November 20, 2024

What methods has this 16-year-old girl used to measure the boys?

You might wonder how a 16-year-old girl gets an op-ed column published in the NYT. I won't guess about her parentage, but her name is Naomi Beinart. The piece is titled "I’m 16. On Nov. 6 the Girls Cried, and the Boys Played Minecraft." Excerpt:
We girls woke up to a country that would rather elect a man found liable for sexual abuse than a woman. Where the kind of man my mother instructs me to cross the street to avoid will be addressed as Mr. President. Where the body I haven’t fully grown into may no longer be under my control. The boys, it seemed to me, just woke up on a Wednesday.

What made my skin burn most wasn’t that over 75 million people voted for Donald Trump. It was that this election didn’t seem to measurably change anything for the boys around me, whether their parents supported Mr. Trump or not. Many of them didn’t seem to share our rage, our fear, our despair. ​​We don’t even share the same future....

The word "seem" doesn't cure all problems with assertions about what other people are thinking. The election didn't "seem to measurably change anything for the boys around me." Either you tried to measure them or you did not. If you had some sort of measuring device and applied it, you wouldn't need to use the word "seem."

If you're so worried about what the boys share with you — "didn’t seem to share our rage, our fear, our despair"/"don’t even share the same future" — why don't you share in the sense of speaking to each other? Why just look at them and decide they aren't enough like you to interact with? 

[M]ost of the guys I saw that Wednesday appeared nonchalant. A smiling student shook his friend’s hand and said sarcastically, “Good election” in the same hallway where I saw a female teacher clutching a damp tissue.

"Sarcastically" — so he didn't even like Trump. He just failed to tissue-clutch.

Why did it seem these boys were so unperturbed?...

You want the boys to look perturbed? It's not enough that they hate the election result and feel bad about it, they need to engage in open histrionics?

That morning, I spoke with a male classmate.

Good. I'm glad there is still some talking. 

He asked if I was OK. I nearly melted with relief. See, I knew not all guys were ignorant! Then, before I responded, he continued. Why, he wondered, are so many girls crying? I stared. I swallowed that familiar lump....  How could my classmate not know why girls in his grade were biting their nails and doing breathing exercises in the bathroom?...

Biting their nails and doing breathing exercises in the bathroom! I could see wanting an explanation for why the girls were acting out so extravagantly. Is this learned behavior?


Koot Katmandu said...

Are females easier to brain wash one way and males a different way? Seems so to me.

Achilles said...

This is a reprehensible and morally depraved article from the start.

Peachy said...

Fun that these kids missed the Bill Clinton Era.

Aggie said...

She's working on a book: "Boys are Republicans from Mars, Girls are Progressive Democrats from Venus"

Dogma and Pony Show said...

I'm glad the Times is focusing some attention on America's mental health crisis. I hope this becomes a priority for the new administration.

Achilles said...

1. If my daughter was this pathetic and stupid I would be embarrassed.

2. This was written by an LLM with moderate prompting.

wild chicken said...

Gah, it's all like this now. That they made me feel this way is the argument and conclusion QED blah blah

Breezy said...

The election was not about you, sweetie.

Peachy said...

More reason to HATE the corrupt D-hack media.

rehajm said...

I'm opposed to using children in politics...

Aggie said...

Bobby looks like he might have early signs of Parkinson's - his head is doing that 'nod' thing.

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

You could argue that this makes a decent small-sample case study suggesting that in comparison to boys, girls are a) more subject to propaganda, b) significantly lacking critical analysis functions, and c) more inclined to be controlled by their emotions than by reason and rationality.

Perhaps their mothers and their teachers are the sorts of people I don't want my DAUGHTER exposed to, because such people are more dangerous to he than some man off in DC.

rehajm said...

in the same hallway where I saw a female teacher clutching a damp tissue

...that's the feel good phrase of the week.

Todd said...

All kids should have their OWN opinions and should. They should also be allowed (as anyone else) to evolve those opinions over time as they gain knowledge and experience.

The NYT publishing an Op by a 16 year old girl is just a different mouth piece for all the Democrats that wanted "more of the same" and it could just as easily been written by ANYONE at the Times. More bubble building with a side of "what about the children" thrown in for added measure.

I don't fault this 16 year old but am curious as to if this was "her" Op or if she is just tagged as the author. Again, anyone else at the Times would have/could have written the same thing.

Oh, and maybe the boys were less perturbed because they are tired of being treated as "wrong girls" instead of as boys and see this as the possible start of a turning point.

FormerLawClerk said...

"We girls woke up to a country that would rather elect a man found liable for sexual abuse than a woman."

That's because #BelieveAllWomen is fascist. That's because it was a fake show trial. That's because this woman came forward with RAPE charges, and same as Christine Blasey Ford, refused to say WHEN she was raped ... because of course, then Trump could prove he was elsewhere.

So yes, we have a male President and you women had better get it through your THICK FUCKING SKULLS ... we aren't going to play your little game.

If you're going to accuse a man of rape, then you're going to have to fucking PROVE that accusation. That's the world us men are going to FORCE you ladies to live in whether you like it or not.

Or you can get the fuck out of our country.

Ampersand said...

Adolescent female populations differ markedly from their male counterparts. Far higher social desirability bias, and social structures that punish nonconformity more severely. Feminism rewards chronic gender dissatisfaction and hostility to males.

Earnest Prole said...

As the How-Dare-You kid demonstrated, the whole point of using children in politics is that they can’t be questioned.

Drago said...

I am getting a Daughter of Peter Beinart vibe...

Shouting Thomas said...

I ignore all accusations of sexual misconduct aimed at any pol by another pol, and presume they are all lies. Until proven otherwise.

Quayle said...

The shrinking of the leftist world view. What a small universe they see in their minds, that this event would threaten their mere existence and future. Who taught them this narrow compacting world view? Who taught them that politics was the be all and end all? The radical throwing off of all norms and the 60s-induced rush to total freedom from moral constraints, has arced and circled right back to even a more fragile, contracted, threatened place than from where they once departed.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

If you build a fort, do you have to include the girls? What if they cry? Are there a few girls who can actually be "one of the guys," so they can be included? Moving to adulthood, is it true that for romantic partners/spouses, the default is to be inseparable, outside of say paid employment? Shared hobbies? Vacations? Just a teensy bit confining, with constant compromises?

Tina Trent said...

I had mostly male teachers in grade school and high school. Accident of time and place, with lots of war refugee higher academics in our community, too traumatized or worn out to get certified as professors, but happy to educate.

It was a real positive, not just the gender but the better training and depth of scholarship.

Grad school was a hot mess.

narciso said...

Peter Beinart's kid, its that level of logic

Tarrou said...

Patriarchy is when boys don't read my mind to know I'm hysterical about politics. #Feminism

Tina Trent said...

Ha, nepo whiner. I thought the same thing.

MadisonMan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

when you start with category error, from the first sentence,

FormerLawClerk said...

You should do the same aimed at any PERSON by another PERSON. These little girls want to be able to lay rape accusations 30 years later when it's convenient for them against men and then not have to provide any PROOF of those accusations.

Get out. Leave America with that crap. Men founded this country and men defend this country. It's OURS.

If you want a country where you can lay such charges, then get to it sweetheart. Get going. Get out of OUR man country. This one's ours and if you don't like the rules, then go found and defend your own country.

We aren't giving you ours.

MadisonMan said...

The boys, it seemed to me, just woke up on a Wednesday
Of course, she includes no evidence that the boys did just this, but because it fits the narrative, sure, include it.

narciso said...

abuse of the english language, as well as logic shouldn't be allowed

FormerLawClerk said...

When 60,000 American women die in some foreign country defending the United States of America, then we can have a matriarchy.

And not one day before that.

This country belongs to MEN and we LET you gals live here. You will do so by the rules WE laid down. You will notice that not a SINGLE female signature appears on the Declaration of Independence or the United States Constitution.

That's because you are our GUESTS here. Never forget that.

MadisonMan said...

If only the boys were more performative for this young writer!

Ice Nine said...

>"...(Boys) didn’t seem to share our rage, our fear, our despair."<

So what? Girls didn't seem to share the boys' insouciance.

It's like the toilet seat issue - leave it down/leave it up? Girls/women: Down, of course.

Who is the great determiner who decides such matters? Girls/women: Us, of course.

Yancey Ward said...

Damn- she is almost as big a pansy-assed whiner as her father.

Peachy said...

OT: Watch Vivek destroy the Leftwing media hacks & the BS religion

rehajm said...

...put the lid down, too. They hate that...

narciso said...

You know right,

Clyde said...

"Many of them didn’t seem to share our rage, our fear, our despair."
Our hysteria?

wendybar said...

Her "rage" was taught to her in the indoctrination centers, called SCHOOL. Why is a 16 year old despondent because she can't get an abortion?? THAT is what this is really about. Maybe learn personal responsibility, and then you won't need to blame every male as the enemy of YOU because YOU are taught to be scared and stupid.

Charlie said...

< Bill Clinton has entered the chat >

narciso said...

What size bonnet does she wear,

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

Interesting note at the bottom of the article: "Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta."

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

The election didn't "seem to measurably change anything for the boys around me." Either you tried to measure them or you did not. If you had some sort of measuring device and applied it, you wouldn't need to use the word "seem."

The snark potential is through the roof with that paragraph!

AnotherJim said...

Somebody woke up and crafted this nonsense, while the boys woke up and played Minecraft. I can easily guess who is on the right track. Go boys!

GRW3 said...

File it under Things That Did Not Happen. This was discussed in other forums and pretty much the conclusion was this was not written by any 16 year old. This is probably from some NYT writer with a 16 year old girl daughter, inferring what she experienced from the usual 16 year old communications.

Drago said...

Similar to hilariously incompetent nepo buffoon Kasie Hunt

rastajenk said...

How else could she get a column opportunity?

Laughing Fox said...

There's a demand at the NYT and lots of other media for this kind of thing. Get yourself into the mood and language of the "poor, threatened, helpless feminist who sees a reaction against radical feminism" and you can get fame and fortune--especially if you point out how badly the boys (doesn't even have to be men!) are behaving. This girl, perhaps with her parents' urging (maybe they even work for the Time) is answering the call!

n.n said...

The boys and girls are fine. The feminists, masculinists, and Diverse progressives are losing their liberal license in the woke of conceiving an unplanned "burden".

reader said...

Did she worry about how the boys felt prior to the election? How they felt being called toxic, accused of mansplaining, drugged because teaching methods focus on an approach to learning that advantages girls (sit still, be quiet, reduced time for physical activity).

MayBee said...

Maybe the boys woke up relieved that Trump is less likely to send *their* bodies off to war.

mccullough said...

I’m sure most of the students, girls and boys, live their lives without the drama. I detest the use of the Greta Thunbergs by adults. The NYT has no shame.

Lilly, a dog said...

This young lady has quite a future in the media.

If she can escape from the Birthing Pens.

narciso said...

I'm guessing shes a New Yorker or DC resident

Achilles said...

Tough to beat that comment.

robother said...

Althouse "It's not enough that they hate the election result and feel bad about it, they need to engage in open histrionics?" Sounds like another opportunity to use your "performative" tag!

narciso said...

there's salve for that, my dear,

hombre said...

It's likely that the boys believe that any 16 year old stupid enough to believe a decades old , uncorroborated allegation of sexual assault will grow up to be a stupid adult - like the jurors.

Original Mike said...

What the left/democrats have done to the mental health of this nation is appalling. They should be ashamed.

Narr said...

I assume all accusations by pols against other pols to be true.

hombre said...

Koot (9:37): "Are females easier to brain wash one way and males a different way? Seems so to me."

From The Prophet: "It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy."

- Orwell 1984

hombre said...

"It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy."

- Orwell 1984

Leland said...

The average age of a Minecraft player is 24, with 20% of all players age 40 and older. It was released 13 years ago. This suggests to me the ghost writer for the article is a generation older than the credited author.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Althouse the professor has entered the chat.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Althouse the professor has entered the chat.

jaydub said...

Assuming this girl lives in New York, the election changed nothing for her - she will still be able to abort her child if she so chooses, her streets will still be populated by violent vagrants and migrants, her taxes will still be outrageous, and if she has the misfortune of being raped the NY DA will have the rapist back on the street before the end of the week. What she doesn't realize is she dodged a lazy bimbo for a president and a wildly gesticulating doofus for a vice president, so she has that going for her. Which is nice. Which is also what the boys probably do realize.

DarkHelmet said...

How does she feel about Kamala's husband's behavior toward women? And the fact that Kamala seems okay with it? How does she feel about Bill Clinton's behavior, and Hillary seeming to be okay with it? How does she feel about Biden's grabby wandering hands, desire to sniff hair and unusual showering habits? And let's not get started with JFK . . .

Narr said...

A good banging and she'll forget all about it.

Real American said...

Asking why a friend is crying is a normal reaction to seeing it. Crying over an election is not a normal response.

Kate said...

Naturalist Bobby is the best Bobby. That little girl was awesome.

Megthered said...

This is just learned behavior. There are no people in their social circle that offer any other world view. Trump is Hitler and there is no questioning why is Trump Hitler. They don't even know to ask such a question. It's just accepted and that's that.

Joe Bar said...

I saw larger excerpts from the article somewhere else. The comments there were largely of the opinion that this was not written by a 16 year old girl. It is too well written, and young women of that age are much more concerned with other aspects of adolescent life. Also, one commenter pointed out that the writer mentioned an 8 year old boy at the school. What High School has 8 year olds in it? Is He Doogie Howser?
I was in High School when Nixon resigned. All I recall of politics was that I recorded his resignation speech, and played it back the next day, in school. We realized something big happened, but it had no real consequences for us. We may have been wrong.

Joe Bar said...

I always put the lid down. I can tell when a visitor uses the bathroom. The lid is up!

Clyde said...

Not to mention that Kamala herself rose to prominence through personal relationships with older men, not through her own merits. Hardly a role model for young women unless they are planning a career on OnlyFans.

Freeman Hunt said...

Fire whoever has worked these girls up into such hysteria. Schools should be run by adults.

Ann Althouse said...

I'd like to know more about what sort of school this was. An expensive private school? In Washington DC? It doesn't say, but I see: "On the morning after the election, I walked up the staircase of my school.... I continued up the stairs to the lounge, where upperclassmen linger before classes."

Is an upperclass lounge something you encounter in an ordinary public high school? I really don't know!

Jupiter said...

"When 60,000 American women die in some foreign country defending the United States of America, then we can have a matriarchy."
When 60,000 Americans die in some foreign country, why would you think they were "defending the United States of America"?

Jupiter said...

They still have children in NYC? Is that wise? The place is an absolute shithole, I don't think it's safe for children.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Deja Vu? Didn't Althouse already comment on this story?

Two-eyed Jack said...

"How could my classmate not know why girls in his grade were . . . doing breathing exercises in the bathroom?"

Because the boys don't go into the girls' bathrooms?

RCOCEAN II said...

Too bad this didn't come with a video. The most hilarious thing in Nov 2016, was the endless tears of young girls, as they blubbered over Hillary losing. I often why I found this so enjoyable. I think its akin to seeng a 2 year old cry over not getting a second ice cream cone. And acting like the world has come to the end.

But of course, the crafty propaganda reason behind this absurd editorial is to confirm liberal/left women in their bias. Trump is the bro candidate. The icky macho candidate. "The girls" need to hate him, and vote Democrat.

As for her parentate, there's a liberal/left pundit named Peter B. maybe its her daughter.

RCOCEAN II said...

Peter Beinart is a big buddy of Jonah Goldberg. Years ago, they would have fake Right v. Left debates on BHTV. Today, they probably agree on everything. And they probably did then. Goldberg was playing a role.

Rabel said...

At one point both of his children attended a private Jewish school.

That's fine, but each of them has been politically active and public with their activism.

Looks to me like Daddy is using them, as minors, to validate his own opinions.

Big Mike said...

She may have a little help from Daddy? Just askin’

RCOCEAN II said...

I've often told young men at work, if you're voting Democrat, you're like a Jew voting for the Nazi party in 1933. But then the Democrats don't want to change the "Gender gap" by getting more young men votes, they want to increase it by getting more chicks.

MadTownGuy said...

"We girls woke up to a country that would rather elect a man found liable for sexual abuse than a woman. Where the kind of man my mother instructs me to cross the street to avoid will be addressed as Mr. President. Where the body I haven’t fully grown into may no longer be under my control. The boys, it seemed to me, just woke up on a Wednesday.

What made my skin burn most wasn’t that over 75 million people voted for Donald Trump. It was that this election didn’t seem to measurably change anything for the boys around me, whether their parents supported Mr. Trump or not. Many of them didn’t seem to share our rage, our fear, our despair. ​​We don’t even share the same future....

Like Greta Thunberg, her indoctrination is complete.

Our woker-than-woke son sent a text on November 6 excoriating me for creating a world where his daughters won't have control over their own bodies. He followed up with a statement that it wasn't about politics (a typical deflection). I didn't deign to respond.

planetgeo said...

The boys, it seemed to me, just woke up on a Wednesday, thinking it was a great day to design a super-heavy new rocket that would be even better than Elon's.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, on a whim I checked out Daddy Peter Beinart’s Wikipedia page. It says he and his family keep kosher and that is children go to Jewish day schools. From that I infer that Naomi’s male classmates are also Jewish and probably most of them were as unhappy with the election results as she was.

And now, Althouse, since you so frequently reference feminist thought leaders, I need to ask whether there will come a time when feminists stop regarding men as defective women? Because unless the women choose beautician or lingerie sales for a career they’re going to have to work with us non-sharing, suck it up and carry on type males for their full adult lives.

Big Mike said...

Why just look at them and decide they aren't enough like you to interact with?

@Althouse, who do you think you are, to ask such tough questions? Oh, you’re a professor. Never mind. Carry on.

Joe Bar said...

It could be THIS High School.

Joe Bar said...

Here's a link to the whole article, at another paper:
Salt Lake Tribune

Joe Bar said...

The comments there are LIT!

narciso said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
vinojones said...

Doesn't anyone recognize AI in here?

The Middle Coast said...

How would her male friend possibly know what girls were doing in the bathroom? Was he in their bathroom? The girls were using the male bathroom or he was using the girls bathroom?

ALP said...

I also suspect that the author is not a 16 year old girl. If you spend any time in the female-centric Reddit subs, you'll quickly learn there is no nuance at all to the typical fears displayed. It's very dystopian. Here is an example:

"Now that accelerationists are in charge of all 3 branches of US government, what can we expect?" Is the dollar going to collapse as foreign investors no longer see the US as a stable investment? How would labor unions react if the NLRB is disbanded? How will women react if abortion is outlawed nationwide? I'm genuinely frightened for the future.

Many also think this was our last US election.

The Middle Coast said...

You beat me re: my comment below. Your thoughts are my thoughts exactly.

mccullough said...

This is her parents.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

If she can’t take the heat, she needs go back to the kitchen, and make me sandwich

Bruce Hayden said...

I have a bad attitude here. A study showed that it was more efficient to just leave the lid where it was, up or down. Yet women insist that we put them down 100% of the time, and squally get away with it. Why? Apparently because it is unladylike to fall in. But what abut guys accidentally pissing on the toilet seat?

So, our compromise is that each of us has their bathrooms, where they get to set the rules - Hers down, and mine usually up. It usually works, and sidesteps the question of who stinks it up more. And what are the cleanliness standards for that bathroom. And, yes, we are spoiled, with enough bathrooms to make this work. When we are traveling, and having to share, we kinda use Girls Rules.

Bruce Hayden said...

Regardless. They were doing what they were told was necessary. I remember this discussion from spring of 1969, when I was a freshman in college, and many of my classmates had been convinced that it wasn’t a just war. I concluded that it wasn’t my call. My civic duty was to go, if called, because some poor smuck who couldn’t afford to go to the private college my parents were sending me to, would have to go in my place. Luckily, by the time I graduated, Nixon had essentially won JFK’s and LBJ’s little SE Asian war.

dbp said...

Most of the boys wanted Trump to win. Should they mope around and pretend to be sad, as a way to cheer-up the girls? Would the girls pretend to be sad if Harris won, to cheer-up the boys?

If this was a fancy East coast private school, maybe a majority of the boys wanted Harris to win and were also disappointed. This would give them even less reason to performatively comfort the girls. They've got their own crosses to bear.

Bruce Hayden said...

Of course Trump was the Bro candidate. What normal guy wouldn’t want to hang around with Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, and Dana White? For me, of course, it would be Musk. I worked for White at one point as their patent attorney. Nice enough guy, but the UFC wasn’t my thing. No spectator sport is, not even ski racing. Then you have a UFC victor giving Trump the championship belt he just won, and the NFL players doing the Rump dance. Etc. And then the hot girls joined the party. And the ones with husbands and kids, or who put a priority on having them.

But he was also the intelligent choice. Who is stupid enough to believe he was going to be Hitler if elected, when he wasn’t his first term? Besides the male and female incel communities, who believe anything that they are told by their betters. And they are (not) breeding themselves out of existence. And that is the standing joke, that many, if not most, of the women claiming to be going on a sex strike after the election, are probably not getting any less sex than they were fore the election. Guys are going to prefer the hot chicks, in scanty outfits, wearing MAGA hats, and doing the Trump dance, any day over the entitled, often obese, pink haired harridans going on strike.

Laurel said...

Bruce Hayden says:
I have a bad attitude here.

Here’s my argument for seat-down.
Women use the seat down 100% of the time.
Men use the seat down >1% of the time.
Logically, since the seat needs to be down >50% of the time, *leave it down*.

typingtalker said...

"How could my [male] classmate not know why girls in his grade were biting their nails and doing breathing exercises in the bathroom?... "

Maybe because "girls in his grade" didn't tell him? This stuff doesn't happen by osmosis. If the "girls in his grade" want the boys to know this stuff maybe the girls should tell them ... not wait for osmosis or a lightning bolt. Speak Up!

Craig Howard said...

I’m no math wizard, but the relative number of males and females in the household would figure into that calculation.

Narr said...

I had to pay for access to the upperclass lounge (and rooftop pool) at my high school.

Temujin said...

I'm assuming this is Peter's daughter? He's wrecked her.
She's doing what she's been taught- by Daddy. Not by her religion. This past election saw 45% of New York Jews vote for Trump. That's...a huge turn of events.
But the true believers- those who believe in their progressivism (read: Marxism) over anything else, will always view the world in that way.

Actual strong women are going to have great years ahead if Trump is allowed to do what he wants to get done. The only ones hurting will be those who make their livings whining, playing activist, spreading hate on MSNBC, or writing 'Woe is Us' columns in the NYT.

Narr said...

How to know?

Easy, just look through the hole in the wall, like we used to do.

dbp said...

It's simpler than that: If the seat is left in the position in which it was just used and only moved as-needed, this will obviously result in the seat being moved the fewest possible number of times.

gerry said...

Perfect. There are reasons men don't share women's hysteria. Civilisation couldn't develop until hunting captured efficient food sources. Gathering results in high residue diets which require frequent bowel movements.

n.n said...

Gentlemen open doors for ladies. Offer a chair at the table. It seems a minor inconvenience to leave the seat down after finishing.

Unknown said...

If women melt down so easily over an election disappointment, maybe the sexists are right that a woman is intrinsically unsuited to serve as President. What would women do if Putin is mean to them? i shudder at the thought.

KellyM said...

Lid down. Agreement by both of us. We have a storage cabinet right over the toilet and it prevents stuff from accidentally falling in.

Political Junkie said...

Did Peter ever fix his teeth?

who-knew said...

"Why did it seem these boys were so unperturbed?..." Just spitballin' here, but maybe it's because they weren't perturbed by it. I'd be willing to bet that had Harris won, they would be equally unperturbed.

RCOCEAN II said...

Our upperclass lounge was called "The parking lot".

RCOCEAN II said...

Its amazing how many "average people" quoted in the NYT's, know someone from the NYT's. I guess the paper really does represent America.

Mikey NTH said...

I cannot recall any of my teachers, male or female, crying over an election. Let alone any of the students.

Bruce Hayden said...

Or vote?

Mason G said...

I thought women these days were strong and independent. Is that only situational? I sure wouldn't be surprised to hear it.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Breathing exercises in the bathroom? Get some fresh air, girls!

Christopher B said...

I remember the post on a very similar article printed in the Guardian yesterday but I don't know if the two articles are actually the same. It is pretty suspicious, however.

Tina Trent said...

I guess that’s where the money went when they fired the line editors.

Tina Trent said...

Two different articles. One shared pathology.

Tina Trent said...

I don’t know why male students don’t demand that female students have to register for the draft, since they must. Women in combat is widely opposed by the men who must go into combat, with good reasons, but there are plenty of other jobs to fill.

Michael said...

What's to "wonder" about, it's the NY Times, an comedy entertainment daily that occasionally stumbles upon and writes about a news story but never fails to entertain.

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