Recent action novels: a geostationary satellite moved over Afghanistan at 100,000 feet to assist in observing the bad guys; a secret new propulsion system for ballistic missiles that makes them ten times faster. Not the same author. Poets' physics courses.
Headline: "Justice Department warns Elon Musk his $1 million giveaway to swing state voters might violate law"
Requirements for winning the money are that an American citizen be a registered swing state voter and that such voter sign up to his political action committee. None of those, on their own, as far as I know, are ilegal, yet. And if you combine them, I doubt that would make it ilegal.
Hopefully the legal minds here can clear this up.!?
Sunny @sunnyright · Follow So the story is John Kelly realized he was working for a Hitler admirer and wannabe dictator and then continued to work for him and forgot to mention it for years until two weeks before the election. 1:06 PM · Oct 23, 2024
Harris will be heading to Houston for a campaign event Friday, but will not be swinging over to Austin to do the Rogan podcast. So this may be another coup for Trump.
So Biden called Trump a "fascist." Ok, fine, in a non-fascist country, the press would ask Biden the next question, "Define fascism." Nobody will ask him that because if they did, the would likely lose their cushy, high paying, high-prestige job in the media.
"Hope and change went bye-bye almost as fast as Kamala's joy." - Amy Curtis
What I took from that Goldberg article is that damned, SOB Trump wouldn’t use his Time Machine to go back in time to kill Baby Hitler.
Harris was speaking about this earlier today, the footage of that is out there. There is very little chance that this was not discussed between Atlantic staff and the Harris team, helps to explain why she was so Kammie on the Spot.
On the alleged disparaging remarks about Hispanics by Trump, there were witnesses that said it never happened… much better than one anonymous source.
And here’s what Mayra Guillen - the sister of soldier Vanessa Guillen - had to say:
“Wow, I don’t appreciate how you are exploiting my sister’s death for politics- hurtful & disrespectful to the important changes she made for service members. President Donald Trump did nothing but show respect to my family & Vanessa. In fact, I voted for President Trump today.”
It crossed my mind today that, if Trump wins, Biden will have a long list of people he will want to pardon. He's too vain to pardon them himself, and we will therefore have a December surprise in which Joe resigns and makes Kamala POTUS. The MSM will make the suitable noises, and prepare the ground for the biggest pardon/amnesty in US history..
Kammy regretfully announced today; that because TRUMP IS HITLER!, she has NO OPTION; but to Suspend ALL Civil Liberties, and order the US Military to FIRE upon the HITLER Worshiping TERRORISTS that have the audacity to think that they are allowed to support a man WORSE THAN HITLER!!
When questioned about what her actions would do to American Democracy.. She said: "Sometimes, you HAVE TO DESTROY democracy, in order to be elected
This is ABSOLUTELY the story of the day. Sit back in your chair and THINK about this:
The United States Justice Department has threatened a US citizen by telling him that something he's doing MIGHT be against the law.
Guess what folks. I'm not going to live in a country like this, where the fucking Mafia is running our government and threatening people by telling them that their actions MIGHT be illegal if they decide it is.
Fuck that shit. I'm going to REVOLT against that sort of government violently.
“Wisconsin’s Blue Cities Brace for Another Onslaught of ‘Stolen Election’ Accusations; Wisconsin state lawmakers failed to pass key changes officials say could have helped dispel misinformation and lies about the election.
“We were one of the only states that didn’t adjust any election laws,” Claire Woodall, former executive director of Milwaukee’s election commission and current senior adviser at the civic-advocacy group Issue One, told NOTUS. “One really pivotal thing that we really wanted to get passed had bipartisan support for was early processing of absentee ballots.”
@Lem: The only other talent she has that comes close is wanting do-overs; like a second debate and her attempt to insert herself into DeSantis' hurricane preparations.
As President Barack Obama proved ... the President of the United States can order the murder of ANY American citizen ... even if that person hasn't been charged with any crime. With no due process.
Donald Trump is going to need some people to help him.
Inga, it's not good form to announce your intentions.
I will tell you this: The person who walks up to a public ballot box and tries to stuff it, or the person who thinks they are going to board up the counting room windows ... those people are going to be hurt. Physically. And permanently.
Some model nobody ever heard of has now been brought forward 12 years after Trump entered the political arena to claim he "groped" her after he met her through Jeffrey Epstein.
I expect the Democrats think maybe Trump should be arrested for this even though the FBI hasn't arrested a single Epstein pedophile in the last 20 years even though they have video tapes of all of them raping children on Epstein's Island.
Any minute now Mattis will give an interview saying Trump grabbed him by the butt, said “Arnold Palmer is my hero”, and mentioned that Bolton wanted to give him a mustache ride (the “Walrus express”).
She's two weeks away from the election in which she is running for President, and she calls a 3-minute press conference to put that out there--and doesn't talk about either what she said, or anything else, but turns around and goes back inside. Really? I knew she was a lightweight, but wow.
We showed up at the early voting place an hour after open. Longest line ever. Someone who got there before open said it took them 90 minutes. Now I’ll wait until Election Day and walk down to our little precinct…
At my polling place in Las Vegas, half hour after opening, there was no line. But I was just there to drop my mail ballot in the box. A woman examined it for my signature before she let me drop it in the slot. A steady stream of people with mail-in ballots. No fuss, no fuss, no bother.
You know, in 1965 in the middle of the Civil Rights movement, I think people decided they were gonna take matters into their own hands and create a better country and that’s what I hope we do here in the next few weeks.
When the Republic was threatened, people picked up arms and answered the call.
Pick up your arms people.
Answer the call. It's time to take the law into your own hands. Pick up your weapons.
No silly ....
That's not ME saying that.
These are direct quotes from James Carville ... President Barack Obama's campaign manager, urging people on the Democrat side to KILL Republicans.
A war is going to start whether you want it or not.
1) Trump said: Hitler did some good things. IOW, he wasn't all bad. Only an ignorant clown or idiot would disagree. Every dictator has done SOME good things, otherwise they would never have stayed in power. Goddamn, this is History 101.
2) Trump said he wanted German Generals like the ones in WW II. Y'know like Rommel. Do people understand that the german general tried to kill Hitler in July 44, and they paid for it with their lives? Or that you could be a Nazi and a Regular Army General? The "Nazi Generals" were Waffen-SS. Personally, I think Trump was pulling Kelly's chain - given what wussy dumbshit Kelly was.
But anyway, glad that saying nothing for six years, Kelly pops up to help Kamala - that great friend of the US military - become POTUS. Thanks General. Maybe you General Millie Vannilli can recruit some Transgenders in 2025!
Elon Musk hasn't paid ANYONE to vote. He has given some people a reward for signing a petition, which is perfectly legal and how much are Democrats offering you to sign their petitions? The starting bid is $1 million dollars.
Inga, I don't think this is going to stick to the wall. But it's nice that you've found somewhere to fling your feces.
Just clarify the vast majority of German Generals the tough sharp ones that were so hard to beat - weren't nazis. Again, the Waffen-ss had the Nazi Generals. Von Mainstein, Keitel, Rommel, Von Runesdsat (sic), Model, halder, Jodl, etc. Were not members of the nazi party.
This is delicious news for President Trump and his supporters. It means Carville has seen the private polls and has been shocked to his core at the historic landslide Republican victory pending. Thus the blatant racist appeal to the sad remnants of the black lunatic fringe (Nation of Islam, BLM, etc) in the hope of returning their escaped "captives" back to the old plantation. A forlorn hope, I must say. If there's anyone a Black Israelite is disinclined to believe it's a bald white man with a Deep South accent.
Biden said that we (Democrats) need to imprison Donald Trump.
He didn't accuse him of any crimes. Or pick a jury. Or wait for a trial. Or even hear a verdict.
Just ... we need to imprison Donald Trump. (You know, since they are too incompetent to murder him so they have to strangle him in prison ala Jeffrey Epstein, with all the cameras turned off and black jail guards asleep on the job again.)
I really hope they do it. Joe Biden has no idea the repercussions of such an act on his family.
"A federal judge in California has ordered the Department of Veterans Affairs to get moving on a grand plan to build housing on the spacious grounds of the West Los Angeles VA Medical Center to end the blight of veteran homelessness in the city.
In toughly worded rulings in September and October, federal district Judge David O. Carter made clear that his main purpose in ordering how the VA's property should be used was to provide shelter for the nearly 3,000 veterans in the area estimated to be homeless by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority.
"We are the homeless veterans capital of the world right now," Carter said in the course of the class-action suit brought by homeless and disabled veterans seeking housing on the 388 acres of the West LA campus.
"We can't let this happen," said Carter, a Purple Heart Marine veteran of the 1968 siege of Khe Sanh during the Vietnam war. Many of the homeless veterans in Los Angeles "bear indelible physical and mental scars from their time in the armed forces," Carter said, but the VA "has for decades strayed from its mission to care for these veterans."
In his final ruling in the case issued on Oct. 11, Carter ordered the VA to begin constructing 750 units of temporary housing immediately and another 1,800 units of permanent housing by 2030. The 1,800 units of permanent housing covered by the ruling would be in addition to the 1,200 units of permanent housing for veterans the VA has promised since 2015 but failed to complete.
Much of the attention in Los Angeles to Carter's rulings has focused on his scrapping of leases that the VA had granted over the years on the West LA VAMC campus for everything from oil wells to parking lots and a baseball stadium named for Brooklyn Dodgers great Jackie Robinson, where the UCLA Bruins play their home games."
Eh, I think Jodl was. He was prosecuted at Nuremberg and found guilty I think. Not sure about Model or Halder. The rest of your list seemed like decent enough fellows.
Harris would be the first woman president. Trump would be the first convicted felon. Which would be more historic may depend on your political point of view.
Obviously thinking “I should have generals like Hitler had” is facially horrifying and disqualifying. Moreover — though I am not a WWII expert — I understand it’s quite wrong, and Hitler’s relationship with his WWII generals was characterized by frequent bickering and pushback.
"The owner of a Pennsylvania McDonald’s that went made news over the weekend after former President Donald Trump visited and served up fries to customers has retained private security following threats made to the location. Trump’s visit, during which he was seen working the fry station and serving customers at the drive-thru in Bucks County, attracted both attention and threats, prompting the franchise owner, Derek Giacomantonio, to take action.
Jim Worthington, a key organizer of Trump’s visit and leader of Pennsylvania’s delegation at the Republican National Convention, told the Daily Caller that the McDonald’s has received threatening phone calls and social media messages after the former president’s appearance. In response, Giacomantonio, who had already hired private security ahead of the event, retained their services to protect his employees.
Stay safe — Tim Walz supporters could act like Tim Walz supporters yet again!"
well, 1st they have to wait, until ALL the other counties submit THEIR vote counts 2nd Maricopa has to print up enough ballots to countervail against #1 3rd Maricopa has to count all those manufactured ballots.. these things take TIME
I read a short story- like a few lines. Went something like this.
So I invented a time machine and went back and killed Hitler just like everyone wanted, come back, and no one thanks me! Like they never heard of him! And who the hell is this Himmelfurber they're all talking about? That someone should go back and kill him?
Elections are beginning to remind me of childhood vaccinations. Over 50 vaccinations per child? Elections equally complicated. Maricopa County has over 50 elections on every ballot so it takes weeks to tabulate. One day in person voting with one election question on pieces of paper so they can be counted day of.
Now deep in the heart of a lonely kid Who gained so much from who she did They gave this woman her fortune and fame Since that day she ain't been the same
See the gal with the stage fright Couldn’t get it done, try as she might She’s like a deer in the headlights And when the truth starts to bend You know she’ll step all over it again
He's Literally Hitler (but somehow didn't gas the Jews when he was President before.) Also, he groped some whore back in the day. These are the bombshells.
No word from Dan Rather's Microsoft Word printer yet, so there's still hope.
They're trying to do that in Idaho with Proposition 1. Oddly enough, all the TV/radio ads talk about is changing primaries to open voting. The argument is that it's not fair to independents, who can't vote in primary elections now. An entirely retarded argument- under what sense of fairness should people who don't belong to a political party have a voice in who the party chooses as a candidate? Anyway, they can still exercise their right to vote in the general election, after each party chooses its own candidate.
As to the rest of the proposition- you know, the part that institutes ranks choice voting? No mention at all is made of *that*. When you're hiding what you're trying to do- in this case, by omission- your ideas are crap.
“Voter fraud via drop box is less likely than being struck by lightning, according to a report by the Brennan Center for Justice. Rather than baselessly attacking drop boxes, it is important to turn our heads to the great benefits they provide. Drop boxes resolve issues associated with mail-in ballots by ensuring that votes do not get lost in the mail and reach election offices in time for counting, according to the Bipartisan Policy Center.
Moreover, studies show that implementing drop boxes increases voter turnout for working-class and minority individuals who must prioritize their irregular work schedules over casting their ballots, according to Stateline. The City of Madison announced its 2024 drop boxes will also create accessibility for voters in rural areas and voters with disabilities.
As a long-standing method of voter participation, the benefits of voting drop boxes clearly seem to outweigh the imagined risks.
In fact, drop boxes had safely been in use for decades before Republicans cast doubt on their integrity at a convenient time — the 2020 presidential election. This election saw an unprecedented surge in absentee voters due to the restrictions the COVID-19 pandemic brought upon in-person voting. To be exact, over 40% of American voters utilized absentee ballots in 2020, according to PBS Wisconsin.“
Just looked at the sample ballot for my town- with no local races, so only county level and up.
The Republican and Conservative parties have candidates for all 9 races. Identical but for county coroner- the conservatives have a different nominee. I'll have to look into that. I'll be voting straight Republican on the Conservative that race deserves a closer look. Question I've has since first seeing an election for county coroner: Why, just why, is that an elected position? Seems to me that should be a civil service position with a test or professional qualifications spelled out and required.
Democrats have no nominee for county coroner- nor for county district attorney.
Just a note about NY: Currently Democrat, Republican, and Conservative parties have automatic ballot access based on their vote totals in the last gubernatorial race. The rules were changed a few years back to require more votes then the Working Family Party normally got because they were threatening to run someone against Schumer. At the same time, in order to get the change in place- instead of just the gubernatorial election determining who had automatic access for the next 4 years, it was both the gubernatorial and presidential elections for access the next two years.
Working Family party, by petition, managed to duplicate the Democrats on the 4 statewide races, POTUS, US Senator, and two state supreme court justices.
Interestingly, the LaRouche Party (yes, they're still around!) has a nominee for US Senator. I wonder it that takes votes away from the Republican or Democrat- or if it's inconsequential. Especially since it's NY... By candidate they'll come in 3rd, by party vote, 5th. Unless, of course, there's a stronger write-in candidate. I'm not aware of any.
So I spent time looking some fact up, writing about my local ballot, hit "Publish" and POOF! it's gone, disappeared into cyberspace. I just hate it when that happens.
I think we need a single Election day because this extended "Election- Day-Which-Is-Two-Weeks-Long" is driving people crazy. That is, the waiting is causing people to snap. Kamala stops campaigning. (Drinking? Resting?Trying to get Biden back in?) James Carville talks about people getting hung. A candidate trying to pretend he uses guns and supports the First Amendment ricochets a shot into a reporter who is downrange and laughs it off. He didn't take the mandatory gun safety course because he's not aware of the realities of gun ownership.
Beiden could pardon the whole world for illegally entering the us but that would only apply to ones here already, you cant pardon for a future crime. but the next instant they would be illegal again.
The Ukranians have gotten serious about winning and are bombing the main Russian vodka distilleries. In other news, from the front lines of morale-busting, the Israelis are incinerating enormous piles of cash stacked in the Hezbollah tunnels. I just hope no one realizes how utterly essential - well, what is utterly essential to us these days?
For a long time, it was said that the way to combat "hate speech" was by welcoming more speech, not less. Isn't the inverse also true? That by encouraging more speech, (remonetizing people who are believed to be hateful) you/they are going to find more "hate speech", which is what you would want if you wanted to create an environment where there was a call for censorship again. Pretty sneaky Google.
I believe, if I remember correctly, he also claimed at the time, five and a half years ago, that google had “taken down” a lot, if not some of his content. No mention of that being restored.
To persevere in the face of such rebuke of your words, your works, such a ‘smack in the face’ he called it, the pressure to quit altogether must’ve been enormous. Yet he soldier on and prospered. Which tells me this guy might have something worthwhile to say.
Btw. The Weinstein, husband and wife, have not quit either and they have been demonetised for years now. Their transgression was their criticism of health authorities COVID response.
Carla ‘Bluechecked’ Marinucci @cmarinucci · Follow For the SECOND time here in Oakland, thieves have drilled a hole in my husband's truck parked in driveway and drained the gas from the tank. Can someone explain: is this an Oakland thing? A CA thing? Is there anything you can do to prevent it? WTF @OaklandPoliceCA 12:19 PM · Oct 22, 2024
Robby Starbuck @robbystarbuck · Follow Replying to @cmarinucci @Cernovich and @oaklandpoliceca You work for Politico and push Democrat BS all day, right? You support the Democrats right? Welcome to the consequence of their pro-criminal policies. If you want to be equitable like they talk so much about then you’ll fill up gas cans and leave them out for your local thief. 5:42 PM · Oct 22, 2024
Conservative Not GOP 🇺🇸🇮🇱 @Never_Alt_Left · Follow It's not an Oakland thing. It is a blue city in a blue state thing. Best way to prevent it is never vote for Democrats. Even communists are better than Democrats as they have the same goals but at least are honest about their goals. Democrats aren't honest.
“The fact is that Kamala’s dangerous rhetoric is directly to blame for the multiple assassination attempts against President Trump and she continues to stoke the flames of violence all in the name of politics.”
"The choices are actually pretty simple: A) John Kelly is lying because he’s a Democrat working to elect Democrats, or B) John Kelly, only 2 weeks before an election, was so overwhelmed with feelings that he decided to publicly tell a story he’d been blabbing all over town for years that – even in a town where second-hand rumors about Trump are treated as gospel truth and lead the nightly news – has been held as closely as the identity of Deep Throat was by those very same rumormongers. Democrats really are the scum of the Earth."
Hmmmm....never paid it much attention. Now I want more details.
"I'm not sure the Central Park Five really want a civil trial on what happened the night of April 19, 1989, but by suing Donald Trump for defamation, that's what they're going to get. How did the detectives get the boys' parents to go along with videotaping their sons as they confessed -- falsely, they now claim -- to the rape of the jogger, in addition to vicious attacks on bicyclists, joggers and other park-goers? all five readily admitted to the other crimes, but each of them minimized their role in the rape, as is typical for suspects in sex crimes cases. They confessed — to the police, to detectives and to their friends and acquaintances -- only to fondling or restraining the jogger while others raped her."
Keith Kellogg @generalkellogg · Follow Vice President Harris is a fraud. I was in the White House at a senior level much longer than General Kelly. He is complicit in this fraud and has lied to the American people. His lies, as well as John Bolton's, are a disservice to Nation at this critical time. So are the VP's. Kamala HQ @KamalaHQ · Vice President Harris: “Trump said he wanted generals like Adolf Hitler had. He wants a military that is not loyal to the Constitution, but loyal to him... This is a window into who Donald Trump really is from the people who know him best”
"Applebaum won a Pulitzer for Gulag: A History, published in 2003. The Yale alum is a smart lady, but as Nobel laureate Saul Bellow said, a great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep. In this case, the illusion is that a president noted for economic growth at home and peace abroad, is the equivalent of Hitler, Stalin, and the rest of the gang. "
"Trump is a total mystery to his enemies. They do not understand him because they can only see him through a distorting prism of hatred. They fabricate hoaxes to justify that hatred The most obvious cause for their hatred is that Trump represents a true existential threat to them. He has made no secret of his intentions to do everything he can to destroy the deep-state, wokism, socialism, bloated government, globalism, and what Steve Hilton calls “incompetism.” Based on his first term, they know he will probably succeed. He has already succeeded in reinventing the Republican Party. "
Applebaum has one aim in life, the collapse of the Russian Federation, and the looting of the resources of 1/6th of the land surface of the planet that it occupies. She hate's Putin because he put an end to the looting by Western oriented "oligarchs" who got so rich looting the remains of the Soviet Union under our puppet, Yeltsin, who has said that he appointed Putin out of regret at what he had done to Russia.
As a Buffalo Bills fan, I can say that it never occurred to me that Jimmy Johnson was evil and needed to be destroyed because he was a great coach for the other side, I always figured that the Bills needed to get that much better. But that's now how people like Applebaum seem to think.
This is South Carolina, Beaufort County. Red but not as red as you might think…and to clarify it would have been 2-3 hours if we had stood on line when we arrived. The 90 minutes was for someone arriving earlier…
For Putin to ‘invite’ an unhinged despot to deploy his army into a regional conflict for personal gain confirms that Putin is the greatest threat to peace in the world and must be resisted and ultimately stopped at all costs. The middle ground of seeking to negotiate just became irrelevant To appease him and reward his aggression as Trump is proposing is no more effective than Chamberlain seeking ‘peace in our time’ from Hitler in 1938/39.
I voted Tuesday in Jacksonville - the early voting site was a public library. We got in and out in about 20 minutes. We'll also know the winner of our state's electors on the night of Nov 5th. It is possible to run an election without an ambiguous finish. Florida learned its lesson in 2000.
"For Putin to ‘invite’ an unhinged despot to deploy his army into a regional conflict for personal gain confirms..."
For personal gain... Once again Rich does one of his proofs by mind reading. Borscht Man Bad! Even Gorbachev said that Russia would go to war over it if Ukraine tried to join NATO. There are clips of Biden saying this. Obama said that fighting a war over expanding NATO to Ukraine was a losing proposition.
Russia is rich in resources, and has no need to add a population that hates it into its territory. Invasions flow toward resources, from places like Europe that are not rich in resources, not from countries rich in resources, like Russia, to areas poor in resources, like Europe.
That's why it's Russia which has been invaded four times, and the only Russian invasion of Europe was a counterattack to a European invasion of Russia that nearly reached Moscow, and which was done on a handshake between Stalin, FDR, and Churchill.
The simple fact is that if Putin let NATO waltz into Ukraine, he would have been deposed.This war is about Russian security, not personal gain, and it is going to cost Russia dearly, even if they win, but not as dearly as having NATO poised a couple of hundred miles from Moscow with nuclear weapons, in a position to demand capitulation from Russia. And didn't you hear that Putin is already a trillionaire? Althouse posted about it a while back.
Another unverifiable 30+ old news story by a woman who claims at the time she was confused. That level of desperation tells me the Harris internal polls are very weak.
Oh wait, you believe the North Korean story? Is there no Ukrainian propaganda that you won't believe? I have no doubt that North Koreans are conducting joint exercises with the Russians, out in East Asian region, Russian has 11 time zones after all, and since we provoked this war, the Russians are the world's foremost experts on how to combat NATO weapons successfully. So I am sure the North Koreans are eager to learn. But even Applebaum's "Institute for the Study of War" has said that Russia is having zero problems recruiting soldiers in sufficient numbers for its war effort. It has no need to bring in a couple of brigades of soldiers who don't even speak Russian to fight in Kursk, where the Ukrainians are getting their asses kicked in another meat grinder. Kursk was such a blunder for Ukraine that many are speculating that it was a Russian trap.
Apparently pointing out that the Nork story is BS on stilts gets your comment suppressed by the "spam filter." Even our sainted SecDef says that there is no evidence of it.
"The IRS has officially launched a new unit that it states will “more efficiently conduct audits” of entities known as pass-through businesses.
The initiative targets businesses that pay no taxes on their revenue. Instead, the income generated is passed on to owners who then file taxes based on their individual taxation rates. Pass-through businesses include sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies, and S-corporations. In September, the IRS stated that it is establishing a unit within the agency’s Large Business and International (LB&I) division focusing on large or complex pass-through entities."
"“By using Inflation Reduction Act funding and enhancing our expertise in this area, we will be able to reverse our historically low audit rates for complex arrangements employed by certain high-wealth individuals and large entities.”
Pass-through examinations had been divided between two IRS divisions—LB&I and the Small Business/Self-Employed. The cases were assigned on the basis of entity size.
Revenue agents from the new pass-through unit will be grouped into teams based on geography. They will be tasked with primary examination of returns related to pass-through businesses.
While the IRS claims that funds from the Inflation Reduction Act will be used to go after high-income groups, it earlier admitted that lower-income groups could be targeted if there was a funding crunch.
In such a situation, the agency will be forced to cut down enforcement staff by more than 50 percent in fiscal year 2030, the IRS stated in May. This would “severely” affect the agency’s ability to carry out complex audits.
“Since lower-income taxpayers are more likely to have simple tax returns, this lack of funding will likely translate into a higher share of audits falling on low- and middle-income taxpayers, while examination coverage rates for high-income and large corporate taxpayers will severely decline,” the agency stated."
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Trump's Duluth Georgia rally - Live
Recent action novels: a geostationary satellite moved over Afghanistan at 100,000 feet to assist in observing the bad guys; a secret new propulsion system for ballistic missiles that makes them ten times faster. Not the same author. Poets' physics courses.
A little musical interlude is in order... Donnie Iris 80th birthday.
Headline: "Justice Department warns Elon Musk his $1 million giveaway to swing state voters might violate law"
Requirements for winning the money are that an American citizen be a registered swing state voter and that such voter sign up to his political action committee. None of those, on their own, as far as I know, are ilegal, yet. And if you combine them, I doubt that would make it ilegal.
Hopefully the legal minds here can clear this up.!?
It should already be open. Kamala voters reserve your space now!!
Just like in the Soviet Union, enemies of The Party are breaking the law just by being enemies of The Party.
So the story is John Kelly realized he was working for a Hitler admirer and wannabe dictator and then continued to work for him and forgot to mention it for years until two weeks before the election.
1:06 PM · Oct 23, 2024
Harris will be heading to Houston for a campaign event Friday, but will not be swinging over to Austin to do the Rogan podcast. So this may be another coup for Trump.
Today I saw a red Tesla with a Harris/Walz bumper sticker AND an anti-Elon window decal ("Elon" with a line thru it) LOL.
Ushering million of illegal across an open border - and then letting them vote - Is Illegal.
So Biden called Trump a "fascist." Ok, fine, in a non-fascist country, the press would ask Biden the next question, "Define fascism." Nobody will ask him that because if they did, the would likely lose their cushy, high paying, high-prestige job in the media.
I used to get him and Marshall Crenshaw confused. Both of them seemed to me to be trying for a Buddy Holly vibe.
"Hope and change went bye-bye almost as fast as Kamala's joy." - Amy Curtis
Her talent for missing opportunities is unrivaled.
And the question keeps popping up "What is Musk buying with his contributions to Trump?"
I don't know. What is Bill Gates buying with the $50 million he just gave to Harris?
Not quite as catchy as a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac.
Trump loves Hitler? OMG! I had no idea!
That changes EVERYTHING.
What I took from that Goldberg article is that damned, SOB Trump wouldn’t use his Time Machine to go back in time to kill Baby Hitler.
Harris was speaking about this earlier today, the footage of that is out there. There is very little chance that this was not discussed between Atlantic staff and the Harris team, helps to explain why she was so Kammie on the Spot.
On the alleged disparaging remarks about Hispanics by Trump, there were witnesses that said it never happened… much better than one anonymous source.
And here’s what Mayra Guillen - the sister of soldier Vanessa Guillen - had to say:
I don’t appreciate how you are exploiting my sister’s death for politics- hurtful & disrespectful to the important changes she made for service members. President Donald Trump did nothing but show respect to my family & Vanessa. In fact, I voted for President Trump today.”
She’s taking advice from Sergeant Major Chickenshit.
Trump have to grow mustache?
Oh, man… I liked that one back in the day and bless his heart for getting on stage at the age of 80.
But dat wig has gotta go!
Red sky at morning... I notice the sailors took warning, as none of them are on the water.
It crossed my mind today that, if Trump wins, Biden will have a long list of people he will want to pardon. He's too vain to pardon them himself, and we will therefore have a December surprise in which Joe resigns and makes Kamala POTUS. The MSM will make the suitable noises, and prepare the ground for the biggest pardon/amnesty in US history..
Kammy regretfully announced today; that because TRUMP IS HITLER!, she has NO OPTION; but to Suspend ALL Civil Liberties, and order the US Military to FIRE upon the HITLER Worshiping TERRORISTS that have the audacity to think that they are allowed to support a man WORSE THAN HITLER!!
When questioned about what her actions would do to American Democracy.. She said: "Sometimes, you HAVE TO DESTROY democracy, in order to be elected
This is ABSOLUTELY the story of the day. Sit back in your chair and THINK about this:
The United States Justice Department has threatened a US citizen by telling him that something he's doing MIGHT be against the law.
Guess what folks. I'm not going to live in a country like this, where the fucking Mafia is running our government and threatening people by telling them that their actions MIGHT be illegal if they decide it is.
Fuck that shit. I'm going to REVOLT against that sort of government violently.
I’m not voting early and exposing my vote to shenanigan.
He could have taken out Literally Hitler™ and didn't. How will the history books remember John Kelly.
“Wisconsin’s Blue Cities Brace for Another Onslaught of ‘Stolen Election’ Accusations; Wisconsin state lawmakers failed to pass key changes officials say could have helped dispel misinformation and lies about the election.
“We were one of the only states that didn’t adjust any election laws,” Claire Woodall, former executive director of Milwaukee’s election commission and current senior adviser at the civic-advocacy group Issue One, told NOTUS. “One really pivotal thing that we really wanted to get passed had bipartisan support for was early processing of absentee ballots.”
Oh boy.
She can't take on Rogan in a fair fight.
But sure, we should put her in charge of Vladimir Putin.
@Lem: The only other talent she has that comes close is wanting do-overs; like a second debate and her attempt to insert herself into DeSantis' hurricane preparations.
As President Barack Obama proved ... the President of the United States can order the murder of ANY American citizen ... even if that person hasn't been charged with any crime. With no due process.
Donald Trump is going to need some people to help him.
No, he won't do that. Harris might get her revenge by not pardoning Hunter.
Inga, it's not good form to announce your intentions.
I will tell you this: The person who walks up to a public ballot box and tries to stuff it, or the person who thinks they are going to board up the counting room windows ... those people are going to be hurt. Physically. And permanently.
Maricopa says it will take weeks to count the votes.
Some model nobody ever heard of has now been brought forward 12 years after Trump entered the political arena to claim he "groped" her after he met her through Jeffrey Epstein.
I expect the Democrats think maybe Trump should be arrested for this even though the FBI hasn't arrested a single Epstein pedophile in the last 20 years even though they have video tapes of all of them raping children on Epstein's Island.
Pretty weak sauce by October Suprise standards.
If you had a red Tesla, and didn't want to get keyed, what would you do?
“Elon Musk Veers Into Clearly Illegal Vote Buying, Offering $1 Million Per Day Lottery Prize Only to Registered Voters“
Any minute now Mattis will give an interview saying Trump grabbed him by the butt, said “Arnold Palmer is my hero”, and mentioned that Bolton wanted to give him a mustache ride (the “Walrus express”).
She's two weeks away from the election in which she is running for President, and she calls a 3-minute press conference to put that out there--and doesn't talk about either what she said, or anything else, but turns around and goes back inside.
I knew she was a lightweight, but wow.
…all the Trump bombshells floating around are reassuring. It means the left believes they have ground to make up…
We showed up at the early voting place an hour after open. Longest line ever. Someone who got there before open said it took them 90 minutes. Now I’ll wait until Election Day and walk down to our little precinct…
Yeah, not sticking around for questions is quite a statement.
A request: people who comment on their early voting experience, please tell us your state. Hell, go all out and tell us your city too!
At my polling place in Las Vegas, half hour after opening, there was no line. But I was just there to drop my mail ballot in the box. A woman examined it for my signature before she let me drop it in the slot. A steady stream of people with mail-in ballots. No fuss, no fuss, no bother.
You know, in 1965 in the middle of the Civil Rights movement, I think people decided they were gonna take matters into their own hands and create a better country and that’s what I hope we do here in the next few weeks.
When the Republic was threatened, people picked up arms and answered the call.
Pick up your arms people.
Answer the call. It's time to take the law into your own hands. Pick up your weapons.
No silly ....
That's not ME saying that.
These are direct quotes from James Carville ... President Barack Obama's campaign manager, urging people on the Democrat side to KILL Republicans.
A war is going to start whether you want it or not.
LOL. Mailing your ballot. What a tool. No way that can get intercepted, eh?
Per Kelly:
1) Trump said: Hitler did some good things. IOW, he wasn't all bad. Only an ignorant clown or idiot would disagree. Every dictator has done SOME good things, otherwise they would never have stayed in power. Goddamn, this is History 101.
2) Trump said he wanted German Generals like the ones in WW II. Y'know like Rommel. Do people understand that the german general tried to kill Hitler in July 44, and they paid for it with their lives? Or that you could be a Nazi and a Regular Army General? The "Nazi Generals" were Waffen-SS. Personally, I think Trump was pulling Kelly's chain - given what wussy dumbshit Kelly was.
But anyway, glad that saying nothing for six years, Kelly pops up to help Kamala - that great friend of the US military - become POTUS. Thanks General. Maybe you General Millie Vannilli can recruit some Transgenders in 2025!
"What I took from that Goldberg article is that damned, SOB Trump wouldn’t use his Time Machine to go back in time to kill Baby Hitler."
Everybody knows not to use your time machine to kill baby Hitler. At least, everybody should by now.
I'm in Lousiana. I went to my polling place and a crazy bald guy named James Carville was screaming at me to pick up a weapon and man a post.
I don't think Democrats believe they are going to win.
People don't wait 90 minutes in order to vote to re-elect popular candidates with good common sense positions on the issues.
They sit in line for 90 minutes to kick those bastards out.
Elon Musk hasn't paid ANYONE to vote. He has given some people a reward for signing a petition, which is perfectly legal and how much are Democrats offering you to sign their petitions? The starting bid is $1 million dollars.
Inga, I don't think this is going to stick to the wall. But it's nice that you've found somewhere to fling your feces.
Just clarify the vast majority of German Generals the tough sharp ones that were so hard to beat - weren't nazis. Again, the Waffen-ss had the Nazi Generals. Von Mainstein, Keitel, Rommel, Von Runesdsat (sic), Model, halder, Jodl, etc. Were not members of the nazi party.
We've seen your schtick before, Goldberg. Get lost.
I dunno North. I hear she has some other talents. Willie Brown attests.
A national pollster told my gop bud it looks like Trump will get 300+ red wave for real etc and that's why everyone is freaking out.
People on X really are acting weird. Even more fascist Hitler catastrophizing than usual.
Like flop sweat or something.
Mark Halpern warned us the last meager vestige of Democrat sanity would evaporate if President Trump wins, but I didn't expect to see it the raving psychosis break out this early.
This is delicious news for President Trump and his supporters. It means Carville has seen the private polls and has been shocked to his core at the historic landslide Republican victory pending. Thus the blatant racist appeal to the sad remnants of the black lunatic fringe (Nation of Islam, BLM, etc) in the hope of returning their escaped "captives" back to the old plantation. A forlorn hope, I must say. If there's anyone a Black Israelite is disinclined to believe it's a bald white man with a Deep South accent.
Biden said that we (Democrats) need to imprison Donald Trump.
He didn't accuse him of any crimes. Or pick a jury. Or wait for a trial. Or even hear a verdict.
Just ... we need to imprison Donald Trump. (You know, since they are too incompetent to murder him so they have to strangle him in prison ala Jeffrey Epstein, with all the cameras turned off and black jail guards asleep on the job again.)
I really hope they do it. Joe Biden has no idea the repercussions of such an act on his family.
Like a monkey on parade…
VA Must Start Building 750 Temporary Units for Homeless Vets on Los Angeles Land, Judge Says
"A federal judge in California has ordered the Department of Veterans Affairs to get moving on a grand plan to build housing on the spacious grounds of the West Los Angeles VA Medical Center to end the blight of veteran homelessness in the city.
In toughly worded rulings in September and October, federal district Judge David O. Carter made clear that his main purpose in ordering how the VA's property should be used was to provide shelter for the nearly 3,000 veterans in the area estimated to be homeless by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority.
"We are the homeless veterans capital of the world right now," Carter said in the course of the class-action suit brought by homeless and disabled veterans seeking housing on the 388 acres of the West LA campus.
"We can't let this happen," said Carter, a Purple Heart Marine veteran of the 1968 siege of Khe Sanh during the Vietnam war. Many of the homeless veterans in Los Angeles "bear indelible physical and mental scars from their time in the armed forces," Carter said, but the VA "has for decades strayed from its mission to care for these veterans."
In his final ruling in the case issued on Oct. 11, Carter ordered the VA to begin constructing 750 units of temporary housing immediately and another 1,800 units of permanent housing by 2030. The 1,800 units of permanent housing covered by the ruling would be in addition to the 1,200 units of permanent housing for veterans the VA has promised since 2015 but failed to complete.
Much of the attention in Los Angeles to Carter's rulings has focused on his scrapping of leases that the VA had granted over the years on the West LA VAMC campus for everything from oil wells to parking lots and a baseball stadium named for Brooklyn Dodgers great Jackie Robinson, where the UCLA Bruins play their home games."
More at the link.
Eh, I think Jodl was. He was prosecuted at Nuremberg and found guilty I think. Not sure about Model or Halder. The rest of your list seemed like decent enough fellows.
Harris would be the first woman president. Trump would be the first convicted felon. Which would be more historic may depend on your political point of view.
Obviously thinking “I should have generals like Hitler had” is facially horrifying and disqualifying. Moreover — though I am not a WWII expert — I understand it’s quite wrong, and Hitler’s relationship with his WWII generals was characterized by frequent bickering and pushback.
"People on X really are acting weird. Even more fascist Hitler catastrophizing than usual.
Like flop sweat or something."
Perhaps they should consider changing sexes right now, while they still have the chance. You know- what with Trump being Hitler and all...
“I should have generals like Hitler had” is facially horrifying and disqualifying.
Well then it's certainly a good thing he didn't say that, isn't it?
They're now out there explaining that Trump was going to be Hitler last time he was President, but Melania wouldn't let him.
Go shit in your hat, rich.
"The owner of a Pennsylvania McDonald’s that went made news over the weekend after former President Donald Trump visited and served up fries to customers has retained private security following threats made to the location. Trump’s visit, during which he was seen working the fry station and serving customers at the drive-thru in Bucks County, attracted both attention and threats, prompting the franchise owner, Derek Giacomantonio, to take action.
Jim Worthington, a key organizer of Trump’s visit and leader of Pennsylvania’s delegation at the Republican National Convention, told the Daily Caller that the McDonald’s has received threatening phone calls and social media messages after the former president’s appearance. In response, Giacomantonio, who had already hired private security ahead of the event, retained their services to protect his employees.
Stay safe — Tim Walz supporters could act like Tim Walz supporters yet again!"
Democrats sure do like to behave like Nazis.
That's 'cause the voters haven't crossed ther boarder yet.
1st they have to wait, until ALL the other counties submit THEIR vote counts
2nd Maricopa has to print up enough ballots to countervail against #1
3rd Maricopa has to count all those manufactured ballots..
these things take TIME
I read a short story- like a few lines. Went something like this.
So I invented a time machine and went back and killed Hitler just like everyone wanted, come back, and no one thanks me! Like they never heard of him! And who the hell is this Himmelfurber they're all talking about? That someone should go back and kill him?
"Democrats sure do like to behave like Nazis."
Is anybody surprised? When they tell you what they are, believe them.
File this report under "Days Ending in Y".
There is no vote buying there except in Inga's fascist mind.
Inga is just an evil person who is part of a fascist political party that wants to throw everyone who disagrees with them in jail.
It's illegal, Comrade, because it doesn't serve the needs of the Party.
Elections are beginning to remind me of childhood vaccinations. Over 50 vaccinations per child? Elections equally complicated. Maricopa County has over 50 elections on every ballot so it takes weeks to tabulate. One day in person voting with one election question on pieces of paper so they can be counted day of.
Inga and her Democrat friends want Trump's supporters in jail and they want Trump dead.
Now deep in the heart of a lonely kid
Who gained so much from who she did
They gave this woman her fortune and fame
Since that day she ain't been the same
See the gal with the stage fright
Couldn’t get it done, try as she might
She’s like a deer in the headlights
And when the truth starts to bend
You know she’ll step all over it again
h/t Robbie Robertson
Wait'll they impose ranked-choice voting on us.
P-Inga cant help but lie along with all of her New Soviet Democratical fascists.
No one is being paid to vote you astonishingly moronic dolt. You are just a culty lefty wind up toy and its hilarious!
Why not? She can drink a beer!
Is 2 full days of "rest" (sobering up) sufficient for kamala to have another trainwreck interview?
Obama: 'I don't understand how we got so divided'
Yeah, it's such a mystery …
It was not mail box the ballots were dropped into, but a regulation ballot box. LOL yourself.
He's Literally Hitler (but somehow didn't gas the Jews when he was President before.) Also, he groped some whore back in the day. These are the bombshells.
No word from Dan Rather's Microsoft Word printer yet, so there's still hope.
"Wait'll they impose ranked-choice voting on us."
They're trying to do that in Idaho with Proposition 1. Oddly enough, all the TV/radio ads talk about is changing primaries to open voting. The argument is that it's not fair to independents, who can't vote in primary elections now. An entirely retarded argument- under what sense of fairness should people who don't belong to a political party have a voice in who the party chooses as a candidate? Anyway, they can still exercise their right to vote in the general election, after each party chooses its own candidate.
As to the rest of the proposition- you know, the part that institutes ranks choice voting? No mention at all is made of *that*. When you're hiding what you're trying to do- in this case, by omission- your ideas are crap.
But what else might one expect from Democrats?
He's Literally Hitler, if you haven't heard. Also some broad says she got felt up.
No word from Dan Rather's Microsoft Word printer, so there's hope yet.
He's Literally Hitler, if you haven't heard. Also some broad says she got felt up.
No word from Dan Rather's Microsoft Word printer, so there's hope yet.
It seems impossible, but kamala, already drunk and stupid, is actually getting worse! Is a cognitive test in order for this walking rock?
"JUST IN: Kamala Harris tries making fun of Trump's border wall before getting fact-checked by CNN's Anderson Cooper.
Harris started stuttering after Cooper asked her if she supports a border wall since she is "pro-border security" now.
Cooper: You called Trump's wall a stupid medieval vanity project.
Harris: Remember when Trump said Mexico would pay for it? *laughs*
Cooper: But you agreed to a bill that would earmark $650 million to continue building that wall...
Harris: *Rambles*
Cooper: You support a bill that would build a wall.
Harris: I support good ideas.
Cooper: So you don't think a wall is stupid anymore?
Harris: Trump didn't make sense with his plan.
Cooper: So you do want to build the wall.
Harris: I want to strengthen our border."--Collin Rugg
When Andersen Cooper is fact checking you, a democrat, you know you've face-planted horribly....
Truly, P-Inga level stupidity with no hope of recovery.
They think regulation ballot boxes are no better than mailboxes.
"They think regulation ballot boxes are no better than mailboxes."
Depends whether they're controlled access and monitored or not.
“Voter fraud via drop box is less likely than being struck by lightning, according to a report by the Brennan Center for Justice. Rather than baselessly attacking drop boxes, it is important to turn our heads to the great benefits they provide. Drop boxes resolve issues associated with mail-in ballots by ensuring that votes do not get lost in the mail and reach election offices in time for counting, according to the Bipartisan Policy Center.
Moreover, studies show that implementing drop boxes increases voter turnout for working-class and minority individuals who must prioritize their irregular work schedules over casting their ballots, according to Stateline. The City of Madison announced its 2024 drop boxes will also create accessibility for voters in rural areas and voters with disabilities.
As a long-standing method of voter participation, the benefits of voting drop boxes clearly seem to outweigh the imagined risks.
In fact, drop boxes had safely been in use for decades before Republicans cast doubt on their integrity at a convenient time — the 2020 presidential election. This election saw an unprecedented surge in absentee voters due to the restrictions the COVID-19 pandemic brought upon in-person voting. To be exact, over 40% of American voters utilized absentee ballots in 2020, according to PBS Wisconsin.“
"“Voter fraud via drop box is less likely than being struck by lightning, according to a report by the Brennan Center for Justice. "
He's not actually convicted until sentencing.
Yep. And promising to "forgive student loans" doesn't count.
COOPER: In 2022/2023 there were RECORD border crossings. The numbers kept going up.
KAMALA: We have cut the flow of immigration.
COOPER: Why didn't you do it 2 years ago?
KAMALA: We were trying to get mass amnesty passed.
"Stacey - Your home away from home. Love Donald"
Trump and Jeffrey Epstein groping model Stacey Williams in 1993 at Trump's triplex in Trump Tower.
Also Kamala: "It is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day."
“It seems impossible, but kamala, already drunk and stupid, is actually getting worse! Is a cognitive test in order for this walking rock?”
Walking? It’s Rolling Rock®, thank you!
Just looked at the sample ballot for my town- with no local races, so only county level and up.
The Republican and Conservative parties have candidates for all 9 races. Identical but for county coroner- the conservatives have a different nominee. I'll have to look into that. I'll be voting straight Republican on the Conservative that race deserves a closer look. Question I've has since first seeing an election for county coroner: Why, just why, is that an elected position? Seems to me that should be a civil service position with a test or professional qualifications spelled out and required.
Democrats have no nominee for county coroner- nor for county district attorney.
Just a note about NY: Currently Democrat, Republican, and Conservative parties have automatic ballot access based on their vote totals in the last gubernatorial race. The rules were changed a few years back to require more votes then the Working Family Party normally got because they were threatening to run someone against Schumer. At the same time, in order to get the change in place- instead of just the gubernatorial election determining who had automatic access for the next 4 years, it was both the gubernatorial and presidential elections for access the next two years.
Working Family party, by petition, managed to duplicate the Democrats on the 4 statewide races, POTUS, US Senator, and two state supreme court justices.
Interestingly, the LaRouche Party (yes, they're still around!) has a nominee for US Senator. I wonder it that takes votes away from the Republican or Democrat- or if it's inconsequential. Especially since it's NY... By candidate they'll come in 3rd, by party vote, 5th. Unless, of course, there's a stronger write-in candidate. I'm not aware of any. is a wonderful site.
Yes. It is.
I never miss the daily puzzle.
So I spent time looking some fact up, writing about my local ballot, hit "Publish" and POOF! it's gone, disappeared into cyberspace. I just hate it when that happens.
The comments don't always show up right away.
I think we need a single Election day because this extended "Election- Day-Which-Is-Two-Weeks-Long" is driving people crazy. That is, the waiting is causing people to snap. Kamala stops campaigning. (Drinking? Resting?Trying to get Biden back in?) James Carville talks about people getting hung. A candidate trying to pretend he uses guns and supports the First Amendment ricochets a shot into a reporter who is downrange and laughs it off. He didn't take the mandatory gun safety course because he's not aware of the realities of gun ownership.
what about Confederate Generals to be added to list of German?
Beiden could pardon the whole world for illegally entering the us but that would only apply to ones here already, you cant pardon for a future crime. but the next instant they would be illegal again.
The Ukranians have gotten serious about winning and are bombing the main Russian vodka distilleries. In other news, from the front lines of morale-busting, the Israelis are incinerating enormous piles of cash stacked in the Hezbollah tunnels. I just hope no one realizes how utterly essential - well, what is utterly essential to us these days?
does Carville have slave owning ancestors? or want to run plantation?
And if they are ballistic missiles, fly them 10 feet off the ground at orbital velocity making the assumption that the earth is a uniform sphere.
maybe coroner issues death certificate and perpetual vote ID??
YouTube: YouTuber Carl Benjamin, aka Sargon of Akkad YouTube monetization has been restored. He says he was demonetized for five and a half years.
I started watching and was wondering why is this guy looking so cheerful?
Says "we are so back."
For a long time, it was said that the way to combat "hate speech" was by welcoming more speech, not less. Isn't the inverse also true? That by encouraging more speech, (remonetizing people who are believed to be hateful) you/they are going to find more "hate speech", which is what you would want if you wanted to create an environment where there was a call for censorship again. Pretty sneaky Google.
Keep the hope for hate alive?
Then again, I'm probably assigning meaning to a random event.
I believe, if I remember correctly, he also claimed at the time, five and a half years ago, that google had “taken down” a lot, if not some of his content. No mention of that being restored.
If anyone missed the Kunce/Kinsinger shooting mishap, Ace has it covered hilariously.
Adam Kinzinger (Slava Ukraini) @AdamKinzinger
Donald Trump hates the military and is a piece of human garbage.
Sean Davis
You nearly murdered a reporter today while holding a rifle like you were an extra in a Grindr ad.
To persevere in the face of such rebuke of your words, your works, such a ‘smack in the face’ he called it, the pressure to quit altogether must’ve been enormous. Yet he soldier on and prospered. Which tells me this guy might have something worthwhile to say.
Btw. The Weinstein, husband and wife, have not quit either and they have been demonetised for years now. Their transgression was their criticism of health authorities COVID response.
Replying to @JohnEkdahl
How many Republican Hitlers can we have in our lifetime? 😂😂😂
3:46 PM · Oct 23, 2024
Carla ‘Bluechecked’ Marinucci
For the SECOND time here in Oakland, thieves have drilled a hole in my husband's truck parked in driveway and drained the gas from the tank. Can someone explain: is this an Oakland thing? A CA thing? Is there anything you can do to prevent it? WTF @OaklandPoliceCA
12:19 PM · Oct 22, 2024
Robby Starbuck
Replying to @cmarinucci @Cernovich and @oaklandpoliceca
You work for Politico and push Democrat BS all day, right? You support the Democrats right? Welcome to the consequence of their pro-criminal policies. If you want to be equitable like they talk so much about then you’ll fill up gas cans and leave them out for your local thief.
5:42 PM · Oct 22, 2024
Conservative Not GOP 🇺🇸🇮🇱
It's not an Oakland thing. It is a blue city in a blue state thing. Best way to prevent it is never vote for Democrats. Even communists are better than Democrats as they have the same goals but at least are honest about their goals. Democrats aren't honest.
“The fact is that Kamala’s dangerous rhetoric is directly to blame for the multiple assassination attempts against President Trump and she continues to stoke the flames of violence all in the name of politics.”
"The choices are actually pretty simple: A) John Kelly is lying because he’s a Democrat working to elect Democrats, or B) John Kelly, only 2 weeks before an election, was so overwhelmed with feelings that he decided to publicly tell a story he’d been blabbing all over town for years that – even in a town where second-hand rumors about Trump are treated as gospel truth and lead the nightly news – has been held as closely as the identity of Deep Throat was by those very same rumormongers.
Democrats really are the scum of the Earth."
Hmmmm....never paid it much attention. Now I want more details.
"I'm not sure the Central Park Five really want a civil trial on what happened the night of April 19, 1989, but by suing Donald Trump for defamation, that's what they're going to get.
How did the detectives get the boys' parents to go along with videotaping their sons as they confessed -- falsely, they now claim -- to the rape of the jogger, in addition to vicious attacks on bicyclists, joggers and other park-goers?
all five readily admitted to the other crimes, but each of them minimized their role in the rape, as is typical for suspects in sex crimes cases. They confessed — to the police, to detectives and to their friends and acquaintances -- only to fondling or restraining the jogger while others raped her."
Keith Kellogg
Vice President Harris is a fraud. I was in the White House at a senior level much longer than General Kelly. He is complicit in this fraud and has lied to the American people. His lies, as well as John Bolton's, are a disservice to Nation at this critical time. So are the VP's.
Kamala HQ
Vice President Harris: “Trump said he wanted generals like Adolf Hitler had. He wants a military that is not loyal to the Constitution, but loyal to him... This is a window into who Donald Trump really is from the people who know him best”
Anyone in Maricopa not voting early is an idiot.
"Applebaum won a Pulitzer for Gulag: A History, published in 2003. The Yale alum is a smart lady, but as Nobel laureate Saul Bellow said, a great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.
In this case, the illusion is that a president noted for economic growth at home and peace abroad, is the equivalent of Hitler, Stalin, and the rest of the gang. "
"Trump is a total mystery to his enemies. They do not understand him because they can only see him through a distorting prism of hatred. They fabricate hoaxes to justify that hatred
The most obvious cause for their hatred is that Trump represents a true existential threat to them. He has made no secret of his intentions to do everything he can to destroy the deep-state, wokism, socialism, bloated government, globalism, and what Steve Hilton calls “incompetism.” Based on his first term, they know he will probably succeed. He has already succeeded in reinventing the Republican Party. "
Will Tom Cruise play John Kelly in the movie?
"Clearly" seems to mean "no evidence is required for this claim," at least the way that Democrats generally use it.
Applebaum has one aim in life, the collapse of the Russian Federation, and the looting of the resources of 1/6th of the land surface of the planet that it occupies. She hate's Putin because he put an end to the looting by Western oriented "oligarchs" who got so rich looting the remains of the Soviet Union under our puppet, Yeltsin, who has said that he appointed Putin out of regret at what he had done to Russia.
As a Buffalo Bills fan, I can say that it never occurred to me that Jimmy Johnson was evil and needed to be destroyed because he was a great coach for the other side, I always figured that the Bills needed to get that much better. But that's now how people like Applebaum seem to think.
This is South Carolina, Beaufort County. Red but not as red as you might think…and to clarify it would have been 2-3 hours if we had stood on line when we arrived. The 90 minutes was for someone arriving earlier…
Trump: Kamala is lazy, slow, retarded, stupid, low IQ, on drugs
Trumpers: woooo yeah
Media: Huh ok whatever
Kamala: Yes, Trump is a fascist
For Putin to ‘invite’ an unhinged despot to deploy his army into a regional conflict for personal gain confirms that Putin is the greatest threat to peace in the world and must be resisted and ultimately stopped at all costs. The middle ground of seeking to negotiate just became irrelevant To appease him and reward his aggression as Trump is proposing is no more effective than Chamberlain seeking ‘peace in our time’ from Hitler in 1938/39.
I've seen it mentioned that Epstein's client list could be in play.
I voted Tuesday in Jacksonville - the early voting site was a public library. We got in and out in about 20 minutes. We'll also know the winner of our state's electors on the night of Nov 5th. It is possible to run an election without an ambiguous finish. Florida learned its lesson in 2000.
The info at that link is absolutely hilarious, Original Mike!
"For Putin to ‘invite’ an unhinged despot to deploy his army into a regional conflict for personal gain confirms..."
For personal gain... Once again Rich does one of his proofs by mind reading. Borscht Man Bad! Even Gorbachev said that Russia would go to war over it if Ukraine tried to join NATO. There are clips of Biden saying this. Obama said that fighting a war over expanding NATO to Ukraine was a losing proposition.
Russia is rich in resources, and has no need to add a population that hates it into its territory. Invasions flow toward resources, from places like Europe that are not rich in resources, not from countries rich in resources, like Russia, to areas poor in resources, like Europe.
That's why it's Russia which has been invaded four times, and the only Russian invasion of Europe was a counterattack to a European invasion of Russia that nearly reached Moscow, and which was done on a handshake between Stalin, FDR, and Churchill.
The simple fact is that if Putin let NATO waltz into Ukraine, he would have been deposed.This war is about Russian security, not personal gain, and it is going to cost Russia dearly, even if they win, but not as dearly as having NATO poised a couple of hundred miles from Moscow with nuclear weapons, in a position to demand capitulation from Russia. And didn't you hear that Putin is already a trillionaire? Althouse posted about it a while back.
Rich, we had peace under Trump. It looks like we may get WW3 under Obama/Biden. Hitler is hiding behind your door.
Another unverifiable 30+ old news story by a woman who claims at the time she was confused. That level of desperation tells me the Harris internal polls are very weak.
Oh wait, you believe the North Korean story? Is there no Ukrainian propaganda that you won't believe? I have no doubt that North Koreans are conducting joint exercises with the Russians, out in East Asian region, Russian has 11 time zones after all, and since we provoked this war, the Russians are the world's foremost experts on how to combat NATO weapons successfully. So I am sure the North Koreans are eager to learn. But even Applebaum's "Institute for the Study of War" has said that Russia is having zero problems recruiting soldiers in sufficient numbers for its war effort. It has no need to bring in a couple of brigades of soldiers who don't even speak Russian to fight in Kursk, where the Ukrainians are getting their asses kicked in another meat grinder. Kursk was such a blunder for Ukraine that many are speculating that it was a Russian trap.
Fighting terrorism and inflation at the same time.
Apparently pointing out that the Nork story is BS on stilts gets your comment suppressed by the "spam filter." Even our sainted SecDef says that there is no evidence of it.
New IRS Unit Begins Targeting Pass-Through Businesses
"The IRS has officially launched a new unit that it states will “more efficiently conduct audits” of entities known as pass-through businesses.
The initiative targets businesses that pay no taxes on their revenue. Instead, the income generated is passed on to owners who then file taxes based on their individual taxation rates. Pass-through businesses include sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies, and S-corporations.
In September, the IRS stated that it is establishing a unit within the agency’s Large Business and International (LB&I) division focusing on large or complex pass-through entities."
"“By using Inflation Reduction Act funding and enhancing our expertise in this area, we will be able to reverse our historically low audit rates for complex arrangements employed by certain high-wealth individuals and large entities.”
Pass-through examinations had been divided between two IRS divisions—LB&I and the Small Business/Self-Employed. The cases were assigned on the basis of entity size.
Revenue agents from the new pass-through unit will be grouped into teams based on geography. They will be tasked with primary examination of returns related to pass-through businesses.
While the IRS claims that funds from the Inflation Reduction Act will be used to go after high-income groups, it earlier admitted that lower-income groups could be targeted if there was a funding crunch.
In such a situation, the agency will be forced to cut down enforcement staff by more than 50 percent in fiscal year 2030, the IRS stated in May. This would “severely” affect the agency’s ability to carry out complex audits.
“Since lower-income taxpayers are more likely to have simple tax returns, this lack of funding will likely translate into a higher share of audits falling on low- and middle-income taxpayers, while examination coverage rates for high-income and large corporate taxpayers will severely decline,” the agency stated."
That's because the voters haven't crossed the boarder yet.
You leftists love it when people register to vote. We thought... I guess not. Well - when illegals and other corruptocrats register - that's cool.
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