१७ ऑक्टोबर, २०२४

Sunrise — 7:18/Moonrise — 6:43.



३१ टिप्पण्या:

Dixcus म्हणाले...

Hey, guess what?

Amazon ... owned by Jeff Bezos ... has announced they're going to start doing News. And you'll never guess who their anchor is going to be.

No, it's not Dan Rather. He was ousted as anchor of CBSNews after he typed up some fake memos to try to rig the 1996 election and prevent George W. Bush from becoming President.

No, it's the most trusted name in news, Brian Williams.

Wait ... wasn't he ousted from NBCNews for running fake reports his ENTIRE career?

Yes, yes he was.

Did I forget to tell you that Jeff Bezos also owns the Washington Post?

Who will also tell you who won the election. Since you can't check that.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

The comet's in the other direction.

Dixcus म्हणाले...

You'll just have to take their word for it.

Clyde म्हणाले...

I went out and finally saw the comet tonight and got a picture of it. It was higher in the sky than I expected.

Josephbleau म्हणाले...

Regarding #2:

On the shores of gitchigumi
By the Shining deep sea waters
Stood the wigwam of Nakomas
Daughter of the moon.

Lucien म्हणाले...

When I see comments about Harris’s voice (or Hillary’s) I’m reminded of how much I like Tulsi Gabbard’s voice.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

It's roughly 20-degrees of altitude at the point it is viewable. That's plenty high.

Eva Marie म्हणाले...

This is a clip of Kamala describing the difficulty rural voters may have in voting. They might have to send a Xerox or photocopy. What if there isn’t a Kinkos in their vicinity.
1. Who calls photocopies Xerox anymore?
2. There are no Kinkos stores anymore.
3. Don’t people in rural areas have smart phones to take a photo of their IDs?
She is very out of touch.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Kamala destroys Bret Baier The Moment Kamala Put Fox News in its Place (The Bulwark).

tcrosse म्हणाले...

The Four Lakes of Madison

Four limpid lakes,--four Naiades
Or sylvan deities are these,
In flowing robes of azure dressed;
Four lovely handmaids, that uphold
Their shining mirrors, rimmed with gold,
To the fair city in the West.

By day the coursers of the sun
Drink of these waters as they run
Their swift diurnal round on high;
By night the constellations glow
Far down the hollow deeps below,
And glimmer in another sky.

Fair lakes, serene and full of light,
Fair town, arrayed in robes of white,
How visionary ye appear!
All like a floating landscape seems
In cloud-land or the land of dreams,
Bathed in a golden atmosphere!


RCOCEAN II म्हणाले...

Cool Moonrise.

Rusty म्हणाले...

I managed to get the day off today. I conducted an exhaustive and detailed survey of Southeast Wisconsin. Particularly Kenosha and Racine counties. My data reveals that Trump signs outnumber Harris signs seven to one.
You're welcome.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Via X The consequences of having Trump on your podcast

It escalated quickly. It only took 3 1/2 hours.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

YouTube: The Cobra Effect: Why Good Intentions Don’t Solve Problems - Konstantin Kisin

Kevin म्हणाले...

#2 reminds me of Elon’s rocket.

Rabel म्हणाले...

Did y'all know that the open enrollment period for medicare has begun?

Well, you will.

Josephbleau म्हणाले...

Very touching. I like it but still have my Grandfathers poem:

The boy sat on the boxcar top
His feet dragged on the ground.

Eva Marie म्हणाले...

1. Melania is still in the top ten best selling books on Amazon. The AI description of the book adds this note: “However, some customers have reported that the book arrived with strange greasy looking smudges on the outside cover.” So this must be happening in significant numbers for AI to make mention of it. 717 reviews overwhelmingly positive.
2. The #1 book is War by Bob Woodward. The Message by Ta-Nehisi Coats is at #12 with 533 reviews, also overwhelmingly positive.
3. (This I find most surprising.) The Achievements of Kamala Harris (pages are blank) has been in the top 100 now for several weeks. Currently it’s at #38 with 265 reviews - all overwhelmingly positive. Kamala’s own autobiography, The Truths We Hold (2019), is at 9,288.

DINKY DAU 45 म्हणाले...

trump at UNIVISION "WE didn't have guns(lies people are being prosecuted for having guns and trump himself knew they were trying to bring guns in when he told his people let them" )THEY had the guns .in other words the "them and us scenario" ,those with the guns were the police at the capitol ,trump was part of the WE. JACK SMITH gets another check for his case from the nitwit who does the "us and them" scenario in a public venue.president for all,,, only trumpers believe that.This fella is a dunce...He'll be gone soon rejected again this fella is a chronic loser. J6 a day of love WTF come on man...

Political Junkie म्हणाले...

Gosh I hope DJT keeps building on the Big Mo. OH senate is R pickup, if trends stay. +3R (WV, MT, OH) would be nice, but let's have more.

Mason G म्हणाले...

I saw an ad for (or against, I don't remember) a proposition on the ballot in California. It mentioned that there are 15 million people on Medi-Cal, which is described thusly:

"Medi-Cal is California’s Medicaid healthcare program that provides comprehensive health coverage for people with low or no income."

California's population is 39 million. That means that nearly 40% of California's population consists of people with low/no income. And California is the direction Democrats want to take the country.

Inga म्हणाले...

Can’t happen soon enough, come on Nov.5th (or Jan.5th if you’re Trump).

Josephbleau म्हणाले...

I remember a very old Heinlein story about an honest political candidate. His opponent paid a minority child two dollars to run to him during a speech, grab his leg, and yell loudly "Daddy" "Daddy"!

Mike of Snoqualmie म्हणाले...

There's snow in the mountains just east of our place, about 4,500-ft MSL. It was 45F this morning with periodic showers.

Winter is coming.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

Just watched Trump at the Al Smith Dinner. Kamala really couldn't handle that event?

gadfly म्हणाले...

Longtime news anchor and MSNBC host Brian Williams left NBC network after 28 years, signing off on the final episode of his popular nightly political talk program The 11th Hour on December 10, 2021. He will host Election Night coverage on Prime Video this year. Nothing to write home about since his broadcasting voice is good and there will be no emotional outbreaks one way or another. Jeff Bezos does not involve himself in hiring or programming to influence politics like Trump's BFF, Elon Musk.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

The Al Smith dinner was good time 1:06 to 2:09 for the speeches. Trump avoided praise for the opponent as did Kamala (in a video); Trump doing ad-libbing that went over well. Praise of Kamala would have been dishonest and he didn't offer any. As for self-deprecation, "I don't feel like it." His whole act is self-deprecation, the rambling, the informality.

Al Smith Dinner

Big Mike म्हणाले...

I saw my first two Harris-Walz signs in the Shenandoah Valley today. It’s a wave, I tell ya!

Mr. Forward म्हणाले...

“Millionaires Row” on the North Shore of Lake Superior was the only place I have seen Harris-Walz signs outnumber Trump signs.

Ampersand म्हणाले...

Parallel universe.

Ampersand म्हणाले...

In Los Angeles, I've seen hundreds of Harris -Walz bumper stickers and yard signs. I haven't seen even one for Trump. This is what it's like living in fear. Why expose yourself to harm?