February 3, 2025

"Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, after speaking twice by telephone with Mr. Trump, said the tariffs would be postponed by 30 days as the two countries negotiate a border deal."

"That announcement came hours after Mexico negotiated a similar delay, and agreed to send thousands of troops to the U.S.-Mexico border to curb drug smuggling and illegal immigration.... After their call — which Mr. Trump described as 'very good' — Mr. Trudeau announced the delay in a social media post. As part of the agreement, he said, Canada would help form a 'Canada- U.S. Joint Strike Force to combat organized crime, fentanyl and money laundering.' 'I have also signed a new intelligence directive on organized crime and fentanyl and we will be backing it with $200 million,' Mr. Trudeau said...."

The NYT reports.

Another success.


wild chicken said...

Are we winning?

wild chicken said...

Are we winning?

R C Belaire said...

Seems all this "negotiating" was a bit too much for Biden and his minders. A few threats, a few phone calls, and maybe, just maybe, we'll see some results. And if the results don't come, the threats turn into actions.

john mosby said...

Delayed tariffs! Like the delayed sentencing Judge Merchan wanted to do. Maybe he can keep the tariffs hanging all 4 years. Trump is stealing his enemies’ best ideas!


Enigma said...

Biden's negotiations were all focused on greasing palms and lining his pockets. Priorities. He'd been doing that since starting out a senator from Delaware, and it's a core reason why he was nominated in 2020.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...


RideSpaceMountain said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Fitzgerald said...

Here waiting for the rush of Democrat Party libtards coming to tell us how degenerate predator and libtard sissy Justin owned Trump here, or is it gonna be that Trump did what Schumer wanted all along? Hey, maybe they'll come up with a new preposterous claim but probably not. Not a lot of imagination on the libtard side of life.

RideSpaceMountain said...

If Canadians are pissed at Fidel's son folding like a cheap suit, wait'll they read this

Scott Gustafson said...

Some numbers provide some perspective.

In 2022 Mexico’s exports to the US were $493 B with a GDP of $1,463 B or 33.7% of GDP. Meanwhile US exports to Mexico were $362 B with a GDP of $25,740 B or 1.4% of GDP.

Canada’s exports to the US were $481 B with a GDP of $2,161 B or 22.3% of GDP. US exports to Canada were $428 B with a GDP of $25,740 B or 1.7% of GDP.

Suppose the tariffs were high enough to cut exports in half. Mexico goes into a depression (down 17% of GDP) while the US loses 4 months of GDP growth (down 0.7% of GDP). Canada goes into a major recession (down 11% of GDP) and the US loses 5 months of GDP growth (down 0.9% of GDP).

Trump is leveraging the relative size of the US economy to get our neighbors to do what we want.

Data from https://ustr.gov/countries-regions/americas

David53 said...

Winning more everyday.

Enigma said...

We are in the end-of-era phase where an old frozen icy order breaks into a puddle. Many people lived with Obama-like assumptions for decades, and then cracked with Trump 45. They melted like old snow with Biden. After the election they capitulated, and can now start to rebuild.

Give 'em 10 or 20 years to get their story straight.

Jimmy said...

Can we have a brief moment of silence for the leftists who have been bitchslapped all over the park trying to tell us how Trump will fail etc.
Panama, Colombia, Mexico, and Canada- we were told by screaming harpies that the end was near.
Trump told us what he would do-I doubt anyone thought he would do it in under 3 weeks.

RideSpaceMountain said...

America's friendships and alliances feel less like a neighborly relationship with folks in your cul de sac based on shared values, shared schools your kids go to, and shared contributions to the HOA and PTA and more like relationships you have with that guy who lives 5 houses down whose name you don't know, who stole your weedwhacker 3 years ago and lies regarding it whereabouts, and never invites you to his house but always comes to every party you throw and ogles your wife's tits while he's there.

Oh...so that's where the weedwhacker went, eh Justin? With frenemies like these who needs Russians.

Tomcc said...

I can't wait to hear that this is just another pyrrhic victory. They just can't help themselves.

Aggie said...

Well...... this looks like winning, but shouldn't we be waiting to see the details?

Original Mike said...

Nah. We have a month to figure it out.

Drago said...

The events of each day of the Trump admin is like watching an hilarious never ending series of kicks right to LLR-democratical Rich's groin.

Jim at said...

Trump is leveraging the relative size of the US economy to get our neighbors to do what we want.

As I told my wife last night (because a lot of her friends were running around screeching about Trump's Tariffs!!!!), "Mexico and Canada need the US far more than the US needs Mexico and Canada. Just watch."

And here we are.

Lilly, a dog said...

Now we won't get to see whether Schumer picked Labatt's or Molson to bring to the Senate floor.

Curious George said...

Fit's, tards maybe but they're not "libs." They're lefties.

Jerry said...

I think? Depends on your definition, of course - there may well be some who see this as supremely threatening to 'how things have always been done'.

Eva Marie said...

It’s very smart of President Trump to keep Ukraine on the back burner while he’s racking up success after success. It adds an air of inevitability to those negotiations.

Jerry said...

We're used to traditional diplomacy, where it takes 3 months just to come up with a schedule for negotiations to determine the shape of the table they'll be discussing things around.

Trump's doing this like a businessman with a schedule - and he wants to get started with things as soon as possible.

Jerry said...

And it's interesting to hear Zelenskyy going "Uh, we only got $71 bil of the $175 bil that was promised."

I mean, the Big Guy had to get his 10%, but who else grabbed a few billion here, a few billion there?

boatbuilder said...

For decades, the US negotiating position has been "We'd like you to stop charging high tariffs on our products, failing to pay your NATO dues, and doing nothing to help our border issues. If you don't do something, we're going to think less of you, and we will debate endlessly about maybe doing something that will upset you, someday."
Trump's negotiating position is "We're tired of this crap. The tariffs go into effect on Wednesday. You know how to reach me."
For some reason, Trump's negotiating style seems to work. Even though (or perhaps because) everybody thinks he's a boorish jerk.

Jimmy said...

The day isn't over yet, and the White House dropped this one about the soon to be gone Dept of Education. The sad sack leftists haven't gotten over what happened at 8am DC time, LOL
"The officials have discussed an executive order that would shut down all functions of the agency that aren’t written explicitly into statute or move certain functions to other departments. The order would call for developing a legislative proposal to abolish the department."

Jimmy said...

President Trump is NOT a boorish jerk. and who is everybody that seems, in your world, to think he is?? He is a man who told us exactly what he was going to do, and he doesn't have time for the boorish jerks like schumer, trudeau, et al.
two weeks in, and that so called boorish jerk has done more than biden harris obama have done in decades

Enigma said...

The US had huge ego issues at the end of WW2, and then a moral superiority complex when fighting the USSR. "We are better because we send amateurs to the Olympics."

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Trump to make his co president musk a temporary part of the team without having to be elected I think 120 days is the rule then he can order everything or be nominated for a real agency.Musk is having a blast.He should get everybody info , arrest who he likes and him and Don split any $$$ they can extract without any proble. Call it official duty!Ah back to the glorious days of King George too bad so many had to die to receive the king when we would head tright back long live the king or Is it off with his head as the serfs screa. From outside the gates.

tcrosse said...

Nobody elected the gang that were actually running things during the Biden-Harris administration. In fact, it's arguable that nobody elected either Biden or Harris.

Dude1394 said...

Democrats may have realized that they move too slowly, have too little credibility to take on Trump anymore. So they are stupidly shifting to “process issues”’and demonizing Musk. They are pretty stupid right now.

rsbsail said...

The only question on Canada is how much of their exports are energy? Crude oil is fungible to the rest of the world, assuming you can get it to market. Natural gas, not so much as you need to liquify it, which is capital intensive and would take 5 years or more to do.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I’m not tired of winning. Are you tired of winning?

Rabel said...

I hear that Greenland is nice in the Summer.

Eva Marie said...

We’re winning and the lefties are whining. Nothing better.

Mason G said...

I was thinking Trump's recent comments about buying Greenland and Canada becoming the 51st state were mostly trolling, but here are a couple of Substack articles by a Canadian writer who thinks there's more to it than that...

Trump's War On Global Socialism (Part 1) — Greenland

"Trump has declared war against the Global Socialist movement. In this two-part Deep Dive, I am going to lay out the map of what is to come as Trump sets out to build Fortress America and purge the globalist ideology from its shores.

His opening volley, even before he took office, was to declare his intention to annex Greenland and Canada. As you shall soon see as this essay progresses, these are not just peripheral distractions but are actually two of the most important cornerstones of his strategy to confront the evil belief system that is tearing Western Civilization apart.

Pour yourself a cup of tea and find a comfortable place to read — I promise this Deep Dive is going to take you into truly uncharted waters."

Trump's War on Global Socialism (Part 2) — Canada

"In Part 2, I’m going to put Canada under the microscope to understand the threat that Canada has come to represent to American national security when viewed from the Trump’s perspective, why the threat to annex Canada is thus far more real than most people think, and why a merger between Canada and the US might be the nation-building exercise that Trump needs in order to purge the global socialist belief system from the North American continent..."

Dude1394 said...

Not only did NOBODY elected the far-left democrats that were running Biden, but we didn't even know who they were.
We all know who Elon is, what he is doing, when he does it with a stunning amount of transparency.

I'm not sure about you, but I see a LOT of difference there.

pacwest said...

It's getting harder isn't it Dinky?

Peachy said...

Watching the collective left, melt down, is fun.

Peachy said...

Jesse Watters spells it all out in this clip.

Jersey Fled said...

Not me.

boatbuilder said...

Yo, Jimmy--Lighten up. I'm a big fan of the guy.

Enlighten-NewJersey said...

It's called a kitchen cabinet - hardly a new conept

n.n said...

Democrats have been obsessed with redistributive change schemes, human rites and sequestration, DEIsms, ethnic Springs, Green Blight and people aren't so green, albinophobic parades, Mengele Dreams, boys in girls' rooms, faces, catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform, Black Avocados Matter, legal and religious Coronas, etc.

boatbuilder said...

I'm freakin' exhausted.
But I'll be back for more after a good night's sleep.

Rabel said...

Drudge is a hoot right now.

Rabel said...

Daddy took the belt off again.

Still hasn't had to use it.

Rabel said...

Last time we had a dust-up with the Canadians we ended up killing Terrence and Phillip.

boatbuilder said...

Shorter Justin: "What I really meant was, please, use my plane."

tcrosse said...

It's not as if there was a flood of migrants and fentanyl coming down from Canada, and good luck patrolling that long, long border. But I suspect what Trump really had in mind for Canada was regime change. Even though Trudeau has sort of stepped down, this guy Carney waiting in the wings is cut of the same cloth.

Peachy said...


Marty said...

I am trying to figure out what you mean, dinkydo. Are you saying Musk is serving in a position that requires Senate consent? What position would that be? I am really curious. I won't repeat the other replies which are spot on.

Kakistocracy said...

Well done, Canada, for following Mexico’s gambit and running rings around Tariff Man. Brilliant move to ‘cave in’ by agreeing to implement an existing spending plan at the border and tossing in a Fentanyl Czar for some garnish. Beads and trinkets for the cult. I eagerly await the mental gymnastics required to explain how these measures will do anything to address Trump’s bête noire -the trade deficit.

The ~US $45 billion shortfall with Canada in 2024 places as the second smallest, behind only France. That amounts to a mere 4% of the overall US trade deficit. So, in essence, reducing imports from Canada would barely move the needle.

The US trade deficit with Canada was 1/8 the size of China’s and 1/5 that of Mexico.

The U.S. is a net exporter to Canada of manufacturing goods, particularly motor vehicles and parts.

Kakistocracy said...

What’s the difference between this agreement and the $1.3 bn border security spending package Canada announced in December?

Mason G said...

Terrorist apprehensions at Canada-U.S. border far exceed southern counterpart

According to data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the northern border has seen an unprecedented number of encounters with individuals on the terrorist watchlist, significantly surpassing those at the U.S.-Mexico border in recent years.

The data highlights that between fiscal year 2022 and Oct. 2024, 1,199 individuals on the terrorist watchlist have been apprehended attempting to cross into the United States from Canada.

Conversely, only 205 individuals were caught at the southern border during the same period.


B.C. RCMP take down largest-ever fentanyl and meth 'super lab'

"The precursor chemical in combination with the finished fentanyl products seized at this location could have amounted to 95 million potentially lethal doses of fentanyl, which have been prevented from entering Canadian communities and markets abroad,” he said. “To put things into more context, the over 95 million potentially lethal doses of fentanyl that have been seized could have taken the lives of every Canadian at least twice over."


"Could have taken the lives of every Canadian at least twice over"? Any guesses on where the drugs left over after killing off the entire Canadian population were going to go?

gilbar said...

rsbsail said: "assuming you can get it to market."
basically, ALL of their pipelines go to (or into) the US..
They can't even provide oil to their eastern provinces without transshipping through USA

Mark (no, not that Mark) said...

Can't wait to visit once I don't need a passport!

gilbar said...

according to the DeepStateJournal, this was a HUGE loss for *TRUMP*
"Trump Blinks on North American Tariffs"
President Trump never admits a mistake, but he often changes his mind.
Mr. Trump claimed victory, as he always does.

so, you see? Trump FAILED in his crazy trade war, because the other sides decided to let him win.. Or something

Kakistocracy said...

The Canadian border security package was announced in December.

Trump created a crisis and then “solved” it with something that was already happening before he took office.

You’ve been played. Again.

Jamie said...

Crude oil is fungible to the rest of the world,

To an extent. Crude oil refineries are tuned, so to speak, to particular types of crude - it takes some effort to adjust to a different type of crude. I am given to understand that US crude tends to be lighter and sweeter than what many or most of our refineries are intended to refine (I guess because we were importing for so long - Aggie, your thoughts? I've gotten the impression you have knowledge in this area), so we'd have to retool for our own crude - but it IS easier to go from heavy to light than the other way, I believe.

Rusty said...

Canada blinked first, so, yeah.

Rusty said...

I worked at UOP for a couple of years. Yeah. You're essentially right. If a different type of crude is going to be processed they have to add processing equipment that can handle that crude. There are refinery's in Galveston that can handle a number of different crudes. I think Joliet is the same way. There are wells in Texas where they drain the ligher stuff at the top of the holding tank right into their diesel engines.

Jerry said...

@Marty: There's precedent for what Musk is doing. William Knudsen in WW2 - he's credited with straightening out a LOT of production problems. Appointed by the President, and paid the munificent sum of $1 a year, he was the right man for the job.


Rusty said...


Jim at said...

Trump created a crisis and then “solved” it with something that was already happening before he took office.

Then why did you spend the entire weekend screaming the world was coming to an end?

The only people being played are you and your fellow leftists. Because you can't look past the hate to see what's actually going on.

I'd suggest you stop stepping on the rake, but it's too much fun to watch.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich: "What’s the difference between this agreement and the $1.3 bn border security spending package Canada announced in December?"


It is so psychotically "impressive" how rapidly our New Soviet Democratical Rich pivots his talking points on a dime, contradicting all of his other dumb talking points, at the whim of his political masters!

Drago said...


3rd gambit in the same thread! None of which anyone anywhere in the world believes.

But I'll bet David Hogg will be impressed!

Mark said...

Drago is so excited about his nww crush. Like Afguan watlords; he is obsessed with twinks. His basement in his Koms basement is covered with Hogg.
Just don't use a black light eown there.

Ruchi Rajput said...


wendybar said...

Mark, how excited are YOU about Boss Hogg getting the nod?? Useless little boy cried wolf too many times after not being at school on the day of shooting, gets into Harvard with subpar grades because of his ugly Progressive mouth and the lies he learned from FBI dad to spew. Now he is going to help you lose more votes!! Yay for you!! It's so funny watching all of you Progressives (even the ones who claim not to be from the left even though they are one and the same) meltdown. Cry a little harder. The fires in California are almost out, and the Progressive tears are helping.

Jaq said...

The problem is to keep the fentanyl out of Canada in the first place, though better security at their ports regarding ships from China, for example. That is the real issue there. Once it's in Canada, it's almost impossible to keep it out of the US.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Note Schumer said in his Avocado Address that "Mexico will NEVER give in to Trump!"

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Don't overlook defunding USAID as a slush fund for bribing Congresscritters to send $$ to Ukraine. The slime trail already exposed how that Executive Branch agency was funding an NGO run by Lindsey Graham to the tune of $174 million.

And doesn't that explain a whole lot about him?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Great callback to a recent discussion here!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

My favorite part is Hogg was the compromise vice-chair winner after they couldn't agree on which non-binary nominee to vote for.

Kakistocracy said...

Trump wants the tariffs. Period. Trump tariffs are fiscal policy and not trade policy. He knows that prices for the American consumer will go up but they will flood the treasury with extra cash, which will give him the means to reduce income taxes. At the end, taxes for the average consumer hidden in increased consumer prices will go up and the taxes for the rich will go down. Historically, income taxes are a relatively new invention and government funded themselves with trade taxes. Tariffs are “beautiful” as a fiscal instrument hiding the tax from the average consumer who ultimately ends up paying the tax by increased consumer prices undeclared at the cash register.

Kakistocracy said...

The focus of fentanyl interdiction should be on the innumerable millions of air freight items flying into the commerce of the USA These include pill presses and fentanyl from China. As well as massive amounts of precursors used in fentanyl fabrication]. If Trump and his administration were serious about putting a major dent in fentanyl, they would curtail the pilot entry programs that facilitate its entry: section 321, Type 86, for starters.

Rocco said...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said…
My favorite part is Hogg was the compromise vice-chair winner after they couldn't agree on which non-binary nominee to vote for.

Hey, let the right care about things that nobody ever sees like keeping the reservoirs full. The left has gotta take care of the important things.

Rocco said...

Rabel said…
I hear that Greenland is nice in the Summer.

Some red-headed guy named Eric told me it was green.

boatbuilder said...

Keep moving those shells around, Kak.

mikee said...

Trump ran on tariffs to Mexico and Canada and is using the threat of them effectively. Trump also ran on freeing American hostages of Hamas, and it was a bit less clear what the option for Hamas was if they didn't act fast, but seemed worse for them than economic sanctions. His envoy is working the issue without a lot of attention, but I'm betting the results will be in within the next few days to weeks, because the negotiating style probably isn't "be nice for money until you want to kill Israelis again."

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Correction "only" $130 million went to Lindsey.

Joe Bar said...

I am not tired of winning, yet.

Fred Drinkwater said...

The accounting of tariff "income" to the US over the last dozen years is educational. Guess which presidencies saw the most growth in the gross number?

Fred Drinkwater said...

Cosby (damnit) and his "To Russell My Brother Whom I Slept With" standup routine: "We had never seen the belt. But we had heard about it. Six feet long, three feet wide, and covered with hooks that would rip your flesh off."

Lucky John said...

Thanks Mason. Great analysis that every Canadian should read.

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