६ एप्रिल, २००५

"America's most addled judge this side of Antonin Scalia."

That's a moronic swipe at Justice Scalia in a USA Today review of this week's "American Idol." Whole context:
The Paula Postscript: As a public service, each week I will attempt to analyze the demeanor and behavior of America's most addled judge this side of Antonin Scalia. She seemed marginally less glazed in appearance and a bit more present this week. This was not necessarily a good thing, as she made covert thumbs-down gestures in Randy's direction, reverted to her Laker Girls days by cheerleading the audience to applaud her favorites, and incessantly disputed Simon's generally reasonable negative assessments, rarely allowing him to complete a thought.

How about as a public service being funny and interesting?

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