५ जानेवारी, २००८

Hillary's problems.

Joe Gandelman thinks Bill Clinton is ruining Hillary's campaign. He doesn't seem to think Bill is doing it on purpose (which is what I think). (Great cartoon at the link too.)

Karen Tumulty says things are all awry inside Hillary campaign.

१९ टिप्पण्या:

Palladian म्हणाले...

I like how the dropped letters also form the word "inability" (if you imagine Hillary forming the "A").

Palladian म्हणाले...

In the cartoon at "The Moderate Voice", I mean. Great work.

marklewin म्हणाले...

He doesn't seem to think Bill is doing it on purpose (which is what I think).

Consciously or unconsciously on purpose?

George M. Spencer म्हणाले...

There is so much, so much meanness in politics.

I ask all of you to go now and visit Hillary and Barack's official websites and look at their family photos.

Go. Meet Michelle. Meet Bill. They are nice people. I just wish that we did not have to choose.

Maxine Weiss म्हणाले...

If she doesn't win, she'll divorce him.

Bingo !

Peter V. Bella म्हणाले...

Bill Clinton will ruin her campaign. He seems to forget who is running for president. He does not realize that he is the ex-president.

Meade म्हणाले...

"Consciously or unconsciously on purpose?"

Consciously on purpose.

Most people fail to realize: Bill Clinton hates women. He does not respect women. He uses women as objects to meet his personal sexual sociopathic needs. His problem is deeply rooted. His love for Hillary is the false love of a disordered narcissist for his source of supply. No different from any other addict.

He repeatedly consciously on purpose broke his marriage vows. Hillary knew it and should have divorced his lame lying ass after the very first infidelity. Instead, she repeatedly half-consciously on purpose gave him pass after pass. Her purpose was the pursuit of her own personal political power. Her options have now run out and she is paying the price.

We the People have not run out of options and are in the process of divorcing ourselves of Bill and Hillary Clinton once and for all.

Soon we will be free at last.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

His love for Hillary is the false love of a disordered narcissist for his source of supply.

Thurber has a chapter on how to tell love from passion.

अनामित म्हणाले...

"Most people fail to realize: Bill Clinton hates women."

What's even scarier is that even those who realize(d) this probably voted for him, and would vote for him again given the opportunity.

Laura Reynolds म्हणाले...

You see Bill and Hillary, you think:

1. She's not as good as he is.
2. She reminds you of what you did not like about him.
3. You think great, more of that.

Most people are thinking #1 and #2.

Peter V. Bella म्हणाले...

"Her purpose was the pursuit of her own personal political power."

Maybe, but I think her real purpose was a pursuit of employment and fleeting wealth. Hillary was a second rate attorney and could not get employed with out Bill's Arkansas political connections. If it wasn't for Bill, she would have wound up working for a string of agenda driven non-profits.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

Hillary is counting on the Lurleen Wallace voters. There might be more of them than you think.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

Karen Tumulty says things are all awry inside Hillary campaign

She might say they're tumultyous.

If the positions were reveresed, would the suspicion be that Clinton was leaking info that Obama's campaign was awry? Yet I don't hear many suspicions that it's Obama leakage saying the Hillary! campaign is awry.

That is a great cartoon, by the way. Very clever.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

Listen to what I’m talking about son. You gots to tell the bitch whats what, you feel me. She gots to know you the real star of the show. That’s why God made car radio antennas. Don’t you be letting her run her mouth. You the man, don’t you forget it.
(The Tao of Ike Turner).

John Stodder म्हणाले...

I heard more than a few smart, attractive, successful women say during Clinton's presidency that they would enjoy the opportunity to, well, blow him.

Is it possible for one man to radiate a dysfunctional relationship with tens of millions of women?

Should I be jealous?

In thinking it over, I think Hillary will not go down without a fight, a nasty fight. She'll play the drugs card, the race card, and every other dirty card they can deal. What's stopping her? It's survival, and when it comes to survival, the Clinton credo is "do what you have to do." And count on the fact that everybody loves a winner.

If Clinton is able to crush Obama, she'll be forgiven by the party. Obama will endorse her. The convention will be the coronation she imagined. By November, whatever filthy tricks she pulled in January will be forgotten. Obama will be standing at her side and the old "if he doesn't have a problem with it, why should we?" dynamic will be repeated by the press.

This assume HRC can successfully blow Obama out of the water. I'm not sure she can. But she will definitely make the attempt. She's not Bill Bradley or Paul Tsongas. There is no political tactic she's "too good" for.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

I heard more than a few smart, attractive, successful women say during Clinton's presidency that they would enjoy the opportunity to, well, blow him.


John Stodder म्हणाले...

Yeah, that's what I thought. I was incredulous.

I guess this is what they meant by saying Clinton was a "rock star."

Tim म्हणाले...

"If she doesn't win, she'll divorce him.

Bingo !"

One would think, except their current arrangement probably allows him all the freedom he needs to meet the next Eleanor Mondale, Kathleen Willey, etc., etc., etc. That, of course, changes if she wins.

marklewin म्हणाले...

Meade said... His love for Hillary is the false love of a disordered narcissist for his source of supply.

I don't understand this sentence.
What source? What supply?

I also am interested in how Ann and others arrived at the conclusion that Bill is purposely and intentionally sabotaging his wife's run for the presidency. I mean, this guy seems to trip himself up on a regular basis. Do you think he does this on purpose as well. Are you saying Ann that Bill is self-destructive and inevitably destroys the lives of those around him?