१२ मार्च, २०११

Teamsters truck horns blare... pro-union signs and protesters.

At the protests this morning, Meade walks, Flip cam in hand, into the throng of pro-union marchers. You get a good look at the faces and signs. It's a real slice-o-protest, showing exactly what it's like there today. On the soundtrack, blaring horns from the Teamsters trucks that have been parked on the square for weeks.

१४ टिप्पण्या:

Palladian म्हणाले...

What are they protesting again?

Emil Blatz म्हणाले...

OK, it's been a few years since I have been on the square - but, how do you park a truck on the square? Those are bus lanes and bike lanes, and the parking on the inside is permit only (at least during the week.) You have fire hydrants on the outside of the square that need to be clear, etc. etc. etc. Is this somehow excepted by terms of a parade permit, or is his like a lot of the other stuff that is going on - improvisation accompanied by looking-the-other-way by the (sorta participating) police?

Issob Morocco म्हणाले...

Nice commentary Emil, I would also say that given what occurred in Oklahoma City back in the 90's, it should raise concerns to the authorities about having large vehicles being parked so close to a government building for so long.

Lombardi Chick म्हणाले...

Sign: "It's About Freedom"

Somebody hand me a Sharpie, please. I feel compelled to fix that sign.

ricpic म्हणाले...

I don't get this endless "protesting.' There'll be another election in three years and if the Dems win it they can reverse this great "injustice." If not it stands. The rejection of the process of orderly governance leads to what? It leads to rule by terror.

ken म्हणाले...

This all fits in so well with Obama's call for civility and against bullying. Do as I say, not as I do? And perhaps Michelle O. (no stranger to excessive junk in da trunk herself) might lecture these union thugs on the dietary standards she advocates for the rest of us?
I do believe the earlier pic of a wheelbarrow filled with manure was just from one of fatboy Mikey Moore's sitdowns.
Pity Mr. Obama's brownshirt goons have yet to be hired. They could go to Madison in support of O's crony capitalism/socialist agenda.

Once again assclown lamestream media, you maroons should be ashamed that two amateurs are doing your job. Where are you Chrissie "I squat to pee" Matthews, Olberdouche, Dan Rather, Rachel Madcow, et al?

Unknown म्हणाले...

Was I the only one who thought a lot of the cannon fodder looked bored?

Also, how many out of state plates on "all those" trucks?

PS Good point, ric. They won't wait for an election because they shouldn't have to. With The Zero, they've learned elections, like paying one's taxes, obeying the law, and abiding by judges' decrees, are only for Republicans, Conservatives, and all those bitter clingers.

They're the Elect, just like the NPR audience.

Alex म्हणाले...

Who thinks all these endless protests will simply drive more people into the GOP camp come 2012? I get the feeling that the average cheese-head doesn't like this sort of lefty radicalism.

LilyBart म्हणाले...

What are they protesting again?

Their right to a early, cushy retirement out of their neighbors' pockets (who will have a significanly lesser retirment). And if we don't guarantee them a much better retirement than we have, then we're aparently selfish bastards, or something.

reader_iam म्हणाले...

Did that kid in the blue jacket just say something like, "Can we [go] get pizza now [soon]?"?!

My guess is he's not feeling it... .

अनामित म्हणाले...

"..Was I the only one who thought a lot of the cannon fodder looked bored?.."

There's a definite going-through-the-motions vibe in the air.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"OK, it's been a few years since I have been on the square - but, how do you park a truck on the square? Those are bus lanes and bike lanes, and the parking on the inside is permit only (at least during the week.) You have fire hydrants on the outside of the square that need to be clear, etc. etc. etc. Is this somehow excepted by terms of a parade permit, or is his like a lot of the other stuff that is going on - improvisation accompanied by looking-the-other-way by the (sorta participating) police?"

I have (unposted) video of Meade interviewing the truckers. They say they bought a permit from the city.

I feel sorry for the businesses stuck on the other side of them. A Starbucks, which normally has a nice view of the square, has had a view of the side of the truck for weeks. People walking along the square don't see that there is a Starbucks there. I don't think that's very nice.

Alex म्हणाले...

I feel sorry for the businesses stuck on the other side of them. A Starbucks, which normally has a nice view of the square, has had a view of the side of the truck for weeks. People walking along the square don't see that there is a Starbucks there. I don't think that's very nice.

Shows how much respect union thugs have for capitalism. Basically it's all part of the Frances Fox Piven agenda which is to "tear it all down man".

Mark81150 म्हणाले...

I've known too many teamsters to have any warm feelings towards them as a union.

Is it me, or were the people holding the more offensive signs when they saw the camera quickly turning their signs away so they wouldn't be seen for long?

Are they finally learning, the MSM may candy coat them in coverage, but the web sees all their warts and scars? The web won't care if they are exposed as the "uncivil" little hamsters they are. MSNBC may qoute kos as a source,.. but FOX has access to the web too, and no need to be liked by people who spell it as Faux.