२ मार्च, २०११

The Wisconsin protesters are losing their grip on reality.

The point of that last post — "I have professors that received doctorates..." — is that as the protest drags on and protesters are sleep-deprived and frustrated and tired of nothing happening but standing around chanting and listening to drum-beating for hours on end, logic and proportion is flopping away. There was some serious aggression yesterday.

You saw Meade's video where 2 over-aggressive protesters interrogated a couple of nice ladies who drove into Madison just to stand quietly, in the sea of Walker-haters, and hold their pro-Walker signs. In the video, you can hear that the 2 protesters are not making that much sense, and when Meade tries to mediate — meadeate — for them, other protesters in the area close in on Meade.

There's very tense confrontation, and it flips into paranoia and incoherence. At 4:35, you hear a woman say, "Are you a plant?" At 4:57: "I think we know you're a Walker plant?" At 5:00: "You [are a Walker plant] on this gathering and we can tell." At 5:17, a large man barges into Meade and grabs the Flip camera, and actually gets it out of Meade's hand. No one in the crowd does anything to help Meade in this assault, and Meade grabs the man's arm and wrests the camera out of his hand. This man says "Get your hands off me," as if he's a victim. After he assaulted Meade, he acts like he's the peacemaker and says — referring to Meade and the 2 pro-Walker women — "They are fools and idiots and just ignore them." He continues to bump his large body into Meade as he's saying that. A woman says, "These are Walker plants."

I see some people descending into irrationality — beginning to form a cultish mentality that demonizes outsiders. Meade was at a demonstration, photographing it. A demonstration is — to a clear-thinking person — a collection of people asking to be seen, wanting to be photographed. Yet when they perceive that Meade isn't one of them they flip — it's a Flip camera — into fear. Meade had been trying to talk to them rationally about why the pro-Walker woman might not want to debate her ideas in that setting, and instead of seeing Meade as a citizen who's finding out what's going on and helping 2 women who are surrounded and outnumbered, they spread their "plant" theory. And it's not just a theory. They know he's a plant. 

But he's not a plant. He's a human being. An individual human being. And so are all the protesters, but I fear they are losing their grip on that reality.

२५५ टिप्पण्या:

«सर्वात जुने   ‹थोडे जुने   255 पैकी 201 – 255
Trooper York म्हणाले...

Well we missed you buddy.

You are one of the bight lights of this joint.

Scott M म्हणाले...

You are one of the bight lights of this joint.

Pun or typo?


Trooper York म्हणाले...


Meade म्हणाले...

"To me, what these in-your-face videos reveal is mainly people not liking in-your-face videos."

Please point to the specific videos - minutes and seconds - in which I got in one single person's face. You won't be able to because I never once got in anyone's face. I never have and I never will.

orbicularioculi म्हणाले...

The Wisconsin public employee teachers and their Union Thugs turned into a MOB. They lost the election in November, they lost the vote in the House, they will lost the vote in the Senate.

They aren't interested in a representative democracy. They are only interested in POWER. Unfortunately for them, they've LOST IT!

Unknown म्हणाले...

"a cultish mentality that demonizes outsiders".

Darlin' that's just the Left, every day. Been there done that.

Meade म्हणाले...


"It seems to me that you like to invade and stir things up certainly more than the couple who were trying to dialog with the Waker women, and probably would have given up in a short time,-- but your presence helped to stir the pot-- to provoke not evoke; I still stand by that."

You are entitled to your poor observations, interpretations, and opinions based on how things "seem" to you. What I want to know is whether or not you still stand by your assertion that I "pushed" my Flip camera "into the faces of folks in the hope of stirring up some violence."

Stand by that or take it back.

MarkD म्हणाले...

Why don't they just suck it up and pay what the state took away at the local level?

That's what's happening in NY. First, the county cut it's sales tax revenue sharing with the town, so the town taxes went up about 20%. I can't wait until the state makes up its budget shortfall by slashing the aid to school districts and those taxes shoot up as well. We'll find out how much in September. Meanwhile my income fell about 5% due to furloughs.

It doesn't matter how much they deserve, or have been promised, or are worth. If it's not there, you can't take it.

Meade म्हणाले...

Ohio Senate Passes Bill Curbing Bargaining

The Ohio Senate voted 17-16 Wednesday afternoon to pass a bill that would curb collective-bargaining rights for the state's 400,000 public employees, while a similar union-related measure remained stalled in Wisconsin.

cbinflux म्हणाले...

Making it 'real' would require restoring order to the Capitol and Capitol grounds. Making it 'real' would also require dealing with union LEOs who are making it all too easy for the teachers. Making it 'real' also demands that school boards demand the teachers to return to the classrooms or face dismissals.

Make it real, Gov.

kent म्हणाले...

"This is what democracy looks li -- STOP LOOKING AT ME, GODDAMMIT!!!"

knox म्हणाले...

Simon, so great to see you. However, I miss the Scalia/Steven Seagal avatar.

knox म्हणाले...

Q How many "ex" commenters lurk here?

A All of em

Martin L. Shoemaker म्हणाले...

But Meade, that's unpossible! garage has promised us that Governor Walker's actions are hated by everyone everywhere, and no one anywhere would be dumb enough to try the same thing.

Alex म्हणाले...

Pauline Kael also didn't know anyone who voted for Nixon.

Simon म्हणाले...

Thanks Yashu, Knox. I've not been lurking by the way. Who has the time? A commenter at SF mentioned yesterday that someone had threatened Althouse over all this Capitol occupation business; I hadn't thought of the place in months, but in a season when the political epicenter of the country has shifted to Madison WI, what do you get out of ignoring a blog written from Madison WI? Not a lot. What harm could it do to dip a toe back in the water?

knox म्हणाले...

Simon, LOL. I was just amused because it often happens that someone who's "gone" pops up out of nowhere.

Truly glad you're back. Stick around, won't ya.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

Hey leave Simon alone. He was busy. There were a lot of Helen Mirren movies out and he had a lot to do. Just sayn'

Meade म्हणाले...

Ha ha. Thanks to Trooper, it's as if Simon never left.

It'd be cool if the others were to show up. Come home come home - all is forgotten!

Meade म्हणाले...

garage mahal said...

And the latest NBC/WSJ poll coming out today shows "33% say it's acceptable and 62% unacceptable to eliminate state employees' collective-bargaining rights".

In Wisconsin, state employees' collective-bargaining rights are not being eliminated. They are being restricted and you know it.

Stop trying to deceive, garage.

Ralph L म्हणाले...

So the Medium is now part of the message.

He may not be a plant, but I'll bet some of the protesters are potted.

Brent म्हणाले...

Simon -

Good to see you. I believe that you and I had a bit of a row the last time before you took an extended vacation, and for that I am truly sorry.

You were so highly respected, sir, that everyone remembers your integrity still after these years.

Welcome home.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

Making it 'real' also demands that school boards demand the teachers to return to the classrooms or face dismissals.

??? There are no teachers who have not returned to classrooms.

roesch-voltaire म्हणाले...

Okay Meade, I take back the literal suggestion that you pushed the Flip camera directly into any one's face, and can apologize for that. Unlike others on this blog, I do not indulge in name calling, nor in making insinuations about you and Althouse, but I do comment on actions and opinions, and I still hold by my general impression of some of your video activities.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

Hey they ain't gonna show up if some douche nozzle with a flip cam is gonna film them. Jeeez.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

I mean not every body has the sterling character, formidable intellect, impeccable credentials and a pristine bubble of self regard as such academic luminaries as good old roachy.

They just don't wanna be in pictures.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

And I notice it is all forgotten....but is it forgiven?

Stay tuned same Bat Time.

Same Bat channel.

Simon म्हणाले...

Knox, I think it's probably been long enough by now. :)

Brent, thanks, and as Meade said, all forgotten. What's past is past; I started over.

xoff म्हणाले...

At least there is some truth in packaging on this blog.

One of the tags for this post is "bullshit."

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Unlike others on this blog, I do not indulge in name calling ...

Jeez, roesch-voltaire, I was drinking a Pepsi when I read that, and now I have to clean off my keyboard. Some of the Pepsi came out my nose, I swear.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

"The whole world is watching!"


That's why they've lost.

Not are losing; have lost.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

There are no teachers who have not returned to classrooms.

Izzat so? Then the protesters are a mix of UW students who are cutting class and the sort of professional protester who shows up wherever there's a picket line? Is that what's going on? Please explain, MadMan.

M. Simon म्हणाले...

They are clearly talking about Union Thugs being bused in from out of state.

The old "outside agitators" ploy.

It is a good thing. Their funds for 2012 will be trimmed. I read of one union taking out a $90 million loan to fight this battle. Even if they win it has got to hurt in 2012.

Weaken them and when they are weak go for the (word meaning demise by external forces). How is that for civility?

atlharp म्हणाले...

Don't worry Ann, this is a sneak preview of the DNC that will be squatting and defecating in Charlotte, NC.

damikesc म्हणाले...

I bet garage would also say those blacks deserved to have the hoses and dogs turned on them for "instigating" a fight with the Democratic establishment in the South...

Micha Elyi म्हणाले...

This is just a needle prick compared to the cuts that are coming. How are the Unions going to react to that, when they've already dialed it up to 11 on this.-Fen

When special interests move out of the back rooms and begin to make their play in front of the cameras they always dial it up to 10 or 11.

At this point, there's not much louder the unions can scream. And the majority of the voting public is getting tired of the noise. Now is the time for the Gov. to up the stakes and press on to victory.

BISkita म्हणाले...

Re: Meade's video of today regarding the Anti-Scott Walker protesters getting aggressive

The guy with the whistle is in the background of the video of Meade's conversation with the passive/aggressive supporter trying to provoke a reaction from the Walker supporter. You can see him just before the other guy comes in and grabs the camera. He's the guy with the whistle. And if you watch further, he's the same guy that smirks to Meade something about "you need to keep my face off the camera" and turns around.

And on the shoulder of his jacket, under his cardboard sign, is a patch that says:

"Wisconsin Department of Corrections"

Paddy O म्हणाले...

The protesters have had one success after all!

The drumming seems to have brought Simon back.


Paddy O म्हणाले...

Now someone needs to break vbspurs out of the convent and it'd be like old times.

Simon म्हणाले...

Paddy, that reminds me of a joke that I'm allowed to tell because I'm a lapsed bass player. Some missionaries are exploring south American, and they happen on a tribal village. Day and night, the village reverberates with the sound of constant drumming, and eventually, the sleepless missionaries can take no more. "What's with the drums?," they ask the tribe's leader. "If drums ever stop," the elder replies, "it will be great catastrophe. Horrible thing will happen." "Oh my!" one of the missionaries says; "what on Earth will happen?""Very bad," says the elder; "if drums ever stop, bass solo begin!"

Ralph L म्हणाले...

that will be squatting and defecating in Charlotte, NC
Hey, the barbeque isn't that bad!

Methadras म्हणाले...

Let me get this straight. So you are stating that Wisconsin leftards are losing their grip on reality? Ann, they've never had a grip on reality. Leftards are insane. This is proof. You may not think so, but leftards are inherently bat-shit crazy, kook, wacko, psycho, nut-bags. The world over.

jim म्हणाले...

As I understand it, a "plant" is someone whose sole reason for being present at an event is to denigrate it or to try to create trouble - not to listen or even to debate. A griefer.

Query: have you had one single solitary positive thing to say about these people at any time since this protest began?

The union "goons" & "thugs" of the AFL-CIO have made it crystal-clear that their legal aid will evaporate for anyone there who gets violent. The only reason they're able to remain is a massive & spontaneous outpouring of support - in many cases from total strangers who ask for & expect no repayment. Yes, the police ARE sympathetic - because they know damn well that if these people lose their fight, they're probably going to be next ... as much as that saddens the fans of busted heads, tasers & pepper-spray.

For a group numbering in the thousands who're cooped up together 24/7 in highly stressful circumstances, their behavior is nothing less than phenomenal.

Calling people crazy just because they won't back down in fighting for their rights?

Now THAT's insane.

Largo म्हणाले...

"""Okay Meade, I take back the literal suggestion that you pushed the Flip camera directly into any one's face, and can apologize for that."""

Not enough, RV. You did more than characterizing his acts. You did more than characterize his motives (to stir something up). You did more than characterize his actions as likely to cause violence. You did more than suggest recklessness regarding the likelihood of violence being the result.

You suggested Meade was hoping that violence would be stirred up.

This was an unconscionable suggestion, and you have not retracted it. (You should do more than retract it. You should apologize of it.)

Largo म्हणाले...


I should qualify that. You may not have intended to suggest that, and there is no way here to re-edit a published comment that says more than we intended. I retract the work "unconscionable" if I may, because I don't know what your intent was you spoke of "hope" and "stirring" and "violence".

But you owe Meade--if not all of us--an acknowledgment of, and apology for, that ugly suggestion.

(I don't call on you to tell us whether you had intended to suggest what you did, but if you say you didn't, I'll believe you.)

test म्हणाले...

Odd that RV makes such a big deal about Meade, but has zero criticism for the jackass blowing a whistle in his ear.

Toad Trend म्हणाले...


Odd that a liberal would be hypocritical and dishonest at the same time?


test म्हणाले...

Susan said "Somehow I just can’t feel comfortable watching people not liking being filmed. The notion that anyone who takes part in a public demonstration has no right to be unhappy when a stranger films them at close range is a very uncomfortable notion for me."

It makes perfect sense that many would feel this way. But why accept this as an excuse from the left? They laud actions like this. Michael Moore became rich doing this. It's the reason Democrats have been winning the culture was for 4 Decades, they're willing to ignore personal propriety in order to advance their causes.

Barack Obama was elected president after saying “I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face.”

This kind of talk is central to the leftist ethos. But when one person treats them at a protest the way they treat everyone everywhere we're supposed to care? People should live up to their own standards.

dave in boca म्हणाले...


"And/or recalling them. Which has just begun in earnest.

The dude who will be recalled will be Holperin, the Demonrat fleebagger.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

If the demonstrators carrying attack signs and screaming their "Shame" chants at the Walker supporters don't want to have their faces seen on pics and video, the best answer is to wear masks. Just a little advice from your cousins in the deep South.

Meade म्हणाले...

Trooper York said...

"And I notice it is all forgotten....but is it forgiven?"

Is what forgiven?

Unknown म्हणाले...

Brave tea party members

Trooper York म्हणाले...

Meade said...
Trooper York said...

"And I notice it is all forgotten....but is it forgiven?"

Is what forgiven?

Whatever it is that you have forgotten.

Unknown म्हणाले...

Good writing. Keep up the good work. I just added your RSS feed my Google News Reader..


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