६ एप्रिल, २००५

Not quoted.

The Wisconsin State Journal interviewed me by phone about Governor Doyle's executive order lowering the flags to half staff in honor of Pope John Paul II. A lot of care was taken getting my quote down, reading it back to me for accuracy, so I expected to be quoted in today's article, by I was not. (It should be noted that I teach a class at the law school on the Constitution's religion clauses.)

I don't mind getting left out of the article, but they've also left out any quote in support of the Governor (other than from his own spokesperson). The article features a condemnation by Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. And it quotes the executive director of The American Humanist Association saying: "We have to ask whether this would be done for other cleric - the Dalai Lama or Jewish or Muslim leaders." The article also makes the point that "Doyle grew up Catholic and attends Queen of Peace Catholic Church in Madison," suggesting that honoring his own religion motivated him (which doesn't explain President Bush's order lowering federal government flags).

The Pope was an important world leader. Lowering the flag for him is justified if it is for any other world leader of his stature whose accomplishments served great U.S. interests.

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