois whining as the already safe protect their status and power and hold on the government.
You and Meade must be very proud to be recognized by such a prestigious and important blog as Capital T "The Awl"! Now that's an achievement!
You and Meade will be sitting in Walker's private box when he gives his first State of the Union address. Mark my words.
Thank God there are Christians in Madison!
Although apparently Episcopalians don't really count anymore.
"..and has proven allergic to anything that puts off even the slightest whiff of the class warfare that scares away big-market advertorial.."
He's right about this. None of the MSM has mentioned the class war of the political class on the tax-paying class.
Whats funny for me is that I've followed the events in Wisconsin without once going to MSM for information.
In the past, I would have touched base with CNN, NYTs, et al and read between the lines to get a sense of what was going on.
But this time, I didn't even bother with that. The MSM has gone from being Pravda to being irrelevant.
Who exactly issues "press credentials?"
My guess is they come from the press organization. So why not issue Meade some credentials. He deserves it. Print out a cool card on your computer, get a passport picture and heck, a thumb print to make it bioauthenticating and then go get it laminated.
sounds like somebody needs to get a j-o-b and stop pretending to be a journalist
Remember back when Meade was shy about Althouse revealing his identity?
One man's Meade is another man's poison.
Speaking of Insty, today he wrote that we are like $100 trillion in the whole for medicare and social security.
Yet the old media blabs on and on about some fictitious soc sec trust fund which is full of IOU's! Hell, last month, even an NPR reporter had to admit the trust fund is worthless.
So is the MSM worthless? Damn straight it is and now even libs are finally saying it.
Fen said..."Whats funny for me is that I've followed the events in Wisconsin without once going to MSM for information."
You still have absolutely NO idea what the MSM is.
Dumb as a bag of rocks.
Is he saying the middle class protesters are the oppressed and poor?
If Wisconsin schoolteachers are middle class, then is our gracious hostess -- likely making 4-5.5X what they are, according to the SALT salary survey -- Croesus rich?
"sounds like somebody needs to get a j-o-b and stop pretending to be a journalist"
That's a mean thing to say about "The Awl".
As a side note, what's with lefties and capitalization/punctuation? Is it part of the Oppression of The Man to actually capitalize and put a period at the end of your sentences? Are they too cool for the shift key? Does it seem more "down with the street" and "keepin' it real" to eschew capital letters and punctuation marks? Or are you all fans of E. E. Cummings?
I meant to type "$100 trillion in the hole" vs. "in the whole". There is a big difference btw.
Come on- don't hold out. Tell us please what the MSM is.
"the Midwest's Michelle Malkin"
And so we read the writing on the wall:
Mene, Mene, Tekel u-Pharsin
Despite the high-handed insults and rosy view of union nature, that's a pretty good report and a very good critique of the media.
Somehow, he missed the camel story. Mr. Sauer has got nothing on Meadehouse.
"Come on- don't hold out. Tell us please what the MSM is."
It probably means something dirty in Spanish.
Shorter fls - Hand over your wallet, Jesus would want you to!
Poor widdle Needy.
Mommy, The Queen...comes to her widdle sidekick's defense.
Ain't it cute?
Even for a couple of teabaggers?
Yet the old media blabs on and on about some fictitious soc sec trust fund which is full of IOU's!
The retirement age and the FICA tax rate was raised under Reagan to put Social Security on a sound financial basis through 2037.
But Reagan and his successors used the Social Security surplus to fund, in part, tax cuts for the rich.
The rich are resisting any rollback of their tax cuts, tooth and nail.
The workers who have been contributing for well over 40 years are in line to get screwed.
Public employees, like Insty and our gracious hostess, do not participate in Social Security and thus cannot give a rat's ass.
'I'm private media.'
"Larry Not-The-Cable-Guy."
Uh oh, seems like Raul got cock-blocked by Meade too, just like "Jay Retread".
tooclass: sounds like somebody needs to get a j-o-b and stop pretending to be a journalist
My my, aren't you a jealous little bitch.
And I see we have a new gaggle of sockpuppets. Looks like the old ones wore out their credibility. In mere days.
Raul: You still have absolutely NO idea what the MSM is. Dumb as a bag of rocks.
@FLS: I'd like to kill the payroll tax too.
Yes, every elected official since 1983 or so is to blame. That does not change the facts.
Are you saying you do not believe there a a multi-trillion unfunded liability for ss and medicare? Yes or no?
Or, to paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, "the Good Lord sure made a lot of 'em."
Wow, I don't think Meade has to worry about exposure. Your site meter "tells all."
And, yes. The public, large in number, actually, truly forms an Army of Davids. Glenn Reynolds, too, isn't dependent even on Jon Stewart for mention.
It's gonna be a fight Obama didn't need. But then, again, he's hired the world's worst advisors.
Even hillary looks unfit to handle a "3AM phone call."
And, yes. Elections have consequences. And, if 2010 performed some skid marks on the democraps, just wait till the table tilts in 2012. And, 2014. Where, me thinks, a number of democraps have decided not to fight. Did you think Jim Webb would be an early drop out? Will he hang on Dodd's coattails and go to hollywood?
Now, if nothing else, Governor Walker has become involved in the bamster's history book.
What will Obama's book be called? "Acting Stupidly?"
i read you all the time o find out about Madison protests and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Meade is definitely media
The mainstream media is basically made up of the largest providers of news, whether it be print or video. It's not just CNN or MSNBC or the NYT's, all providers of such information and opinion.
Surprising to only the idiots here, it also included Fox News and many of the teabagging loudmouths with their own radio shows...people like the fat man, and Savage, and Levine.
So, when small-minded people like Fen says "Whats funny for me is that I've followed the events in Wisconsin without once going to MSM for information"...what he really means is that he's just avoided those who have a differing opinion than himself.
Just like 99% of the people who spend much of their life right here, sucking on The Queen and Needy.
Does that clear it up for you...??
a new gaggle of sockpuppets.
That may not be right...
Gaggle, herd, murder, pack, pod, swarm.
What do you label a group of sockpuppets?
Fen - when you say "[yawn]"...do the testicles hang out?
"Just like 99% of the people who spend much of their life right here, sucking on The Queen and Needy."
And you're right here too, licking up the sloppy seconds!
Fen - "What do you label a group of sockpuppets?"
The alternative to teabagger suckasses like yourself?
Palladian said..."And you're right here too, licking up the sloppy seconds!"
Well, if anyone would know about "sloppy seconds"...
The federal government considers being in poverty as:
in Family Income
1 $10,400
2 14,000
3 17,600
4 21,200
5 24,800
6 28,400
7 32,000
8 35,600
None of these union members qualify. Even assuming that al of them only have one family income.
If they are not "rich" and not "poor, then what is left but "middle class"?
BTW, according to some, $172,000 a year is "relatively modest pay" so I'm not clear on why you are so honked off at a law professor with 25 years experience making 160K.
SockPuppet: The mainstream media is basically made up of the largest providers of news, whether it be print or video
"refers primarily to the traditional media organs that existed in the United States of America prior to the popularity of internet news organizations.
The common denominator of the "mainstream media" is their censoring or downplaying stories that would lead viewers to conservative conclusions, and their use of photo bias, placement bias and other forms of deception to mislead viewers into drawing incorrect liberal conclusions.
The term mainstream media usually refers to how the majority of commercial-based or taxpayer-funded news reporting and commentary consist of liberal bias, while falsely pretending to be objective providers of information. "
Raul: teabagging loudmouths
Now stop flirting Raul. I"m not interested in having you sucking my balls.
One day we'll all be clicking in our votes for the "Internet New Meadia Awards"!
How to get press credentials..
You can do it Meade--The Midwest's Michelle Malkin™.
What does that make Ann--The Midwest's Michael Medved?
Fen: I'd go with a basket of sockpuppets, or possibly a drawer of sockpuppets.
If "middle class" encompasses everyone who's not destitute, then the term is meaningless.
Bob From Ohio - I don't remember hearing anybody say the teachers were poverty stricken.
They start at about $25,000 and average about $42,000.
What's your point...other than the one on top of your head?
Freddy - "Ann Althouse (the Midwest's Michelle Malkin)"
Reading comprehension lacking?
Are you saying you do not believe there a a multi-trillion unfunded liability for ss and medicare?
Officially, the government owes money to itself. Did it just shift funds from one pants pocket to another?
Fen - "refers primarily to the traditional media organs that existed in the United States of America prior to the popularity of internet news organizations."
So then it would obviously include Fox news, The Washington Examiner, and other sources of news and opinion...NOT just he ones you don't like to hear from.
As for your ball sucking...have you mentioned this to Needy?
*And, if you don't like the connotation...you and the other idiots who started it, should have done some research before becoming "teabaggers."
- The Tea Partiers not only invented the term, they did so in order to inflict a similar double entendre onto the President, the Democrats, and liberals in general.
Now, they’re trying to re-cast the term as a slur, on a par with the “n-word,” hurtful to all the Tea Party members who are just ordinary moms, dads, sons, and daughters.
In emails, protest signs, t-shirts, and online, early Tea Party literature urged protesters to “Tea Bag the White House,” and to “Tea-bag the liberal Dems before they tea-bag you.”
The suggestion is that the metaphoric “tea-bags” be shoved in the mouths of the President, Democratic members of Congress, and even ordinary citizens who identify as liberal Democrats. The idea that they just didn’t know the term’s only (at that time) meaning is belied by the fact that they obviously knew it was negative (and non-consensual), since they didn’t want it done to them, and also because it only had one meaning.
Raul, lean on that teabagger crutch of yours because it's all you have bud....
But Reagan and his successors used the Social Security surplus to fund, in part, tax cuts for the rich.
Sorry, but it's Congress that passes bills, not the president.
The budget busters weren't tax cuts for the rich, but massive payouts to the poor. (Congressional leaders agreed to not do this and immediately broke their agreement.)
Palladian--the general rule for spanish obscenities is they almost always start with "c"
Public employees, like Insty and our gracious hostess, do not participate in Social Security and thus cannot give a rat's ass.
In Mississippi, public employees pay FICA tax like everyone else. Are you saying it's different in Wisconsin?
Up till now, I thought the only people who could opt out of Social Security were clergy who claimed a religious exemption.
"The Tea Partiers not only invented the term..."
Wrong again, Anderson Cooper coined the phrase but thanks for playing.
Look up the Economic Recovery Tax Act (ERTA) of 1981, wouldja please?
I would love to hear more about those imaginary "massive payouts to the poor." Federal assistance to buy minivans and SUVs, perhaps? Our progress to become less dependent on foreign oil was wiped out under Reagan.
Ahhh-and I note we have a new trollista: Raul--bienvenidos senor--(or is it marecon)
"Did it shift money from one pocket to the other?"
It was more like they had pockets that could not keep any money. So the govt took our money [said I owe you & will pay you something some day] then spent the same money on other stuff. Now it claims it owes the money to itself - I'd like to see bank try that and see what the feds think of it.
I always thought the middle class was everyone between the "poor" and the "rich".
What do you label a group of sockpuppets?
What else? "A garage of sockpuppets!"
The human hot air machine "is there, seated in the chamber as I write this."
No amount of rauling, mewling, or widdling will make this any less true than it already is.
He's t-h-e-r-e.
No need for a j-o-b
when he has a s-e-a-t,
a pair of e-a-r-s,
a set of e-y-e-s,
and some fair sized s-t-o-n-e-s.
Officially, the government owes money to itself. Did it just shift funds from one pants pocket to another?
Well, yes but these are obligations that the government has to people, not to itself.
They're payments to SS recipients and medical coverage for senior citizens that the government is obligated - on paper at least - to fulfill.
Obviously, they can change the obligations.
Sorry, I was wrong, Wisconsin university employees pay into Social Security. I thought federalism barred it.
If Wisconsin schoolteachers are middle class...
You're going to have a hard time convincing people that these salaries and benefits constitute poverty.
And an even harder time convincing people that folks who've been out protesting, while calling in sick, while collecting sick leave, who've been allowed in the capital after hours for weeks, are "oppressed".
Seriously, you guys cannot try to sell these people as disenfranchised and needy. They are members of one of the most privileged groups in our society nowadays.
I see Ben Masel in one of those photographs - the quintessential anti-war, marijuana smoking, hemp wearing hippie character that makes downtown Madison, downtown Madison. Grayer now, but still flippin' crazy, no doubt.
He is the fellow who spit on Sen. Henry "Scoop" Jackson outside the State Capitol in Madison in spring 1976 as Jackson campaigned in the Democratic Party primary. He was arrested and yet made bail, and the next day, primary election day in March 1976, I saw him on the corner of Lake Street and State Street with a sandwich board urging voters to write-in his name for President. As I passed him he shouted to the folks nearby “A vote for me is a spit on all candidates!” Only in Madison.
former law student said...
Sorry, I was wrong, Wisconsin university employees pay into Social Security. I thought federalism barred it.
Better check your other beliefs and assumptions while you are at it.
Sorry, I was wrong, Wisconsin university employees pay into Social Security. I thought federalism barred it.
So in addition to paying the Employer's share of pension (5 to 10% depending on the occupation) AND the employee's share of the pension plan about 5%, 90% (approx)of the health insurance premiums (1500 to 1800 a month)......the taxpayers also pay the employer's side of Social Security AND Medicare.
Lets see
5-10% employer. Hell make it average at 7%
5% employee share
7.65% SS & Medicare
= 19.65% of payroll for benefits
PLUS a cool $18,000 tax free gift of annual health insurance premiums paid for by the tax payers.
So if you are a teacher making $50,000 a year in salary. You are getting (50K x 19.65%) 9,825 + 18,000 for a total compensation of $77,825.....AND you only have to work for 9 months.
I'm sure there are other perks and benefits that we haven't heard of yet to jack up the compensation even more.
Tell me again how these poor teachers are suffering???
As a side note, what's with lefties and capitalization/punctuation? Is it part of the Oppression of The Man to actually capitalize and put a period at the end of your sentences? Are they too cool for the shift key? Does it seem more "down with the street" and "keepin' it real" to eschew capital letters and punctuation marks?
Ham & eggs.
Peanut butter & jelly.
Obama & lying.
Illiteracy & leftism.
Amusing to see the non sequitur obscenity of the lefty spammers. In the meantime, the governor brought down the hammer on the Democrats.
"Walker, who is not shy about his fiscal conservatism, takes an axe to numerous state programs in his proposal. If passed, over $700 million in education funds and over $1 billion in county and municipal aid would be slashed. That state’s Medicaid budget would be cut by $500 million. Over 20,000 government jobs would be eliminated. The state commerce department would disappear. It would also require, as his budget-repair bill stipulates, for public employees to contribute 5.8 percent of their salaries toward their pensions and pay 12.6 percent of their health-care premiums. Taxes would not be raised.
I get the feeling Ann was about to say, "I now take you my on-the-scene reporter".
The Awl sounds quite impressed with Meadhouse's reportage.
And rightfully so.
PS Raul is J without the Rabelasian wit.
PPS Somebody tell me they really don't go around calling each other Althouse and Meade.
Very liberal Democrat relative of mine called today.
"If I were the governor, I'd fire them all," he said.
Raul is in fact Luckyoldson/Michael/Jeremy as the repitition of the same tired old phrases identify his sorry ass with the need to call Douchenozzle CSI.
Everybody move along there is nothing new to see here.
It must be fun to be a human hot air machine.
Trooper York said...
It must be fun to be a human hot air machine.
Scented or unscented?
wv = flateusse LOL!
Frankly, I'm not sure what to call him.
Umm, my wife calls me "hubby."
Doesn't this douchenozzle know that "Larry Meade" is not even his real name?
Everybody I know calls him Porfy! Just sayn'
"Public employees, like Insty and our gracious hostess, do not participate in Social Security and thus cannot give a rat's ass."
That's funny, because I am a public employee in the same state as Reynolds, and somebody named "FICA SS" and "FICA Md" are getting a cut of my paycheck every month.
New media, no its New Meade-ia.
Looking at that picture at the end of your post, I'd have to say that one man's Meade is another man's Persian.
If Wisconsin schoolteachers are middle class, then is our gracious hostess -- likely making 4-5.5X what they are, according to the SALT salary survey -- Croesus rich?
Let's say for the sake of argument Althouse makes $200K a year - SO WHAT?
Sockpuppets are like crows. Pretty useless except for scavengingg.
So wouldn't a group of sockpuppets be called a "murder of sockpuppets"
John henry
Hey "The Awl" is so fucking unbiased. This is typical leftism, engage in endless ridicule and hope some of it sticks with the absent minded droolers.
Very liberal Democrat relative of mine called today.
"If I were the governor, I'd fire them all," he said.
Yet a Fox News poll shows 80% of Americans support the "right" to collective bargaining for public unions.
"It's clear God is on the side of the oppressed and poor."
Then why does everyone want to be rich? Dammed heathens.
"It's clear God is on the side of the oppressed and poor."
So if you are liberated or win the lottery, you'll be sorry, sent to hell?. I know winning the lottery will definitely not get you excommunicated.
So wouldn't a group of sockpuppets be called a "murder of sockpuppets"
To include murder, I go with slew.
Variant of slough:
1. A depression or hollow, usually filled with deep mud or mire.
2. also slue A stagnant swamp, marsh, bog, or pond, especially as part of a bayou, inlet, or backwater.
3. A state of deep despair or moral degradation.
A Slough/Slew of Sockpuppets
"So if you are liberated or win the lottery, you'll be sorry, sent to hell?"
The official Liberation line is "God has a preferential option for the poor."
Mostly stated because for far too long the church was pretty much solidly on the side of the rich and powerful.
The authentic teaching goes it's not impossible for a rich person to get into heaven, but it's sort of like trying to get a camel through the eye of a needle. Or something like that.
Course, it also seems that how one uses or responds to wealth is a big deal. It's the love of money that's the root of evil, not money on its own.
from a pictured sign:
All religions believe in justice
True, but the devil is in the details.
likely making 4-5.5X
I don't know what law professors at UW make but I do at the University of Tennessee and it's not 4-5.5x, about 2.5x for the highest paid. Of course, they may add to their income with outside work.
But, that's irrelevant. The Episcopal priest was blowing hot air and acting extra sanctimonious. Teachers aren't poor or oppressed, although I had some poor and oppressive teachers.
They are "protesting" to be able to do what they claim to be protesting against, oppress others by forcefully taking money from them using a system wrought with corruption and the potential for corruption.
Good one, Phil.
Yes, Tennessee likely pays Glenn Reynolds considerably less than Wisconsin pays Althouse, judging from the SALT salary survey.
"It's clear God is on the side of the oppressed and poor."
Just like Dennis Moore?
When I read this quote I instantly thought of the Monty Python sketch about Dennis Moore, who robs from the rich and gives to the poor.
Trouble is, after you rob from the rich and give to the poor long enough, things get a little tricky.
The link is to Part 3 of the sketch on YouTube. Especially note the section beginning at 2:05. (If you've never seen the sketch, watch the other parts from the beginning.)
Quote: "Blimey, this redistribution of wealth is trickier than I thought."
Let's just say the public employee unions and their workers, whatever former condition they might have had, are no longer in the poor category.
I appreciate commenters like Raul. We need occasional reminders of what the Left is really like.
FLS: You are insane.
The Tea Party is barely even a movement. It's a loose confederation of "regular folks," who don't work in the public sector, that are vaguely uncomfortable with our new socialist paradise. Most self-identified "Tea Partiers" don't even want to touch Social Security, Medicaid, etc.
And do you really think "teabagger" was a self-applied term? Really? I've been to tea party rallies. It's mostly middle classed white people who either wouldn't understand the term, or would be offended by it.
Beyond which: Why are we using it as a slur? Is using "teabagger" as a slur at all morally different from using the word "fag" as a slur?
chickelit said...
"If it Meades it leads!"
Perhaps that explains all the Kotex everywhere.
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